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About Love

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    Нашла на компе кое-что законченное... правда, древнее и странное:)

  "Why did you lie to me?"
  When he saw her come in, he thought she"d be angry. Or pity him. Or both. But no, there was just love and kindness in her amazing chocolate brown eyes. And a hint of mild reproach.
  "Don"t you get it?" he spit out furiously. Annie just smiled. And that was it. He couldn"t be angry with her anymore. James always said that her smile was like a cure to the heart - it brought peace and comfort. Annie had always been his angel. Until two weeks ago.
  "Why didn"t you tell me?" she insisted kindly.
  "Because I don"t want you here!" he said firmly. James really wanted her to go. He wanted her to leave and forget all about him. Be happy. With someone else.
  "Well, that"s unlucky... for you," she continued calmly, "because I"m not leaving your side."
  He moaned and leaned back onto his cushions. He should have told her he didn"t love her. But James never could lie so bluntly to her face.
  "You must go and get on with your life," he croaked.
  "I think that"s for me to decide."
  "Two or three months, not more. Months of hospitals, drugs, doctors and pain. You really want that? You really want to see me die?"
  "I don"t want to see you die. I want to see you live. However little time there is left."
  She didn"t cry at his funeral. Annie promised him she wouldn"t. Besides, her tears wouldn"t bring him back, even if she cried her eyes out night after night.
  And crying was bad for the baby...
  Pity she didn"t manage to tell him...
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