Aksayskiy Vladimir : другие произведения.

Axioms of Our Life

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The continuous search for something new, novelty in everything - this is the most attractive and promising way for Russia's development, according to many inquisitive Russians.


The topic of "novelty" is unlikely to cause a heated discussion, because almost all those who have completed Russian postgraduate and doctoral studies start nervously at the words "scientific novelty" and "practical significance".

Curiously, the Russian-language Wikipedia does not have an article "Novelty", but there is an article "Search for Novelty", in which the ability to search is "considered to be highly hereditary".

Most likely, everyone has it in a latent form - it seems that without it you cannot survive in our world, which is evolving at a gallop, in revolutionary leaps, no one knows where and no one knows why.

It is desirable to combine the search for something new with a careful and conscious attitude to the current axioms - moral, religious, scientific...

Here, for example, is a set of four statements that may be useful for finding a new one. If you want or need, they can be accepted as axioms.

- The basis, the foundation of any scientific, philosophical and religious constructions are axioms.

- Axioms are accepted assumptions, - and nothing more.

- The new is always beyond the axioms.

- In life there is always a place for a feat.

And here is an example of a careful and conscious attitude towards the future creators of axioms in mathematics.

The teacher tells the class:

If two lines on a plane do not intersect, then they are called parallel lines.


And if two curves on the plane do not intersect?


Imagine that the plane is rubber and stretch it so that your curves become straight - and please do not interfere with the lesson, otherwise I will not fit into the program.

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