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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Chorus I

Beyond of the Darkness,
Feeling despair,
We searching for access,
Trapped forever.
We trying to find
The way to the future,
That keeps us in mind,
Frightning the creature,
That walked around,
Passing the lights,
Was always It bound,
But waited the Night...

Chorus II

Black light shows the way,
Darkness around keeping the border
Shadows are howling, crashing the order,
Crying for pay.
We hear the voices that hail the Night
We see that the creatures around of us
We tried escape, leading by light
We run through the time, run through the tags
We feeling the fear that hiding in heart...

Couplet I

In the Dream of the Future
We see only dust,
Smoke and ash that filling the air
We found a feature,
Predictions of Past
We feeling Despair

You can not it see
You can not believe
You looking around
'It can't be so bad!'
You run to the passer,
He can not believe,
You trying explain
He saying ''you're mad!''
He can't understand!!

You running away,
Trying forget;
You look at the faces
You reading regret
They think you are crazy
And trying to help
They holding the daisy
Making the grave...

Chorus II
Black light shows the way,
Darkness around keeping the border
Shadows are howling, crashing the order,
Crying for pay.
We hear the voices that hail the Night
We see that the creatures around of us
We tried escape, leading by light
We run through the time, run through the tags
We feeling the fear that hiding in heart...

Couplet II

You broke the cage,
You killed the beasts,
Who were inside,
You lost in your rage
Hearing the priests,
Looking for guide

You running alone,
Forgetting the way,
Shadows are grown -
Stop for a pray!
You catching the past,
But loosing the future
Time is fast,
Find the scripture!

But this is the trap,
It came from dreams,
You cannot escape -
Listen to screams:
'You here forever!'
'Coming despair!''
You seeing the flare...
This is Nightmare!

Chorus I

Beyond of the Darkness,
Feeling despair,
We searching for access,
Trapped forever.
We trying to find
The way to the future,
That keeps us in mind,
Frightning the creature,
That walked around,
Passing the lights,
Was always It bound,
But waited the Night...

Chorus II

Black light shows the way,
Darkness around keeping the border
Shadows are howling, crashing the order,
Crying for pay.
We hear the voices that hail the Night
We see that the creatures around of us
We tried escape, leading by light
We run through the time, run through the tags
We feeling the fear that hiding in heart...

Chorus II

Black light shows the way,
Darkness around keeping the border
Shadows are howling, crashing the order,
Crying for pay.
We hear the voices that hail the Night
We see that the creatures around of us
We tried escape, leading by light
We run through the time, run through the tags
We feeling the fear that hiding in heart...

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