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Particle Identity Principle in the neuron picture of the world

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    In the Neural picture, the observed world does not consist of particles, but of events, in the flow of which the inner observer of the neural network has illusions of space, time and particles. From this point of view, it is easier to understand why these particles are absolutely identical - after all, the illusion of their observation is generated by a single array of information.

  Particle Identity Principle
  in the neuron picture of the world
  In the Neuron picture, the observed world does not consist of particles, but of events, in the flow of which the inner observer of the neural network has illusions of space, time and particles. From this point of view, it is easier to understand why these particles are absolutely identical - after all, the illusion of their observation is generated by a single array of information.
  The atomistic picture of the world assumes that the world consists of particles and emptiness. The neural picture of the world believes that the observed world is observed in the form of a stream of events, in which illusions of space, time and particles appear for the internal observer of the network [1].
  In the atomistic picture of the world, a misunderstanding arises - why all elementary particles are absolutely identical. There is no such misunderstanding in the neural picture of the world. Because in the neural picture there are no permanently existing entities as such at all. All such entities are only illusions, only approximations that arise in the course of the flow of events and disappear in time. Elementary particles are the same temporal entities:
  - In a temporary world
   The essence of which is death...
   (Omar Khayyam)
  - Time destroys granite castles
   And covers the cities with sand...
   (Leonid Derbenev)
   The internal observer of a neural network is inclined to generalize the stable branches of the flow of events and call them separate, constantly existing entities. Just because he is so comfortable. This is how the illusion of the existence of elementary particles appears [2]. Why do these particles seem to be identical?
  Because their behavior is determined by the same information array - the multiplication table of basic quaternions - Qwat [1]. This one single table defines the dynamics of ALL electrons in the universe. It is an information analogue of a single electron in the theory of a one-electron universe. How beautiful it would be - all the particles are in one table! Some lines define an electron, others define a proton, and there it is not far from the Higgs boson. But this requires a genius of Mendeleev's level.
  1. Карасев А.В. Трехмерное пространство и спин электрона в нейронной терминологии. Квантовая Магия, 2011, том 8, вып. 2.
  2. Карасев А. В. Нейронная картина мира. Вестник новых медицинских технологий. 2002. том 9. N 2.
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