Алалыкин Денис Сергеевич : другие произведения.

The sketch of Yugoslavian problems with genocide or some words towards Miloshevich

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    The words, which could - and should be told on the Court, made on Serbia.

  Just before his death Tito sighed: "I"m the unique Yugoslav". And in some cases it seems to be the truth. Slavdom came to Balkan Peninsula being almost undivided. But life within or right near the borderlands of Romean Empire wasn"t ease. Endless skirmishes and fierce battles, unstable political unions, Rome"s and Constantinople"s attempts to strike each other by converting Southern Slavs into Christianity. And the last but not least - divide et impera of Romean Secret Services. All these things together with usual will of people to quick prosperity had deeply broken the Slavs. Slovene (who are inhabitants of modern - and former Yugoslavian - Slovenia) slowly lost their lands to Germans of Eastern Reich, nowadays Austria. Those lands had long ago incorporated in the big Austrian territory, called Karintia.
  Slovene by themselves couldn"t keep the country. The Slavs - living near the Sea were mostly catholicized while the Danube Slavs were taken to the sphere of Eastern Orthodoxy, though big part of Bosnian Slavs was christened in a heretical mode.
  Later, when the strongest realm - Serbia - led the fight against Turkic invasion the Bosnians (or Bosnjaki) together with Albanians were the first traitors. The Battle of Kosovo for ages had become an example of the Bravery, but some of the Slavs" dukes didn"t come to the battle. Later Bosnians were almost freely Islamized and the Turks presented them the role of dutiful servants and guards.
  So, the Split of the Southern Slavdom was even stronger than between Catholics of Croats (Hrvati) and Orthodox Serbs - both Serbo-Croats. New Moslem guards were glad to cut the enemies of Istanbul.
  At the time of permanent rebellions against Sultan among Serbs (the bravest lived at Montenegro - or Chernogoria) these Bosnians kept Turks company in the establishment of Janissaries.
  During all the time of Middle Ages this was like a gap - and everybody in Serbian Edge - or Kraina - knew that in Bosnia lived the Slavs who were not the Slavs anymore.
  Because of Serbia was stronger enemy for Turks than Croatia (some cities of which laid under Venetia rule) the position of the last was a bit lighter, though also terrible.
  The Split also was only enforced when Croatia was taken by Hapsburgs (as it happened with Czechs, Slovaks and Poles) and incorporated into Hungarian part of their reign. In their turn they settled some Croats on the border with Ottomans to bite them. At the beginning of Napoleon Era Serbia still was under Turks in spite of some wishes of Russia and different uprisings. Serbia was sunk in blood.
  In the course of 19-th century the ideas of free and united - to be unconquerable - Southern Slavdom were rising from time to time. Thanks to different wars and diplomatic measures (mostly of Russia - and even only of Russia) but at the beginning of 20-th century Serbia was free - as free was Bulgaria with her own ambitions.
  The First World War in which Serbia was the undoubted victim had brought the Southern Slavdom its" freedom. The Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes was - despite of serious internal problems - the real life of centuries-old dream. The Bosnians, integrated to Kingdom, weren"t claimed among its" founders - why for? The Croats and Bosnians thought that they lived not in Yugoslavia but within Great Serbia - and some short-sighted Serbian politicians only emphasized such resentments.
  When Germans - cruel eternal enemies - came again they didn"t find the long and steady defense. Yugoslavia was divided again. And nobody in Serbia will forget the genocide, made up by Croats and Bosnians, collaborators of Hitler and the Third Reich.
  The Red Croat Partisan, provisional Stalin"s friend, Josip Broz Tito, could unite the Yugoslavs giving them new - communist - identity. You can be Croat or Serb - but anyway you are the Yugoslavian communist - might be read his idea. The death of dictator showed that this idea failed to work.
  Miloshevich was one of the old communist leaders (though enough young by himself) who met the disintegrating of Yugoslavia with a very simple idea - nothing Serbian can be lost. Slovenia moved on its" own way and almost nothing was done to stop her. Croatia had become independent. Chernogoria (Kara-multuk of the Turkish maps) was associated with Union Republic of Yugoslavia. Macedonia moved out with undefined status. They were neither Macedonians nor Bulgars. The hardest problem was in Bosnia. Linguistically it"s still a unity of Serbo-Croat Language, but politically, culturally and socially this was land endlessly fragmented onto Croatian, Serbian and Bosnian villages and areas. This meant war and genocide - and they came. As we remember the initial successive Serbian advance (not of Serbia itself, but of Serbian Krajna inside of Bosnia) was stopped by united (by task, not by love) Croats and Bosnians. And at that hour the Western Powers decided to help the Serbian enemies. (little, though important fact: almost all special units of former Yugoslavian Army consisted of Bosnians, it was the policy of the Party - and these military professionals were good, very good). Serbs, landlocked in the battle of Sarajevo - had to agree with numerous "cease fire" agreements. Which were used by their enemies to get help from the West. Finally the Civil War was driven to the end, Serbs agreed to capitulate being undefeated.
  Genocide. The killing of humans. Of course it"s the pain, blood and the Death. There is no really holy words to justify genocide. But there is nobody who can shame the Serbs. The Civil War - if it does take a place - isn"t a war between officially recognized armies, it is the war of tribes, of civilians who try to establish their own rules. Serbs killed Croats, Bosnians and a few of NATO"s personnel. The Westerners with Croats and Bosnians killed may be much more of Serbs. During the dirty occupation of Kosovo - an old Serbian land - Americans killed Serbs through a high-precise sight with a help of satellite radars and eyes. They were so precise that bombed Chinese embassy, a lot of civilians, and not only Serbs.
  Finally, after so-called democratization, Serbia - and Yugoslavia - was defeated. Nowadays Serbia is slightly bigger than it was in the late Ottoman times.
  All these long words are told with a one target - not to blame - but to explain. The problem of inter-Yugoslavian genocide isn"t just the murderers of post-communist Civil War. It"s one of the faces of ancient Balkan story. No less - and no more.
  And, by the word, the Bosnians were - and are the traitors. The traitors, whose old host possesses one of the largest NATO"s army. Turkey - ask her about Kurds and Armenians. And ask Albanians about Macedonia.
  Well, let"s speak.
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