Халов Андрей Владимирович : другие произведения.

Administr@tor.Book two sevenths.Chapter 07

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   When all were on board stratoplane and the door of the airlock into the passenger compartment is firmly closed, Cantemirs allows passengers to remove their spacesuits.
   -And now I want to take you to the most interesting part of our project - Chief Tse npt space launches - Baikonur skaypolisom over Madagascar - where your presence will be launched cargo spacecraft! - Explained his American guests Cantemirs. - As you probably guessed from the name, is located in the spaceport Rayo n e and the equator to the north-east of Madagascar, which allows you to add the body of launching several dozen extra miles per hour as compared to running, say, s latitude of Kazakhstan for by centrifugal energy of rotation of the Earth. Trifle, but nice! ..
   H e tion re waiting for the answer and ktsii on his words, Vlad turned away from the lens video camera transmits images of the cockpit stratoplane a huge monitor on the front wall of the passenger compartment, and started preparing for the launch.
   He turned off the image transmission from the cockpit to the salon stratoplane, but your monitor on the remote control still seen voltage e nnye even somewhat frightened faces of his passengers, listen a minute back to his every word. Yes and no wonder it was: it was their first flight with outlandish mean half-space vehicles, stratoplane.
   After a few seconds the machine humming, almost imperceptibly shook with barely discernible, but powerful high frequency vibration felt until Mahina stratoleta not come off the mirror cloth stratodroma, then gently and slowly at first, then faster and faster, horizontal typing speed and altitude, flew silently over otbleskivayusche th bright, sparkling reflections stars glossy blue-black surface yu huge artificial structures, seemingly leaving to the horizon.
   Another moment and I stratoplane been converted into lightning fast pronzayuschu th almost airless space stratosphere.
   W it rising above the car over stratodromom, more clearly visible at the bottom edge of the design, landing field, like a ship with a fantastic jump of a cliff and aerospace th abyss.
   Ahead rapidly open wa familiarize bottomless blue abyss, and soon there was nothing left except the thrill of flying in an infinite void.
   The planet was far below dozens of kilometers. Then E was not space, but it seemed that soon the earth itself will be somewhere behind, and around will only dazzling Shaggy e e e suns and myriad s bright, prickly stars, suddenly became colored.
   Apparatus rapidly ral and nab a cruising speed of fifty "strides."
   In the huge lower scuttles in the floor was opened to travelers stratoleta fantastic picture, floating g splint below.
   There raged a huge, fierce arctic cyclone, but from that height it seemed that dense th hite s Intercession in the cloud just hanging over the planet itself. About tsyuda,from a height of near space He represents l indescribable fantastic spectacle.
   Clouds were like loose, curly snow enveloped emlyu NW. Somewhere in the rare breaks and clearings that cover the planet's surface was visible.
   In the center of the Arctic cyclone tion like a huge umbilical cord curled clockwise giant crater in the center of which was visible transparent barely distinguishable from that height the city. He was like a sprinkle of crushed marble on whitish-dappled surface of the earth that came into this Progal, slotted large pale bluish barely lived to the second and smaller rivers, like capillary otzhilki, beds of rivers.
   Cyclone bottom stretched almost to the horizon, and only there, in the south-east, could see the blue of the ocean surface.
   On above the solid carpet of clouds, at the horizon, where the equator was a few places were seen poluprizrachnye design engineering structures Alpha Aproksima.Under them a solid carpet like a fantastic feather on visshaya stratospheric stretched endless fields of giant interlocking th like grapes rd, balls, casts a shadow at the clouds below them. These fields consisted of huge gas cylinders. They provide buoyancy throughout the Alpha Aproksima giant, dangling in the planet's atmosphere, and were simultaneously hydrogen storage reserves, which placed an ocean of gas.
   A ll was somewhere far below. Stratoplan raced in the upper stratosphere.
   In some places, far ahead of the, were visible in aerial stratodromo. They seemed to rise above the floor s gas tanks, like black hats outlandish x giant mushrooms on fishnet graceful legs that grew out of this bumpy featherbeds.
   Even higher were "stems and" several spaceports that came into smiling on the horizon, on the equator. They seemed ghostly and were barely visible through the thick atmosphere. Their arrows heading into space and if it protknuvshie their needles, silver against the blackness of the sky in the upper porthole windows, located on a wide flat ceiling salon plan stratosphere over tin g passengers. In the sunshine, dangling in the west, in the bottomless black sky studded with inhuman or degrading lennymi prickly points stars, they are out there, high above the heads of thousands of gleaming sparks reflected in their openwork designs of light rays, and were not within reach for stratoplane. There, at a height of eighty kilometers, located launching pads from which launch spacecraft. Before them was as far as the Earth, it quickly swims the bottom at a depth of thirty kilometers under widebody of single and stratoplane.
   Who was especially noticeable as rounded horizon line and, because the feeling of flight strangeness, its isolation from the Earth. From this breathtaking.
   In pechatlenie intensified sky, dark-violet e horizon permeated towers spaceports similar distance to the giant silver needles that rushed there with s in height, in the blackness of space in the background on the vast carpets blue-black silicon wafers from solar power plants top and blue on the color of their skin tissue gazoballonnyh fields below.
   Passengers stratoplane fascinated looking at the fantastic picture, opened it in the window x stratoplane. Although almost every smiling stock photo - and video cameras, all remained in prostration and loss of breath taking views through the windows flying with inconceivable speed of the machine, and a few second thoughts, were received ima shoot something, trying to capture the extraordinary, unique beauty behind.
   However, very few people managed and this, as barely begun flying swiftly ended.
   It seemed landscapes bottom ut swim smoothly and slowly, and itis stratoplane years not so fast, at a speed of ordinary liners. I n fact, it is fifty times greater than the speed of sound! And because in less than half an hour, as the stratosphere plan landed on in other parts of the world over Madagascar skaypolisom, stalling while so that all the senses on overload ovali and nearly swallowed his nose in the front seats: seat belts prevented.
   -Ladies and gentlemen! - Commented dryly Cantemirs when silent whistling noise turbines. - We have just landed on stratodrom Madagascan th and skaypolis. Welcome to the center of a new human civilization! ..
   Many of the passengers were even disappointed, as there had how to see carried shiesya bottom of the Atlantic ku, the African continent Indian and th Ocean.
   Blue-black canvas stratodroma again hid from them gorgeous, fantastic scenery, leaving only to review the panorama frighteningly endless sky above their heads, which immediately became particularly profound or even surly, barely out of sight of Earth disappeared.
   Stratoplane metering plate on the landing, and all began to put on stratospheric spacesuits hanging evsh and e in special lockers.
   Cantemirs carefully examined all checked that having been put on suits, and air is pumped out, opened the door of the gateways oh s cameras before landing outside the door.
   On stratodrome thought it was already open space, rather than the stratosphere. Black glossy, mirror to the horizon the landing platform, reflecting underfoot, like a mirror, stars that were overhead, reinforces this impression.
   Passengers down the automatic ramp that has nominated from stratoplane, went into drove them to meet kiberelektrobus, soon drove at all to the gateway leading into the system.
   A minute later they already filmed stratospheric spacesuits inside Gateway stratodroma reception areas, and the ubiquitous reporters take a moment Kantemirova surrounded with microphones and tape recorders. And while the press conference was not provided here, Cantemirs, waiting for stragglers to disguise passengers agreed to answer a few questions pesky reporters.
   -Mr Cantemirs! Answer what s superior s safe and your project? - Asked the young, probably only the beginning of a career in this field correspondent for "The Washington Post".
   -I never hid the fact that my project is designed primarily to transform humanity from its zatsiklivsh camping, stuck on a dead-end path of consumption, devouring the planet flock of locusts in his dignified status, destination to be human, intelligent, creative power, aspirations which aimed at exploring other planets with solar system.Creating Alpha Aproksima, I want to remind mankind that they are not a flock of sheep that graze only possible under the laws of mass consumption. These people, the creative creature born to th more than life for the sake of consumption and consumption for life. Humanity for its development, by the structure of the body, by the presence of mind, speech, culture intended Mastering e of the world and reasonable management. And mankind forgot about it, it nuzzled into the ground. It violated the principle of do no harm, and now carries not only harm other forms of life, not only weak nations, but nations have always traditionally considered responsible for the path of its development. In the face of global climate change that swept the Earth, the state of New and Old World today lost leverage. Politics, in fact, ceased to exist, replaced by elementary floundering in the throes of apocalypse hoping to stretch a little more.
   It's been over half a century since the first human space flight. And what do we see? Even the moon was out of work! And all because of the futility of expensive space launches from the ground.
   Cost payloads cargo has not fallen during the years of space development, and still comparable to the price of gold. Azemnye H spaceports have proven ineffective in providing a mass of space exploration.
   If mankind over the past fifty years of space development failed to reduce the cost of output from the Earth's surface into orbit W load at least an order of magnitude, it would be possible to mass-space exploration. We would have settled the Moon, Mars, perhaps even the atmosphere of Venus.
   I want to once again draw the attention of all who hear or read my interview will be: using spaceports Alpha Aproksima possible to significantly reduce the cost of cargo payloads and make space exploration a truly massive. Additionally, numerous starts with tall spaceports Alpha Aproksima not cause any harm the planet's atmosphere. spaceports Our altitude at start using catapults able to reduce the cost of cargo spacecraft to two orders of magnitude compared to conventional missile launches from the surface of Earth and W on the order when starting using jet propulsion. And this is taking into account the depreciation expenses not only spaceports, but also the whole complex project.
   In addition, other, I believe, even more important task of the project is to improve the quality of life of all mankind. I emphasize - that the whole of humanity, rather than increasing the gap between the quality of life in excess of five percent of the rich people and poverty, allowing only languish, not worthy of human dignity, for the vast majority of civilization. Frankly, such a device society even ashamed to call civilization!
   In a situation where there is a similar difference between the superpowers and the financial weakness of some vast majority of people of any transformation of humanity into a space faring societies and colonize the solar system, planet after planet, developing technology to fly to other stars, and then the other galaxies, There can be no question!
   The onset of climate collapse confirms my words!
   I planned the project implements amb even in those days, good times, when the planet as soon loomed the threat of climate change. And even then it seemed to me that nothing is heralding woes inhabitants of the earth. Even in spite of all his caution, I do not believe that what is happening on the planet, m ozhet come! Then I also relied on some hidden from the human knowledge of self-regulatory mechanisms that exist in the world. I, despite his caution against being taken to save the Earth's environment, despite his skepticism, in general, and could not have imagined h is catastrophic global climate change can happen so fast! I myself, it seemed that it would take at least a century's. But it all happened much faster!
   T EPER when global climate disaster occurred and became a reality for the entire surviving population of the Earth, let caused by various sources, because no one really does not know why it happened, oh technogenic whether and environmentalist ica oh oh the Load on the planet, cyclically E Are changes in solar activity E, Internal EDoes global E s metamorphosis on the planet and in its depths - but now, in fact, it does not matter, because the main thing - to find ways to save the surviving part of mankind, I believe skaypolisov construction and climatic megaenergostantsy, utilizing the heat of the troposphere and the world's oceans, enabling tens millions of people to lead a normal life in even artificial, but it is more usual for them and a suitable climate for Alpha Aproksima and allowing hundreds of millions of people who can not afford to buy a fairly expensive housing on the floating islands of heaven, to live in a more or less good conditions on the earth in those parts of the planet on which work energoplatformy, utilizing waste heat .... So, the most important, necessary and a priority today of all, what you can imagine, I believe it is the construction of the first home of mankind stellar atmosphere of her that his planet, Alpha Aproksima.
   Also, I'm not an idle dreamer!
   My project enables companies around the world to engage based on Alpha platforms Aproksima industrial production and agriculture, produce goods, works and provide services to grow agricultural products, fish, poultry and cattle. At Alpha Aproksima no wild animals, no predators, no diseases. Alf Aproksima no epidemics, as their distribution is suppressed by elementary methods quarantine foci of infection, and treatment of depressurization pyatidesyatigradusnym frost, which can not withstand any known forms of bacteria and viruses. Any area skaypolisa, industrial zones, agricultural land can be immediately isolated and subjected to cryogenic sterilization as soon as it appears the threat of the epidemic.
   Today Alfa Aproksima gives work to all its residents and employs many more people on the NW emle. In Sem Collaborating with her ??Alfa Aproksima provides healthy and not burdened by severe climatic cond oviyami labor and staff. We always sunshine and never snows, rain, hail or snow storm.
   Alpha Aproksima provides excellent opportunities for education, medicine and sports.
   Do niversitet s and other educational institutions have the opportunity to take their seats in business clusters for its activities and rent hostels for students in residential areas skaypolisov.
   We should not forget that the Alfa Aproksima produces the cheapest energy in the world and holds vast reserves of hydrogen and oxygen, producing synthetic oil, which supplies Earth purifies the atmosphere of carbon dioxide and methane, regulates the level of the oceans, the ozone hole is closing and absorbs most of the solar radiation, including a hard spectrum, transforming it into hydrogen reserves and, hence, energy. And if the governments of some of the great states, such as the United States, carried out in due time, when I requested funding for the construction of planetary neoplasms Aproksima Alpha, the Gulf Stream would never proffer for! I declare it openly and responsibly, to ka always talked about this before. And the nightmare that we are seeing not only frozen, to hell, North America, but also drowned in the flood in the summer and tired of their sibirs cold winters oh Europe would never not come! He would have been avoided! Could have been up if you would Aproksima Alpha was built when I traveled around the world and blew all the bells: one and a half decades ago!
   Many then decided that I want to make that an empty PR! Many thought I was a charlatan and a crook! Many said then that my project - is sheer nonsense!
   What is the result? As a result, humanity has lost two thirds of its population! And the survivors are doing well for the most part because at least some part of the project was built Alpha Aproksima and commissioned.
   I proved that my project - not nonsense, I'm not a quack. Yes, I wanted to make his invention! But what's wrong with that? This is a normal desire of any person - to sell the results of their labor! And, anyway, today I am the CEO of the project and its Chairman of the Board of Directors. But I think I deserve that right, at least, though the fact that Alfa Aproksima - this is my child, through suffering to me over many years of adversity.
   Even today, despite all the apparent integrity of the project and its cost-effectiveness, I do not particularly willing to give money, like all the time expecting that the project will fail is about. But it is vain! He proved his resilience! ..
   And again! I am, after all, once again! With Amaya main task Alpha Aproksima - open mankind the way to intensive development With the Solar systems s oh, give him the keys to the starry sky that it could not get by living on Earth for a long time. It is t ak, integrated on vzglya UHC project Alpha Aproksima as self-sufficient for the first star house of all mankind, we can understand his true greatness and his amazing mission, give it exactly the appreciation it deserves!
   It will take quite a bit of time, and, I believe, star house of mankind, like Alpha Aproksima appear on Mars and Venus. But .... They, of course, will be labeled differently. For example, if Mars and Beta Gamma Venus! - Cantemirs laughed: "I got Average unit discharges! I, oddly enough, in the butt! . " - But it will be a completely different story! With overshenno other! And with regard to this day, I still can not find two tens of trillions of dollars that I need to pull the network of power plants and skaypolisov project farther from the equator, to the middle latitudes!
   W hen something, in good times for civilization, for ten years I had planned to cover Project M Alpha Aproksima all continents, the entire globe, from the Arctic to the Antarctic dy! I would like to note that, despite all the obvious advantages offered by the project, things are moving is not as good as we would like, even today. Here we are now located above the equator. Downstairs moderate tropical heat and quite comfortable for a good time on the beach water temperature, and it is used by millions of people. But if over the Indian Ocean and Africa, now is not hung three hundred and six tens climate megaenergostantsy then always at the bottom, from Libya to South Africa and from Senegal to Somalia, now stood to hell, which melted the sand! A ocean s from the Mozambique Channel to Gibraltar Strait boiling and would swarmed boiled rotten stinking dead fish ....
   -Exhaustive answer! - Agreed girl reporter and asked a new question. - And do not tell me, do you have any enemies? ..
   Cantemirs not want so, publicly, to respond to this because when sounded from the side:
   -Mr Cantemirs! Please answer, you are married and, if so, how many children do you have? And if not, do you plan to get married? - p e r l ek yuchilsya a young man, apparently a very young reporter some unknown tabloid, ask such stupid question attendant unprofessional.
   He quickly, in three sentences, answer and silently thanked the boy for what he Zab ral moment other reporters all dressed members of the delegation, and could proceed ....
   "A girl did not miss! - Cantemirs thought. - You have to take it as interesting! Knows how to ask a question! "
   W To get to the spaceport, it was necessary first to go down to the bottom, "plinth" floors celestial structures using pneumatic olift m and, with his letavsh stratodroma from the site by air mine in twenty-five kilometers high a speed of bullets. Only t am transfer to other pneumatic elevators that could blew tons and passengers to a height of eighty kilometers. There, on a small launch site was a special amphitheater where could sozertsat s show called launch spacecraft.
   In general, nothing unusual for Kantemirova, but for them .... It was probably steeper all that happened to be able to see before.
   One only rapid flight in the stratosphere over Africa, the Atlantic and Indian Ocean on m that cost!
   - Baikonur over Madagascar skaypolisom - told Cantemirs, crossing the hall of ground floor and, like the tourists, passengers follow PWM him to lift the Baikonur am - unique in the world, from where they can launch a spaceship with her ??helpful weighing a thousand tons Earth orbit. The rest of the spaceports, all what is in the system, according to an order of magnitude less power! And, I must admit, so far only from this cosmodrome we m e m e ka opportunity zapus be cosmically e e flying machine s escape velocity. T his means that right here, without a single gram of burned fuel in the Earth's atmosphere, you can go to the moon!
   But in the future will be built two more powerful cosmodrome. About din will be located in the vicinity of the Philippines, the other near South America, somewhere near Easter Island. So there, no additional boosters, only using one unique catapult spaceport, we can launch spacecraft even third space velocity, which means the direct output of the solar system! And that's without any of the fuel combustion without compromising the planet's atmosphere!
   However, it is only the plans. But once the entire Alpha Aproksima was just up my mind!
   But today you will witness the launch of the cargo spacecraft to the moon. I want to draw your attention that the atmosphere of the planet at the same time will not burn nor unified tion grams of propellant. And how to know s, traditional space launches, burn thousands of tons of toxic fuel and oxidizer were always harmful to our Mother Earth!
   Cantemirs few seconds watching the reaction of the audience, then gestured for them to go to space elevator.
   Clever design could not accommodate all at once, and because n assazhiry went to high altitude area in small groups, one after another. There they were on the train and gave unprecedented spectacle launched spacecraft using a giant mechanical catapult.
   Elevator could accommodate "crew" of people and tens. And before sending up to azhdogo had to seat in a special chair and cover the top special gidromeshkom absorbing overload. It was pretty archaic and somehow not modern, but the best way to avoid trouble with the rapid acceleration and deceleration invented yet was not.
   Of course, many of them probably would prefer to go to an ordinary elevator and go to the right floor.
   But pnevmolift still was not an easy lift, and stress on the body did not differ from combat fighter. Otherwise, to get to such a height would be tedious long.
   How else are you up to eighty kilometers? Drive such a distance with a simple lift? Even very fast! It would take a few hours t omitelnyh that passengers would have seemed unbearable E!
   Cantemirs upstairs with their last batch of n odopechnyh.
   Flying in the cockpit pnevmolifta under monstrous pressure gas pipe diameter of about Sem meters and took ten minutes.
   Vlad always been like this action shot cork from a bottle of champagne, although allegory was so-so and, moreover, quite strange.
   Upstairs everything was ready for launch. Spectators dressed in high-altitude suits, sit in chairs, awkwardly, like penguins, waddling along the broad walkway am and between rows. Over a small amphitheater in which they are located, impact exceeds transparent to Upolu, allows you to see everything that is happening around.
   Baikonur was far less stratodroma area. It does not have that glossy site that stretches to the horizon. All limited to small starting complex. He represents L with obojsmall portal around the neck of a huge openwork tube, lift up the VSH eysya here from the depths of the abyss under the platform. In a heavy-duty wire Inside it almost from the surface of the Earth, gradually but powerfully and continuously increasing acceleration through a specially designed system clocked triggered spaceship d of the calculated escape velocity and sent him into space just assigned millisecond.
   In fact, both Cantemirs knew it, the audience was nothing to do here. And m still could not see anything. Unit flew from the neck tube with such speed that it was simply impossible to discern. And as with any fire of it not burst and gas left post and behind, notice its trajectory to the naked eye in space , too, was impossible.
   And the audience present at the start, each time just reported that the launch is made, after which they are disappointed in their expectations, leaving the spaceport. And although from the surface of the Earth to see the launch so it was impossible to see that there was another, no less spectacular.
   And it was that during the launch from a height of several tens of kilometers to the Earth rushed a huge block of ice, a real iceberg th passed through an ingenious system and its energy spacecraft. And though this iceberg approaching the Earth reduced its speed unlike apparatus which, by contrast, is rapidly accelerated, the sight was unforgettable. However, when it falls into the ocean and lo originated small tsunami, but it had long since learned to fight. Anyway, the case for the Earth and tsunami water hammer, as is now considered most involved in the launch was about less harm than burning for the same purpose thousand tons of fuel.
   Of course, watch out for falling blocks of ice with a huge space height was not the same, then h and n and present at the Baikonur launch spacecraft. But it was much more spectacular than just clap completion milliseconds and acceleration of cosmic ship height trill of pipe catapult. However, it was not as symbolic as viewers traditionally, from time immemorial, still going to see the launch of the spacecraft, and not on the side effects of the method of notifying him of energy. Suppose that in fact nothing could be seen, but once established tradition is respected. And Cantemirs against such an anachronism not mind.
   As for the tsunami, it has long been extinguished specially built on an artificial island floating around the crash of an iceberg in the ocean. With voey massive annular structure he taking the brunt of l elements and did not leave on a perturbation of the water element and trace.

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