Халов Андрей Владимирович : другие произведения.

"Administrator", the one third Book ""Megalopolis jungle""

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 Ваша оценка:

"Hell Minister @ Tor"
Hyper Roman

Book one /third
"Megalopolis jungle"

Irkutsk, 1994-1995

Chapter 1. (023). (-> 024)

-It's time to pay the bills!

One day he came and said so. From the doorway...

It was the mystery man in his life, no one, absolutely no one knew about his familiarity si him. He, this man gave Жоре all, all that he had, and he same floor fear of death has forbidden not only to talk, but even to think about it.

He was a great game, a game with no rules to the game he turned at its discretion, to the right and to the left. What he did understand it was simply impossible. His actions will not give in to any logic. His desires were unpredictable.

Those who knew Jora, some time talking about him, that he is big. However, the George knew, that in comparison with him, with his play, he is nothing and no one, because it depends on him completely and is for odd jobs. If he did not help Жоре - he would never have become the Hippopotamus, which now everyone in town knew, respected and feared.

No, he didn't bother Jora on trifles. These were run errands big as the game. For all the time he spoke to Жоре only twice.

George knew his nicknamed the Beast, and for a long time knew not what his name was, but even name. Only a year after their first meeting someone from his entourage secret. Zhora pretended that he does not understand whom they're talking about, although it with the first words became clear. His friend затеявший this conversation, and подзуживал his Jora speak, using all sorts of ways. Shortly after he disappeared, as if it never existed. It's not remembered even relatives, and when a few times after his disappearance did not know about this, Zhora had called him home, then on the other end of the line after the mention of his name conversation interrupted, were silent, and then put the receiver.

This case made Jora think about your life and remember the good: the Beast is not joking.

One day he saw him up close. Жоре happened to pass by the building of the regional Committee. During this time the animal, accompanied by several in black suits got out of the door, and went straight to the black state limousine. The beast is not even glanced his way, but Zhora instinctively lowered his eyes on the ground: he already knew that the Beast is different eyes and ears.

Once George got out of the army. And after a month of being home where everything has been changed, realized that he could calmly write itself into the category of the poor. Go to work for peanuts for a factory it wasn't for him. After a month of doing nothing when the parent reproaches of a piece of bread became unbearable, he gave the announcement in the newspaper agree on any well-paid job (bad't offer. It was stupid, he knew this, and therefore I was very surprised that received responses.

Two weeks later, after the publication of Жоре called and asked to come to the Red hall of the restaurant Theatre. There he first saw the Beast.

After a short ужинатот wrote him a check for a large sum and said: "This is your first time. Spend as you wish, then you'll get another."

-But for what? - уливился Zhora.

-For the work.

-For what?

For coming, " replied the Beast.

-But how can You find? asked George.

-I'll find you.

Thus they parted then. A month later, George received by mail a transfer, sent from Moscow. The return address was not. The amount was even more significant. So was repeated regularly.

The first work order he, too, received by mail from Moscow. Printing the envelope, Zhora was surprised to read the short message: "you have To work. Be ready. The beast." later he got a call: "in the Evening, at the old place..."

Gathering in the restaurant, Zhora very worried. It was all so mysterious. That he will? What is this work? For which he paid so much? He built all sorts of assumptions, long pushing and pulling stubborn tie before the mirror, from the most simple to ridiculous and sometimes ridiculous.

At first he thought the Beast is a mediator of some club perverts, in whose networks and fell Zhora with his stupid announcement. Now they wanted him to fuck. But he added. He will return the money to them. However it will be difficult, because the most part he has already spent.

Потопм he had another idea. Perhaps he wants to hire for a нибудьубийства. It also wasn't in his plans, but it was somehow agree on, if they pay twice for the same.

Maybe it want to send somewhere fight. The beast certainly learned that George has special skills. As know, he did not exclude the possibility that he had been recruited as a Thriller.

All these and many other thought repeatedly пприходили to mind Жоре all these months, until he was paid, leaving him alone for a single minute. It was as painful lull before the attack. And now it was her time to go.

All the way Jora worried, going over in my head a variety of options. He was scared. When he entered the foyer of the restaurant, the excitement was particularly strong. He even felt as he caught his breath. But then he somehow unusually calm down, and when saw the Beast in the deep velvet chair for oak table for six persons sitting in splendid isolation, this made him absolutely no experience and not aroused any emotions. He only полумал that from the coming fate now not be able to get away lightly.

-Well done, without delay, praised his Beast, making discreet gesture of approval [Author ID1: at Sun Jan 23 13:48:00 2000 ].

To their table immediately the waitress arrived with a tray of the most expensive and delicious dishes could be enjoyed in the restaurant. The beast has not paid NEA no notice of her, and when she straddle кушванья, left, spoke again:

-It's time to work, Zhorik.

Beast paused, медленнопережевывая food, then did a relaxing SIP of red wine, slowly put tall wine glass on the table and said:


Under the table something hit. George leaned back and looked up. In the twilight between their feet was a small bag.

-You can start using right now. Поужинай if you want to. Take the bag. There is everything. The text disappears after двадцатьминут послевскрытия envelope. I advise his memory. And remember that the game is not a joke I hope you understand? Засыпишься - 'll get out himself.

Dine Zhora was not. In the bag were the keys to the car with a flat stick, tin oblong box and семимнутная a tape cassette. On the flat a plastic stick-жетончике was pushed number of the machine.

-It at the entrance of the restaurant, at the bottom, " suggested the Beast pulling his gaze. - Good luck to you.

Coming out of the restaurant Zhora felt again engulfed his excitement. Walking along the row of machines, he found that the machine with this number is "Opel". With this brand he was almost a stranger.

Sitting behind the wheel, Zhora set the cassette in the tape recorder.

"Remember good, " he heard someone скрежечущий voice, " your task is to steal the folder under C a secret document. At your disposal, in the apartment, the car, weapons, special equipment for opening сейфоф and castles."

Next followed the address of the apartment. Zhora like to listen to the recording for the second time, but it is not so. Instead she had some silly birthday.

Apartment keys were lying on the front passenger seat. The apartment Zhora found machine Uzi (oblong boxes were bullets) and lying close envelopes. Opening and reading them one at a time, he realized that he really weird pig. But there was nothing to do. It was his job.

Foolish and capturing the case with special equipment, Zhora down in the car.

He returned only four o'clock in the morning, went upstairs, and left the apartment documents and went home on foot, taking only liked him Uzi with all the ammunition load (during surgery he made one shot).

A week later he received notice of the ridiculously small sum. It was sent still from Moscow. Infuriated by this, Zhora't know what to do, but eventually calmed down and swallowed a first offense, went for the money. The mail he received translation and certified letter. Расспечатав it, Zhora discovered regularly the supplementary Bank book. From the sum, which it appeared, and dizzy.

Since then, he became a millionaire. The beast for a long time not bother him, and seemed to dissolve disappeared from sight. But George felt that he keeps it under control, and was sure that it was not the last of the "job", which he was assigned.

Since then произолшло a lot of changes.

With Uzi he no longer left the first time, rightly fearing that he will want to remove after the operation, he had taken him with a loaded and ready to shoot the whole month. Then I got bored.

Guess what it involved a great game, established after some time, when разрозился suddenly and unexpectedly international scandal associated with industrial espionage. Some American company patented the documentation on new сверхизносотермоустойчивую резирну, which development was led by a French firm, which has enclosed money in the chemical plants in Ukraine and Russia. Leaked documents reportedly occurred with one of the Ukrainian plants.

Learning of this, Zhora only smugly laughed, remembering how clearly he made this operation, mentally praised himself and decided that he paid too little. Being an industrial spy turned nasty nice, and now he even feel sad about the fact that the Beast to him no longer appeals. But he seemed to be dissolved.

It was a full year before the Beast made itself felt. His services he decided to use at the most inopportune for Zhora moment when he had firmly decided for myself that it will forever be left alone. George has already managed to acquire its own Affairs, managed to get his company and was thinking about getting married, when the Beast without any preliminaries personally appeared RNA threshold of his apartment.

This time it was not as solid as before. He looked more than usually, затрапезно, you could say. Zhora would even knew him not, if he had not uttered these words.

First thought was that on his door bursts with some обнаглевший пьянчужка.

-It's time to pay the bills! 'he and tumbled to his apartment, literally collapsed on Jora, not t o drunk, not the deadly tired.

Zhora dared вынать it immediately, although all kind of unexpected guest said that the Beast was not the same animal which he once knew. He laid him on the sofa, gave to sleep.

When the evening Beast woke up in the kitchen was ready light dinner and a bottle of cognac. Zhora decided that this man still did something for him and earned at least the reception.

"You must work, kid! he said, knocking over the first stack in one gulp.

-What happened? - Zhora felt right to talk down to him. Intuition was here there is nothing. Himself a guest appearance gave him an idea that he took a big change. Besides, as he thought George, they were in the calculation.

It happened, happened to him, " nodded the other.

"I don't know, " said George.

-I, too... But work is work.

-That is again necessary to steal someone else's intellectual property?

This time no. The work will be worse... And without fees.

Beast specially kept glass of корнъяком on the way to his mouth to test the reaction of Hippo on the last words.

George had a lot of objections to it. He himself worked for a long time as both legal and illegal Commerce, knew what business, and that how much it is worth, and now he sent men to jobs and paid them money for it, when large when not, when not paid at all.

So, after a long pause, he said:

-It seems to me that we have not paid off yet, according to the old case.

Beast покривился, has made such a grimace, as if toothache he drove immediately to half of all teeth, but he was silent, although felt a noisy breathing, how difficult is it given to him.

-Boy became a steep? - he said through clenched teeth, singing the words to Odessa style.

-No, дяд, I just wiser, - pointed his in his side of the index finger Zhora. - Past the case was a bit more expensive than you I was paid. I was not fool enough not to understand what задокументы stole then, and who, and that after that they earned.

The beast long silence, hunched over, whether from fatigue, or cargo unpleasant discovery, but still spoke:

-Zhorik, pay for candor, frankness, and I want to tell you that you should have long ago to rot in the earth!.. If I had another such Zhorik, - he noisy, with asthmatic присвистом sighed, shrugged and unnaturally wide grin, as if the carriage. - Well I have no other понятливого, smart and courageous, resourceful, and in all respects ready for a fight)! Nope!

"You are a little exaggerating my assessment, " explained George, stung by flattery, but don't want to fall for it, let deceive itself to the end. He was now a man of action and not going to work for free. - I have long departed into other areas of activity and lost heavily in spetsnaz the qualities. Got fat, softened, обленился. Fat instead of muscle - here is payback for the pleasures of life...

The beast put on the shoulder of his костистую, heavy hand:

-Zhora! All I know. Don't lie to me. And, believe that we should do. You know, I didn't bother you for nothing, I appreciate your level, you. Please! No one in this city can no longer do it, except you. So here I am. Remember that once when you was very difficult - I perfectly know that, " I came to you and lifted you up from the dirt. Now you're one of those I know in the city, somebody in here that respect, with whom considered and who are afraid. Think, who would you be, if I handed you a helping hand? Who would you be now?!

George thought for a moment. He was not sentimental, but the words of the Beast still affected him, awoke in him something similar to the remnants of conscience, who was still shaking.

However, they took possession of the secret fear that the Beast in case of refusal can make something of which his well-being dissipate like smoke. Although затрапезный a guest appearance does not give any reasons to think so, but George, who used to trust your intuition, this time also decided to act as he tells of something inside. Certainly, this once powerful man have any secret levers of influence. Otherwise, it just like that, without any payment, he was not asked to do serious business. Something still left in reserve, the Beast, some secret stone запазухой. Another't work. He would hardly come, not having a spare progress on the case Жориного refusal of a secret козырного a trick up his sleeve, which would beat all Жорину game of the years passed at one time. Could not such a mighty man of losing power overnight. Something he had in store. Otherwise, and requests no. Beast asks for only large serious cases, and the person who is asking, can't be out of the game, can't be with the one power. Maybe its entire modern-looking simply masquerade, drawing, acid test. Give up now, George, and who knows what will happen after some time. The beast is a man who will not joking. And he came to him not from the porch and not with outstretched hand. If he says that this time the Board will not, занчит действит get considers that first of paid him more than enough.

These considerations led to the Hippo to decision and he said:

-Well. We assume that we're quits: and I will fulfill your request, but after that you're out of my life forever! - conciliation-conciliatory notes of his voice постепеннно declined to the level of threat. - What to do?

-I am speaking frankly, - the Beast was clear that he was afraid to frighten luck. - It is necessary to blow up the plant...

-Blow up?! - with surprise and unexpected scale proposals Zhora involuntarily sprang up. - A plant? As it blow up?!

-Well, certainly not the entire plant. Capacity. Only the vessel with the substance. At the same plant, where are you from the first time stole the documentation, - the Beast stopped for a moment and peered into his face Zhora, trying, apparently, to read his thoughts. - This is very important. If he had understood the meaning of the game. There is a struggle for the market. I only help a rival party.

-Америкканцам, - said George.

"Yes, " replied the Beast. - Now against them acts as some European companies. And all in this case. Patent they still won. But the Americans managed to destroy all of the лабраторных work and research on this material. There are no copies in any form. Those who carried out the research, partially or completely eliminated. To restore the formula and technology of obtaining a product, Europe потребуетсяминимум ten years. Americans will make a pause pause and restore the substance to three times faster, and запатентуют it under the guise of its opening - that's all a calculation.

-Well, why then something blow up? surprised Zhora.

-Hm, - said the Beast - the fact that it will turn out if to eliminate all stocks of semi-finished product, product-raw. The only place it is installed correctly preserved its stock - this stupid factory. And nothing can be done - it is necessary to destroy. Otherwise...

-What else? I could not stand it pause Zhora.

Otherwise, the French and their allies are able to restore production technology a half-two year. This means a complete failure...

For those of you who pays.

-Yes, and therefore for me. Hit them though glass of this product-raw, and I'll stay in his old age to beg.

-Aren't you afraid that you will be removed after this raw material will be destroyed. I, for example, after your рассказок fear for his life. Moreover, it runs through my slowly and with relish.

Do not forget that this is my merit - shook his forefinger Beast

-All this in the past, " quipped George, he felt that he again can "jump" from the promise, From the talk of the Beast appeared a sensation, that the power to influence the situation he had not so much.

-But the past loves to cling to the present. And as for your relaxing prosperity, so it shatter to pieces as soon as I am gone from the world leaders. My name is invisible part of the iceberg, which formed the bedrock of your welfare. 't believe me?!.. Yes, and about what you fear for your life, be not afraid. Besides me that you were involved in the operation, nobody knows and will not know. And I? Me, even if I wanted to, no time for you, unfortunately, lately me intently interested in the Interpol. That's it, the Beast paused, and George tried to figure out why he "merge" this information, which, in principle, was disarming everyone around him before him. - However, if you pernicious added suddenly, the Interpol, and some others who have lost tens of millions of dollars, are interested and you. You're not me. You crush a fly without's ceremonies, even a wet spot left. Only for what you stole documents and made tremendous trouble very influential people. You will be removed even without напутственного words, so casually. This will not be a revenge...

The beast fell silent again.

-Product, which you will blow up, very damaging, " said George with intonation припертого to the wall. He was tempted right now remove the Beast. It was easy and promised deliverance from all these unexpected problems. But that's why he couldn't do it. Behemoth understood that the Beast even took out another ACE out of the sleeve, he only hinted at his presence. Certainly he has all been thought out in case of such a scenario.

'Not much, ' grinned the Beast, apparently sensing the changes that were observed in its recently строптивом interlocutor. - But it is toxic. Some people in the nose will have to fasten the clothes pin...

-The scope of work, is a quite business-like, more is not going to resist, asked George.

Twenty kilo of TNT. A brigade of five people. You're the sixth and senior. 'll be leading the operation. Documentation schemes bookmark your assistant. They are good miners. But they don't have what you fighting spirit. Without you - cover. And for me to not worry. Anyone who is interested in my death, knows that in case of its occurrence competitors will get the fire extinguisher, dressed with the fact that we are going to destroy. He is already in Paris and very good lies in one place, which Americans do not get.

-That is, raw materials all the same will not be completely destroyed? shook his head Zhora.

-Five liters is not ten thousand cubic meters. I can't steal and hide so much! And this fire extinguisher me dressed only for a bottle сивухи. And it is in Paris. I have it. This is now my most weighty remedy... and blackmail.

Zhora was thinking again and shook his head:

"No, I will not do that.

-Why? You have enough of my argument? "The beast of the brow.

-Firstly, there is someone to work, secondly, twenty kilograms of TNT ten thousand dice, it means that this stuff, myomas estimates, not only burns itself, but also explodes. It turns out that it is dangerous for the city and I still live in it. And, thirdly, in fact, again an international scandal and a lot of money. This means it for thanks, at least, is stupid. At least! - up Zhora index finger.

The beast asked for a cigarette. George pulled out ккармана and laid before him just begun pack.

The beast took a cigarette and smoked silently till morning, until the tutu is not empty, and in the ashtray in front of him not formed a mountain "bulls" and ashes.

"Okay, " he said through clenched teeth. "The hell with you! Give me a sheet of paper and a pen.

George plucked a sheet of notebook paper, and gave him a pen, and the animal began to draw something, puffing from voltage unaccustomed to such business.

As he completed the job, then asked George:

-Know how many are estimated unfound Nazi archives? No? In ten billion. And unfound documents of the CPSU? Three times smaller. But this, I think you would be enough. Now, part of them is here - the Beast jabbed a finger in the sloppy drafted scheme. "You'll know where it is?

-Find out about them, nodded Zhora, intrigued plan. - The building is almost in the center of the city.

-True. There, in his secret basement a very valuable archive of the papers of the third Reich, top secret documents of the CPSU, icons, old books, manuscripts, paintings - a lot of value and just priceless material. Take all he made a wide gesture with his hand. - How much you can carry, - and I barely audible added. - Still not mine.

Such generosity seemed Жоре very suspicious, as well as the unexpected.

-And how to get there? - still asked George.

The beast turned a piece and quickly jotted down on the other side of the map of the building:

-Well, give some каранндаш, red whether to draw where and how to go... Now here's the door to the dungeon. There is a code lock on... Here is the code. Rooms racks, where lie the most valuable today documents... Enough to take only them: they уместяться three to four average travel bags. Taking them, and I with you in the calculation of the charge of the operation. The rest don't touch, Okay?

Zhora twirled a sheet in their hand.

-Okay. Only I first провперю - don't lie.

-Verify-verify. Only be quick about it, because that should be performed before the start of next week: sent here the French experts and workers. It is necessary, that their arrival there a trace of raw sugar left. None of the surviving molecules.

-Well, will be wiped Zhora hands. He felt that there is a gain.

-Only in the archive, don't send their people can run into big trouble. Find someone from the outside, not local, not from this city. And then smack it . and the wiser. That no one had thought about anything. Understand it's not yours and not mine...

-And whose?

-Тссу! - put the Beast finger to his lips. - Not спращшивай even. Give - Beri. Struggle... And only once there, and then засекут, повяжут and почикают. Understood?

-Yes, it is easier to understand, George thought that the calculation of the fire is still better than nothing. He put the piece of paper in his pocket, and, clapping a hand on the table, concluded. - Operation will spend the night, when my people will take the archive: that without cheating.

-Only I ask you: do it quickly. Miss time - пеняй the voice of the Beast почувствовлись team notes, as if he was the master of the situation.

Жоре't like this, because it seemed to him that no grounds even now he had to act no. So he said:

-I will try. And as with the safety of their homes?

-You mean the city?

-Yes, it darling!

-Explosives lay according to the American method. They have calculated the optimal scheme of the detonation. Raw did not explode, but only burn under high pressure with emission. So to that don't worry, Americans can count only the right to make a bookmark, according to the scheme, and undermining the map detonation. They bastards, even the time of day gave optimal to undermine - about four in the morning. Maximum inversion or conversion will be. In General, everything goes up...

-Okay, hand - suddenly interrupted his thoughts Zhora, feeling that this talk begins to annoy him.

-Hands - handed hand of the Beast.

After a few days to Fix, right hand Zhora, "hooked" for the old card debt, at his request certain Охромова, cadet military school graduation rate, which was about to leave the city forever. As a practicing debt he agreed to get from the specified Beast secret archives right Behemoth paper.

Zhora meanwhile, began mining the object.

However, when all was ready, on the appointed day Охромов suddenly failed the plan. He never left the school.

Without going into the reasons and excuses debtor people Hippo it as it should have finished and threatened that the next time, just шлепнут. Охромов refrained from reporting him, and promised in the next appointed time fulfills the promise.

It is crucial night. Behemoth knew nothing about Yakovlev, помошнике Охромова, and was sure that he is now in the archives, works in his job. Taking with him the coveted "Uzi" he demomen Beast went to the plant to test the readiness to undermine it.

All factory guard vigilantly carried that night service, and as always, long rubbing sleepy eyes, passed it on and on, deeper into zones of secrecy, just barely glancing at the "fake" documents.

After checking the system Hippo decided that the explosion will of his apartment. He even wondered if it works remote control at a distance.

Perhaps, this was the last possible for operations nights because, according to the Beast, hastening his French already were in Moscow and in the morning had to travel by train to the city.

The hotel Zhora let go of sappers who were quite puzzled by his behaviour - until the end of the operation they were asked next to him and to control its actions, and went home.

At home he locked the door, undressed, washed, feeling now languor, fatigue and overwhelming desire to fall asleep. Then George went to bed, and then only with a delay of forty minutes from the schedule of operations clicked on the button on the remote transmitter. Then after a while another, with a sinking heart, pressed the red button, which meant that the receivers are the fuses take the latest information, and, holding his breath, listening.

Somewhere in a minute in the open balcony door burst from the stillness of the night a strange, gigantic sigh, and all was quiet. It was a blast.

However, whether American computers not have made corrections on своенравность local atmospheric movements, whether from the fact that Zhora delayed explosion almost an hour this morning the whole city plunged into the stinking yellow fog, and the Жоре experienced all the charm of a gas attack.

He woke up only in the evening with разламывающейся pain head. In a dry mouth there was a taste of a bitter stuff. First егоо thought was a poignant and helpless rage: "He cheated me!"

He was disgusted from t CSOs that he sat in a puddle, which he himself had prepared. But doing nothing was impossible, and George, like thousands of other citizens, spent a few days in a morbid condition, sometimes already thinking intolerable attacks suffocation and nausea that he is coming to an end..

When he finally recovered and left the house, I saw that the city seems to переминлся in the face, was not such as to be as подурнел, поплохел.

Something told him what is in front of him waiting for life changes, and they are not all here. From being sucked under the spoon.

Chapter 2. 1.

-Why have you come?

He sat on the cold chair was, naked, and dropped his head cupped in his hands back.

She did not answer. He turned around, looked round her bare figure at the window, lit by a ghostly pink light sconce above the sofa.

-Why have you come? - he asked.

-I want to, " she finally said quietly, so quietly that he could barely hear him.

And if he finds out?

The girl was silent again, then said:

-Don't care.

He said nothing and only shook his head, then stood up and approached the girl.

She stared into the blackness of late the October evening, оплакиваемую tears dismal endless rain, lazily walked without interruption ever since they arrived in Moscow.

Outside the window, scattered thousands of prickly points, stood quarters of the huge city.

-Metropolis - somehow she whispered, when he put his hand on her warm shoulder. "It looks like the jungle, isn't it? ... So I look and I sometimes even scary on the street. Now I would never think of on the street did not come out.

The girl drew back, pushed off the window sill hands, crossed the room and knelt RNA scattered in disarray bed.

-Smoke now, " she said, hugging himself for the shoulders.

-You cold? "he asked.

-Me? No, she guessed, probably why he would ask such a question. Is I'm just so. I love hugging himself.

-You erotic.

His words were incomprehensible, not as a question, not as a statement, and it is in response to similarly unclear smiled.

-Come back to him, " he suggested.

The girl looked at him with her eyes, which gleamed a spark of anger:

-To whom?

-Well, to that... To her husband. So now he is called.

-Tell better: to Behemoth. He remained.

-Why are you?! her words brought him in confusion. - In your voice so much hate! Do you not like?

Silence answered more eloquently than any words.

-Why then are you married, Veronica?

-Gladyshev, calm down! - as retorted the girl.

-And still, you better go back.

-What, are you afraid?! she went on to drill his gazes.

-No, not for myself. I don't want you to have trouble.

-I do not care. You got me? Got! And don't worry, I won't tell anyone. I like you, Gladyshev, although to be honest, I sometimes you hate. Sincerely hate.

-I know. I remember then, in the restaurant when you were with that guy. The weird one...

All you are odd.

-I wasn't talking about that. You then something in me окрысилась.

-Found something to remember. You better times of yore still remember.

Gladyshev paused, apparently, having lost thoughts.

-It is strange, why do you always call me by name, even now... in such an intimate setting.

-I don't know, girl slightly shrugged her shoulders. - Maybe because I'm not frightened of you.

Maybe, on the contrary? In your address to me there is some fear, I feel it. You're afraid to approach me in the heart, even now, when absorbed in the body.

Face Veronica winced painfully, like a toothache.

-Listen, Gladyshev, shut up, eh? A philosopher! Me from your conversations sick. It would be better, took out a cigarette. Invented too, I'm afraid. Yes to damn I need you?!

Then why did you come? "he persisted.

-If afraid she wouldn't I come?

Maybe, this is your fight my inner fear before me? Huh?! You now think that overcame him. But no! You just think so! This you desperately want to, but it's not there...

-This is your last warning to you shut up! Look for a cigarette!

-Now, a phone call in the room will bring si гшарет. What else?

He went to the phone and began to dial the numbers.

-Vodka... no, better конъяка with шоклоадом or хоорошего red wine. Fortified, with fruits.

Waiting on the other end of the wire to be answered, he asked the girls forgot about prevention:

-Now comes the waiter from the restaurant, I give him a tip, and he happened to see you. What will you do?

Goat - simply replied Veronica.

"If you want to remake me? But you can't," he thought.

-Listen, Gladyshev, you clever boy?

-And what?

-No, I think you should treat. In your head Guli накакали.

He made an order in the room and stretched out on the couch next to her.

-And who will pay? asked Gladyshev Veronica.


I'm not as rich as your husband.

Внероника grimaced again:

"Don't call him a man, I told you it seems.

-And he knows how to do this? he made an unambiguous gesture.

-What are you, cultural! Already sick! Писька he is small.

-Small?! It would have never thought of that! Favorite of women, sir hippopotamus! And you do! And you know family secrets.

It seemed to him what Veronica again unhappy with his buzzing, but so as to quarrel with her longer wanted, he hastened to ask a question.

"You have a lot of guys were?

-Why do you ask?! in the voice of girls засквозило curiosity.

-Beautiful you.

-Hmm - it was felt that his words польстили her vanity. - A lot.

-Are all asleep?

-No. You're the third. Third after the Hippopotamus and the other guy.

-I know. That was with thee in the restaurant.

-Many well you know!

-I instinct, intuition good. Then he came, by the way, thee was interested in. But you were not. I he started his paintings show and houses a small пожарчик arranged, therefore, associated with him in that time we won.

He paused for a moment, but then decided to ask:

-He squeak biggest was?

His fears were not realized, Veronika didn't took:

-I once was... But it seems that it is necessary...

-And me? More?

-Have you got? Nothing too. Fool you, Gladyshev!

-Well what this idiot?

-And the fact that it is not письке.

-And what?

-Love is all about.

"You loved him?

-Liked and he noticed that Veronica was difficult to pronounce this recognition.

-And now I love?

"You? No.

-Why did you come?

-What?.. It became boring

-That, a Hippo can't you cheer?

-And it's not the whole evening.

"Where is he?

-Went somewhere. Yes me and with the Hippopotamus this boring. Sadness is jammed to death.

-Well, of course. You're still the one friend he wanted to say "бабища", but he dared not. - You, probably, men as gloves, change.

"You are a fool, Gladyshev. A fool. The thing you hate. Like you and write poems and paintings мазюкаешь, and such a simple thing as love, don't know.

"Baloney - all this love. Don't believe.

"That's why I'm yours стихоплетство despise. You've got it not from your heart and from your закаканных drain. As such verses I despise, not what I'm trying to understand. Feelings in нихз no, some labyrinths of a schizophrenic flow of your thoughts... Well, where are your cigarette?

-Now must bring.

Somebody knocked in the door.

They turns looked at each other. It even broke into a sweat.

-Who is this? he asked the girl.

"Come, Yes ask.

-And suddenly it Hippo?

"Just say that you wanted to sleep.

-Well, Yes! I would never be able to. He makes me to open the door. Get dressed, just in case.

Weak! Rag you Gladyshev! "You're afraid of me!" Yes, you coward, afraid of?! Go open up!

In двероь knocked again. This time became more and stronger.

-I ask of you: get dressed! "he asked again, rising from the couch and frantically fumbling eyes on the floor in поискахсвоих pants and trousers.

-Coward! Now I'll go отворю.

-No, no, no! he tried to detain her, but realizing that he can't, then rushed to get dressed.

"Who's there? - Veronica asked through the door.

-Cigarette, port zakazyvali?

"Yes, " the girl opened the door, naked and not ashamed of his nakedness, took a tray of обалдевшего waiter. - Go, pay off! she cried Гладышеву.

This is a shout out of his torpor, and he sped in the half-empty pants to the door, trying to go more and find money in their pockets.

The waiter came around and already in following politely, but with irony smiled:

-You have a problem? his tone was felt restrained joke. - I'll try back later or go then in the restaurant themselves later. We work until three in the morning, can't hurry.

Gladyshev and could not find the money and stood uncertainly in the middle of the corridor rooms at the half-empty trousers.

Veronica slammed the door.

-He said that he will write it all on account of your rooms, ' said the girl, then, after a pause, she added. - Went to the disco.


-American, of course.

-Oh, I had even at the entrance there money is not enough.

-Weak? Bad Board appointed Hippo his spiritual comrade! - mocking, Veronica laughed. "And you with him an additional charge ask!

-For what?!

For me трахаешь! - it was a pleasure to see how it changed in the person. - And what? Too hard physical labor.

Gladyshev was silent, just struck down on the spot. He already knew not what to do, and went on to stand in a half-empty pants, nothing is dropping his hands.

"Okay, get dressed, " said the girl, apparently, plenty поиздевавшись. - so be it, ticket you buy today I. Look though as normal людиоотдыхают. Only for the tray, be kind, pay yourself!

-No, not necessary. Tickets are rabid money, " explained the Gladyshev.

"Silence, Kazbek! - shouted ддевушка, топкнув foot. - To pay me. I have money yet.

-While there, he added.

Veronica furrowed her eyebrows, but said nothing.

-Hey, did you...

Gladyshev stopped short. The word "witch" for some reason was in his throat, and tears came to my eyes.

Girl, apparently misunderstood him, and her face softened.

-Stop talking, Gladyshev, she summed up. "We got to leave. Натягивай his pants, stupid.

At the hotel entrance, where stood a dozen taxi waiting for their clients, they almost faced with the Hippopotamus. He gets out of the approaching car. At this time they were at two steps from the taxi., and Veronica, do not hesitate even for a second, opened the back door of my car, jumped in there and pulled a Gladysheva.

"I never thought that so I can get, " he said, плюхнувшись on the seat.

"What is it? - asked the girl.

-About this. I, the best friend of Hippo, and to you!..

-Shut up immediately! - Veronika her eyes flashed angrily, and then looked through the back window of the cabin on the Hippopotamus and the long watched him until he disappeared into the entrance of the hotel complex, отблескивающего in the twilight dim light начищенным metal rotating четырехлопастных doors.

"Well, are we going? asked Gladyshev.


-What are you a coward? You will be in trouble in the first place! I can stay and unnoticed..

-Ah! About me, it turns out, worried?!

-Do not поясничать!

-No, really, let! We are going! I want to have fun! Quite melancholy! Since we in Moscow, I'm doing really miss it. I'm tired!

-So, are we going? - intervened in the conversation the driver.

-Yes, certainly, " said Veronica.

All the way they not разнговаривали, and only got out of the brightly lit flashing colored lights, luring a defiant-indecent flashy stained glass entrance to the disco, Gladyshev spoke, confused and depressed seen luxury. He felt twice as worse from what Veronica herself paid off with the taxi driver, because he really didn't have enough money.

Standing оторопело opposite the entrance to the disco, it has rested, exactly заупрями вшийся ass.

-I will not go there, - he said to the girl.

-Why is that?!

-Yes, because I can't! I already feel at ease, and let us go, and even shame places itself cm g find...

-Gladyshev! You only ride somewhere! "said Veronica.

-May be. But it is not my place! Not mine! Pay rabid money, then to head off twitch, along with the other? It's not for me, sorry!

Swinging inconsistent, thin hands, even for рроста look too long and bony, Gladyshev walked away down the street, absolutely no interest in going there for him, Veronica.

When she caught up to him, he still muttering.

"You bastard, Gladyshev! she said sorry, зашагаыв next to him. - Imprison l me pleasure.

He нпе pay attention to her.

-Well, what do you want? "the girl asked already more friendly.

-What do I want? - responded suddenly Gladyshev, and thinking.

Past toward them were three handsome guys, and Veronica involuntarily stuck to his hand, knowing the mores of the city at night.

"Now named call will begin", - not without pleasure thought Gladyshev, not noticing the thoughts миновавшей as quickly as it arose, danger.

"Actually, I want you now returned to the hotel, the room to Behemoth. You will be better! It's not late, and your absence can be explained quite good, - Gladyshev looked at her. - As for me, I would feel like now to go to any restaurant, where you can sit longer hours to three in the morning.

-You've got no money! going Впероника.

"But you asked what I want. Except to wish for something, to have this money?! In my dreams I'm much bigger than they actually are. Creamy sailing under crimson sails, comfortable Villa of white marble with a pool in which under the warm tropical sun sparkling azure blue, pure and clean as a tear, water, magnificent, powerful and wildly expensive car, furniture made of ivory, huge mirrors in the wall of rock crystal is all I'll never have in life, easily умещаетс I in my dreams. And I can fly away in this world, where a master of himself, though every day, even a thousand times a day. And because the reality oppresses me as much as anyone else in my position.

-That's so real, I like you, - snuggled up to him even stronger Veronica. She smiled dreamily. - You're still an incurable romantic.

-Why? It's not romantic, it's very convenient and easy way to get away from life, if you don't like it. How could all this have I in reality? Of course not. I am not so crazy to build illusions about its features and its future. But I invented a way, oamc avoid torture, connected with the realization that between the desirable and the possible there is an abyss. Some uses for this drug, someone drinks, someone is going to kill and Rob. But all this disastrous path. I think my brain is developed enough so that he could construct in its conjuring up images of the desired without approx енения dangerous stimulants, such as wheels, grass or vodka. The more stupid attempt, perhaps, at the same, but their brains are out of control and fall into галлопирующую, crazy hallucination. Criminals - it's all bastards. All that in the end they receive the prison, tower, or the bullet. And the wolf ticket already out of the pit and not get out. All the time life will return to the vicious circle of their systems stereotypes...

-And you're really clever, Gladyshev, ' interrupted Veronica. - You have no communication between the hands and the head. You're a good draw - could earn. Why don't you sit down, for example, to paint portraits on the Arbat, as do others? I think you have worked not worse than many others..

Thank you for the good advice, " laughed Gladyshev. - Me and without well.

"But you have no money! You are not humiliated that I am here, for example, has to pay for you?

-Actually, not really. I am not asking for anything. I can go without any money. Yes, and besides, why should I be uncomfortable, embarrassing, if Jesus Christ did not have any money?

At the mention of the name of God Veronica winced, but Gladyshev not noticed the grimace. He went forward, eyes speaking to himself.

They turned on a dark street, and girl, had молчавшая, spoke again:

-Why did you come here?

-And what? Are you afraid of?

"Actually, Yes. I think this archway swarming подвыпившими teenagers, and now somewhere POPs up gang!

-And what then? - laughed Gladyshev.

-Speak softly! - Veronica was not seriously concerned. - What is! If you do not know that then. I Nghe hope even that you will be able to protect me.

Gladyshev shook his head.

-That the soul in the heel is gone?

Veronica neither answered, continuing to walk with Гладышшевым, looked around, like a frightened kitten. Gladyshev невольрно smiled.


-And what is the soul? she asked suddenly.

"A soul?.. Well, the soul is the soul.

-And it is there at all? They say the heartless. This is what, he has no soul?

-But why? It is a figurative expression,it denotes a person's character. Soulless - so cruel, treacherous, sneaking, бессострадательный. Is there a soul, no soul, is a mystery. Even in our Communist literature comes across this word., although it tried to avoid it, because party ideology does not allow to use this word: for her, it is inextricably linked with поповщиной, religion, God. And all this, as you know, dialectical materialism for a long time already denounced as not existing, fiction, through which the damned landowners and capitalists ддержали in obedience to the working people. And now, freed from the fetters of religious dope, our people confident stomping toward a brighter future... but for some reason circle becomes more and more poverty, ворюг and dirt.

Gladyshev sold and with idiot-mocking pathos declared his speech, pretending to so real a speaker at the podium some of the rally. Only the last sentence he uttered, as an outside observer under this platform, in a lower tone and changing his voice.

"What says the Communist ideology about the devil? - Veronica asked in the same spirit, taking game Gladysheva.

-And what she says, because the classics of Marxism-лениниизма with that phenomenon in the nature and society are not met, - Gladyshev said it, so funny bulging eyes and pouting important as Turkey, that she involuntarily burst out laughing, and he could not resist

However, the Veronica laughed briefly. If stumbled on some invisible obstacle or remembering something unpleasant, she suddenly stopped, changing face, and already, as if to now get serious and exhaustive answer depends on seemingly everything in her life, she asked:

-And what she says about selling this very soul to the devil?

Gladyshev, is clearly out-of-print and staying in the best of humor, like to continue your answers in the same rhetorically-издевательском spirit, then stopped and looked at the girl, slowly turning his head, as if seeing her for the first time and wanting to get a better look.

They walked already silently, not разгоываривая, although Veronica continued looking at Gladysheva, as if expecting an answer. But he is like the water in your mouth scored.

Dark street led to a prospectus, brightly lit, but the same deserted as all around.

-Went somewhere in the restaurant as you wanted? "suggested the girl.

-Go, - agreed Gladyshev. 'But why are you such questions you ask?

-What are these?


-Person has the right to ask any questions, isn't it?

-Yes, but usually these are always held back, or fit it more carefully. Not the way you straight.

Chapter 3. (012). (-> 022)

Zhora't want to go by train to Moscow. There were substantial grounds.

Of course, the train was short and pleasant to sit down at seven o'clock in the evening and woke up, go down with him at the Kiev railway station in the morning.

It was more pleasant than to hang a half hours in a legacy, the antediluvian turboprop Ana, cabin during the flight does not cease to tremble, and squeak, moaning and rattle all your seams and joints. Other planes in Moscow did not fly - was too close for some more comfortable, modern and high-speed machine.

In the train you can sleep in the cosy AFTERNOON, enjoy the evening in the restaurant or dinner in a compartment in a word, to travel with comfort and трясущемся and overwhelming plane all were equal.

However, despite this, Zhora was against travel by rail. The reason was a woman. Although he considered himself a man with good self-control, with it, he would not even randomly encounter.

She worked as an attendant, and in time Zhora spent a lot of time its charm and spent a stormy night in her bed, delighting in the next fleeting novel. With her and then he met, being a passenger in her car. She now worked, still, the conductor on the train.

All would be nothing, Yes girl, this was a rare приставучей. And George, feeling himself among women, as cheese in butter, it feared and dreaded. Having flighty and capricious character, she was unpredictable and unstoppable in their actions, and hold it in their hands was as impossible as to catch a hand flames. She's just as fire stared at each attempt to restrain her. May be it is about such people "fire woman".

Whatever it was, but from the memories about it by his convulsively передергивало. Because of it he didn't want to go by train.

Of course, you can know the к5аким numbers, which car rides this Alla, and choose to travel another day or another car, but his fear of meeting with her paralyzed his will. Learn about when and how Behemoth is going to Moscow - his knowledge almost the entire city, - it was much easier than he find out something about her. And she could easily change change to meet him on the train. Behemoth was afraid of this, because I knew she wants, and it does not stop nor the other day, neither car nor even the fact that he married. Find her Jora in the city was a thousand times more difficult than москуовском train.

Besides Zhora could not afford to stoop to cautiously interested when running some Alla-conductor. He was now one of those called "master city", and could not now give anyone a reason, even a hint to question his authority.

Alla could completely destroy anything, exposed to ridicule his reputation. And he couldn't help because that he had to fear wacky and wayward women, which was not considered to be with anyone and anything.

I must say that the credibility of the suffered damage.

Despite the fact that he вылоил the dispensation of his wedding fortune and throughout the week, watered and fed all the criminal and major audience of the city, arranging for its humour incredible by the standards of the province spectacle, this does not bring the expected result.

Some behind the eyes, and other urban aces and eyes told him his "Fi".

Fry авторитетосм smaller, large in number but after watching the capital city of artists and thoroughly попировав, disappeared without a trace in the bustle of the city, the next day, forgetting about gratitude.

To Zhora sometimes heard rumors. That many are unhappy with. He's married, although it seemed to him that this is his personal business. The town was indignant rumors: "How so, Hippo married?! By what right?! He broke an unwritten law..."

Leaving the young wife of the sea, Hippo secretly hoped that during his month lack of these conversations calm down themselves. However, when he returned, he was convinced that his expectations were not realized.

After returning from the sea, Zhora suddenly I was unpleasantly surprised that his secret store was stolen away, and no one could tell him who did it. This meant that he обобран almost completely. In his possession was only a small part of the state you could only buy a new six hundredth mercy, which he had long dreamed of, well, two or three months have not been afflicted.

Stolen was all Zhorin archive, which got him for the operation of the Beast. Invited them on the eve of authoritative experts on art and historical ценостям evaluated it in нгесколько million dollars. Right after that it started receiving offers on sale of available values. First he kept putting it off, but then seriously decided to engage their implementation on arrival after the honeymoon.

And now it turns out that all stolen. George managed to sell лишьнезначительную part долкументов, the proceeds from which the funds устрил luxurious wedding and round-the-world honeymoon, Yes something else was put in the Bank for a rainy day, which suddenly came.

No one seemed knew nothing about it. George felt some not that plot around them for the widespread fear and desire to be away from the case.

Some information left him faithful people still out. Traces of the incident led to Moscow. Deal with москвичамии anyone in the city was too tough. George knew that he himself will have to go to Moscow and seek tips and links for the resolution of this case. The chances of a success were insignificant, and Zhora all pulled and pulled with the decision to go to war. He could not even approximately estimate heard his opponent, but he knew that his possibilities are not comparable to go with the capabilities of the enemy.

However, from his hands glided million state. And he could not, no matter how convinced his people close to him, with этисм be reconciled. The second chance to get such a wealth he had hardly ever introduced himself would.

In the end, when the circumstances closely priperli it to the wall, he told Veronica that they are in the next Friday go to Moscow.

-Who will go? she wanted to know.

-I think that nobody, " he replied, but then he asked, seeing that the young wife is not arranged. - Whom would you like to bring to you not to be bored. Only a little, because we have temporarily limited resources.

Veronica evaded a direct answer:

I don't know, of course, you have some business in Moscow, but do you yourself there's no need?

George hesitated, then replied:


-Gladyshev? "inquired Veronica.

It felt strange decision, because Gladyshev, in her opinion, was a mattress with a strange nature, difficult to communicate.

However Behemoth suddenly it seemed that Gladyshev was the man he needs in Moscow. He will "guard" with his wife, keeping her company, while hippopotamus will do your business, not attempting upon her charms. If you take some friend Veronica, they start to seek adventure. Therefore, until his face Veronica was stretched out using astonishment, in the Hippo lightning matured in the head of such a cunning plan:

-Yes, Gladyshev, and what? A bad guy?


-No. You just don't know, - Zhora mysteriously smiled to himself. - No, he's really not as bad as it seems.

Veronica said nothing. She just curled her sponge, then she turned and went into the other room. From there she continued the conversation:

-I would like to go out to somebody else.

-Who, for example? - George followed her.

-Well, at least Fix or a Nail...

"Then, let's take and Rafter, he added.

She evil flashed at him and eyes: got to be kidding me! - Zhora broke off, changed the tone of the conversation.

-Okay, okay, they, too, go with us... but only later... In Moscow, I may need a machine. Now, Fix, Nail her пригонят then when we get there then we settle in. Well?

Not giving Veronica recover, he called and booked tickets: two HOLY and one compartment. Then suddenly remembered about Alla-was guiding them and thought "Oh, to hell with it!"

In the evening Behemoth called Гладышеву that will take him on месячишко-another one, and he immediately agreed: he had some trouble with his parents. Zhora had heard something about the fact that this moron perpetrated the house was on fire.

Friday night Nail took them to the train station Жорином "Merce".

-See more careful with the machine! warned him goodbye Hippo, giving the keys to the garage and apartment. - Escort is not necessary.

He knows that he will visit Moscow? - Veronica asked, when the Nail is gone and they were three on the platform.

-Знвает lied, Zhora.

-But I thought he nor sleep, nor spirit knows about this yet.

-You that, Gvozdeva't you know?! This is a real master of equanimity.

Veronica calmed down, apparently believing the Hippo, and began to examine standing around people waiting for trains.

Gladyshev stood a little aside, it was clear felt uncomfortable, just not hitting on my plate. The night was damp and cool, it was easy баллоневая jacket as if he hastily ran out of the house for half an hour, dressed easy, not by the weather.

To give Гладышеву that he should not from them отмораживаться, George said to him:

"Are you there, article оишь, as a poor relative?

-No. What? I am nothing, - said Dima, flustered.

-You, ' Feller', what it's dressed, not in season? or forgot that we are going? "asked George, протягива him the ticket.

Veronica intercepted ticket and looked in, asked:

"What we coupe go?

-No, in the AFTERNOON. This Gladyshev in the coupe will go.

Veronica looked at Jora:

-You that, money is a pity?

-No, I just think that they should ride the lower class.

-What, are you crazy?! What kind of staff?! He's our -- well, no friend, buddy!

-So what?! 'retorted Behemoth. - I have invited him to Moscow as an employee, and therefore, I think...

"What the employee?! "inquired Veronica.

George tried to turn the conversation into a joke, but Veronica started up. She gave him back his ticket and a commanding tone of voice announced:

-So, or else you will go in the coupe, and we Гладышшевым in the AFTERNOON, or go to sleep alone I.

I still tells ь you? "exclaimed George.

-Yes, imagine that! It's time to compile your upbringing!

"Hey, Veronica, right, do not worry! "Gladyshev. - I had a great ride and купе.я never went to the Suite, and I don't want...

-Never gone - then you go! - dismissed him Veronica. And, in General, Gladyshev, I fuss for you, but not covet you vstreval in the conversation! I know with her husband. If I said "no!", so I said "no!", - she turned to Жоре. - You understand?!

George realized that I found a rock spit. Moreover, he felt guilty for honeymoon which was not entirely successful. So he handed her two tickets in the army and threw Гладышеву:

-With things restrain himself.

Filed train. Passengers crowded to the doors of the cars.

George took the ticket in a compartment car and looked at the number of the car: "Thirteen!" he was surprised, because when he took the tickets didn't think that the coupe will have to go to him. He took his diplomatic and went with him to look for the thirteenth car, leaving Veronica and Gladysheva the suitcases on the platform.

Looking up at the entrance of the train car, Zhora saw a Alla. She smiled:

-Meeting! Nice to see you again! - she threw up her hands.

-Me too, " he replied sheepishly, knowing that hundreds of eyes now made them the centre of its attention.

"Now the new rumors around is guaranteed!" he thought. He did not want the simple people used it its name for круэкой beer and chewed as жевачку on every corner.

However, Alla like trying now in all, arranging принародное show:

-Hippo, how are you nothing? - it familiarly opened her arms and made a step closer to him, if he were going to throw himself on his neck, but he pulled her полутливым gesture, feeling in a stupid position.

-What are you, as a native, Alla, climb, climb cuddle? he had to take a humorous tone, taking her game, not to look like a moron.

-Didn't I give you all this time? Alla cheeky to him climb, and he приходидлось every time дурашливоотпихивать her. - Didn't I give you all this time?!

Passengers were standing round him as dead, fascinated by the sudden drama.

George glanced in the direction of Veronica and Gladysheva.

Gladyshev toting bags to the train, and she stood there with her arms folded and watching. "That's screwed!" "thought George.

Проаводница Alla took advantage of the fact that he was distracted, and covered her arms round his neck and hung on her and highly raising ago feet in shoes.

-Will you be tonight sleep with me, honey? quite loudly she asked.

-No, no, he couldn't figure out how to answer her what to say, how to behave, because once the ears dipped in shit. - I go in the thirteenth carriage, - what he said.

-Also, the food in the thirteenth carriage - rubbed her nose on his cheek Alla, my blue-OK!

Alla intercepted him an anxious glance and she realized where he looks:

-A-a! You are said to be married! Hear, hear! And there, perhaps your wife! she pointed out her arm, pointing in the direction of Veronica, and many pairs of eyes, that for them, they turned their attention there.

Veronika, демостративно spit, turned away and went after гладышевым to the carriage of ST.

-Well, well, well! - continued shamelessly shout Alla, still hanging on the one hand on Жориной neck. - Now we are proud! See you! Look at her! What is it you, Hippo, with his wife in the different cars you eat?! She won in the tenth, in the Suite, and you're with me, in the thirteenth! Or can't afford?! Or do not want to together?! Or you came to me, my iris?! Not forgotten, then, old friend?! Not change, it means that for a wife!

He dropped it with himself, shook like a pear. "Ославила bitch, thought George. - Would now Roger, this insolent, either muzzle, Yes witnesses too much.

-So, comrade solutions"! - choking back in anger, he turned to her. - Stop to misbehave in the workplace! It is your responsibility to check tickets and run into the carriage of passengers! Be kind to this and do not do unnecessary performance!

Oh, what a serious! - deliberately nasal voice said Alla. - Comrade Explorer! Perform his duties! And as I was pulling in a compartment on the way to Moscow and back, and even without a ticket - there was a comrade Explorer, there are already "Allochka, deary, berry, flower! ugh.

Alla spat at his feet, and completed its so great.

"Come on, let's hurry it up! - she shouted at the passengers, standing at the entrance to the car. "Well, come with tickets, Yes fast: all aboard!

Passengers fussing, steel grab bags and suitcases, look for tickets. Mourners also like awoke, took leave with them. One Zhora aloof stood in the midst of this оживившейся in time after shout Alla crowd and did not know what to do now: Veronica saw everything trip to Moscow was a spoiled, not having had time to even begin.

"Maybe to go to another day?" thought Zhora...

Whatever gets you? Come on in, "comrade passenger" already in a soothing tone turned to him Alla when he stood alone near the car.

-Why did you do it? asked her powerless frustrated voice Zhora. - Why?

The young woman took his ticket:

-Oh, really! Thirteen! Destiny! It's not me, it's destiny, how did! It measles, and I don't! I am a girl freestyle, language from me, in General, does, as pomelo works, only manage! Come on, come on in!

Closing her eyes, Zhora climbed the ladder in the vestibule of the car, just the ladder scaffold. In his head, something unimaginable happened: all went wrong, if someone wanted to make her a mixer and knead it his own brains, adding a good portion of shit.

He went to his compartment. With the bottom shelf stared at him three pair of watchful eyes.

"They saw everything! he thought. - What a horror! How much will now rumors! Ославила, ославила, bitch!"

His place was top: he had ordered the ticket Гладышеву, that didn't bother him.

George, what буркнув "Good evening!", immediately climbed up on the top shelf, threw his head shelves diplomat, lay down and there calmed down, lay low like a mouse. Perhaps, the first time for a long long time, he didn't want to hear it and to see him, and he wouldn't make a sound, that it was impossible to stop, sounds of life of his body. Long ago he had not experienced such humiliation.

So, lying prone on the незастеленном mattress, and then he slept, being in complete and derogatory embarrassment.

However, Alla never thought ооставлять him alone.

He woke up in pain. Someone squeezed his left ankle sides with two fingers, nails which, long and sharp, deep and painful dug into his flesh.

George raised his head. The compartment was dark, but ддверь in-lit corridor was opened, and there stood Alla.

"What else? he hissed спросоня, wanted to use curse words and even give her a kick in the ass, for which he was not too lazy to even get off the shelves.

"Comrade passenger"we неззастелененых beds prohibited to sleep! - said Alla, buy lingerie, застилайте and then sleep!

Cursing himself, George reached into his pocket, but Alla stopped his hand:

-Okay, слазь! 'mon, I'll tea treat.

Her voice was friendly, welcoming and even inviting, and George didn't wait, when it will be hysterical notes, and she threw him in the night another scandal. He was not long in coming, and outraged groaning down.

They were in her compartment.

Zhora had a presentiment that tea is just a pretext, and because I was not surprised when, barely closed the door, she began to undress.

-Could not buy a ticket, is what she said.

-I don't know that you're going to go, " he replied soothingly.

They both undressed and sat on the bottom shelf of a little five minute walk from each other. In the compartment through the crack between the door and the floor got the cool air, and George felt that зябнет and covered with goose bumps, large crawl.

I really would not hurt anything to drink, " he told her, dropping my eyes on his hands, bristling armour bumps.

-That cold?" - surprised Alla.


-Do you want me you tea treat you?

-Yeah. Without sugar and welding, " he agreed. - Do you have?

Alla knew it for tea.

-There are, and how! The road is a necessary thing, she stood up from the shelf, opened the door, went, as was, naked, into the corridor, came to the emergency coupe.

George looked out into the corridor. It was empty. But here at the far end, appeared grandmother, coming apparently from the toilet. Hardly feet, grab bars and staggering from pitching the car, she went down the hall.

In this time of standby coupe jumped in the buff, a conductor with a bottle of vodka.

Seeing her grandmother withdrew and stood still, almost открещиваясь, exactly in front of her was himself the Antichrist. Alla, too, saw her and said:

-Cho stared, Granny? Al't you see that I ябуся!

"Foldable happened" - George grinned.

Chapter 4. (0221).

In Moscow the train arrived without delay, at ten in the morning. Alla woke him up in advance and went through the car, and calling loudly after the usual:

-So, the citizens! Rise, rise! Moscow! Go!..

This time she was dressed.

Zhora still for a minute or two sweet потягивался under the bed sheet and blanket. He would even take a NAP.

Although the night was sleepless, he was pleased and experienced great pleasure.

From the corridor of the car voices:

A daughter of tea?"

-What I am to you, daughter? - resented in response Alla somewhere very close. - What you tea?! Moscow already! Moscow!

Alla went to the coupe and asked him:

-Why you lie? Get up, get dressed, now Kofu you will drink.

Zhora stuck his legs out from under the warm blankets and put them back. Under the blanket, it seemed to him even cosier and warmer than before. The air in the car was in the morning is fresh, cool.

"Listen, there's no frost, by chance? - familiarly he asked Alla.

-Now look, she said, and clave to slightly запотевшему window nose.- Yeah, sort of. Hmm, four days ago I was travelling - it was warm. Okay, enough of my teeth talk! Come on up, come on! Come now.

"That woman?" he wondered again in a row and reluctantly climbed from under the blanket, looking around in search of his underwear. Ежась from autumn coolness, he started to dress.

Alla leant out into the corridor

-So! Citizens of passengers! Moscow! Moscow! Quickly rent lingerie! Take tickets who need!

In the coupe had someone's kinda person. Alla enforced by the curious on to the corridor:

"Come in, that has risen? Guy naked't seen that?

Kinda the face disappeared, and Alla continued to groan:

-We rent linen, linen rent! Citizens of passengers, hand over the underwear! - shouted she chanted, and in its Russian pronunciation закрадывалась melodiousness of the Ukrainian language (even Alla was from somewhere in the Kursk region, but has long lived in Ukraine).

"Now I, too, кацапка vociferous!" thought George, pulling socks.

When he donned the suit, the process of linen is already over, and Alla poured two glasses of titanium hot water for coffee.

-Wash? she asked over her shoulder.

-You can, " he replied, and stepped out into the corridor.

At the far end of the toilet crowded turn with towels, soap holders, razors, combs, tubes, toothbrushes.

Alla set it on the table glasses of boiling water in the metal Cup holders, threw them in one spoon of instant coffee and a few pieces of sugar.

"Come, I will toilet open, " she said to him.

She opened the toilet near the duty coupe, блистевший dazzling purity, and even with the hot water in the tap.

"Hey, there, too, right? asked George about toilet in the opposite end of the corridor.

Alla скептичеси explicitly grimaced:

-What then? Okay, you're here умывайся, I'm going to close, pushing all sorts.

From the corridor came the sound and from behind the door came the voice of Alla: "This toilet is not working! So what that you passengers? And I don't want to! Because I do not want to! Yes complain! Anyone you want! But I am your faces to remember! And then see what happens! Aha!"

Zhora slowly washed under this abuse, brushed his teeth, then lowered his pants and wash your swollen and посиневший member.

When he came out, Alla still усмиряла passengers, something shouting, swearing and waving in front of their faces empty bottle from them drunk the night of vodka. Passengers retreat under the onslaught.

He called her. She turned around, went quickly, and the key of the closed toilet:

-All финит a La комедьон! Расходись!

Passengers aside: the battle for second toilet ended with a victory of the conductor.

When they were alone, he sipping her strong coffee, said to her as a compliment:

-If ever I suddenly someone ask me to show him a real live Bolshevik, I tell him: "Bolshevik show (but I большевичку me to show you there!" You исчезай didn't die, okay?

"All right, " laughed Alla and sat on his lap. "You're not angry at me for yesterday?

He paused for a moment, and then said:

-If and angry, not as bad as yesterday!

When George came out on the platform of the Kiev station, where fussed passengers, greeters and носльщики suddenly felt happy. From yesterday's upset did not remain also a trace.

Veronica and Gladyshev stood on the platform with suitcases and waiting for him.

Zhora caught porter, beating his triple the price of some old ladies, and together with the trophy went to him.

Veronica демностративно turned away. Гладышел muttered, "Good morning."

Zhora was in an excellent mood. Metropolitan air intoxicated his premonition of luck, and he decided that nobody will mess up today it a good mood. He silently pointed to a porter on the suitcases, and when he put them on the truck, went measured and walked beside him.

Porter all accelerated, and George sought to keep up with him, so soon he had to flee. From the side it should have been funny, and his good mood somewhere in the air.

Veronica and Gladyshev caught up with him already at the taxi stop, where stood a huge queue.

Taxis drove rarely, and the queue was moving slowly.

Next there was a multitude of "empty", taxis available, but rarely up to them, because their owners ломли triple price against the established government of the tariff.

Zhora was not going to lose precious time, invitingly waved his hand, and, a moment later, one of the eternally empty "wheelbarrows" taxied out and reached his suitcases.

Agreed on the price, Zhora villages ahead, speaking to the taxi driver : "at The hotel!", turned around and took a couple, Veronica and Gladysheva, усевшихся in the back seat.

-And you are nice to look together, " he remarked, not jokingly, not ironically referring to Veronica.

-Thank you, quietly, cracking voice said Veronica. "You, too yesterday looked good with that thing around his neck.

"But, but! Why оскоорбления? "exclaimed George.

-Yes to the fact that at least now, when you have a wife, could settle down. Sufficient for our honeymoon, and you acted like last паскудник!

-Well, again, insults!

-You'd better tell me who it is?!

-Who?! - pretended not to understand, George.

-Last night thy neck, hang? - angrily said Veronica.

-Ah, this! The conductor. Alla name. My former Friend...

-The former? The former! What is she thy neck, rushed, as a native?

She greetings. She all on the neck is thrown.

-To whom is it all?

-Yes to all!

"Are you meet her yet? - offended her sponge young wife.

-No, of course not! As you can! Yes she's my first time in six months saw. Because, probably, and обрадывалась!

-Yes, so happy that me in your presence began to insult it, and you quietly listened to.

-Not easy, why, I just know that she greetings!

"Does that mean you can insult me! Never! And you'll listen to it!

-Well, why not...

-All, I don't want to talk to you, " Veronica turned toward the window.

Zhora digress from нприятной conversation, all the overwrought turned to the driver and asked:

"Chief, you're us, strictly speaking, are you taking?

-How much? In hotel.

-But in what? Something we long drive!

"You didn't say which.

-Yes, and you and glad to spin the wheel! Not a penny will get on top of what the agreed understood! And now we can at least until tomorrow to carry!

-But for such money can be up tomorrow! apologetically answered drove.

-Well, well! What would you advise? also softened Zhora.

-In Central - not immediately advise you to stop.

"Why not?"

-There are many people and expensive!

-A lot of people in good and expensive hotel is nice!

-Well, then go to "Russia" or "Metropol", - agreed the driver.

-And on the edge of a good hotel? - Zhora thought Veronica with Гладышевым will be better accommodated in a remote area, but good hotel, and he himself sit somewhere in the middle it will be safer for her.

"Yes, " nodded the taxi driver. - I can offer "Cosmos". There luxurious hotel, quietly, calmly. Room - upper class, restaurants, bars, casino. To the airport "Sheremetyevo" location, and to the city ring road MKAD near...

"Very well, " broke in George, " go ahead and get it!

In the hotel he scored two single rooms, presenting himself as the brother of the bride who decided to spend his honeymoon with the groom in Moscow.

Things Veronica and Gladysheva taken to the rooms. Their Zhora left in a taxi, saying the wife that the circumstances of the case will live separately for security purposes.

Then they all went down to the restaurant for lunch after the road.

-All up to his room, take a shower after the road, change your clothes, go somewhere. I do not wait. Perhaps in the evening come - Zhora, rising due to the dining room table, trying to kiss her before leaving a wife, but Veronica without saying goodbye, defiantly stood up, turned and quickly walked to the Elevator.

After a while, Gladyshev followed her, буркнув "soon!", but Hippo brought him back, caught the hand and shoved two stacks of money:

-The thinner you, and this is conveyed to my wife. Don't mix them up! However, I know that you are an honest fellow, 't fail. Because of this, and take you with me! For Veronica look out, nobody close to it, do not let the act correctly... Well, everything, " he clapped him on the shoulder and first turned to leave.

Sitting in a taxi, George said to the driver:

"Now let us in "Metropol"hotel!

-Well you live, boss, " involuntarily taxi driver.

-None of your business! "said George. - Spin the wheel, I'll pay money for it.

In the evening all on the same machine Zhora again drove to the "Space".

My upstairs? "he inquired of администраторши.

-What is yours? in turn, she asked him with a challenge in her voice. - Here are all equal, "your-our" no.

-Young, which I day settled.

-A young! Now, let's see... Yeah...

Jora gave her tea and asked to order the room to the "bride" from the restaurant champagne, pineapples and "something light".

Having received a generous tip администраторша smiled and changed in the person. Now it Zhora read: "I am your forever!"

He very much wanted to reconcile with Veronica, make her forget all the old resentment. He thought promise solemnly, starting tonight, to lead a new life, which would be arranged it in all matters.

Rising up on her floor, he gently knocked on the number of Veronica.

She opened not immediately and showed that he felt when no joy.

"You can be? he asked, through the power of the smile.

-Very surprising that you all came, " she said, still посторонившись doors and thereby allowing the log.

-Why? he asked, entering the room.

-Because I generally forgot when you I paid attention at such a time since we got married.

-Yes, Yes, " he agreed, shaking his head. - But I promise to reform.

-Straighten up? I already it seems to be heard, and waved my hand Veronica and went in.

He shook off the shoes and followed.

-What did you hear?

-Your promises.

He walked up behind her and put his arm around his shoulders and put his palms.

Her shoulders were fragile and delicate. Under his fingers felt fine collarbone, which was flowing smooth, elastic skin of a young woman. He lowered his palms below diving under the dress, elastic, bloodshot, slightly rounded Breasts, which seemed to be oozing life, filled it with excess as ripe clusters of grapes. His fingers fumbled nipples, which from his touch began to swell oneself, like rosebuds, and the Breasts became firm and sharp, ready to touch the lips of the man or the baby.

Veronica, you're charming! he said an enthusiastic whispered, and kissed her neck.

-Thank you for this.

She stood there and waited.

Oh how much he would give anything to be in this moment passionate seducer, but the previous night burned out all his passion, and now he was devastated. Besides seducer driven by curiosity, which, art, many, many women, not long ago was. Rather, there it was, but it was направленым on the search for something new, and he suddenly afraid that Veronica so quickly tired of him.

...Two months ago he has experienced quite different feelings. It was not for him, and how many times it for different reasons and in different conditions, offered her proximity, this proposal whenever rejected, sometimes easy, sometimes unexpectedly strongly and firmly.

He flattered that she deceive ourselves nor his position or his condition, which with appetite hungry sharks watched a lot of his friends are women. He lost his head because he did not know how to gain power over it.

Until he heard rumors that Veronika meets a cadet or cadets, but he would not even admit the thought that someone could seduce her, if it failed to do him потратившему on this set of capabilities. Moreover, it was not under силукакому there student or students, who mostly do not have the money to just look into the restaurant, and, leaving the city, they ошивались and cheap beer, pub and eatery, where was present worthy of their level audience.

Once he did dare to ask her: does she have a boyfriend. Veronica replied evasively that there was, but not anymore. Then he asked bluntly, is there among her friends cadets

The conversation took place during one of their joint visit to the restaurant. He liked to take her out, although it didn't promise him anything that he wanted.

Veronica then looked at him strangely, apparently, trying to guess what he Жоре, know, and then agreed that familiar cadet she has, but it's a business acquaintance. Zhora objected which cases may have had with these вояками-оборванцами, but Veronica replied that there are things in which the financial situation does not play any role.

Later, shortly before the wedding Veronica led on his birthday a oborvantsa in which Zhora instinct felt "курсача". This riled him, but he gave no sign, and decided that finds relations later, when they go to his apartment to watch a holographic video. However, "курсач" slipped away together with Veronica directly from the restaurant, and a week later he again saw her state of Veronica's not allowed to know anything: she lost her grandmother, and she was not healthy.

He didn cadet not seen... until the wedding, where he had the audacity to appear. Zhora then decided not to spoil the celebration, but he didn cadet not seen.

Zhora somehow to the bone hated the military. The notion it was the people of the third grade.

In the army, and he had to serve in the paratroopers brigade, together with поббоями "grandfathers", as an infant with his mother's milk, and absorbed the hatred. He hated all military, but spetsnaz all-тааки raised above ground of rats, which, in his opinion, to fight do not know and разлложились fully from the drill, showmanship and idleness.

In the city stood artillery school, and because he was shaking with hatred to tremble at the sight of молокососов in military uniform.

As a teenager, he wanted to beat each of them. And sometimes he participated in a skirmish, when "grasshoppers" too запруживали discos and starting the availability of the swing right there.

Only one day, fate has made a cadet. He was five minutes to graduate. Жоре then it took a man from the outside, not from the city. And cadet to do this came in the best way possible. Later, a stranger he was going to remove.

Fix, then brought him Охромова that was owed him a large sum of money - card debt. For the work of the debt promised простить.и even pay a little more. And Охромов agreed.

I remember Жоре then immediately didn't like the idea because I thought that cadet can hardly do anything sensible, but he agreed - time is running out. And George was not mistaken. When people Fixes brought Охромова and paper, which he took for the Hippo from the archive, then it turned out that they simply decided to cheat.

Охромову was destined to become a suicide bomber, but furious Hippo ordered to punish him for last. However, as it turned out, Охромов sucked into this affair of his companion, which had to be released with the world and even pay him a cautious Hippo feared lest the stranger is not left somewhere all, that can later bring him: Охромова pre-checked and found that it no one really search will not.

However, Охромов then, too, slipped away completely incomprehensible way, probably guessed уготовленной him "retribution". Behemoth couldn't find it. Охромова looking for in school, came to the military Prosecutor of Kyiv, but did not find any.

In the end, "dust-free work", then charged Охромову, Жоре had to do myself. He personally went down in the secret archive committed his people, deciding now is that since it is so, then we need to take everything that was there, instead of the little bit that allowed him to take the Beast.

Two nights in a row they took the paper and loaded them into a specially prepared for this container.

The case was complicated by the fact that the old man, who guarded the archive, окзал resistance and killed two of his guys. Infuriated by this Zhora the old man chained to the front door chains and tortured until he gave up the Ghost.

After George waited for a month then. Nobody bothered about the incident. The beast disappeared again, and George was hoping for a long time, if not forever. He soon realized that the loot belongs to him now, and spending, selling a part of this, played a wedding with Veronica and used the easy money for its full enjoyment.

Chapter 5. 3.

Avenue was completely empty. They stood here already broken half an hour, and by not passed a single machine that Moscow was unthinkable.

Suddenly вдалекпе seemed burning lights, and soon it soon became apparent that this trolleybus.

"What do we do? asked Gladyshev.

-And where it goes? - Veronica asked, поежившись from autumn coolness.

-How should I know. Where-нгибудь get there.

Trolleybus was approaching. They hurried to the bus stop, but he apparently is not going to turn upon her to move with all speed to the second page. In the corner of the window Gladyshev saw the sign "The depot".

He waved his hand, but the driver shook his head and motioned ahead. Then Gladyshev rushed him to intercept.

Водительнажал on the brakes, but when I noticed that Gladyshev left side, again, added gas.

Using the fact that the trolleybus quite strongly slowed down, Gladyshev ran next door and when he overtook him, and took two big jump and, seizing the dangling ropes hung on them.

Стрельнув blue тскрой, arc away from the wires. Motor stopped howling and trolley bus stopped, take another few meters. Gladyshev at first ran away, and then almost running, stumbling, behind him, hanging on the reins.

When the trolley bus stopped, Gladyshev let go of the reins, rising to his feet. Arc soared up, one gets on pin wire, and the other flew straight up, swaying from side to side.

From the cab, jumped out mad and scared driver with white as chalk face:

"What do you want, do nothing?

-I you asked to stop. You would not. Had to.

-I'll show you himself! You're my запомнищшь as the trolleybuses rush!

In the hands of the drivers there gleamed вороненный Prut mount. Gladyshev stepped back:

'Well, uncle, calm down! - close Veronica. - Well, can подвезешь?!

Except to the nearest patrol cars or police station, " he said, clapping his helpless hands. - And your friend will свидетем how you trolleybuses бросаешься.

-Chief! "Gladyshev. "You see her friend all продрогла. I also because it stopped you. Though believe, though Nghe believe, half an hour stand, no cars are not passed. You first.

- Well, and what now? Can't you see: the depot? That, don't know how to read?

-But, пожаллуйста, chief, run!

-What do I taxi?

-So what to do? After all, no one machine?

Veronica walked closer. Noticing that it really'm cold, driver relented:

"Okay, where are you?

-Yes we go there, where more fun! In the restaurant some...

"Well, really!

-And what?

-Yes it did not wheelbarrow, and trolleybuses. He, by wire drives, but not where they want!

-Well, Yes, we'll take a closer look and we ourselves over there on foot reach.

-You bottle, climbed back into the cab driver.

-I think he'll kill you now, " said Veronica. - I never thought that you could to do it!

They traveled to Moscow in an empty and cold bus, скакавшем from line to line, with arrows on the arrow until finally braked at a crossroads.

-Now it is a little walk, turn to the right, there'll see in the cellar restaurant.

Gladyshev gave водиле money, and they went in this direction and soon found themselves in front of the entrance in the basement under the neon "restaurant - Bar".

In the locker room, they left their outer clothing and Gladyshev задержвался of mirrors, shook off the soiled pants and settling his hair. Veronica went to the ladies room.

To the right was a glass door in the restaurant. To the left is the entrance to the bar.

-First in the restaurant, and then to the bar-see " Veronica.

Hall of the restaurant was small and intimate. People were almost no видн, many people cannot afford were local rates.

Veronica and Gladyshev stopped in the doorway of the restaurant in расстеранности, curiously looking around the room.

Small tidy tables, covered with red-white, embroidered tablecloths. In the centre on each low reading lamp under the pink-and-yellow silk cap-shade. Four wooden chairs with carved backs.

To the appeared a waiter came up incredibly widely smiling. It was felt that clients do not indulge this institution.

Расспыаясь in любезностях, waiter escorted them to the liked Вероникпе table, courtesy pushed chairs, first with her and then him, and like a magician, extracts from nowhere menu imprinted , with a Golden border on the edge of a sheet of paper.

When he went away, leaving them for the study of dishes and snacks, Veronica sighed as she looked around, then with a smile said:

"I like it here.

Her face glowed with pleasure.

"Yes, " said Dima, rarely you can get into such a pleasant place. Only now, how much it would cost pleasure.

-Do not spoil it I mood slightly bent down over him Veronica. - I want to relax and unwind, and not to count money. They far I have!

-Well, I won't - but it continued to be a concern that everything here is very expensive, so it has nothing to мтог relax, to feel completely comfortable and well.

-What do you ерзаешь, as the needles? "resumed Veronica. - You, with your views you're sampling I ve mood! Last time, I say unto thee away from his thoughts about money. I know that they are crawling with you in it, as the worms! Look better here as cute as good here! Can't you enjoy it?

"I can't, " he admitted honestly.


-Because it's not mine. It's like a beautiful, bright trap for such moths like you.

-Damn you, fool! "said Veronica. - Man, I almost spoiled the mood! Why have we come here? You now гундел himself? You wanted to go and sit in a cozy restaurant! To have you done one?

One would I here goes - Глладышев потупил opinion.

"And where would you go?


-Why do you say then to me, that want to go to a restaurant?

"I warned you that the only dream about it.

-Well, now, now your dream come true! Why you spoil the blood themselves and others?

To their table the waiter came up, with all her views of expressing willingness to serve our new customers. In his hand was a silver tray and a large white cloth.

-May I take your order? he asked, after a pause.

-In, a knight, order deme dinner - gave Veronica menu across the little table, Гладышеву.

He stared into it, and from the hard work of the brain, зациклившейся and deadlocked on his forehead was sweating. He read назвния dishes, but couldn't figure out what it is. Words are not аасоциировались with images of how he strained his memory.

Pause embarrassing was delayed, and because Veronica took from him menu:

-First, two winter lettuce, картофелль fries, бефстроганоф, pickles, red dry bottle and a Cup of good, fresh beer.

The waiter wrote down the order and left.

Veronique back into Гладышеву, blew out the lamp and hissed:

-Gladyshev, if you don't перестанешьтормозить and spoil my mood, I don't know what you'll do. Do you understand me?

"I know, " he agreed.

-Well, now smile!

He smiled. Veronica newly lit lamp:

"There! You can even wider! Well done, " she chuckled. - Now I'll almost love! If you're going to be smart.

When the morning they last left the restaurant he was so drunk that barely stood on their feet. Staggering and support Wai each other they strolled along the street, confessing to each other in the most absurd things. If Gladyshev was sober, you would have noticed that Veronika all the time called him Dima. And if she knew that happens, you probably remember that Gladyshev can be chivalrous gentleman, especially when asks her to handle, to help her climb after falling again.

The next дернь they found themselves quite dirty, broken, with empty pockets. As they got to the hotel could not remember neither he nor she.

Veronica was upset, she took to Moscow the small closet, and now ruined most of my favorite things, and now she had nothing to even pay for the dry cleaning.

The Gladysheva head раскалывалась half a day so that he couldn't talk.

-Wow, we had fun yesterday!- and then, and she was Veronica.

"Yes, " agreed Dima - mix beer, vodka, wine and champagne is very dangerous.

-I even do not go down to the restaurant to have lunch! And money penny!

-You can just go cadoo anything for a walk! "replied Gladyshev.

-I have no money for a walk I can't. It is very boring. For me it's worse than sitting in a room.

"Okay, " Gladyshev. - We'll sit in the hotel, and then.

-What then? Come Hippo and give us money, Yes? - snapped Veronica.

-Yes! You said yesterday: "Don't think about the money!", I don't think. And as soon as I stopped to think about them, they strangely disappeared. And now I happen to think where to get them! I am in Moscow at the whim of Hippo, so he provides me livelihood. Now I had a really good time and the house if your husband is not decided what to drag me to Moscow.

-I told you how many times I will speak to you never called Behemoth my husband? Do you last Chinese warning!

Why China?


-What then?

"Then? Then you'll see! But only that you don't like it, I promise!

Come lunch time, and Veronika still пришолось discreet to wear my dress, which she took just so, just in case, firmly to himself, knowing that wear it she will not have. However, the dress was useful. It was warm, wool, cozy, but already out of fashion, angular and discreet, so put it on Veronica experienced mixed feelings: on the one hand, she was good in it, but she felt psychological discomfort from немодного, clumsy, angular and low-key.

She пожаловадась on this Гладышеву, but Dima only shrugged. He was quite sober and did not remember the gallantry, which yesterday the knob and pulled her out of the mud, as well ka and that she had called him Dima.

Dine in the restaurant they went down.

His costume was too heavily soiled, but he, as he could, brushed it with a brush, and now the case is examined himself and caught every sideways glance in his direction. It seemed to him that everyone can see what untidy and затрапезном as is his clothes.

-Yes, - Veronica too caught him an anxious glance and, apparently, have interpreted it correctly, now we had to work hard before we can go out and see anybody.

-Let me постираю your things, offered her Dima without any enthusiasm, in fact, wash him didn't want

-Well, no, Dudka! "Veronica. - There is needed everywhere dry clean only, and you're their own hands only испаскудишь. They even watering once again impossible. And I have them in the dirt.

The hotel restaurant is not обладалтем comfort, which they ннаслаждались last night. Carried despite the pale pink curtains on huge, too light boxes, he was emasculated, gave казенщиной, and, if not deep armchairs at low polished table and nothing would differ from the dining room or cafe.

They ate well, Hippo guessed pay their table for the month ahead - again stood in the room.

-How boring, " said Veronica. - Wish he came."

-Better to say, wish we had the money.

-Not here, but I corrected it, Veronica, and, in General, you yourself, Gladyshev, too familiarly lead. If I let you something, it does not mean that I'm letting you all. And so I forbid you to afflict on any subject. Do not forget, please. Hippo pay you a salary. He gives it to me as much as he thinks fit as I think fit. And you your money should work it out, understand?

What way?

"You can't make a face, Gladyshev. You have to work off the money to fulfill my whims and desires, firstly, and secondly, not to stick their nose in their Affairs. Now get outta here.

She run him out of his room, and he went upstairs to the ninth floor.

Going into the room, he sat down on the couch and stretched his legs, scattered hands, now trying to figure out how to dispose of the received so unexpectedly freedom. Having made up nothing, he rolled over on his side, подкатившись to the edge of the sofa, pulled out from under him diplomat, opened it and began to examine its contents, amused by the fright as he is preparing to leave Moscow, which was prepared themselves for the journey. Among other unnecessary things in the diplomat lay boiler packet of tea and Bank with lump sugar, half-dry sausages, вспотевшая in a sack, which began to dry out a quarter of a loaf of bread.

He wanted to throw it all at once, but he was sorry he did not dare, and another long lay so near the edge of the couch, turning useless things and products.

"You must go to Moscow, just preparing to underground activity, with здевкой thought to himself, Dima, and then said aloud, to make it seem more frustrating. - How dare you!" "And anyway, what a moron. he thought to himself. "You fool, which is small. If it had not been болвном, he would not allow dispose of them, as a pawn, gave the driver to take me to Moscow. Yeah who you touch it? Nobody said that you had to go? What is called Behemoth? Little did what he said. And if he wanted you to leaped off the cliff or jumped into the fire? Would you do this?! Idiot, no, you натосящий moron. Well, you would say this Behemoth that can't go or just took and got down to the station. But no, you came like obedient sheep, as dumb sheep that dutifully goes to the slaughter, did not dare to contradict the owner!"

He took the diplomat all things. At the bottom lay a folder with his unfinished manuscript, on which he was going to work in Moscow, now he could only laugh at the stupid plans, which he built himself in the near future, надедясь that in Moscow he will have as much free time as the house.

Dima took a folder in his hands. From it darted out something white, spinning a little, like a falling leaf and went down on the floor, having flown under the sofa.

Dima reached for the white petal fingers caught it and held it up to the eyes. It was a visiting card of the publishing house.

How could he forget?! Also at the Moscow such an important thing, which, perhaps, will transform all of his fate.

Димак rapidly jumped up and exited leaped across the room. Then he ran, grabbed a handful of clothes, a mirror and hurriedly began to dress.

"As well, that I'm with her in the nick of time quarrelled, happily he thought to himself. - No, of course I would not, perhaps subconsciously, that we quarreled. But it can be very useful. I need now freedom!"

He принарядился as on date, again brushed his clothes, the most dirty place even wasted, rubbing the wet brush, and, not waiting until clothing высожнет, нвакинул on top of his балоневую jacket and ran out of the room, rapidly помчавшись to the Elevator.

, His face was inspired hope.

Chapter 6. (01) (3 or 5).

Every man given a tool, which, according to the Scripture, to use as you can воздержаннее and less. And every woman is given something to which this tool is intended and also, if we turn again to the Scripture, in the singular.

However, often, men and women do not know the Scripture, or try not to remember in the required time, allowing myself for the weakness and revealing the inability to resist sin, напирающему sweet lust, and while the tool and what he предназнгачается, are given only for procreation and pleasure felt in the process of their connection, is the only application designed to stimulate this God-honoring process, often all стаивться upside down. The desire to experience pleasure, and evading their responsibilities of parents, out of most people's first and only place, thereby giving rise to many evils. Children increasingly appear as random, Yes and undesirable consequence.

Man has forgotten to create the biggest miracle to give life to another person, exchanging it on Mercantile interest to the fact that considers the Creator, should not hold his attention and be the object of his lust, rolling in passion.

And there is one who is interested in this self-abasement men, blinded by carnal lust, passion and разнузданностью that prevent the emergence of children requiring some to what restraint and, if not decency, the orderliness of their relationship. Probably поэтомуве lecherous ladies hate children: strangers, but especially his own. They openly interfere till the old age.

Behemoth was tormented. Lying near the cold, бесстрастрной wife, he knew not what to do, couldn't sleep, for I don't want to sleep, and was, moreover, сильнго excited as events of the past day and a recent, only that occurred quarrel with Veronica, who now, as it seemed to him, slept with his face to the wall. In addition, no matter what, he wanted to women, but for how long he could not achieve vicinity of Veronica, which after the wedding and honeymoon, проведнного on the black sea coast, there was a dramatic change: it's cooled off of him so quickly and сосвсем unexpectedly. He was not understand the reason of such discord between them, and because he threatened him with their uncertainty.

On the one hand, Veronica, as argued by George, could really скурвиться and while he was distracted Affairs, went to the side somewhere and found there the satisfaction of his passion.

But he very much wanted to believe that by believing so, he completely заюлуждается.

And yet, hardly this thought took possession of his mind, his whole being was filled with the клокочущим rabies, растляющим it from the inside, like molten lead, and then he felt he could not breathe.

On the other hand, female psychology, without any logic, it is quite allowed such unexpected turns of unbridled desire to complete seclusion, successive like clear and overcast weather. Besides, Veronica could get pregnant, although they have taken all precautions, which had only been possible and appropriate, to prevent this from happening: he or she is not eager to get children. However, Hippo knew that забеременвшая woman loses all interest towards the man, and rarely with which this happens. Хапрактер own wife remained for him is still a complete mystery that was quite natural, because as people have lived together for much longer, so little ahead deep into the knowledge of each other.

And yet, despite the resentment, which stuck нарывающей the thorn in his soul, he wanted with Veronica was the second, and hoped not mistaken.

However, could be not that and not another. It is possible that the reason was not in it, and in it. Maybe entangled with his risky сулящим return his lost condition, without which Hippo become a nobody, he became less attentive and affectionate with her.

Realizing this, the Behemoth like a hurried time, although it has been even slower, and my mind was whirling in the unknown future, where, as he wanted to believe, it will be possible very soon cut out half-month respite, deviate from their Affairs and concerns and will devote our whole being only wife.

"And suddenly it and then appears passion? - scared he, quite unexpectedly for itself. Maybe she doesn't have to. Maybe she накступила frigidity? Maybe something happened to her temperament? Or she is actually pregnant? Then why keep silent?"

He turned to Veronica, lying back on him, clung to her body, with lust and admiration before a sharp, переливющимися small in more rounded forms of its magnificent shapes, поласкал palm of her smooth as silk, pleasant to the touch, elastic, fragrant skin.

"Asleep or not? he thought. - May be, pretends to be? In fact, lies, hiding and waiting for me, finally, I will guess caress her?"

He raised himself on his elbow, looked her in the face and started to kiss her already with all the tenderness and passion with trepidation felt in the neck, but Veronica aside and muttered a dream, took her hand moved to his thin, fragile плечиком, giving, apparently, understand that he left behind.

"Asleep", - decided to Hippo, going down on the pillow, and at the same moment felt resentment fills it all, without a trace.

It was small, but unpleasant fiasco, moreover as this lasted for a week. For the Hippo, accustomed to a very easy victories over жернщинами, it was doubly painful. For him it was нгастоящий stroke, which is still only promised to collapse on his mind fully, but has already made itself felt.

"Bitch!" - swore to спебя Behemoth.

He wanted to straight jump up, turn on the light in the room, pulled her blanket, Wake up and make her arrange a wild scandal until the morning. He knew that not only can, but to do it, but somehow hesitated, suddenly feeling within himself unusual shyness, несмелость and struggle.

"Creature! Bitch!" he continued to swear and was surprised to understand that only on this now and capable.

For some reason he suddenly recalled the time when he discovered the existence of the forbidden fruit, hitherto unknown. Then he was barely fourteen years old, and he, at that time the thin, clumsy and shy teenager, very often suffering from, was lying at home with either cold alone. Her mother was at work.

He had been fooled around with images of naked women, he liked раздкеваться under a blanket feel naked body of his touch. His body блаженствовало, taking off the shackles of service, seeming already commonplace and necessary. When George must have known that for a long time is left alone at home, he undressed and walked naked into the rooms. He liked in this form sit nga di van, watch TV and even teach the lessons.

The mother came at the same time, and her coming he dressed and does not issued for his tastes, and inclinations. He could not understand why quite often his penis itself rises, tenses, is elastic, like finger, and for a long time remains in this position. But once, in the same time when George was sick, he solved this riddle.

Lying in bed сперевязанным throat, he, nevertheless, out of habit undressed and lay a long time in this form, thinking about something abstract, fingering a hand over my Horny tip and considering naked women on the cards. Suddenly his thoughts прпервались strange observation. He noticed that the touch of his hand is not a simple one of the pleasant how to touch your naked body, and very nice. He threw the blanket and began to удивлернием consider his dick. Touching his fingers, Zhora noticed that especially pleased to push back the skin back, and bring it back, and the sooner you do, the more pleasant. Soon it became so sweetly, that it was impossible to stop, though his mind, and it came out that he does something wrong, може6т be even worst, and inappropriate. However, the stronger became frightened and disgusted with myself, the непослушнее were made with own hand, and suddenly Zhora felt within himself, in the bottom of her stomach and all over the body some strange changes. It seemed to him that he was dying, but instead tip monster something whitish-pink. It разбрызгалось tiny droplets on the bed. Hand immediately weakened and fell, and the body, his body floated in the waves incomprehensible, for the first time tested sweet languor.

The case was for him a serious shock, from which it could not recover the rest of the day. Despite the fact that what happened was a terribly pleased, he realized that he made some irreparable crime, and, as often happened to him in his childhood, long убивался, rolling around on the floor and вытворяя over an even knows that, because you can't turn back time and live this day as something different, new, not committing this terrible violation. But towards evening, Zhora had calmed down, as everything was left alone, was tempted to do it again, hoping to experience the power of will and believing that nothing of the kind would happen.

However, it's repeated again, and he couldn't help it, though struggled to stay.

Then it happened бесчетное number of times. It seemed to him that he's crazy, but it caught up with him several times a day: and when he is three times from school to an empty apartment, and when the mother was at home (he just locked in a toilet or bathroom). It was his terrible secret and a great shame, fear of being exposed of which he became more shy and withdrawn.

Secret these satisfactions acquired over time, gloomy shades of seclusion and increasingly uncontrollable riot. At first he had some accounting, count how many times a day he did it, and if I managed to curb their instincts for a few days, then regarded and accepted it as the greatest victory. In such days Жорикстановился happier, more relaxed in emotions, and behavior, sociable with friends and acquaintances, he himself was eager longer stay on the people in the yard of the school, the whole world seemed to him the lighter, cleaner and happier. But then everything started first, and then his senses went deep into the world of sadness, and the gloomy domain of seclusion on an iron chain slave submission of lust took too much into himself, into the pit of sweetness and bitterness. And the nightmare of alternation insane attacks Masturbation and bitter remorse, each time following them, making the tear himself physically deliver pain, tearing hair, punish his body behind the weakness of the lust of the soul, repeated again and again.

When he returned from the conclusion of the father, it was too late for him to fix something. Yes, and what he could to help Жоре?

The first time after his возвращенияЖорик somehow internally transformed. He even thought that his soul grew light under a radiant male authority of his father, whom he always honored and respected, despite the long period that he "soldered", and forever be rid of that fear. That distant star, lost somewhere in the dark night of the past and timelessness daily of the present, which was called the father, suddenly surfaced quite close and dispersed the darkness of the night, in which plunged into the life of her son.

Day was the day, and the most important conversation that Zhora had hoped for some reason did not work. Despite the fact that the recognition of the father in such a terrible низочсти which cannot decorate man was cut off as he had hoped from him and think about this sticky contagion, he did not dare so close admitted it to my soul immediately. In their relations still felt some invisible distance to overcome it was not so easy. Zhora hoped that over time, the chill of alienation, сквозивший between father and son after long separation, will be held, and then he can tell him all, but ввместо he вдрунг was dismayed to discover that every day, on the contrary, in their relations, more and more cracks that they are formed in spite of his desire to get closer, and misunderstanding смежду them not decreased but increased.

A month later, George realized that his father would never be able to understand it correctly and help him, that he, in fact, a strange person, who could only laugh at his frankness, and article th day gap and alienation between them have become irreversible.

For Zhora again came the times of loneliness and hidden from the eyes of outsiders orgies alone. Only now the same fears he has added yet and fear of uncontrollability of this element settled inside it. He is afraid that it will fully control his thoughts, displacing all the rest of them, surrendered himself to his weak will and one day (Oh the horror!) cause it not to be considered more nor shame, nor with the framework of decency or morality and the opinion of others.

Several years later, when he was nearing the end of school, to him persistently stuck another fear: earn impotence. He had long since lost счетэтим indiscriminate attacks and heard that the man before the onset of sexual impotence released nature of a specific resource that depends on the health status of the so-called Constitution, but still varies something about ten thousand.

Жоре there was not a little scary. Having apprehended with the youthful immediacy seriously this information, he began to count how much remains to him, and it turned out that they have "worked out", spent already a third of this resource, and that for the rest of your life (Zhora, like any normal person, hoped and hoped was sure even that much time to live) only about seven thousand. It was horrible. Zhora despair understood that robs himself in joy, but could do nothing. The only thing he thought of himself as a consolation is the hope that heard them one day is not more than somebody fiction or наукообразной, unproven hypothesis.

Due to this now-closed, apparently, seclusion, Zhora to the army itself had no close friends. And the awareness that women are not interested in them, even stronger burden of his inferiority complex. So whenever подворачивался case meet some girl and he тушевался, became in her presence awkward movements and inarticulate, inconsistent in the conversation. Often, when a meeting was behind in his mind were the right words, and his movement had the usual freedom and unrestricted, but he had again to be alone with the representative of the better half of mankind, and all over again.

Whether it is necessary to have a strong mind to become clear, in what despair, and sometimes burning, unquenchable longing days passed, weeks, months Жориной life. His soul, crucified sin, пригвожденная to pillory, suffered, taking fruitless attempts of his release.

In life we had to change something, to break out of the vicious circle. He knew it, but did not know that...

George smiled to himself. Of course, now he knew what it meant to do and how to act. Now he knew the answers to many questions that then, in his early youth, seemed impossible. The problem, then that surrounded it by a concrete wall, now lay at his feet. But this mismatch and amused his entire helplessness its provisions. He was not able to help themselves. Knowledge and for their application were permanently separated impenetrable and insidiously-бестрастным enemy - time.

Now they had their problems too, and they're just as before completely different, surrounded its impregnable walls, and, perhaps, in ten years, remembering the days of today, he laughed over them and over them, because again nothing could help themselves.

George turned to another side, trying to drown out all growing passion, again surrendered memories about the history of its struggle with it.

In fact, no fighting and no. It was continuous defeat, which did not end. It was crazy, which he could not cope because of his sexual glands worked with enviable rhythm and with the same rhythm him напирало desire to be free from the seed, when he was released from painful thoughts that yesterday was engaged in маструбацией.

The decision of its problems, it would seem, could become some Horny little slut, about which so much talk going on in the male environment. But this фольклерно-epic image, a kind of masculine ideal, created captures the imagination кобелиной lust, was far different from what occurred in the life, in any case, in Жориной. He убивался on this occasion, suffered and chastised lucky stars that he had no luck with women.

In the life of George, it was not so, as in досужых male росказнях: women themselves at him, not rushed, as it was expected behaved quite reserved and modest. Is it overwhelmingly puzzled. He didn't understand then, and simply did not understand that in any matter, including in such achieving the required effort. Easier to constantly resenting women, insulting himself last words for what they are not interested in, as if in justification engage in Masturbation.

Strangely enough, but the deliverance comes from where it Zhora not waited he thundered into the army and came to the place where was dominated by harsh laws and were the most brutal and fierce dembelya - in spetsnaz.

The first time he did not remember himself.

Morning started with the unusually early morning. Опаздывавших drove нещадными kicks and blows into operation fierce sergeants of the " old boys", which do not have any law other than its own. Petty officer, ensign, hog kilogram of one hundred and fifty frantically turned the eyes. Those who tried to complain about the severity of the barracks orders or awards reinforced outfits in the most abominable place, or ringleaders in каптерку and beat himself hooting заслужившихся "grandfathers".

In five zero zero they have done the March with the full kit. After a whole day of classes, where they were taught only one thing - to kill. In the evening, as the outfit or, if it happened to stay in the barracks, the bluster, and humiliation by the "grandfathers".

In the first six months of army life Zhora completely forgot who he was. Memories of the old life failed somewhere in the unfathomable depths of his memory and no longer pop up out of there, leaving him alone with this hell, who became his life. While he was awake, he was under the watchful gaze of the "grandfathers", which did not give neither he nor any other single minute to breathe. When he slept, he slept like a dead man, without dreams. If he fell into the black nothingness, just touching the stiff cotton pillows, and returned it to life only in the morning kick from the Sergeant.

In the army Zhora even forgot that he was a man and began to think about it only when passed the first year of his service. But it was something else. During this year of the lanky, he turned into a tightly downed Hulk, discreetly covered pile of tissues. His thoughts became rougher, straighter and easier, and ever he вспоминалне otherwise, as with contempt, for that was unspeakably grateful to the harsh school of spetsnaz.

When passed half a year of service, Zhora already was a Sergeant himself with as much pleasure as drove хлюпиков recruits, brought up and beat the muzzle. Then he knew that at night, in the officer shook the store-room there are vodka and women, and that when they drink, they are rebellious and wicked not less than in the men's fables, and these fables now looked pale and dim the background of the fact, that worked at night babenka from a neighboring village and dembelya-grandparents from spetsnaz.

In his home town of George returned from the army completely different person and suddenly discovered that all women laying at his feet, - choose to taste what you want. However, they were already over, the women with whom he had to deal, and have not required a lengthy courtship, удовольствуясь principle of "one hundred grams, walk to the tram - and I'm yours forever, or at night." And everything was George nothing, if not met him Veronica.

She's cool met the first onset of the brave gentleman, and he became ill of her. This carcass that knew no one lewd Orgy couldn't do anything with the newly awaken the soul, demanding and wishing to love. She was so irrelevant to her that this inner disharmony spilled into the outer world and ended the marriage Zhora Бегетова, which apparently began his misadventures: women all somewhere suddenly evaporated, and now he was lying back to back with an impersonal wife, and there was it warm.

Chapter 7. (03).

"I'll just go one or not?" thought Gladyshev, nervously glancing at the policeman, sitting on watch at the entrance. A policeman talking to some man, apparently, acquaintances, not paying attention until the Gladysheva.

You had to have a pass, which Gladysheva was not, and he feared lest that its not miss it.

Finally a little on the threshold, Gladyshev went forth, going to turn a man who closed for a moment his back from a policeman, quickened his pace and waiting with bated fear that now it окликнут. Stairs and up a few steps. This distance he overcame two jumps and climbed up the steep, narrow stairs, which were common in old buildings.

-Young man! Young man! Stand fast, young man! Where are you heading?! Stop!

It is probably called him, but Gladyshev already slipped stairwell and ran with full force for the second Bay.

"It is interesting to rush whether he followed me into the chase? - his mind continued to frantically to think. On the Elevator - catch can". It was clear to him that you need to go somewhere to the side, that direct its likely overtaken and make you come back, no matter what his explanation, but he climbed and climbed up the steep stairs, choking with unaccustomed from such a rapid ascent.

"Sunset manually. Exactly that. Wonder how they came up with such a strange and good name. In it the weight and непомерность work, the dramatic process of this action, however, читсейший and беспочвенный fiction. Sunset manually", - he passed already several floors, having lost the account and now not even struggling to recover it. His head was full of thoughts, and they were pushing, pushing, vying with each other, trying to get his attention, to draw the eye of his soul, which оплодотворила them their empathy. - Publishing house similar to the hospital. Here the authors help resolve pregnancy embodied, Mature, formed as a child in the womb, literary idea. Родовспомошествуют, so to speak. Why I'm I squirmed my way here, as if going to make literary abortion?"

On some floor suddenly he leaped to one side open, glazed door, and entered a small, round hall of the platform lift, which from several sides agreed corridors, and went at random one of them, and passed the meeting, again found himself in the corridor and went out in the end to the other end of the building, on the staircase landing of the second end of the staircase, entrance to which was from a different entrance. Here, the Elevator was on the spot and barely Gladyshev stopped, the doors open it with noise burst open, forcing the young man, dwelling in a terrible tension of the suspect, flinch and fright. Out of there come two men and was busily chatting on the go, passed him, completely ignoring him, and turned to the right in a dead-end, Allen hall with cabinets.

Do not hesitate even for a second, Gladyshev went into an empty Elevator and pushed the button for the desired floor: he показлось that side heard hasty, footsteps, and it could be the policeman of the watch. Doors, decorated with plastic under the tree, gently gathered, closed, as the folds of a huge shell, and he had not had time to study it his frightened face in the wall, the Elevator mirror again opened, letting inside the gloomy box daily, bright sunlight that fell here through the window of the entrance.

Gladyshev broke out, rubbed his eyes and look for the coveted room Cabinet, which he had learned in spring, while passing through Moscow, the women of the Department of letters and correspondence, where he's way in February passed a thick folder with typing his first and only novel.

-Your novel we had sent to the editorial office of children's and youth literature, then the woman said to him. - I met him, and so it seemed to me that it never will. Department of prose, so there's the turn of the venerable, serious writers, and you'll have to wait there for a decision on their issue very very long time. Moreover, because of the difficulties of polygraphic base, paper, with capacity we now print only members of the Union of writers, and I understand that you are not a member. And in the Junior edition, maybe you can do business. Anyway, this is some hope and better. Than nothing at all. Come four or five months later. You say there.

He did so. It was exactly five months.

Gladyshev was in front of the right door and froze in his tracks, feeling caught off guard.

"Corinne Lev Vasilievich, " he read the label under the plaque with the number - editor of the Department of literature for children and youth".

The door was ajar, of the Cabinet of разавался muffled bass few votes.

Order оробев Gladyshev knocked as cautious and polite not to seem too self-assured and arrogant editor, but blows it at the door were so cowardly quiet that he himself was heard. Having passed through itself the first wave of fear, введшую it in a paint, Gladyshev already knocked a few more confident and, without waiting for permission, opened the door, but she dared not.

At the table, occupying the entire middle long and fairly narrow Cabinet opposite each other were three -- two on one side, and the third on the other, - and something talked, sipping from a thin-walled glasses something amber-transparent. Before them стояля round glass ashtray rose up with a bunch of "bulls"which was, apparently, a local landmark. Next was a half-empty bottle of port wine, Madeira, which, apparently, and drank friends.

Gladyshev, in spite of the armed forces of their confusion, all the same has prepared some introductory speech of appeal to the editor, but now, not knowing who to talk to, again confused and could say:

-Hello, I am the author of the novel "Administrator".

All three turned to him with surprise and looked rounded, осоловевшими eyes, подернутыми haze. They probably didn't think that now to them on the head will fall for a "miracle" and intervene in their conversation, violating their meal.

Not knowing who these people editor, and whether he's here at all, Gladyshev looked alternately at each of the three, but in the next second, noticed that the man who sat alone, staring at him as if something more surprised and expressive, he was the first to rise from the chair, and the two men followed him, obviously not knowing with whom they deal.

Rising first began moving towards him, piano squeezing between table and chairs, standing in a tight row against the wall. Gladyshev intuitive feeling that this is the person whom they came, leaned toward him. Their hands simultaneously pulled towards each other.

-So you are the author of this novel? Gladyshev?


-Oh, man turned to his companions, but nothing explaining them, surprised таращившим eyes, turned again to Гладышеву. - I thought you were older. The word of honor! Years on ten older. Do you wrote?

"Yes, " nodded Gladyshev.

-Oh! shook his head editor. - I Corinne Lev Vasilievich, but you call me simple: the lion. Well?


-The plot, of course, is good! I read with pleasure... But you sit down, sit down...

Lev Vasilyevich motioned to him to the table, and Gladyshev took предлоджение. He wanted to talk about her novel, collect more impressions and delight his vanity affected first by the flattering reviews, because before he was sure he created something extraordinary, absolutely exquisite and irresistible impressive, but now it began to rapidly grow in confidence., and at the table next to the three men Gladyshev sat down, feeling how was hovering above his head with the Laurel wreath of glory.

On the table the fourth appeared in the glass for him.

-Smoke? - asked the lion.

"Yes, " nodded Gladyshev, although smoked in very rare cases, when he offered to taste committed зкзотические instances import very expensive cigarettes.

Leo pushed him a stack of cheap cigarettes without filter, which was lying beside the table. Such cigarettes served as a sign of smoker, which considers that the expensive cigarettes with filter unaffordable and became the slave of nicotine hunger.

Gladyshev not dare to refuse: to responsible moment was pulled out from a pack a cigarette, leaned down and lit a cigarette Lion. That, apparently, was watching him, and when he exhaled smoke through her nostrils, asked him:

-You that, nose freely breathe?

Yes, Gladyshev wondered was why he asked, but he guessed that the interlocutor, apparently, chronic runny nose.

Meanwhile, conversation, hardly прервавшаяся with the advent of Gladysheva revived, when the glasses on the table сползлись in a heap. One of the men at the table, thick, chunky, with a small head, took бутылкубелого Azerbaijani port wine and poured the remainder in glasses, screwing up the eyes and watching, that all came out equally.

"This here is Alexey Petrovich, with television. Incidentally, at one time led the cycle army gear - showed his hand Lev Vasilievich. - So, meet! And this worker, Баранкин Sergey Efimovich, - he introduced Gladysheva with the second his guest. - Maybe later take a closer look.

Gladyshev was flattered that unexpectedly turned out to be in such great company, and these nice people even invited him to drink with them.

Звякнули glasses. Taste of port wine seemed to be refined and pleasant, although this was the most common port. He even thought that he wanted was сейчасвыпить bottle to two of this wine and noted with regret that оноуже over.

Ate, had nothing, and they all have lit up.

-What has he written? - said Alexey Petrovich that of a Lion.

-A pretty good thing. I got it here, " said Lev Vasilievich, leaned over his Desk, opened the door of the Cabinet and pulled out a familiar Гладышеву red folder. Behold.

He twirled it over his head and handed to view the guests. However, those have been explicitly configured to read and, turning a little, have put the folder in the side.

-Then I will read it, " said Alexei Petrovich, but Gladyshev according to him realized that reading it will not.

Hey, how do you make it? - asked the lion. - As you wrote all this? Where did you come from?

Gladyshev smiled mysteriously, then pointed at the ceiling, not knowing how to put it more precisely:

-Probably, from there.

Lev pointedly silent, but as he was quite drunk, soon resumed:

-No, you know, of course, me yours Roman liked, but... but... but why do you often write about the trolley buses? I'm tired read about it, honestly. Yes, of course, with transport, we have big problems, but you can't just write a lot about the trolley buses. It is a nightmare!

Gladyshev was confused. A sense of euphoria gradually began to abandon it: a critique hardly anyone likes and few people are encouraging.

-Well, actually, nothing, nothing. There are places just strong, but in the whole novel, average hands, between us, - продолжжал lion, not noticing what changes to the interlocutor entail his words. - Publish it will be very hard, but I vowed to do it all. Of course, the opponents he would have many. But I will do my best, I shall draw on their side, a few more people from the editorial Board, build public opinion... Only... Only the novel will have to reduce... cut.

Lev piano shook his hand uplifted finger. In this time Gladyshev wanted just to ask why the editor went to fight for his novel, and who will be his opponents, but he did not give him open his mouth.

-You have a volume of what?

-Четыреса fifty somewhere.

-Well, that's no good. Have times in DV reduced.


-Of course. Of course! Do you see how much you water. You, by the way, not a psychologist by profession?

By profession " no, confused Gladyshev, but, in fact, in another's thoughts can understand.

-Here,-and it shows. You have too much speculation as to any ипереживаний. No, all this is, of course, good, but you didn't count Tolstoy!

Guests editor amicably laughed. Gladyshev felt flushed and hurried to justify himself:

-No, of course not count.

Talk quietly took for him so нелестный turnover that he himself was not happy that I came here. "About Tolstoy, it was you, of course in vain, he thought, looking Lion eyes full of hatred, and натуженно-embarrassed smile, he, like any other "real" writer could not bear comparison with the other, and believed that if he is going to implement his plan, that his work would be greater "War and peace" and, in any case, there will be nothing to...

-And you had a machine have? asked Alexey Petrovich.

"Yes, " nodded Gladyshev, Recalling instantly that the cars is gone, that she died in the fire.

-What, mechanical or electric?



-Yeah. "Ivica", do you know?

"I know, waved his hand Alexey Petrovich. - Rubbish!

"Why not?" offended Gladyshev. Is a small, comfortable...

-Very noisy. Work on it hard. You himself on it печатаешь?


-And fast?

-Sufficient. Three fingers on each hand. True, not blind, but yet sheet for twenty minutes - packer.

-And you think you are right with the head in the car talking about? - intervened in the conversation lion.

-No, first draft, write in notebooks.

-Oh, it's long, shook his head Alexei Petrovich. - First scribbled, and then перепечатай. Look, I read the article about Marquez, Brazilian writer.

-Is not the one Hundred years of loneliness" wrote? Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

"Yeah, it most. Now, the books he writes on their computer, and at the editorial refers to a floppy diskette. There only in a publishing complex remains lay, and he immediately began churning out books. This is really good!

-Well, on m to such a hundred years more to live! - waved him away with the lion. "Let's better drink!

He reached for the bottle, but it was already empty.

-Yes, if I had a computer, I would have been so much written, dreamily and naively said Gladyshev. - Know how many of my head all the stories and ideas? Ten volumes would be enough.

It is, however, no one listened. Present noticed that drink there, and all their attention was riveted now only to this problem.

"Come to our soup suggested, finally, Lev Vasilievich its guests. - Today, the wine was brought in three-liter jars. However, it is muddy, bitch, as compote, here nobody takes. And for us it will add. You sit here?

He touched ладышева by the knee and drunkenly staggering rose.

-Surf, ' he said.

-That's good. And we are now fast. There and back. On, Kuri! - he offered him a pack of cigarettes, he climbed past his chair, wiping off the wall, and after a minute Gladyshev was left alone.

Time stretched painfully slow. He pondered occurred conversation and understood more clearly that his illusions to disperse and as the morning fog.

The first blow to his hopes was made even then, when half a year ago he first got here, in this great by the publishing house, hoping that his immense power of will and for his work to find their place under the sun. Then, it is too naive, he headed straight with a thick folder of his novel to the editor in chief of the publishing house, but that nothing satisfactory to tell him and sent on a common path in the Department of letters and manuscripts.

It was still pretty early. Gladyshev't know what творчиские workers like припоздниться. And the work day begins hours of ten and eleven, and therefore rushed to издательсвто at seven o'clock in the morning, that is, no light - no charge.

Letter Department was closed for longer than other rooms. Next door lived a stocky, bearded man, his whole appearance resembling somehow Гладышеву woodcutter. He often went into the corridor, he was in the other rooms, and all cruel, too, in the direction of Gladysheva, lonely маячившего between the closed doors, and then broke down and asked:

-What is it?

-Yes here, brought the manuscript, - Гладышеву speak like.

"Well, покжи. Yes, show, show. Won't eat!

Gladyshev reluctantly pulled out a bag thick folder.

"Wow, " said the bearded. - Healthy. This is what's happening here?

-Novel - shyly replied Gladyshev.

-Eldin Hal Сурро gat - read bearded on the title page. - Translation?

-No, - confused Gladyshev. Is my alias...

-Ah, " said the bearded. - Oh why are you so? What's your last name?


-That's all - bearded passed in his office, put a fat folder on the table, and drew out somewhere pen, crossed out the "Eldin Hal Сурро gat" and wrote "the singularity".


-Dmitry Ivanovich.

-In-o, Dmitri Ivanovitch, " finished the bearded his name. - Two years later, suddenly, print it.

-Two years? asked surprised Gladyshev.

"Why, Yes? However, maybe more, but less unlikely.

"But in two years, begins another Millennium! - I wanted to shout Гладышеву, but he too was well aware that his words not take any action. - And I wanted to become famous in this... Maybe it will not be the next Millennium".

Bearded probably noticed that his words have upset the author. Several times he threw a weighty file on the hand, as if weighing, and whether to justify ourselves, whether in a rebuke to the interlocutor, умудрившемуся in such years ridden so thick романище, said:

-By the way, young man, the less you need to write. The shorter one. The shorter one.

His words had their effect. Gladyshev looked at his creation in obvious confusion, thinking that, indeed, should not be so all рассусоливать.

-About that the novel? - asked the bearded.

-About life, - has shrugged awkwardly shoulders Gladyshev. Now he himself was not glad that got involved in this conversation.

How surprised this bearded, if he knew that this thick folder - only the first book of a huge novel, and that his plan so vast and fantastic that subject, it would seem, not безусому youngster, and седовласому, умудренному elder.

-"Administrator", - read the title of the bearded. Is that so specially highlighted letters or a typo?



-Not quite.

-Well, if so, then print it. A two-year wait?

Gladyshev said nothing and simply said:

-A manuscript who takes?

-And, behold, a woman in the neighbouring room. It now no. Yes you leave the folder me, I'll give it to her.

Gladyshev somehow obeyed, although it had " no confidence to the bearded. Already when he was a few blocks from the publishing house, he had a serious, constant anxiety. He was feeling that his manuscript disappear, disappear somewhere in the bowels of the publishing house, and then he cannot even prove that it is generally brought it there, because there has to witness some kind of registration.

Пробродив troubled and brooding until five o'clock in the evening on the streets of Moscow, she made it back to the publisher.

Bearded not deceived him. The manuscript of the novel really lay in the Department of manuscripts and letters. A middle-aged woman sitting at a table piled with papers when the desktop lamp placed it in front of himself and began a conversation with him.

Her speech seemed Гладышеву quite polite and even дорбожелательной that impressed his own importance: he is the author! But to him, again, little by little, it came out that way.

Outside the window slowly and quietly large flakes of snow fell. Late at night - January days were so short. Everything was like a fairy-tale, and the melodious voice of a woman strengthened the feeling of unreality:

-You're not a member of the Union of writers? No? Then your novel I am in the Department of prose give will not. You know, there's a very big place, and we print in this Department members. But as you look to your novel to give the Department of youth literature? They are also binding doing hard...

There was such impression, that very soon, Gladysheva, will print.

-Come back in six months. Or call.

In six months? her last words brought back Gladysheva to reality.

Yes, I registered your manuscript, - she filed Гладышеву business card of the publishing house, which wrote handle : "N 92, January 29, 1998. Call in September the bodies..."

Lev Vasilievich and his guests returned with a jar muddy stuff. Gladyshev realized that there is nothing else to do. He picked up a folder with your novel and said:

-Okay, I'll go.

"Uh-huh, mumbled in response lion, закивав head, cut it and come. We'll wait. About trolleybuses do not write. And not more than ten sheets of copyright, you know?

Understood, " Gladyshev, swallowing the bitter lump resentment and thought: "All in vain!"

Chapter 8. 2.

Zhora decided that he was not there. He even thought that it screwed around your finger and, so saying, обдули.

Address him for a fee, brought him to a dirty entrance of the old buildings of a six-storey house. The lift did not work, and on the fourth floor, he had to climb on foot.

The walls of the entrance were already painted and signed coal. On the ceiling hung burnt matches, around which were black spots копот.

Jora gave gazed around, ceiling panel and used obscene words. For a long time already he had never been in such provincial slum.

Climbing up to the fourth floor, he stood there in front of oak, moraine door, with a massive polished copper plaque, on which, reflecting in the twilight of the staircase, were digits, then pressed the call button.

The melodious sound, opening the crack of the door, leaned out, an old man, looked at Jora through the glasses:

-You whom, young man?

-Yes, probably, to you.

He called password, received with the address. It worked like "open sesame!", the door is wide opened, and the owner gestured for him to enter.

In close a small hallway, apparently, apartment on the walls was hanged a lot of all kinds of clothes manufacturers вппечатление rubbish.

"It's not like it's here the people lived, thought George, looking around

The owner is not held it for a long time in the hallway and back turned to him, silently went deep into the apartment, thereby offering a follow him.

Looking at his flannelette Bathrobe, tossed over the мешкообразное, бочковидное body, with somewhere in the region of the abdomen, waist, which is not viewed, George began to doubt whether he was, and whether he was sent, who was wanted, and when they were in the large but badly furnished room, the furniture was old, tired, Yes to all this took some clumsy, incomplete, intermediate position, as if someone took her move and gave up, not finish asked:

-You, in fact, do you know why I came to you?

-I guess, young man, I guess - landlord flopped, if the Charter of the stand, in a deep armchair, took from her robe pocket a cigarette and lit it. - To me all come for одниам same, actually.

He dragged on and released a stream of smoke in the direction of the guest.

Zhora sank into a chair opposite:

-And that you all give what they need?

-Well, who pays, respectively, - he started fidgeting in his chair. - Let's to the case: I have no time for рассусоливания. First installment - three hundred dollars per visit.

Zhora involuntarily whistled back:

"That was a good start! Yet it had not managed to exchange and money flowed a stream! Not too much there? I understand that ten, well, fifteen dollars, but not three hundred!..

Well, the landlord is dissatisfied with his hands, I'm sorry, but, apparently, we are not going to get along. Too bad you were not warned, and on what conditions it is necessary to go.

-No, why not! I was told that you should take the green, and much. I am ready to pay, but only for the information

You see, каждогоуважающего a man like me, there is a threshold below which it is not working. If the client cannot put me at once , that's just like you, the down payment, then, have to say goodbye. I'm not going to no one roaming the pockets, but this behavior gives me every reason to believe that he состоятеленг. And indulgences, exceptions, I do not do to anyone, this is my principle. Money in my hand - the best and the only argument for the continuation of the conversation... so?

He made an unambiguous pause, and George realized that you need to shell out either, or take a hike. Step back, no matter how it was a pity to pay, there was no miser pays twice, and he's already stepped on the road on which it would be cheaper to go forward than back off, go напопятную.

Зашуршали paper passed from hand to hand.

-Well, what are you interested in? Or rather, who?

-Bondi BPO.

Now, it is probably turn to be surprised to the owner of the apartment:

You have! Cool, cool! However, introduce yourself.

Zhora something figured out myself:

-I have a right to remain incognito and incognito.

"Not quite, unfortunately.

Is почемуже?! - Zhora nearly jumped out of his chair in indignation. - It turns out that for my money I came himself squeal, so what?!

Interlocutor smiled mysteriously:

-Well, no. Why? You should introduce yourself to me even being polite as I do you, however. Let me do it first. My name is mark Ilich.

-I would like to believe that this вашке actual name.

"As you wish.

-Does not work. Struggling to believe.

-It's yours.

George began to get angry. His strong nature could not accept the fact that they are trying to cheat.

-You say that you have no time, and impose some kind of a rotten game!

Not at all! I got to speak to you. Yes and I have to create an image, which will communicate.

Then two hundred.

-Two hundred? I love mark Ilich.

-Two hundred dollars for пердоставление information. One hundred and leave you.

Mark Ilich shook his head, apparently surprised that underestimated his guest, then without unnecessary disturbance returned the money.

"Unlocked yet, you bastard! thought George, hiding greenish-grey bill. - All the cards in his hands. But let them one will see that not NFEA fool ran".

-I need to know about him: where he lives, what does officially and unofficially, communication... and so on.

-"So forth" - your pockets will be worn. This will cost a million. If you are interested in any clerk or a Secretary, a couple of days I would put you all her background from and to the couple hundred. But you won who have ventured... I see as a hired killer, - the larger дчиь, the greater the rate. But the rate may оказатьсмя larger than life, yours, if you do not have enough power, and my, if I do pass. This case stands, it seems to порогое both.

-You that is, refuse?! "exclaimed George " Then I demand a pay penalty. Give me my three hundred.

-Well, first of all, I will not do that, and, secondly, secondly, I do not refuse. So, step by step. Fee for all separately. The first...

-First, all the dirty things.

The landlord stood up, walked around the chair, opened an old chest of drawers. In the depth of his became visible hour computer hardware. Mark Ilich quickly затарабанил fingers on the keyboard. In ten minutes he spoke:

-What is the period of life?

-First conscious.

-Well, well. I only starting from service in army. So, 'll burn yourself or send to printer.

-Better on the floppy disk.

-Well, - mark Ilich he pressed again with two dozen buttons.

On the display screen, blinking, began to change, leaving one after another, frames with text. Browsing through them, mark Ilich noticed:

-Yes, he has a very good biography. Not without reason speak, that the most уязвляющая information that comes through time. In your army, Bondi Bohm, made stealing things, plundering spare parts from cars and marketed stole forward to left. In each case there is an almost exact date of abduction, - this is the value of information. Come here, see for yourself... Oh, here he began work a "big": copper goes West FL. See all: the price for a ton, number, date of dispatch, destination, intermediaries...

George came and stood next to mark Ilyich, browsing the text.

It comes to a floppy disk? "he pointed to the screen.

-Of course.

-Then I'll check it out.

Mark Ilich stretched thin lips into a smile:

I have no doubt. You have the full right.

Having calmed down, Zhora went and took a more detailed inspection of the room. "Wonder what he had in these absurd cabinets," thought he, passing the items of furniture. An original method, which was hidden computer.

-Young man, do not go, - asked it, mark Ilich, noticing that he was out what you need.

-You seem to be asking about my name, isn't it?

"Oh, Yes. Igor, do not go there, please.

"Okay, " Zhora heavily sank into a chair.

It seems he had some time to think.

The person against whom he prepared an extensive and expensive dossier, was a major figure, and not only in the shadow areas of all kinds of illicit trade and resales, but also on the political arena. There he was somewhere close control and конституционой Collegium is a collective monster from the Institute of power. Bondi BPO policy was merely Minister of a cast-iron-heavy direction of industry, утюжившего this poor country with a skating rink, turning it into place some incredibly huge whether the massacres, whether the privy.

Such a high position obliged to relate to the person Bondi Boma with reverent respect. In fact, the official world at it, of course, was another, quite proper name, but for Zhora, which itself is more perceived as a Hippopotamus, he was not who other, as Bondi Bohm, inveterate and notorious rogue, especially dangerous. One hundred managed to дорваться to powerful levers of power. Millstones, given by them in motion, could break bones not only such as hippopotamus, but ten of them.

Zhora understood that got into a dangerous game, but another way for him not Blo: too large money was put into the pot, too much was already lost and wanted to return, if not more, at least for what was lost

When a man learns that his one way or the other cheated and robbed, his soul lives caustic concern, not leaving him and саднящее how bad the healing wound from the razor. You just need to touch it, and it causes severe pain, which поселялется and hide somewhere in the depths of consciousness, until, finally, something will not be able to solve or do, or return stolen, or exile and glimpses of the doubt and hope to do this by replacing their confidence in непоправимости the incident.

Zhora still hoping something. The loss was surprisingly big for him. Maybe for bigwigs scale Bondi Bohm it was a penny, so small perk, compared with those incomes, which came to him through his high public and state provision, but for him, Jora, it was a fortune, which he is hard and not idle, and the more frustrating it was to feel a poor man, whose rich man takes the last.

Some time ago, in the middle of summer, in the hands of the Жоре, which pals, and all criminals in his hometown, knew not, except under the nickname Behemoth got the whole archive of all kinds of documents.

The paper always represent some value, especially if they contain the threat of exposure to someone.

Those contained, and not one, e several tens if not hundreds of people, that's totally strangers to each other, and never had been seen and living in different regions of the country, therefore addresses for sale were very much and address each separately indefensible wasteful.

Behemoth сбыл paper мелкооптовыми parties, растасовав in groups.

And recently he became aware that his "papers" are on such a fabulous price, that the money that he rescued them from a sale - a bribe to a beggar. Their trade is now conducted, blackmailing its customers, the Bondi BOM widely known in the shadow areas of large воротила. This is him through intermediaries сбыл their goods Zhora and now, having learned about the true cost of securities, willing to return true причитаующуюся share. To achieve this has already been spent мнгого forces and means. For this Behemoth is the second week he lived in Moscow, where life was now so expensive. But it was the little things in life than какеи costs had to be re-gathering information.

George knew that started hunting for the beast, which will devour it in the same минтуту as soon as he notices his attention in his address. Therefore act required secretly, and ambush appear only at the moment when everything will be ready for powerful impact of the strike.

However shelter it meant a lot of holes that he had just unknown: they were surrounded by strangers, and money were unreliable guarantee that it will not give the opponent in this situation. We had friendship, support circular bail on which you would expect at home, in their city, where he had some weight in the world of criminals and profiteers local caliber. His authority there was quite noticeable. In Moscow he was a stranger, brazen visiting an upstart from the province, who came to compete with the capital clans and even расситывающим more from them to get back.

Besides the hundreds of dossiers with подмоченными reputations was in the cache and there's something else. Paintings, icons, silver jewelry, gold salaries, kitchen utensils antique production, small antiquarian, - all this was kept тамнеизвестно how many years, cooked by someone to the shipment collected and carefully laid in neat boxes, перестелянные straw and cardboard. It was not difficult to carry it in a safe "their" place. There were thousands of ancient books, manuscripts, some folders with the drawings, containers with diskettes and галлограммами to the records, it would seem, will have to deal not one year, but it was worth it. George was a nose for money, and it smelled very big money.

To ensure that intuition fails him, Zhora immediately after the captured content hiding place, chosen by нанытого them an electronic engineer, one of the folders with some schemes, drawings and nested floppy disk to the computer, which would interest some leading electronic company, and заслал with courier to Japan, where, after several days brought great "merci" in a Swiss Bank and laser holographic VCR latest model as a gift.

However, apart from this one folder to use Zhora nothing more did not: while he rested on the black sea coast, visiting his company, all the beaches from геледжика to Sochi, all these values were blatantly stolen. Warehouse, where they were stored someone blatantly hacked and stole what Hippo hoped to build the Foundation for future prosperity.

That gave him one single folder, was quite enough to play a chic wedding with Veronica, buy her as a wedding gift a large two-bedroom apartment, and the "Mercedes" of the latest brand to which he had long had a passion.

Now, however, had very little money, and by the end of егопребывания in Moscow should they were completely exhausted. But George was hoping that by the time he is going though something back, and this will help to live equally безбеднео and in style.

Theft incredibly surprised and outraged Jora. To his secret warehouses knew only pretty people close to him, but still a few people that were of relevance to the case, of strangers. Случайныце robbers could not steal so much. In лечшем case they took only gold, silver, well, maybe that инконы. To выве6зти all, it would require a good truck, which in its time availed himself Behemoth. Those who there came to know this.

Behemoth began to make inquiries about possible похитителях immediately upon returning from the Black sea. Thread again ran to Moscow. Somebody worked in a large way. From local to such a few people were capable of, but the quality of operations, organization, and "quiet" and does completely rejected the "local" option.

A week after the honey month, Behemoth find a truck driver. The split rapidly, " to him don't even have to use any serious measures. Version was confirmed: ran capital guests. The gunner was one of those strangers with whom Behemoth had to have common interests in the latter case, but the traces of his also disappeared somewhere in the capital. Bastard got a decent Kush from the Zhora, but apparently decided that this is not enough, and decided to enter into a more dangerous and a cool game. George knew now how he would deal with him at a meeting...

-Igor! Go here called his mark Ilich.

Zhora was distracted from his thoughts. Mark Ильичт give him a floppy disk. His face is played elusive, подловатая smile. Zhora instinctively felt that relaxed comes down something. But what exactly?

-No, perhaps I'll check it. Put it back into the drive.

-In the drive? Please.

Semblance of a smile on the face of mark Ilyich faded again, and George even thought out whether he's on the right track, and not going whether this жидявый old man with a computer in the chest to slip him some wrong diskette.

The drive again charged. Mark Ilich pressed a few buttons. Once again went to blink, as if перелистываемые page видеотекста.

-The printer, " said George.

-What? I love mark Ilich.

-Print to the printer. Suddenly you ккакой any software virus on a floppy disk. I will include, where everything сотретсмя. Want a copy was on paper, it is more reliable.

'Well, please mark Ilich touched before a few buttons. In the neighbouring Department of chest buzzer sang the printer.

George opened the box and followed выползающим from there one by one, sheets of paper, reading the text.

-Tell, please, dear, Marc Zakharovich, and to damn me, say, this: "Прохлдя service in the military unit ... разукомплектовал engines of KAMAZ vehicles, sold three pump, two generators." Witnesses Артемин, Zhukov. Address Why?

-You asked for a complete, exhaustive information. Now, please get. Isn't this evidence? Here's your crime, but you are witnesses. He who underlined, it can give information for a fee, and the other is unknown.

-Well, all right, " said George, feeling still a catch all that is happening.

He gathered the sheets together, put the floppy disk in карманг, asked:

-Folders you have a cigarette?

-No. With you ten thousand.

-What? Ten thousand.

-Do not RUB, of course.

-Why are there so many?

-Information on such a large man. Give it - is very dangerous. Take is your personal business, but to give. Besides all the documents certified by a notary offices and other authorities so reliable. Collect them is hard work, and it should be paid well to those who need, who will be interested in it, understand?

-But you spot, at least two-three thousand! I just have no money!

-Well, then leave documents and come here another time, when there will be money. Only do not stay for a long time, otherwise I'll just kill.

Feeling that apparently, this was a trick, Zhora snatched from his inner pocket costume revolver.

-Oh! "asked mark Ilich. - In this case I have it all covered! Boy! Turn around.

George looked over his shoulder. Behind him stood a man. In his hand was a gun pointed to him, Жоре, right in the back of the head.

-Throw weapon! "said mark Ilich. - Count to three, then he will shoot! So. Times. Two...

Жоре had to obey. It was disarmed, everything had been taken away дерньги and values that he had pushed out to the porch.

When Zhora was completed, the landlord went into a small room, got dressed, went to his home, sending also guard, and locked up as it should be double door hidden under clothing in the corridor and reminiscent of the door. Before leaving, he phoned the reception Толстунину:

-And where is Boris Borisovich?

-At the meeting. Who yemtsyu calling?

-Mark Ilich. Pass that they are interested in. Check the Fax machine.

Chapter 9. (04).

"Every man is guilty himself in all the misfortunes that happen to him", - Gladyshev stood on the bridge and looked down at the waves on the surface of the Moscow river, talking to himself.

He himself could not say how he got to the bridge, aimlessly wandering around the city, sometimes dropping down in the subway and leaving it on some quite unnecessary to him stations.

Past flashed one after another machine. The way their неизмсенно laid past the red Square, St. Basil's Cathedral, Parking, crammed with large buses. On the other side stood the elegant hotel "Russia", surrounded on all sides of his foot with shops, restaurants, bars and even a cinema at the entrance crowded now a lot of people assembled for the next session.

Late at night, and in the Windows and stained-glass Windows "Russia" more загоралось light. The sun had already disappeared behind the horizon, but the sky still continued to be light blue.

Гладушеву we didn't want the evening.

He continued to stand, leaning over cast iron railings, and perhaps risking перевалиться through them and go down to where sailed lit lights теплоходик. In his hand was the folder with the manuscript of the novel, and, looking at her, Gladyshev only smirked bitterly.

Article Ortona, perhaps, you'd think a young man preparing to swallow paper and, choking them to fall from the bridge into the river, ending suicide. It even policeman came and asked:

-What are you waiting for?

-So easy! - turned Gladyshev.

-Down or something, сигануть going?

-No. I think I shall do nothing more!

-Look, kid...

The policeman wanted to add something else, but waved his hand, post оял, staring stupidly, about ten seconds and walked away.

His appearance only briefly distracted Gladysheva from gloomy meditations, and. although he think not thought about suicide, his head flashed the crazy driving in the back of the idea: "In fact, why not jump?" онаи stuck on to it as an infectious disease and pulled down.

He barely managed to break free from these sudden and strong bonds.

With наступолением evening was quickly getting colder, and on the street looking distinctly uncomfortable. Gladyshev wanted to go back to the hotel, but the bridge is already engulfed in darkness and reflections from car headlights, surrounded by lights from all the sides not want to let it go.

At the bottom mysteriously darkened river. From there rose cool.

Gladyshev grinned to himself and, as a cigarette butt, not бросилл even, but just published a folder of papers.

It opened sheets typing slipped out from there, scattered, dispersed and sad Listopad, swinging from the darkness unclear glare. Tumbling and circling, began to sink down.

A flock of them melted into the darkness, and Gladyshev presented themselves as they lay on the surface of the river and swam slowly downstream.

"Stuffer!" - with a stinging bitterly thought Gladyshev, trying to hurt yourself as much as possible, so that the soul зашлась from неизгладимой sorrow and longing to her one word was like hitting a sharply honed razor, who cut her half in two rebels against the other.

He finally came unstuck from pig-iron, covered with oily, sticky dust railing of the old fence of the bridge and walked away.

It seems Gladyshev knew exactly this bridge was called Kuznetsk and, rumor has it, was famous for the fact that here many years ago landed a German pilot, a boy of twenty, the спортинвом plane, вылетивший of Germany, and after this flight paid chair a Minister of defense, not to mention сошках smaller.

Гладышеву wanted to smoke. Smoking, as he rightly thought it was a bad habit, but now that it would not stop. However cigarettes he had no money for them either, and "shoot" a cigarette he could not decide, although towards roamed smokers.

On the street it was already quite dark. Descending from the bridge, Gladyshev went to the "Russia", walked around, observing the life of the huge Windows, where everything shone in the glare of the light, the broken in crystal lamps and chandeliers. There were smiling, idle people. They stood at the luxurious shop-Windows, choosing purchase, and in their hands they sparkled chain and ring, some gold jewelry sat in a comfortable tables in soft, deep armchairs, and fussed around them, going in and waiters.

Gladyshev suddenly caught myself thinking that jealous of these people, while trying not to do that. They had money, it was something that never was and never will be. He knew it was too good to not have to envy, envy yet gradually закрадывалась in his soul, and with it we had to fight, because it sowed hatred.

Red Square is not empty, and people crowded at the mausoleum, waiting for the changing of the guard. Gladyshev crossed it obliquely, went down the street and around the Kremlin, got in the Park.

Some places on the benches here you can meet people sitting couples and small groups. It was fairly common in everyday day, the more autumn.

"Why is it doesn't work, that man was just a writer, without any obstacles that he did not create any obstacles, " he thought, slowly crossing the Park down the alley. - People worked, sweated, I thought. Somewhere deep down, he hoped, perhaps, that his work will be appreciated, and when his hard work is over, he will find even if not fame and respect, not wide recognition and honor, but a new quality, which will allow him to feel if not a party to art, if not the Creator, at least not rejected and humiliated as I".

Something told him that the fruit of his secret efforts will be in vain, and that his love affair will never be published. Because he is not a writer, and therefore has no right to write. This requires some special status, official certainty that starts before the thoughts in my head, and, apparently, as behind the wheel can't sit without a license, and writing Desk - without a crust member of the Union of writers, or at least a diploma of the faculty of literary slant.

All the misfortune of Gladysheva заключалосьв that the thoughts in his head began to appear before he could do any of this. How to become a member of the Union of writers for him, indeed, it was a complete mystery, especially on this issue, he would not defeat the stock of their character and one minute. One only mention this organization brings him such a strange horror of what he had experienced only at the word "army", where скооро had to go to serve.

He thought, too old geezers with gray beards, who dwelt there for ккафедрами, as in the trenches, and defended employed once tremendous efforts bastions from the attacks of young insolent fellows, some of them have already claimed. This mechanism gave a good зуботычину anyone посягавшему without the right to inherit on paternal rights, and it memorized for a long time, maybe for life, but in any case, the second attempt was not earlier than заимев same gray hair.

Those who had the right to inherit his father's path, confidently stood up to her and стремителтьно has been on the podium to dad, nothing only before making and putting the achievement of literary exploits at sometime later. How many really talented people off of desire to engage in literature this mechanism is known to God alone. That's Gladyshev received today зуботычину.

Somewhere in his chest and sore , and he couldn't find a place. If he had now at least a little money, he would take down a drink more - 'd go to a restaurant. But without the money to go nowhere.

On the street quite colder. Red burning stars of the Kremlin hasn't warmed his soul, and he understood that he must return to the hotel.

Озябнув so that he began to tremble, he suddenly почувствовл themselves homeless dog, and the poor, whose fate it is to sleep on the bench or in the receiver police station, he became scared that it may happen to him, that it is not so far from that. As if recollecting himself from sleep, which was wandering with a fright in the heart Gladyshev began looking around, as if wondering where he was, and then almost ran to the metro station.

It was still relatively late, but in his soul was born a doubt struck already hour of the night: "the Transition ends in 1 hour of the night".

Doubt it vanished when he saw that out of the underpass of the metro сворачиввают pedestrians. Gladyshev went quieter, his thoughts were again abstract:

"Well, not exactly. If I wrote something, something about me is not to say that I am not a writer. I am a writer, but not the writer who works in literature, who creates like a craftsman for bread, but he who acts freely, unfettered by the certainty that the material dependency burden of his work, because is created, they will bring him the benefits even for a penny, and maybe nobody will ever even going to be read, and will not be awarded attention even a dozen people. It is freedom from money gives a great advantage to the Creator. He can put on paper what he thinks, what filled his soul, and not what obliges to write obtained as a job social order. It is so freely and independently worked many Russian writers of the past centuries. And count Tolstoy wrote a huge "War and peace" for anything, only not for the money. And if not for the money, which should be for the sake of love. Here is love what is another, Yes Inge essence important question. The main thing - not for the money.

Of course, I must admit that I hoped at the expense of the novel improve their financial situation and, without doubt, become a wealthy man. Although I was in a few believe it, and I even tried to cheat myself that I write simply because I интересрно, and just because I want to write something, now I can already see quite clearly that the so - once and for all - to earn money on literature impossible. At the feeders pigs are dense ring, and a young pig is worth a lot of effort прогбиться there, push apart in their hand and обеспмечить a place in this dense row ass parade: nothing comes without a fight. Loaf of literature - this is one of those fatty and tidbits, near which is so pleasant to have your buffet, and because there ten times harder to get through than anywhere else. And although before gets big and heavy Kush, allowing to live not that easy, but with a certain degree of luxury, tremendous, exhausting work on the mind, hand-eye, few stands, frightened by this."

Such reasoning, успокоившими his and led the nerves in normal, relaxed state of mind, Gladyshev and reached the door. Here, ежась from the cool autumn evening he was happy now, five minutes later, he comes into your comfortable room, took off for him Hippo, strip down, take a warm shower - it's so nice when we can do it with pleasure dive in your bed, under a warm blanket. Then he turns on the nightlight and will read some ерундовую газетенку, rejoicing like a boy, simple charms of life. Perhaps he will even call the restaurant and order a Cup of coffee in the room, maybe if наскребет in his pocket, enough to tip: think somewhere in his clothes, that remained in the hotel, also money. If not наскребет, tomorrow, be sure to ask Behemoth three to four hundred, and maybe if there is enough spirit to overcome shyness and embarrassment, and all the thousand. In the end, he just promised to give him money and nothing to reject and to allocate it as much as was necessary.

Pride Gladysheva the first time suffered from this dependency, but soon accepted. Besides, there was such a dependency, it may not be obliged: he was free to dispose of their time as you like and do whatever he wanted. It was only necessary to perform only one condition: to accompany him, Hippo, in all his travels, where he not thought of and do not need to travel. The first time this condition made to feel Gladysheva , that he is a part of Luggage, suitcase to carry everywhere for хозяеввами with clarity and without confusing, but then it passed and with it his soul surrendered even faster than he expected. But this Board allowed him to pay more attention to their creative work, his personality, his own mind and his soul.

Together with the Hippopotamus and Veronica Gladyshev went to the Black sea, Gelendzhik, then with them went to Moscow after a short arrival home.

In Gelendzhik, however, the young couple was accompanied by someone else from their previous company, but in Moscow they already Nghe went. Behemoth everywhere carried with him only his person, giving him quite generously money on all kinds of expenses, only occasionally forgetting to do this and, thus leaving it for a while without means of livelihood, as it is now.

Sometimes Hippo communicated with Гладышевым eye to eye. It was brought to them from the earliest times, as soon as they met, and Hippo opened it extraordinary interlocutor, flight of his thoughts able to ascend to the inaccessible, the sky-high given and show a way anybody. Apparently, this was a valuable and necessary quality was some need, and потму Hippo so attached to Гладышеву. They certainly were not friends. They were too different people who might rather hate each other than love. But what was lacking Behemoth, he drew the Gladysheva, and тотвосполнял its resources from space culture and sources of what способнва eat only creative nature.

Here Мосвке eyes Гладышеву came across two interesting for his books, and he put лоточникуза them all the money that were then with him.

First, Gabriel Garcia Marquez's "one Hundred years of solitude" he excitedly read for a couple of sleepless nights, after which slept sweetly and quietly the whole day in the cosy and expensive room.

Second, Knut Hamsun, reading is less enthusiastic, conceding novel "Hunger", as the flavor of bread выклевав an interesting novel "Mystery", but for "pan" and not holding.

Especially not like I had to Гладышеву that the main character in the "Mysteries", and, therefore, to all appearances, the author himself, who отзывалсиь about Tolstoy, calling him almost бездарностью, but, despite this, it was in the novel something charming.

Then he sought out everywhere prohibited Montaigne, but couldn't find not that works, but at least the "Experiments". What has gotten to this good-natured Frenchman Collegium of the Supreme present it was impossible. Good old edition of the Bible, which Gladyshev dreamed, too never met him NIV one букинистическом store. After the announcement of the "Provisions on the limitation of disordered information for the population" it among many others ranked in the lists of unwanted was withdrawn from all forms of trafficking.

Gladyshev sorry that a few months ago, when had the unexpected opportunity to acquire древнецерковной Bible written back at sunset middle ages in the old Slavonic language, failed to persuade the Hippo to give it to him as a gift. In addition, that this book represents doubtless interest, as a monument of history, it was the bearer of authentication, rose from the depth of centuries. A few days of thick volumes of heavy, manuscript, like a real book lay the Gladysheva house, and he saw how they emit in the dark let the weak, but still glow, and it was a real miracle. He didn't want to go with this book.

In such thinking being, Gladyshev took the room key at the reception, walked into the Elevator and went up to the ninth floor of the hotel.

Meet he came across a well-dressed couple foreseen in the restaurant - all sorts of assumptions that people make, largely depend on the person thinks: what hurts the, as they say, that says. Gladyshev thought again that you need to ask Behemoth money. This was very uncomfortable, but had no choice: he had no other means of livelihood, and even yourself Gladyshev was afraid to confess that addicted to the handouts from from a Hippopotamus, let generous, but not less humiliating as a drug. Admit it meant to strike their own self-esteem, which now had been infringed.

They say that the beggar in advance hates the one who gives alms: anyone who throws a coin to his feet, and causes thus invisible prick his sense of dignity. Handouts so meager that they have to migrate in large numbers, and these многочисленне injections form in his soul piercing, blood trickling wound, in the depths of which is born of hatred to any of the following, who without any intent comes and puts his hat handful of coppers.

Something similar happened in the soul Gladysheva. He was a poor, living in a luxury hotel, but every minute рискующим lose this place. He had one, but very solid bearer, who is not stingy. However Gladyshev still have been in that situation of humiliation and fear, as though hatred still not held his heart.

The key softly entered the semi-circular hole expensive castle. Gladyshev clicked on it, feeling the pleasant, elastic resistance springs. Came a soft click, the door opened and he entered into the hallway single suites, threw dirty боттинки, padded barefoot to the bathroom, stripped, hung up on a hook my clothes, a little twisted in front of a large, full-length mirrors, вмурованным in the wall: touched by the hand of his вялло hanging member, as if wanting to pull it out and make a long, turned his back and meticulously and at the same time, if to himself, with a languid longing in his eyes examined its small round buttocks with a cute little mole smaller than a dime on any of them translated the eyes above the thighs and then turned sideways to the mirror, critically evaluating its a slim figure, which would not hurt to have more muscles at its core group, and sighed with regret that do not have the will to weightlifting, climbed into the tub, drew the curtain, and опрустившись cold pale pink enamel, lay down and watched as his body disappears under the warm water.

Shortly above the surface of the water remained only the shoulders, hairy crotch, where perched like a baby mouse, flaccid penis and toes with hooked, incorrect, as it seemed to him, forms fingers, expanding, hammered to the top. His body was suspended. He made a little effort, and down it went. Hairy island went under the water, buttocks touched the enamelled surface of the metal. He relaxed again. The islet with her little inhabitant again surfaced. Spray of warm water pleased to have washed his thighs, with particular strength slipping between his legs.

Gladyshev could not спокойносмотреть on my naked body. A very common ailment that boys usually have the temerity to get sick of fourteen or fifteen years old, went along with him to this day. He was tempted by itself, and most frightening was the fact that he, a young, healthy, handsome guy совсемне needed in women. His suit is: don't superfluous troubles and doubts, extra растрант, gifts, shopping, meals, but satisfied until some time, until техсамых when this was bothering him more and more.

Last year he had a particularly painful struggle between the temptation and conscience, successive waves. It was his horror of loneliness, the end of which was not visible. Ashamed to say, but he was not destined to be with a woman never though about it, he knowed all things. But better, as they say, to see once than hear a hundred times, and it "live"...er, how are meeting to discuss the people, and never once saw.

He again bathe his body in water, and it reappears as he рассладил muscles. Little fossil on кучерявом island again beckoned him.

"Damn! - swore Gladyshev and began to climb out of the tub, feeling that his further stay in such обстановек undesirable. - All people - beasts!"

He got out of the bath, tiled floors wide bathroom of the room, took off his coat hangers large Terry towel and long вытирался them, looking at himself in the mirror. When it came to an intimate place, he again had to make an effort to wiping not passed in arousing fondling. He succeeded, and, still wiping the course of his head, he went into the room.

Gladyshev was not very observant, but he caught my eye that the toilet articles left in the bath, when he came back, lay seems to be not so, as he left them. However, not assuming anything criminal, not even allowing the thought that someone in his absence could enter this холостяцкое home, where and ьрать there was once nothing, he attributed this discrepancy in the atmosphere in the bathroom at the expense of their carelessness and scattered memory, which, moreover, no one forced into hard memorization of things: to whom he was afraid of? He was not a spy or приступником.

Feeling in the dark floor lamp and pulling for вревочку switch, he turned on the light, but to my surprise the room found too obvious traces of someone's presence of outsiders. Everything was upside down bottom up, and even the беспморядок that this room was since Gladyshev live here, was nothing compared with what was happening here now.

"Who was here? Who here rummaging?!" - bewildered, he thought, and turned to the corner where there was a bed, noticed that someone lies to her.

Coming up in involuntary fright and confusion closer, Gladyshev realized that it was Veronica.

-Are you?! - only and could ask it, releasing from hand towel.

Chapter 10. (07) -> 013.

Another's misfortune't touch you no heart, no soul, no mind. 't touch дотех until it becomes your trouble.

This is what happened with him. It is hard to imagine how much suffering and long meditations suddenly, immediately hit on the head Жоре, as soon as the first doubting wife roots and gave a small seedlings.

He already had many problems, and it would be great not to think on this a bit. Moreover, Zhora considered himself to those who stand on similar caviling. He believed that his situation, the financial independence and security achieved before married, should protect him completely from the suspicions and jealousy, which had ruined the lives of so many people.

In addition, he trusted to Veronica. She was from a poor family, and in gratitude to him was to beware of hasty acts - so it seemed Жоре.

During медовонго months he was almost constantly with her. Around them always spun so many friends and acquaintances, as were enough to not be bored. But since moving to Moscow, everything changed. Here he waited for a dangerous and serious work, if so you could name the adventure that had to start to return the lost status.

Gladysheva he took with itself, just in case, did not really knowing why. This is a harmless, gently. Infantile boy from his campaign gave the impression вполен loyal person. Several times having to deal with them and talking constantly to all sorts of abstract topics, Zhora made him aware that he is not capable not only cause someone hurt, but to defend itself.

To put it more bluntly, always generous to waste Behemoth this time продешевил. He lacked the courage to admit to myself that Gladyshev, this quiet and pensive, this man is not of this world, took him to Moscow as a bodyguard, follower and companion pastime for Veronica. He wanted to Gladyshev looked in his eyes, as a court philosopher, whom he bring, from the fact that no place to put money, whether from boredom, whether from vanity, and because he did not notice that in Moscow there has arrived quite unprepared for serious бборьбы with Moscow tycoons, which led to the threads of the disappeared wealth.

But little by little it became something clearer and smoother. Links with their lose and when I felt it was quite hard, called to help more of its people. They rolled in his black Mercedes, which also lacked him recently, and he became engrossed in the "work", and forget everything else, including about Veronika. It was like a game of chance, where at stake are not just millions, but also the lives of people, including his own. He perfectly understood, and because, not to show the enemy weak link, location Veronica перселился their guys in another part of Moscow, leaving watch over her Gladysheva. Him about this he said nothing, not even hinted, believing that Gladyshev not leave his wife alone, but will it something more intimate than flirting and friendship in her pranks and adventures.

Two or three times after Zhora had called to him from the hotel. It was rather late, and he was hoping to catch her in the room, but again cruelly deceived then and left with nothing. The most recent Zhora rose still on the ninth floor. It seemed to him that the door of the room Gladysheva sounds muted, muffled whisper and even being cautious shuffling footsteps.

In the lobby администраторша confirmed that the keys of both rooms had taken, but George did not rise. Sitting behind the wheel of a Mercedes, all the way only think about what it could mean.

"Than they knots, confused? - This idea is hurt and deeply stung him in his heart. - I also their поубиваю! God forbid!"

He read a lot of books related to women's betrayal, but if they were to him before, not more than entertainment, and now their stories began to acquire a more profound and tragic meaning.

"What, then, all of my efforts?! Why should I risk my life?! If it turns out that the whore, I couldn't bear it, thought George, not noticing that the accelerator вжат his foot out, and the car speeds through the night to the prospectus as wind, overtaking and fly past the other cars rapid boom. "Not if I know about this, first I have to toughen it. And Gladyshev?! Well even if this dopey just broke and did not want to participate in its похолждениях! Then let believes that he was lucky. But if only he confused, he'll be sorry!"

From the rush of fury Zhora hit ногй on the accelerator pedal, but it now rested against the polik. Then, in order to bring down the stress and give разрячдку his nerves, he put the brakes on, feeling with them creak from the boiling anger of his teeth. Мчавшийся behind "Zhiguli" barely managed to avoid crash, юркнув in the neighboring row.

"Bitch!!!" he thought, again giving gas.

In the rearview mirror flashed red, blue and green lights. Apparently, post GAI not miss the sight of his rabid antics. Жоре had to move away from the chase.

Reaching a depth of quarters, he stopped and for a long time tried to come in themselves. Today's night was decisive, and for the matter was not братьс in this form. But the black thoughts never went out of my head, and then George decided to go somewhere, skip two hundred grams of something good. Time he still had.

Moscow, all the same. Scared of the huge city. It is these stone jungle, in the depths of which do not even live, and прсмыкаются, crawling like worms in a huge rubbish heap, millions of people. Visiting people in the best case, only know the Central part of the city, and only those places where the railway stations, and very good, if you have an idea of ксак and how much is a ride to the airport.

Zhora could also ппричислить themselves to кагорте, if not visited Moscow in the past have often than they, and not to travel and to покуралесить here for a few days. But he knew this огрогмный city not so well that as soon as he wanted to unwind, figure out which way to go.

Away from the centre now it was unsafe. It made trouble, especially if the traffic cops spotted his foreign-room, which he either too lazy to just did not want to change, believing that it's too much and it doesn't. But often he tried to remember the location of some bar or restaurant somewhere in the vicinity of yourself - this occupation only useless absorbed fraction of the time that he still possessed.

Finally, spit on all and decided: "let it be!", he started the engine and drove off. From the nearest phone booth in which survived and not one cut the tube, he called in номерк "Fix". In the receiver he heard the words, who told him that Loew-Tooth slightly drunk. The phone could be heard coming from the depths of the room, the cries and shrieks of the women's. Zhora estimated. Who is there now can веслиться: Gvozdev, who came by his вызовуяя, Vitya-"Hose", Levin friend, who did not have him in Moscow, and not only in Moscow, but which brought the idiot "Fix", Angela, also Фиксина idea, which he brought, probably, as an exit скретарши". However, women's voices heard clearly more than one.

"Well gambol guys! - unexpected озлоблнием thought George. - Come home - надобудет break off a little "Fix" horns, and he too asked a bastard! Already believes, probably, itself Tinker with me, boy! Well, nothing!.."

"Hello! he growled into the receiver lion bass, voice Fixes" he immediately disappeared, vanished, stiffened somewhere at the other end of the wire, and from t CSOs sounds of chaos in his room were heard more clearly. - You that there падла, quite insolent!"

"Quiet! Shut up!" "came a muffled, tense voice whisper "Fixes". Squeals and cries stopped immediately.

-Leva - already more calmly continued George, he was pleased that the "Fix" it still afraid. "Have you arranged the booze? Yes?!

"No, George, no! We so simply, with the girls sitting, became frightened justify that.

-With the girls so, " nodded George: "Oh, I am sorry that I now can't see your brazen faces, or I would not resist a couple of times to move it!"

Instead it with a sense of punched his fist in a tin of a telephone booth:

-That tat you falling? - with false concern, through which pushed notes reverent fear, point ересовался "Fix."

"I'm fine!" And here you are, I hear a little drunk. Whether not so?

"Fix" wanted something забормотать in his defense, but he didn't let him open his mouth:

-I warned you, the brute to you, and drops in the mouth did not take without my permission! We here not head to beat arrived! You understand it, a donkey?! You understand that we are here on showdown?!

"Fix" something bleated unintelligible, and Жоре it became clear that to this oaf if something comes far too late.

"Whom I took his aides?! With whom to have to work!" - Zhora hurt bit your finger. Bitterness, саднившая his heart began to outgrow the pain.

-In General, a freak. Give you half an hour for the time that you gave yourself and all other senses, collected personal belongings and sat in the "Old Arbat" all together somewhere at a corner table. And so were all as glass.

Jora gave up, with the force dropped the receiver on to its cradle the device. Telephone offended flailed metal in silence immersed in darkness and hibernation yard. He came out of the booth and огладел rare bright window, behind which was still life. "Hid in holes, pigs, thought Behemoth got into the car. - Well, nothing. It even better. The main thing is that all failed, and I have had enough of this damn Moscow. Here me something obviously unlucky".

MCP he thought about it, as the forthcoming entirely took possession of them already. Excitement, doubt, fear, now he felt. Even the feelings that broke over his heart a few minutes ago, could not be compared with this. Ahead, there was nothing except risk. Of course, it was justification: in whatever was to return the lost, but even it could not guarantee anything.

He took charge of that game, where you can lose life, and has started already to the most crucial part of it. Draw back was nowhere to go, otherwise violate the logic of the previous life: he became, then, is nothing that ьыло for him is tantamount to смертти. And behind, and in front of was death, let diverse, but still equivalent. Behind was death through a shame ahead through risk, and the first he preferred the second, because before taking the first, he would have to erase the still and spitting in his address, and the second is promised only a bullet.

Zhora taxied to the prospect and slowly drove the car to the center of Moscow. "And, anyway, it's a very big city - Moscow", - it occurred to him somehow, and she shivered as a chill.

At the door of the Old Arbat met him, porters, преградивший way:

-Sorry, but we, unfortunately, have not, two and we will be closed very soon.

In other least once Zhora put it in his pocket a few bills, and it worked perfectly, but now he wasn't in the mood to lubricate a t o porter. He felt himself on a horse rushing at full speed to the edge of the abyss. He could not yet know udastsja whether jump over the chasm, but was ready, if not succeed in dragging him into the abyss as many people as possible. And so he reached into the inside pocket of his costume was buttoned up holster.

Porters waited, apparently, see crust some identification, but instead in front of his face appeared gun in the focus of посмотревшее him with his fathomless eyes.

"Uncle, I have you here will put and go on!

Hand porter, преграждавшая way, weakened and fell at all. Passing in the hall, George shoved his gun back and warned him:

Don't you вызвть cops! In the hall, my kids, and if I do not, then they will cover you in two accounts: only рыпнись!

With these words, he went to the cloakroom, passed his coat and went up into the room.

"Fix," and the company has already si Delhi here in full. They occupied a table for four. Zhora зыркнул on the table. There was a bottle of vodka, and some wine. However, although the bottles and were откупорены, glasses were still dry.

George approached the table. "Fix" noticed it at the entrance and watched across the room, then bent down closer to the table, and whispered something , and Анжелла stood up and yielded place.

-Thank you, baby, " he snapped at her, smiled slightly, climbed for the wallet, counted out the money. Are you on a wheelbarrow, and can go in the rooms: we have today would be terribly difficult night.

He looked out at the audience and turned again to Анжелле, which has already скорчить sour grimace:

-However, can take with you and Vitya, - Zhora squinted his eye on "Rafters". The "hose", I do not need. Spend the lady in the hotel.

Victor began to rise slowly, but "Fix" stopped him, putting her hand over his.

Zhora never accepted this silent protest, moreover, that was extremely angry at Levu.

The"hose", I said that I do not need.

"Fix" squeezed Витину hand lying on the table so that the white knuckles on his fingers. "Rafters" and froze, полупривстав.

-Leva - addressed Zhora to "Fix", - he will leave. Shouldn't attract attention of the public, you hear?!

"Fix," hesitated, unwilling to give up. His knuckles turn white stronger, and Vitino face contorted in pain.

Zhora wanted to say, "now I'll shoot!" - but he changed his mind: who knows what could happen next, but in any case, this meant the end to the "Fixes" were hidden away three small-size Uzi - however, to yield to "Fix" it just wasn't going: the inflexible, and went to him to get away with his hands today's disgusting behavior. He leaned back in спирнку chair and was silent for a moment, watching as he landed on its former place, then again leaned to him and said to him:

-"Rafters", because there will shoot you ever see it? Leva wants you went under the bullet next to him, but you see, you did have long, you first зацепят. Also I know that you don't love such activities, where shot! And if you go with us, I'll give you a machine, and, if necessary, make him shoot. Do you understand?

It was obvious as he turned pale. He jerked, trying to pull my hand at "Fixes", but he clutched it tightly as cancer.

"Leo, let him go, " said George. - See: he doesn't want to go with us.

-Not want, Victor? asked "Fix"to see whether he lost this fight.

Victor shook his head dejectedly.

-Well, and go up hence, the "Hose"! he dropped his hand.

Victor rose up, and went with Анжеллой to the exit.

-I won't forget! - hissed through clenched teeth "Fix."

George took it upon your address, although it knew that the words were addressed to him. However, in this situation required, just had to show yourself as clever than I was.

Is I'll remember! - he raised up his index finger. - If we remain alive after today, you know that I have a very large claims.

"Why is it we don't need to stay alive? inquired "Fix." It was obvious that he still drunk.

Why, you idiot, what are you drunk!

"I'm a bit! For courage.

-Well, I think that is enough, at the right time not to have time to press on the trigger or miss.

-Yes, well, " pulled "Fix."

-Okay, I drunken scuffle with you tired! "said George. - go a couple of hours becomes clear that the "well" or "not well". "Rusty" drunk too! he shifted his finger at Peter Gvozdeva. He silently listening to their words, and could only smile in reply.

-Everything is clear! This too drunk! Concluded Zhora. - Well, what, am I with you, fools do? If we could transfer all for another day! But "swing" today, and we need to be there. Well, knots, blame yourself! By the way, where are the weapons?

-On the spot! - drunk gesture reassured him "Fix."

-Where exactly?

"Fix," he leaned over and patted the bag that lay at his feet. Something in her hit the metal.

-Well, first I nodded his head Zhora. Then pour fifty, and leave.

"Fix" poured out glasses of vodka all round.

-Well, - he raised his stack Zhora - so that we did that. Remember: good выручаем.

They drank, overthrew the glasses, wincing each in their own way, had a snack.

-Okay, now, " said George.

He felt again this rapid pace of time, carrying him разверзшейся abyss.

The three of them left the hall, went down to the cloakroom. Dressing "Fix" tried to thrust unfinished bottle of vodka in the inside pocket of his leather jacket, but George took away his bottle, wanted to break, but then gave гардеробщице.

"Another time, I am not a fool to take a walk and enjoy - you know, Leva. But the only other time. If everything will be fine, I promise you: we fill ourselves with you, as the pigs - so, no offense.

Coming out of the restaurant, Zhora threatened finger седовласому the porter, who had повздорить:

"Look at me, grandfather. Next time прищурься better when you're me to stop.

Porters walked him with wide-open from eyed: such birds before he, apparently, is not seen.

-So vividly in the car! ordered his Zhora. - We have very little time.

-Where will the "swing"? - asked the "Fix."

-Where is no problem, " replied George. Now you can go in there with our stuff is here Yes. Okay, here we go, on the road, perhaps, think of something.

Half an hour later онизгнали "Mercedes" on a guarded car Park in Moscow there are now hundreds, if not thousands.

-This is a special "качельная" coach, said to his companions, George, - by switching off the ignition. Here watchman working his person, which does not release from here any machine without the permission of Bondi Boma.

-And how does he know what kind of machine you need to delay? - surprised the "Fix."

-The wonders of technology. Is it not enough invented telephones, radio transmitters, selectors? And there - the devil knows how. To us this is not easier.

-Why do we come here? - for the first time his voice "Rusty", who was silent all the way.

Without it, there is not involved. We'll just go out of the car, and the guard immediately after our departure will report to his boss, what car arrived, and its people.

-And why is it?

-And then, that his people into the "swing" lead throughout. Bondi BOM with who knows how many people will come . and if their will be greater, the kids will meet no good: security interests. There understand long will not, who brought изачем.

-And what about us? - surprised the "Fix."

I said Bondi that bring along two new, I present them on a swing, because I, apparently, was deprived of all, as a violator of the law. He agreed. The more that you know something.

-And what are we to do? - asked the Detective.

-Listen to. Listen while I don't file a signal.

-What was it?

Жорак gave a long shrill whistle:

-If I do so means to begin to crumble all in cabbage, until then, keep very quiet, otherwise we расколят.

"Fix" grabbed his head, as if trying to crush her hands:

-There you are! Well this is what истоорию we run! This well will!

-Not Noah! shouted at him George. I imagine if asked us your "Hose". He would do whining.

-Okay, okay! replied "Fix", then shook his head. - And still, I feel that there will be something terrible. This will start a real war. Can you imagine George is in Moscow then and not сунься. Yes there in Moscow! They to us on disassembly will visit.

-We shall see! Us today жывыми will have to leave - now that the main thing now, that's what we should think. Maybe shoot another and not have to: I don't know why me here called and that there'll decide. Only if I decide to finish off, then, and only then speak our small friends. By the way. You need to think about how we have to bring: after all, for sure, will be searched. Where to hide them? Do you think Leva?

"Let me alone! I know nothing! 'retorted "Fix." - I have the impression that I'm forced to disentangle someone else's mess!

-This is how you spoke! - рипщурился Zhora. - Паскудному! See, you, I will bear this in mind and, if nothing happens to me, something special happen to you.

The face of the "Fixes" filled with the blood of wrath and indignation. He leaned forward and wanted to say whether something is there anything I can do, but at this moment on three sides almost close to the "Mercedes" подрулили "Volga"-taxi. From one car the driver got out and went to a sitting behind the wheel Жоре, leaned over and said, цедя through his teeth:

-Are you my wheelbarrow. These two in the other! Faster.

Chapter 11. 1 -> 013.

Now, they don't even realize quite how to coming up to the back door "taxi drivers" threw it open. Apparently, it became clear to all that be in the next minute, and потму not to drop your honor physical "Fix" and "Nail" climbed out. Zhora escorted them a sidelong glance, but when the door slammed shut behind them, it was his turn to.

-Now you! That means you, too!

The thoughts in his head were running in ббеспорядке, bumping into each other, breaking, stumbling and stalling in the heap. Now even he could not tell who it is: people Bondi Boma or the police, the - it was too cool their besieged, not in a friendly way.

However, imperious voice brought him out of the confusion and forced to surrender.

"In any case, we'll shoot, " thought George, " and I would not like to продырявили my new "Mercedes". This thought was наиглупейшая, but she even has not noticed it. Already out of the car, he angrily зыркнул in the direction of "Fixes" and "Nail": "Idiots! Why go?!" - признаываться himself that escape them still couldn't , he didn't want to. For this purpose it was necessary to overstep their self-esteem.

"Фиксу" and "Nail" already searched. "Who are they, the cops or from Bondi?" thought Zhora, automatically closing the door of the car key. The one who first came to the "Mercedes"was a step away from him, holding his hand in his pocket, and silently watching his movements.

-You can not close its лайбу. We're all friends here, " he said finally.

-Are you sure of that? suddenly there was found for such полушутки Zhora, thinking to myself: "well then, no cops! Already easier!"

-I am sure-sure. Let's go better here, " he beckoned Jora finger.

-Why? - Zhora pretended to be surprised.

"Why what?! See what they do with your colleagues. Now the same thing I do with you.

-And without it it is impossible to do?!

-Unfortunately, there are no rules of the game are the same for all. The "swing" nobody should be under the gun. We all encounter. You are the most recent.

-Well, well! - a gesture of the hands of George stopped the guy already ready to proceed with the case. - I согласнен. But I think, generally, is a game without any rules. Why should I be sure that all the others will be without guns?!

-We answer, " replied the boy.

"Listen, enough bothered! We now no time, threw it to someone because of жориной back. It was the voice of one of two other "taxi drivers". They already finished their search "Фиксу" and "Nail" and, of course, they found nothing submachine guns were lying in a bag in the back seat of a Mercedes. Nothing else they had.

-In most cases - like shells guy - why am I with you рассусоливаю? Well, let's see what you have there.

Zhora again put him hand:

"Listen, I have a gun. Where to go?

-Give it here, " the guy held out his open hand.

I'd actually prefer to leave it in the car. It is, after all, a very humbling when you have selected.

-Well, throw it in the machine. And still I love you ' ll search - a lot of things! Don't want chef blew my head off.

"Фиксу" and "Nails" were taken to the taxi. Zhora tugged at the front door. Oan was closed on the lock. Then he whined, silly, probably, for the first time in his life, smiled, walked around the car around, continuing скалиться and, not looking up, staring into the eyes of the guy. He angrily and innocent frowned, and then she almost shouted:

-Hey! Where are you going?! - and reached for lapel of his jacket.

-There closed, " said George, then climbed to the lapel of his jacket, pulled out a gun and raised it high above his head.

-What are you, stupid?! - old guy. "Well, put him in the car!

George opened the back door, and threw the back seat gun and simultaneously зыркнул eyes in search of the bag. Muted розоватеыепосадочные lights snatched from the darkness only empty seat trim panel.

"What are you going чухаешься? - worried guy. He already had in his hand a gun at the ready, and turning over the head Zhora to his buddies that have already Packed in a taxi both: "Nail" and "Фиксу"shouted to them:

-Hey guys, this is some crazy! You still don't go!

"I'm not crazy! I want to live!" remarked to himself, George. He closed the door салонва and the second detected a flash of a strip in light bag. She lay at his feet, barely peeking out from under the car bottom. He had no time to wonder how it got there. For persuasiveness Zhora kicked her with his boot. Bag gasped the deaf metal. So can брякать only weapon. He knew that sound.

George sat down to the bag, painfully trying to figure out what to do now what to do to bring this saving burden. He felt that without it he will cover.

-Hey, crazy, where are you going? - started guy.

"Guys, let's look what is he doing there?!

"How I wish вахватить gun, Yes crumble them all!" - angrily thought George, when I realized that think he did not succeed. "But you can't! The guard Parking is also a human Bondi Boma. He immediately will know!

I lace tie, what do you всполошился asked George, when a guy ran up to him.

Enraged taxi driver, pushed him to the barrel of the gun into the nostril:

-I am with you here, not in toys, play, uncle! What are you мнне performance here doing?

Two other taxi driver came to Жоре back.

-May, knead it here? suggested one of them.

"Who is he anyway?

I don't know... of course, it is not ours, but like a bird accidental. In Moscow such fools, no.

-Come on, get up! - kick a medium-strength went Жоре back in the coccyx.

He got up. Vicious guys Threesome pounced on him namjali his side, and then dragged him to the mesh fence, Parking lot, примыкавшему to some deaf, with growing grass place.

"Easy now, folks! - only managed to insert Zhora between beats. To himself, he thought: "Do you not guess?"

"Fix" seemed to read his thoughts. The corner of his eye George remarked, as he came out of the "Volga", made a few steps to the "Mercedes", bent over and in a moment in the same position sprinted back.

Jora leaned against a fence. They threw him on the fence, so that he moaned, groaned, and панцерная net tossed it back. "Taxi drivers" tossed it back. Gave a couple of times in the stomach. Jora already a long time to beat. He turned down in pain. Breath. George fell to the ground. He wanted to scream: "enough, brothers, enough!" - but couldn't squeeze out from itself and whisper.

-Okay! Stop! Why are we, really separate?! - said a voice of one of the "taxi drivers", apparently, the clockwork. - Perhaps, the search was successful!

Jora ceased to beat, was raised from the earth, поставиили to the fence. Now he, after a minute, could look them in the face. However, everything was swimming before his eyes.

-What happens to little boys who do not obey the Pope! - instructive said to him, poking a finger in the nose, not the gun, not the index finger in a black leather glove.

"Well, Orlik, подыми-ka wings! Uncle will you be searched.

-I already put the gun in the car! - weak voice said George.

-Oh, Yes it is, rather, penguin like! said one of them, searching his pockets, and slapping him on the sides. - Look, hog!

"Easy now, boy, I can be offended, " growled as he could, Zhora. 'I said no gun.

-Well, you're on the offense itself, uncle, ' said the one that forced him out of the car. - We have clear guidelines, and we have болльшие authority, up to decide the upshot of dipping here like you выпендривающегося, right here, or Duma on your way. How do we know who are you? Each Roger't remember. Maybe you speck some COP, and because юлишь and gun don't want to give: afraid not split. Your попуткичи, as you can see, it is not affected.

He looked around, but the "Fix" was already in his place.

-Fellowship, you seem overdone, shook his head Zhora. - Is it possible to contact with a person?

"You, uncle, he is guilty, " answered the same taxi driver. - Behave strangely.

-You first, " confirmed, nodding who was standing nearby. - Get out, get into my car.

"Well, nothing, " thought George. - To remain alive, it is not such a big fee. Just to Фиксу" with a bag is on fire".

Жоре blindfolded. "Taxi driver," put it next to her and warned:

-Not to touch the blindfold. One move in the direction of the person to get on the horns, and then instead of a bandage tie em on the head bag: then there is definitely peek not eat. Understood?

-Got it, - according to nodded Zhora. Now he felt deeply insulted and humiliated. So with him for a long time we did not. The desire to get strengthened his firm and without the conviction that, through his will, he will not allow anyone to inflict on yourself massacre. Has clear that it would withdraw from the game. But now he steps out himself and will be the winner: "If only "Fix" is not засыпется with a bag".

He praised himself Levu and decided. That will surely forgive him all for this act in the Parking lot. Sorry.. if only they both remain alive.

Well, he shall live for sure. George felt that, in spite of all troubles, fortune favours him, occasionally moving away for a little show and not give him license обнаглеть unlimited.

Zhora зашмыгал and shuffled nose, pretending that he is itching.

"What is it? - the voice of taxi driver.

-Yes nose itches, " answered George, continuing to wrinkle your nose and led from side to side of the nostrils.

It is probably because he sniffed my fist? - laughed, "taxi driver".

I don't know, only itches very, " replied George, noting that the bandage slid up a little bit, and between her and щеким was a small slit, which, however, still nothing to be seen.

-Just how long have you чмыхать going?

-You can hand to scratch then will take place.

-Well, scratch. Only swoop - two seconds.

Armband back even more, and in a crack already could be something to see. He became visible hands with the clock.

-To sleep.? he asked a taxi driver. To go long or not?

-How much to go - not your business. Sleep sleep. I'll Wake. Since you don't doubt, - "taxi driver" nasty laughed.

"Moron, " thought with anger and disgust Zhora. - with what pleasure I'll strike you bullet personally, if you don подвернешься".

He threw back his head back and to taxi driver did not accuse him peeping in, noticed:

"Why are you headrests't there?

-What's your business? "snarled the other.

-As what?! Sleeping uncomfortable. Neck заламывается.

-Neck... You take care of her neck. Suddenly you head not сносиить.

"But-but, buddy. Now that's not your business, understand?! - for the first time for the interview Жорино indignation grew into action, and he pointed a "taxi driver" index finger in the shoulder. - Not забывайся, fryer, that I'll still inferior to them, as not cool! And you, the dog is lousy, and your groomsman шелудивые, all you get for that raised their hand on me!

"I understand you how to sing! - surprised the taxi driver. - Look at you as расхорохорился! Oh, how bolder!

-Yes, bolder. I ask again later on "swing"since the thieves became so ывстречать: twist, just garbage hands and beat? What is this shit?

-Sing, Nightingale, sing. I'll listen.

Жоре't like how to talk and how to apply. Here was something wrong. Anyway, it just never did and never dare to talk like some подметные шавки. And here was outright rudeness. Head to him, even crept into the sober thought, внушившая suspicion: a двезут them, in General, up to swing? Something one of them ruffled about the powers, to take on the road...

George felt a speeding up in his chest heart. He continued to ponder, leaning back in his chair and through the gap between the individual and the bandage watching the road: "really, where it is seen that the thief-in-law then in this way were beaten with a bandage on his face was carried on a "swing", as if sentenced to "bitch"? there is something wrong!"

-You are there not подглядываешь? - asked the taxi driver.

-Hey, you! 'retorted Zhora. - Заывязал eyes so breathe through the nose cannot be, and now kidding me?

-Okay, not dust!

-Stop, let персяду on the back seat. I want to lie down.

-Nothing! There is no time, and in the stream we go.

"Taxi driver" never deceived. They really "worked" in the flow of the third or fourth band broad Avenue. Жоре were visible red lights yellow flashing lights ahead of the running machines, glares of lights of traffic lights on a black, wet, shining like polished table, asphalt. However, more to see it, he could do nothing. So tell where they, in which district - Zhora could not.

-However, after a long silence, said George, " if now treat the thieves in the law, not just the meaning of being a thief in the law.

Taxi driver said nothing. Жоре thought he grunted. But he only seemed, and they couldn't count.

Zhora is not noticed, what time was it when they left the car Park. He just was not before. But without that, according to his calculations, it turned out that for an hour they circle in the capital streets and highway.

-Far away did climbed "swing," he said, trying to break nothing good сулившую silence, but the taxi driver, as the water in your mouth scored.

"Shut up-shut up, домолчишься!" "thought George. He felt, however, that his nerves on end, and he would not survive this torture silence.

"How far is it? "asked George.

Sit around and don't insist! And you wanted to sleep. Here and sleep!

-Want, перехотел...

At this time on both sides of the machine became dark and spacious. First Zhora not realized what happened, but the next minute guessed that they are somewhere in the direction Vnukovo. Yes it was the road to Vnukovo. He remembered her.

From this discovery badly sank into breast heart. He even wanted to съязвить: "Скаких do the "swing" spend in the airport," but stopped myself. Anyway, he still had a little hope потму that it is quite possible that the "swing" моглибыть assigned to Vnukovo, in the village or elsewhere outside the city. But hope this was so miserable and so illusive, as a solitary glimmer among the dead, cold ash. George was a good feeling, and it told him that heat.

Предчувствеи its not deceive. He understood it, when he saw ahead of the other two "Volga", folding the track on the left, on просесок. They fell behind them, but now caught up again.

Moscow has remained far away to the right, behind the bare forest now, through the collapse of which occasionally silvery lines were now very distant lights.

The way which they turned, did not promise anything good. Ahead, there was a dense forest of darkness. No lights.

Machine strongly закачало on ухабамразбитого overtaken by bad weather and сякотью statues. The headlights of the case is extracted out of the darkness взмученные ahead reaching machines puddles and раскисшие gauge, red dimensions, and the glare of the front machines, tightly подступившие with both storn to the road trunks of trees.

"How the hell on kulichiki driven", - thought George. He tried this semi-joking thought to relieve закравшееся soul in anxiety, but nothing happened. Something told him that something was wrong, and he was going over in my head all possible outcomes of this adventure, deliberately bypassing if pitfalls in a frail and fragile vessel, the bad and horrible of them, those who most of all, probably, now came nearer to reality.

The first "Volga" turned to the right, and its arc lights полоснули on the birch grove, окружившему not very large clearing. For it turned the other, then the third, where he sat Zhora. As far as he could see from under the bandages, сползшей on the forehead, there was a blind darkness.

"Where have they brought us, dogs?! - George and he felt his excitement blood from his lip. "Maybe they got the dugout what? However, there. They are not militants. They are ordinary capital bandits, those in the forest never to go - there is nothing more for them to do! How is it I never guessed!"

He would have laughed, if I weren't so afraid. Most of his gloomy prognoses that he drove all the way away, it seems. Started to come true.

"However, what could I do?! They have so cleverly took in turn..."

These were his last sober thoughts. In this second someone is rapidly opened the door, grabbed him by the collar and dragged her out of the car, drove something heavy on the head. The blow was moving, or with intent to casually, and so he lost consciousness, but only for some time goes deaf and blind. In the eyes on a dark background заплавали colored spots and ring in the ears sold like bells.

When George came to himself, the first thing he felt that someone was pulling at his shoulder. Spins it was lying on something inclined, rough and hard, most likely, on a tree trunk.

-come on, come on, очухивайся, - came to his ears.

George opened his eyes with difficulty. His head was buzzing, as copper Chan, разламывалась pain. Bandage over his eyes. George looked around the room. To the right of it, too, apparently, a good пришибленные, were "Fix" and "Nail".

"Oh, very well, " before Zhora was the most "taxi driver", which "took" him in the Parking lot.

-Guys, who are you? - managed a Zhora, feeling that his strength had not yet returned to him.

-But I do not speak, goat, what do you think, if we were cops, - "taxi driver lifted his chin gunpoint.

-Of course not. But for goat ' answer.

-The answer is, not only you. After five minutes you nobody and nothing will never be the answer, you know?

-You me, фраерок, to "understand" don't take. Antlers will you then leave. You me, better say, who are you and whence came to beat me and to me like that? from the indignation forces George increased.

-What is this?

"Uncle, I kingpin...

No, uncle, at once interrupted him : taxi driver, lifting her chin cold barrel of a still higher than the previous. - "Swing" decided to take away this title and slap together with your сосунками.

Taxi driver jerked his head toward the "Nail" and "Fixes". Zhora beveled there eyes and saw that the "Fix" worth it, hanging on a tree, and shakes tilted forward your head like a " drunk and "Nail" already knit for birch заломанные back the hands of two other bull-"taxi driver".

-What are the "swing"? That had to be today, and that I was going? - forced out through flattened gun jaw Zhora.

-Rode, Yes not reached. Yesterday they finished.

-Why me?

Apparently not seen fit to call.

-Is it done?! For what is it?!

-'ll see what for. We are little people, but honest. We promise you - we perform.

-I want to talk to your boss, mark! I need Bondi! I want to speak! - gun still hurt speak Жоре.

-What next! See what a fool!

-It's all a trick! There was no "swing"! No one held me cum! - taxi driver free hand squeezed Жоре throat, and these words he was only able to просипеть. - Goats smelly! Let's release! You all tuned! Not're concerned right!

In this moment to Zhora realized that his hands are free and without case dangle on both sides of the body. He was not sure that now cope with "taxi driver", but nothing else could. The corner of his eye he could see that the "Nail" already floundering bound to the birch tree, and the other two "taxi drivers" направляютмя to "Fix", which has still not come to himself and stands and shakes his head.

-Come on, don't swear! You're a goat! "hissed threateningly, "taxi driver". - Now we're going to take you all, and see who's the goat!

'Listen, you bastard! What have you got there, the place is not sewed, time such a thing.

-We have this tradition: all порешенных ending on the birch glade. Some замуровывает in the basins of cement, and then let me on the bottom to feed the fish. But it is not interesting. Tomorrow Bondi BOM personally come to look at the execution of a sentence. But for the "Basterds" I'm finally now personally pick in dundel...

George raised his free hand and with fury, plunged a large пальзы eyes "taxi driver". He yelled and hit the elbows of his hands and, dropping the gun, grabbed his face, and shrank back.

Жоре thought he heard the burst apples eye. He swiftly bent down for the gun. In this moment right came the automatic turn. "I shoot!" - flashed through his mind, and he rolled to the side and fell face down on the cold ground.

Chapter 12. (05).

"The whole world's gone crazy!" thought Gladyshev, looking down from the loggia of the ninth floor. His hand, as if the pendulum swung a condom, наполенный his sperm. It was the first исполльзованный condom in his life, and he looked at him, not without surprise, and even some confusion.

"It would have to perpetuate it first! hardly this thought flashed in his mind, as fingers themselves relaxed for a moment, firing a rubber membrane, and when closed again twice stronger than ever, - it was too late: she slipped between them and flew down piquant "bombs". - May in fact someone's head to get. However let. After all, I can now fly footprint and also to fall on someone's head: did in this case I will be "ashamed"?"

-What are you doing there? - came to him a voice Veronica.

-Stand, he perked up like застуканный by surprise, remembering her presence.

"Come here, " asked his young woman. She called him from still hot from the passion of the bed.

-I do not want, - he suddenly felt some revulsion towards his guest.

"Oh my God, just think, that would be a simple friend and a witness at her wedding, and today I'm her lover! As all this is disgusting!" he even shook his head in gripped his disgust.

"Why not?! - voice Veronica changed and became resentful and at the same time threatening.

I don't know. I want to stand. Hot, hot.

He lied, because it was pretty cool, and his body began to зябнуть.

-Then shut the door to the balcony. I'm cold.

He had to obey. Not knowing what is more, love or hatred, and feels for her, he did not могоставаться indifferent and not реагировть at her words, as he wanted.

"Interestingly, the condom hit someone on the head or falls on the ground," thought Gladyshev, feeling that wants to smoke like never before before.

Looking into the room, he called her, feeling somehow strong embarrassment and putting an incredible effort, not to falter after ккаждого words:

-Why, Veronica, cigarettes not captured?

-On the nightstand look - softly, as if reluctantly responded out of the dark girl.

"Like everything was a bad business! - Gladyshev frowned, taking advantage of the fact that his face is not visible. - The whole world is falling down, on devils. And I'm with him and all together, and now for sure: there".

He lived as if in a stupor of this incidental love rampage, the more hideous that all of this had ever happened to him and his young wife of his, if not best friend, then it is without a doubt the landlord and Chuck. Would this woman with the hand with which he himself would be met, he himself would be interested in her in his person, himself invited to achieve, that she should come, he would have achieved her success - it would not be so painful, and maybe he even experienced then the joy of the beast over the defeated prey.

But now, the guilt, the feeling of absolute meanness пришибло him to the ground, as the rain beats down to the asphalt autumn leaves. He felt nasty, filthy type, забравшимся back well studied and familiar path to a good neighbor, who knew him, and with a forward course quite often and amicably.

If the random woman was married or would have been much older than him and had children to him and then it was more than unpleasant, but what happened to him тепероь, left him in such a trance, in such a shock. From which now he had to get away soon.

It was a complication, muddy, no good and disgusting complication of something awful and unpleasant. Previously, he looked into the future right, not lowering her head, or rather, not looking at all, because it was in a Union with himself, with his "I", in the present. Now the future looks to be a dark spot, and there is not something that look scared, but it was impossible and eye lift.

Somewhere out there in front, was the inevitable upshot of all this dissolute history, and this is not done for myself.

Gladyshev knew Hippo well enough to imagine what will he dared to invade his intimate relations, and, especially, instruct his horn. He did not want to come before him in that light. He knew that one and the rnu would believe even this first - it was so unbelievable and ridiculous. The Gladysheva was not the character to beat the other men's wives. On the contrary, if he had a wife, would not have been, perhaps, this week, to his horn small and not lengthened. But then there happened, happened incredible, and he who had beat was the one who always had to leave his broken.

-Wines want, " said Veronica.

Gladyshev turned on the lamp and looked closely at her face.

-That you're hatched, as the first time I saw? asked Veronica. I have never heard of that? I want wine. Call me, please, in the restaurant. Let them bring in the room. I have money.

"I have one.

Veronica unkindly grinned, she was well-known source Гладышевских income:

-That, Behemoth gave?

Not give. I myself have him..he wanted to say "requested".

"Well, then order the wine.

"It's too late. Hardly the restaurant still has anybody.

-Well, call me - the tone of voice of the girls became заигрывающим, and he understood that we should move on to the offensive.

Hey, why are you his, the word "husband" was in his throat, why his... call the Hippopotamus. He is not the friend of the campaign, and the legal husband.

-Oh-Oh-Oh - Veronika nasty grimaced - teach me into his head. You look!

-No, not a lecture. Just me and you, except by name call. I you never his name never heard, even after what happened between us.

-Oh dear, what is that between us this happened? Yes you know how many I had this happened? Burdock you - that's who. And, in General, Gladyshev, not your business to teach me, and especially about my wife.

The words "my husband," she highlighted by saying their different tone, so sarcastic that Gladysheva argh turned, and made the grimace.

-Why are you so беспутная, Veronica? - he asked quietly, but she heard his question.

"What makes me be путной? Life in me, no good. Yes and no "no good" I and бедовая. You understand?

With difficulty. However. Whatever you called - the essence of something one.

-All right, enough of me to teach Gladyshev! Tired!

-What did you not tired?! now he tried to give the last word, making it almost on syllables, to mimic her in the turn, but it is not affected in the slightest.

-Gladyshev! - Veronica responded after a pause. - Where my wine, Gladyshev?

-Why do you want wine?

Veronica exactly broke out. Indignation jolted her on the bed. She threw up her hands. - Етит your Maman! What is this выгибоны Gladyshev?! We can say very soul! You know, oak your head that a woman wants to wine. What else do you need to know?! A woman wants to drink - what else do you need to become green snot, which is now limp on the edge of the sofa, and a real man, who fulfills the desire of a woman in order to get its location, and benevolence.

-All you know! - поддал her Gladyshev.

-Yes, I know. But right now I want to drink! Listen, Yes, after all, how many you ask for-you can?!

-Drink vodka?"

'Do you have vodka?


-Why did they ask? Got to be kidding me, Gladyshev got to be kidding me a donkey with счьим потрохом! You me now you get one, I am now заведусь - he is not happy shalt! 't believe me?!

-Believe, I believe! - Gladyshev broke down and laughed.

-All my favor you, consider, have lost, as, however, and should be - this is nothing surprising for such a fool as you are.

She paused, but barely Gladyshev opened his mouth to answer her attacks and that protect their dignity as she muttered again.

-If I Gladyshev, five minutes will not be kneeling on a silver tray crystal glass of wine I don't know what you'll do. Believe me: I'm not kidding. And can you not smile. All. The time has gone.

She took from the table small hand-made watch, "gold" and looked at their dial, and then back at Gladysheva:

-Why you sitting?

-perhaps, with the silver tray and crystal wine glasses will be a big snag, " he replied.

-Perhaps, " she agreed. - Well, you can without it, although it is desirable: have you got a money. But a glass..can a glass of wine. And left for three minutes and thirty seconds - not so much.

She held out her hand to the table, opened a drawer, took out a small handbag-"cosmetics", pulled out марникюрный set and started a small nail file edit nails.

-I can imagine какми pleasure I, - she glanced at her watch, - after three minutes, ten seconds расцарапаю you all face.

-Face, straightened her Gladyshev, hurt his lifting up more convincing index finger.

"Never mind, " and waved my hand in his side, as if dismissed him from назойлитвой flies, Veronica, " the point is not changed, and, by the way, don't rush is still not enough. It's exactly three minutes.

Gladyshev grunting. The old grandfather, reluctantly got up from the couch and went to the telephone.

-But you forced me to it threats, " he warned, - bear this in mind.

He picked up the phone, dialed the phone number of the hotel restaurant.

- girl, you be so kind to accept an order in the room and as soon as possible. A bottle of wine and he looked at Veronica: she watched his every word, without raising his eyes from his face - and two crystal glasses, if you can... I know that much more expensive, the words "much more expensive," he deliberately singled out and said louder, but Veronica already looked down and dreams орудовала manicure nail file. - Come on, girl, and as soon as possible.

He hung up the phone and not her breath, she said:

-You had to have a husband таконго ass, as I am to the plow was possible. On Жоре much not попашешь, if, in General, his harness it.

-None of your business, Gladyshev, and not лукавь: you much lazier. You make so it would have been ten times did. And, besides, you nasty, why not ordered a silver tray?

-Forget it, " I lied Gladyshev and then lowered his eyes.

-Who are you lie taught? - Veronica shook her head. - I forgot, because he would not. And, incidentally, remained only two minutes and thirty seconds, Twenty-eight, Twenty-four -- I don't think the waiter would be so quick to comply. Why, you even dessert wine is not ordered, and it means that you are a miser and hardly give him a good tip.

"I never guessed! - tried to defend himself Gladyshev.

-OK, enough whining, - dismissed him Veronica. What about the husband, Gladyshev, exclusively wrong. I have always been of the husband. And I've always lived so куак live now.

-What it means: always was and always lived? her words brought him in bewilderment.

-And exactly what it means. Of course, I can't say with certainty, but I think - and this happens quite often that I lived before. I don't know how long ago this was, and the word "long" here, in General, it is not appropriate: a hundred years ago it was also a long time and is not available now, like a thousand... Well, it was in the days of chivalry, anyway, so I remembered. My husband was a rich and illustrious family. We lived somewhere in the South of France, not in the very North of Italy. And he went on a crusade to the East, putting on my hips chastity belt...

-What is that?

-Oh! You don't знваешь?!

-How do I know...

I thought Gladyshev, that if you are a well-read man, you should know. Well, it's a thing, made of iron, like пантолонов that... well, isn't allows жернщине change her husband during his absence. Well, in General, it prevents do it...

What Veronica do not dare to pronounce, it is perfectly portrayed hands. Gladyshev admired its skilled gestures. They even a few incited him.

"But you went in the toilet? he already had that structure in the form of armor on women's thighs but curiosity led him to ask this question.

-I don't remember exactly, but it was provided for this and this allowed me to somehow come in contact with a man. I don't remember exactly what I did for this, but to me it was very good.

-And your husband?

The husband? He left and never returned. Only several years later came the news of his death. In my vague memory, sometimes similar to sleep, I see that I decided to get rid of that ill-fated iron armor and in the attempts to him was stabbed to death some creepy tool serving for stabbing iron.

-Maybe it's just your imagination? Imagination plus passion novels, based on sexual motivations and маструбации?

-The fact Gladyshev, that I did not read romances and, moreover, such a perverted content. Unfortunately or whatever else, it's my past life.

-The transmigration of souls?

-Yes. But most likely, the immortality of the soul. Isn't talked about this вспе wisest prophets and great philosophers? Socrates, for example.

-About this. But how do you know?

-Well, right! Where would we! - Veronica offended curled her lip, but immediately found, glanced at the clock, she said. - so, your time is up!

With these words she got up out of bed, threw nail Polish on the table beside the bed and headed for the Гладышеву.

He сперв and not realized what happened, but the first scratch from a nail Veronica forced him to recover.

She threw herself at him Cat. - just perfected, if specially, nails trying расцарапать, laying hold of his face, but from the second outburst he already ducked.

-You чегшо, Veronica?! You what?! he asked, stepping back, dodging and slapping her hands.

"I told you, finally, that you will regret if no wine!

"But I ordered!

-I don't care " time's up!

It has landed him in the corner of the room, working hands splayed and bent fingers so fast that the wind whistled from their movement. However, at the very moment when Veronica second time managed to полоснуть his cheek with nails, leaving a serious, deep and bloody trail, he dodged юркнув down and bent over and slipped under her hand and ran into the bathroom.

From behind I heard her indignant cry and depth of naked stop on a carpet floor.

"I wonder how it looks? thought Gladyshev. - Naked woman running for you across the room, and with fury, scratch your face in!"

At a bend in the corridor, not to skidded on линолиуме, he stopped, and hand Veronica caught him up, leaving traces of burning on the back. He sprinted again, in two jumps was in the bathroom and closed the door on the latch.

Heard Veronica swears loudly in the corridor of the room and takes desperate attempts to break into the bathroom. Under her остервенелыми head up the door finely trembles, but Gladyshev, carefully examining constipation, decided чтооткрыть its not succeed and, turning to the mirror, examined рангы on his face. They were similar to the marks of the claws of any large predator, полоснувшего it by the skin. He turned and looked in the mirror at the back. It flowed three streams of blood, сочившиеся of long scratches.

Listen, well, you and give! he said, outraged. - You did to mess! And only joking m you don't know how!

Cursing stopped outside the door. Veronica stopped beating down and pull the handle. Some time it was not heard, then she said:

-Open, hear! Open, telling you!

-Wow: open the door! he said, outraged. "You look better, you pricked your claws...

In the room there came a knock.

-Gladyshev, us knock, go open up! - a voice was heard Veronica through the door.

-And you're not going to scratch? "he asked.

However, her voice sounded conciliatory, and therefore could not question it.

He unlocked the door and went out into the hallway.

Veronica quickly обевалась in depth Mr. EPA, sofa. A quick glance, she цыкнула:

"Well, come on, come on!

He went to the door, and click the lock, opened it, he saw a crack of a waiter from the restaurant with a tray in her hands.

-Your order, " said he.

"One moment, " asked him to Dima and they threw Bathrobe, opened the door. - Go through.

-Now you will pay or later?

-Then, - said Dima was, but Veronica already handed the waiter bill.

-No change is necessary, " she said.

The waiter glanced at bill, whistled, almost as surprised and at the same time with contempt looked at Dima and more without uttering a word, he left, slamming the door.

-Why did you do it? in an offended tone, Dima asked.

-Then, - said Veronika by his eyes on the tray, - нихрусталя, nor silver - nothing of what I asked for.

-Well, here I am! You heard: I requested that brought...

-Bad, then asked, " sighed Veronica. - Why jester I'm with you contacted Gladyshev! You рохля! Even heard on the phone, that this is not a respectable person, and neither fish nor meat.

Dima fell silent. Hurtful words Veronica, her act and disdainful glance waiter hurt touched him to the quick. He did not at once he noticed that not able to do anything, chastised himself for it a thousand times, but note Veronica хлестнуло and scorched his heart. He lost any mood.

-Well, pour the champagne , what are you? "it Veronika.

"You know, I'd rather not, courage, said Dima.

Offended, she guessed it. - Well, anything, you will take place. And remember, Gladyshev, you're not the person who I will ask for forgiveness, and resentment which I could sympathize.

She got up and went out.

"Where are you? he asked after him, though without redneck clear.

-To my room, " she said over his shoulder and slammed the door.

Dima lay down on the couch and stared at the ceiling with his hands behind his head. His thoughts went grim running the eternal circle, which seemed бынавсегда was outlined for them. At the end of their run usually born some sad image and poetic lines, and then he took the pen and paper. Rarely happened that he wanted to draw something, but it would require more терпенияи крпотливости, and because изобразительствовать he took even more rarely, only in moments of strong emotional outburst. His heart was sad, and he resolved постихоплетствовать, sketch on paper couple of verses, which would punish yourself again for his perfect impracticality of this incomprehensible, complex and немилосердной life.

Feeling bodily relaxation, close to the неожиланной fatigue, he hardly rose from the couch and looked around the room in search of a folder with the paper.

He once again drew the attention that the room is it someone made a mess. No, he did not take away their things, but he knew, as he lay. Now everything seemed the same but subtle touch of a stranger Rui was present here, as if left on all the seal of his intervention. It was not his mess.

It then suddenly it was like we were hit by electricity. Poetic mood, this мендалевая bitterness with a taste of melancholy, at once gone somewhere, and it seems that he протрезвев, once again looked around. His sensitive nature fired still under the yoke of the charms of communication with Veronica, woke up and felt the danger posed by all this, someone else's mess. Someone was here and rummaging in his things.

He wanted to force myself to think that it was Veronica, but then EA realized that the idea is absurd in свяком case, based on what he knew about her. Why would she need to dig in his things?

Somebody knocked in the door. This sound broke the silence of his room, and he perked up.

"Who's there? - own voice seemed to him too loud.

Behind the door was not answered.

"Maybe it is Veronica back? he thought. "does she? It is not походже... However, it can be a waiter. The tray, see, come... have I been so long I thought?"

He went to the door and paused, opened it.

Stood by the door кастелянша.

-You are asked to go down! she said and walked away.

-Who? "he asked.

I don't know the administrator called and said that you went down. Something urgent.

"Strange," thought Dima, but still went to the Elevator.

-Who called me? - he turned to администраторше, which, as always, writing something, low bending over the table.

"But here, at the entrance there are, not looking up, she threw her hand towards the mirrored door of the lobby.

There were two men in long black cloaks with gloomy faces.

"Lord, who is it?" scared Dima toward them.

-What do you need? he asked, feeling him twist my hands.

Chapter 13. (014).

There was another burst of tommygun fire: short and dry. They heard a moan. George crept quickly working elbows and cursing himself for the high. Wet grass. Splashes dew fell on his face, and his collar up to his elbows were wet, but he took no notice of it, clutching a saving gun, which was all hope. As well, he had managed to pick it up!

Zhora the first time regretted that not slim and not натренерованный physically person. Now, in the most decisive minutes, this greatly hindered. He suddenly thought that creep is pretty slow, though roll to the side, and even better, move dashes.

Moan is not coming from his head. He was still in his ear: "Who got shot, "Nail" or "Фиксу"? Probably, "Фиксу". Apparently, he tried to resist. And maybe got them both? It was the same two lines, two. But the first was clearly in my direction. First launched I..."

Came the third turn. She was heard somewhere very near, he even thought that over his head.

George rolled to the side, in some наоплненую cold water hole and stood, holding up his hand with a gun and brings the sounds of trying to define what happens.

"Now расправяться with them and will seek me, " he decided. - Well, свиньия ввам so easy to дамся!"

He pulled затворпистолета, trying not шумать. However, extractor pushed cartridge, which was дослан in the trunk before (he did not know that gun is ready to fire), and the loud хлюпком fell in a puddle. Жоре thought this treacherous sound was heard far away.

"The hippopotamus! Where are you, hippopotamus!" - Жоре seemed that someone is calling. Then he decided that it just can't be, but he was summoned again.

"Jora! Come Out, Zhora! You're alive?!" this time except that it was called by the name, it seemed to him that he hears the voice of the "Fixes".

"Means "Fix" is alive, thought George. - Who are they for so many shot? Probably, the bushes were scouring, I tried to shoot. And now they want to lure using the "Fixes". Well, not anymore, folks! I'd be a fool! Nothing would come of it!"

Just in case he raised himself on his elbow, lie autumn night in a cold puddle had no pleasure. The bushes were high and because he did not удалоось see. It again called. This time he clearly discerned that was calling him "Fix", but his voice went away, went away, and because George got out of puddles on a small knoll and dared to rise up on all fours and lean over the bushes.

Five minute walk, on the other side of the glade, there were machines. They stood with dim lights in the cabin faint yellow light shone landing lights. Right and left it was dark. Several times against the background of cars passed shadows of human figures, however, how many are they and who are disassemble it was absolutely impossible.

George lost his bearings. Not immediately, he was able to determine the place, where a few minutes ago, "taxi driver" припирал him to a tree, but when bearings, he found that the third tree, which was tied Nail empty.

"The hippopotamus! Jora! You're alive?! Answer! I signed, Jora!" again shouted "Fix."

"Oh, a new argument in the course went! he thought with a jeer. - But I don't buy: no fool! Look at you, what have invented them all signed! No, guys, I not caught with chaff! How could "Fix", which barely on his feet, put them all? Is that him shot?! But then what?!.."

A vague guess lit up his mind.

"However, thought George. He decided to trust your instincts, which today has already proved him his innocence, and now she told him that it's there: "Fix" their laid - Zhora remembered QC he picked up the bag with weapons in the car Park. - if so, then "Fix" well done, and if not..."

Just in case he took the gun at the ready position, bending left elbow to shoulder: "And if not, then I'll show them!"

He went to the meadow, pausing at each tree and the second, another waiting.

Apparently, the crackle of twigs under his feet, drew attention.

"George, where are you? again came to his ears of the deaf, the darkness, the voice of "Fixes", he дадже thought that this time he sounds more joyfully. - George, is that you? You're alive?! Where are you?! Come out soon, one of these goats! The others I have finished!"

"And where "the Nail", "Fix"? - filed finally, Zhora his voice.

-Behemoth, you as always with his repertoire! I know you don't suffer from negligence! Here it is.

George noticed now lonely shadow, двигающуюс on the meadow.

-"Nail"is that you?!

-I! I! "replied lonely shadow

-Go turn on the lights! Give more light to me you see.

-Behemoth, you're already went nuts! - laughed "Fix." - Get out, where are you? Enough already cat-and-mouse play!

"I didn't ask! "Jora. - "Nail", do as I say!

In the bright eager Farah Zhora discerned the figure of the "Fixes"that he would not be confused with any other. Beside him, on her knees, stood another shadow, which he kept, bull.

-Whom do you think, "Fix"? "asked George, coming from the forest to the glade and the approaching shadows in the light of the headlights.

-Who would you have thought?! - with a bloodthirsty enthusiasm he said. The Gad that five minutes ago over you издевлся.

Zhora approached them with pleasure and took a recent offender for Chub, lifted his, threw his head back, trying to discern in the darkness, barely расеиваемом headlights eyes of the prisoner. His face was impossible to learn. It changed from fear to unrecognizability. The fact that until recently emphasized the impudence and insolence nature now or dissolved in the darkness of night, or looked pitiful and not caused nothing but rage and hatred.

Zhora ducked to better see the fear in running the eyes of "taxi driver," recently сверкавших from a sadistic pleasure. Quite unexpectedly hunter прпевратился in prey, and his sacrifice suddenly took over and now she држала it in their paws.

-Well, shit, turned to him with a barely suppressed jeer jubilant soul winner, " what do you say?

Taxi driver was silent, frightened staring at him, and, if something like a Jackal, now was like a ROE deer quivering with animal fear waiting for deciding their fate, the fate of production.

"Cat got your tongue? he отмашь hit "taxi driver" on the face of revolvers, and not waiting for an answer.

He fell down as if dead. The helplessness of the victim's always in his defiance of brutal яростьрасправляющегося with her, but with special force, if it just was a master of the situation. George jumped to a "taxi driver" and proceeded to that had the power to kick his feet, иступленно, in delirium something приговаривя. When the fury was replaced by fatigue, he noticed that the same is engaged in and "Fix", and "Nail" stands by and watches.

George looked at his feet. Taxi driver was also unmoved.

-Dead or what? he asked "Fixes".

I don't know, " shrugged the.

-It seems overdone, " concluded George. "Well, put him in the car.

"Fix" scratched his head, then waved to the "Nail":

"Well, подсоби. I have long worked as a loader.

They отволокли lifeless body on the other edge of the clearing there, where there were three "Volga", put it on the back seat of one of the cars.

And with those two, what are we doing? - shook his head "Nail". His face was gloomy. Everything that happened and now, when the verse was not caused his approval.

-Come on, перекурим, then decide wearily Behemoth waved his hand.

They sat down and started to have lit up, sitting in the cabin taxi: George driving on the right - "Nail"and "Fix" on the back seat.

It is great we gave them a light, " he began првым, sweet and deeply inhaled. In the twilight began to Shine his Golden crown, framed with a smile.

-How do you manage that? surprised Zhora.

-I machines picked up.

-I knew that.

"Yes, and then запазуху hid him, here pretended to be drunk, and when he saw that the time, then grabbed a gun and put them like smoke. The same I - pigeons!

"Fix" suddenly convulsed by a nasty, hysterical laugh, which Jora somehow just shrugged. He still wasn't feeling great. Of course, without a doubt, the "Fix" was just a lad. If not he, then they would have already come to an end, - he knew that. But ve same Zhora could not share the joy that had seized his companion. It was нездоровя, unnatural joy.

"Fix," laughed for a long time, until George suddenly said:

-"Fix", enough to neigh! You people killed.

This phrase вырвлась had a gradually, by chance. He himself did not expect that to say this.

Leva "Tooth" it is not at first understood that he was referring to his boss, but then when it came to him, turned his smile on all thirty-two teeth, changed tense grin anger and confusion:

-I'm not caught up with the Hippo...

-I'm not caught up with the Hippo...

-Well, I mean, that cannot be so glad to find, since it happened.

-How come?

-Well, that had to pee.

Zhora all their gut почувствовл that it suffered a "not in the steppe", and it was quite a sentimentality.

-You that, with oak collapsed? - grimaced, "Fix."

"Well, it's I, " quipped Zhora.

They had an unpleasant pause, which relaxed the Nail again and asked:

-So what do we do with those two?

Both, and George, and Leva "Tooth" looked at him as though we saw for the first time.

-What to do with them? asked "Fix."

-The place-it is labeled, it would be necessary to remove them.

-Then and this, too, - "Fix" nodded lying next to him, "taxi driver".

-It's not all clear, " said George. - But those need to pour gasoline and burn.

"Nail" disagreeably winced, "Fix" dissatisfied mouth twitched at that.

One I do not see. You can, of course, would be to throw them somewhere in a city, on the way back, but the posts of police, traffic police. Why do we bother? Today, I think, are fairly... Or is it?!

-Yes, enough, " agreed "Tooth and Nail" in one voice.

"I think we are. Wherefore, let's not going to create unnecessary problems themselves. Those two drenched with gasoline and burned.

-As this? - "Fix" elbowed taxi driver.

-This will solve апосля, depending on its працездатности, - George thought for a moment,frowning, and added. - By the way, we, probably, will be useful.

-Why is that? - surprised the "Fix."

-Well, at least to ward off these cars in a safe place.

-Do you think that they need to leave.

Zhora pointedly smiled.

"You see. If I was коцап, I'd burned. If I was a khokhol, I like them a "сховав". But because I did it, and neither this, but a mixture of коцапа with the front of the head - the result is a Jew, that I sell.

-It is too dangerous shook his head who was silent until now "Nail"

"Yes, she says, " confirmed "Fix."

-Not more than today's evening walk, " replied George. "Besides, we have now is pretty tight with money. So let it be even small compensation for the vulnerability, which the Lord Moscow thieves have done in our pocket, do you?

"Fix" thought. The facial expression of "Nail" it was obvious that he wasn't going to Express their opinion, knowing that the hippopotamus is unlikely to listen to him.

-Well, do as you know.

-What are you waiting for, my friends, " tapped them on the shoulder Zhora. - Looking for cans, заметаем traces, but first tie-ka this colt, Yes tighter, so that he could not очухался and not begin to kick.

After a few minutes, at the far end of the glade, blazed two чадящих funeral fire, licking their heavy, lazy, rising up and away, подпрыгивающими languages of darkness over me. Splashes of them reflected on the white trunks of embracing glade birches, on the glass and automobile bodies, and three pairs of eyes entranced and detachment from the things watched this devil's night pandemonium fire, devouring human bodies, more recently, the former human beings who did not want and did not think even die, but that suddenly, unexpectedly, just as it always happens, were killed and now turned into fire and dense and resinous smoke and ash into nothing, into the dust, which is already tomorrow рассеиться on the world without a trace.

-But now could голреть now, probably we, " said George, broke silence, воцарившуюся in the car.

-Yes, catching agreed : "Nail" and frantically shrugged, apparently, in the shoes of those two.

-However well, enough of that, winced "Fix."

Wind increasingly gaining strength as nightfall, turned in their direction, and carried Chad and the stench from the fires in their direction.

-Close the window! - закашляля Zhora. Fu, as stinks.

-As chicken, which обшмаливают at the stake, noticed a "Fix." It seemed that the memories about the chicken raised his spirits.

Zhora desperately завращал handle lifting of glass, - at first he was desperately looking for the button электроподъемника, forgetting that he's not in a "Mercedes".

The back seat of the taxi driver was showing signs of life, heard some moans and gurgling.

Tough guy, " remarked George, nodding his head, turned around.

-A strong, Yes like already not alive, - noticed "Fix." - We отметелили that seems поотбивали all of liver, spleen. The corpse.

-Living dead, raised up index finger for giving weight to its refinement Zhora. Is someone there seems to be a play таккая is, whether that: "the Living corpse". In any case, it is necessary to revive her, to wipe the blood from his face, wash - we now come in handy, and then we шлепнем.

Жоре sometimes the most scary was listening to the cynicism that вырыался him , but he couldn't do anything about it.

-Верняк - agreed to "Fix", by moving it to a friend in the shoulder, and started lying next "taxi driver". - Hey. Get up! What sprawled!

He pulled a taxi driver by the sleeve and put it near you. It seemed that he just asleep, but already now it is visible started to exude the bruises and scratches, which he acquired from George and his buddy-buddy. He softly moaned. Nose he had a blood drenched instantly, as soon as he was in a sitting position, all his clothes.

-And he really soon окочурится? - exclaimed "Fix", looking from the bottom somewhere in the nostrils of the battered. You see, as кровяка whips. Guess we did something cool smashed.

"I think it лупасить, " nodded Zhora, then turned to "Nail". "Listen, you have possession of the car?

"No, " he shook his head.

-A car can drive?

"Well, " shrugged the "Nail", - slightly better than average. And what?

-Yes, nothing. Simply be, probably, to you for a third wheel to sit down, or burn the car here, and sorry.

-Well, okay, I'll try, - with the consent blinked a Nail.

-Yes, try it as well, but we need through the post of GAI to go. Need to travel with confidence. I have leva right there, so you need to think about what to do with you, then George looked again at the beaten to death a prisoner and shook his head. - Why are we so hurried.

"Fix" demonstratively unclenched his fingers which held the sleeve of taxi driver, and the insensitively flopped back on the seat, still hitting her cheek against the door of the salon.

-Yes, apparently he has not's going to head off, " said George.

-We will finish? readily asked "Fix" and raised his Uzi higher, demonstrating a willingness to pay without delay to the prisoner, was of no use.

-Yes, probably nodded Zhora.

-Why only dragged him into a car?! - outraged with the offence of "Nail".

-And how do we find the Bondi Boma? - suddenly remembered "Fix."

-Do you think that we need to look for him? - a raised eyebrow Zhora.

-I think I need to talk with him, especially after today.

He may know nothing, " replied George. - Little did we have common enemies, which we had never heard. Although, I must check it out. Maybe that is its people.

Zhora his eyes straying to the back seat and started thinking of staying in this position still for a few minutes.

-If this guy очухался, " said a dialogue Nail - we would lot of things could learn.

"Yes, shook his head Zhora, - if. Still, Leva, we gave surpluses. It was not necessary so hard to beat.

Leva agreed выкатив lips in a whistle, as if going to whistle.

Suddenly George shook Hisself as if from a dream, shrugged, throwing off the stupor and accurately revived.

-Well, кончаем it, Yes go to sleep? he asked completely different, fresh and more lively voice.

Succumbing to his influence, cheered and "Fix." He moved the bolt, "Uzi", again raised the sleeve of taxi driver free hand and put it up to his temple, barrel of the gun going to pull the trigger.

"Not here! - George winced. - Why забрызгивать brains and beauty of the machine to which we will use?!

"Fix," opened the door, pushed foot from the interior of the body taxi driver and got out after him, threw over her shoulder:

-Nail help.

"Nail" reached the street. They dragged twenty meters lifeless body, and then suddenly Жоре thought that this guy should be left alive, and he turned to yell and reverse it, but just at this moment there was a short line.

When they left from the glade, two fire already were burnt down, but the third is still only inflamed and gained strength. George, who led the first car, there was the sense that they three were swapped with these фраерками-"taxi drivers"and that they themselves had already finished off on the clearing and burned. "In essence, what our differences? he thought, but to develop this idea prevented fatigue and an unpleasant feeling that fell through it now every time he recollected the details of events on the glade. They spun in front of him, like annoying flies, and he didn't know where they go. Now be a big war. Unless, of course, Bondi know what happened... And he learns. Maybe not immediately, and because I have the time. It should be used, and to hurry to get out of here восвоясие".

"Nail" was the last car. Zhora and then, and looked and looked in the rearview mirror on his вихляющую, bad a running machine. Most Zhora was afraid that they would stop some post of traffic police or militia. Especially this may have been due to "Nail". "Taxi drivers so don't travel, thought George. - You can imagine that drove there in boob a little bit drunk, and it's only a Nail.

Just in case, right on the seat lying ready Uzi with передернутым gate. The second was the "Fixes"going for him. They agreed that if there is - just pop off, and then go and after an hour meeting at the Kiev railway station.

However, they are lucky. At the entrance to the city traffic police post was as empty as would've died. On the street stood patrol machine, and the crew appeared to be asleep somewhere inside sentinel павильончика, thinking that in this night the cars on the road a little, and there is no need to overwork.

Once you are in Moscow, George sighed with relief. Now it was just to pick up from the Parking lot of your "mercy" and determine somewhere these machines.

We had to find out where the color of the body. This seemingly simple task looked great danger now: without a doubt Bondi controlled if not all, then most of repair workshops, both public and clandestine, and he certainly would have known that somewhere entered repainting three "taxo".

George took to the curb and put the brakes on. Behind him stopped and two other cars. "Nail" and "Fix" came up to him.

"What shall we do? - asked George.

They were silent, preferring to take his initiative.

Suddenly in my head George matured surprisingly simple and saving solution: "So Peter is that he gets!"

-Go to the product.


-The commodity station.


-We will ship cars to Peter. We will order the carriage. Send them "Nail". He there подновит, paint and sell.

"Why not here? - surprised the "Fix."

-It's dangerous here. At Bondi Bohm surely bound. As to Peter, I think he has not reached yet. There his office.

Leva "Tooth" thoughtful but after a minute answered with a sigh:

-"Nail", you say? Is it worth? The start of the game. We need people.

-Stands, " nodded Zhora.

Chapter 14. 015.

It took another two days, everything was still quiet. Gvozdev left behind sent to Peter machines. In a lime accompanying proved that the machines are designed for one of the local taxis.

Prudence and caution, which Behemoth was always distinguished and, thanks to whom, perhaps, lived still forced him to change his "Mercedes". He already began to think, to sell it and for greater security, buy some "Volvo" or "Japanese", but attachment to a beautiful and comfortable car, crossed his arms and legs.

They were alone with "Фиксой". Returning after that fateful night, he unexpectedly for myself beat Левиного friend, "Rafter man", and ordered him to get home. Vitya поспешнео retreated, taking with him and Анжеллу, which loudly screamed during that whole time, while hippopotamus beat "Hose".

Now they sit opposite each other in the deep armchairs, and George thought about what Leva this time not stood up for his friend. They looked at each other and silently smoked. The soul was disgusting. Gvozdev left. They were alone.

Two days they showed no nose from "Metropolja", which occupied a good rooms. On the third day Zhora suddenly said, slamming himself on the knee

-Let, the time to act. Time is money.

Leva elevated with pillows заспанное face.

-Maybe we should wait until the "Nail" will return?

-No! - Zhora confidently shook his head. - I am confident that we are already looking for.

-Do you think?

You would think чтоты - no. First, apparently caught the three. Then guess what happened... anyway, hurry up.

-But what can we do together?

-If you think well, much. On our side - the suddenness and unexpectedness of action. Now we don't do anything, and they do. They are looking for us. And time is on their side. As soon as we start to act, the time will be on our side. Remember: our goal is to take back what we got for yourself, and that was stolen from us by the Moscow bastards.

"Do you still hope to bring it back? in the voice of "Fixes" felt apathy and fatigue.

-Yes, I hope so, " George went into a rage. He leaned toward the interlocutor, putting большшое effort to break away from the back and get out of a drowning man, a deep armchair. And not распускай nurse! Remember, either we get back what we lost, or none of us in any case, you and I leave here, still alive.

-I pass! - shook his head "Fix"

-No, you don't pass, home, not pass! - Zhora ran up to him, put her on his knee and took my chin.

-I signed up to it?! - outraged "Fix", pushing away from your face his hand.


-Wow... I in this case took only, to help you have, so to say, a friendly aid, and you...

"What are you?! - George shook his breast.

-Let go! demanded Leva, pulling his hands behind his запастья.

Zhora unclenched his fingers and slumped down on the floor. He felt that exists in the state in which women usually begins hysterics.

-I can no longer, " he said wearily.

-I, too, complained in response Leva, with the palm of the hand over the forehead.

-You know, Lev, I have the feeling that everything around me keeps on a thin wire, and should this thread burst, as all around me повалится, fly somewhere down and deceive зва.

Lev listened to and, with pursed lips, according to nodded, listening to his отокровениям not the false серьезнростью and hidden irony, not really understanding and concern. However Жоре wanted was the second, and so he continued in the same vein. However, interrupted him in mid-sentence, "the Detective asked:

Hey, who is this the Bondi BOM?

Question caught Jora to catch. In the first minute he could do that хмыкнуть:

-Hmm, who.... In fact, anyone?

Question resulted in the discovery - in essence they don't know whom they are dealing. George remembered, as in the beginning, as soon as I arrived in Moscow, inquired and tried to get information from an informant, who obviously knew and could выложиить the lowdown этолго the notorious Bondi Boma. His name was mark Ilich, and Жоа know where he lives.

That's why I say that we should act. Should also at least know акем we started the war.

"Indeed, " agreed Leva, but what do you suggest?

-Is here to take one little man: knows all things, including about this very Bondi Boma. I already put him to visit, but he's rubbing me over half an hour some bullshit, and then asked for is to bring in his budget a tidy sum of money and currency.


-And now I think the time has come to pay him a second visit. Only now we will act with other methods.

After half an hour Leva already rolled up on it, Жорином "Mercedes". At the sight of his beautiful and grandiose machine he could not help grinning the entire width of the mouth. "Fix" also greeted him златозубой smile.

-Go, - said George, leaning to the window. "Let me, I sit behind the wheel.

-I trudge with your machine - confessed "Fix." He rolled on the right seat and made a summary. - Still, in "Merce" there is something fascinating.

George nodded his head in approval and gave gas, got off with a space, so that there was a creak on the asphalt Hughes gone wheel that's raised from the ground liquid clouds of dust.

They crossed the Central part of Moscow and went to one of the houses in the area Savyolovsky railway station.

-Leave лайбу here, " said George. - It will be safer. Hence we pass two streets.

-And if there was an ambush? - afraid of Leva.

'I think not, but if that...

George pulled out of a bag Uzi pointedly tossed it in his hand.

-So, we agree: check the porch, the surrounding area. Then I call this старикану by phone from a nearby booth. You're standing, listening at the door. If you hear that he is talking to me, then delicately взламываешь door. When I hear your voice in the handset, you will go way up. Agree?

Leva agreed, but then not noticed:

Hey, you, Hippo, still smart!

-Why is this?

-Yes, because under my bullets expose, and the going back! And suddenly there was an ambush?

-You have a machine. Or you need something?

-I would like, so we went together.

-Together? And if we graze on the street and laid at the entrance, as конареек in a cage? You thought about that?

-Actually, no.

-Now, then, as I thought. If I see that sort of thing, it'll distract them, and you heard the shooting, go through the attic. Meet at the "Mercedes"

"I was difficult to believe that they stalked us on the street, " said the "Fix."

-In this case as well, was difficult to believe me that they организовли ambushed in his apartment. And, perhaps both, or even a third, then, so we don't expect, because we don't know who we're dealing with. Understood? So, you rotten this Bazaar throw about the first and второгою. You go first, I cover your rear. You're a provider of front - everything is like in the army, all. As in war.

"Okay, be it as you wish.

At the house of old man they were divided. Looking around and seeing nothing suspicious, George went to the pay phone, and "Fix", stressing once again the room кввартиры, galloped up the access stairs leaps and bounds jumps.

"Hello, this is mark Ilich? - a minute later George started talking on the phone, very delighted to ensure that the owner of the apartment house. "Caught, goldfish, ' he thought to himself. - With what we're begin!". Is you old friend worried. I would like you to look... Well, when -- when... Today. Yes, could now... about?.. Speak louder, I can't hear anything... louder, louder!.. Yes, even louder!.. So here it is.

After five minutes of this senseless conversations on the other end, there was some confusion, and soon the familiar voice said to him:

"Get up, I took it.

George dropped the receiver on to its cradle and rubbing her from the pleasure of hands, almost ran to the entrance.

'Well, mark Ilich? he asked, coming through the open door of the apartment and притворив her. - I promised you go.

Mark Ilich sitting in the middle of the room on a chair, with hands tied behind their backs and stuck in the mouth gag, and watched him a frightened look. About myself Zhora noted that his eyes are now very similar to those that had survived the taxi driver on the glade. "All the people are so similar in fear, he thought.

-And you were not expecting me? Yes?

Mark Ilich according nodded. His frightened eyes widened even more, and become round, like an animal.

-Yes, don't you worry, mark Ilich! Don't be afraid, we won't harm. We only want to ask you something. This time, however, require you to pay with me you don't have to, Zhora turned it from side to side, "Uzi", then moved to the door, closed it and put his that did not open the heavy crutch, standing in the corner. - The matter is that we finally went bankrupt, but not собираемсяотказываться from their intentions. But noodles on the ears in this time, I will not hang. I simply won't allow you to do this. Then I was alone and unarmed, and now...- Zhora made a significant, broad gesture. - We agree with you, do you, mark Ilich?

The old man again according nodded.

-Well, that's great!! Untie him gag... No, hands until let it be so suddenly mark Ilich заартачится, and then we will have to make on it in some not very pleasant procedure.

Mark Ilich negatively shook his head from side to side. "Fix" took him gag.

"By what right you with me do? -stuck to his guns with the go mark Ilich hardly mouth was again free.

-But on this, - Zhora raised it to his temple barrel of the gun and felt a strong desire to pull the trigger. But to do it. Yet. - On the right of the strong, my dear, on the right of the strong. A few days ago, the people of one very famous in Moscow circles human метелили us and already wanted to send it to the light, but coincidentally, our prevailed, and they followed there by themselves. And now we cannot слезеи with thee until thou not выложишь us all to the last drop that will interest us. We want to know who this man is. Everything from and to...

-But I do not know who you...

A strong blow threw Brand Ilyich together with a chair on the floor. Rage woke up in the Hippo, required that he beat on, but плюгавенький old man was more he wanted, and because he сдеражался and only rubbed зашибленный fist.

When mark Ilich очухался, "Fix" again lifted him to his chair.

"You see, Illich, I'm with you not kidding, warned him George.

But I don't know whom you mean...

-On Bondi Baume.

I have never heard about this...

He did not finish his sentence, again сваленный together with a chair on his back. This time George could not resist not to kick it a few times.

-The old man! Libro we're out of here, getting what we need, or you're dead meat. Choose! I have long not going to beat around the Bush, " said George, when mark Ilyich came back himself and was brought back to its former place.

"But what you gave up something?

Is our business, you come here, don't bother. Better put on the merits, all as is.

Mark Ilich paused, tilting his head and agreed:

-Okay, slide me to the computer.

"Fix," I kissed back, and chair заскрепел on the parquet floor.

-Untie my hands. - asked mark Ilich.

-No! - as snapped Zhora, although the "x's" was ready to fulfill the request. - No. Tell that to press. We ourselves do.

Mark Ilich began to dictate letters and buttons, and Leva incompetent, clumsy fingers began to type them on the keyboard. Zhora few minutes watched this, and then asked:

-Tell me, dear mark Ilich, your computer, and that he is connected in some network?

Face of an old man in fear winced and, apparently fearing that the visitor хорошот versed in his actions and in the computers, he shook his head:

-Yes, in the telephone network through a modem.

-Excellent. Lev, see, so that you, with such enthusiasm by clicking on the buttons, not handed to somebody something, and that there'll not come uninvited guests.

-But I didn't understand, " stunned, staring at him "Fix"

"No, you go on, go on. It's better to have this bothered to mark Ilich. By the way, has long wanted to ask, mark Ilich, to you today someone should come?

Mark Ilich said nothing, after falling silent and not to dictate Leve.

-I understand that there is. Yes? - Zhora slightly gave the handle "Uzi" Mark Ilich on клиновидному, almost bald head.

"No, " he replied, as if recollecting himself.

-Excellent, Mark Ilich. So, if as a result of your, well let our actions with this thing (because I, too, it is not good) it suddenly appears that we came here guests, someone police or thugs Bondi Bohm, the first bullet - your. She'll chop you faceted crock, mark Ilich, and I assure you that my courage to do it without delay. I will blow your head, as the clay pot. You understand me?


-Well, now keep

On the computer screen lit up with some symbols.

-Remove, be kind, with shelves at number six in a row B, floppy number forty.

George walked over to a Cabinet, made like the book, and drew specified diskette.

-Where is it now?

-To be inserted into the computer.

"What's there? - George waved diskette.

-The dossier. A dossier on your Bondi Boma.

-And how many in here fits pages?

-Two thick volumes already, but you can make as much again.

"Looks like you often refer to it, that so wonderfully remember.

-I just constantly work with the material, make there new information.

-That, and only doing this Bondi Bohm?

-No. Not only, I have a dossier on twenty million people.

-Wow! surprised involuntarily Zhora. - While I have you, by chance, nothing?

-You said yourself: responding on the merits, " said mark Ilich. Under his left eye he formed a purple bruise. In several places bore the marks of the beatings, but the old man kept safe and not just the slightest.

Zhora involuntarily made a imbued him than-товпроде respect. Feeling this, however, was so weak that he easily suppressed.

-So where you insert the floppy?

-Let, I asked mark Ilich.

-No, - Zhora made a categorical gesture.

-You break me the computer! pleaded mark Ilich. - Let, I myself will insert a floppy disk!

-We now divide your head, you idiot, " "Fix." - Speak out, moron, where you insert the plate.

Under the direction of Mark Ilyich George pulled out of the drive was in him floppy disk and put in place their own, the number forty. Mark Ilich began to dictate the cipher key, and soon the screen was filled with the lines of some kind of document.

Well, what next? "asked George.

Depending on what you need.

-We need to all.

-I said: this two-volume case. You can in parts. First, review, and right - click and print.

-What if?

Is that all? I love mark Ilich.

-All business.

-Oh, - mark Ilich shook his head. It would take too much time.

-How much? - not appeased Zhora.

-Frankly speaking, I don't know. Never tried it. Besides, I can't say whether such a load printer. - But you have a day sitting here?!

"We're ready, " nodded Zhora.

-But then I'm not ready, - забастовал mark Ilich.

"Why not?"

-I can't stay the night in this position! Рязвяжите me, give me a little of freedom! Follow me, in the end, don't walk away from me every step!

Zhora exchanged looks with "Фиксой". In the end, he was not so terrible, that all the time to keep it in this condition, with their hands tied behind the back of the chair.

-Untie him, " said George to his friend. - Only do not give him a single step. Just that - shoot! In any case, we have a floppy.

-Nothing you can do it, " interrupted, apparently to protect themselves, mark Ilich. - To get to the information need a key code that unlocks the entrance, and you don't know him.

-Learn - for convincing "Fix" took the old man by the throat of his hand. - Can you all say.

"Okay, let him go, " said George. - And untie. Only look, mark Ilich: just that, so we're going to take you right. And plug your драндулетку: we'll wait until it will give us Nagora.

"Fix" freed the old man, and he pressed a few buttons, launched the printer. His carriage almost silently finished and it began to appear in the first line. A minute later the first leaf freaked small signs, fell on the tray листоприемника.

"Fine, " commented George. - We'll wait.

He picked up the листоприемника the printed page, and plunged into the study.

"Can I go to the toilet? - asked mark Ilich.

-Can be, not only one, " answered George, breaking away from the leaf, and jerked his head to the Left.

Until the morning printer did not stop their work. Mark Ilich hardly had time to enclose fresh порциичистой paper. Zhora dug up with him yet and copier, but multiply printed was not able to due to fatigue. Besides mark Ilich tearfully assuring him that in the copier something missing, not that of a powder not then some more stuff, and consequently to work on it quite impossible, until George himself has not refused this idea.

All night they were on duty by turns, without losing sight of the old archive rat and forcing him to work as soon as possible. So by the morning both were drained dry, and mark Ilich barely stood on their feet from exhaustion. His battered face was worse. Bruises became dark bluish colour, under the eyes grew heavy large dark bags. He barely moved his feet and the view was miserable.

Towards seven o'clock in the morning everything is finally ready. Zhora was holding a heavy stack of свежеотпечатанных pages. Mark Ilich handed him the folder:

-Here, take it, fold it neatly.

Disk I too take.

-Why? pleaded mark Ilich. - Don't ruin my archive, please! I'll better yet the one thing изготовлю, when you wish. Whether a little that can happen to her from you. And I have this information will remain secure.

"Okay, first, for all this time took pity on an old man Zhora, and thought to himself: "Good thoughtlessly".

He gave him a floppy disk.

Capturing a folder, they went out onto the landing. In the entrance there was silence, only somewhere far below, on the ground floor, there were footsteps: maybe someone was in a hurry to work.

Mark Ilich escorted them to the door and stood on the threshold with a plaintive and miserable expression on his face. Жоре even wanted to tell him something to say goodbye, but he kept silent.

Whistling "Fix" skipping galloped down the stairs. Zhora descended slowly. Whistle leva "Tooth" drowned somewhere in the stairways, dissolving in his echo. "If to whistle, then we say that the money will be, thought George, - but yet they say, who discerns - responsible".

Suddenly the whistle "Fixes" is abandoned. In the same second, Zhora noticed something dark hung over his head. He instinctively, he did not yet understand what is happening, ducked. At this moment something thunder muttered the blast. From below came the cry of "Fixes", a clatter and cheers.

"Covered", - he thought George.

Chapter 15. 5 (05 -> 5).

He had no time and recover, as it заволоклив long, luxurious limousine, shining in his black mirror housing reflection of the lights of the hotel, he saw nothing through tinted glass until it is not unloaded the back of the car, but near a building.

He never gave nothing to ask, nothing to say. To make it certain that he never wants to talk pulled from the machine, he with a professional composure gave about the legs and dragged him скрюченное телокуда in the back of the building.

All the way Dima confused his thoughts and guesses, unable to understand what is happening and why, and tried in vain to rely feet on the ground. Everything happened so quickly that he could not come round to the trip itself. Then the pain from the blow looked consciousness.

As through a mist passed before his eyes the walls of the corridors and stairways, and when he began to disperse, he was pushed into the door of a huge office.

At a table on the far side of кабинетасидел, covering the palm of a person, a man. He read something. When Gladysheva entered the Cabinet, he looked up at the newcomers.

They immediately left alone. Dima in расстерянности hesitated at the door. He was disappointed with all the goings on.

A man rose from the table and pushing the chair, went to meet him. He was wearing a severe dark gray suit Troika, dazzling white shirt and a thin, black tie.

-Ah, here you are, Mr. Gladyshev! - supposed to be happy, but kept handed people. - I hope my kids were not mistaken?

-No, your guys are right! - said Dima, trying to invest in your own words his indignation and resentment. - What's the matter?! Who are you?! Why to treat me like that?!

A man took him from behind your back, as if pushing forward and inviting walk with him down the long room.

-I understand your indignation, Mr. Gladyshev! You, of course, outraged! But what to do, my people are accustomed to work! They simply impossible to remake the...

This is a real animals and butchers! - Dima cried, trying to Express his insulted dignity.

-I agree, I agree, the man nodded, continuing to lead Dima beside him руукой behind your back. - But this is already the institution where they work. Here other not hold. Otherwise, who will guard the interests of the state?!

The owner of the office stopped, letting his guest, how significant are his last words. Dima tensed involuntarily. The pain from the blow had not yet passed.

-And what is this place?

-Oh, this is a good institution: Ministry of the interior!..

"Oh, how terrible! - Dima really scared, but tried to draw his emotion into a joke.

-Yes, probably, especially if we consider that you, Mr. Gladyshev, talking with a wave of the hand which all the wheels of this mechanism begin to rotate in one direction or the other, or even stop... don't believe?!

-No, why not. I have provided the opportunity to verify, - Dima отряхивающий gesture.

-That's nice. I'm flattered by your ability to grasp everything on the fly. Love people who do not need further clarification. I hope that in future you'll be just as intelligent!

They went to the window, which was night.

-Everything is fine, " said Dima. - But what the hell to me here превезли?! I wouldn stole something or someone killed?

-Well, you don't think about the Ministry of internal Affairs, if you think that it is only a search of thieves and murderers. Besides, weren't they bring here? Nearest branch of internal Affairs of the ZCTU and all. So, you can feel a great man, Mr. Gladyshev, once it hit the wall of the Bastion Bastion of law and order. Once you are here, then you need to the state and are intended to serve his interests.

He took him by the back of the other hand, turned in the opposite direction and led to the door of the Cabinet.

"Want to proshvyrnutsya with the breeze of the night московвским streets?

-No, actually! I already прошвырнулся, thank you.

-No, you simply must agree. I'll show you absolutely wonderful place. Hardly ever удосужитесь being in a such. Especially because you are a guest of the city, right?

Gladyshev wanted to argue, but its high interlocutor still, under the back, out of his Cabinet. Balk sense was not, moreover, that Dima guessed that he show character especially not allow it, and if he зартачится will reappear "kind"-fellows, who famously twist of the hand.

He was hoping that the whole of this strange spectacle that is more of a misunderstanding end soon. Though everything was strange to the extreme. He never realized that so appealed, and why he was here, and where will know his name.

They went into an inner yard of the building and stood in the front entrance, marble and bronze. After a couple of minutes to the entrance drove up the long black limousine, similar to the one which was brought here Dima.

-Ask, - invited him inside the car owner's office. The driver threw open a door in front of them salon.

This time tinted Windows were down, and he could actually feel the cool night air washes the car and rushes into the room, and see the night streets of the huge city.

The owner of the office sat down next to him in the rear cabin of the limousine. Machine, grinding her wheels abruptly turned around, and described a semicircle on the inner yard of the building and drove up to the gate, which immediately opened. Red eye светофорапод ceiling arches changed to green. The vehicle was rolled out on a Moscow street.

-Okay, let's get something very different, friendly, said the owner of the office, put her arms around his shoulder.

Dima with a baffling dumb question on his face turned to him and found that thick his interlocutor melted into a пухлощекой , good-natured to taste придури smile. It was so unexpected and uncalled for, that involuntarily he replied:

-Let's - though nothing was going to speak.

-My name - to Гладышеву reached пухлопалая hand. - Толстунин Boris Borisovich.

-Very nice, " he reluctantly hand Dima. - And me... however, if you know the name, why nna know and name with a patronymic.

-You are right, Mr. Gladyshev.

-It is strange that I still like to call by name.

-Well, well, let'll call you by your name, Dima.

-Then it is better to Dmitry. We are, after all, not friends from the gazebo, I always keep a safe distance from strangers, especially of such rank as you.

Толстунин stopped, turned away, looking at the lights on the night streets, window shopping and cafes. Gladyshev turned to his window, which was engulfed in a whirlwind in the cool night air. Even now, when the streets were empty, and полловина and factories are not working, чувтствовался the smell of burning still some stuff. Sometimes in beauty врывалось suddenly a stench like along the street were not at home, and very often multi-storey toilets and cesspits, of which no long emptied.

-That frown, Dmitry? Not like Moscow air? "very Толстунин.

-You guessed, Boris Borisovich. In your position, the insight is a very useful quality.

-In Ukraine, the air, podi, cleaner?

I don't know. Not had the happiness to travel at night on the city streets. Perhaps I would find the same thing. Besides, we radiation. Chernobyl поддувает.

-Here, too, brings so much should not be upset.

-I'm not in the slightest.

-Can, raise the window?

"No, thank you. To me this is fun enough, when I was to you. I'm better this way.

Gladyshev again turned back to the window, this time first. He felt a few more confident.

-In your speech felt amazing mannerisms, continued the conversation Толстунин. - When I listen to you, I have the impression that I was talking Gogol or Shevchenko - I call these writers, because they have to be more close to you in spirit, however I am pleased to recall Pushkin or Tolstoy.

-I don't understand.

-We ourselves sometimes do not understand. You actually, Dmitry, can we at least one iota imagine that was the reason that you sit beside me, not in her room with a married прелестницей?

I think, mannerisms you do not hold, but the right word, I have no idea why this is, then suddenly you are me interested.

And you wonder why?

-Surprised?! I think our whole life in this country runs in the framework of violence. It is even above the law, which, in some way, represent you, Boris Borisovich. So what I wonder? In our society surprised, angry, indignant, or something or another to Express their disagreement with the power - it is useless, because it means making references to the law. But the power has long appropriated him and now turns to them as he wants.

-Wise, wise, quietly applauded Толстунин.

-The main thing is true.

Such smart people, like you, Dmitry, must be destroyed. Or isolate.

Gladyshev looked at Толстунина, their eyes met, but Dima is nothing to read in these немигающих, as if drawn on a face, eyes.

Толстунин himself breaking the silence:

joke Dmitry, a joke. Although, is a reasonably. As did Pushkin: the fairy tale is a lie, but it hint?

-I have your jokes, Boris Borisovich throat to stand. You had told me, why do you...

"No hurry, Dmitry, do not hurry. You better I guess the riddle. Отгадаешь?

-Guess the riddle, solve the question of who shoots the heel gets in the nose. Yes?

-Yes, something like that. What is ЦэКа?

-ЦэКа? Probably, the Central Committee.

"Oh, no, no guessing. That's exactly what стреляеш in heel - get in the nose. ЦэКа is a valuable picture, you know? Now, you're a valuable picture. And so am I.

Толстунин with indecent, boorish развязанностью laughed. He behaved like a man standing on the top of the power pyramid and not only feels his power, but uses it without restrictions. To him no one to fear, and he had forgotten how to be ashamed of, because so long ago lost conscience.

Dima watched as he laughs and with deep aversion to this man, suddenly thought that if he now wanted to pull the excess seed, he without any confusion and delay would masturbate right here in the car, not noticing his presence any attention.

Meanwhile laughter Толстунина exhausted, and he spoke again:

-You're a poet, Dmitry? Such поэтишко, Yes?

-Well, Yes, something like that.

"Well, think of poems rhyme "cattle - people".

Dima перекорежило, jumped up in the soul.

-That, bad rhyme? surprised Толстунин.

-No, Boris Borisovich. Rhyme something good. Only here the words are strange.

-In my opinion - the best words. I'm sorry now, not a poet, and that he himself wrote a poem. Me and cards in one place to put the couple in stanza.

-Yes, it's not difficult, Boris Borisovich!


-Yes. Just try.

Толстунин wrinkled his forehead, portraying the effort of thought. Suddenly his face brightened:

-Ah. Invented. People are cattle. Cattle are the nation. Well?

-Pull... with beer.

-Well, and you?

-I will not such mucks do shook his head Dima.

-You see! threatened finger Толстунин. - And I have to do: work in me.

-What is your job?

-The state shall defend.

-From whom?

-From the beasts -- and from the peoples. However it is one and the same. We all the same, the Ministry of internal Affairs. If it was any other Ministry, I would have protected it from someone else.

Dima didn't answer him anything, because I don't know what you can talk to him, but Толстунин not appeased. He changed the topic.

"You, I know it perfectly, wrote a novel, doesn't it?

-Well, - said reluctantly Dima, again having been surprised осведомленност interlocutor.

-And you are having difficulties with the publication?

"Yes, " nodded his head Dima. And very large.

-Yes, Russian novels are born painfully then, with nerves, but, sometimes with blood. I'm afraid that your will generally be stillborn.

-Why is this?

-I have основния think so, ' smiling mysteriously, said Толстунин. - Of course, nothing wrong in it, almost there. But something alarming. In him is in you. He reveals some of your thoughts that you don't speak up right, but mean. But you only try the forces. Let you break out, to get recognition - what will happen? We have enough, and the current number of dissidents. And your vile negligence of state authorities gives grounds to fear in будщем get in your face one more enemy power.

-The authorities to whom? What power?

Does it matter which one? That power is always power. And like you, go and went against the authorities at all times. Besides, don't you think that all the metamorphoses of power in our country: the monarchy - кипитализм - socialism - has not affected the essence of its structure. Changed in all cases, the ruling caste, but the share of haves and haves not remained on the same level, as a hundred years ago.

Now that seems to be the idea of communism discredited itself, but this did not prevent the Olympus of power, with all the metamorphoses of the external attributes of the ruling clan, остатьчся layer обогащающихся as well as with other social systems, as before. And this tip will always fight to the likes of you, because they are always against it, no matter how called operation.

The state is the enemy of their society, - it has long been known, and like you - its dangerous opponents. Part of the company under any social structure always outside the law, that comes up with the state. Like you, outside the law always, though, perhaps, sometimes, and not in public. And guarding the internal interests of the state we stand - the Ministry of internal Affairs. That's why I took you personally, as the rising enemy power. Strong enemy, I must admit. You can be proud of.

Толстунин sighed deeply.

"Thank you, " nodded Dima. And your words that are very difficult to learn, to me, however, realized that it was you stand on the path of my novel, and do not give him the right of way?

"Quite right, Mr. Gladyshev!

Dima was shocked by this news, and could not большесказать.

They have not talked.

"The monster, " finally he said Dima slowly and quietly, apparently, making for some kind of opening.

-Not much jerked his chin Толстунин.

-The state is a monster, " said Dima, his eyes opened wide. - As I had not understood.

Толстунин just laughed in response.

-I am glad your insight! The state is power, power is the people who have it. And these people want to live and not just to live, and live well, and, strangely enough, but to make them well, all the rest, those who have not the power should be worse and much worse, you know? Lords of the better they feel, the higher they rose to the pyramid of wealth inequality over the people they ruled. If a person is rich and has no power, it is, at least, strange. Not true? Opposite...

-Yes, absently agreed Gladyshev, knitting his brow, and about something thinking.

Limousine, they were slowed down and turned off the wide Avenue on the narrow street.

Only now Dima noticed that they quite a long drive around the city and are now probably in some kind of the opposite end of the capital. His sad thoughts themselves vanished пожранные concern.

"Where are you they brought me? - with fright, however, and with a curiosity he asked Толстунина.

-Now you will see, " replied Boris Borisovich.

The driver quickly jumped out of the car and obligingly opened the door to the cabin in front of his boss. The grunting, got out of the car and waved him out Gladysheva. He подчиинился.

Entrance of the building, which they arrived, a closed yard-caret, inside which they were, seemed to Dima acquaintances. "I do not go there if we went back, left it?" - flashed in his mind guess. He wanted to look more closely, but Толстунн took him in the staircase, marble and bronze.

They passed several corridors, accompanied by two tough guys probably guards. Dima suddenly decided that they take him to the torture, and he was afraid. But here are the guards opened to the NMI next door, and he gasped in amazement.

The room they entered together with Толстуниным, was a huge pool saunas, a special, Regal elegance and splendour. White and pink marble, gilding plaster moulding, bronze railings.

Above the pool and steam was rising, and it's like a mermaid and ghosts floated, walked, and streamed by naked women. They were so many that Dima's breath away from simultaneously seized with excitement and embarrassment.

Толстунин stretched his arms to the neckties. Dima also felt подступившую cry. At this time, were approached by four totally naked women and help them to undress. Dima involuntarily their chiselled shapes and tanned, with brassy, skin and felt the excitement. From this it has become even more embarrassing. But women continued their work, and one of them, when приспустила his pants and found vigorously standing member, looked into his face with a hopeful, joyful, playful smile that promised him everything.

-Well, like, Mr. Gladyshev? asked Толстунин when their clothes somewhere carried away. His eyes fell on Dima's loins, and he involuntarily looked amazed. - Oh! I see you have everything in order. That is the meaning of the youth! And I need a special masseuse to achieve such a good erection. What can you do? - he regretted to spread his hands.

"Where are we? asked Dima.

He, too, lowered his gaze to the genitals, Толстунина and saw a small, сморщившийся like a dead mouse segment. He almost completely hid in black curly hair and like a frightened hare from under the bushes stuck out from there with only his nose. "Pretty funny to see such a small economy in such a huge body!" involuntarily thought Dima, and he could hardly keep прыснуть laughing. Only the enduring mental reminder of who he is dealing with, helped him to hold back.

Is гульбарий, сексодром, differently - so we call each other, - answered Толстунин. "Come in.

Dima again looked round the sauna, and now noticed that except naked women, there is also a lot of naked men. Postal none of them was alone, many made love with women, some two or three. These were everywhere: on the benches, on the marble floor, in the pool. The sight of this mass, reckless landfill seemed Dima disgusting. He wanted to say it Толстунину, but dragged him into swimming pool, two women, who were stripped. Instead, stood next to him that which улыббалась him while undressing. She took his hand and led me around the pool.

"You're here, probably the first time? - she asked.

"Yes, " nodded Dima, uncomfortable. Why don't you ask who I am?

-We have here is not accepted. Mere mortals here still do not fall.

The woman led him to the bar in the far corner of the saunas, which was not visible from the entrance of thick vapor, and ordered two cocktail барменше, which was rather unintelligible swimsuit: he covered some parts of her body, but it is not those who closes the usual female bathing suit - they were, on the contrary, emphasized excitingly bared and downright conspicuous, framed by brilliant, fiery color cloth.

Spellbound so challenging style, Dima could not take his eyes from барменши until its not called companion. She gently pushed him in the shoulder and gave him a wide and shallow with a glass of sparkling liquid, similar in appearance to the champagne.

"Come, that if, meet, she suggested to him.

'OK, ' agreed Dima, hardly opening the eyes from барменши.

-Call me Rita, she said, and gripped him on the bench.

-And me Dima, " he replied.

Drained his glass, Dima felt quickly gaining intoxication. Hot lips Rita touched his face...

Chapter 16. (16).

His stunned by a close shot. However, before deaf, he still managed to distinguish shouts and noises downstairs.

Nothing having to even really think he made a desperate somersault forward and rolled half-side down stairs whether it is valid so cleverly that never hurt, or not feeling pain because of nervousness.

My ears rang. Her head went around. In the eyes bleed vague contours of the surrounding. Above him was some grey obscure spot. Жое was clear that it was one of those who shot that it is the enemy. He lay on his back again twisted like a snake, despite his plump build, and pulled the trigger hook size in advance взведенного machine. Sound of shooting came as if from somewhere far away, from another world. Grey spot disappeared, fallen down somewhere.

George stood up, leaning on the wall. He still could not see well. 've swam before his eyes. In my head was blood.

George thought, not wounded. Pain is not felt, but he knew that there are circumstances where you don't feel anything. He felt himself in some places, but he did not understand hurt or not.

Grey spot was now on the bottom. George raised his machine, but some sixth sense felt that shoot is not necessary. Spot quickly approached and clearer. Zhora discerned "Фиксу". Rather, he guessed that this "Fix". At this moment he rubbed his eyes and he can see better. "Fix pulled his arm. He started for him upstairs. Under the feet of them with a rustle and the rustle of the scattered sheets dossier on Bondi Boma. Zhora рнаклонился and on the move caught, caught a half-hundred pages, laying together, shoved them in his bosom.

Flee it becomes difficult, he began to choke. "Fix" puffed ahead, тащя his hand. They ran past the apartments Brand Ilyich. The door it was in a half-open state, so that was visible part of the poorly lit corridor. It was empty, but Zhora hardly resist the temptation to put in there long. "We must keep ammunition", he thought.

They run up on the floor above. From below came the friendly clatter of a dozen pairs of legs pursuers.

This was the last floor of a house. Exit to the attic there was such entrances called deaf. However, due to the whim of architects, long time ago who built this building, the floor was located on the migration corridor, stretching right up right and left. Left too ran several people.

Zhora and "Fix" they ran кориддору left. After them there were some shots of guns. Jora обсыпало wood chip, брызнувшей meet, in the face of the jamb of the door, who landed the bullet. Some more with vomiting air hissing and присвистом swept somewhere nearby, but Жоре once was even scared, it was necessary to leave from the chase.

"Fix"running a little ahead, on the left, on the move turned and, having made several steps, jumping forward a back, snarled in response to shots burst of machine gun fire.

Appeared ahead Playground is on the last floor next door. Here the corridor ended. From the bottom, too, fled with guns at the ready a few people, but they have not yet seen them, Jora and "Фиксу".

More shots rang out from the corridor. Those on a stairway, a gallop alive, and when they were on the intercommunication site and just noticed persecuted, Zhora opened fire on them.

Several pursuers immediately fell dead. Some of them managed to duck and hide behind the white marble railing.

Jora gave turn below. Pieces точеного, licked once caring, diligent hands of masters of stone flies together with the sparks, and dust from handrails and pot-bellied barrels support in all directions. Platform being wrapped in a white cloud.

Immediately, without hesitation, Zhora suffered a fire on the approaching along the corridor, not omitting the trigger until it ran out of cartridges. "Fix," shot back the same.

Behind them, a lock clicked, and the door through which ran a corridor, a slightly opened. The gap seemed half of the eyes with a curious pale blue, pale eye. Zhora and "Fix" mechanically turned around.

In this time between the wall with several bullets. They all flashed a door , but one hit in this curious eye. In the twinkling of an eye, at its place there was whitish-bloody, развороченное spot. Jora shuddered at the брезгливого disgust, and "Fix", without hesitating a second, with full force hit by the door with his foot.

The chain, which she kept howled, as the bass string and with the "meat" flew out of the casing. Killed the old woman, truncated door, fell back in the dyed with blood and brains floor. George jumped over her body and leaped into the room to the right, away from the corridor. "Fix" ran into the flat and slammed the door. As soon as he bounced from it, as several bullets in her body.

In the room sitting at the table was a small child of five or six. He anxiously stared at the two strangers, with автоматамми in the hands, and from fear to speak with his big, wide open mouth.

Men rushed to the balcony. The doors were.

Balcony was small, such that it was impossible as it should turn around, with a homemade крышицей, прилепленной to the eaves.

"Fix," shook his support balcony canopy. She staggered.

-Well, what we climb? he asked George.

The answer was clear by itself. We had no choice: either to climb up, risking quick, or wait until ворвуться pursuers and shoot them here, on the balcony.

George was the first. It was against his habit. Usually he always sent "to check the road" his assistants, and then put it himself, and from the outside it might look like a bold move. But actually, Zhora was afraid to remain. "Fix" was easier and quicker, so if he come first, and the old design has stood him, осталсь would unknown, could have then to use that same path and Zhora, more fat, heavy and clumsy.

Homemade construction, assuming the severity of Жориного body, moaned, and she sang on вспе Lada, leaned over the side, but not destroyed. "Fix" has placed its bottom, pushed the hand, and Zhora, beside himself, jumped on the roof, натерпевшись a lot of fear for these few moments when it seemed that he now will collapse along with all this nonsense down, but fearing the real thing here, on the roof.

"Fix" Les followed. Balcony canopy creaked under him, накреняясь more and more towards. He asked Jora to give him a hand to help out, but George was not in a condition even шевельнутьсмя, only starting to recover from the crisis, and распласталсяпо tin roof lining, as crushed by the toad.

As if from afar, from the bottom of the apartment, which they had just left, heard the shots. "Fix" already climbed the рубероидную крышицу canopy, and he could only attain handrails, grab them, and, already feeling a reliable support in his hands, suddenly jump over them and be near the Hippopotamus, when suddenly something there scary cracked, and he vanished along with all this unreliable design, повалившейся down.

Jora was shaking a major tremor. We had to leave, but he was lying, dulled, and looking at the place where it's just missing his buddy. It seemed to him that so he is already half an hour, but actually it took no more than a minute. He chudilis vote on the balcony, which have now been relaxed, as if the pursuers, satisfied with the results of his pursuit, seeing about the cancelled from the roof "Фиксу", now standing there and probably smoked, discussing the details of the incident and sharing with each other their experiences.

He was lying, and he did not want anything except sleep. He wanted to fall asleep right now, immediately and доспаться until such a time when it all go away like a bad, bad dream. However eyes opposed to his will, refused to obey and continued to look down, where most recently "Fix" sought his assistance.

Suddenly he увидилось that the head of the "Fixes" peeked over the cornice that he looks at him and widely smiling happily.

"Leo, no need to me to play! - asked George, but head continued to smile. - Leva...

Here he discerned the features of the face of the head, and found that it was not "Fix", and someone from the persecutors stared at him with злорадной smile. Fearing Zhora gathered his last strength and зашкрябал hands and feet on the roof, but he did not move. From the side it was probably like a cockroach, обожравшегося poison and now vainly trying to escape his death, and therefore head over арнизом laughed.

-He's here, guys! Send him take it! she said when addressing someone at the bottom, and disappeared.

Zhora again felt an acute attack of mortal danger. Animal fear born with this feeling, made his escape. He stood up and staggered away down the slope of the roof to the manhole to the attic, somehow got inside and huddled there, already badly that thinking in the corner, under the flooring of the roof, down to the ledge where barely able to squeeze, then, as a sleepwalker, producing машинальные motion with his hands, shut yourself some rags and some debris scattered about, and, burying yourself in this stinking heap, fell into hibernation, exactly insect larva, which has prepared for the winter.

Thick black veil of sleep separated him from the external world in which nothing was interested and didn't care, through it hardly made ends meet and reach his consciousness sounds relatives steps, by echoing clatter tin roof, the sounds of the voices ransacking about in search of his people. When he awoke, it was already evening.

At first he did not understand even what happened to him where he is, but gradually restoring the morning events, separated surrealism dream from quite like them reality, all the more choking from the stench of garbage, who himself buried, and thanks to which, perhaps, he was saved, he was horrified around произшедшему.

Having got out of a pile of junk and treasurership, he descended from the attic stairs in the door, listened, waited, cautiously looked around. All was quiet. House, or sleepy, or extinct, did not give his life a rustle and a sound, just like a day ago, when they "Фиксой" come here, to visit a Brand Ilyich.

Having walked through the hall to the next door and down the floor below, Zhora was again in front of his apartment. The door has already been repaired and stood in his place, as if nothing had happened.

Zhora rang in the apartment next door. Minutes later otttuda in a narrow chink peeked low black-eyed Granny. Not long thinking, Zhora pushed a gun barrel in the crack in the door иприставил his forehead woman. Everything happened so quickly that she had nothing really think.

-Open it, Granny, door and without tricks. Not what I told you now birdhouse lambasted, " he said menacingly through clenched teeth.

Cartridges in the machine, but George was not going to shoot, believing that produced the effect will be quite enough.

Action "startle" really worked. The door swung open, and George entered the hallway of the apartment.

-My dear, I f nothing! - запричитала old woman.

Quietly, grandma! - Zhora put her mouth with your hand. - Close хавальник and no longer разивай. I'm not going to Rob.

He led her further into the room and there only removed from the face of his hand. "Lucky me today grannies," thought George.

In a room on the floor playing two children, a girl and a boy. They were still quite small, probably just learned to walk and something to speak, and because of the arrival of an unknown uncle did not reacted, only looked in his direction, and again engaged in their business. However, in the corner, on the bed sat a young woman, apparently, their mother. Seeing a stranger with a gun, she округлила eyes and opened her mouth to scream with fright, but George had glimpsed her reaction, went to her and clamped her mouth before first broke the sound of the cry, then slightly, so she only felt the pain had hit her head on the wall and warned:

"Do be quiet, you fool! Close your mittens! Calm down! Hear OLT you little one complaint is considered, that the children you have had!

For persuasiveness he sent to their side of the machine. The children looked at them and again turned away, went into the game.

A woman, apparently realized that they want of her, and she, according to nodded her head, staring at Jora, frightened eyes.

"Try to be as it is now will be given!" - flashed George underlying idea.

Looking at these frightened, wide-open women's eyes, he felt excited, but resisted in itself нечаянную lust.

Noticing that she calmed down, Zhora let her go.

-Rings, money, gold in the Bureau drawer! - patter " she blurted out. - Only do not kill us, пожжалуйста. We in the police claim will not.

-You fool! - прокоментировала grandmother standing before silently.

-Granny! Bathroom is? - asked George.

"Yes, " replied the old woman with uncertainty in his voice. - And for what?

-Take the kids in the bath! "said George.

The underlying desire to appease failed, and he felt it swell more and more. Humility with which he watched the woman only подстегивала passion. George felt that it was prepared on the ve.

-Oh, my dear, you this is what удумал? - worried grandmother, smelling bad.

-I said, take the kids in the bath! - further enhancing the voice repeated, Zhora. "Or are you spending?

Even looking in her direction, he made a sharp movement of the machine, as if turning it. Grandma hurried up, took the children and went into the bathroom. George rose followed and closed them there on the latch. Through the door, I could hear the children cried, and my grandmother began to calm down.

He came into the room. The woman looked at him, not looking up. Internal instinct told him that this will not be violence, that it will extravagant adventure with a man who was in the machine. This has been talked about her eyes.

-So, you say: gold and money in the chest? - he asked.

-Yes, - according she nodded his head, not taking her eyes.

-The police will not claim?

"Yes, " she nodded again.

He approached her:

-And do not kill us?

"Yes, " she said very quietly and obediently.

He was already on edge. Passion was in full swing. Excitation exactly brought him strength.

-Take off your skirt, clearly, powerfully, without embarrassment he said.

Willingness and ingenuity women were above his expectations. Maybe she was извращенка and also lighted up desire to, as he may be able to read in his eyes the desire to possess it and defeated my pride and honour to avoid violence and save lives: and their children, but only she immediately rose, lifted her skirt bending over him and приспустила panties.

"Take them off completely! "he ordered, feeling spreads bliss, dissolving in every cell of his body, at the sight of a Nude female buttocks, obediently exhibited in his расоряжение from under the clothes.

A few seconds later, he had already mastered it, but soon felt that things were going badly. Pushing her on the bed, Zhora said:

No, I do not want to.

-And how? - with submissive bewilderment " the woman asked, having got him his bitch eyes.

-I want you I want.

-But how?

-You don't know? - by her face, it was obvious that she does not know. - Vodka?

-Vodka?.. In the refrigerator for half the bottle.

He brought vodka and a glass, poured her:


-Can't! We need something to eat.

Pei! - ordered her to George, pointing to DL the persuasiveness of the knee.

Apparently she had recovered herself, that is not at the bar with her partner and, давась морщясь, drank half a glass, like water, SIPS, then coughed. Zhora poured her another glass. Little breathless, she drank it.

-Well, what? he asked, looking into her посоловевшие eyes.

"Nothing, " she replied, piano nodded her head from side to side.

"Too far," thought George, impatiently watching shy and meek fright in his eyes, replaced by a haze of indifference. Wish it would quickly begin to wane, and he was about to pull the pants, suddenly the woman herself had drawn him to her and made with BEM disgusting art of possession.

Having experienced weak satisfaction mixed with disgust to the drunken woman shamelessly collapsed in полураздетом, распутном form on the bed, and with a bitter feeling that they used without special desire, although he brewed all this mess, George thought, apparently, vet nature all women are the same. He was so upset that I almost forgot why I came here, however, remembered and made her get dressed, released pudding and children from the bathroom.

Once free, and beholding her daughter in such a state, grandmother ran to him, with indignation squeezing the small, dry Cams:

"Are you here to do?! What you're all doing?!

-Granny - stopped her Zhora stretched out his hand. - Yelling at me don't! My promise remains valid!

He nodded to children, and then the machine gun lying next to a drunken woman.

Grandma зыркнула on the machine, something смекнула and ran to him. Zhora with a smile, watching her actions.

-Come on, go to the bathroom! "old woman, armed and sending machine on the bully.

-You're smarter could think of nothing? he asked, and not шевельнувшись. - In the toilet, for example?

Marsh, who said! - indignantly retorted the old woman, menacing rocking machine.

-Do you even know how to shoot? smiling, asked George, with all his views showing absolute calm. - Look, not застрелись.

-I know, - seriously said Granny. - Hands up, bandit! Who said hands up! Marsh in the bathroom!

-Do not go! if капризничая, mimicked her Zhora.

-Well, hold on, бандюга! grandma pulled the trigger hook size.

Heard the metallic click, but shot followed. "Decisive Granny - said George. - And can shoot". He took from inside his pistol silencer.

"Well, Granny, the performance is over! - commented George, navorachivaya onto the barrel. - There was no ammunition. And shoot you actually know how. Well, the next time you have, perhaps, something will succeed. Next time, but only if you behave obediently, okay?

With these words he fired in a flower-pot hanging on the wall. Dispersed, clay has done more noise than the shot.

-And here cartridges are! said George, taking immediately обмякшей, WAN-looking grandmother machine. And therefore we must obey me!

-Take everything and go away! - responded with anger and frustration grandmother. - Where is the - know.

"I didn't this come - Zhora made a gesture of spreading hands, meant "alas".

-But why? To my Valya here is doing? - outrage grandmother again began to gain momentum.

Softly-softly. Valya your she wanted to. Listen нажралась. But I don't need it it. So, along the way. And now we will do what I need, what I had come for. Now you, Granny, go to your neighbor and under any pretext: matches are over, anything else will you come to his apartment and see whether it somebody. Then come back and tell me. Understood?

Grandma shook her head.

And remember: just that - all your выкормышей ухлопаю. A word to him or полслова. Is it clear to you?

He sent the grandma to Mark Illich оставшисьслушать behind the door. We could hear as she went in, and after about five minutes left. "Still unreliable: suddenly she предпредит, and he, before I get there, call to whom it is necessary?.. Well, no, this time I stay here I will not!"

Grandma back, slamming the door, said, if заговорщица and not taken:

-One it is. As there is one!

-And don't mean it?

"No, darling. Here is your cross - grandmother crossed herself.

-When he called you somewhere?

-No, come on. 't call.

-Well, look, don't let God, not the way he threatened her finger.

Grandma suddenly smiled playfully.

Chapter 17. (17).

-And what, honey? Tea loose us now? - she asked.

-Let you go, let you go. Now only the neighbor go.

Is that it? - smile with бабкиного person was.

-And for what I need. Yes look, that he has not closed the door.

They went out together into the staircase, and George himself, standing on полэтажа above.

-Call me! "he commanded in a loud whisper. Tell me what bad daughter.

The old woman called. Жоора kept quiet. The door opened.

-Ilyich, подсоби yet! - asked the grandmother.

-What is it?! was indignant voice.

-Daughter of bad.

I already got today, Mikhailovna! That with her?!

-Yes don't know. Come, fell on the bed, lies down and does not move, nor lows, nor calves.

-So, a quick call you that?

-Yes it would be if the ambulance. But even better, if I would have a look?

-Yes I will, Mikhailovna, doctor?.. Well, okay, let's go, we'll see.

Mark Ilich appeared on the platform and went to the apartment of a neighbor. Improving the moment, Zhora fast, trying not to make noise, went down to his apartment and slipped in the door. Before he flew indignant exclamation Mark Ilyich:

-Yes it is you drunk, Mikhailovna! Are you making fun of me?!

George went into the room and took refuge for archival stand. After a minute granted the owner of the apartment, saying indignantly on the go and marveling at the impudence "свихнувшейся бабаки". He walked to the front of a computer and came across the muzzle of Жориного gun. Their eyes met. The Shine of a Brand Ilyich expressed terror. He wanted to move around to the side, but then went out from a direct blow to the jaw. This time Zhora spared not his fist and went to him with full force.

Stay in this apartment, it was dangerous. You cannot tell where danger. Whether it installed a listening device, or, even worse, camcorder watched everything happening in the room but Zhora already could see that they were prepared decent meeting on the exit from his apartment that morning. Rely on the fact that mark Ilich gave the alarm with the help of special computer code comprising, perhaps from one of the signal or sign, it was dangerous.

With his pistol silencer in the holster, and Uzi belt шттанов costume Brand Ilyich, Zhora took him under the arms and dragged him to the exit. At his request Mikhailovna made, turns winked remaining in the bottle of vodka, and George poured it into the throat of a Brand Ilyich "smell".

On the street mark Ilich began to come to himself, and from the side it seemed like a friend drags home from a party of his перебравшего, resisting and nonsense bearing buddy. On the way they met a police post with a patrol car, standing near an intersection. The sight of the policeman mark Ilich, a little окосевший, waved his arms and began to shout, trying to, apparently, to attract the attention of the employee of the protection order. The policeman responded, having, apparently, lunges Brand Ilyich for abusive drunk бредд address in militia.

-You fine?! - then he jumped up with a hurt expression on his face, playing veins on the cheeks.

For that, chief? "asked George, adjusting to the forced upon him by the rules of the game. - And that's this here?!

He pointed his finger in the belly Brand Ilyich and stumbled on metal machine under his suit, frightened полумал "Ouch!"

-Yes, here, for this here! - pointed his in the same place policeman and shook from the pain of зашибленным finger. - That he has a piece of iron for?!

-Machine - confessed Zhora. - Uzi.

-So, I'm just now you and Uzi, and for all the world as штрафану on the first number!

Mark Ilich shouted something, trying to poke a policeman in uniform.

-Yes, I'll now! - outraged guardians of the order Goths had to explode with anger.

"Don't! - предупредилл his Zhora. - With my father and I'll take care of himself! Now звездану his jaw, and he заткнеться all right." It happens to everyone?

He drew back.

"Don't! - policeman tried to stop him, but George has exaggerated and turn drove mark Ilich so that he could not keep him on his feet. Mark Ilich plopped back on the wet asphalt walk path. Machine treacherously jumped out of his belt and hit next.

-Well, you're already too! - policeman shook his head.

-My father, what I want with it, you do, " retorted Zhora.

-And still, you can draw, " said the policeman, apologetically. - Well, Oh well!.. Oh, what's this?!

He noticed вывалившийся machine.

'I told you, "COP", that is "Uzi", " replied George still amiably smiling, but then, переменившись in the face, drove to a policeman weighed a slap, that he fell unconscious into another Mark Ilyich side.

The people passing by, and turning to them, Zhora reassured the public:

Calmly, the citizens! It's the police! All his! It is our internal problem!

But passers-by and did not think to stop, slowly passing by, and only looking at a strange campaign.

George picked up the machine and, putting on his shoulder Brand Ilyich, carried him to their car. Behind him tossed in the back seat and the policeman, pre-pinned his hands with him, and locked them in his own handcuffs.

After two quarters, Zhora подрулил to his "Mercedes", surprised, that for a day with him removed the wheel, tape recorder and not повыламывали door. Mark Ilich moved into the "Mercedes" Zhora with a policeman pulled his pants, ripped uniform and second handcuffs fastened the first to the handlebars, slipping his hand between the backs of the front seats up to shoulders.

"One hundred and tenth, one hundred tenth"! Answer! came over the intercom внутримашинного transmitter at the very time when George was about to leave the salon "Жигуленка".

"One hundred and tenth" listening to you! "replied the policeman Zhora.

"One hundred and tenth", follow the quarter seven дробьтри. Committed repeated the heinous attack on an apartment citizen Минкина brand Ilyich, the thirty and sixth year of birth. Address...

George looked back: not очухался whether the policeman, but he was still unconscious.

-... special signs: growth above the average, build - a lean, wrong...

"Who can it be worked out quickly?" thought George, involuntarily smoke a cigarette from the excitement.

-... citizen Minkin kidnapped by the gang. The purpose of the kidnapping is installed. Possible signs gangster...

George listened. Description of the appearance of the bandit coincided with his appearance in detail. He inhaled deeply and shook his head: "Yes, I stay there on extra half-hour, and I would be the cover!"

-...aggravating circumstances of the RAID: robbed and raped threatened пприменения weapons mistress of a neighboring apartment, Zaikina Valentina Рахмановна, the seventy-third year of birth...

"I do not бабусина work? thought George, продоллжая smoke. - And as anxious sounds summary! Much creep vet skin!"

-...the offender is in possession of weapons: pistol-machine, compact, an unloaded pistol with a silencer. There ammunition. The present location of the offender is unknown. "One hundred tenth", can you hear me?

-Excellent! - George somehow's spirits rose.

"One hundred and tenth", the command you to take the observation post in a quarter of seven fraction three at the crossroads number twenty-eight. Detain all suspicious characters, check the documents, to stop for inspection of motor vehicles. As you understood it? Welcome!

-Yeah, well, take a square двдцать seven fraction three, take intersection number twenty-eight! "Jora and already wanted to vylazit of the car, and suddenly ether intervened someone обеспокоеннфый voice:

-Zavialov, Zavyalov! Fucking leg! Zavyalov!

George hesitated, but then took the microphone in my hand.

-Zavialov, God damn it! - not asking someone.

-What are you?! - George did the tone of voice, as if "Завьялову" reluctant to talk.

-Zavialov, moron! Look me! Operation oversees himself Толстунин! Don't let me down! Once the service, as expected, bring!

"Who, Boris Borisovich? asked "Zavialov"-Zhora.

-It the most! Not подкачай at least this time!


But what's the matter with your voice? asked someone on the radio.

-That voice? pricked up his ears Zhora.

-Rough you have it some, if not yours.

-Ice cream ate too much, hoarse. Okay, I went!

George put the microphone and do not resist a присвистнуть: "so he got out, Bondi BOM!! This is why so many of the guns and no noise!" it was something to think about. If Bondi BOM himself would oversee the operation of its takeover, it is possible that he will bypass the zone of the cordon and check posts and then if he is, Zhora go instead of a policeman, then surely meet him face to face.

Жоре't want to guess what will happen next. Has this very opportunity, dropped out as the winning ticket, demanded to take risks. He managed to capture Brand Ilyich, apparently, personal archivist Bondi Boma. It was certainly good! Better yet would be to capture the Bondi Boma. Then would it никакнельзя was get out of the invoice payment: either lost their lives or give him Жоре, rightfully belonging to him.

Who is this Bondi BOM - still remained a mystery for Zhora. But one thing was clear that the man, who managed to conquer his power two hostile world and manage, and attuned to each other, like rabid dogs, should be a strong personality, capable of using these two millstones, rubbing each other, to erase in the sand, dust is not something that even the separate person, but a group of people who demonstrate disobedience, and therefore, it is obvious that to reach it not so simply and directly, as it was intended Zhora, make it impossible. Anyway, DV ferocious Sphinx: the police and the criminal world - guard the entrance into his abode. And certainly, neither will ever know the truth about their Chuck... if someone opens their eyes to the double game, some Толстунина Boris Borisovich.

With rear seat heard moaning. Policeman Zavialov began to come to himself.

"Well, chief, очухался? asked George.

Policeman tried to free himself, the whole body twitched, trying to pull out his hands out of the opening between the seats.

"You don't strive for this fight! They glued to the steering wheel, citizen of the head. You fail!

-Unlock the handcuffs, the brute! the procedure Zavyalov.

-Oh-Oh, don't so much emotion, citizen of the head. Me they will not be frightened. But annoy - you can, and then I'll settle you with you on the ass - fortunately, it got naked, and then and simple: shoot. 't believe me?

The policeman said nothing, straining her.

-Quiet, мусорская soul?! I you, мусорков, good to know. Right for you to shut up: in your situation it is best to be silent and listen, that you will tell. Well, that. Going to listen to?

The policeman again but said nothing. George was in a good mood. He was in shock and felt ka lucky she asks him.

"That's right: silence, they say, is a sign of consent. Smell him, COP?

The policeman was silent and only after a minute or two, asked:

-Put on my pants!

"Oh, " answered George, clicking his fingers - already more polite, but not quite politely. You forgot to say: please. Please - the magic word. You don't taught this in school?

The policeman fell silent again.

"One hundred and tenth, one hundred tenth". "Heart" is "the one hundred and tenth - " again resounded in the радиопередатчике.

"One hundred and tenth"listening! again поднялл microphone Zhora.

-Why do not arrive at the designated point?

-Repair the engine, " replied George.

-What's the problem, "one hundred tenth"?

"Nonsense, now I leave. I "hundred tenth", end of the connection.

George put the microphone and turned to his captive:

-Well, garbage, as I get to do your work? Huh?!

"Who are you? What do you need? "replied Zavyalov.

-Who am I? "asked George. "From this moment, I'm your twin. However, he turned on the ceiling landing lights in the cabin. - No, it seems to the build I much thicker you, feed you, garbage, a poorly. So then, from this moment on I am your companion. A kind of invisible spirit, that'll be beside you and control your every word and action, until he will not run out on Bondi Bohm and take it to hook size, either on a fly.

-I do not know of any Bondi Bohm, resents Zavyalov.

-Why, how do you know him? But you probably heard about such Толстунина Boris Borisovich?!

-Why, of course, heard! So what?

-And who is this guy?

Is a Deputy Minister of internal Affairs.

"Ah, that's it! Bird flying high!

I don't understand.

-You cannot have it, but to let you know just in case, Yes keep quiet: this is your Deputy and a Bondi Bohm, королль underworld entrusted into his hands of the state. How do you like that?

-Nonsense! You probably read detectives!

Detectives to do with it.

-And what then?

What was the Deputy Minister kidnapped me some property which according to the most conservative estimates drawn to several million dollars! Is it clear to you?! And I долден this property return it to the rightful owner, i.e. myself. Once I do, then immediately подамся back home and going to leave him and you.

-I think it won't be easy, " replied the policeman.

What, exactly?

-Yes all, unless it is true, starting from taking it, would you something to take away our Deputy Minister of internal Affairs - and ending with the to get back home and be left behind. I am afraid that retreat is unlikely to succeed, and already you from him, and he will hardly lag behind, even if you want to, until упечет behind bars.

-Well, we shall see! - in the heat of the moment said George, his hands clenched in a fit of rage.

-Look, - calmly confirmed Zavyalov. Now unzip me and donate clothes. I'm cold and need to go.

-Where you need to go? asked his Zhora.

-On the task. You know that I already called on the radio and seek, ask, why isn't yet in place. Untie, - intonation last words hung somewhere between the request and demand, rising above the first, but not short of the last, fell, broke on an uncertain note.

George paused, then turned with disdainfully sour smile:

Hey, listen to a COP, you're already mine. I are you going to do, and go on their case. But if you want to get the chance to help me. I you don't require. In any event. No more than you can. Choose: or to help me, or you cover.

With these words he came out and walked leisurely walk up standing in front of the machine where lay another of his prisoner, looked in the cabin, and listened. Inside was quiet, but just in case, tied up and his tie the hands between the seats in the same way as that of a policeman, and covered the mouth is thick gag of some stinking, smelling of gasoline and oil rags to that and won't want. Then he returned to the police car, got behind the wheel and asked in a tone not receiving the appeal:

-Now that you have decided to trash? Give you ten seconds.

He took out a pistol silencer, a deft movement навернул it on the muzzle of the revolver and put it up to his side in the area of the liver.

-You're not used to call me so. What I did wrong?

-Five seconds - Zhora clicked взводимым trigger. "Well?!

"The hell with you! Agree! 'll help you, " surrendered to the policeman. - But bear in mind that I helped you at gunpoint!

-Let the cares of the Prosecutor, I do not consider going! "Jora. - So, before you I'll loose it, listen to me carefully: we move out on your post. I do not need anything but your Deputy Minister of internal Affairs. If he comes, you help me to take it. If not - we disagree peacefully, and you're his boss say that I captured this калича, because of which the whole : to meet him. And hostage - my weighty argument for this. Well, you understand?


"Then I'll release. But I warn you: without tricks. Jokes on your part никких. As the saying goes: a step aside - trying to escape, shooting. See me.

Zhora unlocked the handcuffs on the hands of a policeman from the handcuffs on the steering wheel and forced перевалиться the front seat vacated for him driver's seat and buckled his two hands handcuffed to the steering wheel, as it once taught at special training in the army, that the enemy could not do anything except turn the steering wheel.

So they drove to the "Metropol", where George ran to my room. Already from the threshold it seemed to him that someone here managed, but he didn't stay too long, and, making sure no one is hiding in the bathroom and the toilet, no one is standing behind the curtain, leaning against the window, pulled out тайничка few spare magazines to your Uzi and quickly got back in the car. Charging machine and clicking the shutter, he said to a policeman:

"Well, come on, take me where you was told.

At this time on the radio again requested "the one hundred and tenth". George raised the microphone to his lips, and pistols to the side of the policeman, and the one making an effort, he said:

-Now I will be in place. I have accident happened!

-Forever you have any accidents happen! replied on the radio someone's voices. "Let's hurry it up! The operation had been a long time coming!

-Now this intersection - machine swung brakes - pressed to the side of the road.

-Stay here! - ordered Zhora.

"But I must check the machines and documents! "exclaimed the policeman.

"What, you live bored?! To sit around and not вякай! Do what I tell you. He whom you catch, already was caught.

We had to wait for a surprisingly long. From the opposite side of an intersection подъехало multiple machines. Ahead moved fussy police "Zhiguli" with lazily rotating flashing lights, and behind him were two long black limousine.

-Go, - warned the policeman.

-I see, " he said through clenched teeth Zhora. He suddenly felt a strong tension. Some inner feeling told him that he shall come into confrontation with a powerful and unknown to his power, and now, when this power was quite near, near his face him smell her lead, heavy, гнущим to the ground breathing. And as if to delay the decisive point of contact when you need the voltage across the will, causing move naughty, cotton hands and feet, move застудиневшие brains, overwhelming the torn out fear, George asked. - Why did you, what are they?

His voice slightly дрогнувший, issued an internal unrest and growing panic, which was increasingly difficult to control. He felt that the policeman caught these cowardly notes in his words, and for it not to much расхрабрился could decide that the situation is changing for the better for him, lifted up above the pistol and squeezed the trigger such a position, in which the slightest movement of your finger, the unforeseen push or involuntary nervous reaction could lead to fire. In the other hand, Zhora firmly grasped the handle of the gun положжив finger on the top handle.

-And who is yet to be, not as our Deputy Minister, comrade Толстунину? Who is in such a time of take a ride in the back streets of Moscow?

Barely slowing the opposite edge of the intersection, procession, headed by the police "Жигуленком", went straight through the intersection on a red light, stopping other machines and стреимтельно approaching.

-I would have to go out, to report, " said the policeman.

-Be enough! "said George. Don't you buck! The more you without pants!

Sharp movement down he pressed the lever of the chair, and fell back. Zhora surprisingly deftly and quickly for his girth rolled it back and was behind the policeman, пихнув foot seat back again in a vertical position.

-No, I actually need to go to report! - not rest policeman. Different..

-What else?! Declare a reprimand?! Ha!

-Otherwise they suspect that something is wrong.

Machines, patrol and limousines, stopped at the opposite side of the road.

-Better tell him how much he's protection? asked George.

"How should I know?

Of the patrol and sentinel "Жигуленка" and released two policemen. Another one in plain clothes emerged from the first machine. All they headed across the street to their car.

-Drop head on the steering wheel! - ordered Zhora, опустившисьниже, but without removing the gun from Boca policeman. "I tell you: урониголову on the wheel! Quickly!!! 't pretend sick, bad, - anything - but your one word too much, and you're dead! I have nothing to lose!

Chapter 18. (021).

When she fell asleep, he read. At the pocket money that gave them her husband (he even wondered послпеднее врпемя so called Бегетова Jora, "Hippopotamus"), he had bought from a street vendor three books, choosing almost at random.

Books cost dearly, he had to pay for them in almost half of the sum which was in his arms, and he was free to dispose of their accommodation and meals in the hotel was paid for a long time ahead, and he never occurred to keep the money, to postpone them for a rainy day when there is no will to live and nothing to eat.

Dima Gladyshev not used to make such purchases, which was able to deprive him of the right half of his condition, and he went already twenty paces from the tray, he doubted the correctness and would have had to go back and demand the money back, returning книготорговцу his product, but quailed. Indecision, находившая at him in the most responsible moments and paralyses every time his will, and this time made him go forward until, finally, he did not accept the purchase (and most likely with his indecision and not continued to move further along the street, the more consciously and purposefully.

This happened with him when they arrived in Moscow. This time drifted away now as if it has been not a few weeks, but a few centuries, and there are only these three books, by accident, in his life with the capital's streets.

Oh, how he was now grateful whim, the foreknowledge that заставитло him choose these books, though, perhaps, he choose other, gratitude, it would not be lower because euphoria night vigil reading itself aggravated his feelings, his ability to perceive, and he MCA dissolved in the images so that fully отрешался from the world around him fully поглощался literature, not knowing morning fatigue and deadly desire to sleep after бессоной night. It was awesome condition of his soul, окзавшейся suddenly in a totally different atmosphere.

The soul of him wanting to stay awake both day and night, and invigorated body feverish freshness, bordering on painful drive. She took the body into submission, wanting to get as much experience, and only absolutely изнуренное such non-human activity, the body переставвло obey and отклеивалось from the soul, falling into deep as the stupor of death of a dream, without moving, without images, without groans and even without breathing. Typically, this would happen every three nights. Then Dima really slept without breathing, and it was amazing, but surprisingly there was no one Veronica every time conscientiously сопела near, not even noticing that side, it is lifeless body.

But the wonder was not to чему.какая difference, as a man sleeps: breathes whether he is or is not breathing, is there a heartbeat or not? The main thing that in the morning he wakes up. And what wonder, then, perhaps, more than deserves литаргический dream in which asleep conducts months and even years before waking up. He dream, to all outward seeming death, and differs from it only by the fact that organic body not претрпевает irreversible changes and not begins to deteriorate, and a man promises to Wake up. When? Unknown.

Conducting reading two nights in a row, on the third night, rarely, fourth, Dima fell into литаргический микросон. He surprised couldn't because I was not in a condition to know this, and thought of his dream вполен normal and fully healthy (though who will take argue that dream литаргический less healthy than the ordinary).

When he was asleep, waiting until Veronica asleep included настодльную lamp, put the bed on the stool, and read excitedly, while Windows was quite light. Then he would Wake her.

By a strange coincidence whether or not less strange whim, to a certain mystical coincidence that he credited in life because of their suspicious and smart, diligent and careful observation, подмечающей the smallest details in the logic of emergence of unrelated explicitly events, he chose the book that impressed him the strongest impression. Each of them spoke of her, and together they отмутузили his mind, so that after he closed the last page of the last of them, having finished reading them, almost vowed to himself bathed undeterred tears and сдержиывая rushing out the screams and sobs, why creepy and мазохистски nice to puke throat lump accumulated in it, невышедшегонаружу sound that more will absolutely not be read.

The first book literally had blinded him. Something very little when he heard of the Latin American writer Gabriel Garcia Маркесе. But he did not expect that one could write. It was blinding startling brightness talent. "One hundred years of solitude" have absorbed really century, an age, as some miracle уместившуюсая in quite small, elegant body of the novel.

It seemed to him that he is amazingly small and capacious, this epic novel, and that he himself write never succeed. Such diversity, such an incredible amount of images, arising out of, pouring one into another, sparkling unimaginable number of faces, what a change of forms! Dima he seemed like a good ограненый gem, the diamond out of the hand of the master dazzling diamond. To create something like that he was not under force.

He did not envy Marques. This byloby too shabby. His blindness was not blindness envy. He just saw, how can you do really, and after calm, humble yourselves even in the depths of the soul, where reconcile it was the hardest, and his novel compared with Marquez - pathetic окололитературная fuss, not worthy of any attention, except that of sympathy and regret about needlessly wasted time.

Second, for that he came from a little оправивишись from the first, Былл Knut Hamsun. His novel "the Hunger", but especially the "Mysteries" were the complete opposite of the novel by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Only slightly smaller, they осещали fate of only one, the main character, which выхватывала from the surrounding timelessness God forgotten маленькихнорвежских cities of the beginning of the twentieth century and высвечивала random personality and images, with whom she had to deal with, and for which she held on. Narrative вязлов endless reflections hero, sometimes being lost in them, like water in the desert sand, but then suddenly was alive with, stood out again and перекатывалось until the next viscous place. These novels difficult to read. However, deep dive into the thoughts of the hero forced to identify with him sometimes to such an extent that it seemed as if he were not, and the Gladyshev Dmitry thinks so. Sometimes this feeling managed to get away, and then had the status of backstage follower, which are allowed a lot, almost all except one: he can't guess where to go in the next moment, the next moment the thoughts of the hero and the reckless, but sometimes very familiar things that came to mind.

Heroes of Hamsun Dima felt a close kinship. This arose quite unexpectedly, and sometimes in spite of the fact that he was not agree with him. So, for example, happened when Nagel, the main person of the novel "Mystery" of a sudden bad said about Tolstoy and the Leo Tolstoy, who created "War and Peace". Itwas amazing, and angered him in the same way that shocked the surrounding Nagel listeners. He was so indignant, so taken aback that even wanted to Wake her. However, at the last moment he changed his mind, deciding that, firstly, Nagel not so far from the truth in his words was a truth, the truth of the freedom of conviction, independence and the failure of the authorities зиждящихся on the throne of his own fame), and secondly, Veronica understands nothing спросоня and only get angry for what she was, Yes there was a good cause off the Desk lamp, the object of her vituperation обнаружившихся since Dima was interested in reading at night.

The third novel in a small, was written by Czech writer, which Dima couldn't hear at all, a kind of Milan Kundera. Opening the book somewhere in the middle, as he always did when he wanted to determine whether it can be read, or better to refuse - Gladyshev immediately ran to the place where рассуждалось about the son of Stalin, Jacob, and about the shit, because of which he had to die. It was so unusual and frankly, unusually moreover, that a Czech wanted to talk about the ruler of his country, even if it is already dead, and not any of his Czech leader, Yes uncle and his son, who had lost their lives because of their own shit and private impropriety that Dima read a few pages to a number of one ддыхании, покамысль the author did not stop. And the thought of this was far from the son of Stalin and his shit плавноперетекала to God and the creation of the world and man. She was so deep and so wonderful encapsulated in the three-dimensional spatial form, that involuntarily charmed to attention.

Closing the "Unbearable lightness of being", namely, this novel was the last of the three, after reading the above passage, he decided that it should be read, and the next night I had to read it from cover to cover.

"In the morning he sobbed. He whined, trying to do it as quietly as to not Wake the sleeping next to Veronica. Tears in two streams rolled down his cheeks, laid opinion, and all swam before his eyes.

So he hadn't cried for a long time. So he never weep but one of the only times when even in my childhood I read "White BIM Black ear" Троепольского. Unbearable, yet light, weightless longing novel pierced his heart was like a swift Frostbolt, leaving thick and pleasantly aching wound.

It was an absolutely amazing book. He could not understand how the lives of two people, men and women, described in the novel got to me, so was moving stuff that made to suffer. Even the author himself warned his characters are fictitious, that they arose from nothing, from just пшика. He could not understand why he was crying, reaching последнгей lines of the novel. But pierced ice arrow unbearable and easy longing heart изрыгало of himself sobbing, and he couldn't stop them.

"What piercingly sad story!" thought Dima. Neither Gabriel Garcia Marquez, nor Knut Hamsun, no matter how great and no matter how delicious they were each in their skills, could not засттавить weep. Milan Kundera, too, did not force him to do it, he pressed on a tear and just broke off his novel at some average episode of life Teresa and Tomas, without describing in conclusion scene ктастрофы, in which they both died, and only before the end of the narrative mentioning that this happened because of faulty brakes.

That was in the fictional lives of these two, by the will of the writer came down, not from the Olympus, no, just the ordinary, normal and at the same time every day painful for them обоихжизни on the bottom, where they are destined to find peace, love and, perhaps, a little happiness, hand in hand running with piercing bitterness of loss, where is all this newfound for however short a time, immediately somehow it ended? They do not боялисьсмерти. They have not thought about it. They lived as if in passing over her, even when buried their beloved dog, wonderful and strange, and therefore, beloved, when bury the creature that connected them among themselves. It was so painfully bitter, so sweetly bitterly and painfully.

Dima finally realized why he bellowed, having read the novel. Its internal, broken down, pinching her sobs began when he read about the last days of the life of a poor Терезиной bitch named Karenin. The atmosphere of anxiety and dying creeping in each subsequent proposal, each image. She's definitely a sponge filled a Димину soul.

It was a special anxiety. This was a concern for those people who are doomed, because it has been told that they will die, but who do not yet know about this, for those people who, burying his beloved dog, suddenly turn into adult children, and apparently did not understand at his naivete, that they are losing, and at the same time aware of more. He wanted to save them, to save the whole world, their dying and increasingly shrinking world, save that they themselves, although they tried, but were unable to. They've saved touching and naive as children. They've saved it, without being aware that attempt and cannot defend against increasingly doom themselves. And they were alone in their own little world, and Dima, who was allowed to look at them a little and doomed life, unable to help them in everything and nothing. He was unable to and amend nothing in their lives, обрывающейся the end of the novel on the most ordinary, but a piercing, сквозяще sad to tears unbearable note, which remained unknown for him, but the time appointed for them.

The novel was completed, exactly window, a tiny little window in the camera doomed захлопывалось ordinary and heartlessly before his face, and in the chamber, even счстливые through the sadness the recent loss, but suddenly found each other are really first and last time in a tiny room неприютной village hotel the night before the calamity, forever, until his death happy blessed in this happiness, remained Tomas and Tereza.

The ease with which stopped novel on everyday, but not unusually shrill this cubicles with придвинутым one to another beds, was unbearable. Dima wanted to end together with this novel, drop, as this note, and no longer be. He did not want to kill yourself, but suddenly it was unbearable. He didn't want to leave the room and left there to Tomas and Tereza. He wanted to stay with them, and log in to both of them, and be имиобоими until the very end. He loved them, but not to understand that crying because of that. He loved them especiallyin the piercing second sound everyday notes of the last words of the novel, and this love broke, just stretched to the limit string soul. He could not understand what he loved them each individually almost from the very beginning of the novel, and now, when the ice arrow piercing his heart, he loved them both together. He was a critic, which parses images, trying to show that the author depicts people of unusual fate. He just loved them. And Karenina loved.

Com sobs подкатывался to his throat, he could neither swallow it nor let out. It caused a strange, juicy pain. It was the suffering that went out from it a little bit, together with weak unrestrained сипением and groan, together with two streams unrestrained tears pouring as if from a horn of plenty, from his eyes.

Com sobs prevented him to breathe. Tears filled his eyes, and he was not afraid of dying, choking back to the tight pain in the throat of the moans of the soul, rising from somewhere in the depths of his heart and lungs трахеям and esophagus and adherent to the who, разбухающему in his larynx more and more, already gained their physical visibility and density and became размероом with a tennis ball, somehow caught in his throat.

Despite the fact that he tried not to Wake her up her crying, Veronica still woke up and rose above him on the elbow.

-What are you ревешь, fool?! - she asked, wiping his eyes. - Crazy crazy, or what?

Dima thought to herself that she did not call him now "Гладышевым"and just inserted a "fool". However, he couldn't answer her, but she woke up, a few woke him up. However, a lump in my throat is not lost. I had to cry before again have the opportunity to speak. But he dared not weep stronger, continuing to moan quietly. He was sorry that Veronica found him in a moment of weakness, and therefore he could not even move. It was embarrassing.

-Just crazy! Veronica pulled to his Golden watch. Five o'clock in the morning, and he tears washed! No, absolutely crazy! Gladyshev, are you crazy?!!

He didn't respond, and she gets angry, and pushed him out of bed. However, and after that he said nothing to her, still lying on the floor by the bed without moving.

-Hurt-Oh-Oh!!! - held out Veronica, holding his head and lifting his eyes to the ceiling. - No, absolutely sick!!! Gladyshev. You're not even a fool and don't freak out! You're crazy, Gladyshev!!! No, it's not even the word! The word is what you call-you could! Idiot! !!! Exactly. Idiot!!!

She still long распиналась in his address, but he did not listen, and thought about the little Czech Republic, аккупированной and подстраивающейся under аккупантов, under the country in the capital where he is now lying on the floor and crying about Томаше and Therese, invented by the Czech unknown writer Milan Кундерой, about the Czech cemeteries that are so fond of Sabina, poor bitch Каренине, gave birth to a bee, and two of a croissant. "Here lies Karenin, - remembered him. - He begat bee and two roll". This naive, childish and pointless tomb inscription, not taken from life, and as if from a children's game in death, гворила him about love, about love Teresa to Karenin, and about his love for his Teresa and Tomas, to their poor dog, to all their lost somewhere in the middle of the novel, and not knowing that he will die at the end of his world. This phrase had to break through his sobs even stronger, a lump in my throat started to melt faster, it exploded, and pain, stuck in his throat, began to diminish.

Through a veil of his experiences, similar simultaneously on waking dream and delirium of a diseased imagination, he heard swearing Veronica coming as if from another world and therefore irrelevant, even otherworldly, not having the strength and value and exists only as the background of his piercing, unbearably sweet sorrow, sorrow, love.

In this bustle, and the mess he saw himself as the Tomas meeting on the threshold of Teresa with a crippled, dying sheep on his hands, with повязанной on the head with a red kerchief, Teresa, dealing with surprise your beautiful body covered with droplets of water in the mirror in the bath and ненавидящей it for what it failed to become Tomas only, he had them both in the garden, where they buried the deceased Karenina and laid in his grave they loved, but never eaten chocolate, and Teresa, who put piercingly sad, childish naive plate "...he begat bee and two roll", as if хоронящей it for fun, невсамделишно, and yet aware of with all the piercing that all this was happening, and Karenin, who was dying of cancer, but out of gratitude was the last walk from the owners, remembering how fun it was the mouth of unruly cows, and Tomas, making him out of compassion lethal injection and Teresa, нарядившейся specifically for Tomasz after the death of the dog, and both included in such uncomfortable, but soaked last happiness, happiness last walk with Karenin tiny room rustic hotel with two придвинутыми each other beds.

He would not close the door to this room, but it was closed, even promising to open up to him ever again. He did not want to leave them, but they left themselves, уносимые over time, as fallen leaves, together with the last lines of the novel. It was a poignant longing hopelessness of love.

"They have done something недозволительное, they loved each other for real, and because the next day they died", - thought Dima through утихающие sobs. He knew that they killed two: the Chairman of the cooperative, and with him the country boy. They were just a pity, but he didn't like them. Ice arrow piercing his heart of intolerance love to Tomas and Teresa, and he wept for him, because he loved them and knew them not to return: to continue.

It was a great read: no Marquez, nor Hamsun, nor Tolstoy - nobody. For life it was enough for him this novel, and he wanted to end with him. He didn't want to die, he would just end like this novel. It might have been read again. There, in the beginning, everything was different. In the end there was unbearable love. But it was there and nowhere is not going to leave

't have any other books. For life to him now was quite this book, and this hopeless love.

Dmitry Gladyshev finished crying. He decided that there will never be any more to write.

Chapter 19. (018).

People in plain clothes and two policemen approached their car. Zhorin prisoner did what he told him, dropped his head on the steering wheel. The newcomer tried to open the door, but she didn't - at the last second Zhora had drown the button of the stopper and then rap-rap-rap in the glass.

You see, as обнаглел! - heard a sound of their indignation. - At the post right asleep!

-Dismiss need more calmly said the man in civilian clothes. "Who was that you?

-Yes it is well-known sloven! - повыил the voice of one of the policemen. - Now I even name I can't remember!.. Ah, Yes! Zavyalov! Zavialov his name. Igor seem name is...

-Yes Wake in the end, the man! "protested the man in mufti. Unheard of!..

"Because it has even warned today that will check! And not someone! But you are... Forever because it goes to the commander, " muttered the one who remembered the name, continuing to hammer on the door.

-Tomorrow documents for his dismissal on my table! - said the mufti.

-There are, comrade Colonel.

-What do I do? - whisper from under the steering asked Zavyalov. - May be, "Wake up"?..

-..And exit without pants. Not worth it! What is there to Wake up?! - hissed Zhora, almost took in the bottom, on the floor, in the passage in front of the rear seats. "Who's that? Толстунин in civilian clothes?

-No. This is his Secretary! - patter cackled policeman. - I will "Wake up", but I already promised to fire!

-Lie, мусорня fuck! - George shoved for persuasion of his words silenced in the side Zavyalova. - Lie, and do pretend that you sleep, ' less I tell you! Otherwise now you're fired. In that light!

-'t Wake up! - said one of the policemen. Maybe something happened, comrade Colonel?! Let door crack?!

-Break, do what you want, but lead him to his senses! angrily replied Lieutenant Colonel in mufti. - No, I'm just the mother will start from such impudence! Well, now wait, I'll get you!

The civilian Lieutenant Colonel shook his through the glass Завьялову finger.

"Oh, let me, comrade Colonel, punch your window and lock the side of the handle open?!

-I said: do what you want!

-Well, what? They now the broken door! - concerned whispered Zavyalov. - Maybe, "Wake up"?

"I said calmly, rubbish! Remember that you have under the edge of the barrel, which can spit lead! Let the break, " said George. - Better tell him how much he's protection?

"I dunno?!

At this time, there sounded two stupid and strong impact. One of the policemen tried to elbow knock the door window. Another went around the machine, looking in the Windows of the cabin and putting his side to your palm against the blinding light of the street lamp.

"Ah, " said he, apparently, seeing Jora. - Yes, there's somebody out there! Lying on the floor!

"it is time!" "he himself Zhora. The corner of his eye he watched looked into the salon and therefore, after a moment, raised his Uzi and sent first short turn right in his face, which he immediately following the resounding sharp and dry crackle of flames shot, vanished behind потрескавшимся, them completely and instantly окровавившемся glass.

Had remained outside it was impossible to give a moment of time to spare, to ониуспели something to understand, and take it, and because jumping on the seat, Zhora point blank, shot through the glass and the two that stood at the front door.

Scraps of meat and blood spurted into the saloon through the раскрошившееся, smashes разлетевшееся glass door.

-Backwaters! "yelled George in the ear of a policeman. - Click! Turn towards тачкам! Quickly!!!

Stunned, ссутулившийся Zavialov, frantically pulling hands fastened handcuffed to the steering wheel, started the engine and, somehow reaching up lever transmission, pulled the car with a shriek and a squeak of rubber on asphalt, describing a steep arc to the standing opposite the machines.

In less than five seconds, but Жоре seemed that everything happens very slowly, and that all it took him a full minute.

He go shoot a police "Zhiguli" and the next queue gave at the Windows of the first limousine service, but were armoured glass, smoky-whose mirror-like surface only cracked, but not succumbed bullets.

"The devil! - swore Zhora. - Click!

Zavialov started across the floor.

"Although where the "click"? "thought George. Now or never!"

-Turn! "he shouted. - Spin the wheel!

Zavialov gave the wheel sharply to the right. Car skidded and поволокло sideways, gradually, slowly and gradually expanding.

-Click! oral, just crazy, Zhora.

Funky whether, doomed and reconciled whether the policeman clearly fulfilled the command of his unasked passenger, who took the back seat.

Appeared before them limousines. Shot "Zhiguli" somehow burned. From лимузиинов, flinging their шестидверные salons, poured people. Жоре seemed to them a million. They рассосредотачиввались the street, blocking it completely and, falling on one knee, taking aim, apparently for взбесившемуся "Жигуленку".

-The duck! - only and managed to shout Zhora Завьялову himself dived down, on the floor of the cabin, as almost immediately there was a цокающий sound and windshield asunder, осыпав macaroni crumb seat and the Jora. After the car two or three times hard shake: apparently, they downed a few of the shooters.

George raised his head. One jumped on the crossroads by pure chance, avoiding the huge crane, двигавшимся across. Ззавбялов also looked up. Both of them saved the engine, but now from a broken radiator went clouds of steam.

- Won't get far! said Zavialov as if nothing resulted. - Damn handcuffs: me because of them had to be under рульнырять!

-To the curb! Cooler! cried George. - Turn!

They turned out very nice: one quickly and clearly commanded, another lightning performed. Machine крутнуло half a turn, and she left the wheels hit the pavement. Next, very close nasty cut it with several bullets. Back glass "Жигуленка" too "crashed."

-The duck! - скаомандовал Zhora. - Get behind the motor!

-Better handcuffs расстегни!

"Like hell! - жоа pulled the handle заклинившей door.

-I no going back! Расстегни!

-Once! he kicked неподдававшуюся door and куберм flew on the asphalt pavement, not feeling any pain shock. He didn't even know now: wounded or not, and the only feeling that can move around and see the enemy.

Zhora clung to the trunk деревва and peered out. Next settled, хрустнув, fell dispersed, huge shop window. Гревшие in her lamp extinguished! Stopping movement, the road ran gunners in mufti. Some of them have already crossed the intersection. They made the run from cover to cover and freeze there, crouching on one knee in the state изготовки for shooting. From one side of the street Zhora counted three people, on the other were two of them, but he well knew that the minute should get reinforcements, and then have to really tight.

George took the machine at the ready, took aim and, when against the flames burning machine appeared the silhouette of the head, shot at him and immediately rushed to the failure gaping cabinets, made two jumps. Came the response queue. A moment later he was inside of a large store. The darkness of its pavilions tore pulsating light that failed alarm, wheezing popped raucous call. The air was thick smell of sausage and cheese. Zhora suddenly, not the place, felt the worst hunger. He tried to figure out how much he had to go without food, but the thoughts were mixed. Fear and hunger fought in it, as two of the fiercer animals. Hunger crushed fear.

George jumped over the counter. And took out from the Windows of the refrigerator thick sausages, took from it a piece of вонзенными fingers and, almost choking, shoving a huge piece in his mouth.

Chew sausage, брызнувшую juice, it was difficult and tasty. But Жорины hand, leaving her alone, already stretched to the cheese and broke up his десятикилограммовую head on crumbs, able to fit in her mouth.

Carried away by his occupation, Zhora had completely forgotten about their преследователях and, when under the broken Windows showcase flashed and lay their shadows, confused, but then recollecting himself, instead of running away, he began desperately to fill their pockets pieces of sausage and cheese. Only turn вгрызшаяся in tile wall above his head and overturned the standing near scales, led to his senses.

Continuing to chew, George " machine-gun fire and ran to the door utility, debris her empty drawers, ran a corridor and found himself again in the trade hall, but far from the place where there was a broken window in a corner of his part, the former is closer to the junction. From here she could see limousines and blazing police "Zhiguli".

Zhora ran into the middle of the floor, between the stalls and paused in confusion, not knowing, not knowing which way to go. In his direction of the hall ran two, illumined with flashes of alarm. George took out a new shop and, before they noticed him, put both.

From the far end of the room store responded queue. Bullets broke shop window behind him. The lower part of it flew out into the street, and the upper left hanging in a frame, as listed huge knife of the guillotine. Hesitating a little, George flew to зияющуб hole. In thistime someone grabbed by the back of his pants and pulled back. Zhora hit схватившей his hand gun and turned on, Bang, I had to shoot, but at this time, the upper part of the витриннного glass, remaining in the frame slithered on it, as if by полозьям, I heard a crunching sound, and pull him immediately felt better, although his pants still holding. He turned around.

Grabbing him in a death grip, for neither волоклась half a torso men, leaving barely lighted street a trail of viscera and blood. With difficulty, feeling the nausea and disgust, жоре managed to unhook from his Trouser belt hand, compressing quickly холодеющие fingers. It was disgusting. He even thought that the person is still alive and moaning.

Crossroads was quite. He stopped two steps away from the traffic. The movement was blocked by another подоспевшей police machine, брызгавшей in the darkness of blue, red and yellow rotating beacons. Another such machine was approaching the intersection, scaring all around the deafening siren.

At the intersection opposite the traffic lights stopped huge "Kirovets". George jumped on his step, climbed up to the cabin, tore the door open, and showed the driver the barrel of the gun without explaining anything to him, pushed him out to the street car and pushed the accelerator.

Motor, worked at idle, juicy roared. From the exhaust pipe of a tractor burst cloud of soot. George glanced at the sign gear included second and поддал gas.

Mahina jerked from the place, describing an arc to the intersection, swallow it on their wheels of the front of which stood in the middle of patrol cars.

The wheel jerked from the hands of Zhora. Tractor double-jumped, as if the huge hummocks, but stalled. Zhora again grabbed the steering wheel, raised his gun and fired into the open door of the cabin by descending towards the police, "Volga", оглашающей surroundings wild siren. The car made a sharp turn, if the spot queue horse collapsed at full gallop, hesitated for own wheel, подломившееся under the body and flew head over heels, turned over several times through the roof. He did not have enough energy to complete the last turn of this deadly flip, and he just sled, went to the square on the crumpled, flattened roof, spraying sparks, and stopped, immediately caught fire torch.

Жоре there was no time to watch it. Barely making sure that the side is no more danger, he abruptly turned the wheel and sent out-of-print of tractor limousines, still unaware, as thus it is possible to smoke Bondi Bohm of the car.

Both black limousine stood with all the open doors, but when there was danger, the front door cars have become захлопыватьсяодна after another, and she began to roll, circling догорающую cars.

Bondi BOM there!" thought George, making a sharp turn to bypass the back of the machine. However, the wheel of a tractor, which is already rather dispersed, passed on the back of the limousine, the subjugation of her, so that he stood up at the priest and plopped back already громыхающей a pile of metal. "Kirovets", rejected his wheel on the sidewalk caught trying to sneak out the limousine and the printer him to обгорающему skeleton of passenger cars, dragging thus about a dozen meters. Armoured vehicle swallow it for themselves fading emitting последниеискры and soot metal constructions, jumped out with them on the sidewalk and stood притиснутый to the wall of the house Deere. The door stood the mighty blow of the clutches of the bumper "Kirovtsa" and an unyielding stone and lightly bit inside. However, bullet-proof glass exploded, emitted in all directions large peas castle, and the rustle of them fall on the asphalt only the latest sounds escaped from утопившего his rattle and rumble of a horrible shock.

For a moment everything was dead, as if plunged into a stationary eternity photographic print.

After firing and грохотанаступившая silence was unreal, as all this missed a picture suddenly, as if torn, quite unexpectedly, someone's skillful hand of blistering whirl of life.

George suddenly there was a strange feeling suddenly сковавшее his will. It seemed to him that if he doesn't move, doesn't, no thunder, no guns, no fear and anger nor of death in the end. It looked like that suddenly he pulled back suddenly from it all, out of the game, which was not a game, but a reflection on the silver screen, the image, suddenly stopped due to a broken film and is now ready now erupt from the intolerant, scorching glyceric emulsion heat lamp projectors.

And he did not move. He seemed not to move for ages now, staring at the frozen on the screen a picture, and she bubble, broiled, not flabby, and it becomes unbearable.

But that show first bright spots, broken frame...

George realized that it flames, have returned from under the bottom of the armored limousine. He just woke up from the dream and convincing shook his head, then looked back.

By the intersection of them were approaching people. They fled, crouching, приникая the ledges wall of the house and trunks of trees. They were already very close.

Through the broken window in the cabin of a tractor ora issued in their favour short burst: after the third cartridge machine chattered empty gate - out from the opposite side of the wing, jumped on the hood of the limo and extruded through the windshield vanished into the beauty of a limousine.

Pulsating languages again flaring flame already started to get here, licking polystyrol lining, made under the cork tree. Inside the huge car was only two people: the driver apparently stunned, dropped his head on his chest and some man in the rear seats. He stunned, shocked gazed around, not knowing what to do, and twitched nervously, jumped from right to left, not even noticing that beauty in his fortress on wheels, miserable now, compressed and threatening is about to explode, slipped someone else.

"Come along. I'll save you!!! cried George, проотянув hand.

The man suddenly stood dumbfounded looked at Jora, apparently, not understanding how, why and where he came from.

-Hand! Hand, rather!!! - "shouted George, grasping, reaching fingers to the lapel of his coat.

People guessed what was required of him and gave him his пухловатую, soft palm. Gripping her, Zhora noticed that, despite the fullness of his hands is much harder and rougher.

-Come on, come on! Hurry up!!! he cried, holding out the next man in the raincoat through some smashed partition on the back of the front seat.

Bottom heard something wrong, suspicious, fearful sounds, and George felt in my gut that will run for three or four seconds, and the flames get to fuel tubes, and then the machine is either goes up or flashes like a candle.

Надпываясь, panting from the effort and sweat, George pulled this man in the raincoat not of the mercy and compassion. With great pleasure that he would have thrown it and tried to escape. But for two circumstances did not let him.

First, whoever it was, but without it there in the street Zhora would be helpless and doomed because the operatives were already too close, and slip away from them seemed no possibility. With him he would be on a horse, because he could cover himself, and to use it as a shield, substituting the barrel of the gun to his chin.

Secondly, it could be that the man whom he last forces pulled behind itself, was thus Bondi Bohm - Толстуниным for the sake of which he had to start all this mess. He could not lose the prey.

As soon as they were on the ground in the meter from the car, as he flashed a torch.

George noticed a few pairs but in the lumen under "Кировцем". They were his enemies. Beside himself, he jumped up on his hands, рывкрм pulled заа up a limp body, placing it in front of him, and, загородившись them as a shield, shouted in a voice:

-Stand!!! I'll kill him! Not fit!!!

For persuasiveness he put the barrel of the gun under her chin saved and dragged him along, away from the burning car. The persecutors were not behind him, holding on to some distance.

When the distance to the burning limousine seemed safe, he stopped and demanded:

-A car to me! Alive!!!

"Let him have the car, " confirmed the captured man in a raincoat a completely calm voice.

Surrounding him, the policemen began to speak, but George remarked that those who were standing at the side, quietly, trying not to pay attention to themselves and pretending to confer with his back, back began to move towards him furtively, fine pitch feet.

-Stand! "he shouted, frightened by this observation. "Back! Ago, bastards!!! A car to me! Always somebody focus - I'll shoot him! he shook the hostage, like a pear.

Tried to approach him policemen returned to its former place.

Жоре was scary. Stay in such a situation was all the more dangerous. He was afraid that someone, especially a clever and sophisticated shooting will try to put a bullet in him somewhere in the head, to slay outright, and thus save his boss. This circumstance forced him especially great stretch of attention and follow all the movements among encircled his policemen, it is easier just to shoot it was in the head from somewhere on the side, left or right. This occupation tired competitive. In addition they had to firmly hold the captured and machine, припртый barrel to his chin.

"Oh, if only they knew that I had no cartridge", with fear, but with some strange, неосознаной, quiet, subdued thought happily Zhora. However, this idea has added him nervous trembling, and he was now trying to get rid of it.

The silence and the tension was oppressive, and to somehow disperse, reset from their shoulders the weight, he shouted to himself, not realising that:

-In my hand лимонка, defense grenade! If after two minutes don't have a car, I will blow up themselves, this плащастого goat and all of you! Nobody move! Nobody move away, the cops smelly! Allow one to run for the car! The rest of you stay here. All! All the bastards, will blow up with me!

Of course, no grenade in his hand, and there was not a single cartridge in the machine. But his words still worked: after a minute, as to the sidewalk parked police cars.

-No! I don't need it! Let ordinary car! With whipped rooms and tinted Windows! Come on!!! Alive!!! Another five minutes!

After some time, police drove the black "Volga" without numbers with mirror-smoked glass.

So, now all depart to the right from me! - ordered Zhora policemen. - But no further ten steps to a case of what you all with me smashed to pieces!

Militiamen obeyed him.

-Machine! The handcuffs. Alive!!!

One of the policemen put in "Volga" handcuffs and machine.

Show me that charged! demanded Zhora. And three store! Бверку driver to leave open!

Knocking fear teeth and feeling like a beating heart, and the heart is in your mouth, he held hostage to the car, впихнул it through the driver's seat.

-And now I have someone shoot! said Zhora and crooked a finger.

The policemen pushed one and the timidly went to the car, and kept looking back.

George took Kalashnikov, checked the full store, gave queue up, and, having got the car, turned to the guy standing in front of him, trembling with fear: "Bend over, my son!" - then put the Uzi to his forehead. Policeman broke. George pulled the trigger hook size. They heard a blank metallic click.

Policemen stood обомлевшие and I could see their faces emerges guess.

Chao, boys! - хахнул hand Zhora and then pretend that throws a grenade, shouted. "Lie down!"

Chapter 20. (019).

Policemen all fell to the ground.

-Want to live? asked quietly Zhora who was standing before him operatives, which still could not come to himself, blinking frequently eyes and trying to understand what happened to him.

Then Zhora finger to his lips, indicating that we should not make a noise, and instead of the window threw it on the ground, "Uzi", noting that звку came out entirely another, but how to say, fear has big eyes.

Combed the tires on the asphalt, "Volga" jerked from the place of the stress гудя motor and uttering "прогоревшим" silenced nasty gurgling, rich sound.

Already on the move Zhora, laying a steep turn on turn, I pulled the hands of his captive cold, Shine handcuffed and put it in his pocket prudently left little key.

-And your children love you, " remarked George his servitude companion. - Or afraid. Most likely the second.

"Why not?" - he said.

-Well, the key from the handcuffs left. See? So afraid that you will return and будетевправлять their brains for what they gave you handcuffs without keys. Savvy! In their place I would not have thought, wouldn't think of, probably about it.

George laughed heartily. His prisoner made unhappy grimace of disgust.

-And why should they think that I'm not coming back, actually? he asked, after a moment.

"But you were in the hands of such a terrible person like me! "replied George, with undisguised irony.

Hostage looked at him, slowly turning his head, as though he saw for the first time, then raised his eyebrows, his eyes grew wide.

"What are you looking at, as owl?! - поинтересовлся Zhora.

-Yes here, try to see a terrible person.

-And what?

"Nothing, see nothing but an ordinary criminal.

-Really? - Zhora in turn made factitiously surprised grin.

"Yes, " nodded the prisoner, as though with regret with pursed lips. - By the way, I counted how many you clocked. I do not know what flaws you have in the past, but for what you done now, I think you almost have lasted up to the "towers". But I will do my best to you guys.

-You самоуверены? surprised Zhora.

-Yes. But not cocky, I am sure.

-But in what?

-That long you here now spend on a trip not succeed.

-With you?

-And me, without me what's the difference? But be prepared for long your thread does not curl.

-Really? Very interesting! Why?

Hostage said nothing.

"Incidentally, I have already prepared for the meeting - Zhora look nodded at the man that lay in his lap machine.

Hostage in a cloak followed his glance, but just grunted and then added:

-The second time your things will not pass. Keep this in mind. Your position is hopeless. My advice to you: застрелитесь better immediately because in the prison сгноят alive.

-Really? - with feigned a smile asked George.

-Yes, believe me, juicy причмокнул lips to his prisoner. - Your death there will be a truly hellish.

Zhora still held in her hands, but he longed to show their cards. But now was not the time. He wanted to Bondi BOM (Zhora was almost absolutely sure that it is he himself рскрыл its trump cards, taking it for an ordinary recidivist, only by chance who met him on the road. Then would he could not get out.

-So you offer to let you go and get myself? 'he asked, dragging gas, when the "Volga" jumped out to a broad Avenue.

It will not help you. I have a tenacious grip. And the one who is so boldly entered against me will be destroyed with one or the other.

-What is it with one or the other? - George felt that now his prisoner utter something important, but he only smiled mysteriously.

-I'm not going to before you report on, the more that I believe that talking with five minutes to the dead.

They just once came to an intersection not far from which he left his "Mercedes". George took over and gave the brakes. Screaming and painful, machine quickly sweat еряла speed, started throwing ahead of its passengers, and frozen in place.

George felt that he began to take the nerves, because instead continue to do your work, it stopped, and now and grabbed her Breasts their hostage, Yes shook him so violently and furiously that the eyes popping out of his head in surprise, his head, ranging wrong with the body, it would seem that could break away from the body. When he was thoroughly exhausted and tired to shake, then asked:

And if I were you, bastard, right now I shoot you out of this machine? And if I have five minutes to the corpse, you can make three! he wagged a finger in front of his face. And bear in mind: another joke! Another joke, or at least some careless word, and I will do what I promised!

Zhora оотшвырнул his подневольника back, and that, this time, apparently, струхнув is not a joke, huddled in a chair. George felt the inner satisfaction of this, though not large, but the first and, now, he was obviously not the last victory. "So, it can be broken!" 'he thought to himself.

At the crossroads stood guard. More recently, it was empty. It certainly охотилсиь for him. Zhora passed back and toured the crossroads courtyards. Егопленник sat, not daring to say a word, occasionally mowing look at the machine, lying George on his knees gun at his side.

In five minutes, "Volga" stopped in front of a "Mercedes", at the back seat where somebody was busy. In slightly припотевших Windows flashed a shadow of a man.

George looked around. Around was not a single soul. Between the seats lay a piece of dirty, oily rags, which he has closed, erecting a gag, the mouth of the prisoner, in spite of the fact that he desperately resisted and frowned from the vile mouth feel. Zhora just couldn't help myself, моморщился, presenting this smelly piece of fabric in his throat.

The street was still quiet. George opened the back door of the Mercedes and took out a очнувшегося and came to himself Brand Ilyich and immediately, without waiting for him to come round and see what happens again his his, this time mercilessly dropping heavy "Kalashnik".

The body of the Brand Ilyich goes limp and collapsed right in the dirt next to the machine. George pulled out his скалдной knife, slashed the rope and began to unwind, took off the Mark Ilyich jacket and pants, then, after a moment, shirt, leaving him in a t-shirt and funny, such preposterous shorts flowers, a large chamomile. Clothing the poor got wet as well as her boss.

George pulled from the front seat of the "Volga" second his captive and poked him in the hands wet things, then undid the one castle, handcuffed and ordered him knocked from under the counter barrel of the gun:

-Change your clothes, vividly!

The first could not understand what was going on, but the tone of the order was not tolerate opposition. Zhora still pulled the gag from his mouth, опассаясь nature and motives of the smell.

"I give you five minutes, the dog, and you're standing in this suit. If not, I shoot. I don't have any extra minute to you рассусоливать. And I warn you: the no nonsense. One careless or sudden movement, and I shoot!

-But it wet! "replied was a man in a raincoat, but immediately broke off and began to dress hurriedly.

He had tight. It was good to see how unpleasant to him to undress, in such a dreary weather, and then pull the wet shirt, pants and a jacket.

-Where to put your clothes? - very drooping voice asked the prisoner, who lost his cloak.

-Everything in the "Volga", " replied George.

-What all wet! Clothes small... who's down there?

George said nothing. He made переоблачиться this man that feared lest his pants or лакцкане jacket was not some прередатчика-direction by which they could detect. True, he could be in some other place, for example, in my underwear or even stuck in the anus, but Zhora not regretted a while ago, not too lazy to himself, not forcing undress to the end. It was very cool, and he wanted to end it all. It suddenly started to torment famine, and now it seemed that there was a bigger problem, which could take possession now his desires aspirations.

-Quicker, quicker, all the clothes in the "Volga". So now I need to hear from you in plain words, who are you. But Hey, without equivocation. Your life depends on this! So, introduce yourself.

-Why?! "exclaimed the prisoner.

For persuasiveness Zhora moved the bolt machine:

Is not a Uzi, but sieve of you will do now!

-Well. Okay! The hell with you!.. Толстунин Boris Borisovich, if anything.

-No, I don't want! "said George.

-What do you need?

-I need to hear: Bondi BPO. Right?!

Zhora is not seen, but felt the Толстунина weak and trembling at the knees. George realized that it was him, but it was important for him to hear this recognition from him.

-I need Bondi BOM, and him only. If I'm wrong, you're going to die right now. But I hope that not mistaken.

Was followed by a prolonged pause.

-Count to three, - said, finally, George, summing up the finger to trigger hook. - Once, twice...

"The hell with you! You're right! - pitched over the prisoner.

-Right? - not appeased Zhora. - To shoot you here like a dog, or...

-Yes, I Bondi BPO. I - Bondi BOM!!!! - разошедшись, Толстунин proud struck his chest so that звякнули handcuffed, chained to his wrist.

-Very good! Then alive in a Mercedes! Quickly!!! - George opened the door, but before Bondi BOM villages in the beauty of his car, locked handcuffs on his hands. About the gag he decided that embed it is not necessary.

Now, when Bondi BOM was sitting in his car, you can get on to mark Ilyich and "Volga". He planted полураздетого man the front seat and before the shoot him, thought that he might be a lot of things to tell not only about Толстунина, but many others, such as Толстунин who do not even suspect that they are somewhere in a small Moscow apartment usual, stored and accumulated large file, which can always be used as the sudden, unexpected and therefore particularly insidious weapons. He could still many Combe harm or help harm. Perhaps, he himself, Жоре would need his help, maybe he could tell him anything mind blowing.

But he Zhora, was not eager to foreign secrets, and not some altruist to worry about the other. He needs only to revert back what he lost, and in this case you can now do without Brand Ilyich.

Zhora translated the fuse on a single machine, and cold-bloodedly shot at close range, putting the automatic gun to the head. It threw it to the side, as if the old man's broken neck. Maybe she really broke from многопудового impact of the bullet, and gases. Glass salon became blond-Matt.

In the trunk of the car stood petrol. Zhora splashed a few times in the beauty of the "Volga", then shed on earth жорожку and, after trotting a "Mercedes", set fire to it lighter.

Rising like a fiery fence flame ran on the track car, and after a moment of that стояля, grasped his languages. When they had driven a little while, behind the blast, and in the back they had lit a flash, leaving ahead of their own shadows, the Bay of interior of the vehicle despondent blood-red light.

To meet them, flew two torn wild sirens and брызгающие вокругразноцветными lights lighthouses police cars.

"In time disappeared", - sighed with relief Zhora.

"It happens to me something strange, he thought, driving, and unconsciously looking for Bondi Bohm. - Just killed a man, and I have not moved a muscle, no one nerve. I'm not even sorry for him! And I don't каяюсь in very deed, as I don't committed a crime, and so did something mediocre, like crushed beetle".

He tried to force myself to be frightened the crimes committed, but could not do it. George couldn't even be surprised by this discovery. All his thoughts occupied only what Bondi BOM now in his hands. And all else is not that important.

-Why was he killed? - lazily moving his tongue, as if asleep, asked Толстунин.

-Instead of you - Zhora again noticed that inside him nothing moved,nothing has trembled even though it was not about the murder of a person, and any trifle, at least amounting to little things.

Poor man! moaned Толстунин.

-I did not think that you are capable of sentimentality! Very surprising!

What is that amazing?! You have, no reason, no reason at all killed innocent - I'm more than sure in this person my eyes...

-On your eyes, apparently rarely kill people, - George askew ухмыдбнулся. "But you know how many they killed at your command?!

-What you are referring to?! Who Are You?!!

-I? I - Hippo, Bondi.

"Ah, that's it!

-Yes. And I just recently tried to sew, shot in the forest, as the Vnukovo to go along with my guys, obviously, at your disposal. And I'm going to swing, which, as it turned out, were held the day before. What does it all mean? Game without rules? Take that, who robbed?

Bondi Bohm said nothing and only strongly sniffed.

-You are not bad settled here! Incidentally, on a swing know that the king of thieves in the law - one of the leaders of мусоровки, which for us hunts?

-Know and approve of.

Even so?! Strangely. I don't believe it. Because Bondi BOM may at any момень betray any of them, if he pleases. Isn't there? As, for example, he gave a Hippo and using мусоровни gave him a real hunt. I knew nothing about this pleasant combination.

-Will remember honour among thieves? - with the call asked Bondi BPO.

-I know what you mean. But not Wali with a sick head on healthy. I have nothing bad chaps did. And here you are... Take, at least, that you wished himself укокошить Hippo. Isn "on a swing know about this? I'm not saying that you robbed him, while he rested on the югах. Raven Raven eyes not pick out, isn't it? So someone from the two of us - white crow.

Bondi BOM glanced at him, as if the answer was clear. George noticed this:

-I with his garbage city travel...

-You, in General, a guy in a foreign city and in someone else's game. What you've taken, never could belong to you. This is foreign extraction, and protected her Old man, too thief-in-law, whom thou brutally killed. The old man guarding the obshchak, and I don't think the "seesaw" condemn me for what I ordered you cum. By the way, almost all in the know. And if someone infringes on обшак, besides deprive life of its брательника, I think, nobody will scream that it was removed.

Zhora not expect such a turn of conversation. In one moment of a Prosecutor he became a defendant.

-So, it was a common Fund? his brain feverishly sought justification, at least in their own eyes. Zhora even slowed down the movement of the machine. But I didn't know. What is the common Fund: paintings, books, manuscripts, icons... common Fund is money...

-The money invested, including. It was necessary to protect our spoils from inflation. It's me, using his connections in the Ministry and safety Committee, bought the most important and securities from the archives of the KGB and interior Ministry, best manuscripts, books, paintings and icons from the vaults спецхранов state security and customs control. And all this I did, not to some clever Hippo, пронюхав that next door is such a treasure, and that you can take it with bare hands, picked up, and brushed the gang Yes Yeshe having performed the assault. Of course, he deserves death. And I'm sure no one will be angry, to the contrary, it only approves, knowing that I made you - hunting, " Bondi BOM gleefully frowned. - I think. What if you "on the swings, then you tear up would be to shreds, although it is not accepted. So I decided to elect for you more merciful and easy death. But you would not take it.

-The hunting itself hunter was in the clutches of the beast, " laughed George.

-Vain хихикаешь! 'retorted Bondi BPO. - You're still a corpse!

-I warned you! - hand Zhora lay down on the forearm "Kalashnik".

And I said, "five minutes". Простол you were guilty twice: in front of the gang, and before the state.

-Both presented in your face?!

-But what is wrong? I control both spheres, and therefore, I stand and, therefore, stand above them both. But you прогадаешь, if you want to portray me sell the mafia high-ranking official. I'm a mafia, its top management, внедрившаяся in hostile structure. Is it a bad thing?

-Who knows? - George grinned.

-Those who need to know.

-I did not know, for example.

"Then you didn't really need to know. Besides, as far as I remember, you very seldom visited on our "swing", and, frankly, many do not even know forgot that there is such a Behemoth.

-But I had to know at least where is общаг and what it represents. Its share I listed you regularly, nothing was pinching.

-If you need help, you would have got it. But too dangerous to know for all, where is the cash. By the way, she wasn't the only one, but the biggest.

"But if I knew it was a common Fund, and not got on a rampage! "exclaimed George.

-Do you somebody said even a word?! Would sit in their Sumy and further, taxied would the local crowd - you would finger nobody touched. But you're no: went to Moscow for disassembly! Who are you asking? You brewed this porridge is that now it does not get out. And even I you отмазать I can not.

-Could send ksivu or person to warn me. I would not use.

-We did not have time. No time! You have done everything so quickly. Such a hurried from you no one expected...

Some time Zhora answered him nothing. Something not kleilos in all these explanations.

-Maybe you intentionally provoked me to remove? - he said at last.

-What's the point?

-He saw that I was too dangerous.

-Too dangerous?! Ha - ha - ha! - Bondi BOM laughed out loud. - Don't make me laugh! For me, there's too dangerous people nor thieves, nor in мусоровне. I control everyone.

"That's maybe why you decided to provoke me and take away. Noticing that I was leaving from under your control and going to exist, forming his own family?

Bondi BOM was silent.

-What did you answer?!

"Perhaps, " agreed Толстунин. - But only: may be. However, what is the difference? You're already signed own tower, killing the old man. By the way, who was that miserable?

"Didn't you guess?

Imagine: no.

-The one you have been looking for: mark p..

-Minkin?! - started Bondi BPO.

-It the most.

-A-a-a! - exactly the beast roared Толстунин. He wanted to grab their head, but the handcuffs prevented him to do it, and he closed his face with hands.

-That, important bird? - gloatingly asked George. - Judging from me there убивли: Yes. But you're not despair: he is dead. I did blow his brains out. By the way, could he tell me about you a lot, was a great dossier on Bondi Boma. Sorry. I lost it in a shootout with your dogs. If that hadn't happened, he perhaps would have stayed alive. Anyway, I nna was going to go back there, if I have not prevented to leave... Yes, mark Petrovich knew of many and knew a lot. It's a pity that I had to decide the upshot of dipping his stead. I suspect that it would be more useful to me than you. The only thing he didn't know, so this may be where is stolen, obshchak, as was now. However, I did not ask: does not guessed.

бондиБом not раегировал on Жорину tirade. Her face with her hands, articulated hoops handcuffs, he had screamed, moaned, whined, making some indistinct sounds and swung from side to side.

-You're a corpse, Behemoth! You're dead meat! finally managed to dismantle Жоре his words through the tears.

Suddenly Толстунин straightened up and Cat., скрючив fingers, grabbed the person Жоре:

-Die, you bastard!

Zhora hit the elbow of his hands and gave a fist in his head, then hit again and again.

Chapter 21. 6 (5 -> 6).

The next day, when the sun was already high, Dima woke up with a sore head and hardly продрал eyes. He couldn't understand what had happened to him, was all this really the case or only dreamed in a nightmare. By their state of health he could say only what is truly yesterday drank a lot, and seems to be raced.

Misty veil spread eyes. Dima hardly seen, but having taken a look around yourself, realized that lies in the room.

Veronica was nowhere to be seen, he called her, softly at first, then louder. No one replied.

Feeling his broken excessive dose of alcohol body moans, groans and aches, all its members, Dima struggled with Ottomans, and walked off in the sink.

"Sinks ничальник and sponges commander", - he remembered the line from the Moidodyrнs" and crawled under the cold shower to come down.

Now all that happened that night time in his memory, like a faint, vague negative. On the table beside his bed lay a large piece of paper with rough edges, and it felt-tip pen were written by two huge letters "criminal code".

"Yes - Yes - Yes - I was horrified Dima. He felt his legs подкшиваются, and sat down on the edge of the sofa. - Yes, Yes, Yes, " he grabbed his head. The events of this night stood out even more clearly in his head, fresh ice cold showers. But is stronger and more convincing than in shower, affected him this piece of paper with two bright red letters. - So, I was not a dream!"

He remembered yesterday, drunk and tired of women, разморенный alcohol and hot-air saunas, he sat next to Толстуниным and barely Lina and comradely hug, ground up with nonsense that now he has hair shame and fear became erect.

-And I, too, is versed in the Affairs of the sky, piano and развязанно waving his hand Толстунин. - I know some of the Bible. Proverbs напрример. Of the prodigal son, for example, or of the workers in the grape garden. So I say to you, откровененно, I prefer to be the prodigal son, who will one day return home to the Father than that, the other, who was with him. Strangely enough, but the prodigal son the Father loves more than a humble and submissive. And I want to be the employee in the garden, who worked worse than any, received from the owner, along with others.

-You have a distorted concept of God! - Dima cried.

-On the contrary, my concept is not available deeply for you. You барахтаешься on the surface, boy, not knowing the meaning. And it, in fact. That everything is allowed and is never too late to turn back to God. I prefer to do it in the last day in the life...

-How do you know when you die? "said Dima. - Because you can die before you have time to stop and repent, for example, now! Besides soul! It corrupts under the tyranny of the passions, and all the less space the desire to come to the Lord. Here indeed, even now you are left with only wish to come back, but it is possible that soon will disappear and it.

-And you, really, is not stupid, huh?! "Толстунин. He hurt patted wet palm Диминому shoulder. - But I think I'll know when I will die.

Christ said. That you can't serve two masters at the same time: mammon and God, pushed his hand Dima. - For one shalt thou serve, and to another to administer. One will love, and the other hated.

-Yes you're right priest! "exclaimed Толстунин. - Now I know why that bastard dragging you with me: he wants to save his thieves ' душенку. Ha - ha - ha. Behold thou rascal!

-Who are you? Dime when it seemed that in these words the key to solving the mystery of his acquaintance with Толстуниным, but he just waved him away, as nuisance and loudly asked for a cold beer.

From memories about this conversation Dima had a headache, and he grabbed and squeezed her hands. But the movie is his memory went on with relentless cruelty. He didn't want to watch it, but could not do anything.

-Tell me, my good man Gladyshev, what is your hope in my poor, useless life? She would pass all, without a trace, in poverty and deprivation. For the happiness we must fight! - not appeased Толстунин. - Do you hope that the world will change, Yes? Haha! Venerable asshole, Dostoevsky, it seems, said: "Beauty will save the world!" And the world is nothing to save him, because God wanted it, wanted it back then when it created. Even with the creation of the world his whole story was предизвестна God, is it clear to you, мальчишк?! And you're not корячься as not try, but if you are destined to a place in hell, you never get to heaven, even though the skin вылезь.

"You are wrong! "objected Dima. - Where a person can know that he was destined after death?!

-God knows! - raised with the fury of the index finger Толстунин. Beer foam flew from his mouth. He knows, and whether you are at least a thousand times a goody-goody, or as many times bastard and stuff, he will lead you through life at your place! Here!

Толстунин it drank beer, and then again, splashing foam, almost shouted at him, Dima, as if he was on the other side of the world:

-I know that God is everything long ago divided with the devil, and the best he already took to the Skies. Now on the earth were only his stepchildren, these doomed, who prepared for another fate: down!

-You lie, you lie! - Dima cried.

He jumped up, jumped out of his chair, like a disheveled, but a real Sparrow, wanting to kick in the jaw Толстунину, but before he could do this, found myself in the pool, capsized there not терявшими vigilance naked телохранительницами that before the decisive moment deftly dissolved in the total mass of drunken whores or were themselves them, but knew what to do and when.

On this memoirs Dima stopped. Apparently, his then deafened, or lost consciousness and woke up only now.

"But where Veronica?" with concern thought Dima, when a violent movie in his head went down. He went up to her room and ran into the girl nose to nose, when she closed the door behind him.

-Hi! - he said.

-Hi, - as if nothing had happened threw Veronica.

-Where are you?

-Walk. In the city. Not you wait for...

-And do you know where I was? surprised Dima.

-Well, Yes, when I rushed to look for you, I said duty администраторша that I am for you not worried, so we convey.

"What about you? - Dima felt in his soul creeps confusion, bordering with horror and amazement.

-I? And what I am. Went to her and lay down to sleep.

-And what are you thinking? Where was I?

It doesn't matter where you could be! I decided that you want needed a Hippo, and he will urgently taken. You know: in such cases, he бестактен obscenely.

Dima mechanically walked with Veronica, painfully wondering whether she should tell about what has happened. When they came down the Elevator down, he realized that not worth it. Apparently she really knew nothing, and he caught myself on thoughts that he did not know Kaak react Veronica its history.

-Where are you going to walk? he asked the girl, when they went out through the hall to the lobby of the hotel.

Do not know, " she shrugged.

At this point in its field of vision were posters on the information Board, and she went down.

-Скукота. One скукота, " said Veronika Гладышеву, when he came to the posters behind her.

"Let's go down here, " suggested Dima saw in the corner a small, hand-written ad, извещавшее that in Sokolniki group of independent artists held an exhibition-sale of his works.

Veronica grimaced.

-The brothers pulled? - she asked sarcastically.

-Aren't you interested? surprised Dima.

-Okay, Gladyshev, go - instead of answering the question she said. This time, let it be so, the initiative I yield to you.

The day was gloomy. Besides it was the middle of the week, and the people in transport was little. They довольнго quickly reached the falconers and, wandering a bit on a deserted Park, in one of his distant corners notice any congestion of people.

-Us seems to be back, " suggested Dima and enthusiastically pulled a Veronica.

-What is this bunch? 'she returned.

-This is exhibition: hangout on блатном jargon intelligentsia.

-Are you sure of that? - concerned about Veronica asked.

-Sure, sure.

-And, I think, there beating, " said the girl.

When they came closer toward them three миллиуионера really dragged two some fellows.

"You see? - with reproach noticed Veronica, as if Gladyshev was all my fault. "Do you see?

"Come on, " suggested Dima, fearing that their visit to the exhibition-party will fail.

Veronica paused an instant, wondered quickly after weighing in her lovely head all "for" and "against", and was followed by гладышевскому proposal. They entered into a dense crowd of people resembling a small lake in the wind.

Теперькроме spectators and viewers, they became visible and grateful heroes of the occasion. Dima immediately became drunk from the atmosphere of this gathering, which smelled some forgotten полулегальщиной, harassment and persecution on the avant-garde artists. Here I felt the smell of silent protest, quiet riot, which are so pissed off by the authorities, because they are powerless before this, though, каажется can be several minutes destroy half the ball.

"Here she is, the strength of weakness of culture", with a heady inspiration thought Dima, mentally belonging to this host of "saints" мученников from power.

All this dull and partly by Moscow standards party made him such a strong impression of what produces view of the tram on a guy, first time having come from the rural hinterland to the city. Therefore at some time he lost sight of her, which was carried away, and disappeared among the crowd.

On the show, stretched from tree to tree on the ropes hung a hand-written poster: "...Here... исксство that offends (Lemon)".

Dima long tried to understand the meaning of this label, but could not thinking that you can understand, apparently, only to get acquainted with the art.

He squeezed through the dense crowd, surrounded one of the paintings. Next was sitting on a folding stool, apparently, the author of the picture and occasionally переругивался with the audience.

-Sell? - ask him.

"Yes, " nodded the artist - for dollars.

-For dollars?! Fuck you!..


To Dima's ears from somewhere came the foreign speech. Guessed German and English words.

The painting, which was Dima, shown were the following: a gray-white, animal forms, something resembling the outline of a female body, lavatory pan; over him like a flagpole, a sewer pipe, поржавевшая, without a ush tank, instead whether кртина, whether портретнебольшого size with the image of the tops of the Orthodox Church, Church, synagogue and mosque, squeezed next to each other on crooked, negligent inscription: "God is one".

The audience had a lively discussion about the picture. This Goulet полушепота, and then heard insulting words addressed to the author so дерхкого cloth.

Hardly Dima got out of a dense ring around the picture and moved to another, exactly the same , living and dry. His first impression was unclear, but, in General, his soul, the scorched the rejected candidate hop feel even more discomfort and discord with the body. He almost физичеси felt, as she breaks out, wanting to leave his mortal flesh in a cold loneliness. This gap was manifested, that Gladysheva had a feeling inside like him in the chest stuck a piece of the iceberg, though his heart was hurt by the ice of a needle, and it was painful. Blood would freeze, and to disperse it he would swear the latest матерными words.

"I think I'm going to die, he thought, Dima, feeling worse. - Why we all came here?"

He MCA could not understand why he suddenly felt so bad: whether so hard on him, and acted this picture, or his hangover, his alcohol (and maybe some other) poisoning entered a new phase. "Perhaps I really was poisoned? thought Dima, barely moving his fumble in your mind, like a naughty tongue. - After all, why it caused me... or rather, was seized..."

He mechanically making his way from one painting to another, ducking from a bunch of a handful of spectators, but the meaning галиматьи that before нимпредставала every time in the centre of this circle, slipped away, walked past him, because his mind was absorbed with the internal struggle in body and soul, which it has sought to keep in unity, and who desperately resisted, trying to take a run.

"Like you, must kill," вспллыли in his head the words Толстунина. And when they came to him, as he felt severe dizziness and nausea, legs gave out and he collapsed right on the tripod with the picture, dragging it behind him. Through подступающую the darkness with wide eyes he caught some kind of vague shadows movement around him. In his ears, just gurgling, heard alarmed voices of people around. He felt even as his body touched, as it does raise, or handle. But he showed no signs of life. He didn't want to show them. He was attacked by a great laziness, which is called death, and now enveloped not only the body but also your mind sticky webs real estate and thick wool deafness, переная him, like a babe in a cocoon.

He could think of could perceive their feelings and thoughts, could listen or stare, but he did not want either, nor the third. Soon he even I got lazy know that he can, and then, and another, and another and then in his head came utter darkness.

He came on the bench. Near him were some people. In the nose шибло sharp unbearable smell of ammonia.

Dima opened my eyes and saw a bearded man, who подпихивал his nose and transparent little bubble.

-I always carry it with you, - not without pride explained bearded others, turning his head to the right and to the left, as if hoping to find in someone's eyes, support and approval. - You see, he's getting better. It seems, he comes to himself.

Dima shook his head, sniffing from удущающего smell, who walked into the throat, and lungs. His eyes tears began to fall.

-Well, that's nice, " said puny owner of a beard, " now I can say that this young person is awake. Young man! Young man! - the bearded man shook ладышева shoulder and looked into his eyes, wanting to make sure that he understands it. - Do you feel better, young man?!

Dima according nodded оитрая tears, streams потекшие cheeks.

-How do you feel? We called you an ambulance.

Dima couldn't even speak, but shook his head negatively.

-I am a doctor, a young man, therefore, can speak to me like медикомсовершенно frankly and seriously. Tell me, did you have epilepsy?

-No, - finally Dima possessed the gift of speech.

-GM, then I would advise you to consult your doctor. And the sooner you do it, the better it will be for you, for your health. You should surveys...

Dima not listened to his captain. He felt now, as fainting, and, rebounding from the bench and pushed aside the crowd, headed for the exhibition under a poster about offends art, remembering that Veronica somewhere запропастилась in the crush.

He went to the most numerous group of people, assuming that it is likely that Veronica will be there. In the centre of this broad and crowded circle just начиналость strange action, which is one of the three artists were there, near the snow-white clean the toilet, announced as "instantly-sculpture and painting composition in the triune co-authorship.

Clicked cameras, зажужжали Keane and video cameras, and three of them started a полумистический, полупародийный dance around the toilet, something resembling simultaneously Striptease and ritual not the Indians, not that any папуассов. In the end they were naked, маструбируя caused himself erection and ejaculation in the toilet and then went over to the same queue diarrhea black and brown, yellow and brown котяхами, decorating the "layer cake" from above; then предлоили honourable audience showered all this money and, thus, to complete the composition.

Showered with money of all colors and shapes, forming a phantasmagoric rain. Other bills fell right into the toilet, уные scattered around it fallen petals of roses. When the last of the lonely bill finished their трепыхающийся flight, artists, sponsors loudly announced that the composition is completed.

All sides were heard unexpectedly loud and bold applause. Apparently, the audience has been really admire their calling, incredible courage, bordering on insanity. Dima noticed that in this circle of many foreigners. Two of them, объясняясь very bad Russian and good English and expressed their willingness and desire to buy this masterpiece. The deal immediately took place. Foreigners have posted a large sum, slammed the "painters" shake on it. The artists took them to the toilet and at parting with their offspring put on his white sides of their autographs, writing multi-coloured, thick markers each word: "Обвафлили", "Обосрали", "Thriller".

Those present began to disperse, flowing to other кучкам. Some boys-maloletki swooped, exactly sparrows scattered crumbs, got bills lying around the toilet on the ground, and then quickly sped away, as if they were not.

"I wonder how they will take and what they will do with that?" thought Dima.

Then he noticed her. She, too, watched all happening and now still stood still and looked thoughtfully and detachment on the toilet. He approached her.

-How disgusting! she said, noticing it. - Fe-e! Where have you been?

-Yes, here's close ответл Dima decided not to say anything about that. What just happened. - Great! ? he turned to the toilet, which were now only foreigners. "I, too, went on this pot! How do you think they will do with him?

-Vulgar! - dismissed him Veronica.

-You don't like?! But why was surprised Dima.

Here, there is nothing that I would be a little like it, wincing, admitted Veronica. - Indicates that this dirty, filthy-looking rubbish? What is the meaning of this adventure-sculpture? I spit want!..

-Nothing, it will pass, " he Dima. - I think that's -- I presented here now, that went after them or with them there with pleasure, by the way!.. In General it is, this sculpture indicates that people all have the same structure, all go to the toilet, regardless of their social origin and situation, regardless of nationality and religion, which испооведают. Whether you're a General, a Minister or a simple rear, and the process of emptying the bowel is not fooled. He does anyone исклбчения, not looking on the social hierarchy. In this deeper meaning, which is difficult to understand. Last tramp, not knowing even the alphabet and, the more laws, maybe has more right to be happy than some uncle in high offices, suffering from constipation and геммороем, because of the scarcity of food in the tramps. However, works of art infinite number of meanings, and my explanation - just look at one of the semantic faces. Everyone sees and understands the creation of his, and this is its charm. Even under a different mood and state of mind, it will open another face.

-Still, it's an abomination, Veronica shook her head. - You can, Gladyshev, you want to rant, but I dislike it. Why have they drochili?

-Well, I don't know... Probably, as it was intended. It too is nested in any sense. Look, here. These foreigners have given for this обосранный toilet rabid money! Don't they have no taste?!

-May be. They are fat mad! Money is nowhere. Then one of two things: either they are rich idiots, or I complete fool, " tertium non datur! What you looking at?! Me-uh! - Veronica expressive and evil showed language of one of the Americans that he was very surprised, and walked briskly away, abandoning Dima over his shoulder:

"Let's leave Gladyshev, go! I was tired.

Dima, as if apologizing for Veronica, looked at foreigners, shrugged, and took her to catch up.

Chapter 22. (020).

After the third impact at шедшегося in the jaw,Толстунин "pushed" out. Still being in a rage and fury from the incident, Zhora pressed on the accelerator, adding gas, and, switching and raced along the Avenue, the squeezing out of the car all its horsepower.

The sky over the city beginning barely земетно to brighten. From the darkness gradually emerged from the outlines of the clouds. Here in the East должнваа was first посветлеть, and then become red strip of sky. The dawn was breaking. Was going to rain.

His Mercedes raced the пусттынному Avenue, whistling through the chilly pre-dawn air, saturated with moisture. He rapidly проскакивал intersections, обозначавшиеся to the horizon line flashing yellow light traffic lights.

Rare guards, still not have been in this hour of their booths, accompanied him on his car ошарашенным glance and without that emerged from orbits from the fighting intensified sleeping eye, as if considered not "Mercedes"ghostly flying Dutchman, cut жиддкий fog at two hundred miles per hour. Gang traffic cops knew that their machines are not able to go so fast and are therefore perceived "Mercedes" as its interval, the twilight daydreaming and not raised the alarm. Furthermore, there was a strict order to delay any black "Volga" - and they vigilantly looked out and were waiting for her at the crossroads.

When East заалела dawn, Zhora was outside of the town, in the forest, where a few days earlier he had almost lost his life.

-You will know meadow? he asked Bondi Boma.

He shook his head.

-Here I just do not thy slapped. Don't know who it was, cops or many pills (however, I wouldn't be surprised if I find out suddenly that some of your works in мусоровне, and after the change in a hurry to the case or "swing"). But I sewed himself: and that was it.

-In vain! "nodded Толстунин.

-Who knows, who knows! I don't think so, anyway.

He wanted to eat and sleep. Sleep even more, and he felt that not survive for long. Visit амшине to the solitude of the bushes, into a small gully, he stopped.

-Now we are going to sleep!

After these words, Zhora put a gag Толстунину mouth, and bound him capron tow rope "doll" and пропихнул on polik between the front and rear seats.

All this was given to him is not easy, but he didn't even have the strength to выругаться and barely made it as immediately dropped dead on his face on the front seats, placing a hand cocked "Kalashnik"knocked down deep sleep, resist giving him anymore.

When he awoke, it was dusk. George thought it was near the place where the hotel is located in which to live Gladyshev and Veronica, and it would be nice to go there, to see how they're not dead I still starve to death, if they have pocket money.

Suddenly his thoughts закралост a bad assumption. He imagined that the police know where they are located, and she wants to arrest them, so as to reach him, Jora: he will not leave his wife. If only the police know that she was his wife. And why not? If Bondi BOM wanted him to hunt, he could, using the mighty detective device, check all hotels, hover help for all guests. Not so many hotels in Moscow, as it might seem at first glance. Not much compared with the police, with this army, which, if necessary, can sweep inundate them all to a single, large and small, luxurious and comfortable, private and public.

This thought he was creepy, and he instinctively feeling for the handle of the machine, hugged her and even felt a finger cold metal of the trigger.

She was still laying on his stomach, with his for the convenience of feet up on the door of the salon. For Windows meanwhile more and more dark. Because of the backrest could hear the faint sounds of fuss and wheezing. See, Bondi BOM too awake or not sleep at all.

Zhora agreed that think about sleeping in his position would be difficult for any.

"However, this was not a dream. So, he really is in my hands", he thought, and comforted by that thought.

His anxiety for her subsided. In which case he could exchange it for Толстунина with minimum risk. He certainly could think of, to keep Bondi Boma in fear at a distance, were it to change it on his wife. You could, for example, to get a remotely, radio, managed charge or do anything else for her and her security. With Гладышевым would be more difficult: neither was he going in the case and then save it: the police, whether they are aware of all of his works would understand this.

The stronger grew dark, the more disturbed Jora different thoughts. They have a dense swarm out of his head, and they had to somehow get rid of.

He sat up, and ззаглянул the back seat. In сгустившихся in the cabin twilight, I could hardly distinguish the associated human body. The darkness was dissolving it in yourself.

-Woke up? asked Zhora of Толстунина, but when there was no answer, and remembered that covered his mouth gag. Had to turn the light on.

In view of the terrible Bondi Bohm was very miserable. Жоа even horrified that a man of such status and influence can so terribly sorry look. When he pulled the gag from his mouth, he could not speak, apparently unable to cope with закостеневшим language and swollen мыщцами jaw and cheeks.

"If I shoot him, his body would look even more sorry for," thought George, and he suddenly wanted to make this a stray thought. Bondi BOM now he didn't need as recently and Hippo was not needed Bondi bomu. The same hands right up and scratched put a turn in human flesh.

Zhora scared of this desire, catching myself on the fact that he has just like to kill. This smacks of madness, but it is not yet owned by his will. But before, until recently, such a thought, she come to his mind, would have aroused in his mind a storm of protest. Yes it would simply not occurred to him a few days earlier.

"How fast can change man!" surprised Zhora. However, the idea of murder was not his mind. He simply banal just suddenly wanted someone to shoot. He wished that weapon in his hands worked and shot no where and not for anything, and whenever found its purpose and killed.

-What if I kill you now? asked Zhora and noticed how widened pupils of Толстунина.

He liked the idea. He even put his stomach machine to frighten. He felt that now he seems to understand, whence come from maniacs-killer, and чтоиспытывают sadists, измываясь over his victim. See a strange fear was horrible intoxicatingly, and the desire to kill in his brain like the feeling of hunger, свербящему stomach.

Bondi BOM still couldn't answer. Jaw and tongue refused to obey him.

-Yes, what you say that I've got you now I shoot you?! - continued to taunt him Zhora, experiencing a sadistic pleasure. - Why are you I need? Я_то not knowing all work like that. Now you for me so dangerous...

Zhora hardly selected arguments for its terrible consequences of his behavior, and it looked as if a hungry man sitting in front of a bowl of soup, ranted, why he wants to eat, thinking of his желаниюэстетически attractive shell that at least in his own eyes look more properly than it really is and at least to not get frightened animal truth hunger: hunger from what I want to eat. Invent arguments is becoming increasingly difficult, and starvation seems to be screaming so much that my stomach is nipped his guts.

The desire to kill was like hunger. It grew and invent каеи-that is unnecessary arguments became heavier. It called to action and so неоттвязно hold of his thoughts that пожжелай now I Zhora stay, it would not have been able to cope with him.

George pulled Толстунина of the car, opened it and lifted. Bondi BOM desperately shook his head, saying associated members numb, занемели and therefore do not obey him.

"The better - decided to George, and there will be less to kick!"

He grabbed the handcuffs and violently dragged Толстунина on the yellow carpet of fallen leaves, зашуршавшей under the feet, to the oak tree, which stood nearby.

Forcing puffed up and расцарапать the face of the Bush twigs. Through which one had to be torn, and this practice is somewhat cooled his frantic desire. He began to reflect more coolly, and for a moment even decided to kill again is absurd and stupid, maybe even disgusting. But it was a temporary enlightenment. Barely George took a breath, blood again rushed from his brain, and again was going on bullshit. Thoughts devoured each other, and above them влствовало infinitely, soared high above the desire to murder.

George remembered how calmly and even with a certain curiosity shot in the head Brand Ilyich. It was so nice to see a shot knocked out his brains, as broke his skull, like a broken his neck. In this picture there was something fascinating, alluring - he now understood it, and he wanted to enjoy it again.

He tried to remember how it really was. Now it seemed to him that he killed not really, but in sleep kill for fun, and now wanted to know whether it is really the same look as then or not.

The victim was sitting in front of him. It was nearly dark, but the face Толстунина was to him a good view. On it in large letters was written fear, pleading for mercy. Жоре even think he now reads on his forehead thoughts that are born in my head. It was a delightful sense. "You shall not kill! - be able to distinguish it. "I should say, where is what you are looking for!"

But Жоре and now you don't want to know where that is. He was generally indifferent, who is sitting in front of him, Толстунин or even knows who. Main now was that he was a victim, a living being that he could deprive him of life, on which his power was now make penalty, and nobody in the world could stop him. It was an indescribable power somewhere, perhaps, very close darted back and fussed people, but nobody, nobody was able to stop him.

In seconds he ascended to the peak of mount Olympus to from there, feeling the immense power over their own fate and the fate of the victims, to feel everything, Everything for himself and for him. It was him and the Judge and God, he had an absolute, and that absolute was deliciously ruthless.

On the brow of the victims were faster, replacing each other any thoughts: wagon, ready to ship, station, he was standing on a table drawer, in which lay the invoice on this wagon - for a moment he discovered something that has been hidden from him. But nothing seemed now not fit him and not even surprised.

Suddenly on the brow of the victim became apparent in prayers to God for salvation. "I am your God, thought to himself, George. I am your merciless God!" "Yes he's just crazy!" "Mattie screamed the brow of the victim. "I'm not crazy, насчастный! - mentally he replied without any disturbance. "I'm just going to kill you and decided to do it!"

Stepping back a few steps from the oak, Zhora обратиося to the victim.:

"I could shoot you in the car, but you'd испаячкал me the beauty of its свинячей blood. You must die here under the oak, and where was supposed to die pig!"

"I will give unto thee the keys of the world! Leave me my life! I'll give you immense power! You don't know what power is able to get! I will serve you like a dog!" - still begged him to sacrifice his thoughts showed through forehead together with drops of cold sweat of terror.

However, Zhora was deaf to this strange signals originating him OLT victim without a single word. He was God, and the bottom one whose fate he wanted to finish immediately, promised him something strange, like бывздумав to mock him.

-How can you promise me something?! "he exclaimed, чувствуяпатетический ecstasy to which the summarized егоо closely the upcoming act of killing. "You, the victim sentenced me to death! You wished to mock me?!

From the side it might seem that someone talks to himself standing over completely helpless man with a gun at the ready. But watch out for this tragic final act of the monstrous performance was no one. In the forest they were alone, and because George himself mentally flew from yourself some distance and saw how it all looks: against the backdrop of deep blue sky darkens powerful, stocky oak, and near it the two figures; one, бессилльная, at its foot, leans back against the trunk of a tree, the other, majestic, powerful, towering over her; clearly visible contours of the machine in her hand; the silhouettes of the fascinating theatre of shadows, only the present.

It was dark so that he was out of sight of the person Толстунина. This he did not like. He wanted to see the face of the victim at the moment of death, to remember, to capture every detail of the murder, to compare it with the one that has already become unreal, painting жизнелишения when he calmly, coolly shot in the head Brand Ilyich.

His mind was beginning to take shape collection of murders, and QC any other collector, he sought to acquire new instances. The following promised's about to find himself in her, and in anticipation Жороа felt a mad joy, as if every time after this life is promised to turn to some other party, new images, hitherto unknown, and allow themselves to capture thus in his memory.

All the past had been a dream. It dissolved into nothingness, but only that managed to remember to leave in the collection of their brains, belonged to him forever. True, and the images that they could lay hands on and remember, have become blurry with time, and sometimes it йпроисходило very quickly. They развывались like children's drawings on asphalt from the rain, and demanded again and again replenishment.

Zhora tore through the bushes to the car, started it and giving back up, and then turned around and drove her to the oak-tree which lay Толстунин, turned on the lights to see well, you do not miss anything and to remember everything. Each детаь the victim's behaviour should not escape his attention. He must all remember to enjoy it properly in the memories. He must see the smallest details, to compare them with the details предыдудщего killing, which now eluded him like a fish out of hand, and for them it was impossible to catch.

However Толстунина at the oak tree. The lights flashed out of the darkness naked tree trunk.

Zhora in pursuit, having made a shiver. He already feared that the victim be able to leave. "Execution of a very long! - flashed through his mind. - Very long!"

Rays of light coming from the headlights, broke through the low bushes behind the oak, though considerably weakened. Zhora rushed into the bushes and getting behind them, saw a dark spot on the litter of fallen leaves, covered meadow. It was Толстунин. To him, apparently, was able to move, and, наапрягая in the all forces, Bondi BOM sought to escape death. He was crawling, and делопытаясь get to his feet, but every once again fell down and, stumbling, falling down, распластывался on earth and immediately rose to his knees.

It might look funny and amusing. But Jora this riled. Grabbing machine before him with both hands, holding tightly fingers on the arm and forearm, he ran after him in the meadow, in several huge jumps, made in the heat of rabies, caught Толстунина and, biting from terrible malice lip, hit it is part of the application "Kalashnik" on the back of the head.

Толстунин collapsed on the ground. Zhora examined his hands, angrily growling:

-Oh, you bastard! You still get away from me!.. So there!

Толстунину somehow managed to remove the handcuffs with запастья one hand. They now dangling on his left hand. Zhora again closed them with an oath:

"Damn it! And handcuffs these garbage something wrong.

He returned to the place of execution, to the oak, dragging the стонцущего Bondi Bohm, leaned him against a tree.

In the light of the headlights now visible face of the victim. Chubby cheeks расцарапались of blood on the branches of a Bush, lips обсохли and вспухли, her eyes were closed.

George lifted his eyelid. Pupils rolled under the forehead. Murder victim in this condition meant to kill her at all - this was not interested. He wanted to wait until it comes, and he hesitated.

He suddenly wanted to ask, finally, whether the Bondi Bohm children: he's also a man. But then George rejected this thought: what's good to be able to put pressure on pity and beg him пощаду. "No, it's quite clear, thought George, " I'll kill him anyway, but then it will be so nice not to do. Why burden ourselves with thoughts about orphans. Moreover, it will be secured by orphans. He, nevertheless, are not simple people. And yet, all this is nonsense, and all this damn!"

He waited for the Толстунин come to himself, but he, as if sensing this salvation, didn't want to return to consciousness. It also angered Jora. Angry because he started to regret this fat man with исцарапанным in blood of the person, and pity this threatened to hamper the implementation of his plan. And if he spoke, and even forced him to abandon the murder.

So something one pours out suddenly in a completely different, and if he did not эстетствовал five minutes earlier, then now would not suffered from pity and unresolved issue: kill or not to kill - the issue that would be resolved.

Bondi BOM groaned stronger, coming to himself.

George tried to remember about it all the bad to re-gain anger. But she, this anger and rage all somewhere evaporated, and she didn't have a trace.

To the spirit of murder came alive in him, Zhora even started to train, how will kill Толстунина, putting his to his temple, and then the machine and press the trigger so that isn't enough efforts for the descent. This lesson helped. It рассекло pity and обволокло his consciousness some stupidity, haze, through which now unable to break even a thought.

Толстунин finally woke up. He tried to grab a hand over the back of the head, but couldn't do it-too handcuffs. His eyes softened the batter right in the face of the headlights.

Hardly the victim moved, coming to consciousness, as all doubts Zhora dispelled: the victim was a sacrifice; it was the need to kill.

Squinting, Толстунин raised his eyes to him.

-Don't kill me, " he asked in a weak voice. Say anything more, he simply had no strength.

"What are you trying to run away from me?! Bastard?! threatening said George.

Anger and back again (and he feared that at the right moment иху not enough).

-Don't kill me again, almost in a whisper asked Толстунин.

But George, again feeling садистскую joy, asked the same question. It was exciting that the victim does not attempt to even отвачать his question, and repeats the same. He felt again ecstasy rising anger and permissiveness, ecstasy retribution. After the next issue he wanted to hit the victim machine, but restrained himself, fearing that again deprive it of its consciousness.

This time he decided to murder and deceit. Him so it was nice to lie:

"Well, take a gun barrel in his mouth. Then I will not kill you. I want to see what you're bold. If you can do this then I will forgive you, you will live. If not...

He stuck out the barrel of the gun to his mouth Толстунина. He paused, took his lips and already wanted to let go, when George pulled the trigger.

A shot rang out. It hit something свежепахнущим. It was the blood.

"I just now maniac", - подуумал Zhora.

Chapter 23. (027).

He came to his senses only when the car was in the precincts of the city. Now even he could not tell himself that he did Bondi Bohm, where he put his body.

Memories of what happened half an hour ago were as if in a fog. Where he's going now, why? Zhora strained my brain tried to concentrate on the thoughts. The fog in his head was gradually lifted.

Machine swept under the prospectus still kilometers fifteen, before he made a decision. Now he wanted to test whether what he imagined accurately projected on human Bondi Boma in the last moments of his life.

Remarking on the prospect of armed with an automatic posting (Толстунина, apparently, всве still increasingly sought out), he stopped and asked details the road to the Ministry of internal Affairs. In twenty minutes he was already in place.

It was very dangerous and daring: gets there. But there was no alternative. This was his chance, his last chance to bring good luck, return something that would bring him wealth, a huge fortune, and, perhaps, would leave this idiotic country, where everything is not as people, and live in luxury anywhere in France, Italy, or America, is in one of these countries, which have long had a secret and the continuing anguish.

This was the final phase of his capital battle for their interests, which he seemed to be, now just to win, a large part has already been done.

George entered the lobby of the building, was in passing. For thick reinforced steel mesh glass sat duty policeman, задремавший on the book.

Zhora on the move came up with what to say to him was in. The whole idea of him was the purest water adventure, not having a piece of firm support. And it felt like quicksand risk suck it now is in itself absorb his will. However, the reverse path. Otherwise, why all this burning bridges, all of this abomination, the blood and dirt, in which he made for himself? Going back to go back down, for him, was now like death.

However, he seems to be lucky. He has already noticed that should he take something very risky, and the circumstances surround the success of this so much the more dangerous and daring plans. It was amazing, but every time he had no time to wonder.

A policeman on duty was asleep. He leaned over to the window, pretending wants to ask something, and making sure that the mayor's sleeping, as they should, firmly, took up the remote on his Desk, opening the door lock. He presented himself as a set of ten buttons, but замусолено, shabby of them was only four.

Trying not to make noise, Zhora tried several combinations of order of their pushing. The third gave a positive result. Deaf door lock, similar to the Elevator door opened.

Without hesitating a second, Zhora slipped them on tiptoe and was in the corridor, passing in both directions. Right before him was a staircase.

Zhora already decided to rush through it up when someone called to him from the depths of the corridor. George turned and looked at twilight. It was a policeman.

-Where you, the citizen? - he repeated his question.

-Yes I have already checked - instantly responded Zhora.

-All right?

-In the order.

-Well, look, the captain shook his finger.

Zhora decided that it was probably some assistant on duty. When he was on the stairways n, he inquired after him:

Why so late?

But George didn't answer, mending. Now he thought about how he is going to find in thousands of classrooms that only the desired him. However, it still relied on luck, intuition and logic.

Corridors of power have their own subtle items that can serve the true signs. Based on them you can achieve the desired. We just know what to be guided by. Well, for example, to what floor is ideally removed the carpet on the stairs and foyer decorated with mirrors in bronze frames, leather sofas and a huge palm trees in tubs.

George knew something about these signs, and, based on this knowledge, he was not mistaken, and not long to wander. After a few minutes he was in the Cabinet of the Minister and, as expected, found near the Cabinet of Толстунина.

He had a little trouble with the door, before she succumbed.

He felt for the switch, walked to the table and began to rummage in his drawers. The search Zhora not even heard, not noticed, as the room became someone else. He realized that no one here when it touched the nape of the neck metal, cold barrel of a gun.

"Get up! ordered it to someone.

George shuddered in surprise, but still obediently stood up.

-Don't look back! Face the wall! Hands behind your head! One extra movement, and I put the trigger. Spreading your legs wider! Wider! Wider!

George obeyed commands. Surprise he could not understand anything even. However, this had to prepare for, but he did not bring weapons.

He was searched. Then they permitted to turn to.

Zhora was expecting to see anyone, he even thought that he was discovered миллиционер of protection, but who actually appeared before his eyes, couldn't imagine being here. he even had already decided for himself that never in my life will not see it.

This was the cadet, who slipped away from him three months ago. He even remembered his name: Охромов.

-Are you? surprised he said.

I quietly agreed Охромов. - And what are you doing here?

-I? And you?

George glanced at the weighty "colt" in his hand Охромова and thought that I shouldn't hadn't taken anything: it is a good argument for keeping up the conversation. Now the argument was not in his hands.

Охромов said nothing, and пододвинув under a chair, sat down, legs crossed, watching the interlocutor gun and not lowering the finger with the hammer.

Pulling his opinion, Охромов guessed:

"You don't look that way. I know that you're a bird, know who matter have: just that - shoot. And you know, I'm not kidding.

George shook his head and asked:

-I можнео sit down?

"Sit down, with a sense of the master of the situation allowed Охромов.

"You have not dreamed to see, - said George.

-Very happy.

-So what are you doing here?

-Apparently, the same as you. Only I have one advantage, - he nodded slightly on the "colt".

-I agree. But maybe we both agree?

-May be.

There was a pause in the conversation. George tried to collect my thoughts and think that now should be undertaken. Охромов sat in the same position, staring at him, like a boa constrictor.

Then you're in time disappeared - finally spoke Zhora, - I wonder, how did you do it?

-How? When you want to save your skin you know. Especially inventive in this case is raised when you припалят.

-It is clear. Well, how on earth are you here?

-The same as you: come for the inheritance.

The legacy?

-Yes. You too? I am aware of the milestones Affairs. And when the disappeared chef, then realized that the living, he won't be. It's because you're such a slaughter made when it took?

-I nodded Zhora.

-Well done, felt professionalism praised his Охромов.

He talked with them indulgently, Kaak with this kid. Jora was really indignant, but he couldn't help it: the weapon was not in his hands and, apparently, Охромов well aware of this.

"You, on Bondi Bohm work?

-In a sense - Yes, but mostly I work only on themselves.

"How long ago?

-Yes, since grown wiser, and if to be exact bit earlier that night when I had to disappear, including from you too. But now things have changed and you don't know me great threats and dangers - Охромов shifted leg. - Especially now. Of course, it cost me would you slap right now, but I too am on the bird's rights: I would make a noise, and глашак, I unfortunately did not take. But I think that we will agree.

I am too.

-I know what I want. Me your paper is not needed. I so because she had to suffer. I'll take what for you will have no value, and you take all the rest. Well?

-I would like to know, what will you take?

-Not in your position to exercise excessive curiosity. But I tell you, so be it. I need one box. In her black and red velvet поддкладке lies signet ring. You will not earn much. And I know that with him делатть.

George thought. His proposal seems to suit him.

-Let's deal? asked Охромов, making a pause.

"We have a deal, " agreed George.

-Well, that's good. And now no nonsense: ask not to disturb. Without me you still do not find the necessary papers.

George made a gesture that he will behave calmly.

-No nonsense, again just in case warned Охромов. Bit that bullet yours.

He opened one of the Desk drawers, and took out a pocket calculator, scored on any numbers and letters, and sent to a large safe, standing in the corner. Several seconds passed. There was a loud click. Сйеф opened and the door became itself отворяться.

-The wonders of technology, - commented on this Охромов.

He walked over to the safe and took out a clear plastic folder with papers.

You sewed sewed Толстунина? - he asked George between times.

He pointedly did not reply.

-Then sewed it up. Well, well, it was for that.

He put the folder on the table and pulled out a few forms and securities.

-All the documents on the container at the place, " he said, checking, flipping through the paper.

-What is a container? 't understand George.

-At sea. He densely hammered boxes and standing pairs at сортировойной station waiting for the departure.


-There. That here in this piece of paper put in there and go, " he pointed Жоре receipt. - I it thee, then will I give when I take what I need. Put here station of destination and give to the railway - and wait for it to their destination. Well, okay, we needed to go. You're in a wheelbarrow?


"Come on, then.

Охромов took folder under his arm, and led the way Jora ahead of ourselves black strokes. In five minutes they were in the inner courtyard of the building at a heap of garbage. Climbing on it, they jumped over the fence and found themselves in the streets.

In the car Охромов sat down in the back seat.

-Let's click on sorting, " he commanded Жоре, - if you do not know the road, I will show you.

-How do I know? surprised Zhora.

Come on, let's go.

George felt beside his seat cold barrel "Kalashnik," but decided not to its use. As if noticing this, Охромов warned:

-No nonsense!

To get to the container platform of the metro station былло or agree with watchmen, or neutralize them. Жоре second seemed more real and acceptable. But Охромов signaled to:

-Do not these cheap tricks. Do good.

They got out and walked to the booth, where sat the guard.

Inside were two young guys with a dog. When George and Охромов came, the dog rose to meet them. Охромов resolutely stepped forward and took from his pocket a document. Not giving the guards time to recover, he said Hello and waving in front of their noses crusts document, said:

-I have an order to check the contents of one container...let the paper, he extended his hand Жоре, and he догдавшись, handed him the paper on the container.

One of the guys took the documents and the consignment note, but immediately handed back Охромову. The second went to the table, on which stood the antediluvian telephone. To make a call, it was necessary first to twist the handle.

Noticing this, Zhora thought Охромов still booby and fool green, and that it was not necessary сллушать, and take the machine, Yes under the gun twist Molodtsov: it would be more fun.

Is not what we should be handled. This is in office, " said the first guy, stretching back of the paper. - There are discharged pass, and check what you want.

"Well, we should go for the gun"thought George.

This is the time the clock struck twelve o'clock, and, as though at a signal, a dog, a cross between a shepherd and дворняши sitting at the table with a telephone, growled at his master, the second guard, apparently decided somewhere to call. In the market of her felt a threat, and he stopped.

"What you дупа, очумела? surprised he asked the dog.

-You document seen, is beginning to be angry, asked Охромов, " do you have any fool know who matter have?

"I understand, guiltily отвнтил that, but without a document-you can't miss: the order of this. Suddenly you're thieves? They won, now at stuff manage.

-Do we look like on the thieves? You see for yourself! - outraged Охромов. - Would we be thieves, not in the same manner talked with you.

-To me, documents are needed. Skipping.

-A pass, you fool! - Охроов pale with indignation.

From our office...

-Yes you know what our office needs in the pass from your office?!

-Well, then let the paper from your Ministry...

You see, what competent watchman, we caught?! - he turned to the Жоре when looking in his eyes the support and approval.

Zhora only shook his head, thinking that the case begins to smell kerosene, and it is time to go for a gun.

"You ass, you know that we just did nothing doing? - Охромов waved in front of his nose guy forefinger, and he involuntarily, staggered backward. - And if something tackle something like this, secretly and quietly, to keep the state secret and not бспокоить people, to all state criminals, traitors and enemies were found and seized without much noise and dust.

Охромов pronounced every word abruptly, evil, and the guard involuntarily stepped back. George thought that command out well. Besides watchdog like mad and didn't want to allow their owners to the phone.

Young guards, apparently, in the end brought to handle confident attacks Охромова and the strange behavior of their dog, and they surrendered without any documents. I groped in my documents, they said the room loading area.

Zhora and Охромов came to the territory of container station.

-Where to go? "asked George.

-There - have shown them by the hand of the watchman.

Container stood uncomfortable, the doors to the adjacent containers. Жоре had to climb up on the crane, and run it, raise and expand a container. When he went down for the first time felt the butterflies in all States. Approaching the moment where he waited, and he feared the most. All those crimes which he had to take on a way to it, all the dangers that lay in wait for him on the road, couldn't hurt his nerves like a simple understanding of what it all behind, and now, at arm's length his dream, for which he, as in the maelstrom of head, rushed at all serious. When they opened the container, he almost choked from the only thoughts: "if everything I did was in vain that there have long been уженичего not?!"

But doubts it quickly dispelled. Due to open doors to sprinkle the manuscripts, books, folders.

-Well, finally, with a sigh of relief Zhora, slumped down on the damp, cold ground.

He reached in his pocket for the cigarettes and lit up.

"What then shall we do, my friend? he asked Охромова. - How to share become?

-I already told you: I need one little box. He is here, amidst all of this. He is not even a drawer, in fact, and this box.

"I understand you, " said George. - And you don't need anything?

"No, " nodded Охромов. - the rest of the stuff can take to themselves.

-Wow! What's going valuable box?! Diamonds, diamonds, or what?! Yes there may not be.

"Well you can't. But there is something more valuable... At least for me.

-What is it?

-When we find and see. Let's, for the work soon the dawn will begin. By the morning of the container should be closed, as was. They went for hard work. Soon near a container on the asphalt pad rose mountains of books and folders. Side to them perched heavy, though forged coffers of some documents.

-You can rent one of those?! laughing hippopotamus, kicking over the leg of one such box.

-No, thank you, stuck with them myself, " replied Охромов.

He was angry, sweating and tired. Sitting on a book pile, he wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked George:

"Look here, and here everything is or is something missing?

-How would I know? "he ejaculated. Anyway, before I have stolen this container, - there was all that had to be: the entire cache.

Охромов wearily looked at Jora, then at the boundless womb двадцатитонного safe and groaned as toothache.

-M-m-m, we tenth of not dismantled! And till the morning we should stop it all

-Tell me what you're looking for? "asked George.

Greg looked at him wearily, and care and, if not heard the question, he continued his thinking aloud:

-It is unlikely that she is here. Most likely he's already taken. Listen, Бегетов, you don't remember such black boxes with a strange pattern: the circle, and there is a five-pointed star, only she kinda flipped riding down, and around the star and her strange hieroglyphs, squiggly?

-I remember something like that, " agreed George, " I even thought profitable to sell this thing (it resembled a box), but only after could find out what сспособом it opens.

-So what? 't understand?

-Had not. Went to a wedding trip, and here and took me from under the noses of all. Honestly говорря, I thought it was some микросейф for the transport of diamonds, the more, something within cannon continued to play. Tried to split and failed. Not even found the gap between вернхней and bottom cover...

"I understand, " according to nodded Охромов. - Vain tried, poor fellow. This is really something like микросейфа, but not what you think. And open it can only initiate.

-What is this thing? surprised Zhora. - And чтоже such a precious lies inside?

-If you managed to open this black box with a star, you would be disappointed, very very disappointed. There is only thirty себебрянных coins, and copper ring, instead of a stone silver print with an ingenious узрчиком. You couldn't even sell these silver coins, because one of touching the uninitiated causes it to die. He begins галлопирующие hallucinations, and he dies of fright.

-What are these strange coins? "asked George.

-Yes, coins, coins, suddenly Охромов made a strange movement towards Жроы and frightening he added in a whisper. - Just bought Christ.

Zhora was stunned by a sudden идвижения and strange whisper Охромова.

-So what? - сапросил it a little later.

-Oh, nothing, " replied Охромов. - You, by the way, is not very easy, when I tried to split the box?

-No, not in time.

"Well done, " nodded Grisha. - You was not long for this world.

-And what?

-Oh, nothing, is a small, innocuous взрывчик, and you are not.

-A casket?

-That box? Casket will explode. Only harm she no. After the explosion it to be like chunks of coal, they must be only to gather in a certain place, and in some special circumstances... chick and she will again be unbroken-unharmed.

-What are you talking about nonsense, " said George.

-Okay, I warn you, " said he, rising. You'll find a box - to portray her in the American Embassy in the name of Mr. Ромоффа. This is a business card.

Охромов stretched Жоре card with Golden initials in Russian and English "А.Х. Ромофф".

-And where are you going? "asked George.

-In the evening I had a plane. To America. You need to prepare for.

Охромов withdrew. His form disappeared into the darkness. Zhora tucked the card in his pocket, and not knowing why, not even aware that makes, furiously began to dismantle "its waste paper" in search boxes.

By the morning of the container was empty, no boxes among the papers, folders, and books appeared. Zhora finally exhausted. He worked with such fervor never before in life. Download all back its forces he was not able, and therefore had to go, уговривать watchmen to after the change helped him cope with the work for a bribe.

The guard themselves refused to work, but found as if from under the ground got him three homeless people, who for three bottles of vodka agreed to cope with his misfortune.

Five in the evening the container closed. Zhora sent him home by filing in the office of invoices from the table Толстунина. Then he went to his hotel. The work has been done. You can go home. Again he was fabulously rich.

George went to his hotel, where she lived with Veronika Гладышевым, with the intention to take them out of there, having arranged a farewell to small gala dinner in a sign of good luck and fortune.

And Охромов, and his black box completely flew out of his head. Neither he nor she was needed, and the tone of the future again were made of grey and pink.

Chapter 24. (010). 010 -> 011 -> 09; 010 -> 09

Was a rare day when Veronica't want to sleep during the day. To him it seemed she already rather cooled and therefore, going into the room, just called him to walk.

-Go though Moscow's look, " she suggested lazy and bored eyes looking round the room in which the eye not for that was hooked except for that strange picture that Gladyshev himself drew and hung over the table to the side of the wide Windows of the loggia.

"Let us go, almost indifferent he agreed, shrugging his shoulders and began to dress, occasionally sighing heavily and grunting during зашнуровывания shoes.

-What вздыхаешь so hard, Gladyshev? - раздразженно asked Veronica. - You already tired of my company? Tell us now!

Her voice he caught dislike more than usual, and it led him to the final sadness. "How hard it is, however, communicate with someone who hates you", - he thought, but responded:

-No, - he added - just don't like when me so strongly recommanded.

-I that command you?! Her voice there was genuine surprise and indignation. - You that, Gladyshev?!

-Not командуешь, said he, bowing, " but we say... do You keep me on a short leash, you know? I like a dog you have. Gladyshev - in bed, so in bed, Gladyshev in a tavern - a tavern, Gladyshev walk, then walk. And I'm, you know, che lo century. I should have its own life, and if I, for example, don't want to see you, then you should not be together with me until I don't want..

"Ah, there you're as зваговорил - Veronika became pale, white as a sheet. She stood in the position in which you can usually follow most of swearing women, slightly widened her legs and подбоченилась, flashed a biting grimace, squinted and rushed in to attack. - Sleep with me lay - also on the team? Yes you Gladyshev, if you already started yourself with a dog compare, more expensive forlorn and hopeless tykes cannot be assessed. Don't make yourself a wolfhound. With you day and scared! Boys some vstretyatsya, глянут on your face, and it got brick asks!

-No wolfhound I can't korзa, offended Gladyshev.

-Do not interrupt me! I'm not done yet and don't give. Oh, you're a free man! Remember, Veronica took a step toward him, her whole form resembled angry cat. "Remember, you hear?! You'll be a free man when you do your life! And while the money is to you I give, or hippopotamus! Is it clear?! And so you must do what he bids you, or I!

She approached him one step. Gladyshev involuntarily stepped back. He had never seen her like an enraged and furious, and so unwittingly scared and afraid.

-But you treat me like I'm your property, your toy! he tried to defend himself. - So even the most bad parents do not allow themselves to behave towards their children.

-But what are you saying?! - передразнила his Veronica. - really? A little, then you saw the boy, then talking. You actually realizes his words?

-I, - he retreated to the wall and stared at her back.

"No, " she shook her long finger with a sickly bright red fingernail Veronika in front of his face. - You don't understand! Because you bought Gladyshev, purchased! Behemoth bought you and gave me that I was not bored...

-He does not know what we are doing! - shouted Gladyshev, and in the same moment Veronica, just Panther напрыгнула at him, pressed to the wall, grabbed his face from below the chin, plunging the bright-red nails into the skin on the cheeks and chin, and hissed, exactly snake:

"Listen you moron life, a fragment of happiness, not for you to judge! Look, what a bastard! "...we are doing" means? Maybe you're with me? - Let formulated as follows: are you with me are you doing! Used my friendly disposition, absence of the husband - don't do all seducers? Huh?!

Палльцы Veronica slightly tightened and the skin under her fingernails turned pale.

-Now imagine that he learns about it! Pray to God, so it never happened! - she even stronger nails raked in cheek Gladysheva, and from under them glistening drops of blood.

Veronica let go Gladysheva. He went limp. She moved to егоо beds, and полоснула it with a predatory gaze.

-Well, now we'll see how it behaves in bed offended and scratched...

She threw the clothes on the floor and walked over to him снгова, took his зазапястье hands and pulled himself across the room. He reluctantly obeyed, even though at this point he wanted to hit her, hit and beat, beat, beat, until discharged rage, комкающая his soul, переворачивающая its like a cement mixer. However, he feared it even now, and couldn't step over the barrier of this fear is so to say aloud: "Bitch!"

This word you could hear in his head, depriving him of the ability to think, and if he could get her lips, her throat to pronounce that word the way he wanted to, with feeling, with the sharp anger, from which the soul would feel better. If he could get it! He could not only so, but he couldn't, he not only knew how to do, but also why it is necessary.

Veronica forced him to undress. As a protest, which could not resolve in action, Gladyshev began to slow, barely fingering, undoing the buttons.

-Faster! - shouted at him Veronica, which annoyed his slowness. - I ska-per-La: faster!!!

He wanted to answer something very annoying and unpleasant, but it has lost the ability to think, because his soul filled the whole two strange combined with feelings of fear and powerless rage.

-Faster! - Veronika made hand lightning movement, aimed a blow and, spreading its fingers like cat claws, полоснула from the top down.

Затрещала straining the fabric of the shirt.

-Take it off! "Veronica gloomily, unfastening his his pants. "I've always disliked!

This was too much. However, the indignation of his splashed out entirely in the wrong direction. Veronica behaved like a very skilful mistress. The energy of his anger, she sent in a different direction, оплела hands, carried away for a while falling on the bed, and in a moment he, excited and boiling passion, was in her power.

Then they have a long lay in bed, subdued Gladyshev together with a sense of dull resentment had experienced a sharp extraordinary satisfaction. Occasionally he turned the head to lying next to him is a young woman, eyes tracing her lovely neck, lips, eyes, которыыми it was impossible not to admire, and then, feeling the confusion and fear of her vague entity, which was concealed, exactly animal in a hole, beneath all of this charming appearance, thought to myself: "a Witch. Why, she's a witch."

For the first time he'd been so close with the woman, and as it turned out suddenly, felt it even more than all those complexes, which he had experienced at the time of his independent of loneliness. Only now it was not an external constraint. It moved inside him, now controlling all the promptings of his soul. Now without looking at the woman, he dared not, it would seem, even to think of something before he could meditate for hours on end. Her presence prevented him escape from external and focus навнутреннем the world, in his soul. When she wasn't there, nothing but anxiety, confusion and anxiety, he had not felt, and his неуспокоенная soul prevent him from practicing their favorite stuff. Are these his previous lessons, now and really seemed worthless and stupid thing that he killed so many of your precious time of their youth. His literary and pictorial attempts seemed to have something like blowing bubbles: their inflating, inflating, and they all burst and burst. Castles in the air - that's all, what could he create himself in this life. Now it seemed to him that it would be better, perhaps, was to spend a whole lot of time, which he spent at the table and easel closer and extensive communication with female gender. At least, it was a real life where nothing had to be thought of, in which all experiences, adventure and danger were real and influenced his own destiny, and not on the fate of his fictional, paper heroes. Endanger their life was easy and comfortable. Sit in the warmth of the apartment and invent, as they жрогнут night in the rain, die of horror and fear. So you can допридумываться the devil knows what! What prevents him to cut their heroes live at the pieces, and then resurrect, revive again, and again cut? Him-then it won't be nothing and nothing was ever made. Something really he превносил in their жизгь of his life, but it was so ridiculous and funny misere! And all the rest? Solid fiction and lies! No, I must admit, bitterly, that he was running all this time from real life, spending it on nobody's handwriting. Is it possible in this age to write something serious?!

He suddenly interrupted his thoughts and did навпопад asked lying peacefully side by side Veronica:

-It is interesting that feels husband, suddenly aware that he cuckold? You don't know?

She looked up at him slowly, as if tired, contempt turning the head towards him, and then, but made no answer, turned to the wall the whole body, putting him on the show naked narrow back, most mysteriously turning into a wide hips.

It was charming, that it was impossible to look away, and Gladyshev hardly continued:

-I think that first of all, it comes in such a frenzy that can sweep away everything in its path.

"You first, " said Veronica.

-Why should I? - Gladyshev pretended to be surprised. - I generally say, not translating, so to speak, in a specific person.

-Don't play dumb, Gladyshev! suddenly she turned sharply, jerk threw the blanket on the floor was before their feet. - Get up! Lying here, stand up, say!!!

Already calmed down traces of nails on the cheeks and chin again hurt from this exclamation, so that he involuntarily obeyed, almost fell down headlong from the bed.

"Get dressed! Go for a walk, - Veronica pulled from the bed to the floor, his pants down, buckle in the back like a cat and a high raised his pelvis.

He again help admiring her figure, her movements. Watching her was just as if he was only a meter away from the graceful and deadly tigress. Maybe somewhere in her soul she was not only despised them, but hated him in General, but Gladyshev былл powerless against her graceful female nature, that attracted him to her, and, if no hands, eyes he did not cease to лабзать her body.

"A cat! Wild cat!" 'he thought to himself.

Veronica threw his trousers and asked:

"What you got up in his tracks? Hurry up!

-But I have no shirt! You broke!

-Put on a sweater.

-How? On a naked body?! He scratchy!

"Nothing, suffer! Buy I'll shirt in the nearest store. Фирмовую, of course, not to promise and not'm going to buy, but you would do.

She went out of the hotel. Moving away from the entrance to the car, standing at the Parking site, Gladyshev lifted his head up, looking at shining in the rays of the sun machinery building, frowned and smiled as the boy.

"What?" asked, going up to him, Veronica. She got up close and looked up.

-I? Nothing. So simply. The mood is good.

-Excuse me, Gladyshev, that you and I nails scratched - they went to the prospectus. - Something came over me that... Well, you know how crappy mood, and here you are under the arm itself. That's all it was.

-All right, - he waved his hand, or rejecting, or accepting her apology. sometimes it happens only my face. Come Hippo, увидиит my face. What then?

-Well, I didn't want to! - she ran forward, blocking his way.

-However, the fact that in the face! Okay. Hopefully they will cost.

She apparently liked that Gladyshev plays up to her. This is, probably, feel it's a big solidarity. After all lovers доолжны be solidary. In solidarity against all the others, and, primarily, against обманываемого husband. It is noticeably more cheerful, and even began to bounce on the go, from pleasure, Kaak little girl.

Having caught the fact that the relationship between them теплеют, he also became the поприветливее her and even dared to joke:

-What are you распрыгалась like a little?

Veronica smiled even wider and manifested:

"I was a little girl, and sat on the couch. Sofa diamond one - let's мнне rubles".

She broke into laughter, and smote Gladysheva up to depth of soul so fast, rapid and abrupt change in her. he wanted to tell her the good words that could come to him in the head, do something nice for her, even give flowers. He felt a surge of poetic mood, which filled him with a warm, hot air balloon, squaring his ruffled thoroughly for it is a bad time body, pouring a member of some of bustling with life force, which would seem to never come back to him. He certainly wanted to sing, to declare his poems and fly. He wanted to soar above the earth, and was very sorry that you cannot do this actually.

"Where are we now? he asked Veronica.

-Probably, in the centre. I want to take a walk along the red square, walk to the Kremlin. I like there. Then we'll see. Besides, I promised you buy a shirt.

-Well, then we have to metro, he took her hand and felt that she likes it. - Ran for the bus.

-May be, on foot? - stubborn girl.

-No, it's too long. We will be there to do when it gets dark? Ran! Here is a bus!

She gave in to him, and after a couple of minutes later, they were walking down экскалатору.

"Square Ногина!" - as always, clearly, impartially, once formally announced the speaker the speakers in the car. They went out, and soon lined with iron heels shoes Veronica цокали and tapped on the pavement of the pavement of red square.

-Great! Veronica stopped and sighed deeply, full Breasts cool air. - Not a forest, of course, but...

Гладышеву Moscow seemed tonight extraordinarily beautiful. He admired the Kremlin, the domes of the nearby churches and cathedrals. All around was миловзору and never wanted this day to pass.

They proceeded Central part of Moscow and down, as she had promised, Vernik bought him in one of the shops shirt, the way I liked it. In General, something happened, happened for a change, and the mood for the rest of the day she was wonderful

In the evening they were on the Old Arbat, where as has always been crowded. Burned pink lights, illuminating everything around unusual, ghostly some light that made the surroundings as if эфимерным, fabulous, ready to dissolve suddenly in a pink smoke пробуждаемого sleep at any moment. Under these lights going off line and теряющимися in a distant haze infinite continuation of the street, толклась разношертсная idle audience on both sides of the street, and sometimes right in the middle, sat artists with their paintings, some artisans with all kinds of dolls and other crafts arts. Some guys in some places traded military ammunition, form and attributes. Then, there were people, some show some theatrical performances, other declared poems, others read some works. Everywhere heard the rattling of coins and the rustling of paper money, falling in the sprawling on the pavement hats. Everybody threw acting as he could and as he wanted. Nobody asked and not begging. No one refused. There reigned an atmosphere of a quiet everyday holiday, which could plunge any of the bustle of the city and фешенебельности New Arbat and hit here in самоорганизовавшийся daily carnival, who was the Director, there was no script, no critics, and only the panelists and the audience, giving and taking. Direct consumption culture without any intermediaries, is not permitted, but until запрещаемое.

Everything was mixed up, перетасовано with each other, as the cards in the deck and tightly Packed. Each square meter of the Old Arbat was boiling some of his life, bore some their meaning. All the action of the street was tightly Packed выстыпающими, hawkers and the public, nothing not wasted in vain.

After a couple of steps it was impossible to predict what will look, who will be there, a singer with a guitar, leaning to the wall before the put on the ground with a frown, sitting behind the crates, which arranged the whole army of dolls and wooden articles, unhappy, tired for a day seller. There were also some people with wads of leaflets, collected around of itself crowds of people. Here and there flashed миллиционеры with clubs and even guns. They whistled in their whistles, someone fished, someone made, somebody led by the arms, in General, made in this jubilee, confusion and turmoil some variety and the spirit presence of the order, as if inviting that the government does not sleep, no matter what. All was monotonous, dull noise, in which it was difficult to catch some distant sound and you can hear only one who was near.

It was an unusual, surprising and at its cozy. Hence not want to leave, despite the tiredness.

Mouth Agape from the desire of all immediately see Veronica desperately twisted his head to the right and to the left. It ввнимание attracted huge dolls, some pictures, the poet reading ditties about the Collegium the rang out suddenly very close foreign speech and some Japanese телеаппаратурой exonerating all of this boiling bunch of people.

Courageous Armenians that had a lot of the middle of the street impromptu photo studios with vintage cars, motorcycles, huge bottles of champagne and incredible size плющевым слоно and camel, enticed, literally pulled them to himself through the partition of the chain, took some pictures, got quite a tidy sum of money and, smiling broadly, promised a week to send excellent color photographs, almost forgetting, however, to write their address.

Blinded by his dedicated flash units, Veronica long was then, rubbing his eyes with his fists, and, in the end, stated that, apparently, аррмян their inflated. From this assumption they're both fun to laugh and laughed for a long time. Gladyshev thought it very much laughter and fun for the day - usually, it's not good. What alarming feeling about a minute later, in his heart, but he shook it, broke with anxiety, not to interfere with the fun to ourselves, nor his companion. He liked that Veronica such a good mood. Lately it rarely able to see this happy, and after the arrival in Moscow, such was never, so he caught every glance, every smile, trying to have sunk down in his heart, deeply.

It seemed to him that she still loves him, but it was necessary to remember about the Hippo, a strange boy that once, on the day of birth of Hippo, her future husband, she appeared in the restaurant as it is a magical feeling of happiness in knowing that you love pretty woman, a little потухало, moreover, this consciousness became some ghostly, misleading, incorrect. Even the fact that it divides the love between her and her husband, prevented turn this consciousness to the size, which give wings, and it was felt that it is still something that этокакой surrogate the pure and passionate love he deserved in his poetry and dreams.

"Apparently, the meaning of life is that man will never be able to achieve what you want, something always interferes with the child's mother. And hardly there is at least one nor million, which was given to experience the love, hope that sunk from early youth in his soul. The older a person becomes, the more it sucks abyss of depravity, the неразборчивее and алчнее he becomes in relations with others, whether women, men, and the нечистоплотнее themselves become these relations," mused to himself, Gladyshev, watching forgotten in happiness and fun Veronica.

When they returned to the hotel, it погрустнела, became serious, apparently, something thought for a moment. Gladyshev watched the flashing lights in the darkness outside the window of the train station.

-Back to that, " she sighed Veronica.

-We are going home, " he replied.

-No, you know where I feel like home in our city, my mother wanted to, and so that no one was to make it all is still, as of old, " she was silent for a moment. - I remember that I already married, so sick becomes... the Horror! As I did so early opportunity to get married?!

Veronica paused in thought for a moment and the next moment was distracted reading the leaflets, glued on the wall of the car.

-What do you think of нуддистам? - she asked, gesturing Гладышеву leaflet.

He looked at the text and read the first few lines of: "Society нуддизма "Dolphin and mermaid" invite everybody to сттать its members. We invite you on a weekly basis in бассен "Moscow" on Fridays and Saturdays. Нуддизм is the image of purity of thought while contemplating Nudes, what is given to man by nature. To hide the nature of the clothing is bigotry and blasphemy...", shrugged his shoulders, and for a few minutes thinking:

-As I am? On the one hand it is, of course, interesting, " he vividly imagined the picture, where wander around, as if nothing had happened, a couple of dozen naked women, naturally, slim and beautiful, because толстухи and ugly ones will hardly dare to come among other naked, though... And another man, even if I don't pay attention to them, try not to pay, you still involuntarily, подсознательноначинаешьсравнивать yourself with others, and, perhaps, the comparison is in some cases not in their favor. As a blow to the ego. Of course, the shape can be seen from the beach, among ordinary people, but loins, all the same, there are covered. And here attention will focus on their study. - Although, on the other hand, there are some "but", and, you know, quite a few of them. Maybe even more than it seems at first glance and is enough to ban it. Although I personally do not mind to go there for the sake of curiosity again, other, but not more.

-But why? "said Veronica. - It is great to see around naked, not ashamed of their nakedness people, and the showing her body...

-If it is beautiful, - Gladyshev and held up a finger. - Not all have a good figure and the young, and even deteriorate with age it most.

-So what? Let then gather there are young, beautiful, sports people. It will be their way of life, and they will try to keep fit, despite years.

-Well, I agree. And libido, libido?

-What sexual attraction? has not understood his Veronica.

-It may fail to get out of balance, develop or irrepressible passion or fade to complete indifference to the opposite sex.

-I think it is not so at all. I, on the contrary, it should уравновесиься, become more smooth and regular. When you see that all women are arranged, in principle, equally, I involuntarily begin to appreciate the one that near you?..

-Really? - Gladyshev involuntarily smiled. - I think you are very much mistaken. Of course, I'm a small connoisseur of women, but trust me, that my male чутьеподсказывает completely opposite. When all around you is not one peach, and a whole sea, you want to take a bite from each little bit, isn't it? Besides, what is between his legs, is of ancient origin, and its direct contemplation in a large number of nature makes good just unrestrained and insatiable! I can only assume that the bunch, of course, no precedents may not happen, but that's what passions arise later, when all dressed in normal clothes, becoming normal, so to speak, people will go to your homes, I can not imagine...

-And still, I think it is great! It will be necessary to return home, be sure to throw this idea Behemoth! I think she like me. He likes обнажженные woman, because he is a womanizer.

-You see! reproached her Gladyshev.

-What seest thou?

-You хчешь in achieving this goal play on his lower instincts. - Means and goal itself remains unchanged.

"Perhaps, " she agreed. "But we're not angels. I want to have in the city was such a club. This is progress!

-Progress, " nodded the Gladyshev head - only here in what direction?! After all, if we follow in his footsteps further, it can be assumed that in ten years, when нуддизм will become as natural as is now staying on the beach in bathing suits and swimming trunks, more progressive people will create a movement for sexual intercourse on the streets. The same because of course!

People in agony were few, but their conversation attracted attention, and already almost all of who rode with them, give them a look. Noticing this, Veronica pushed Gladysheva in the side with his elbow and, dropping her eyes, thick red.

-That you are pushed you? he said, outraged.

-The quieter you are, we all look, " she whispered, and Veronica.

When they went out, the посмротрев each other, not saying a word, laughed.

"You know, " said Veronica, I with you today was pretty cool. I feel good so long ago.

He looked into her sparkling eyes and agreed:

-Me too.

She was still a little in silence and asked:

-What is your name, Gladyshev? Dima? You can, I'll ббуду now so call?

He shook his head and smiled.

Chapter 25. (011).

George rolled up on "Mercedes" to the entrance of the most elegant hotels, gave встретившему his porter car keys and, having tipped, asked to Park his car at the Parking lot.

Glancing slightly rounded in surprise, which was unable to hide, eyes big bill caught in his hands, silver-haired портьенизко bowed his head and said: "Thank you!"

George went on straight to reception and asked for the keys to the rooms Veronica. He's in the morning was good mood. It seems, everything started to take shape for him better than you might expect. He had long ago hung Veronica, and now went to see her with a mixture of coercion and awkwardness. Even to himself he could never admit that he could do without more visits a week or two, perhaps, till the end of all Affairs, but still forced myself to go to her today, not only because it today was "free" day, but because pause in their relationship several stran. Feelings of guilt towards his wife still not сгладилось in his soul, and therefore he felt sharper, as натагиваются strings of their relations, and further delay could lead to a scandal.

Now, you enter the lobby of the hotel, he began to tune in to a meeting with the beloved little wife, fumbling in the dark depths of his soul the desire to see her and enjoy her presence, however, was able to scrape together only last remnants, which might be sufficient to warm smile and a kiss, so passionless and cool.

Администраторша began to dig in their records, then asked the name of Veronica and, finally, скзала that worked on Jora, as a cold shower:

-You know, in this room for a few days already live foreigners. Young agreed to move in the room spouse.

-What young? - Zhora felt, as he felt his cheeks, but he remembered that he settled them here, as newlyweds. - And how they fit together in a single room? You put up there the second bed?

He also wanted to add that it is inappropriate to: settle a man and a woman in one room, but noticed that they "husband" and "wife" with its own submission.

He asked the woman smiled meaningfully and coquettishly whole body leaning forward, Breasts hung over the bar and asked in turn discouraged him completely:

-Why do the newlyweds another bed? They are quite enough and the полутокри what is there. Isn't it so?

George felt that he now becomes ill. Piercing, like lightning, guess flash flashed in his head.

-You want to say that they sleep together? slowly, with great effort, " the word, " he said.

-And what is there in this? - even more Flirty asked администраторша. - Or do you think that young sleeping on the floor?

George turned pale, then densely red in the face, became crimson, as if now burst of frenzied rush of blood to the head. Хихикающая, all whirling before him a woman suddenly calmed down, if something guessing, staggered backward and sat down in his chair.

-No, I think that the "young" not sleeping on the floor, finally could say Zhora.

-You her brother related to my mom? gently, subtly asked the woman, as if getting in the water and gently feeling the Ford and fearing ступнуть into the maelstrom.

-Yes, brother, with difficulty agreed Zhora, feeling that he was barely able to restrain myself. - Please, give me the key to their rooms.

Woman округлила eyes in surprise, then slid his foot on the table and moved away, deep into the fenced off space.

"Sorry, " she shook her head, " sorry, Mr. dear comrade, but I will not do it.

-Why, - Zhora instinctively reached for it across the counter.

-Yes, because. We highest level! Do you want to make me work fired?! Sorry. No key you're not going! Yes if the slightest complaint from customers received!

-Will not go, - Zhora stretched out his hand and made a calming gesture. - You know that I am here селил.тем more that I am the brother of the wife.

He nearly stumbled, saying the last words, and thought that he would probably shell out.

-Well, and what you would, what you brother's wife?! And maybe you do not want to see?! Everything happens. They come, and here one time, and you have them in the room! And what then? Scandal?!

"Quiet, quiet! "he Zhora. He took out his wallet and put a few notes on the reception. -Any scandal, I assure you.

Noticing manipulation respectably dressed "brother" and money in reception, администраторша came rushing back, removed from the eyes of money and immediately handed him the keys to the rooms.

-Just look! No nonsense! "she warned last.

"I promise, " he put his hand to his heart. Isn't that obvious to me that I am a very serious person?

-Actually, to be seen соглсилась woman again заулыбавшись.

-I have to you will have one more request, - said George, putting on the rack several banknotes. - Do not say, when they come to the young, that I have them in the room. The fact is, that I now no waiting, apparently, and let the fact that I was, for them would be a surprise. Well?

-Well! - agreed администраторша, cleaning and money. - But they ask of me the room key.

-Tell, that there are cleaned.

"So late?! "inquired the woman.

"Oh, no, of course not. Then do so, call me in the room waiter from the restaurant. Champagne, three crystal glass, fruits and light lunch. Tell me a good tip! On the way back he'll give you the key. I think that you and the waiter're quick, and they did not have time to go back... by the Way, when do they usually come?

Администраторша jammed, shrugged:

You know, I actually, no one else so specially't follow it, but it seems to me that it is quite late.

-Well, that's good, just have time to prepare, " agreed George.

-Do you have that anniversary today? cautiously asked the woman, apparently understanding that the question of its бестактен, but not having the ability to keep from devouring her curiosity.

"Yes, " nodded Zhora. - Can you say so.

"What?.. If not a secret, of course.

-What. It is not a secret. Wedding day.

-Wedding? ...

He left alone and bewildered администраторшу and headed to the Elevator.

"Well, as it occurred to me once wedding, so the wedding. Иакая quiet, small wedding. Very small and very quiet. With the burst of pistol shooting... What am I with them, creatures, to do?" - thought to myself, Behemoth, climbing up on the ninth floor. He wanted everything to happen as soon as possible, and it seemed that time feels like rubber, and the Elevator slowed to a crawl.

He walked into the room, went over to the window, drew the deaf blackout curtains and turned on the light.

Room unfolded in a bad way. No one has to possess a special gift to immediately say that, there lived a man unassembled, sleazy, not the usual procedure. That was Gladyshev. All that was found in the room was thrown in disarray, there were jumbled. However, in the eyes Zhora immediately rushed измятая, scattered, flipped upside-down bed. A blanket was thrown near, on the floor, clumped and потоптанное.

Feeling nervous tremors throughout the body, George approached the bed, leaned over and sat on its edge, and passed his hand over простыням. They were wet, just where he had feared. He felt his breath, as засвербило somewhere in the groin, and which drew in the stomach.

He still hoped until the last moment, that all not so is terrible, that there is some mistake, that maybe Veronica strongly потратилась it had not had the money to pay for your one-room Suite, and she went away to Гладышеву. But they somehow разгородились here, found a way to co-exist, not касась each other.

Now, however, the depth of his delusion appeared with all its appalling bottomless clarity. Still linger in his heart grains быстроулетучивающейся hope forced him to drop to bed-clothes and smell it. He wanted from the wet spots smelled something different, not only prostate gland, but he recognised the peculiar smell.

Скомкав the sheet and held it to his chest, he began to roll on the floor, just having descended from the mind, whining and howling like a wounded wolf. He really was wounded. In the heart of пришолся this sneaky and sudden blow.

Suddenly George hesitated and stopped. He tried to pull himself together, but it turned out he had very bad.

As if to prove himself, that all not so is that his sense of smell is cheating on him, deceiving him, he leaned to his lips wet stain on the sheet, and touched his tongue and, пососав this place soon felt a mouth weak проивкус, reminiscent of raw egg whites.

The sense of smell has not changed him, he only wanted.

Dropping the sheet from her hands, while he sat with a stupid, meaningless expression on his face, staring stupidly at one point in space, then found the strength to get up and sat on the bed.

What I had not expected, usually not fit in my head. And now he has tried to present itself when and how it started, and how long ago continues. We would hope that this happened only once, and purely by chance, but Zhora immediately caught myself thinking that tries to at least introduce yourself in the confusion that now was like, let small, but consolation.

But he didn't want to comfort him, didn't want to regret, because there are people weak and helpless, not having the courage to look in eyes to the truth, which is always unlike forest lies, disgusting, if it somehow relates to people.

Even about his past many people inward shudder, and therefore they are all sorts of illusions appease impartial and finicky memory, or simply stun her with something like alcohol or something stronger.

Zhora painfully biting his finger to come down, but it did not help. Think about anything, there was no opportunity. In my head swirled only the thoughts of his wife's infidelity. Yes, with whom? With those who, as he very often it seemed there was not only a male habit and attraction to the opposite sex, but even men's bodies, who seemed to him боязливее and смирнее lamb and safer ant underfoot.

Now it is painfully painted in the imagination of their sex scenes, and it worked very poorly, or not go at all, and Жоре eagerness to see them. And then get to do IT all on his eyes. What he could not imagine them together, it was even more painful that he knew that they both were.

Zhora not find a place. Time passed mockingly slowly, as if testing his patience and подзуживая, подхлестывая insulted his dignity, not knowing measures its оплеванности and you want to quickly find out how deep it is in deep shit. Any semblance of thoughts left him, leaving him alone with viscous, excruciating pain in the chest, where the heart is. This pain stung glasses and his soul, and every second of this expectation was filled with suffering, tolerate that just barely have enough forces.

He wanted to destroy everything, to break those stupid sheets, break the bed and chairs, dissolve the Pooh or wool - what it was in the thick mattress, break, in the end, the glass of the window and throw out everything that was here, in this room, down from the ninth floor. And so he wanted to do it, but it сдерживлся unknown from what reasons. Maybe because he didn't want a scandal, which would have granted the things that he so carefully disguised, though gusts riot most difficult to the logic of the mind and its far-reaching plans, on the contrary, these plans often are breaking the ruthless attacks of anger, рвущими all logical chain and smashing everything fragile, speculative construction, but coming across their path, may be because of not wanting to appear before the personnel of the hotel, the people who should be aware of all the collisions relationship guests as possible and in a bad way, disgraced and humiliated, and thereby lose their face ridicule ruthless crowd, which would hardly ever breaks out at least a spark of compassion, this bunch of fellows, stirring somewhere down there in the everyday swamp, looking заискивающим, лизоблюдствующим look at anyone who has power, money and position to dispose of them, or потокать, be indulgent to him, or on the contrary: trample and drive them as deem fit, but ready at the same time, trample, take away bit by bit, use their sharp teeth and not leave in the next second anything from yesterday's their idol, today fallen into their puddle, but may be due to a deeper struggle of feelings, emotions and common sense, творящейся in these minutes it and inaccessible to any, even a very fastidious and skillful, the subtlest penetration in his густоверть, ежемгновенно выплескивающую a thousand contradictory, microscopic, взаимоуничтожающихся and developing with each other in more distinct and strong motives.

Zhora fumbled in his pocket for a pack of cigarettes, took out a match and lit a cigarette. If wanting to hurt sheet avenge her, as if she was guilty, he put a burning match to her and tried to set fire to. White cloth immediately smoked, had turned black, a black spot became rapidly unravel, before the flames. But George foot, and satin had subsided only выжженое spot, leaky in the center, left.

George stood up. His eyes caught a big and beautiful выключательна wall. A rage made him with Wei force лупануть on it with his fist. Pieces, fragments of bright plastic with a crash emitted in all directions.

Zhora caught myself thinking that loses control and forced calm, cool of the awakening in him the beast. He went to the loggia, облокатился on the balcony railing and took a deep breath together with cigarette smoke breath of fresh air, suddenly discovering that it is very nice. However, the opening of this brought a sense of luscious bitterness, which immediately changed to a gust of hopeless despair and ощещением meaninglessness of all his deeds and all the events that occurred and are occurring with him now, his whole life in General.

"What's the difference what she actually asleep?" thought Zhora and tried to calm down, comforted by that thought. He recalled that he had many women. But here in his thoughts again crept awareness, he changed the женва, and not some girl. It was something. This meant that it not only does not love, but even do not respect, not fear that his dignity, to his honor just spit and even, perhaps, so maliciously trying to humiliate him. He thought maliciously. This word again brought his balance, made всбеситься and powerless, иступленной rage crushed in his hand a burning cigarette, without feeling any pain. Another pain, sticky and slow, like resin, iron Hoop covered, squeezed his heart, засвербила in the stomach, twisting his insides, forced blood boil and pour in the head.

George felt his became hot, stuffy as flamed his nalivshiesya crimson пунцом cheeks like a lump stuck in the throat, making it difficult to breathe. It seemed to him that someone or something is choking him. Of course, it was a starched, stiff collar white shirt and stupid strict tie - signs of good taste and high etiquette, in which he tried to put every evening.

It looked now funny and stupid. He imagined every evening, walking in a simple, elegant suit, pretending to be an aristocrat and a representative of the estate of something haves and which may, but this time his wife falls somewhere in a hotel room on the other end of this idiot of a huge city in bed with some renegade and a loser and given him, regardless of any decency, marital duty and, in General, whatever it more.

"Lord, should it be something Holy! pleaded George, I caught myself thinking that refers to what was always confusion myth to influence the suckers. This detracted him, put on his knees, and George even shook his head to get rid of the religious attack, which began to take possession of his thoughts suddenly. - No, there is no God! This clearly. I know there is no God..."

He tried to recall or re-found any evidence to prove his beliefs, but his efforts were fruitless. He only discovered that it appears to be more obvious and clear, колгда do not think about it specifically. "In вяком case, we are taught, " he decided at last, - and because I know it quite sure... why do I, in fact, about God. What God here?! I changed the wife and I have brains some empty thoughts. This top of the stupidity of what only you can imagine! God, God! What the heck! This creature humiliated me, расстоптала my dignity, and mingled it with dirt! This cat Horny cat!.. Creature!.. Дорвалась to the garbage can and eats with her, хлебает like a pig!!!"

It hard and rough swore at his wife, feeling together with the energy splashed out on her heart mud comes ккое black relief, satisfied future revenge dressing, which he had satisfied. He will find a good, original way to take revenge on her. Revenge it will be terrible! And yet... he unfinished bastard who dared to tempt camping or seduce - it is not important - his wife,mixed with mud, the mud from which he came out, he will make his life hell, but before the show this хлюпику and блудливому трусишке, should do and are true men, who never sleeps with the wives of their comrades, using with all cowardly meanness of their absence!

Before George came a knock on the door. Apparently knocked for a long time, because now just who drummed or foot. He went into the hall, opened the door.

On the threshold stood a waiter from the restaurant with a tray - Zhora had quite forgotten that he asked to send him to his room администраторшу.

-Champagne glasses and a light dinner, as you ordered, " said the waiter.

-Well, put it on the table in the room. The waiter walked in the room and, having put a bottle, wine glasses and a plate of sandwiches on the glass surface, a small table, with interest and curiosity glanced furtively chaos surrounding them. His eyes slipping away from George and a little confused. But he immediately found and to prevent excessive любопытствоприслуги, said:

And yet, please, candles, flowers, chocolates and cognac "Napoleon", the most expensive and the best. Not взддумайте shove me any shit! You clearly!

"One moment, it will be done! "replied the waiter, drooping in the кивке head.

"And be quick.

George shoved in a small pocket of lapel of his white suit a few notes at the tip and already after him, looking out into the corridor and shouted:

-Yes, and cigarettes! Good cigarettes!

When the waiter returned he was not let him in the room and took it all ordered right on the doorstep, throwing for the service with a large bill. Which mechanically rolled into a ball. Then he put the candlestick in the middle of the table, next to put in water with roses, carefully placed the other devices so that the table had a festive, elegant look, took several steps, admired his work, then come back to it again, extinguished the light in the room and looked, how it will look in the dark. It turned out pretty cute, but Zhora still something straightened, then looked at everything from the outside.

He suddenly found that it woke up artist. It was nice to know. Moreover, it was impossible not to notice that all out pretty cute, and maybe it would be worth to come to grips with this, but George thought that he made it to small and hardly could take place in his life is more serious than a hobby.

But he wanted now to somebody admired his work to anyone did compliment him, wringing her hands, said that his obvious talent. However, he recollected himself, and with the pain and realized that this would be a nobody, because this table covered with such care is not waiting for love goodbye or coming at least pretty and desirable friend whose opinion, rose, sweet aura for the soul, and to much different from this. It should serve as a decoration of the stage, the scenery, beautiful and bright in that ominous spectacle of revenge, who now, as only come to those who absolutely does not expect to see him here, played out in this room on the ninth floor of the hotel, which will become an arena for the release of his eerie black passion, his thirst to get over, get even with those two, who have dared to trample his personal dignity, defile his family hearth, Yes just надсмеятьсянад him over all that he does, for the sake of what came here and now runs the risk of not less more and own life. And here it is: In thee!", for all the efforts he had to achieve wealth and position your family, for those dangers that now he was putting his life, all of it paid him in full and grateful.

Wife, who only a month ago, pronouncing the words of the oath of fidelity to her husband during the painting in the registry Office, barely ended honeymoon, already betrayed him with a poor poet, who, besides, so far as he knew, before the spirit could not bear.

He dreams flew into a rage. He wanted to disperse the room, this decorated solemnly and festively buffet, and already now begin to act. He longed to bring to bear, in the case Tu twisted, взвинченную to failure spring of rage, which was supposed to trigger all the fists smash his great wrongs. He was barely enough strength to hold back. He jumped onto a balcony and lit a waiter brought "Havana". Glancing down, loggia was just to the side of the door, he noticed at the bottom of going to the entrance of the couple and thought, easily recognizing the girl Veronica: "Here they are, doves! Finally, I waited for!"

The thought that minute retribution close, he experienced the sweet feelings, threw down недокуренную cigar, walked into the room, turned off the light and lit candles.

"Come, come quickly!" - with a bloodthirsty pleasure said George, rubbing his hands.

Then he remembered that he forgot to return the administrator of the hotel room key.

Chapter 26. (09). 010 -> 09

"You did that, that you love one person, and going to bed completely different and even doing a very big way, although he whom you love is very near? And you come back from the unloved person and love again, to which not even dare to approach. Feeling overwhelmed with the desire you again, you again doing a long way to sleep with the unloved person and to give him my longing and passion. And all of that, that thou shouldest be afraid just подойт to the beloved and to tell him all over. Happened with you?

Gladyshev shook his head and looked estranged on Veronika, marching near.

-As happened with me, " she chanted, almost mysteriously.

I don't know, I think you're capable of and buggy, " said Gladyshev

"Really?! - with joyful readiness said Veronica and her brow spiked naive and funny.

He only nodded his head, making a significant grimace. Veronica thick smiled.

-Oh, look, a Gypsy! - she jumped pointed forward finger. - Look, why is she here?! the time is already past. Let us go to it. let it погадает.

-I don't like Tsyganok, - shook his head Gladyshev. - I do not.

-Well and good. You will think! Myself coming, Veronica took his hand and ran to the Gypsy. - Listen, tell your fortune me?

-Позолоти, sweetheart, a pen - the whole truth tell readily returned the other, taking in their hands dirty, dark, as it seemed from outside Гладышеву, her white thin with long, graceful fingers the knob. - What was, what is, what will be is all you say, my dear.

Veronica pulled from his pocket purse with money. Gladyshev stepped aside, and then he stepped closer: Gypsy толклась on-lit place of закрывавшихся stalls. One could only guess and wonder who and why she waited here at this late hour. Really hoping for a client on the outskirts of Мосвкы, and even at such a time.

Veronica, maybe go? he asked the girl.

-Oh, wait you! - she waved her.

"Listen, dear, " came to him and Gypsy. - Let beauty fate learn. I don't take expensive. Do not bother me. Do you want to hear, " stop and listen. Don't want to step back, wait on the sidelines.

Gladyshev said nothing, pursed his lips and bit them to acute pain.

I'll also then fortune, - as if to reassure him, added Gypsy and looked down at the palm of Veronica.

"Now will make a fool, thought to himself bitterly Gladyshev, but then figured that, in General, there's nothing wrong with that. - All right, stand, I will listen".

He, in General, slightly believed in гаданье, but at the same time, and doubted his claims, considered somewhere in the depths of the soul, that Gypsy money ready наврать with three boxes, only to have more lure.

Gypsy squinted, Veronica put her hand closer to my eyes and shook her suddenly, with a sympathetic причмокивая, head.

"Well, sweetheart let's come closer to the light, to me it is better to line your see - she looked into the face of Veronica. - First of all there was to say. So, so, see poverty, disease see. Now, sweetheart. Lived thou poverty, disease you had a serious illness, and she will come back. This terrible disease, and it can save no cure, and the only good man that is a sacrifice for your sake. The love you had, and now this illness through a failed love. The man you loved or went somewhere very far and strongly with you quarrelled, or died, but most likely, that he left, because he came to you, or something very much reminded about itself one day after. And yet you guys were, and one of them was near you, others fell away. And some unpleasant secret lies in your heart, and you nobody can tell. So, sweetheart. Telling the truth.

-Yes, there is something in this. If you think of serious, true.

"Well, sweetheart. Yet handle позолоти, I tell you that I have now.

Gladyshev wanted to stop her, but caught himself on the fact that in the words of the Gypsies is something that incomprehensibly intrigued, interested him. He only managed to make the first move and stopped, then anxiously looked at his watch, and I thought it was too late, and soon metro stops walking, and buses will go quite rare, and it will have to get to the hotel by walking, the path is not very close.

-Now you have two guys there, one legal, other third party, - spoke again Gypsy, but will still Prince, the dark Prince, and he decides your fate. Wealth you have, but it is passed by thee, and скооро is gone, and these two, two your guy, they too will go.

-Leave? - almost scared said Veronika and looked at Gladysheva, as if afraid that he had left. - When will go?

-I tell you about now while I'm. Means will go away very soon. And wealth also goes with one of them, but you do not worry: all is equal to you it was no good.

-And now what?" How much forward to say, for a day, a week, a month.

-Before the New year, dear. Before the New year. Meet him going. The poor will be.

-Yes, but only two months, - thinking aloud, said Veronika and frowned. - Don't mean it?!

"What are you, sweetheart! Why would I lie? You I gave the money to know the truth. Why would I lie to you will? You lie - to listen sweet. You're lying to more money Dali. You to me is well paid. Gypsy grateful to you. Why Gypsy lie, if it gave a lot of money?!

-Okay! - stopped her трескотню Veronica. - Say what will be.

-Yes don't listen to her, Veronica! - once again intervened in Gladyshev, noting that the stop in their side, sent a group of some fellows, judging by their loud talk and несдержанному laughter, feel themselves masters of the dark outlying quarters of the capital. Hey, listen to what I say, time is already a lot! Come on, it's too late.

He order afraid, only to imagine that they come closer and begin to harass, provoking a fight.

"Now one guy seems to "go away", he thought.

Gypsy intercepted his opinion and, if guessing thoughts, answered:

Guy! Stand still, they will pass you by. From me step back evil you will.

-Why did you take?! - outraged Gladyshev before had come to know, that Gypsy guessed what he was thinking.

With that she took, " she said. If not so, as I said, just give all the money that psychic took.

Gladyshev calmed down a bit, still not able to relieve fear and anxiety. And all continued to observe a noisy and dangerous campaign coming in their direction.

Fear gripped his consciousness, he began paralysis of thought, and he couldn't even come up with something suitable for the case when trouble occurs.

-Turn away from them! - almost ordered, raising his voice, Gypsy. - Behave like this before, and it will be all right.

He obeyed her and how it was scary, turned away, although on the back walked cold, large goose bumps, and tried to listen to the word Gypsy, which meanwhile, took her by both hands, compared palm, something showed, leading them rough, brown forefinger explaining something and расказывала. Instead, however, he continued to hear the approaching clatter behind, drunken voice and horse neighing, and, as he tried, he couldn't bring himself to get rid of this. He felt better only when, passing quite nearby, somewhere behind his back, the campaign began to move away, and he realized then that the danger has passed. It was like a miracle, especially now that said the Gypsy, and they possessed the minute burst of awe in front of her.

"But where are we going to leave? thought immediately Gladyshev. - Well, I'm okay. A Hippo? Where he can escape from Veronica? After all, he is her husband! Разведуться?"

-Go, - Veronica pulled him by the sleeve and drew thinking.

-What? "he wondered. - So quickly?

's all, " she nodded his head. - How long?

"At a quarter to the hour of the night, " he replied. - Let's bus. Metro is not there, and on foot-it is far.

They went out into the deserted stop. Out of nowhere, was it rains again and again.

-Well, only us and not enough, - he glanced at the sky, said Veronica.

He grabbed her gaze to the other side of the Avenue, where there were stalls. Gypsy near them was not. It seemed to him that he knows what she is thinking.

"Huh, you see what the snapper! Time, and already its gone! As the wind carried away!

-You talking about? if awaking, Veronica asked.

-How to whom?! About the Gypsy! By the way, what's it to you back there said, and then... I listened, and he certainly was ashamed to confess that he was dying from fear.

-I don't want to talk about it, waved Veronica.

-Well, that's right! - readily agreed Gladyshev. - She has lied about the job just you with three boxes, and now you brains yourself сушишь, experience. Throw all that out of my head! It is really not clear - her all the lies of the need to with you more money shake! That's still not enough: for your money and himself before the headache bring!

She seems to be agreed, nodded her head, but then suddenly said:

-You say it all right, Gladyshev, only you have too much to say.

She again unpleasantly struck him. He wanted to remind her that no further, as today, permitted to call themselves by name, and wish it was, but did not dare.

Now rejoined the number of the bus, that they waited so long, they went up into an empty almost beauty and wearily plыhnulis ' next to the seat.

-Закомпостируй card, and then pushed him in the side Veronica.

He wanted to keep silent hurt, but he could not restrain himself:

-So in fact the second hour of the night, the last bus which controllers. We then pass two stops.

-Закомпастируй coupons, only more persistently said Veronica. - Are you a beggar?

He reluctantly got up and went to the компостеру and, piercing them tickets, thought: "Driver now looks in the mirror and, probably, thinks: "fool! Coupons компостирует!"

However, at the next stop entered the lounge, two women and checked the tickets from the few passengers. Гладышеву nothing left to do but only to wonder such unprecedented coincidence and look at her like right next to him sits a witch, which is already open all the secrets of the future.

-That means, to communicate with a Gypsy! "he joked when kontrolersha gave him a torn coupon.

Veronica only looked at him with tired and indifferent, as often watched and earlier, to this wonderful day, which, unfortunately, and this is now clearly ended. Together with him into oblivion sailed her good mood and her smile, her shining from happiness eyes. She now was the same as before, and she did not want to call him by name. And it is painfully recalled, torturing his memory, pulling out of her black whirlpool escaped moments of happiness, exactly when it occurred to her reverse the change.

"Gypsy! Of course, Gypsy! It's her fault that it happened, that it again became sad and distant from me. Cursed by the witch! Snakes." - with anger he wondered, sometimes glancing towards his companion.

They entered the hall of the hotel. Porter lazily stood aside and did not meet them, because Gladyshev never gave a tip, - he just had nothing to give, and he knew that in vain will only расшаркиваться. They came up to the bar админстраторши, which is already leaning on his elbow, began to nod, and asked the room key. A minute before the front waiter came up from the hotel restaurant, and гладышеву thought that the woman gives them the same keys just received from him. He was surprised and wanted to ask what was wrong, but I thought that probably he fatigue. Besides Veronica, which also fatigue face was not, pulled him away from the front, to the Elevator, not giving stay on for the extra second.

"Listen, Gladyshev, why you live, can you tell me? she asked him near the Elevator.

It seemed to him that the girl was already sleeping on the move, but he thought a little, and answered quite seriously:

-Can. I'm waiting for the second coming.

-Who is it? The second coming of whom? has not understood it.

-Christ, of course.

-A-a-a! you mean you're a believer, Yes? Veronica has already undertaken for a particular manner to mock him on any occasion, but he tried not to get angry at her for it.

-I? Yes.

"What did you tell him when he comes? You're a sinner, Gladyshev, you are such a sinner as I am, as Hippo, as all the others! Do you think that Christ just be glad that you waited, Yes?! Do you think he would?!

She laughed exactly drunk. Гладышеву was uncomfortable that she spoke so loudly about the unseen, and could hear other people. He involuntarily looked round. But администраторша already asleep, resting her head on the Desk, and bathroom was too far away to hear their conversation.

-Shut up, Veronica, calm down! - he tried to reason with her, but she still long to grab unknown.

You know.. you know, that I said Gypsy? - finally through laughter could speak girl. You know what she said to me?!

-What? "he asked. - I don't know. What?

She suddenly stopped laughing, her face grew serious.

-The truth, " she said, and giggled again, зашлась laughter, just insane.

It was not the laughter of joy and happiness, чтовырывался of her Breasts day. So people laugh, which opens something, why they suddenly come into despair and understand that they have no chance to make amends and change in their fate. The laughter always sounds a bit scary and незаразительно.

Wing lift opened. Gladyshev stuffed гогочущую insane laughter Veronica in his cabin, and clicked on the ninth floor. Here she calmed down, straightened up, looked at him intently.

-Do you expect the second coming of Christ to tell him how you lost myself with me, Yes? Tell me how you got me совращал, me, wife, having a living man! Yes? About this he going to tell?!

-No, not about it, shook his head Gladyshev. - I have something to say to him. Yes this is not important. But for the fact that we had with you, I will ask God for forgiveness. And you ask, only sincerely repentant. He will forgive, you'll see.

-How! I see it! Yes all of this... I do not believe that Christ will come. Why is he still has not come. What prevented BO-GU down to earth?

-Why? - calmly asked Gladyshev.

"Why what? Why should he were ever to go down?

-At the last judgment, so calmly replied Gladyshev. "When the time comes, and God will become absolutely clear who is who, then he will come to judge those who live and those who died, the Bible said so.

-How smart you are, directly, as a priest, you say.

They got out and walked along the empty corridor.

"Well, and how he will judge the dead?

-He will cause them to rise from Hell.

-Why only from Hell? What Heaven?

-Those who are in Paradise, I think, got away from the judgement day.

-And those who are in Hell?

-I think, that Christ will bring some, but others, as it follows from the Scriptures, together with the Devil and his servants plunge the Hell of Fire for all eternity.

-To me it is something not quite comes, Veronica shook her head several times. -Where do you know all this?

-I read the Bible the Apocalypse.

-Yeah, that's it! Oh, and when will this judgment?

-I think that in the next year.

-Next year?

-Yes, next year. Expires the second Millennium.

-So what?

Gladyshev wanted to reply, but opening the door of the room, stopped, and exactly swallowed language.

From the darkness of the hallway rooms at him глянуло twisted face of a Hippopotamus, lighted falling from the corridor light.

-Well, - he said so cunningly that Gladyshev shrunk under, and wanted to, but couldn't dumbstruck finally, draw back. - Here are some of our dove came! Come, come, dear newlyweds! I am very glad!

He made an inviting gesture, stepping aside, but Гладышеву wanted, on the contrary, flee away. All his lofty thoughts somewhere vanished in an instant, and at the head remained ringing emptiness, which was immediately filled the animal horror. He forced Gladysheva rush to their heels, but he resisted every всехсил, realizing that he could not leave her to be devoured by one spouse, and that, if he all guessed - and he seems really all guessed he must meet with her.

"Fear not them which kill the body, but fear him who can kill the soul", - reminded him of the sermon on the mount. "Lord, forgive me, a sinner! Forgive my soul, a sinner, Lord, save! he pleaded, feeling that live the last minute and we must have time to turn to God, to try to attract his attention. - In the name of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen!"

These words suddenly gave his spirit to some firmness and готовностьступить meet retribution.

"If he kills me now, it will be well deserved, said to himself Gladyshev and stepped forward, passing by a Hippo. - Only God could forgive me for my sin!.."

He received тычек in the back with something hard and rough. From this blow Gladyshev flew forward, losing his balance, and stretched out the middle of the room, near the coffee table, on which stood a bottle of champagne, a few devices, wine glasses, plates with some food. Back Svelo so that he felt that he could no longer breathe, that can neither breathe nor breathe out, or even call for help. It was an awful feeling. He was gasping for breath, his hands, as if clinging to the elusive life, grabbing for the rolled out across the floor carpet, вонзались in its pile and collecting it in the folds.

He rolled on the floor, unable to even turn over in pain, but no one came to help, even to sympathize with his state of pity for him and participation in his agony at least alleviate them. He knew that it was now just a nobody.

Light if слепились covered by a stiff, steel Hoop. It seemed that an eternity had passed after the impact, that it is impossible to live so long without breathing, but actually it took no more than a couple of minutes. It came from somewhere far terrible voice Hippo:

-Oh, and you come in, bitch!

Suddenly the light grew dark in the eyes of Gladysheva. He decided that the Hippo turned off the light. He wanted to ask him why he занимаетсятакими nonsense, when you want to help a person get over it, because in the dark nothing will be seen.

In the dark suddenly I heard some laughter, wild, comparable sharp. He stood up and began to fumble around with his hands. Someone take advantage of the darkness, напрыгнул him from behind and squeezed his throat. He tried to throw a scoundrel, but he firmly grabbed and strongly beating around the Bush, eluded his hands. Then Gladyshev shouted, but his cry resulted in a dismal groan. But this time turn on the light, and it became evident that squeal Hippo together with Veronica. She sits on the couch completely naked, but he шекочет and her and himself the похрюкивает, just a pig. Through the wild, comparable sharp laughter Veronica, отбрыкиваясь hands and feet from the pressing spouse, shouts, Гладышеву:

-And deftly we all tweaked?! We because you played Gladyshev, ha ha ha, you know, played!

Behemoth jumps up from the couch and begins to приплясывать around Gladysheva on one then the other leg, saying: "have chop fool the four fists!" someone тоеще, the one who is choking him back, said, whispering in his ear: "Gladyshev. Gladyshev. What do you say to God? You have nothing to say! Beware, because you're a sinner, and your quest of God will lead you to Hell. You're a liar, a thief and a прелюбодейник, you stole the wife cheated husband and совращал his woman! Don't you may be forgiven? No! Can't! Fear, a publican, your hour's come!"

Гладышеву wanted to see who's there, behind him, tells him these fearful words, but saw only dancing around himself Hippo, Yes Veronika, заливающуюся laughing on the sofa and дрыгающую bare feet, so that a very good view of all the shameless places:

'We have played the Gladyshev! Ha - ha - ha!!! You're caught! You are now with us, with me and with the Hippopotamus, and won't get away! We firmly hold you in his hand and drag behind us there where we are going themselves in Hell.

Suddenly the door of the room began to knock. "Open up, open to us. We also want!" - heard her voices. Behemoth, crying: "Now, now!" - jumped to the door. When he opened the door wide, and the room began to fill some people known and unknown to him. Were visible among them "Fix", and "Rusty"and the guy who came Veronica in the restaurant on the day of birth of a Hippopotamus. Their faces drifted here and there in the crowd, floods the entire room. Behemoth wanted their friends and acquaintances and carefully рассаживал them on the couch next to Nude Veronica. Some refused and had to be persuaded. Barely sofa filled with people, as a photographer right in the crowd blinded them to flash, and then the Hippo ousted сфотографировавшихся and invited other sit next to his wife.

Suddenly one who strangled Gladysheva released him and stepped into the middle of the room. He was dressed all in black, but Гладышеву could not see him because of the crowd immediately surrounded him tight ring.

-Are we all here?! he asked, holding up his hand in a black glove over their heads, and then this whole farce and hubbub silent and stopped.

-Everything, - was heard on all sides.

"Come on, then! - shouted душивший Gladysheva.

-Wait, where to go?! Where am I?! "yelled Gladyshev.

-We in the lift! he replied, "Fix."

-And now let's get down! - jumped on the other hand Behemoth.

-Where to go down?! 't understand Gladyshev.

"Come on, comrades! again shouted душивший it.

Now he stood on the podium, and it was clearly seen. It was a tall cylinder, чрный coat old-and Bolshevik red bow on his chest. His face was not visible, but with all of the parties heard a friendly, frantic cry crowd of several thousand people. - Les-e-e-e-nor-in! Zig hi!!! Laziness-and-in! Zig hi!!!

-Where to go?! - what was the force yelled Gladyshev, trying to shout loud and беснующуюся crowd.

-To Hell! In Hell!!! "someone said next.

-No. No! Noooo!!! "yelled than ever Gladyshev. - I don't want to! Don't want to! Do not want!!!

But the man in the black coat with a red ribbon on his chest, descended from the platform, walked over to the switch and turned off the light.

In the same second Gladyshev felt solid ground is slipping from under his feet. All around dived into the darkness, came in some wild, indescribable movement, grasping it. He felt that falls rapidly with the rest into some bottomless abyss, standing around screams and squeals.

"No, no! No!!!" he continued to yell on the fly.

Suddenly some drops of dew, cool and invigorating lay on his forehead. Гладышеву thought that the decline stopped, and around the break of dawn. "Am I in Hell?" he thought, and opened his eyes. It turned out that he was again in the same room, but no one except the Hippopotamus and Veronica no, and Hippo pouring water on it, picking it out of a glass in her mouth and прыская at him.

-Woke up, dearie, " he heard his words. - Come on, come on. Performance is just the beginning!

Chapter 31. (06). [31 ?] 06 -> 08 -> 02

They уркылись in the ruins of a six-storey house prepared, apparently, on the demolition.

-It is necessary to wait here a moment, " said George.

Breathless and вымотавшийся Gladyshev said nothing to him and found the strength to покивать according to the head.

George sat down not lower window of the entrance, of разломанной frames which were вышиблены almost all of the glass, took off his Shoe and began to examine the injured foot, from which the blood pouring. His face is reflected pain. His fingers clasped above the ankle foot and pressed it so, probably, wishing to stop bleeding, that they became white.

A curse. - he said through clenched teeth.

"How I wish it was all just a dream and nothing more," thought Gladyshev, his eyes closed.

-Now I would have put a bandage, - came to him a voice of a Hippopotamus.

Testing constantly ккакую fault before him, Gladyshev felt an inner urge to рвнуть his shirt to make her bandages, but George was ahead of his thoughts.

"No, " he stopped his hand. - How are we ever going to get? Our first COP тормознет. Now something else to think of.

-What can you do?

"Well, you're smart. Think Gladyshev, think.

Gladyshev sat down on the steps at the front of the Behemoth and tried to concentrate, but in my head and climbed completely different thoughts.

Platform below, where one could see the broken doors of the apartments, gaped their dead failures, the cat sitting, gray with dark stripes, tiger coloring. He watched the two strange people, who visited this покинувшее housing.

House, apparently deserted recently, it has not managed to flood the rats this autumn in Moscow are countless, frightening many. Otherwise the cat was'll be sorry. However, it was for him ahead: soon nasty rodents проведают, пронюхают that the building was emptied, and their flocks, rising higher and higher, from the cellars of sewage tunnels, flooded all floors, all rooms, devouring all that are able to digest their insatiable and unpretentious stomachs.

The cat climbed the ladder, climbed the fence, railing and began to RUB up against the leg Gladysheva. He stroked it, пререложив in the left hand gun, shining вороненными sides. The cat purred gently.

Seeing the animal, Hippo said Гладышеву, whether in jest or in earnest:

-Shoot it.

He was still working with the wounded leg. Blood slowly dripped with heels, and on the floor already formed a small, but terrifying, disturbing the soul of his views, brown-red puddle. The blood absorbed in a porous cement, like a sponge.

-Why? asked Gladyshev, continuing to stroke the cat. His voice did not sound any emotion.

He is so tired that you might be angry, nor be troubled, nor even fear or pity. All these feelings were born somewhere in the depths of his soul, but could not rise to the surface and manifest as something externally. Gladyshev only felt they копошаться somewhere deep inside him, vague and dreamlike. If he could wonder now, then certainly he was astonished to what he does not pity Hippo. Only the blood dripping rare drops from the foot Zhora, Yes Lusatia, which was formed from it on the cement floor, were able to somehow disturb and trouble him. Gladyshev he could not even give the report itself, whether held his soul completely, or it is out of control of his consciousness and отлетелва away from the emaciated body, not to get infected to avoid anguish of his matter.

-Застрели cat, say, with a larger share of the wicked fury in his voice repeated the Behemoth.

-But why?! - finally lazily ворочавшиеся in the depth of his feelings began to Wake up.

-To not suffered.

-And he is not suffering! - Gladyshev tried to protect animal and, as if to make sure of accuracy of his words, and looked him in the eye.

-Well, then I will shoot the thing.

Gladyshev looked at the Behemoth. His face was distorted with anger. Dima understood that evoke sympathy or возвать to reason Zhora not succeed. We had to come up with something more practical:

"Listen, George, why make a noise? Do you want your shot has attracted the attention of anybody?

"Right, " agreed the Hippo, wincing. - Sorry, that is not глушака... let him in here, and I boshku now turn aside.

"You bastard!" Realized how animal life to destroy!" thought Gladyshev and objected:

"What, do nothing more?! Surrendered to thee this cat! Let it live.

To make it more convincing, he pulled the cat above the stairs. The offended and disgusted meowed.

-Ooh, jinx! - shook his fist hippopotamus cat. "okay, we need to somehow get out of here. What would rewind the leg?

Behemoth began to look around, looked at himself, then took a close look Gladysheva.

"You Mike?

-And what?

-Take off, tear to shreds stripes that, as a bandage to bind.

Until Gladyshev was taking off my shirt and t-shirt, Zhora continued to sit on the window, shaking bleeding foot that flies, слетевшиеся the smell of blood, yet fell into hibernation, could not sit down on the wound.

"Son of a gun! thought Hippo, watching Гладышевым. - A pity, that now I can not get with it, as it should be. Oh, if I had not been wounded and could do without his help. Well, anything, I'll make him wash кровавыит tears. He cannot escape punishment!"

He got out his Browning and became what осмтаривать him, looking at Gladysheva. The fact was not known that the bickering about the cat was just a game, just a bluff, a screen that covered the true cause of reminders about the weapon. In reality, the victim had to become self Gladyshev. And not what someone might hear the sound of shooting stopped Hippo. Just now Gladyshev was really he needs.

Who would dare to get here? Shoot here the whole time - except that evening, the police will come, carefully stand aside and listen, listen, and leave for home.

-Поторапливйся! throwing a Hippo Гладышеву.

-Listen to what you talking to me? - Gladyshev made questioning eyes.

-How are you to talk? - Behemoth could not conceal his irritation.

He had no clear plan to murder Gladysheva, otherwise he is eager to be immediately implemented. He had merely the feeling of hatred, оскорбленности, рождавшее desire to kill, to erase in a powder.

At this moment Hippo noticed that breaking off her t-shirt to shreds, Gladyshev continues to keep a gun in your hand, it is quite absurd, for the handle, and keeps it not because of fears to be without weapons, and because I forgot about it at all, mechanically. Fuse gun was removed, and, before you send the "Browning" the ладышева, he said to him:

-Put the gun on the fuse, you moron!

Gladyshev looked at him, as if waking, not understanding, that from it achieves. Only that he was thinking of something else entirely.

"Here is a cat. Almost лишиься life, but never knew about this. Sitting there quietly вылизывается. So, probably we, people, do not know anything about the movement of the higher spheres, can't touch their lives. We do not know what God wants, not what he wants, and how he lives. The structure of the heavens, by what laws, - to us it is not available, as now not available, it was the cat that happened between two people who are in dispute solved a very important question for him: to live or not to live. What awaits us in the future? Today the day is over? Perhaps, somewhere up there, in the heavenly office is solved a question now about me or about the Hippo, and go the same dispute: kill or not to kill, and if you kill whom: Gladysheva or a Hippopotamus. Maybe now someone just as cruelly and unjustly wants to take one of their lives, wants to without any reason, just like that. And someone big, kind and unknown, so do not give him do it."

-Put the gun on the fuse heard Gladyshev through their thoughts. It spoke to him Behemoth.

He dumbfounded looked in my hand, just saw for the first time in her arms, then he looked at the Hippo. It seemed to him that the Hippo aim at the cat, all the same decided to kill him. He did not even dare to think that Behemoth wants to shoot him тне noticed that black eye Dula looks somewhat lower him in the head.

"Don't, " he said.

Then Gladyshev translated lever fuse on the red dot. At this moment there was a deafening roar of the shot. Gladyshev dropped the gun, he couldn't even figure out what had happened. Shot all the same", - in his mind.

He looked up at the Hippopotamus and saw that he settles, fall from the window sill. His chest blur the crimson stain, проступающее through the fabric of the shirt. "What happened? asked yourself the question Gladyshev. - Was shot, but who shot?"

Suddenly he guessed that was shot from his pistol. This conjecture appalled him. He had never shot a man, moreover, to get to him and kill him. The murder of even simple flies gave him unimaginable torments of conscience. When he had to slap a cockroach or spider, he then suffered for days. But here... People. He hit the man, the husband of his mistress, his mistress.

"He can полумать that I shot him because of Veronica, - flashed in my mind Gladysheva. - But this is not so! It was an accident!"

Suddenly he realized that he killed a man he killed. The horror of the second wave of icy, wild fear came to him, reaching the very depths of съежившейся fright soul in their language, similar to thousands of all splitting blades, отскабливающими her upper protecting the shell and stick into the delicate essence.

Обезумившими terrible eyes he looked like a writhing on the floor Behemoth.

Puddle of blood, that little puddle of blood that troubled, troubled his soul was now in a puddle, great huge, terrible mess. It felt like someone, very generous to someone else's blood splashed on the floor the whole bucket, and then there fell Behemoth. Now he performed while lying on the back, a macabre dance, is fascinating for its horror.

For a moment it seemed to him that the Hippo looked at him, and Gladyshev was unable to control myself not to say softly at first and then louder:

-I do not want. I don't want to! I don't want to!!!

Echo загуляло on empty, abandoned building. This led Gladysheva in the movement, and he himself did not know why-down and ran outside.

There was not a soul. Yard, пребыывающий in Podunk, was deserted. Passers-by, apparently. Pass this place, and the house was away from the busy streets.

"Hey, someone!!! - shouted that had the power Gladyshev and ran away.

To Zhora flew this despairing cry. "Screams, screams, you bastard," thought George. He felt a terrible pain in the whole body, and it was making him squirm. Seizures and convulsions have to whip him like a whip.

When the shot sounded Zhora is also not understood who was shot. He thought this he first time pulled the trigger. Thought so, because on the face of Gladysheva was written innocence, stupid harmlessness. If he had done a bad job, his face would not be so enlightened.

However, in the next second it became clear that he fired not. Acute pain, extending from the chest, quickly through his whole body. Жоре thought that someone hit it with an axe in the back, but from the other side, from the inside.. all this was very surprised Jora, but together with this he instinctively, sixth sense grasp the entire непоправимость the incident, that he will not be the same as before, if ever, will remain alive, that the health and safety of his body, always taken for granted, now lost forever, and that it was a new band of life, in which there will be nothing but жалкогог влачения the existence of a disability. "Strange how I know all this? - полумал it, feeling that loses balance. No that's not true. This is not true. All will be well!"

The next moment, he lay down on the dirty floor, and Gladyshev to the distraught eyes stood over him, something yelled. But all this was indifferent. Pain, insane, all devouring, has captured them entirely. Жоре thought he had landed in the iron jaws of a monster, and he grinds it into flour.

"How so?" he thought, losing consciousness.

Pain suddenly became somewhere parted, as if уплывая somewhere over the black night sea. No, it isn't executed somewhere from him, so he left it on the shore, and the quiet, dark wave, покачивя boat, отдаляли him from it, carrying away, farther and farther ттемное пространоство.

All around it was quiet and dark. So, how is never the sea, and George thought it was some wrong sea, that this does not happen. But then he guessed that this is not really that something happened before he got here. This calmed him, and he surrendered to the waves, and rocked him, and maybe even carried somewhere. Maybe because there is nothing around to be seen.

Уплывая further through this dark sea of himself, he could not see a beating in the agony of his body.

Now approached the edge of the sea, and he saw the starry sky, calm, cool and serene. It stretched from end to end, and nothing was visible to him in the end. All around were only stars, unblinking and prickly.

Suddenly through his blackness began to be lined каккие-the contours, more and more filled with light. Bottomless, ббескрайняя darkness decreased immediately to the size of a darkening of the eyes, what happens from low pressure or потересознания. Became visible stairs. Then George went higher and as if seen from the outside. It seemed he got out of their own belly, having done this, as the serpent, leaving the old skin. His body lay at the bottom of the staircase and he moved over him and climbed higher and higher.

Next someone stood. So he ran away, and it was hidden. Zhora all pop up higher and higher. Here he soared up over the roof of the house.

Around Golden-reddish, misty haze was a huge city, lying своимикварталами to the horizon. Zhora climbed over him higher and higher, уплывая together with the South. The West was enveloped in a Golden mist. East was the SBI darkness. North lit up green. In the South stood a red haze. There was headed now Zhora. He felt an indescribable fear of darkness, затмившим all the East, like a huge BLOB, and involuntarily sought to the West, towards the light, which seems to get away from him.

Above the dazzling blue sky госились some translucent, ghostly creature, unlike any ever had seen earlier. Perhaps it was the elves or the angels, about whom he had previously heard. And it was no surprise to see so many, because surprised by his condition was no need, and his position, and what happened to him, by themselves deserved the greatest surprise than anything else, являшееся only a consequence of the new situation.

If George was not deprived of the ability to think, лишвшись connection with the brain, he would have to pay attention and much more. But in his распоряении were only motives, desires and feelings, and now he could only live by them. But, taking all совободившееся space in his soul, they have sharpened in excess of all conceivable пределов.одно what he saw no eyes, hear without ears, spoke about many things. Him nothing, and didn't have to explain how it could be, and he just rode at the height of avian flight, soaring up higher and higher into the blue sky, listened to and watched as possible.

Angels elves continued пархать somewhere above, around rushed vociferous, noisy air. Smell it turned into another sense, which is now served him instead of thought, replacing the logic of the brain premonition, intuition. They now told him in some big trouble, expected from the darkness in the East, and he almost saw it, not discerning the clear очертанийподобно how visible silhouette in the fog.

And now it became evident that a part of the darkness in the East separated, split off a drop and rushed to him. Drop this began to grow, to become more and soon turned into something similar to the black chariot, rushing across the sky with his rider, погоняющим winged horses, скалящих blood-red mouth. Rapidly she swept past, and the horseman ruled chariot, little like human being, tried to grab him, Jora, but missed.

Cowering in terror, Zhora rushed back down, backwards one causing it to flow.

Dim outline of the quarters of the metropolis at the bottom, floating in the viscous and pink ether, they started to come closer. Zhora rapidly sank to him, saddled only that his desire to escape and fear проносившейся past the black chariot drawn by six blue-black winged horses. He could see, as it unfolded and again at full speed rushes to him, cutting through the waves of the invisible ether and thereby somewhere below interference in радиоустройствах. She was going faster than Zhora down, although the decline was more rapid nowhere - he flew like a bullet. He's made his desire to be saved last effort, increasing the speed. And black chariot, showering his hellish flames passed her. It was good to see, as the elves and angels fly away with her.

George fell into the abyss of the concrete jungle of the city. The radio here was midst, and move because it was harder. He was rushing about in search of a shelter where you can hide from the black chariots, and could not find where I left it. There was secure he felt it. At first he was moving along the streets, but the black chariot double-swept past him, piercing through the building as easily as free space, almost overtaken him, and George realized that the same can penetrate matter without meeting obstacles.

Now the chase turned into a play, in which Zhora clearly lost to the black chariot. He occasionally abruptly turned and with a furious pace rose to the side. It saved him, but each time the distance between them is decreasing, and the next time Жоре it was not leave.

A furious pace Zhora flew over two or three shelters. But these were not his refuge. These were strangers seekers who, even if he'd really wanted to, could not penetrate. And suddenly he was lucky. Ahead, up to the height to which he was running, ducking away from overtaking his black chariots, was left to them in the body. Hardly had he whisk in him, as the black chariot распорола ether very close with him a shelter. If Zhora could at this moment, he'd breathed.

At this moment the body of Hippo gushing in convulsions, made last move and stood still in the dead stillness.

Gladyshev already saw it. He was down there in the street дадеко from this house. First he ran headlong, and even if asked now to find his way back, could not do this, then, out of breath, wearily trudged hardly, as the old man, the feet. For a long time he still could not come to himself, not seen anything around, pushed passers-by. His hands buzzing like after hard work. At times he lifted them up and looked at them like a madman.

Other passersby downright jerk away from the street, and it seemed to him that they know see him as a murderer and try to slip away with him one-on healthy.

Seeing somewhere ahead, at the intersection of a policeman, Gladyshev frightened, like a hare, turned into the driveway of the old house, went into the dark arch and stopped, waiting for something, froze, listening to the sounds in the street, rising vaulted ceiling if the mouthpiece. It seemed to him that he had been seeking, throughout the great Moscow with wild wails flying here and there yellow-and-blue police Canaries, and on all boards under the inscriptions "They wanted by police", already pasting just printed, still smelling of printing ink leaflets with his portrait.

But nobody came. He stood there, not knowing why. Passed by unknown people on their feet, and he stood there until the street it was quite dark, then went out and wandered back on evening city, occasionally looking back and bypassing rare policemen tenth road.

He didn't care where to go. He had a feeling that today is the last day of his life that he is not only killed a man, but he must die. However, in my head it did not occur to come back to where it happened accidentally, perhaps, but wickedness.

During his absence in the entrance of an abandoned house, where on the third floor lay остывающее body of Hippo, who did not come in, no mortal. In the yard of him stood a black chariot. The blue-black-winged horses impatiently led heads for the bridle, разевали exploding sheep and ржанием called his master to ask them a good scourge and let fly, slicing through the air and giving their inaudible бробным footfall in the souls of men unclear and vague anxiety.

Their horseman meanwhile выхаживался on the ground near the dead body of the man whom he barely managed to catch in her paws. Now he kept her waiting when she left the shelter and thought meanwhile, as if to coax her out of there.

Soul Zhora shudder felt this heavy gauge pace. Barely reaching her deep in the darkness of the dead body. She sought out into the sky, where there was so well flit between angels and elves, but fear not allow her. Instead he lost thoughts, told her that her outside waiting in mortal danger. It was unclear what this threat, but the emotions of the last chase has not yet extinguished, and because the soul was obedient to his fear that restrained her lifeless body, like an anchor.

The sound of a lone shot someone heard and called the police. First came the police, and then the doctors. They did have a dead body, but this does not prevent the owner of the black chariot is near and expect, as a bird of prey, production. Their funny and clumsy machines were standing right there next to his team in the six чернокрылых horses. Horse sniffed his car drivers, but they don't even noticed it, the police and the doctors did not notice that above them like a shadow is someone a lot more of them.

The dead body of a Hippopotamus were taken to the morgue, and black chariot slowly moved along. There horseman a chariot to stand in ожитдании this stubborn soul. Angels don't fly over it, he had nobody to argue for her, and she was completely in his power. He longed to have her, and he was willing to wait as long as would now not needed.

When the soul Zhora, losing gone through fear, возлетела finally, over the dead body, the first thing that greeted her eyes, was a tall, height up to the sky, black column, ending two dazzling, pointed spires, like a gigantic tree. Flying up above, it люболпытством found that this is not a column and not the tree, a giant black tower, two Windows in which those at the very top, burned dazzling green fire.

Mounting up higher still, soul Zhora suddenly realized that it was something terrible, huge, like a man. There was a deafening laughter, black giant grabbed Жорину soul in his paws, and black chariot rushed into the black abyss of Hell.

Chapter 32. (08). 06 -> 08 -> 02

If the desert evening street there shall meet you a man in a black Cape and a hat, hurry up to cross the street, and be baptized over again don't forget. Otherwise, you never know, will come to you under the brim hat face of the beast. I do not presume to even guess what can happen to such a meeting.

Gladyshev the road, no one moved. A passer-by in black bump into him, shoulder, and Гладышеву thought he hit the stone. Turning around, he noticed чтоповстречавшийся with him looking at him гемигающим, piercing eerie look, penetrating to the core, and smiles тонкогубым mouth, as if painted a pale, dusty-white face and sticking mustache.

The whole appearance of this strange so shaken by it, that he could not utter a word, although the first arose after the collision desire was indignant. Cry to him: "What the hell!" - and is stuck in the throat.

-Hit, young man? - asked a passer-by in a black cloak, turning his completely.

The tone of his voice was so indifferent, that it seemed that he was bullied.

"Actually, Yes, " gasped Gladyshev, thinking to himself, with what pleasure he now drove him on this pale, powdered Roger fiery-red moustaches.

-Well, nothing-nothing - faced type, he raised his arm and patted his shoulder. Гладышеву it seemed that even through the fabric of the clothes on his arm got cold, as if coming from his hand.

The devil is, what he wants from me! thought indignantly Gladyshev.

-And I because you kno-o-Ayu - faced continued. - You're the one who wants to become great... Great writer but who does not work... Still does not work.

Shoulder Gladysheva, on which lay a hand in a white glove, the ache fatigue, занемело like an eternity it bore an excessive severity, but crawling, he never noticed this. Now he himself became interesting:

-How do you know? - all has floated before his eyes from the presentiment of something strange and unusual, nothing that happens in life, maybe one day.

-I know much, thin lips again broke into a smile. - And you know almost everything.

-Really? asked surprised Gladyshev enchanted conversation.

-Yes. You are not only a talented writer, you're so great artist! You're a genius.

Гладышеву was scared that someone from the passers-by heard this strange type of nearly shouting, speaking loudly about his abilities, but there was not a soul. This calmed, and he surrendered to the pleasure, with unspeakable сладострасттием listening pouring on him flattery. For the first time he heard something similar. Never before, and no one praised him. He was ready to listen to it to infinity, unaware that his shoulder so tired from возлегшей hands on her white glove that is ready now to fall off.

-How sweet you say to me - Gladyshev was completely mesmerized by the speech рыжеусого stranger. - I am impressed with your words! But let me know who you are?

-I? - Mr. cloak and hat, and took it, holding it behind his back, along the deserted street. - I was a sorcerer, a young man, a magician, if you want. And this is my craft to know everything about everyone.

-Why then am I to you?

-I want to make you happy!

-Happy? surprised Gladyshev. - But how?

"I will help you.

-Help? But how?

-You want to become famous? Thou shalt them with my help.

My most treasured dream - confessed suddenly Gladyshev, разоткровенничавшись with the magician, - become the most prominent writer of the century.

-Well, I know about it and help you. You'll be the most famous writer not only of the century and Millennium. No, the two millennia! I'll do it! Only one condition: you will need so that you're completely surrendered to me, obey my will.


Gladyshev wanted to protest, a little taken aback from the last words, but he stopped his hard gesture that is not subject to objection. Lips of a magician stood in the pink line.

-No "but". No "but". I will behold thy way to glory. Only my will. You must suppress all their motives. They will disturb you. Only I will bring you where you never go without me.

Gladyshev listened, fascinated, not more daring to say a word.

-Was such Gogol - lips of a magician came into motion, twitched and started злорадной, a cruel smile. "You've heard about it. He thought it was possible to achieve something in his miserable жизненке without the participation of the higher forces. Naive smerd! Haha, how many manuscripts he had to burn, when he saw that no one reads that his feeble-minded поэмишки and рассказишки no need. I spotted it at the beginning, before all his torments, were on the way to St. Petersburg, where he drove inspired empty hope not only print as well, but the fame almost instantly. I had to offer him like this to make him famous, but he горделивец, rejected me as a beggar старикашку that came to him to ask for mercy. He thought that the talent is already all. And I made him brutally then pay for his arrogance. Having lost almost all, after testing needs and oblivion, after the disappointment in his abilities and thousands of sheets of manuscripts turned into ashes, he called me. He wrung his hands, dark nights, was riding in a frenzy on the floor and did things even more shameful, which to say something unpleasant, and I, invisibly present, waited until the bowl of his madness and despair filled to the brim. And then appeared to him one night. He hasn't left me. How could he pass by me, if you wanted fame, if hungry wealth, wanted to sell talent, if the spirit is translated in the flesh. He betrayed whom betray all from the times of Judas Iscariot, enticed metal. He still did not have a road differently than me. But, rejecting me for the first time, he drank the Cup of Woe to the brim. I handed him the Cup, I put it in his Rui, ready to take everything that comes up, I made him drink it.

Gladysheva exactly cold water poured.

-How? You and then lived? - could finally say.

Рыжеусый magician, apparently, he thought better of it:

-No, of course not, not I. This was my ancestor. The thing is, what I say is from his face as though he himself was there, because everything that happened with him and with thousands before lived my family, invested in my head as if I lived a thousand years.

Гладышеву wanted to much to ask this strange face pale and red moustaches, but suddenly he was very afraid of obscure words, failing to get through to his затуманенному consciousness, however, sowed in the soul of anxiety.

-You are not a magician - backed back, removing the cold hand, Gladyshev. - You are not a magician! I'm afraid of you!

He was about to turn around and take flight, but in этусамую second, thunderous voice stopped him just nailed in place:

-Stand by, boy!!! I'm not a magician! I'm not really a magician! I'm more of a magician! I'm a master of white and black magic. But mostly black!

Рыжеусый approached him, and Гладышеву seemed that he growls wild and bloodthirsty beast:

-How do you want?!! How would you want?!! Nothing is given for so, especially in this life! Here to pay, pay me!!! I am the master of the world!!! My power is in it's unlimited!!!

At this moment Гладышеву thought he dies. Something like a spring, was broken inside, somewhere in the region of the abdomen. He even thought that this psycho stabbed him with a knife in the solar plexus, but he stood and continued to shout something in two steps away from him. In the eyes of Gladysheva ran a spark spun colored circles and rings. "Apparently it from fear, he thought, before falling onto the sidewalk. Consciousness, like a flash, brightened for a moment, as if in a dream he heard the last words рыжеусого:

-I will come back and we'll talk! In another time...

When Gladyshev woke up, everything around him seemed too white. He looked around and realized that is a special room with painted a pale green color panels white-washed walls and ceiling. "Where am I?" he asked himself, barely шевельнув from навалившегося him impotence lips. Now he begin to see that he is lying on something hard, and, with difficulty turning his head. Saw is a hospital nearby. Near stood several more such. Them people lay, covered with sheets.

"In the morgue I? thought Gladyshev. - But why?! I'm still alive!"

He tried to stand, but his hands and feet were heavy and powerless. "What's the matter with me?" - scared he then moved his fingers. They obeyed. He tried to call someone to aid him, to scream, but his throat was heard only wheezing.

However, approached him. As if through a veil of sleep he saw the face of a nurse in a white kerchief. She said something, but her voice did not reach his ear. Ушие cs was like a stuffed with cotton.

Gladyshev saw that the first nurse came second. In their hands they had capsules, syringes, cotton wool. A moment later, he felt a little stab in the thigh, then a leg heat and fell asleep.

He had a GOD. He was a great, all-round, big and kind. Much like both Golden cloud and on an enormous pile of dough with a silver-gray beard. He sat surrounded by a blooming garden of Eden and tore themselves from small lumps, would roll them in Golden balls, the balls and shot down on the Ground where other balls, just something different from the first, that only made to return to the Heavens with him. God carefully scrutinised them, and then, or attach them to himself, and then they vanish in his huge, Golden body, or... there were some that God, having considered, stripped from myself away with anger and disgust, barely showed on the tranquil face, and then these balls like carrion crows, selected fluttering also near the black angels and carried them down somewhere...

When Gladyshev woke up, I saw that are already painted with white paint iron bed, in the room in which lay a few people. He tried to recall what happened to him and how he got here, and remembered how putting a pistol on fuse, shot in Jora.

The horror of the incident filled it with its freezing their hearts cold. Gladyshev hid under the blanket and, pretending to be asleep so, lay in таколм position half a day. When he was approached by a nurse and her blanket, was to Wake him for lunch. He has matured a decision: to immediately leave the place. He is healthy, doesn't feel that bad. Besides, it is necessary to warn Veronica and do something to find Hippopotamus or, at least, know that with him.

Gladyshev could not good to remember how he was left yesterday Hippo one. It just happened by itself. I remember he rushed to call somebody to help, but then got scared. Frightened for themselves, but not only for fear of being prosecuted for murder. For some reason he was indescribably afraid to go there, at the entrance of an abandoned house. After this shot Gladyshev was. Feeling of reality had left him, and he wandered, and not to call for help, somewhere, winding through the streets of a huge crowded city...

"I need to get away from here!" he said, rising from the bed and was surprised considering her red hospital pajamas.

After lunch, he knew where to find his clothes, descended in the emergency Department. However clothing, as he asked, he was not given. He would have gone, but he had not even money, which would be enough to take the other end of Moscow, where in the hotel remained Veronica.

Gladyshev предствил him in his pajamas will make in broad daylight it's a journey through the capital. And he felt. He knew that he could not do it. Anyway, happy. Remained night. Under its cover, if not detained by the police, he gets to be carried to the hotel, and there he will learn and be allowed. Gladyshev decided to wait for the evening.

The day passed slowly. He was summoned to the doctor to fill out a medical history, measure temperature and pressure. He tried again to prove that is completely healthy, and it should be made out, but the doctor and would not hearken to his, and his arguments answered the impenetrable silence, not forgetting to demand from him that raised their hands that hold your breath, or something else.

After this inspection, Gladyshev out in the public garden on the territory of the hospital. It was quiet in the yard of her прогуливалось and sat on a bench a few patients. The evening was a while and Sunny, but cool, steam coming out of his mouth, and Gladyshev запахиваясь tight into heavy hospital gown, thought that the night had to be quite cold, so make an escape without a coat does not.

He walked to and fro for the sick скверику, looking occasionally eyes blackened from moisture, almost lost their foliage, trees, waited until the evening and thought about his somber fate and about what happened yesterday misfortune that he does not want to say a crime, especially murder. For the hundredth time, he thought, how it happened, and for the hundredth time, and prayed to God that his shot was still not fatal. Then he was scared of Hippo, staying alive, now terribly angry with him for what he Gladyshev, run away, as the last coward, and meeting them will be terribly uncomfortable and maybe even dangerous. But this was still better for him than if George was killed them. "I'll try not to come across his eyes the first time, he thought. "If only he was alive".

Gladyshev not going neither except ззавязывать Dating in hospital. Perhaps, later, when he would come and see her, and suddenly all is well, Zhora will be alive. Then he will agree to come back here and lie here for a week or two, and at the same time and make some campaign for a pastime. But now it was no good. However, now and then came up any types in hospital gowns, asked for a cigarette, or tried to strike up a conversation. It was nasty. In the end, he was just forced to return to the chamber and to lie on his bed with his face to the wall, until supper.

Over dinner at the hospital dining room rose before him childhood memories, and he therefore did not pay absolutely no attention to the neighbors at the table and talk, and, if handled the matter, then posted something vague and incomprehensible. If he does come on memory, as in early childhood, at the age of three years-four he had to lie in a hospital with dysentery. It then детсик епереживания surfaced in the memory like yesterday's, and was sad when a mother brought him to the emergency Department of the hospital and is now leave егоо strangers, strangers aunt in white coats, very angry and relating to it without love, without love, to which, as to the air gets used and, as in the air, needs реббенок. He clearly remembered how melancholy-тоскливы for him were those short minutes. Lady in white coats took him from the mother in the house, where there were many strangers children, возившихся with toys, not обращавших no attention to him, led to the crib in the corner, covered with a rope net, but he wanted to see the mother. Then they led him to the window and put on the wide windowsill. At the bottom it was my mother. She smiled and tried to calm him, promised to pick up through the week. But this is not consoled him. Tears from the eyes. He cried, widely, childish and opening the mouth and letting drooling. Even one day in the hospital seemed to him then eternity, although he was willing to endure it. But the week was the infinity, from the overpowering which his childish heart заходилось bitter tears...

Gladyshev sighed and glanced at the window, through which it was already dark. Autumn evening came into their law, but to run it was still early. We had to wait for at least half the night, when the streets of the big city quite empty.

Because in the Department extinguished the light, he guessed that already eleven, he lay there with his eyes open, ворочаясь to stay awake for another hour, then stood up and looked out of the chamber. In the dark corridor was no one, but at the door at the table, in the muted iron shade light from the Desk lamp nurse was setting, дежурившая night. Watching her from the door of the chamber of glimpsing, he stood still for an hour, until finally, he waited, that the nurse got up and went for some reason in the distant chamber at the other end of the corridor.

Not wasting a minute, he grabbed with Bathrobe and clothes hangers on tiptoe, springy step, himself wondering how it got so deftly and quickly turns out, jumped up to the door, turned the key in the keyhole and gently slipped slightly opening the fold, into a narrow slit, which meet with the flight of stairs powerfully as in a wind tunnel, blew cold air. On the stairs was quiet and empty, and he ran down, skipping through two steps to the third so that hospital Slippers almost slipped from his feet, clapping created on the heels.

Once at the bottom, he stopped and listened. The rumble of his steps stiffened somewhere at the top, and on the stairs again there was silence. For him, no one was chasing. "So to see who would have thought: "Crazy!" - smiled to myself Gladyshev and went outside. This мысльнемного really cheered him and lifted her mood, and it is not immediately noticed how cold wind blows here.

The hospital's courtyard he crossed without adventure, and went out to the roadway, saw nowhere взявшуюся поливальную machine. Ride was still better than walking, even if slowly. Especially in his position, and he voted. The driver slowed and motioned for him in the cabin. Gladyshev ran onto the road, jumped on the bandwagon and the next moment was beside him on the seat.

-Br-R-R! Cold, " he said, wrapping floors robe.

-Are you nuts? - with a smile asked the young moustached driver, adding gas and again including pumps брандспойнта.

"No, " he shook his head Gladyshev.

-And why then the night in Moscow in one coat run?

-Yes, I'm from the hospital. My wife should be. Got a chance to hospital, she in the hotel for the day, as one, and not know where I am. I doctors say: release, the fiends. And they are not in any. Here himself, and had gone to give - justified Gladyshev.

"You young for a married individual look. Don't lie lie?

-No. Well, as it happens at all it happens in different ways, right then?

"Actually, Yes, " said the chauffeur. - M was won buddy in sixteen married fourteen-year. And the child was already, can you imagine? And how it came about?! His parents to visit with him, along with her parents arrived. Well, there I do not know that schA problems arose among them, only boy I had nowhere to put to sleep. And they did not think of anything else better and took him along with it to put as little children. I don't know where these parents then heads were, and what they themselves thought, only those fellows in the same night схлопотали child. So he had to marry. Ha - ha - ha. So, I agree - anything can happen. Okay, you where?

-Hotel "Kosmos".

-Eka far you got to hurt! Maybe you better for a taxi? I had not close light on my wagon shove. Huh?!

-Well, please! pleaded Gladyshev, whole body leaning to the chauffeur. - I have no money even.

-How is it not? - surprised the driver.

"There! No! Me to the hospital in an unconscious state brought clothes taken away and do not give in.

"You don't happen to do with the crazy whether rise, and? Sounds a lot like!


-And what clothes you not give?

I don't know it happened. Listen, well run.

-Wow - run! - nodded driver. Somewhere around here - I would gladly. And for me that way and a hook. You I imagine it?

"Listen!" Well, be a human! Help! You one hope.

The driver stopped a few minutes long and silently looked at the Gladysheva, as if examining it from head to toe, then pressed the accelerator, adding turns jerk moved.

-Well, so be it, " he said. "Looks like a man you're not that bad. Now the work completed yet, water is used up and take you.

About three o'clock came they to the porch of the chic "Cosmos". Noticing his chic showcases, looking upwards, where in the darkness drowned upper floors of the building, the driver for the farewell words replied:

-Wow! Looks like you're crazy chic, since in this edifice is live! Okay, let.

Watering the car moved away, and Gladyshev, holding floors robes, rushed to the entrance, отблескивающему тонировнными glasses.

Receptionist saw him, влетевшего in the chic lobby замусоленном portrait, she thought, probably devils that, because not recognized him as a longtime tenant hotels and threw herself between them, loudly shouted:

-Young man! Where are you heading?! Young man!! Stop!!! Wait, you say!!! I now call the police!

She caught up with him already at the ladder, he realised that the Elevator eat nothing to do and rushed up there, and caught her arm, imperiously, how can Russian women, dressed even in the most sophisticated and элегенантный toilet. To:

-Hey, stop!!!

She pulled Gladysheva themselves. It launched.

-Are you not recognize me?" there was not a breath, " he shot back.

From surprise to администраторши speechless. She stood up, still staring wide-eyed.

My room is there anybody in there? asked Gladyshev. He was very excited and he had no time to go into the explanation, although the situation demanded. - In my room anybody there?

The meaning of the repeated question, apparently, got to her, and she nodded his head affirmatively, unable to utter a word in surprise.

Gladyshev rushed up the stairs. On the third floor, order out of breath, he rang the Elevator. It seemed to him that speed cab slowed to a crawl. He was in a hurry and didn't understand what speed he has nowhere. Is it could be something to fix, something предоттвратить this haste?

Veronica long not open. Когад his door finally opened, he barged, panting and almost отпихнув it aside.

-What's wrong with you?! - Veronica rubbed her sleepy eyes. "How do you come in this form? Where are you, in General, been all this time?!

No answer, still breathing hard, he walked into the room and powerless collapsed in a chair. She sat opposite him on the edge of the bed and began to wait for a response. When she tired of his silence, she eagerly and impatiently asked:

-Will you tell me, finally, what all this means?

Gladyshev looked at her apologetically, drew breath, scored more air into the lungs and said, mumbling every word:

-I think I killed Jora...

-What?! his words tore Veronica. She flew to him and knelt beside the chair on her knees, sitting on the floor. - What?!

-I don't know - Gladyshev took your fingers on the forehead, then his face in his hands. - I don't know. Perhaps, I never killed him. But I fired and hit him in the stomach... or chest...

-Why? Why did you do that?! Donkey! - Veronica moaned from grief.

-I didn't mean... I dont like, you know... somehow it just happened accidentally. He told me to put the gun on the fuse. I became his place, and he fired a shot. I even understand't managed to do anything. And then, when he saw the Zhora already slipping down, and his clothes blurry stain of blood.

-A-a-a! - Veronica lay down on the floor and begin to cry. "Idiot! Who are you, in General, has entrusted weapons! You're a dunce! You treat him, as it should be, don't know how to even! Ah!

Gladyshev wanted to comfort her, but didn't know how to do it. He watched as she beats in hysterics, listened to her curse and wondered: is she so loved him so much, to so kill? But no, he couldn't wouldn't believe it! He knew her too well to believe her tears! However, knew? Maybe she's in my heart it was something human... But how can you betray the man, hate him, while he is alive, and then kill it when it is already impossible to return... maybe money. Money. Of course, money. Who will now provide her luxurious life which she had hungered and which sought to which it had already become accustomed? Only Hippo could afford such luxury, and she apparently understands it perfectly. From and its bitter tears. However, how could he know. Someone else's soul, as it is known, - the darkness.

-Calm down, don't cry, please! he said to her. - I don't know what became of him, he might be alive. I may be only injured him. I was in a hurry to be with you look for it.

Veronica even cried for a long time. When she calmed down, she asked him:

-Why are you in this damn robe? Where are your clothes?

-I ended up in hospital. Right on the street lost consciousness.

-Слюнтяй! with hatred through his teeth процедила it. - Change your clothes! Went to seek him! Idiot! No wonder, Gladyshev, I always called you by name. Now I made sure that the other treatment you deserve!

The whole day they spent on the search for the ill-fated house and when they found him, finally convinced that the staircase was empty. On the floor there, where there was a misfortune, there are only brown spot and вычерченная chalk figure contours of the person.

Chapter 33. (02) 06 -> 08 -> 02)

There comes a time когад to fix something already impossible. Onon inevitably comes when life ends. It is best to understand this once before mortals bier person you once knew or with whom he lived next lately. The brevity and the futility of life appear suddenly, with a special, striking clarity, clarity and unambiguous directness. And, seeing as pointless, not when expected, and because I broke someone else's life, you start to think about her, as brittle and prone to hundreds of dangers on all sides, and you realize that seemingly unshakeable сегодняшее things tomorrow becomes the cause of self-destruction, and make plans for the future, defining itself as make our own way in this world, - mere trifle, and deceit itself.

Thought about it Gladyshev, standing next to Veronica, смолкнувшей, WAN-looking wrapped in mourning attire, приглушившим all her lovely charm. He suddenly действительносделалось scared, now or at some, very little time, he may as well die. Did somebody promised him that he live still not that a couple of years, and at least a couple of months or days. Yes, even hours. The death was very near, and it seemed to him that in this building is everywhere with her, and she is waiting just a moment bite him and sink her with his cold teeth.

Bemoaning his impressionability, he was berating himself for coming here. Who is he? Is it necessarily to be present when the deceased last and give him the honours?

From all нерадостных thoughts was badly. I had a headache. Want to get away, somewhere in the sun, on a glade in the middle of the forest, to around've been green and breathed life.

The dream of its likely frantic attempts of his soul to escape from reality, тяготившей mortal anguish, broke down, because he remembered the accident that on a court yard already the summer. "As gloomy die in the autumn", he thought and wondered myself if it was possible to choose, would rather die, but never came up with: in any season die was bad.

Disposal silence, полоснув his nerves and forcing herself from thinking, was playing loudly, sadly, heartbreakingly organ music, filling high arches and ceilings of the hall, decorated in red and black, nasty tone, some nervous tension, delivering, forcing all present except, perhaps, the workers of the institution, who ruled here and the papers, and music, and the farewell speech on behalf of the relatives, and even microwave - main instrument and the instrument for which it existed building, and which, judging from the expression on their faces, lean and indifferent, all this order, to the premises, tired: ahead ббыл a whole working day, and for the doors of the waiting queue hearses, is to survive the terrible, dark hour, when eerily like only one to get this nightmare is over.

"Very similar to the registry office, - not without relief thought Gladyshev, when the music finally stopped. - The same callousness and bitter". Had reached him clear thought that he would not like to someday he's buried. It was all too disgusting to his soul. Let it better buried in a common grave for the homeless and vagrants than that.

"Who will protect? he thought. -People are almost always do not know the true will of the deceased, and if they are, they do not see reasons then perform it. Nobody thinks that comes his turn to, or thinks отогда him to be still. The world is full of atheists".

Gladyshev very afraid that it is not отпоют in the Church in the Orthodox tradition, невеслом process of parting with the world, it was perhaps the only bright moment, giving hope. But to do this present times was costly, very troublesome, and, most importantly, not very safe - Communist secret service has closely followed functions of the cult of the population, and if the старухам, Yes dead bring any claims could not, younger people still hoping somehow to live, many risked and therefore did their best to evade the connection with the Church, seeing the request of the deceased perform the Orthodox rite only a strange whim, a tribute to fashion, псевдоприверженность to the old, already obsolete long ago its century of traditions. Many of them, fussing year after year, died before had time to think about his soul and its salvation rid of the atheistic, greedy-insatiable intoxication.

Gladyshev knew that the burial of the deceased is not simply give him homage too heavy and difficult, requiring the all-night vigil in which atheists saw only causing stiffness. It was the efforts of all who prayed for him, to help his soul ascend into Heaven, having overcome encountered on this path publicans-Zastava, which was the more than as being the most sinful passed earthly life, and each could be the last on the way up to God and hurl it down into Hell, to Hell. The more praying sincerely from our heart pronounced in the night in a single noble desire words of the prayer, the easier it was the way up to Heaven. And if the soul be left alone, not knowing what the struggle is waiting for her exit from the body, then what could it be?

The thought him were terrified. He almost physically felt, as the soul of Hippo rises above the body of the deceased and her snatch from all sides demons sent from hell. It even wince.

"God forbid!" pleaded himself Dima.

-What's wrong with you?! angrily asked Veronica turned towards him. - You that, Gladyshev, and now can't stand still for five minutes?!"

Civil funeral ceremony came to an end. Church no one ordered. Approaching the last minute farewell with the body of the deceased.

"With the soul nobody not going to say goodbye, thought to himself, Dima. - To say goodbye to the soul, you must work hard! With the body much easier to say goodbye, and if you're not so annoying nasal voice even and pleasant! God, what a terrible death!"

Suddenly it is as if struck by lightning. He remembered who killed Jora, and sharp pain прострелила through him. "How could I forget?! - Dima was horrified. - It is I killed him, I am! If not I, then none of this would not have existed today! How could I?!"

He unwittingly caught myself thinking that unbearable wants to escape, to run. As you can kill a man and now stand next to his wife and to see how his body prepared to be burned alive?! Am I normal if I can afford now to do?! I must confess, repent of this foul deed and прсить for himself mercy, and not to stand now, as the graven image, and not put a good face on a bad game, playing a good man! Killer! How could you?! How can you?!"

Dima cautiously looked at Veronica. He felt that he is not himself, and she asks him about it. But the girl stood with her head turned, and stared at one point in space, somewhere past the coffin of her husband.

"I wonder what she was thinking? - having calmed down, I asked myself : Dima. - Whether she knows who killed him? Guess whether the murderer, albeit unintentional, but still a killer, standing behind her? And if she wants to generally know who killed him and how this all happened?"

Veronica again turned and left her with a look full of tears. He was short, but like пригвождающий, and Dima his frightened. Her eyes seemed to say: "Why did you kill him?"

Dima drew back from her, and suddenly remembered that Veronica knows everything, that he himself about everything she said. It scared him even stronger: "She can give me!"

Dima something had gone wrong. He felt this, but could not realize that this is happening to him. His thought feverishly рработала, but entangled herself, уязала and was lost in his swollen member, юлила in one place, tripped over something insignificant bite its own tail, and raved in a word, nothing useful to do. His soul is crushed by heavy burden страшнонго crime, performed a wild and terrible dance like tango, and from that on the face of Dima and then it appeared momentary grimaces, bottomless emptiness in the absence of emotions and suddenly terrible.

If somebody looked at the moment the Гладышевва, familiar its just not immediately be learned and unfamiliar likely would think that in the hall of the crematorium somehow snuck a crazy person.

Actually inside Dima has plagued hundreds of sharp, burning like hooks. They would have hanged him on the spot and slowly соверщали his torture clutching at its very soul. If she let him, he could not bear it and he ran aimlessly, but he stood and together with all the other looked at the red coffin with black stripes, was hoisted on the pedestal. From the grave was only waxen face of the deceased. In fact, after some time it must really begin to melt under the action of furnace heat and... carry unbearable carry, carry, so that even powerful pump, pulling vapours from the VST the pipe stinking smoke of a furnace, failed completely, and in the ceremonial hall of the air had sickening taste even now, when the furnace stand idle waiting for the next portion of the work.

"As for today, there have already been burned corpses? thought Dima. - And what for to wait until the person becomes a corpse? To accelerate the process can not wait until the person dies. Take, for example, and at the same time with the dead burn all those present at his funeral. In the German concentration camps and did: burned people alive who have not managed to poison gases".

Dima is presented as it is pushed into a trolley and wheeled into the mouth of the crematorium ovens, where the hot breath of the monster comes out of hell crave flesh, nasty flame. It rests feet in the door leaf. And it continues to shove in there. And it's hot, hot! It intolerably hot, he's hurt. The flame burns it. The skin of his hissing and popping. But more than this horrible pain, it hurt, his hatred, his thirst for revenge! Who gave the right of these people to burn it?! Who?! And he answers your question: no one. Gave no rights to these brazen людишкам cause him pain and suffering, to interfere with his life! No one gave them the right to destroy its unique organism, this miracle mechanism, this amazing creation, not they created! Therefore, they deserve punishment! And requisitions of unbearable pain, it is transformed from a victim in hangman, the avenger, and изловчившись sticks his head in the microwave one of his губителей. He hears the rattle of his hair, as he was shouting, but soon suffocated by scorching flames, as cracking and popping the skin on his head and the pain, Dima feels joy satisfied revenge and killed himself with a smile on his face. Greedy flames devours him alive...

Someone several times nudged him in the side under rib. It was Veronica:

-Wake up, Gladyshev, " she said, almost indifferently, without contempt, but without the participation. "Actually, why should it despise me? he thought. - Participate in the hallucinations of my soul it could not". - Go will say goodbye.

Veronica went somewhere, and Dima to realize that the final minute of the ceremony, when all had to come and bid farewell to the deceased. Then it together with the coffin and put on a small tape of the conveyor, which will take away it in the microwave... How terrible it is, as it is creepy! thought Dima, and again has just started. - What is an abomination!"

He also went to the grave and stood at the end of a queue to a headboard, where everyone comes to cold dead man's forehead and said some words. Dima noticed that almost no one wept, and such that were killed, moaning or fell unconscious was not. Apparently, was stinking, dismal, gloomy atmosphere of the building, and before the enormity of oppression and places, and the forthcoming actions of the body, no one was able to give vent to his feelings. He himself was a strong feeling that now die from this мазохистскоготранса, and remained in his soul all this time, lasted until the funeral. He even wanted to now and, if not that, then at least to поттерять consciousness, and get away from here in the form of the insensible body.

It was his turn to be at the bedside. It was the likeness of torture: watch the waxen face of the murdered thee person, and kiss him then in the forehead. He's from last forces stood their half a minute, but felt that he could not kiss killed under pain of death, and walked away to become numb legs.

A few minutes later two of the porter came to the sepulcher and moved it onto a conveyor belt. One of them pressed the button and coffin disappear распахнувшимися on секундустворками furnace doors.

-Why you do not want to bury him a Christian life? -- Dima asked Veronica. - Read the burial service over it, as expected, in the Church, bury the body of the earth. Go you and me, you are not Communists...

Veronica looked at Gladysheva, as an idiot, then said:

But not Christians, too. Besides, it is Moscow, I don't know anyone here.

-But look how many relatives and friends came to say goodbye to him! Could be some договориься...

Veronica looked around the гладдышева eyes, which easily could read: "be Silent in General, poor fellow!" - and turned away

Not ten minutes, as an employee of the crematorium passed in the hall of pig-iron urn with the ashes of the deceased, and all went behind him on the adjacent to the crematorium cemetery, where everything was ready for burial: the earth was seated small cube склепик of concrete. Was put into the ballot box behind her flew farewell bouquets of flowers. When the last of the нихупал, describing lonely arc in the air and covering the lid of the urn work, which brought the urn have pulled over the crypt on top of a small marble slab carved with her gold facsimile Zhora Бегетова and dates of life.

-I wouldn't like to be buried, - I said Dima Veronica.

"Don't worry, Gladyshev, " she said. - You are buried, as visiting the Jackal - be sure.

Dima sighed, realizing that at the wrong time joined the conversation.

The widow began to approach the present, to Express the last time his condolences on the loss, before the separate to go to the hotels where they were staying.

-Why you didn't want to take the urn with the ashes home? surprised Dima.

"I see you have increased talkativeness today, " said Veronica. - Well, so be it, I'll answer. And I hope it's your last question for today. I think he will rest more pleasant in the capital, where he was killed, than lie in the land, which runs on his killer-app.

She gave a final glance at tombstone and walked away, to the entrance of the cemetery. Dima went after her, because I didn't know what to do now. It was clear that we should go home: if before him in Moscow there was nothing to do, now even more so.

He walked slowly, but at the exit from the cemetery they Veronica yet passed. She stopped him with a gesture.

-We leave out: I need the money, ' said the young woman. "Besides, I'm not going to thee contain, as did George. So, Gladyshev, the hotel can even not to come back... But no, take their belongings, and then get. Thou me more not интеречсуешь, however, was not interested in ever. I hope that tomorrow our paths never cross my little идиотик. Honestly, Gladyshev, I expected CBO you just what you want, but not so the pigs you men had to strip immediately and husband, and livelihoods. Whom I now need? I now don't cry just because wept tears in these last night! Pig! You made me an orphan, left моегоо child without a father.

-What kind of a child? surprised Dima.

-Someone who starts when a man and woman sleep together.

-You will have a child?! - guessed and was delighted to Dima.

-Yes, unfortunately, " said Veronica. - But, thank God, that is not from you, Gladyshev.

She turned and went away briskly, цокая metal heels on the pavement, and he in confusion and disarray stood his ground, following her gaze, and only then ran after him.

By the evening he appeared on the street with all her simple Luggage. He had no money even for a train ticket to go home. We had to somehow earn. Where to find money, and while settle somewhere for the night, to not put in jail cops.

Late at night, намотавшись in Moscow, he found one of the most cheap hotels, what is popularly known as "клоповниками", and barely scraped money to pay for a night in the iron beds, on the bare mattress and an empty pillow without underwear.

In the morning Dima woke up from a terrible feeling of being tickled. He opened his eyes and saw that on the face of негоо sitting something vile. Feeling the wave of disgust overwhelmed by it to the brim, he immediately wiped it on the floor and saw огросмного spider"сенокосца" with long legs-паутинками. On the floor, the ceiling, on the walls, as удалосьрассмотреть dime in the first morning light, their swarm кишело. Except spiders коммната was full of flies and cockroaches.

But Диминогоо scrub that yesterday he was weary, threw it under the bed, gone, just mysteriously disappeared. Dima went to had nothing to complain about, but no one listened.

Is a flophouse, " they told him, he barely made it clear that they were gone, things need to hide under itself: under the pillow under the mattress, under the blanket. Under the mattress is better not to put - ass over the net.

"But what shall I do now? -- Dima asked.

-Look, - answered, " perhaps find something. Is that not carry away, hide under a neighboring bed, and then, only in the afternoon already, failing and then all. Seek to find.

Maybe call the police? - very timidly asked Dima.

-No, - answered, " they are here on such trifles are not shown. Except that if a fight drunk or kill someone.

And often people are killed here?

-Yeah once a week for sure.

Dima was quite bad. He had a keen sense of loneliness, a hundred KRA increasing realization of our own poverty. Now the soul he did not have a penny, and if yesterday could sell at least half the price of those books that were lying in its your bag, then today he stole it.

Wanted to cry, but everything was so gloomy and implausible that I could not believe that such things could really happen. Dima went to her bed exhausted and sat down on it, forgetting about lost things about swarming around the hordes of different insects. Dream heavy and необоримый fell on him, and he decided that he needed a NAP even if for a bed that's already purchased, because tomorrow sleep on the bed unlikely to have, and this is, perhaps, the last pleasure which he has not yet been taken away.

His heavy eyelids closed, and he was again falling asleep. His hand crawling spider-сенокосец, and Dima dreamt that his skin crawling loathsome insect, and all ковруг teeming with the same filthy insects. He suffered and groaned in his sleep, and this time the other guests rooming house already woke up and began to wander in search of a piece of bread and money, that tonight that you would come back and переночавать here.


31 December 1998, on the stairs of the landed at Sheremetyevo-2 "Boeing" on москвовскую earth stepped strange man.

On the form he was thirty, however, if someone of those who knew him before, was present at this, they would could hardly conceal his surprise. This man was a very good sign. Anyone who has seen him before very surprised, because his face is almost not changed, and he greatly resembled the young man, which was before, only the hair on his head with an early kind of gray.

For a moment, coming out of the plane, he stayed on top of its platform and looked around, breathing in the frosty Moscow air as if to miss him for a long his absence. The gangway was rocking from side to side, Recalling its infidelity as a support. The young man stood, as if hesitated a second, different, and having taken a decision, and went his way.

-All the best! he asked casually to the flight attendant waved passengers.

-Good buy! Happy New Year! - stewardess replied colored.

-Oh! Yeh! Happy New Year! "he said the young man, and I thought to myself: "New year I should meet at home!" - though his real home was still more than seven hundred kilometers. However, upon returning from China, where he spent the last twelve years, he really felt at home.

When the young man was not for the weather umbrella-cane yellow-коричнового color with the ivory handle inlaid with (who would know that he is real!) пятидесятикаратным diamond, a small case of crocodile leather with a handle of саламандрового tree, also with small diamonds, and shoes of the same crocodile leather with platinum buckles with diamond dust. The bright, silvery-grey wool suit was накинуто thin coat of camel wool. Buttons on the suit and coat well as small diamonds sparkled.

Pogranichnik long incredulously studied passport American citizen. Sparkling, dazzling view of an alien born in the Ukraine, was confused about it endlessly. To the same date of birth, specified in пасорте, refused to be true.

-Gladyishev Dmytriy Alexandrovich?


-How old are you?

Question introduced a young man in confusion.

-Can speak Russian with me, " he said to the border guard.

-Well, how old are you? again addressed him in the border guard. - On the passport you seventeen, in appearance - not less than twenty-five.

"Sorry, " confused young man, - a photo in the passport meet my appearance?

-Well, Yes, " agreed the border guard.

-Then what's the matter? - the young man was beginning to feel angry.

-But you were born in Ukraine!

-So what?

-The purpose of your visit - the border guard thought a lot before ask this question.

-Visit relatives.

Actually he came to seek спасеня from his universal loneliness, which contracted for a long time. It seemed to him that he got them out here somewhere in this time. No, exactly at this time. And his return from the prosperous world in which it was in this miserable world he left behind more than ten years ago, was associated only with this. He did not yet know how he rid of this scourge, which suddenly discovered in his soul, but was firmly confident that get rid of this obsession you can only back. Although they say: twice into the same river, thou shalt not come.

Following it, Охромов not expressed very sorry, he аообще had not expressed any sadness: moor has done his duty, the moor can go. The only thing that he said at parting: "to come back - you know what to do. But you have only six months."

-You are not afraid to go in Moscow? - asked the border guard, all the same decided to stop stupid harassment returning documents.

"No, " answered the young man, picked up the case and headed for customs clearance.

Customs officers also kept it for a long time, what he never expected. It is generally assumed that after just half an hour after arrival, will be at a hotel. They forced him to declare umbrella, diplomat, shoes, buttons on a suit and coat, as containing precious stones, warned that even if lost at least one button with a coat or suit, he is in big trouble relating to smuggling.

-Why are you вырядились? Lord, you're walking a jewellery shop. The guards you need to attach to twenty people to everywhere escort, " cried the pretty таможенница thirty years.

It then calculates the amount of jewelry, which drew the clothes of a foreigner and ran to report to the boss.

Came fat, bloated head of the customs post.

-You have to pass all of this in storage in the customs warehouse, " he muttered, something munching.

"Why not?" the young man said

-Exceeded the marginal rate of the sum on import of jewelry natural person.

-But it's my clothes, was indignant foreigner - I always dress! You want to leave me naked?

-Then pay the state duty on the import of precious stones. But it will cost you a lot of money!

The young man immediately pulled out my Visa card and handed таможеннице without any comments.

Later двадцатт five minutes long white limousine, which is in Moscow on the fingers of one could count, took him to the front of the hotel "Cosmos".

Is not the best hotel for such a guest, as you warned his chauffeur, saying goodbye.

"I know, " replied the young man and went to the rotating четырехлопатсным door.

Администраторша knew him not, yet it is twelve years since she saw him for the last time. It only made the instinctive gesture, as if closed from the dazzling rays: a young man full sparkled with diamonds, like an alien from another world. But knew it, he was hardly more than a month in her life since she last time on film in the visual memory of a young man.

-You room? - she asked, with a professional speed to recover from the shock.

-Yes, I please, " he wrote on a piece of numbers and filed администраторше.

-What do you need that room? 'she returned. - I can offer you a luxury apartment.

"Nothing, thank you, nostalgia.

Администраторша, understanding nothing, quickly executed the documents and filed a young person keys:


"Thanks, " he replied and headed to the Elevator.

"Here it is the one room in which he lived Dmitry Gladyshev month and a half ago, " thought the young man, going into a familiar number.

Room was cleaned empty and buried, like any other hotel room. There was such impression, that it is empty since the Foundation of the hotel, and it has never lived.

"I wonder where Veronica?" - asked himself a young man.

He walked in number to the window, looked down from the ninth floor and returned to the familiar couch, then wearily sat down on him, with hands, and only now feeling the worn for the last time.

"Why did I come back? - променлькнула in his head by a stray thought. Perhaps that is my next mistake is to return to the message and try to correct it."

"I wonder where Veronica, " he thought further, " the room is so empty, as if't live here two hundred years. Buried all to стирильности. Even the spirit of the guests left. But it's the room, I could not be mistaken. And Veronica should even be here."

Twelve years ago he called her from the street phone. She was in the room.

"You still went? he wanted to know.

"No, " she replied, " I told you I didn't want you to hear more.

-But why you have not left home? "he asked.

In response, the receiver began beeping. The greater this number is not answered, often he called. And now, twelve years later, when he returned, he penetrated into the room, where we should live Veronica, but it was completely empty.

The young man picked up the phone, standing on the bedside table the couch and dialed the hotel administrator.

-Yes I will listen to you.

-Tell me, Veronica Бегетова, she must live in this room, which I now took.

Is six hundred and sixty sixth? Well, if you passed, so there is no one living. He single, right?

"Yes, " said the young man. - But what about the girls. Veronica...

-No, I do not know the kind, ' said администраторша, not let him finish.

-Gladyshev, Dmitry Gladyshev...

He moved out a month and a half ago... Kinsman that whether or namesake? What is he to you?

"No, thank you, happy New year to you, " the young man hung up.

He stood up and walked to the window again rooms.

The capital was preparing to celebrate the year of 1999.

Through the snowy haze, which swerved Moscow, shone here and there a thousand lights huge megalopolis, the same as always, strange and cold. It was a real jungle, in which the abyss was easier than in the forest.

The young man leaned against the cold glass of the window on the other side of which that were fluttering, and streamed fast, picked up by a sudden impulse, snowflakes. It seemed to him that Moscow also leaning against the window glass on the other hand, looks at him. But he was still making this huge metropolis in the jungle which dissolve the man whom he wanted to see all the world, people for the sake of which he returned to the неустроенную life, throwing his provided more than enough of existence, man, by which he missed almost every day, when alone, all these twelve years.

"Where are you, Veronica?" "came in the twilight of his lonely voice.


End. To be continued...

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