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  • Аннотация:
    Хапнул какой-то фик по диабле на перевод... Ляпы прошу указывать в коментах! Сыла на фик: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10312708/1/The-Hunter Анотации: Нулора всегда была другой, необъявленной отверженной даже среди своих сверстников - охотников на демонов. Но после Падения Звезды она сможет узнать о себе то, чего и знала и встретить отца, с которым до сих пор не встречалась. Возможно, она найдет покой, в ее измученной душе, которую до сих пор преследуют неудачи... (Перевод очинь кривой)

Прим.: Я буду ставить "!" там, где даже гугл не справился =)
  Проливаю кровь
  Диабла 3 Fanfiction
  Приключение/Семье/Hurt/Comfort !
  Imperius/OC !
  Глава 1
  Проливаю кровь
  Я проливаю кровью
  И если последнее, что я должен сделать,-
  Это погубить тебя,
  Я пролью кровь за тебя.
  И я срываю с себя одежду,
  Я считаю свои грехи,
  Я закрываю свои глаза,
  Пытаюсь что-то понять, ...
  Проливаю кровь - Imagine Dragons
  Нулора смотрела как ее деревня пылает; пламя возникало и танцевало на пути от дома к дому, ярко пылая на фоне звездной ночи. Она услышала крики ужаса, кошмарные существа приследовали и убивали людей. Она могла только стоять на коленях в грязи, шокированная увиденным. Кровь лилась по улице, повсюду были разбросаны сломанные тела и, упав перед ней, ее мать закашлялась и пробормотала...
  Кассандра Еверглин подарила ей улыбку и протянула руку, что бы нежно коснутся ее лица.
  "Нулора," она прошептала, выплевывая через рот кровь. Маленькая девочка с золотыми глазами смотрела, как жизнь медленно покидает ее мать. Одним последним усилием, прежде чем она умерла, женщина мимолетным шепотом кинула: "Беги, Нулора."
  Незаметно, она сделала все, как ей было сказано, упав на землю, она упала на землю и убежала в низ по дороге. Она уклонялась от существ, черные волосы развевались на ветру, после того, как она пробежала возле последнего из домов по дороге. Позади нее горела деревня, крики раздавались эхом, все ещё была ночь...
  Нулора не знала сколь долго она бежала. Ее ноги горели, ее легкие были напряжены, что бы взять воздух, пот каплями стекал со лба, но она шла дальше, сжимая на замысловатый медальон на шее для силы, что бы продолжать дальше идти. В конце концов, не смотря на это, ее силы начали давать сбой и она упала на колени, задыхаясь воздухом. Усталая и избитая, она вспоминала это лежа на боку, прежде чем уступить благословенному сну.
  When Nylora woke she half expected to wake up dead, but instead something warm covered her small form. She stilled as best she could, straining her ears as she made out the sounds of the small crackle of a campfire. Above it, she could hear someone taking calm and slow breaths.
  Carefully she cracked open her eyes and beheld the sigh of a middle aged man sitting opposite of her across the fire. His green eyes bore into the dirt for moment before he sensed her stare. Quickly he flicked his gaze up to her with a smile. He had shapely and grizzled face, stubble decorating most of his chin. Obvious laugh lines outlined his eyes and mouth, indicating that this was a man who liked to smile and talk,
  "You hungry?" he asked in a surprisingly deep yet soft-spoken tone. Nylora eyed the stranger; saying nothing as she slowly sat up. She clutched the blanket around her, as if trying to shield herself from this man. He chuckled a bit, tearing his eyes away from her so he could dig around in his pack. Not a moment later he tossed her a few pieces of dried meat, to which she deftly caught in her hands.
  Not realizing how hungry she had been, the need for food quickly took over. As she ate, the cloaked stranger watched,
  "Do you have a name?"
  Nylora finished eating; wiping her mouth as she once again eyed the stranger in complete silence. The man suddenly threw up his hand in mock defense, his green eyes dancing brightly at her,
  "Whoa now, little one," he said with a laugh, "Slow down, there's no need to say so much at once."
  She felt her mouth twitch with a smile, but it quickly disappeared. The stranger, however, was not deterred; He shifted slightly,
  "My name is Edmund," he said, but his tone started to become a little more somber, his eyes darkening with seriousness, "Do you know what a demon is?"
  Nylora nodded silently, her mother had often told her stories of the Lesser and Prime evils and those who worked for them. She had been warned away from ever associating with such creatures for all they wanted was to doom mankind. Edmund gave a small nod before continuing,
  "Demons will always infect our world, causing pain and destruction in their wake. I'm part of an order that's sworn to combat the demons where they hide. I've come across a village within the last day that was completely overrun by the foul creatures, and no sooner than I finish eradicating them I find you only a few miles away."
  Edmund sighed, suddenly looking old and weary. He rubbed the bridge of his nose, and then their eyes met. Nylora knew he was no fool, he knew she was from that village he had described, and she knew she was the only survivor. A silent understanding passed between the two as they observed one another.
  She was alone now, with no home to go back to. An orphan in a cruel and dangerous world.
  Then, Edmund stood, stretching his arms out as several of his bones popped. He groaned in relief,
  "Well," he said as he began to kick dirt over the fire, "If you have nowhere else to go then you could always come with me." He quickly shouldered his pack and crossbow, before spinning slightly on his heels. He looked back at her one more time before setting off, "But the choice is up to you, chatterbox."
  She watched him walk away for a long moment until she suddenly sprang to her feet. She ran to him as fast as she could, easily falling into stride behind him. He didn't have to look back to know that she had followed, and before they crested the first hill she graced him with a single word,
  Edmund chuckled a bit, "I think I liked Chatterbox better," and he laughed at the scowl her received.
  A/N: My first attempt at a Diablo fanfiction, this follows the third game and will include Reaper of Souls when I get around to playing. Until, a fantastic retelling of the game, with my own twists and my OC Nylora.
   CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM in your reviews, if you ever decide to leave any, would be deeply appreciated. (Это крч что-то я не то хапнул с сайта :О )
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