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Exoplaneten erhalten Namen durch ein Online-Voting

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    The Astro-Club "Nippy" (http://www.amelkin.de/nippy.html) participates in the contest "NameExoWorlds" of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) and proposes the names "TILAPIA" and "NATRON" for the exoworld "epsilon Eridani" in the constellation of Eridanus (the River). The culture of TILAPIA (fish-goddess "TelePia" or "TelaPia", god of water and storm "TelePinu" or "TelaPinu", and fish-god "TilaMaTim", "Ila" or "Ela" from the sacred Family of the Sun) goes back to Ancient Egypt, Hittite Empire and Babylonia. TILAPIA is said (as a fish-goddess) to accompany and protect the sun-god Ra on his daily journey across the sky. In ancient Egyptian art the fish-goddess Tilapia was depicted either as a fish (tilapia), or a woman with a fish emblem or crown on her head. She was a goddess of life and protection. Tilapia was represented by the hieroglyph K1 ("in", "int", "jn") of the Gardiner List. The fish-goddess Tilapia is associated with the region of Annu: the constellations of Pisces, Cetus and Eridanus. Tilapia was considered as a daughter of the Sun, and this is very interesting, while the neighbouring sun-like star "epsilon Eridani" (which could be called "Tilapia") is smaller and younger than our sun. The Goddess of Life and Protection could protect our Sun again! You can vote once for each of the 20 nameable systems till the end of October 2015: http://nameexoworlds.iau.org/exoworldsvote and among them for one of the 12 proposed names for the exoworld "epsilon Eridani": http://nameexoworlds.iau.org/systems/105 (hopefully for our proposal).
    VIDEO: https://youtu.be/dzmUpBvEsyM

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