Адишакти : другие произведения.

Interview with Adi Shakti. Part 1. Karma and Physical Health. Question 1. Extra

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками Юридические услуги. Круглосуточно
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    We continue the series of Interviews with Adi Shakti. Adi Shakti will reply to the questions that are interesting for many people in our uneasy, but at the same time very interesting Time.

  Question: What if a person does always have a headache or cannot sleep? Nowadays many people speak about such problem and do not know what to do with it, because tablets do not help.
  Reply: A human is the most sophisticated construction on Earth.
  And immediately God has given an instruction to this complex construction on the right way to use this construction.
  If a person has not studied this instruction properly,it is obvious that there will be failures and destruction in one part or another.
  A head -is like electronics part in some object.Why do electronics fail?
  Because some malicious programms have been put in it.Thus you need to make a revision,what goes wrong.
  Sleep directly depends on the inner space of the person, free of thoughts,emotions,worries,fears,expectations. To clear the head at least one or two hours before sleep ,you should turn yourself off the external influence, whether it is communication,or information. To do it you need to have and absolute mood for it and understanding of the importance of good rest. Without clear understanding of the importance of regular sleep, the person will not be able to prepare himself or herself for the required cleaning from unnecessary and unimportant mental garbage in the head.
  Medicine offers a lot of ways and tools to"turn off" mental diarrhoea and allegedly give a chance to fall asleep quickly and fully. But this will be just temporary block something that should naturally be cleaned during the day.
  What advice can be given to those,who does not feel relief even after taking the medical treatment?
  First--understand the importance of your nature-and nature follows the biological rhythms of day-and night
  Second-try to stop any communication one hour before you want to go to bed.
  Third-surround yourself with soft small light before going to sleep
  Fourth-surround yourself with the feeling of care of the Universe about yourself and express your gratitude to Life for the lived day
  Fifth-mentally dive in the Night and close your eyes 😴
  And the most important condition-start learning the instruction on the use of your Body in this World.The instruction is not only the knowledge of the parts and mechanisms of the body,but its filling with correct essence, such as PURITY, PRUDENCE,GRATITUDE,PATIENCE AND LOVE,ABSOLUTE LOVE -THE FUEL THAT KEEPS ALL PARTS OF THE BODY IN SMOOTH WORK FOR THE WHOLE PERIOD OF OPERATION OF THE DEVINE CONSTRUCTION, CALLED T H E H U M A N !!!

If you would like to ask your question, please ask it in the comments to the article and we will publish the reply of Adi Shakti in the future publications.

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