Халов Андрей Владимирович : другие произведения.

Administr@tor.Book two sevenths.Chapter 03

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Chapter 3.

   It was only the beginning of November, but the weather outside was so, before what could be seen at a time unless somewhere in Russia, some snow, lost in the harsh expanse of Yakutsk in Eastern Siberia and the Arctic Circle in Norilsk.
   Minus forty degrees outside made itself felt even here, inside the building.
   The temperature in the room in which had a minute to start the press conference, was no more than ten degrees - Skyscraper built based on completely different climatic conditions. And then one of his designers and s builders in a nightmare could not see what was once outside of skyscrapers being built will be the polar cold, and Statue of Liberty a few sightseers tourists, now basically more these extremals and lovers tickle your nerves, which, oddly enough, despite all apokallipticheskie metamorphosis fait accompli in the world, yet to be fully extinct, will travel across the frozen Hudson on skis, and who is richer - snowmobile. However, those wishing to take risks every day getting smaller - Trip not like in another country, across the Atlantic to the United States - in a nearby town - have become simply not safe.Therefore endless string of tourists on the ice of the Hudson towards the island on which the sculpture with long been extinguished torch over his head, first replaced by individual groups, and then completely daredevils householder, who could no longer be allowed to exist for its own account and on to those guides and they were not slow to disappear forever.
   At this temperature indoors was not surprising to see that m legged from outside the hall were in street clothes, in rich, warm coats and whether even if in a coat, be sure to podboykoy fur - by - another in the fierce cold it was simply useless as a blotter against the flood. THEOREM same who dared all the same to remove their coats and fur coats, now chuvstvova whether a decidedly at ease and have probably not once regretted on this. Some of them, however, remained in possession of thick scarves, hats with earflaps, which primarily here in America, you could see except that somewhere in Alaska, and large downy shawls. T EPER All this came into play - people wrapped themselves in on what they could, scarves wound to the neck, shoulders throws scarves, some did not even omit pognushalis s ears caps.
   Cantemirs himself was in a wool suit, but hiding beneath a thick, knitted with a long time ago my mother, camel sweater. And he still would not mind to put on his flight jacket on a thick fur that in tons of a couple of minutes remaining before the conference, keep warm.
   In the room where another ten minutes ago there was a deep silence, so that could be heard even as prickly, hard and dangerous as microscopic ice mace, snowflakes, rapidly brushing past, drawn by gale-force winds, rhythmically swinging skyscraper, hit with power, like countless hordes covered with a thick chitinous shell of insects in a speeding car windshield in the glass walls of the building, rustling and scratching on its mirror surface accurately myriad small diamond glass cutters, has now become noisy. Kantemirova It made ??for worry. O n have not looked at the pictures joyless th at the window and watched the motley crowd, the buzz was poured through two doors into a spacious, but barely lit room.
   He was surprised that rustling gnashing ice snowflakes on the glass walls of a skyscraper could not drown even heat gun, loudly, but monotonically gudevshie the far wall of the hall, where a weaker but hectic hubbub outside, like noise-canceling veil hid this ominous sound in his velvety , impenetrable, like foam foam murmur.
   Vlad suddenly wrinkled like a toothache. At that moment he felt as if the whole idea is not worth a damn and, moreover, the whole disgusting and humiliating for him personally. He barely kept strong with blazn with pitch, take extreme chair pushed against the back of close to a long table Presidium on the podium in front of the chair, his likes th, shiny, smooth, thin black leather jacket with thick fur Liner, in the manner of those which wore polar pilots of the last century, with a huge fur collar, with a black hooded polar fox, and you th minute of the hall , pushing his way toward dense crowd outside.
   Cantemirs felt clown. Be a beggar he was not used. But now, after a few minutes presentation starts, and he's like a circus dog, is to take a crap on his hind legs, begging for handouts.
   Came creak and rattle moved chairs of frozen and thawed is not, despite the efforts of powerful heat guns, sex, seated in rows ivayas shallow department. Many were talking, discussing among themselves idle some news that, apparently, they were more interesting than the actual upcoming events e. Felt their habit to attend such meetings, serving room, for the record, and this solved the outcome.
   Here and now Kantemi rovu became apparent meaninglessness venture. So obvious that it is a second chance he believed in the absurdity of his proposed ideas.
   We spoke mouth steaming. He lift up to l smiling barely shines dimly plafonds expensive lights, added surrealism and unreality in the situation. Huge hall remained cold. Preheat it well, did not help even four powerful gas heat gun, merrymakers behind the audience.
   Vlad thought to mu if something occurred to compare this picture with old film archives of the early twentieth century, it could easily find a terrifying resemblance to the personnel of the Th-th bit of "Lenin in October" or "In zyatie Smolny" . There, too, whether swirling steam, or smoke shots, or both together.
   Cantemirs grinned, catching himself on this naughty thoughts. Yeah, the present would be very surprised Lena learned that the type of Environmental Aspects of th e mu situation occurred to such an allegory. With equal be them with this odious public Bolsheviks gathered somewhere in the "distant seventeenth" on their party meeting in the hall, which by reason of the revolution off central steam heating, causing the steam from their breath mingling with tobacco smoking from shameless, dense whitish clubs raised the ceiling to the gloomy hall. They would be great to be surprised to learn with whom they compare someone who now will beg them billions. This is hardly amused them. From such an outlandish analogy American establishment would come in a bewildering and money certainly would not give. And because Cantemirs made ??an incredible effort to not sprinkle of laughter, choking him inside. He had to come up with this!
   In fact, this mischievous idea, although nearly cost him his reputation - not, well, just had to imagine how all of these important ladies and gentlemen, entering the hall dense, preoccupied, tense and even a little frightened appearance of a new "savior" longing for their money, the crowd, suddenly see neighing, crushing laughter from animals hunched colic in three deaths a man looking at them as one knows why pripershihsya here idiots, and then suddenly hide all this under the mask of seriousness and as unceremoniously seriously Protested with a pointer at the hologram of his presentation under the guise of "Lord, give us money!" - was the way. It made ??him nervous detente, the state of stress.
   Vlad was great wave n. So much he was not worried, perhaps, since both run events associated with long-time first attempts to find investors to start its project Exo Terra his first steps and builds elstva invented them grand cosmic giant - the first planetary neoplasms I Alfa Aproksima. Olnenie In it was understandable: in the hall were not any ordinary people, and the people to keep their hands on the levers of financial management of the country, the former once the most powerful, although in other doapokalipsicheskom world and big business, if the word was still applicable to what's left of it. But in any case, their opinions depended a great deal in the future of this country s, the entire planet and the fate of his project.
   Cantemirs was genuinely convinced that his project and America - what should a shower together. In his speech, Mr. going on to promise Americans if they do not return the subtropics, or at least mitigate the continent nagryanuvshaya fierce arctic Orozov m.
   In a place so well understood in the way: he was going to ask them for money without any guarantees, a lot of money, very much. But such as projectors before he came today have seen quite a few. Maybe some of them will agree that his project can save America from. But its implementation need huge finance e s s resources.And these people lately have seen many kinds of adventurers, madmen, charlatans and just outright scams that have arisen out of nowhere like the heck out of the woodwork every day like mushrooms after rain. And therefore great potential investors tired of this endless buffoonery, carousel cycle of successive crazier ideas one another. So to say that the idea of America to present his project was fresh - it would be strong tiled exaggerated HAND.
   But, like any author, and inventor, was confident Cantemirs irresistible deliciousness of his project, although in the opinion of the vast majority of opponents with thick wallets, with whom he was before, during many years of research have met, it was absurd and impracticable.
   Kantemirova fell another chance to bring to the project moneybags. However, even a whole heap of the rich were far from the financial power of the state. And Kantemirova was especially important that the conference was attended by representatives of the United W Tats, Administration of the President and some of the institutions, which depended on the opinion of whether the U.S. budget to fork wa tsya on this project or not. And so I f in the draft will invest such a state, the money-bags do not have to wait long.
   Despite the fact that Vlad was deeply moved, it seemed that time stood still, even behind a glass wall clouds rushing past is not so rapidly, and the hall is filled with a peculiar slow.
   Cantemirs experienced mixed feelings. On the one hand he could not wait to begin my statement. On the other, it is extremely afraid that his project will not be impressed, but the words do not reach consciousness mov and gathered moneybags and statesmen. And the only chance he fell, does not succeed. Vlad even regretted that at the time did not take the lessons of oratorical skill.
   Cantemirs for himself clearly aware that his proposal is a chance, a chance if not all return to the state it was before the come icy terror that swept America, or at least reduce its burden. But he also knew that it was obvious to him alone. People to whom he now will try to convey the idea that had never once been a member of many donors and projects is promising to be as miraculous escape. And the reality of incarnation certainly seemed as evident by their am, as it is now for the feasibility of its fantastic offers. And from in former All these ideas have sunk into oblivion, along with hundreds of billions of dollars prefer private investors and American taxpayers with enormous resources spent on them by U.S. pension funds, donated money to the future American retirees on empty dreams Scams and frank. And it was difficult, as it was then, and now, to distinguish it in a shroud of th flustered before icy nightmare before dipping a favorable continent as suddenly as all the worst thing that happens suddenly, who is before the supreme arbiter of the nation - the genius or another crook and a swindler, savior or simply a fool who passionately argues that his proposal would work, will not let you down ....
   Never before, not until the last best times of despair America did not yield to the temptation of so much useless as it is now, as in recent times, the times of panic and climate apocalypse, who would not let the odds and did not leave any extra second on the vain thoughts: country froze.
   No, of course, she would not become tomorrow into one solid icicle, but from year to year, the situation became more complicated. And it was urgent to find a way out, without delay even for a day, even for a minute. That is why those who are normally not conducted on any wiring and fraud, are here to listen to the next, hoping for a chatterbox unintentional miracle.
   When someone is in despair, no matter who it is - a man or a nation, the futility of earlier actions vain and feverish attempts to save a s introduced into a stupor, the mesh is how something sober reflection on what is happening and accept new ideas to save on a large share of objectivity and pessimism. In such a situation there are two ways: either to grasp at any straw tucked or not to react already no matter what, even sailing by timber, because it may be another straw or worse, drag the bottom. According to this bezhda are emotions, subjectivity, panic. And the one who shouts louder and um is his idea, his plan of salvation brighter, more emotional, and that will be heard, that, contrary to common sense and to get a chance.
   America is not used to such cold weather. America was not used from the Canadian border to Florida for six months to be littered with snow and frozen unprecedented never frosts. Head America was hot from the fever of panic and an endless succession of failures previously taken measures, many of which were frank sell. To understand what you vparivayut bullshit, you need at this point to have a sober mind and a cool head. But for this you have to train and multiple resistance to the conditions that took you prisoner who overpowered you a ram's horn, and be able to endure the hardships that confront them. How, for example, Russian, which in Soviet and post-Soviet era powers clans cheated and robbed to the skin, but in doing so tempered them, accustomed to be steadfast and courageous. And the Americas and this experience of deprivation was not on, so endure the harsh conditions of climate change and n was not ready. And now, when the fierce cold and snow storms gave rise to resentment and negative emotions, tens, if not hundreds of speculators enough use this.
   Yes, the climate has changed beyond recognition! America seemed to be all together, time has moved on once tricked extracted from Russia to Alaska.Although now there reigned shestidesyatigradusnye frosts, very quickly to make this state a lifeless desert.
   Now there, Mr. de formerly And in Florida, where traditional weather on New Year before was considered a warm rain, has long forgotten what palms and Christmas Gulf Coast froze now no worse than the Arctic Ocean.
   And because America is primarily used to leave out in the cold others, now she did not have time and p Off yva familiarize every time on the next "real" savior who came out of nowhere, somehow inflated the pump and the buzz around their ideas, get access to billions of dollars of public and private investment to rescue States , and then when with a bang, and when quiet, no noise and dust, it is not clear even when and where they disappeared.
   What was always strong with America as long as the Soviet Union lost the "cold" war? Its unrivaled military power, as allowing the entire club face confrontation, obviously not to join the American influence world catches up with her ??younger and China, gaining military strength of India and Pakistan, an aging, fading in corrupting corruption delirious, almost sdohshey, but still have them eyuschey Russian nuclear warheads. Yes, the military might allow her to clamp down on dissent easily put in place and rebellious. You do not even always had uncovering trunks. Sometimes it was enough just to hint that America can uncover them. But against what happened to the climate, carriers and intercontinental ballistic missiles were infinitely strong. Climate shift from the subtropics to the Antarctic and sharply continental with missiles "Tomahawk" and whether the notorious stealth bombers "Stealth" by missile strikes and carpet bombing could not win. And America got retribution for what she has turned the whole world - a worldwide car consumption, stuffed her untold profits into the pockets of corporations - from not waiting.
   However, scientists around the world, and before more than a dozen years have warned about the possible consequences of global warming. With that fought rather tried to fight. But even the United States refusal Ng alis then join the Kyoto Protocol, are trying to limit greenhouse gas emissions and delay the onset of the incident. America thought she was smarter than everyone else, even though she was number one in the list of culprits thermal pollution, and number one in the list of victims of climate change, but either did not understand it, or arrogantly believed that restrict emissions of "greenhouse" gases must were all but her. The result was what environmentalists decades crowed.
   Yes! Waited for this! H about not so soon! And not in such a serious form! Until recently, many doubted that all this is really serious! Doubted until until it's too late! N o one could not assume that the effects of climate change will be comparable to stepping leniem "nuclear" winter s, fear of which the second decade plural ogie stop humanity from thermonuclear shootout in a deadly duel, promised the winners.
   But now it happened. And remena directly say came bleak and desperate even for a rich and invincible country like the United States. Economy of the richest countries in the world for many years, more freezing, degraded and dying in front Yas shrinking like shagreen leather.
   Suddenly it became clear that, for we prove, in the concept of the "American way of life" of the spirit of entrepreneurship, soaked with mother's milk, except agility and cunning ability to adapt, commitment and urgent desire to be successful, profitable "overseas" position, which has protected America from the deadly disasters past the twentieth century, in which it only in wealth and grew fat in a time when other countries, the world's centers of civilization, such as Europe, immersedin ruins, darkness and chaos of war, and then a long time could not recover from the post-war devastation, except geography , pozvolyavshe minutes at this time to save untold riches instead of ruin, there was always one more invisible, but now find themselves in such important and necessary and crucial component - the climate!
   And here come the other times! Happened what somehow vaguely warned, but did not give such never really extraordinary, special meaning scientists: America received a club climate that has made itself and, on his own mug.
   Now that everything has changed, American farmer suddenly learned that so th zone of risky agriculture. And if the farmer had compensated his downtime, defending against overproduction, now the insurance companies was folded impossibly high rates for insurance against crop losses. Barely a decade as half of the country seemed in the permafrost zone. ogibli P one by one s entire species to grow, animals, birds and fish. Atlantic covered the eternal ice hummocks and not only for e-latitude Canada. In the past few years, the Hudson and the entire east coast line pyatisotkilometrovaya not melted promerznuv over the winter for three or four meters. And it saved New York and all low-lying areas of the eastern coast of the U.S. has a terrible scourge of modern times in recent years - from floods. However, this ice was half man-made m as one of the projects to counter climate change, in which the U.S. government is still th vbuhat billions of dollars realized the idea of a mad scientist who proposed is frozen for a long winter ice protective levee along the entire coastline of the continent, preventing penetration of low-lying areas of the country coast ocean water due to significantly raise the level of the ocean.
   Now that North America shackled darkness, darkness and horror ice prison, and the most popular items and s recent years have heaters, fan heaters, space heaters, most vulgar and cheap stove - stoves and thick blankets of camel's hair.
   Americans for centuries did not know what the wood is now buying them in large quantities, as they were the cheapest type of fuel and. Prices for oil, gas and even coal skyrocketed. And many financial bigwigs now kicking themselves, remembering previous stock prices eticheskih analysis of energy companies, which bought about a dozen years ago, now you can sell them ten times, or even fifty or even a hundred times more expensive, and enriched as any by more than the foreseeable future and past.
   But not only rose oil, gas, electricity and coal. Food prices have soared, so that now could be satisfied with only a small part of American society. What to say about that mortality has improved dramatically and has become the same as the second was once only in the poorest countries of the world.
   Prices for funeral services also strongly under Skoch.
   F ecause funeral office could not cope with the orders, pending normal, "single", the funeral began many months. Dead now stored in anticipation of pending funeral refrizhe ra tori supermarkets, abolished with the advent of the trade deficit. Those who were poorer, and could not afford to pay the refrigerator, but still going to wait in line at the "normal" funeral, with the onset of cold and dead relatives piled in the yard of the house, on the street or at the door just in the town square, where there were natural pile of many different bodies. Spring often happened that not all of them turned out to be buried up to some place else is not reached, and the other was no one left to bury. And then in the city parks could not go from terrible stench, neighbors apartment buildings violently figured out each other, whose is "carrion" at the entrance still stinks, and orphaned by a long winter for private houses could not pass from the stench. And because the city authorities, in the end, together with the onset of spring and the melting snowbanks multimeter, began regularly and without warning, sometimes brutally suppressing resistance occurs, eliminate all spontaneously arising during the winter pile of corpses, dumping their bulldozers all in high demand uyuschiesya burial mass graves, no different from the burial grounds.However, one has to bury was not for that, such as every year, every month, and day became even more willingly handed over all their dead in the care of the authorities in these very graves. The poor and the poor were buried here in stacks, with a tag on foot, without coffins, and then more and more, even without plastic bags - they too became scarce. So Americans are not committed before even during the Great War, honoring each deceased soldier for America honors individual, albeit modest funeral. But times were different now - apokallipticheskie. And what had seemed savagery and of the American fiction of their own horror movie s-s-s or movie disasters suddenly became gloomy everyday life, from which there was no place to run.
   Yes! That the first few years gradually intensified climate apocalypse seemed temporary, and abnormal climate twist strangeness, it soon became commonplace th life. And soon the children born five or six years ago, no longer remembered other times than those when six months out of twelve America remained under the snow, frost-bound.
   Suddenly, seemingly for no reason, no reason appeared fashion thick coat of fur, but not such that only throw on the road shoulder Pestsovoye collar beauty over a thin drape as before, but to wrap myself in a lush, vast, warm natural fur from head to foot, fleeing the fierce cold. Indignant voices of different defenders there fluffy fowl and game very quickly whether to pray for forgiveness, suppressed much more loud, powerful and ruthless trumpet call of duty, not comic cold, the present minutes of the Arctic th cold, which faded in the face of everything.
   T EPER time has come when every autumn until spring for lowering America were ice cold, and together with the whole America froze for six months once stunned horror from its opened suddenly, after years of futile waiting anomalous cold end, the fate of New York.
   Now houses and buildings in North America, are not designed for cold arctic ski nd not stocked in most states with central heating systems because of their former uselessness mercilessly burned electricity, disabling the system and overloading the power supply and without a last effort working power. Indeed, many of the hydroelectric plants are not designed to operate in conditions of winter cold, simply ceased to exist. And indeed the great hydrographic map of America has changed.Te river that primarily provide good potential and debit water became shallow and now turned into almost-perennial streams. Others, however, have become so full of water that had to be liquidated dam and reservoir, as spillways and bypass channels could not cope with indwelling water.
   Yes, in America now, as before on another continent, in another snowy country - Russia, for six months, from November to April, it was winter and it was unheard of n!
   However, overseas business situation was better n e. Europe also froze. But the Old World still mostly were more accustomed to cold than America. Though not to such, which fell to their district in recent years. Cantemirs And although for several years did not look like the one on the continent, migrating mainly between America, Africa and Antarctica, to reach it though news from the Internet and means media and the numerous rumors that one half of the year icy Old Europe cramps ed in ti Skaha energy deficit, and another big part of it is under water due to extensive flooding, beset by many countries, but most of all the flagship EU - Germany, dealing its economy over and over again all her ppg ppg and ee fatal wounds ....
   -Time to start a conference! - Whispered secretary approached, then walked to the podium and announced. - Ladies and gentlemen! Meet! Inventor and founder of LEO babymoon Mr. Cantemirs!
   The Secretary made a gesture in his direction, after which Vlad could not be on the side of what is happening and to the applause of the assembled audience, walked to the podium.

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