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The phenomenon of Ai

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    Being a bit tired of endless AI specifications in all these computer games. What actually we have?

  The AI.
  Usually, we think that AI - or Artificial Intellect - is the real brain of the electronic machine. The first problem with AI begins right here - in the "brain". Cause it"s not the brain at all. The determination of the human brain will inevitably contain not only different abilities in counts, but the existence of the free will. The human brain is something which (or who) can decide what to do, sometimes without any external reason. That"s why even the fastest computers don"t have the brain. Would it be the reality - we could meet actually new form of life.
  So, the question is - what do we want to create, calling it "the AI"?
  The truth for current time is that the AI is just the complex of difficult machinery with deeply designed algorithms. It cannot think at all! It just does the task, just zeros and ones. The thinker and its host is the programmer, the human being. Of course nobody can say that AI works slower than we. AI, since the very initial generations, could operate faster than we. But we ask. And we hold its answers, not it!
  But there is a lot of situations or discourse areas where the term of "AI" is used. One of them is the field of the computer games. I hope that you know - at least - that people sometimes play them. Every kind of the computer games - like strategies, shooters, simulators or role plays (RPG) - uses the AI to describe the behavior of the personages (units, troops, heroes etc) which are under the control of the computer. In fact they are anyway under the human control. Special people wrote special scripts which set the rules for machine to behave. But simple players don"t think about such matters - they just discuss the novelties, done by moulders, they chew over the AI reasoning. Like Counter Strike bots, you know...
  So, we may dream about the AI, but we do not have it. Otherwise the future will come right tomorrow...
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