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Memento mementos

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками Юридические услуги. Круглосуточно
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"Memento mementos"
Нейро-Коэн: Песня, созданная с ИИ в стиле Леонарда Коэна: Noir/Haunting/World-Weary/Spoken Word/Jazz Noir/acoustic blues

The city records you into itself, like ink absorbed by paper,
like dust stuck in the windows of old subway cars.

[Verse 1]
You walk the street, but the street walks through you,
Someone dropped a word, but you didn't pick it up,
Someone left a note on the wall, but it wasn't the one who was supposed to read it.
No memory belongs only to the one who keeps it.

O, memento, memento,
The city sleeps and doesn't wait for you.
O, memento, memento,
It's all written, but no one reads it.

[Verse 2]
The lights in the windows flicker, like unfinished letters,
Faded advertisements speak louder than living voices.

You walk down an empty road,
But it's no longer on the map.
You read forgotten letters,
But the ink has long since disappeared.

O, memento, memento,
The city sleeps and doesn't wait for you.
O, memento, memento,
Everything is written, but no one's reading it.

Next stop, but you've already passed.

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О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

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