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Provoking Anti-Semitism

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Anti-Semitism was always used by both sides: by Jewish 
and non-Jewish nationalists. Non-Jewish nationalists took
advantage of the "Jewish question" to boost nationalism
and pretend that all problems are "because of the Jews". 
Jewish nationalists need Anti-Semitism to prevent 
assimilation and keep Jewish communities in their own 
dirty hands.  

Who can tell - where ends self-defense, and starts offence, -
used to say somebody. This is exactly about Zionists. 
Starting from privileges and compensations "for damage
done by the World War Two time", - to discrimination of
Christians and Christian institutions: this disproportional
power of Jewish extremists is literary everywhere. Starting
from columniation of many nations (like Ukrainians and 
Poles, or Quebecois) by Jewish extremists; and to the
censorship of the non-Jewish press: this is not a self-defense
any more, but an aggression against sovereign nations. 

A church is not able to promote Christianity - because it
is against "political correctness" and "religious tolerance",
but a Jewish religious community is promoting Judaism
everywhere without restrictions: putting adds, placards, 
having activists with brochures and noisy behavior. A 
church closes it doors - doing nothing outdoors, as if
Christians are persecuted. And a synagogue is circling
the whole area by a special, buried into ground, Jewish
religious string (which is symbolizing a wall around city),
forcing Christians to live into this "magic circle" of Jewish
power. A Christian citizen of Outermont, who went to the
court, trying to stop this Jewish religious circling of the 
Christian areas, lost his case! A Christian hospital is too
shy to promote Christian holidays; but a Jewish hospital
is forcing everyone (regardless of his / her descent or 
religion) to be involved into Jewish holidays. A priest
will never say that Jews are a lower race, but a rabbi 
condemns mix marriages and speaks about non-Jews
("goyim") as sub-humans every day; it's a routine. 

Jewish "colonies" in Quebec became "a state in a state". 
Former municipalities as Hamstead have a higher quality
of life, better municipal and social services. To keep
privileged and quiet location Hamstead didn't allow the
city of Montreal to build an essential and very important
for the city transport artery. Jewish representatives in
"united" Montreal are 10-12 percent, inadequate to the 
Jewish population. Non-Jewish representatives are also 
too often in dependence of the Jewish lobby. Municipal
and other clubs, libraries, cultural centers, newspapers
(lke "Suburbian", "Mirror" or "The Gazette"), universities,
schools became horns and generators of Zionist 
propaganda, propaganda of Jewish culture superiority. 

When one of the Jewish activists said that by criticizing
Israeli regime I am speaking "against Canada" (because - 
he said - Israel is the ally of Canada), I asked him the 
next. Let's suppose that tomorrow Israel became Canadian 
enemy. Which side you'll be loyal then to: Israel or 
Canada? He sincerely responded: Israel.   

Canadian Jewish Congress and other Jewish leadership
bodies support anti-Christian legislation in Israel, and
offense by the "Jewish state" against rights of Christians
in the Holy land. 

One who suggests that the Palestinian genocide is a
result of Israeli territorial dispute with the Arabs or a
a tool in Israeli military strategy - is incorrect. Because
the war against Palestinian people is a war to return
slaves to their masters. Since the beginning of Israeli
occupation back in 1948 Palestinians were living in
a big concentration camp, having no rights, no
citizenship, no labor rights. If you, your child, a
child of your child are born in a close zone, 
surrounded and ruled by tanks and solders, and your
children will forever be deprived of the citizenship, 
human and labor rights, you'll become so depressed
and hopeless that nothing will stop you from vengeance
to occupants and exploitators. Plus misery and hunger...

Destiny of Palestinians is a future destiny of the 
Christian civilization in Jewish hands: if leaders 
of the West countries will be so stupid.... Non-Jewish 
general population and Jewish dissidents (or outsiders) 
are finding themselves in more and more tough conditions,
working more, getting less, loosing their labor and 
other rights. If this tendency will continue, then in
10-15 years ordinary people in North America will become
more and more like Palestinians in the occupied by
Israel territories. Slaves and hostages for the right-
wing "global government". Let's not have any illusions 
about the role of the Jewish financial and political
oligarchy in globalization and assault on human rights.
One of the forces, fueling tendencies to turn workers 
into slaves and shut down rights and freedoms, is the
Jewish oligarchy and organizations like the Canadian
Jewish Congress. 

Jewish financial oligarchy stays behind such sinister
economical tools as the Federal Reserve and other
similar structures. 

The most outraged development is the total shutdown
of the freedom of press. Jewish Zionist extremism is
totally censoring media in North America. No newspaper
is criticizing brutal Israeli actions against 
Palestinian people, anti-Christian legislation in 
Israel, persecution of the Christians (Arabs, Armenians,
Russians - and others) by the State of Israel, racist 
basic laws, rules and regulations in Israel, vandalism
against Christian churches in the Holy Land, Tzahal's
(Israeli army) barbaric actions against churches, 
taxation of the churches, which is several times higher 
then taxation of synagogues, etc. Canadian media is
openly lying about situation in the Holy Land - or 
simply avoiding to provide any information about the
real event in the region. Canadian newspapers and
television are hiding the fact that many of Palestinians
are Christians. No newspaper in North America wrote that
Christians in Israel are totally deprived, that in the 
first days of April 2002, Israeli army has burned one 
church in Bethlehem, and vandalized another church 
(a Russian Orthodox church). Sharon's assault on 
Palestinians territories is an assault against the most
sacra Christian objects and against Christianity! 
Israeli brutal policy is the most outraged anti-
Christian assault since the Roman Empire's persecutions
of Christians and occupation of Byzantine and the Holy 
Land by Turkey.   

No newspaper wrote that a delegation of high
Christian clerics was brutally abused and
arrested by Israeli authorities. 

Everyone can feel that the overwhelming majority 
of Canadian citizens are on Palestinians' side, 
and the public opinion condemns Israeli aggressors.
However, the press and the government are backing
up Israeli actions. Who then controls the media 
and the government? 

The answer is clear to everyone......
In North America Jewish Zionist extremist organizations
such as Bnei Brith, Anti-Defamation Ligue, Ligue of
the Jewish Defense, and others, received an exclusive 
right to spy on people, monitor their movements and 
activity, persecute their ideological opponents. For
persecution Zionist extremist are using prevention
their ideological rivals from employment, 
administrative repression, financial terrorism, 
threats, blackmailing, medical tools. Their
casuisticly sophisticated method is to persecute
people through governmental institutions like 
Immigration, Tax Agency, Human Resources, or social
programs. Their goal is to destroy opponents socially,
financially, economically, destroy their opponents'
health or kill them through medical procedures. On
this web site you'll find out how Montreal Jewish 
General hospital have used GESTAPO methods to destroy
(make handicap or kill) mother of an anti-Zionist, how 
Immigration persecutes people in the name of the Jewish 
lobbyists, falsifying medical tests and records, and 
many other facts about Zionist extremists' methods and 


  April 3 2002

P.S. From the 4-th of April Canadian media started to
describe the Middle East crises more objectively. 
However, previous lie and partiality gave Israel an
illusion of total Canadian support - and contributed
into the present situation's development.

Nobody will win from stalking Christians and Muslims,
only the extreme aggressive "Judaism" (Jewish racism).
It's time to begin understanding this.

Moreover, Israeli adventurers and their
allies in North America are consciously
bringing ordinary people, identifying 
themselves or identified by others 
as the "Jews", to a catastrophe: as
deliberately provoke anti-Semitism. 

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Новые книги авторов СИ, вышедшие из печати:
О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

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