Березина Елена Леонидовна : другие произведения.

Five Principles Of The Universe

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    перевод В.Н. Березиной

  The law of conservation, which affirms the eternity, the indestructibility and the mutual transformations of matter and energy, embraces all physical categories without exception: matter, antimatter and energy in all shapes and forms. That includes entropy, as part of the positive energy of the system, and negentropy, i.e. information, which is, according to Shannon, entropy with a reversed sign.
  Cosmic objects consisting of antimatter cannot be observed in principle; travelling faster than light, they are always positioned in a reverse light cone towards the observer (in negative time), but their existence is confirmed by circumstantial evidence, namely by their indisputable impact on the bodies of the material universe. This is the reason behind astrophysicists' ongoing search for the much talked-about "dark matter."
  The Big Bang is none other than the annihilation of all the matter there is in the world (mass) with all the antimatter in it. The energy of the explosion again gives rise to worlds-antipodes, until their subsequent annihilation. This process is cyclical and eternal, like the one that takes place in the pair "particle - antiparticle".
  Whether a quantum mechanical object is a particle or a wave depends exclusively on the object's speed: when travelling slower than light, it is a particle; when reaching the speed of light and at the speed of light, it is a wave. Travelling faster than light, the object positions itself as an antiparticle, its other parameters changing accordingly.
   Time, like spacial dimensions, has two directions on the reference axis, on both sides of zero which is the flash-"event." The positive time is in the direct light cone and the negative time is in the opposite one. The movement of any object towards the observer always happens in the positive direction, while the object's movement away from the observer always happens in the negative direction - both in space and in time.
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