Many conscious years I have already been observing disabled and freak people ,and I have been asking only one question--HOW MANY EVIL DEEDS AND W H A T A PERSON HAD TO DO IN THE PREVIOUS LIFES, SO THAT GOD HAS BROUGHT THESE SOULS TO EARTH IN SUCH AN UGLY FORM??????
WHAT MERITS do they have so that they are given so many privileges?
Even journeys and in a company of an adult to the resorts?????
I am sure that many people ask the same question, but do not dare to ask these questions out loud to those ,who is responsible for these sectors in the budget management.
We do not consider the cases,when a person due to some or other circumstances has got the injuries(this is the question of another level)
Should not we direct vacant budgetary money to the development and support of healthy children ?THIS should be encouraged and supported, not the mad and useless funding of something, where the Creator Himself has put His limits.
Do not we have rational people, who allocate budget of the country and who decide,in which sector the Future of the Planet must be strengthened???
Think even for a moment--why does this injustice exist now???
And why should we support SOMETHING, that has been marked by God Himself.
Direct resources to support just something that serves and supports our Future--healthy children in healthy families.
Those, who have got injuries even after the Special Military Operation ,they are just heroes--send them to treatment,to the resorts and other rehabilitation centres. Just as a tribute to their losses and in respect to their destiny.
And those,who have been awarded by Fate with the disability-they should pray and ask for forgiveness for the whole life.
A prominent example is India --it would be strange to see handicapped individuals in resorts and with huge social support programs.
And the Universe does not support and approve this bias for sure.
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О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души"
М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"