Блюмина Елизавета Андреевна : другие произведения.

She is an Other

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Перевод "Иная"

"She is an Other"

One day I'm waking up unknown, 
Not very sensitive, nor modest.
You will be shocked and very horny,
About my look, my waist, my shoulders.

One day I'm waking up so great, 
You'll smell the scent of my perfume.
Don't need to have a smile-fake.
You can"t forget how sound my name

One day I'm waking up as other,
With me, you cannot play no more.
I will become the strongest, darling
Enjoy charisma, cus hesitation flow (away). 

One day I'm waking up as a stranger, 
And now nobody knows who's this.
In moment when I show my anger
You will immediately see.

I'm not the one you were together 
Nor who is tolerate for you, 
You called me "bitch"? From now and ever 
Once Astarte cult returns, I"m new

Перевод "Иная? 
By Venis P'elte

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