Helen Meier : другие произведения.

Worldview of Anthony Hopkins

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  I didn"t plan to write this book, but during my long years of living on this planet I made such interesting conclusions about people and the world that I would like to share it, I myself surprised how mutch my world view has changed , in some places it contradicts generally accepted standards and for someone It may seem shocking, but such view of the world seems to me the most logical and closer to reality.
  If in my book I hurt someone"s feelings, don"t be offended, everything in this world is changeable, maybe tomorrow your or my opinion will change, but this is how I see this world now.
  And I ask you not to take some of my words seriously, I have a strange sense of humor.
  The small format of this book is explained by the fact that I already have a book with my biography. I am neither Nietzsche and nor Schopenhauer to talk about the meaning of life in dozens of volumes.
  1. Life principles and the meaning of life.
  2. Morality and conscience.
  3. About acting.
  4. About music and painting.
  5. The ability to keep punch.
  6. The laws of nature.
  7. About Vegetarianism.
  8. The State and person.
  9. Man and woman.
  10. About religion.
  11. About the world.
  1. Life principles and the meaning of life.
  Never bend under anyone, even if your life depends on it, because if you give slack, then the one who has gained power over you anyway will try to kill you, not now, later. You become weaker every time you allow yourself to humiliate yourself and in the end nothing from you remains, it"s like death of the soul and life no longer brings joy, only winners enjoy life, the rest live in fear and self-hatred.
  Don"t forgive, people should know that they can"t do harm you, just apologize is not enough, you can forgive only if person has corrected the deed and will never do it again.
  Not spare anyone, I don"t think that it makes sense to help and invest energy in person who does not respect himself and others, in most cases people themselves to blame for their problems, we do not monitor our health, and when we fall ill we seek pity from others, like a parasite who ate his lofe resources and now wants to drink someone else"s blood, I do not spare the poor and homeless who do not monitor their appearance and hygiene, anyone can get into a difficult situation, but you need to take care of yourself in any case, especially in a big city it is not so difficult. I especially do not regret beggar men who ask for money from women, that"s the point of investing in a creature that has killed manhood in himself, a man asking for money from a woman is not a man, but just an animal.
  Pity is very dangerous feeling, it"s like a blood transfusion, it contradicts the nature where the best and the strongest survive, it is a way to give your happiness to someone who did not deserve it. Besides, we humiliate people with pity, if you feel sorry for person, then he feels even more miserable and begins to feel sorry for himself even more, while ruthlessness gives person strength.
  Do not promise, and if promised, then do not fulfill the promise that harms you, the promise is fetters, I am a free person and I decide what to do and what not, a promise and an oath is a loss of freedom and power over my life, a way to give myself in someone else"s power, keep a promise only before those who are stronger than you, whose opinion is important to you or your well-being depends on it. lt is the principle of politicians that they do not fulfill promises because people are weaker than them and can do nothing in return. So never believe the promises of someone who is stronger than you and he knows that you can"t do anything in return.
  Purity of thoughts.
  I mean an internal cocktail of human thoughts and emotions that makes of us who we are, it controls our lives and is reflected in our appearance. That there is observance of inner purity, it is order, control, self-observation, self-restraint, it is restraint in thoughts in relation to others, you don"t need to think bad about people if you don"t know what is in the mind and inside of the person, if you throw dirt at someone, then you will get dirty first. Internal restraint and control is reflected in our appearance, such person emits more subtle pure vibrations and dominates over others.
  I don"t trust anyone, I know that i can"t open up completely to anyone, it makes you weak, everyone, even the closest people, periodically tests you for strength to gain leadership, gain power over you, as in a pride of predators, if the leader weakens or loses vigilance then he soon will lose power over the pride and his life.
  It"s useful to make such habit, always and everywhere to carry a voice recorder or a hidden mini camera and turn it on every time you talk with people, it will give you power over them and maybe save someday, if you have a good relationship with a person now that doesn"t mean that it will always be. So the only way to get out of the conflict as a winner is to have incriminating evidence per person. And even if someone attacks you, you will have evidence for the police that your guilt in the conflict is not.
  Not count years lived on earth, many people depend on this number, it is important for them, therefore their appearance and internal condition automatically adjusts to this age, they calculate the degree of their youth and how much they have to live on the basis of the average life expectancy of 70 years, but person can die at any age, the most important thing is health, appearance, the amount of energy and enthusiasm for life, often 60 year old people have better health than 30 year old. It is important at any age to maintain the state of begin of life that we had at the age of 17.
  To appreciate what you have and enjoy it, everything has value, a place to sleep, good health, the presence of clean water and food, the clothes of which you can cover nudity and warm yourself, if all this you have then you a wealthy person, you have a good start up to build the life you want.
  2. Morality and conscience.
  Morality is what society has laid down in us, even if we haven"t done anything wrong by natural laws, but if we have a ban in our head, then our conscience will torment us, in fact, our morality and conscience must be consistent with the rule, if what we think and do destroys us means it is wrong, if it helps our survival it means right.
  For example, I"ll write about cannibalism, an interesting topic, right? I understood the psyche of Cannibal, he ate people he didn"t like, but he wanted some of them, so he felt himself more human, like the ancient soldiers ate parts of the body of their enemies or friends to take possession of their strength, it was cannibalism not for food, it is symbolic cannibalism. And it seems to me that people become like what they eat, for example, if a person eats a lot of pork, then he himself becomes like a pig.
  Many of us thought about the topic of cannibalism, what kind of tast have human meat, had we eaten people if we didn"t have other food? I think most people would have crossed this line humanity if they didn"t have to kill a man. I also thought about it and realized that even if human meat saves my life, this life will be defiled and it will be difficult for me to live with the realization that I am a cannibal, we are all mortal, it is better to die as a human than to live as a beast.
  Although some people are so enraged me and looking like animals that i really want to kill them and eat some of them to show them, you are not a human to me at all, an act of humiliation.
  Justified and unjustified murder. If you kill a person for your survival, then this is not considered a murder, people have been doing this for thousands of years, it is a law of nature, natural selection. People think that they are good until they must make a choice on which depends their survival, politicians understand this. If people need to take other people's resources for survival, they will always find a reason that will calm their conscience, for example, the enemy wanted to attack first, if not me, then he, or he worships the wrong gods and he is subhuman, or past grievances will be recalled and this will be an act of revenge. People are kind only in comfort, safety and satiety. Man is an animal with a special type of weapon - the brain.
  Theft is a controversial concept. If person steals from strangers, then this is war booty, people have been doing this for thousands of years, whole civilizations are based on this, but if person steals from his own people, then he is a rat, this violates the internal order, leads to chaos, destroys civilization. This can be seen on example of Germany, before immigrants arrived there, here was possible to leave the car unlocked or to leave a valuable thing, no one would take it, because the Germans had a sense of national unity, it was below their dignity to steal from the citizen of their country and at the same time the Germans one of the most aggressive nations in relation to other countries, in addition to wars, huge capital is now flowing into it, mainly due to the fact that they support US policy, and America is the world leader and aggressor who takes what he wants from any country in the world.
  So if you are among strangers, take what you want is not theft, but war booty.
  * Friendship and betrayal.
  What is friendship, real is when people are ready to sacrifice themselves for each other, but it"s not normal, you can help a friend only if it does not harm you, it"s better if people immediately agree on this, so that then there are no offenses. Each person has his own level of strength, his weak point, after which he will betray, it can be money, power, a woman, fear for his well-being when friend is in trouble, it is better if you know the level of strength and weak point of your friends and will not expect to him overstated requirements.
  The concept of friendship is very beneficial for all sorts of scammers and parasites, they call you their friend when everything is fine, they use you, and when they see that you have problems they disappear. Friendship is not disinterested, they communicate with you as long as you have something what they can take and learn. In any case, before I let a person into my personal space, he needs to prove that he sincerely loves me and is ready for sacrifices for me.
  3. About acting.
  What is a good actor and what qualities should he have? I deduced this formula, this is a combination of physical and mental data, the actor must have such symmetry and harmony in his face for camera loves him; charisma, what distinguishes him from 1000 other actors of the same age, some kind of magic inside that catches the viewer's eyes to him; this is body plastic, the ability to feel it, the ability to "dance"; inner aristocracy and grace, as well as inner warmth and light that should attract spectators, a person should be an alpha, a leader, he should be feared as the lion- the king of animals, all these qualities for mine look have such great actors as Gary Oldman and Alan Rickman for example.
  * Heroes and villains.
  Why the image of a villain is so attractive, often more than image of a hero, why someone play better image of a villain, is a special caste of actors who are mainly offered such roles. I think actor with the role of a villain should have special inner freedom, he must have blurred social norms, he is a bully and criminal element, in society he can behave decently, pretend to be nice to people, but inside he doesn"t care on people and most social norms, he could become a great warrior, rock star or even a bank robber, he is a sadist, he doesn"t feel someone else"s pain, he loves black humor.
  For me, a positive hero is one who does not kill the one who tried to kill him, shows mercy so as not to become the killer too, a positive hero is in some sense Christ, this is a victim, he is afraid to revenge, in the film he wins, but in life everything is different , hero do not live long. Villains rule our world, they have success, power, fame, it is they impose to people the image of a positive hero who is afraid of revenge and the dark side of his soul. In fact, if you kill the one who tried to kill you, then you will not become like him, evil must be punished, otherwise the good cannot survive.
  Why I so well succeeded in playing the role of Cannibal Lector, not think that another actor would do it better than me, I think I have a part of the cannibal, we are all cannibals more or less, we fight each other for domination every day, the one who wins gets your strength and a piece of life, he eats part of you, the most successful people are the best cannibals, they may not be known by world, but successful in some kind of their profession.
  4. About music and painting.
  Music in my life has a special role, it calms me down and introduces me into a state of meditation when playing the piano. I don"t aspire to external effects and clear rhythms, my inner state is important to me, I like the process of improvisation.
  I analyzed how great composers manage to write such unique works and the process of writing music in general, and came to the conclusion that first there must be a story and sounds are superimposed on it. Of the great classics, of course, I will single out Mozart, no one has succeeded in surpassing him, but in terms of grace and harmony of sound such modern musicians as Sopor Aeternus and Lacrimosa could come closer in my opinion.
  Before I started painting, I scorned artists who, with their works, are more reminiscent of interior designers, their paintings are a set of figures and colors, but the author allegedly laid a special deep meaning there and who does not understand this is stupid man, but now in my paintings I also don"t strive for any deep meaning and do not pretend to be of high artistic value, the drawing process inspires me, I like working with color, I can spend hours in the workshop, it's like a child"s game.
  I am fascinated by such directions as black-and-white graphics, when artists create complex designs from different objects, they create whole mystical worlds, maybe I will also take up this type of drawing, this is not as harmful as painting with paints, I can"t breathe chemistry for hours at my age.
  5. The ability to keep punch.
  People always think and say something about each other, if you worry about it then you will not be enough nerves. The opinion of people about you can change in one minute, a person can love you and hate you several times a day, it's like a pendulum, back and forth. But you need to be able to save calm, you yourself know who you are and you must not let others impose their opinion on you. If person is not confident in himself, then it is worth to believing him, which means he has reason for this. As musician Marilyn Manson said, " people themselves don"t know what they want and what they like, you need to tell them that".
  You need to show and tell people who you are and how you feel about yourself, if you do it confidently, they will take your position, this is the ability to impose your will.
  This is called keep a blow when someone tells you who you are, but you don"t agree, you don"t react, you don"t get offended, you keep calm, confidence and smile, you show that you don"t agree with him and his opinion is not important to you, if you can win morally, then he obeys and begins to relate to you as you want it.
  This also applies to communication between men and women, if you are insulted or rejected, because people don"t like something about you (appearance, behavior), then if you show them that it doesn"t offend you, keep a smile and self-confidence, they start to think ,this person is confident in himself probably he has a reason for this, they wake up interest and desire to study from you, because all people want to be friends and communicate with strong and confident people, this is an opportunity to learn something, to raise their status. You need to love yourself, then others will love you. From childhood, people are taught to obey and accept someone else's will, you just need to put a little pressure, you can break will of any person.
  A strength test can last from a few minutes to several days, they humiliated you, but you did not agree, they looked at you, hey you overestimate yourself, I better know who you are, you again did not agree, if you don"t break you will be respected, but still one must constantly be on the alert, because they will be re-tested you for strength again and again.
   6. The laws of nature.
  The basic cosmic law of all creatures in space is "fuck others or they will fuck you", the law of the jungle, look at any cosmic object, galaxies and stars absorb each other, plants or form a mutual symbiosis for survival, or one plant replaces another, insects, animals and people destroy plants for their survival, in the animal kingdom some animals kill others in order to survive, and some people suddenly decided that they are somehow different from all nature and declared their absolute peacefull, these are vegans and all kinds of internationalist movements that announced about universal equality and acceptance of all people, the extreme degree of idiocy is the idea of the equality of man and animal, well, if these people are equal to animals in level of development, this is their problem.
  But some people spit on these pacifist principles and they will become predators for that herbivorous peaceful group of people.
   7. About Vegetarianism.
  Well, since I stopped drinking I think that I lead a healthy lifestyle, smoking does not appeal to me. I think I was lucky with genetics, my body survived so many trials and I managed to survive to this age. Of course, I try to adhere to moderation in everything, I occasionally go on diets, but I am not a supporter of any special strict restrictions, here are what conclusions I came about refusal of animal food.
  According to scientists, people with their physical structure belong to omnivorous animals (medium length intestines, lack of fangs and claws). But I think distant ancestor of man was a fruit-eating, some kind of ape on a tree, but then due to some circumstances he had to eat animal food, the absence of fangs and claws is not a hindrance, the main weapon of person is the mind and hands, he can turn any object into a weapon which will replace him fangs, man is a special branch of predatory animals. And so, over these hundreds thousands of years from the moment when the ancestor of man climbed down from a tree, the cells of his body mutated under the influence of animal food, a person is partially predator, while maintaining the external form of a fruit-eating creature, inside he has become a partially predatory creature.
  If we study the genetics and abilities of cell to mutate, the cell is not static from birth, during the life it can mutate under the influence of external factors, otherwise the body would not survive, this is how evolution occurs and species of living things acquire new qualities. For example, when unknown substances begin to enter the cell or substances arrive in large quantities so that cell cannot cope with it, then it has the choice, dying or rebuilding, its DNA begins to change and strengthen the structure of the nucleotides, these are the balls in DNA , they are increase their number and change their connections so that the cell can digest a new type of food, plus the cell is able to incorporate the DNA of the food that people eat in order to be able to digest it, so that we have cells with the DNA of all animals that we and our ancestors ate , we genetically partially animals.
  These partially animal cells need nutrition, and they eat only meat, if a person refused meat, the cells go hungry, begin to eat each other and neighboring cells, part of the body"s tissues are undernourished and some functions in the body are violated, but here's is important measure, a person does not need animal food often, a couple of times a week.
  If we talk about the ethical side of meat eating, we came to the conclusion that a person is partially predator, so it will be funny to watch a lion or a wolf cuddle with a cow, call it a smaller brother and go eat grass. And who like pigs?, for example, only those who themselves look like pigs, vile animals, how many of you would like to be a cow, a pig or chicken in one of your past lives, they not very aesthetically, I would rather be a wolf and when I watch programs about nature, I worry not about the herbivore, but for the predator that kills her. The most intelligent, beautiful and successful species must survive and dominate, and herbivores are created to be their food.
  By the way about fish and milk, fish is much more dangerous than meat, there are eggs of parasites that even heat treatment does not destroy, sea fish is filled with mercury and poisons.
  And fresh milk is also filled with parasite eggs, and long-term storage milk is already poison with preservatives.
  But the answer to the question about the dangers of GMO products, yes, the DNA of animals and insects is embedded in plants and it"s okay if we eat it and we have a cell with the DNA of this animal, but the problem is that many of these plants haven't a reproductive function, the seeds of these plants are designed only for 1 crop, then you need to buy a new batch of seeds, this leads to infertility in people, the part that is responsible for cell division is violated in the DNA of these plants, it influence on human cells, they also lose the ability to divide, this leads to weakening of the body and often to cancer. This is done intentionally, the planet is overpopulated and similar plants are created to reduce the world's population, however, like many other dangerous things in this world, for example, women's cosmetics, it contains toxic substances such as lead, it is not difficult to create an environmentally friendly analogue, but no, they hate us and want us to be smaller.
  About sport, I don"t really like sports, maybe there is too much movement in my life that it have enough for me or I'm happy with myself, I like my body, I"m lucky with genetics, I have a male physique when fat is not deposited on my hips, I have beautiful male legs, and the belly gives me authority, women like it, but this only applies to successful and smart men over 45 dressed in good clothes, because no one is interested in a young, stupid ragged man with big belly. In youth it is a shame to be fat, young people must be thin, hungry and active in order to defeat this world.
   8. The State and person.
  For each layer of people there are laws, those who write laws often do not follow them, they do this to manage those for whom they wrote them. So you should always think with your own head, and not do as it is customary in society.
   I realized this when I reflected on the topic of what I would do if I were a king or pharaoh and would open myself from a new side, yeah, right now, freedom, equality and fraternity for you. I think I would copy the model of the modern world. Imagine you are the king and you have a crowd of people who need to be somehow managed, fed, protected, plus have your own benefit, a luxurious life.
  Some of this crowd would like to be in your place, and the rest would support them in this, and now you are looking at people as potential enemies who threaten the life of your family.
  It means that you need good security and army, but the soldiers can be bribed and lured to another side, so you need a rich treasury so that you are will be richest person in the state and none of your folk have money to make a coup, then we will make taxes to replenish treasury and arrange a couple of wars with neighbors. Even your folk should love you, trust and be ready to sacrifice their lives for you, plus society needs order so that people control themselves and not be afraid of the police, there is a need for religion, you need one or more gods, you need teaching, temples and priests . So that people believe in this teaching, we need messiah and miracles, so we are looking for a magician to demonstrate these miracles to them, to prove to them the existence of the other world and souls, ideally he should be a healer and he will give people a new teaching, we collect counsil and write program, come up with a legend to arrange it all.
  I"ll add that such quality as pity for the king is a luxury, during the reign he will have to wash his hands with blood more than once, order and prosperity in the state are built on the corpses of those who would like to prevent it .
  Well, after we put order in our country, we have to look at our neighbors, they are rarely peaceful, for prosperity of the state we need new lands and resources, here are several options, we are establishing mutually beneficial relations with a neighbor, if sympathy does not arise, then we go to war with them.
  It seems that there are a lot of resources and energy around, you just need to negotiate peacefully with your neighbors, but no, it"s not enough for everyone, every person in the state wants to live well, the resources of one country to provide itself without an infusion from other countries will not be enough for a decent life for everybody, maximum for tough survival. So that the country flourishes, it needs the resources of its neighbors, and here the question already arises of who is stronger, who will kill whom will live, the rest will go down in history. It is not cruelty, not violence, it is conformity to nature, destruction or use of neighboring countries. To achieve this, several countries can form an alliance to use the rest world for their prosperity.
  I agree with the worldview of one Nazi officer who was accused of a crime against humanity for destroying people from another people, he said, "the only thing I did was just serve my country and people," pity and mercy for the enemy is suicide because an enemy will not regret you, when you relax. The development of a high civilization is possible only with the domination of one country, without competitive states, because confrontation jeopardizes the existence of this civilization in the event of war, so war is inevitable until one invincible leader reigns in the world ,and the rest nations come agree with its secondary role.
   9. Man and woman.
  Consider 4 situations. The first is homosexuality in an environment isolated from the opposite sex, when people of the same sex are forced to contact each other for a long time
  The second is homosexuality in an environment where there is possibility of choosing a partner of the opposite sex.
  So if you isolate 100 women or men of different nationalities by 10 years from the opposite sex, then no more than 10% of the most fanatical-minded, appreciating their gender identity, loving and respecting themselves for this and not willing to change ,will remain heterosexual, it destroys them. As a rule, such belief is possessed by people who are deeply religious or educated within a certain framework, where from childhood for boy and girl are assigned a certain role and behavior, respect for the traditions of their ancestors.
  Or people who were able to reveal their sexuality, knew their feminine or masculine side, they are natural and harmonious, and bisexual relationships will destroy this inner harmony. But 90% of people are potentially bisexual.
  In the second and third cases, a person has a choice, partners of both sexes excite him, something like hemaphrodism or internal flexibility, it gives its advantages and strength, a person learns both female and male sides, or is in the process of cognition, he better understands psychology both of sex.
  And finally 100% homo, those who are not attracted to partners of the opposite sex.
   Some live harmoniously with this, but someone blows the roof.
  It seems to them that they were born with that, but no, homo ... they are not born, they become.
  The reason lies in childhood when personality was just forming, a person studies his place in the world, tries his strength, learns to interact with people of his and the opposite sex, parents are usually to blame, teachers and older comrades, it is the one who is older, stronger, more authoritative ,closer and is the root cause of impaired gender behavior.
   ln the case of boys, they were not allowed to feel like a man, their mother or father morally rape them, when there is no respect in the family and person does not find the strength to fight, he breaks down, it is difficult for him to dominate, the girls frighten and annoy him.
  Or he grew up among perverts, people with impaired gender behavior, the concept of male and female behavior is blurry, which also affects the psyche. To make a boy gay, he must be broken or corrupted by someone he trusts.
  Every normal woman is prostitute. Regardless of who has the most money in a pair, man must give a woman gifts so that she feels like a woman, and he should always give more materially. Well, that"s how nature works.
  If relationship in the pair is equal or woman gives more, then the partners change roles, the woman becomes man, a man become a woman, this is destructive primarily for man, he becomes an infantile wimp.
  If we talk about professional prostitutes, they certainly unpleasant to contact with someone who don"t like them, but the smartest prostitutes have thick skin, their emotions are turned off and in terms of energy this is a very profitable activity for them, they feel indifference, a feeling of boredom or disgust to client, and men, on the contrary, show emotions and often fall in love, men are fixated on their own ego, but she has seen it dozens of times, and if man"s brain is not interesting to her, then she is struggling with yawning, nausea and fear to have disease from client, as a result, she turns into a queen for him, and he becomes a slave, smart girls engaged in prostitution quickly go marry if they want, because every 10th client want a permanent relationship with her or get married. Yes men are very sentimental creatures and they love liberated and sexy women, and men are self-serving and greedy, so they expect to save money, because friend and wife are cheaper than a prostitute, moreover, she also earn quick money.
   This is a form of women's struggle for their survival in this world, a defensive reaction, most men are unscrupulous and cruel creatures, if they are given power, they will turn the lives of women into hell, they will take away from women self-esteem, freedom, reason, human rights. But sometimes feminism takes an extreme form of hatred of men, and these women themselves become like men, it is strange to hate men and try to be like them at the same time.
  Hollywood, as always, goes too far. They go against nature, personal sympathy and personal relationships will always matter in promoting a person along the social ladder. A person endowed with power and the ability to give you something, made some efforts to be where he is, to have this power and opportunities, it is natural that he wants to get something as a payment. Women themselves are to blame, they provoke men, if she does not want male attention and offers of this type, let her declare her unconventional sexual orientation or join the feminist movement and support a new female fashion of naturalness when a woman is not removes hair on the body.
  Moreover, if a sexual proposal comes from an attractive man, then there are no complaints from woman about harassment, the scandal begins only if the man is unpleasant to the woman and she wants revenge. The real harassment is when woman is deprived of something in case of her refusal, losing his job, for example.
  Men are so arranged, they cannot sit and wait attention from women for take the first step, accusing men of harassment, they deprive them of the right to take initiative, women must put themselves in the place of men, if man had not taken the first step, he would remain virgins.
  Marriage, like love, it's or two union states to achieve success in life, with leader in this union. Or is it a hidden cold war between two states, who will defeat whom and receive the values of an opponent, will be raised at his expense.
  Divorce is a consequence of the fact that one of the states refused to sacrifice itself for the happiness of the other, and when there is no exchange of values, there is no mutual benefit, there is no common ziel, then cooperation ceases.
  Marriage is a way to take possession of another person"s freedom, to become the master of his energy, time, life. All people are different, for some it is a discomfort to be in constant energy exchange and in conjunction with another person, he needs his own space to feel himself like a whole person, and someone cannot be alone, it causes fear in him, he needs to be in a group. I think the secret to a good relationship is to limit your presence in a foreign space.
  *Loyalty and betrayal.
  We come to this world alone, no one belongs to anyone. We have the right to communicate with anyone if we want, but this must be done secretly so as not to hurt someone who expects loyalty from you, because then he begins to compare himself with an opponent, you can"t talk about your extraneous contacts never. Betrayal, if you do not hide it also humiliates the partner in the eyes of others, therefore you need to protect his feelings. It is easier for a woman to remain loyalty, because if a man suit her in every sense, then she does not have a desire to communicate with someone else, he fills her, there is no feeling of hunger.
  Loyalty for man is harmful to the psyche, he looks like a henpecked, the feeling that something was cut off from him in below.
  Love is just an emotion, love does not save the world, it can kill, one who loves is vulnerable and manageable. Self-sacrifice is a consequence of love, yes love can in some sense save the world, but if one who loves sacrifices himself for the happiness of those he loves, for the sake of this world, it is unnatural, in accordance with nature, any individual should first care of his survival because I think it"s a strange pleasure to become poor, sick, dead and watch the happiness of those for whom you sacrificed yourself in a state of love and they didn"t care that their happiness was built on the bones of such heroes.
  There is love when a person tries to take possession of another person and everything that he has, predatory love, gastronomic devouring love and there is sacrificial love, when a person is in a state of bestowal and care about who he loves, it depends on who mentally dominates, who is alpha and predator in paar.
  *Disclosure of sexuality.
  For start feeling like a real man or woman, you must first and foremost, stop feeling like a child, you need to leave your parents, in the physical and psychological sense, you should not look at them from the bottom up, depend on them, afraid, they should let you go as a mature person, an ideal relationship is when you look at them as strangers with whom you have a mutually relationship for a while, you owe them nothing, it was their choice to give birth to you, they so asserted themselves in their eyes , thanks to you they consider themselves normal, partially fulfilled people, because those people who had no children, but they would like, feel deprived of something.
  Just like with a dog, it'sqwaqaq owes nothing to the owner for the food, because she did not ask to take her , it was human's decision, so he needed it. If your parents look down on you, it means they don"t respect you, they want to humiliate and exalt yourself at your expense, they ruin your life, essentially try to kill, and it makes no sense to communicate and respect a person who is trying to harm you. The most ideal way to get rid of a sense of duty and guilt for your life is to say that you used their bodies to get your body, turn on cynicism.
  The second is not to follow the modern fashion for gender equality, I"ll tell you a secret in 95 cases people are gender normal, they are not homosexual, they become it, our physiology is responsible for our gender behavior, the brain and body are different for women and men, it produces different hormones that affect our psyche, so you need to tell yourself that you are a man if you are in man"s body and you are a woman if in woman"s body, do what your male or female develops in you, martial arts for men, dancing for women, and wear clothes that match your gender, when person internally feels in accordance with his gender, he is in harmony with himself, I am normal, I have order inside, I am natural.
  And yet, in order to reveal oneself, it is important to be popular with the opposite sex, it is not necessary to sleep with everyone, but people should want you.
  Plus, build harmonious relationships with the opposite sex so that your woman considers you to be a man, and your man sees you as a woman.
  When you discover your sexual potential in yourself, feel yourself in accordance with your gender, you will like it, you will love it, then you can explore your other half, only harmonious, normal ones can play the roles of the opposite sex for fun and people who have revealed their sexual potential doing it better of all.
  Women who are afraid that femininity is a synonym for weakness I want to say that a real woman is one who looks and behaves like a woman, but inside she is a man with steel eggs, you can be a master of karate and own all kinds of weapons, this is your personal business, a woman must have something from masculine and understand mans.
  In order to feel harmonious you need to know both of your sides, female and male.
  Here is the main thing for a man to leave his parents, and most importantly his mother, and not allow anyone, neither a woman, nor a man to dominate in any sense, then a man can dance ballet at least, this will not harm his male consciousness.
  *Self-interest is a synonym for femininity.
  What do I mean by female self-interest, if a woman wants material benefits from the man she meets, regardless of whether she loves him or not. I don"t know how it works, but it is so arranged by nature that mercenary women are the most feminine and successful men like it, only losers do not like mercenary women, because they understand this woman is too expensive for them, and I will give women advice, girls evaluate yourself adequately, that you can give instead of the price that you set for yourself.
  Even if you have love with a man, but he"s greedy, it"s not love, but using you as a battery and a free heating pad in bed, he will save lot of money on prostituts. I judge by myself, if I love someone, I like to take care and delight this human. An exception when a man does not have money, but he tries to earn it and when he have money, he pampers his woman, but if he doesn"t even try and does not want to give something, then better looking someone else.
  Gifts and material support is a way of dominating above woman, so man buys himself power, strength and male dignity. But if a woman does not appreciate this, does not respect the man, uses him, then it is not worth investing in her, it is better to look for another more grateful woman.
  10. About religion.
  I am not religious person, in the sense I do not belong to any kind of faith, I read and studied a lot of different religions and esoteric trends, I was satisfied with such picture of the world, I am comfortable living with it. There is a soul, it is eternal and I believe in reincarnation, in every life we learn, improve, if we live right, then the soul improves, if person does not study and makes mistakes, then he destroys his soul, degrades. I am impressed by such theory of evolution of the soul when it is born and embodied first in a plant, then in an animal and in a human, this is consistent with the theory that everything around is alive and has a soul. God is around and in us, I think this is something bright and reasonable.
  Yes, I recently starred in a film about the Catholic Church, but for me it"s just a role, I was interested in studying this topic from the inside, so with the help of roles I know the world. If someone believes in this, then this is their choice, in general it seems to me that Christianity in Europe has come to end, this religion is for Latin American and other southern countries, where people have a hard life and need faith in some kind of hero, Christ and Pope fulfills this role as a rock star. But I liked the filming process, I love Italy, I like Italian, it inspires me. In Italy, I have a feeling of freshness, freedom and the beginning of life.
  I"m not going to talk about Christianity here, but I have an idea, need to catch some kind of priest and hold a demonstrative flogging, make a video: a masked man, a priest on his knees in front of him, a masked man asks , " do you agree to serve me, to give your soul, to be a powerless slave?" the priest mumbles that he does not agree, for which he receives a slap in the face or a kick, and so on until he gives his consent to, how the terrorists convert Christians to Islam, after that a collar is put on his neck and a coffin is drawn on his forehead (an analogue of the cross). And then bathing naked in front of people, take off his pants and push them into the fountain, everything as priests do when they are baptized children, they clasp children"s naked ass. Yes, this video can be shot without the participation of a real priest, just find an actor, a mini film. They baptize minors, turning them into slaves, I understand that adult idiots decided to play in slave and a master in adulthood, and wanted to become someone else's slaves, but the children are not to blame. This should be prohibited at the legislative level.
  * Thinking of eternity and kosmos.
  Of course, I like any inquisitive person, are interested in such questions as what awaits us after death, whether the soul is eternal, is the space infinite or does it have boundaries, if any, what is beyond these boundaries. I believe in other worlds in which creatures resemble something similar to us, I often have cosmic dreams, I will tell one dream, I was on the planet without atmosphere, maybe it was the moon, there was a black sky of space above me, and a huge star was rising beyond the horizon , it was a sunrise, probably look like that sunrises on the moon. I do not believe in astronautics on earth, our technologies are too backward, people and the earth are full of problems that they cannot or do not want to solve, the level of development of science is very low. But I suppose that our souls in the next lives, if we deserve it, have the opportunity to incarnate on other planets in other races of people.
  I think we don"t make enough films about kocmos, and those famous films that we know are like children's cartoons because of the incredible non-human appearance of the aliens, I think they are like us, but earthlings often remind me of aliens, such a variety of genes, such feeling that genetic experiments were on people and that they contain genes from aliens or even animals. There are 2 branches from which intelligent life can develop, these are reptiles and primates, I don"t think that on other planets nature came up with something else, 2 arms, 2 legs, a head, I also think that people on other planets have learned to interbreed people with animals, therefore in space there are people with animal features.
  I like elephants and dinosaurs, I think I am a mixture of these animals, a bit like an elephant and a dinosaur at the same time, it would be fun to be born on another planet into a rational dinosaur like reptiloid flying on a spaceship, but it seems to me that I also have something from a wolf and from the cat.
  11. About the world.
  *Great Britain.
   This is my homeland and I feel both Englishman and Welshman. From the Welsh people in me such qualities as efficiency, stubbornness, assertiveness, thoroughness and connection with the land, from the England I hope I also took the best, the ability to show myself, aristocracy, grace, nobility, adventurism, awareness of my exceptionalism and unconventional thinking. In England, traditions have great power, it gives people strength, a connection with their ancestors, national consciousness and pride, I like the air of England, it charges and inspires me.
  I think this is a wonderful country that has given the world many great people and inventions, and most importantly it is the birthplace of the English language, England is one of the leading countries involved in the formation of the present high human civilization.
  I have great respect for the English monarchy and in particular for Queen Elizabeth, I think that other European countries made mistakes by abandoning the monarchy, there is something majestic in it, the crown preserves the spirit of the nation, traditions and history, the aristocracy serves as an example to follow and sets fashion.
  I see this country like that. America is a country of contradictions, it corresponds to the natural law of natural selection, where only the best individuals from all world survive and achieve success. For those who are weak they give the opportunity to fall even lower, a large number of temptations are created for this, as a result the most mentally underdeveloped people, those who initially did not want to live get the opportunity to kill themselves and give energy to those who want to live, loafers get the opportunity to lose all of their own money in a casino, and then with the help of legal firearms to free this world from its presence, others get the opportunity to eat as much as they want to bring themselves to a heart stop or stroke, this country offers many suicide options for those who do not really value their own life, their place will be taken by more hungry, intelligent and loving life individuals, for smart and talented people this is country of open opportunities, they only need to offer her something unique, something that the world has not yet seen.
  The media advocates that all people are equal and beautiful, we are just different, body positive bacillus, but to be honest, this is a lie, casino owners despise their players who can"t cope with their addiction, and the heads of transcorporations create compound feed for poisoning and obesity of the population , they hate people, they tell them to be fat as a pig, you are so beautiful and print its image on the cover of a fashion magazine so that they continue to be consumers of their goods fill of sugar and fats, and when your body can"t stand it, you will carry the money to the hospital, plastic surgeon and dentist.
  About USA politics. Yes, America is a world military leader and to some extent, an aggressor, the world is cruel ,if today America do not think about the fate of other countries while they are weak, then tomorrow when they become stronger they will think about the fate of America, fools pity the weak, but the weak also want a stranger blood for his survival, but still can't take. So I won"t blame America for its desire to gain power over the world.
  But as I wrote America is a country of contradictions and double standards, on the one hand they live by the principle , right that who is stronger, on the other hand they still apologize to the Indians, pay them benefits and so on, it's so strange, the Americans took this land in fair battle, as a stronger nation ,then this is their land and they don"t owe anything to the Indians, in the entire history of mankind all peoples have done so.
  And what I like most in America is its nature, there is no such nature anywhere else in the world, vast expanses, forests, mountains , desert make you dream of something great and cosmic.
  France admires me in Middle Ages, thanks to the French aristocracy ,mankind was able to move far ahead culturally.
  There are two France, the first true medieval white France and the second republican, multinational, post-revolutionary France whore. For me, these are 2 different countries with different people in psychology, genetics and culture. I love the first France, it makes me dream, her image is a spoiled capricious prince in bright clothes and a beautiful girl in a sunny meadow with flowers. This France is graceful and light as the music of Mozart. I would like to be a French aristocrat, I think they were funny people and amusingly spend their time. There is a film that I like is "A little chaos" with Alan Rickman, the role of the king was particularly good for him. In general, this actor knows how to create atmospheric cinema, filling it with special light, there is another film with his participation "Snow Cake".
  Just a little sentimentality and few words about human abomination, I think the first beautiful France disappeared due to the excessive depravity of its kings and ignoring the needs of ordinary people, and maybe this is the curse of Jeanne d'Arc that was burned after she tried to save her country, so arranged all nations and states, they built on heroism, sacrifice and blood of its best representatives. I think it would be right to give civil rights and benefits only to those citizens who created something for the country, and not all users and parasites.
  I am very surprised how this country survived and became one of the most influential countries in the world after all Europe hated it, after their defeat in World War II, I think the reason is in the people who rule the world, they decided that Germany would be perfect for role the European leader, I think it was like that, the German leaders promised to serve to American government and offered them a lot of money, maybe it was gold.
  Before baptism of Russia, there were scattered tribes that mixed with each other, were attacked by other peoples, vikings and Asians, they take some traditions and language from them.
  There is theory that Western peoples descended from Slavs, similarity of language and appearance, but if you look deeper, using logic, it"s not so, according to my theory ,white race came from north of Europe and gradually mixed with Eurasians, this is easy to prove if you look at Norwegians and Germans, Aryan type, light eyes and hair, now look at Slavs, despite blond hair and eyes, even in Siberia, Mongoloid features, wide cheekbones prevail, which speaks of mixing with Asian peoples, in the south, Caucasians have Aryan facial features with addition of Asian genes, elongated faces with large nose, but with dark pigment in the eyes and hair, a sign of the Asian and Negroid races.
  Logically, the white race could not appear on territory of Russia, especially in Siberia, the Asians peoples dominated there, the forces are unequal, purebred Aryans survived only in Europe. And from where come white people with snow hairs in northern Europe, let scientists guess.
  Yes, it is possible that white peoples lived in Eurasia 10 or 100 000 of years ago, but with completely another language and culture, they were clearly not Slavs and the fact that they lived here ,does not allow modern Slavs and Russians to consider them their ancestors.
  Ancestors only those who gave genes, language, culture, gods, but not extinct great civilizations long ago living in this territory.
  While whole civilizations grew in Europe, wild tribes lived here, the meaning of which was banal survival, this is a mix of all races that once lived on territory of Eurasia, these tribes ennobled the genes of Nordics folks who came here from the north of Europe. At the time of baptism of Russia there was no science or technology here, when compared with achievements of European peoples of those times.
  These tribes were led by immigrants from the West, something like Scythians and Vikings, all this beast was regularly enslaved by Asian nomads, Vikings, and other more initiative peoples.
  This population didn"t need anything, sun is warming, lot of land , animals and fish for food, it' s animals life.
  Perhaps the reason for their slavish psyche in that other nations fucked and chased them throughout their history, imposed their own language, culture, and in result they turned out in non-initiative folk with suppressed will.
  Lords of the west admired at these rich lands and inhabitants living there, and in 900 happened what we all knew, army of mercenaries bent the local lords with their villages and converted surviving folk in Christian faith, in slave religion. New lords were, according to some sources, from Byzantine or Jewish clan. They owned only land in the west of the Ural mountains, Siberia at that time belonged to the Eastern Asians tribes and Mongol Tatars, only in the 17th century Siberia was captured by Russians.
  Throughout its small history, someone controlled the Russians, first Viking lords, then Byzantine immigrants, according to some sources, the Monomakh dynasty has Jewish roots, then Germans Romanov dynasty and after revolution, Jews Lenin and Stalin again seized power, after collapse of USSR, Jews again came to power, I think Germans killed Jews in concentration camps in vain, better to brought all Jews to the border of USSR, this Jews would put things in order there, they always had good life in Russia and by this Hitler would defeat the Russians.
  Now in Russia live such peoples: Russians and Slavs about 50%, Caucasians, Asians, Ukrainians, Jews, descendants of European immigrants (Finns, Germans).
  Russians and Slavs, what is difference, it would seem that these are 2 different definitions of the same people living in Russia, but no, they differ in psychology, outlook on the world and most importantly, the structure and function of the brain, which of course affects their appearance and facial expression.
  At the end of book I will write what is their difference.
  Russia today, who rules it. It"s not Putin rules Russia, he"s just some kind of actor twin of first Putin, the real Putin has long ago died, country is ruled by Hasids (rabbis) who can often be seen in the photo with Putin, they are tightly connected with Western forces in Switzerland, Russia never belonged to the Russians, by her always ruled by forces subordinate to European rulers.
  * Russia in World War 2.
  To begin with, here is an excerpt from history for those who believe that Russians are peace-loving nation and they are constantly offended by the Western invaders.
  "On August 23, 1939, between Germany and the Soviet Union was concluded treaty about non - aggression , according to which any possibility of an armed conflict between the USSR and the Third Reich was excluded, and spheres of influence in Eastern Europe were divided. On September 1, 1939, Germany attacked Poland, after which the World War 2 began. According to results of the war of Poland and Germany, the USSR received western Ukraine and Belarus. The USSR attacked Finland on November 30, 1939, the war ended on March 12, 1940 with the accession of the Karelian Isthmus. In 1940, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Bessarabia became Soviet territory."
  As you can see, Russian troops are as cute and good as Hitler"s army. Do you think Soviet soldiers were tormented by conscience when they attacked European countries, no, there was joy of simple Russian peasant, well now we will show who is the strongest and most important, a simple vile Russian peasant.
  Hitler had no choice, it was impossible to allow the Soviet army to gain strength, it is too dangerous to have such strong and aggressive neighbor as the USSR, occupying almost all of Eurasia and actively promoting its rotten values and culture on the whole continent.
  According to data from archives in the occupied territory, Germans destroyed only 2500000 of the 70 million occupied civilians, about 500,000 died of starvation, 2 million, not so many, Germans were not such beasts, they were killed out of necessity in case of resistance or provocation of local population, those who agreed to serve them, they usually did not kill. And what is Russian villager, do you saw first old photographs of russians villagers, these bizarre hungry faces with eyes roll out and these are hereditary faces of cannibals, such creatures eat their children in the years of famine.
  Yes, many cases of cannibalism have been found among Russian villagers during the years of famine in the 19th and 20th centuries. More than 10 000 cases.
  Here they are true ancestors of so-called Slavs and great Russians, their genes were ennobled by the Germans, French and other descendants of immigrants who came here thanks to king Peter 1.
  Handsome yes? Like Mongols.
  So it turns out that ancestors of the Russians are cannibal slaves , sometimes with genes of Asians, Germans, French, Finns and someone else.
  So here is small chronology of onset of German army and hypothesis why they were defeated. The first line of German troops was made up of suiciders, meat of war , ordinary German men were poorly trained, the second line was professional well-trained military men, behind them the head of the army, these were the highest German SS officers, ideologically trained.
  So first line was killed and, as can be seen from the chronicles, Germans did not massively kill local russians folk at beginning of the war, leaving for them role of slaves in the future, it was mistake, because these are potential poisoners and spies, if German army went through this land like death squad destroying all people, all 70 million, we would now live in another world.
  It"s the law of war, if you came to seize the land for your people forever, then you need to get rid of the local population as potential threat that can eventually regain control of territory after you enrich them by building factories there and other benefits of civilization like we can observe this in the former colonies of France and England, and former slaves, having understood the mentality of their invaders, will come to live in their house, putting pressure on pity, do you owe us. Or comparison with black slaves in America, which over time have become equal citizens of the country.
  Mistake of German army that cost them victory was ignoring civilians as potential threat (these are eyes of enemies inside your army, as well as the legs and tongue that will tell all this to the enemy"s army), which led to destruction head of army, division of SS officers who control offensive operation from within, preventing German army from relaxing.
  Therefore, Russians did not defeat Germans, they simply felt sorry for them, at least at the beginning of the war ,Imagine you are Russian soldier and you will find out that enemy kill entire population in occupied territory ( 70 millions people), it"s a collapse, end, there"s nothing to fight for, no people, no country, you can only avenge with emptiness inside.
  German military spared the Russians and lost war because of this.
  *Little about the Russian-French war with Napoleon.
  Napoleon did not set out to capture Russia, it was rather ostentatious, he wanted to humiliate russians king Aleksandr, which he did succeed, because Russians army retreated to Moscow itself, and they wasn"t necessary to fight there, the Russian nature itself would kill enemy army ( winter and cold), it"s enough to burn cities and villages, so that enemy can't hide from cold, and Russians can retreat to Lake Baikal until enemies get tired, spit on everything and go home, and when there is nothing left of army Napoleon ( died from cold) , Russians enter in France with view of great warriors and rape and rob local women there.
  *Myths about invincibility of Russians.
  Now military victory over Russia is not relevant, it has long been sold and defeated, and in the event of military conflict with West it will betray from inside. Today Russian military industry is aimed primarily at the trade and export of weapons to those who buy it, and military threat from south and east and as bravado to ordinary Russians so that they believe that they live in strong independent state, but if you look objectively, then US army and NATO will break Russia in a week. United States invests billions of dollars in its military power, this is incomparable with Russian budget for military needs, now weather for Russians will not win war, as it was with French and partly with the Germans.
  Money of those who rule Russia are in Western banks, their children live and study in Europe and US, those who rule Russia know Western intelligence agencies with whom they have an agreement that Russia will not attack (nuclear missiles), or they will only have to spend the rest of their lives in one of bunkers built on the territory of Russia, in constant conspiracy and fear or with fake passport, go through the east, it is easier to give guarantees to the forces of West that Russian army will surrender.
  Moral victory over an individual, Russians have been accustomed for centuries to obey those who are stronger and more aggressive and Russians are all bluffed, its help they mask internal uncertainty and weakness, they have no internal strength and special intelligence, they seem to be greyhounds, but if you don"t get confused and fear, they break and retreat.
  *Russian culture.
  What is considered Russian culture in the world?
  Ballet, literature, some works of classical music, paintings and Slavic ornaments, architecture, religion (Orthodoxy and Slavic paganism), architecture.
  I won"t write about ballet, enought to read on Wikipedia the history of ballet in the world and in Russia
  Literature. These are Pushkin, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Chekhov, Lermontov, Nekrasov and others.
  And what is Russian literature, it is description of the life of people of that time and various fictional stories colored by author"s worldview and moral qualities.
  Modern graphomaniacs write these stories every day by the thousands. Besides, look at genealogy of large Russian writers, all is noble sons of whose ancestors Peter 1 invited here from Europe and these immigrants married each other, and did not take girls from poor russians villagers, which means they didn"t have Russian blood, they only spoke on Russian.
  Classical and modern music (Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff, Rimsky Korsakov) well, it's simple, where did notes, all musical instruments and equipment, be invented?
  Without this, russians music stars would have to play on balalaika, a pipe and tambourine.
  Is it architecture or wooden huts that can"t be considered a sign of folk culture or buildings in St. Petersburg that was designed by German architects.
  Professional school of painting on canvas came from west. All sorts of folk patterns, carvings, etc. are the works of slaves, wretched, bearded, stinky peasants and their families. Romantic yes? All the same, it"s more useful in life to attach oneself to kulture of power folks and not to those whom throughout their history everyone and everything has rape. I don"t understand such thing as caring for culture of all miserable tribes, scientists are shaking even over the culture of some former cannibals in Africa or Native American tribes of 20 people.
  Their religion Orthodoxy is Jewish, with national color, their priests wear beards according to the old tradition, in the old days it aroused respect among ordinary men who wear beard too. And the expensive decoration of the churches ( gold and silber), well, psychology of simple Russian person is so structured, even though he is a beggar, he will not respect another beggar, his sense of self-esteem breaks only at the sight of the wealth of another, which pulls he to kneel, if earlier you could drive them into miserable wooden temples with fear of God's judgment and hell, now people have become smarter and more cynical, now need to break them with golden robes and domes. In the west, let's say it is indecent to boast of wealth, but their temples are impressive, but this is architecture ( temple in Kёln).
  *Science, education and astronautics.
  Before Tsar Peter 1 and Catherine 1 in Russia there was no system education and science, there was Western education for children of wealthy parents and crafts such as blacksmithing, weaving and carpentry were slightly developed.
  During the reign of Catherine and Peter 1 , in Russia, begin to open first universities and teachers were from Europe or those whom Peter 1 was sent to study in Europe .
  So that all higher education was brought to Russia from European countries, before that they wrote their annals on birch bark and parchment, but who cares what they wrote, only historical facts from their history are real or fictitious.
  The first factories in Russia opened with western equipment.
  Autos, all Soviet cars are copies of European cars, and not the best copy ..
  The first firearms were brought to Russian from west.
  And finally Russian cosmonautics and nuclear weapons, well, it"s made by western engineers that were secretly bought on the west. You can just google names of scientists who contributed nuclear physics and where are the great Russian minds ?
  Here is a list of German engineers who helped the Soviet Union create an atomic bomb.
  In total, more than 300 Germans, including their family members, voluntarily came to Soviet Union to work on atomic issues. Gustav Hertz, Nikolaus Riel, Manfred von Ardenne, Peter Thiessen, Heinz Pose and Robert Depel.
  I can"t find data that Western scientists took part in Soviet cosmonautics, maybe it"s Russian minds that suddenly wake up and once Russians sat and decided on their own minds to make space rocket , yes, they weren"t actually in outer space, they just hanging high above the earth in Earth"s orbit and came back, astronauts are returning to the earth in huge capsule on huge parachute, in Kosmos is radiation and people haven"t be there.
  The role of Russia and its peoples in world civilization is to play the role of foreign owners, meat to service the interests of more developed peoples, a raw materials appendage, a battery, buyers and users of goods produced abroad.
   *Myths about mysterious Russian soul and special Russian spirituality.
  Russians and Slavs in comparison with Europeans feel their weakness and inferiority, therefore, in order to survive, they use two tricks to mask their inner dirt and weakness, they try to arouse self-pity, create an image of good, friendly, open, generous people and they also begin to bluff, they say that they are the strongest, invincible, proud, spiritual and so lie that they themselves began to believe in it.
  There is no Russian spirituality and freedom; there is cult of suffering ,depression and longing in the field. No light, no energy, have you ever seen modern Russian films? so you will undestand about l say.
  If in more detail, I"m telling you, Russians and Slavs do not want to live, they don"t have their own light, joy, they don"t know how to "dance", just rejoice, create, enjoy the process of learning or creating something like inventors of Europe, but there is an instinct for survival and hunger, they only want to eat, someone else's light, love, achievements. They are proud of their openness, forgiveness, this is the way of their survival," you attacked and offended us, but we don"t remember evil and want to be friends", they create a positive image, Europeans think, "well, if they are so kind and spiritual, let live", yeah, on such big territory, without creating anything, like parasite gaining strength at the expense of other peoples who pity them, and when parasite becomes strong enough, it will begin to dictate its rules and threaten those who once pity it. Them were given education and civilization and now they are the most proud and invincible, well, they think so.
   *How Russians perceive Europeans.
  I'm talking about those who live in Russia and consider themselves Russian. Their level of perception is the same as Indians in India, they consider foreigners to be rich, they are afraid and envy them, but at the same time they consider themselves the most intelligent and cunning, and they look at Americans and Europeans as fools, becouse if they don"t understand the Russian language and mentality they are stupid.
   Also in Russia believe that all ingenious Western scientists and many actors have Russian genes, that English, German and French languages came from ancient Slavic, this is actively propagated on television, indeed, in these languages there are many common words similar to Russian.
  According to unofficial history, they believe that white civilization and white peoples came to Europe from Eurasia, supposedly great white civilizations, such as the Arcons and Hyperboreans, inhabited the territory of Russia and then some of the white people went to Europe to develop the lands on which lived ancestors of the Turks ,Arabs and Niggers.
  Russians consider Europeans closed people, in Russia it is customary to open the soul to stranger if you communicate with him, so people exchange their joys and problems, there is no concept of personal space and, accordingly, there is no mutual respect. While Europeans are right when not letting unfamiliar people close to him.
   You can"t let strangers close to you, because guests like to get dirty, envy, steal, fuck the brain, leave trash after themselves and then you can"t drive them out.
  Brain of Russian and Slavs is not able to accommodate the whole complexity of Еuropean mentality, the richness of its culture, people in the West feel freedom, Russians are not.
  Distinguish between Russian and European man. European person appreciates his personal space, he is comfortable in himself, he is indignant when even close people invade his thoughts, try to dominate over him or show disrespect, the feeling that they violate some invisible border and he don"t like to invade someone else"s space, he has no habit in a public place to openly look at people and analyze what they have in mind, whether they have intime life and how much money they have, he have his own affairs and inner world. It is closed of Еuropean man.
  I found out the reason for such thinking of Russians and Slavs, in addition to centuries-old traditions and education, the reason is also in genetics and brain structure.
  Here are my studies on this subject.
  Structure of the brain affects on human thinking.
  Studying different sections of the brain and what they are responsible for, I discovered this.
  Frontal lobes are responsible for the will, ability to think and for vision of oneself.
  The upper part of the brain is abstract thinking, ability to cover large spaces with consciousness, this is important for leaders.
  Also inside brain there are such wonderful things as the Corpus Callosum, it is responsible for connection between all parts of the brain, signal transmission, ability to know the world and analyze information, create new things.
  The Hypothalamus transmits signals from Thalamus to Corpus Callosum.
  Thalamus is responsible for self-awareness, the relationship of being with the world.
   Also important activity of cells of Thalamus and Corpus Callosum (the cells are different for everyone, with different RNA structure and activity of these cells in the brain is different for different folks)
  Than smaller the Corpus Callosum and Thalamus in man, than less developed of person, animal needs prevail in him. I will give an example.
  European inventors and scientists have a large Corpus Callosum.
  The Slavs, have also small.
  Now about the Talamus, a small Talamus with weak activity gives rise to an oppressed, slave, animal condition, like from Slavs, and some another folks.
  Educated and civilized Europeans and Japanese, have large Talamus with good activity, thanks to this they feel boundaries of their own and other people's personal spaces, such Talamus creates a feeling of concentration and cozy house in itself, person does not stare around, he is busy by digging in himself, he sees himself well, he has an internal censor.
  He sees himself well, he has an internal censor. If Talamus is large, but weakly active, then person is turned into the outside world, his attention is directed to others, desire to show himself, to communicate a lot, such people usually have big eyes as balls. It pains them to look at themselves, they are not confident in themselves, they depend on the opinions of others. It"s more important for them how they are perceived than their inner world.
  In addition, the Slavs have poorly developed frontal lobes of brain, responsible for the will, they have appearance of fool ,Russians have a well-developed upper part of the forehead responsible for stubbornness and upper part of the brain of which it covers large spaces, this is the ability of those who seek power and dominance, psychology of Russians, they think that they are the best on the planet, but other departments of brain are not developed, so we get fool with his truth and with feeling that he is most important person and he should rule on the planet.
  So Slavs and Russians are genetically inferior, their brain structure, the size of their Corpus Callosum and Thalamus do not reach to the brain of rational person. Than smaller they are, then more animal brain have humans. It is incomprehensible, their ancestors were initially so defective, therefore their descendants are so despised in the world, everyone says that Russians can do nothing, or this is influence of environment on the psyche, our emotional reactions affect on development of the brain, if several generations of people are engaged in slave labor, then this imprinted on the development of brain, that is transmitted to their children.
  And I also think, the reason is that in 900 when Russia baptize, was destroyed most courageous and rebellious, remained only weakest, mentally underdeveloped and obedient individuals.
  You can check it on yourself, how you can change your state and consciousness with the help of concentration on particular part of the brain.
  Look at anatomy of the brain and try to feel, what sensations appear when concentrated on the very top of the brain, which is well developed in Russians or in the back of the head, the lower part of the brain ( occipital lobe) above Cerebellum ,this place connected with childish behavior and carelessness, if this part not activ, man grew up of toys, he is a serious adult, a little constrained and squeezed, if this part with excessive activity , then man of venerable age behaves like a child, grimaces, draws pictures, he in childhood state, "I want to play, the world is beautiful and problems yourself somehow will decided", ideally, when this part of brain works fine ( medium), person is not boring and is person able of spontaneous actions, he plays, but does not forget about business.
  If you concentrate on the Cerebellum, vision and alertness are increasing.
  Concentration on Thalamus helps to see yourself, reveal your true essence.
  Stratification of people into Russian and Slavs occurred naturally, among this poor crowd of Slavs there were aggressive and initiative individuals who did not want to obey, this activated oppressed parts of the brain, part of the forehead to impose its will and upper part of the brain responsible for thirst of power and ability to manage. For control people, they need to believe you or afraid, if there"s nothing behind your soul, emptiness inside, it remains to bluff, we are the most proud and strong, just like that, we are standing on that bluff, this is Russians.
  The basis of Slavs is self-pity and an attempt to arouse pity among others, like an old woman who sucks life from young grandchildren and children in order to extend her wretched and useless existence at the expense of someone else's blood. Like parasites.
  *Forecast for the future of Russia.
  The question is how long? This depends on tolerance and decisiveness of the West, if they have bad mood, this will end quickly and they will put Russia on knees, they will take away Crimea, Kaliningrad, part of the western lands, China will immediately take away Siberia, the country will be taxed and possibly isolated, it"s depends on russian diplomats, from generosity and obedience rulers of Russia in their contacts with the western government.
  A longer-term option, the Russians will simply died in 300 years, the mortality rate is higher than the birth rate, russians are being replaced by immigrants from Caucasus and Asia, new generation wants to go west, it"s not prestigious to be Russian. This folk is already dead, but so far does not know about it.
  *About the world.
   It's too complicated question, it depends on a narrow gruppe of people who have power over the world, their plans are hard to understand, but it"s clear that they will go down the road to reducing the world's population to the minimum necessary, people will start to do something with the environment, global warming already started, look at Russia, 2018, 2019 and 2020 in Russia were the warmest winters, in 2020 the air temperature in January in Moscow was about +5, the usual temperature for Russia at this time of year is -10.
  However, the future of the Earth does not bother me too much, I"m old, who knows where our soul will be in 100 years, and for the remaining years my readers will have enough resources, and let our children think about their lives.
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