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Volcano "The Moon Outside My Window" (Satirical Novel) (17) The Return of the Dead Man

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  "The Moon Outside My Window"
  (Satirical Novel)
  Translated from the Russian by Alec Vagapov
  (17) The Return of the Dead Man
   Three months ago the secretary of Uvada Factory Zubeida was put under arrest. She was accused of killing her husband Sultan Savdagar. His body was found in the flood-lands of the Karadarya River. It was hard to identify it. Sultan"s relatives recognized him from the tattoo in the shape of a snake on his right arm. His mother wept, now and then fainting. When she heard the terrible news Zubeida, too, came running. The brothers of the deceased, accusing her of Sultan"s death, gave a thrashing to Zubeida.
   The militia arrested her as a suspect. She cried rejecting all the accusations. Sultan"s body was taken to the morgue. The crowd demanded execution without due process of law. They wanted to make her "tashbaran", i.e. by old tradition they wanted to kill her with stones. Bu the militia did all they could to prevent lynching. At parting Zubeida cried:
   - People, I did not kill him! Don"t you believe me? It"s malicious calumny!.. I didn"t kill him...
   She shed tears, but it didn"t help. She was taken away all the same. The investigation lasted long. A month later she was brought to trial. She pleaded guilty under pressure. After long whispering the court passed the verdict. She was sentenced to ten years of imprisonment and sent to a penal colony. After that there appeared a number of newspaper articles devoted to the case. The TV showed alleged details of Zubeida"s horrible crime. The whole country cursed her in chorus. The investigator Khurramov was given the rank of a major for the disclosure of the crime.
   Days and months went by. Suddenly, to the general amazement Sultan Savdogar turned up in Matarak. He entered the house and, finding no one there, he asked the neighbors:
   - Where is my family?
   On seeing him alive the neighbors shrank back. Then they rejoiced. But the elation soon faded. People started hiding their eyes. They didn"t know what to say. They kept silent. The women started crying. Then an aged woman said:
   - Where have you been gadding, you devil?
   Sultan Savdagar got angry:
   - Why are you scolding me? After all, I didn"t go to Tumen to dance around, but to earn my living. What"s wrong about it? Where are my children? Where"s my wife?
   The old woman continued:
   - Oh sunny, your home is in trouble. Your wife is in prison!
   - What? - said Sultan in surprise- How come? Why? Why in prison? .
   The woman answered:
   - For murder! She was sentenced for murder!
   - For murder? Whom on earth has she murdered? - asked Savdagar.
   -You!- said the woman.
   Sultan Savdagar got frightened and then said:
   - I don"t understand, really. That can"t be! I am safe and sound, and they put my wife to prison accusing her of having murdered me? Are they crazy?
   - Yes, that"s it, sonny! It was misunderstanding. Three months ago the body of a dead man was found on the bank of the river, and they saw a tattoo on the left arm, which looked like yours. The clothes too looked like yours. But the head was disfigureв to such an extent that the militia was unable to identify the body, and they confused it with you. Haven"t you heard about it yet? - the woman asked.
   -No, I came right here
   - Look here - the woman said - Go to the militia station and tell them the whole truth. Tell them to free Zubeida.
   Sultan Savdagar ran to catch a cab to go to the prison. Kalankhan Adalatov and I joined him. When the prison manager saw Sultan Savdagar he came to a standstill. And, shocking all those present, passed over the news to higher officials.
   The prosecutor"s office got down to business and after filling some forms Zubeida was rehabilitated and freed.
   Kalankhan Adalatov, assisted by an attorney, demanded an indemnity for the moral damage she had suffered. He prosecutor apologized to Zubeida on behalf of his office and promised to indemnify her for the losses and punish the culprits.
   - Pardon me, - Sultan Savdogar said hugging his wife on their way home.
   She looked at her husband wistfully and said:
   - Why should I? You are not to blame, after all. Thank God, we are back at home. I am happy now.
   Two months later Zubeida died from heart attack.
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