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Pioneer one Episode Two, Between the poles

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    Pioneer One. Episode 2. (Pioneer One S01E02). English version.

  Pioneer One. Episode Two. Between the poles.
  Scene 1. Zahariya and Taylor in the temporary Canadian office (HQ).
  Taylor let the scientist to use his laptop, so Zahariya connected internet via satellite and local dial.
  - Can they track our session? - asked scientist with caution.
  - What for? - wondered Taylor.
  - I thought, - Zaharia explained, confused a bit, - And came to conclusion that it"s impossible.
  - How that? You told me that the most difficult part could be...
  - I"m not about that matter. I speak about absolute conspiracy, that"s what is really impossible. There must be someone who studied the question.
  - Russian? - Taylor frowned at scientist.
  - Probably yes.
  - And you probably know someone.
  - Not exactly. I read his articles, but I doubt that we could find direct link to Martian program. If they were eager to make it real secret, and we still now nothing, than...
  - Than what?
  - Please don"t consider me crazy, but I ask myself again and again. Are you sure that WE know absolutely nothing?
  Taylor rubbed his chin and looked at the wall above scientist"s head.
  - Listen, please. If you know something, better let me now that, - Zahariya took a breath, - You wish to get the answers on the questions, me too. I could give more precise answer if I got more data.
  - It"s possible, - Taylor became confused.
  - What?
  - It is possible that you"re right and they, - he looked at State sign at laptop cover, - know something else than we know, and that"s why.
  - Why what? - Zahariya didn"t understand.
  - Just nothing. Come on, and skype your secret Russian friend.
  Scene 2. Zahariya and Taylor, Sofy and Rudnev.
  Laptop screen shows video connection. Russian"s hair is dense grey hair. At first glance he has sharp and volitional face, but looking hard reveals the sense that face is lifeless, colorless. Looks like a deep invincible fatigue grinds the man from within. Russian wears big glasses with rectangular mount.
  - Victor Ivanovich Rudnev - Zahariya called the man.
  - Yeah?
  - This is Zahariya ... - scientist identified himself.
  - Sorry, never had a chance to hear about.
  - May be you had chance to read my books?
  The pause fallowed. Russian thought of something or tried to remember. The pause than delayed.
  - No. Never.
  Taylor intercepted Zahariya"s glance, shrugged his shoulders. The scientist continued skype session.
  - Victor Ivanovich, can you tell us about project "Biosphere"? Please.
  - Sorry, I"m out of duty for a long time.
  - Are you sure he is one we needed?- Taylor quietly asked.
  - Look here, - Zahariya opened his book at annotated bibliography, and showed Taylor three footnotes at the Rudnev"s articles.
  Suddenly Sofy drew their attention with flapping hand and exclaimed.
  - He signed the form. And this will be...
  - No matter, - Taylor interrupted her unexpectedly abruptly.
  Pause came back, and Rudnev"s face disappeared from screen.
  - What if he"s going offline? - Zahariya became nervous, - May I?
  - No! - Sofy exclaimed again.
  - Stop it! - Taylor raised the file with note in Russian, - What did you read there? I"ve asked a hell ago make me printed translation. Why DeLeo didn"t make yet?
  - Zahariya, are you online? - Rudnev returned to screen.
  - Sure.
  - Tell him all you knew before you came here, - allowed Taylor.
  - Oh, what is that? Are the rumors spread too fast? - said Sofy, - What did I missed?
  - While I"m waiting for translation all day long, - Taylor parried, - Sorry, I didn"t mind to... You know, all nervous.
  - I know, - Sofy relented, - Will you please explain me anyway?
  - He found something in the google browser, some incident in 70"s. Zahariya, please try it. May be Rudnev knows something.
  Zahariya swallowed and wrote in the session window.
  "Please look in google Radiation over America in 70s".
  Victor didn"t respond for a minute. Than asked:
  - What coordinates?
  - No reason to hide. Tomorrow that all may be in media, - whispered Taylor, - Tell him, Zahariya.
  Scene 3. Rudnev onboard.
  Victor Rudnev board airplane and looked at window. The faded scenes follow each other in his memory, thirty years passed. Than he came onboard like today, but out of time. Captain announced a delay. The big black "Volga" drove to boarding ramp, and two men in civil came upstairs. Shortly after that they walked down with Rudnev.
  Today no one tried to stop him. Airhostess asked him is it okay.
  - It"s hot.
  - Please direct the air from conditioner THIS SIDE, - advised the maid, - Someone sat here before, and may be he felt cold.
  - That was me, - whispered Victor.
  Airhostess didn"t understand and made a helpless smile.
  The aircraft lift off in trembling mirage, against big red sun. Red light stroked Victor"s silhouette. His hand lied on the knees and held a book in dark cover.
  Scene 4. Taylor, Sofy and Rudnev, than DeLeo in the vehicle.
  Taylor and Sofy met Rudnev at customs.
  - You will come with us.
  - Where we are going? Which SIDE? - asked Rudnev.
  The question sounded like password puzzle, and Taylor held the mask like that he didn"t feel the strange, intriguing meaning. Sofy stirred her eyebrow slightly. Taylor stopped her with the gesture, as said "it"s not a time for puzzle".
  Inside a vehicle, modest gray "Ford" DeLeo waited for them at driver"s seat. Sofy occupied the place near driver, Taylor and Rudnev - in the back.
  - Are you also interested in "Biosphere" project? - Rudnev questioned Taylor, as they took their places.
  - Never had a chance to hear about.
  Rudnev squeezed his jaws tightly, became noticeably nervous. But Taylor explained:
  - Zahariya knows. Enough. You could communicate him about.
  - I"m in doubt, - Victor took a breath.
  - Anyway you"d better try to reach the point, - he obviously made an accent on last word.
  Sofy intercepted Taylor"s glance, he shakes his head. But she is sure, their guest had some another meaning in his words.
  - How you were so lucky to arrive so quick? - asked DeLeo.
  - What"s the problem? - Victor wondered at him.
  - I heard about there in Russia everything is strictly, no chance to visit USA so easily.
  - I thought we are in Canada, aren"t we?
  Taylor returned impenetrable glance, and once again there was a pause.
  - Nobody tried to stop me there, - said Rudnev, - "Biosphere" is out of state interest for a long time, has no mark "top secret".
  - Victor Ivanovich, I suppose Zahariya will not talk about "Biosphere" project, - Taylor slowly said.
  - Please stop "Ваньку валять", - grumbled Rudnev in Russian, - Zahariya will talk about matter that you order.
  - Sure, - Taylor nodded, - I"m glad to see you understand. But anyway I had to let you know. We don"t will to force you in any way. Will not force you. We hope for your willingly inspired collaboration.
  - Oh, yes, - Rudnev"s glass set sharply flashed, - I begin to understand what"s going on.
  - What"s going on? - asked Sofy.
  - Время поджимает?
  Taylor looked at Sofy. And Victor laughed quietly, than translated.
  - Clock hands become tighten? You don"t have enough time, aren"t you? You are in absence without leave? God knows how you could make it. Is it true?
  - What is true? - wondered Sofy.
  - How much time do we have before the TIEs in States will figure out that you pull the wool over? Before they will make it really tight here.
  - No one pulls the wools, mister Rudnev, - Sofy snarled, - You make incorrect conclusions. Soon official information will appear in media.
  - Like it happened in 70s?
  Scene 5. Taylor, Sofy, DeLeo and Zahariya. Inside temporary Canadian office.
  - You really insist to speak Rudnev in private? Zahariya, you insist for nothing, - Taylor became annoyed.
  - You wouldn"t understand a half of what two eggheads speaking.
  - This is ruled out, - Taylor stayed inflexiable.
  - Than okay, okay, - Zahariya agreed unwillingly, - Besides, we out of coffee again.
  - You stand in next coffee absorber after me, - hemmed Taylor.
  - Than make me stand in your position, - joked Zahariya.
  - You wouldn"t like it, - Sofy mentioned obscurely.
  Zahariya looked at one and another with forced attempt to guess. Then frowned and suddenly exclaimed.
  - I finally decided whom you both resemble! Mulder and Scully. Exactly!
  - He saw too much serials, I think, - Sofy smiled reservedly.
  - Could be so, but it doesn"t matter, - Taylor nodded, - It"s just psychologies. Effective team consists of two, contrary sex.
  - Than it is obviously to you, not me. I"m physics scientist, not psychologist, - Zahariya justified himself.
  - That"s why we must participate while you eggheads talking.
  - Anyway I"m sure he saw too much serials, - whispered Sofy and added loudly, - I didn"t mention any word incomprehensible while Zahariya speaks. That Russian is another story. His communication manner is much more complex.
  - Keep in mind that all of them like Rudnev serve military forces.
  - Like in our homeland, in States, you mean? - Sofy said.
  - Or he is not the one whom he tries to appear, - DeLeo supposed.
  - The one does not exclude another, - Taylor made conclusion, - We don"t have choice anyway.
  Scene 6. Taylor, Sofy, DeLeo and Zahariya. Inside temporary Canadian office, at the table. Rudnev seats at the opposite side of the table.
  - Again I allow that your government ought you not to tell us all the matter, it is clear. But as you see...
  - Oh, yeah, - Rudnev interrupted Taylor and added in Russian, - Сели в лужу, да? Your cosmonaut sleeps and unable to answer questions. And all the answers you can get yourself are far beyond any reasonable frame.
  - Do you have reasonable answers?
  - Present day, Mr.Taylor, differs from the days thirty years old. Its waste of efforts to hide the truth completely.
  - Truth is somewhere, -Zahariya joked.
  - That means it exists, - Sofy said.
  - Stupid way to think that today nobody knows nothing, having no guesses. But in another side, even the Martian Observer is predictable. It can be deceived.
  - Please make a stop here, - Taylor said husky, - I have a feeling that we skipped over couple of steps. And started talking about...
  - My friend, lets finally arrange, - Rudnev flapped his hand, - Zahariya here, so you"ve heard about martian settlement time to time and it is not a fiction, but realizable project. To say precisely, realized.
  - Okay, we"re listening, - Taylor agreed as well as other.
  - Unfortunately I don"t know much, besides, too much time passed, and all communications were lost. But the project was desired in USSR and started to realize exactly after Caribbean Crisis and publishing the Shute"s novel "On the beach". Did you read it?
  Sofy nodded with confidence.
  - Tha was not totally unique. There are some more terrestrial projects. For example, the granary in Arctica, hidden underground in durable fallout shelter. I can give another examples, but all of them are almost nothing in compare with project "Pioneer One". It is a project of unthinkable scale. About tree hundred people are involved in project simultaneously. To say so, something about tree hundred martians.
  - How could it be possible? - Taylor awared.
  - It"s absolutely unthinkable! - Zahariya ecxlamed, - It"s impossible to hide Martian settlement for 300 colonists.
  - Why not? You know where it can be done, - Rudnev smiled at scientist.
  - In theory, in caves, under the planet surface, in Vallis Mariners canyon, it is almost equator. The only reasonable choice. Highest temperature there. And suitable location for spacecraft launch pads.
  - That what you wrote in book? - Sofy specified.
  The advocate of Martian colonization frowned.
  - But 300 people! What about hydroponics? Okay, may be no use in it. Chemosynthesis? But ordinary healthy man, even if he is triply martian inborn, consumes an amount of oxygen and water. Even if we can imagine differences in conditions of long day time and lower gravity.
  - What about long day time? - Taylor asked.
  - Martian day is little bit longer than earth one, - Rudnev explained.
  - How interesting, indeed! - Sofy whispered, - And how do they count calendar? What year is now out there?
  - If we need the numbers Zahariya can make all calculation, - Taylor seemed to be confident.
  - But I do not understand anyway, - Zahariya didn"t quiet down.
  Ringtone sounded, and Taylor answered.
  - Yes. Oh, its okay. Of course he"s scared. I understand. Yes, I can talk to him.
  - Excuse me Mr.taylor, it could be better if I go there first and talk to him, - Rudnev interfered politely, - He awoke, isn"t he?
  - Yes, - Taylor intercepted Sofy"s glance and turned back to Russian man, - You may go. I see no reason in warnings.
  - No doubt, you have there cams and mics, aren"t you? If I could tell him any secret, how could I come here unstopped? If he, - Rudnev stopped and looked in direction where he supposed box and guest from space within, -Anyway I didn"t subscribe any paper, and will not do it now. When you"re on your own, such kind of document has no power. And you will not him go first, - Rudnev nodded in direction of Zahariya.
  - No doubt, as you said, - Taylor agreed, - Go.
  Person from the medical stuff knocked the door, and after a while Rudnev went away with him.
  Scene 7. Taylor, Sofy and Zahariya talking.
  - What a book he carries? - Taylor asked.
  - I"m sure it"s not a Bible, - Sofy smiled, - Do you remember, he said, it"s a present for child?
  - Than how can I believe in words about lost communication? He knew, that cosmonaut is a child.
  - May be a child batter adapted for interplanet travels, - Sofy said and shrugged her shoulders.
  - No, no, - Zahariya interfered, - A child is more exposed to radiation decease.
  - But that decease is not completely lethal, - Taylor argued, - Even more, it is curable.
  - Your medic said the child sick with cancer, - Zahariya reminded.
  - May be the space flight worsened his health, but it is not obligatory that it caused cancer, - Taylor shared his thoughts.
  - Oh,yes, I even understand his parents if they decided violation of all rules, - Sofy took a breath, - And to save their child.
  - When I will get my translation of that interplanetary note after all? - Taylor suddenly changed his mind.
  - A-a-a...
  - Sofy how many words are in that message? Take this pen and paper, take a sit and write translation. Please. Yes, here and now, and please again don"t look at in that manner, okay? I don"t ask you to make me cup of coffee. That"s what I can do myself.
  Zahariya took a loud breath and said:
  - I saw the book he carried.
  Taylor and Sofy exchanged with glances.
  - Ray Bradbury, "The Martian Chronicles".
  - You read in Russian? - Sofy became alerted.
  - I can read a title of the book that written about Mars, - scientist replied modestly, - Yes, I read it time ago. Of course in original, not in translation.
  - Really good novel. Boy would like it, - Taylor nodded, - Zahariya, lets go get some coffee. While Sofy is busy with that translation.
  Scene 8. Sofy and Rudnev. In minutes before Taylor"s return.
  Sofy didn"t anticipate soon Victor"s return. She had a sense that he wish private talk to her, but didn"t have a suitable moment yet.
  - What do you do? - Victor Rudnev said.
  He said it in Japanese.
  - What the hell, - Sofy exclaimed, but quickly stopped and answer Rudnev in the same language, - Please make me pardon. I"m translating martian"s message. Why did you started to talk?
  - In Japanese? I saw how you write. The manner of person who is highly skilled in calligraphic. Hieroglyphics. So I made a guess. If they are going to listen us it surely will take them time to translate.
  - "They"? - Sofy looked astonished.
  - Yes. I"m not sure, but one thing I know perfectly. The "Pioneer One" project was collaborated. There were participants. USSA and USA, - the metal glass mount flashed in office light.
  - Oh, my God.
  - Listen and do not interfere. I know almost nothing but I"m sure there are those, who know much more. And possibly they wish to keep all secrets unrevealed.
  - Than what can I do? And why do you tell me all these?
  - Why do you think they gave you freedom?
  - Who? - Sofy looked at Rudnev and were confused, may be lost in guesses.
  - If I could know. Someone. Someone among them. To say correctly, someone among us. May be even you. But I think that"s not you. If that were you than you never translate that massage word for word.
  - You have read it?
  - No, but I guess what is written there.
  Sofy nodded slowly. She took the paper with writing top to half and slipped it into paper utilize.
  When Taylor came back, Sofy gave him paper with written translation.
  The end of episode 2.
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