Пряхин Андрей Александрович : другие произведения.

Lyrical Digression By Paul Kogan Лирическое отступление Павел Коган

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  • Аннотация:
    A frequently suppressed, droppable fragment of `A Lyrical Digression` by lieutenant Pavel Davidovich Kogan (1918-1942), young Russian knight and poet, Soviet Russian patriot, author of the eternal `Brigantine`. He was a commander of the reconnaissance party in the WW2 (the second Russian Great Patriotic War) and was killed in action near Novorossiysk. I feel pity of him most of all to tears in my eyes. See also his immortal poem `The Brigantine`! http://zhurnal.lib.ru/editors/p/prjahin_a_a/brigantina.shtml Прекрасная Маркиза (1933) https://youtu.be/5_ljurA338g Tout va très bien madame la Marquise https://youtu.be/WqKMZvJ_d9Q

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Павел Коган
Из романа в стихах
"Первая треть"
Я - патриот. Я воздух русский,
Я землю русскую люблю,
Я верю, что нигде на свете
Второй такой не отыскать,
Чтоб так пахнуло на рассвете,
Чтоб дымный ветер на песках...
И где ещё найдёшь такие
Берёзы, как в моём краю!
Я б сдох как пёс от ностальгии
В любом кокосовом раю.*
Но мы ещё дойдём до Ганга,
Но мы ещё умрём в боях,
Чтоб от Японии до Англии
Сияла Родина моя.

By Pavel Kogan
From the novel in verse
`The first third`
A Patriot, it`s Russian air
And land of Russia that I love.
I guess that nowhere ever
I`d find a country like my land
With same smell in the morning air,
With smoke wind blowing in the sands...
Tell where, if to make a wager,
Will you find birches that much nice?
I`d die a dog`s death from nostalgia
In any coco paradise*.
But we shall even reach the Ganges,
Perhaps, in battles we shall die,
So that right from Japan to Anglia
My homeland could forever shine.

*`a coco paradise` became a winged word in the Russian language as well as the last fighting lines of Pavel Kogan`s poem `The Thunderstorm`(1936):

Я с детства не любил овал,
Я с детства угол рисовал.

It`s ovals that since childhood I`ve disliked,
Since I was small I`ve drawn the angles right.

As to the literary tradition Pavel Kogan like the other Russian poet Nikolai Gumilyov was a grandson of Joseph Rudyard Kipling as a manly poet.

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The final quatrain of the LYRICAL DIGRESSION (from `But we shall ...) is iconic in the Russian literature, but artistes avoid of reciting `A Lyrical
Digression` by Pavel Kogan containing it all the way.

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They recite it either till that final quatrain or even till the very beginning of the translated fragment of it. Why? By the ideological reasons, as we`re
still living in Pax Americana, and nowadays Russia has not been a patriotic nation yet, remaning just another imperfect clone of America.** What is
a true meaning of the final four lines of the classical poem by Pavel Kogan? Imperialism? Nope! An ardent desire to defend the Soviet Russian
motherland from its numerous enemies on the eve of the WW2 even if it requires to defeat the sources of agression throughout the world and to be
killed in action.

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Young Tolstoy as an artillery officer during the Crimean War

This situation reminds of the current one. Now that many countries make preparations for the war with Russia (WW3) the poem by Pavel Kogan seems to be
topical again. As in the epoch described in the War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy an ordinary Russian comes upon the club of people`s war***. So to say, will you
walk into my parlour?

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Bob 14:47 24.03. 2019 Travelling to Denmark and Germany was my cherished dream forever! But it
seemed rather vain for me. Due to the material reasons. But soon I may visit those countries at the
expence of Russia`s Defence Ministry. War is an only free travelling abroad for us, have-nots. Of course,
there`ll be an opportunity and even a duty to shoot. An` to the point at that! It would be sad enough if I`ve
been killed in action! If not I`ll get a bonus chance to see Brussels, to visit the NATO`s Imperial Chancel-
lery, to write on its walls a pair of four-letter wurds, then to unlace gracefully the G.I. uniform`s fly-
front and to pose as Little Pisser.

Mais à part ça, Madame la Marquise
Tout va très bien, tout va très bien.

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Manneken Pis Little Pisser Писающий мальчик

**9-й тезис Хантингтона: Элиты ряда стран, внутренне расколотых в цивилизационном отношении (Россия, Мексика, Турция, Украина, др.), будут стремиться превратить их в часть Запада, но в большинстве случаев
столкнутся с труднопреодолимыми препятствиями. **Huntington`s 9th thesis: The elites of a number of countries with an internal division on matters of civilization identity (Russia, Mexico, Turkey, Ukraine, etc.) will strive to turn
them into a part of the West, but in most cases they will face the nondescript obstacles.
*** Лев Толстой "Война и мир", т. IV, ч. 3, гл. 1: "И благо тому народу, который не как французы в 1813 году, отсалютовав по всем правилам искусства и перевернув шпагу эфесом, грациозно и учтиво передает ее велико-
душному победителю, а благо тому народу, который в минуту испытания, не спрашивая о том, как по правилам поступали другие в подобных случаях, с простотою и легкостью поднимает первую попавшуюся дубину и
гвоздит ею до тех пор, пока в душе его чувство оскорбления и мести не заменяется презрением и жалостью". By Leo Tolstoy WAR AND PEACE BOOK FOURTEEN: 1812 CHAPTER I: `And it is well for a people who do not-
as the French did in 1813-salute according to all the rules of art, and, presenting the hilt of their rapier gracefully and politely, hand it to their magnanimous conqueror, but at the moment of trial, without asking what rules others have adop-
ted in similar cases, simply and easily pick up the first cudgel that comes to hand and strike with it till the feeling of resentment and revenge in their soul yields to a feeling of contempt and compassion`. (Translators: Louise & Aylmer Maude)

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