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Энерголигвистическая медицина (Energy Linguistic medicine)

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  Проект: Энерголингвистическая медицина
  Автор: Шауль Баскин, математик, основатель фирмы "WEZIT"
  Назначение проекта: объединить в единое целое знания медицины, нейротехнологии и квантовую лингвистику Иврита и Арамита.
  Краткое содержание. Сегодня, благодаря знаниям о энергиях святых текстов, накопленных в течение нескольких тысяч лет и открытию визуальных образов святого языка, появилась потребность в создании новой области медицины, которая основана на достижениях современной науки и еврейской мудрости. Эта область - энерголингвистическая медицина (ЭЛМ), впервые была анонсирована автором в апреле 2006. Первоначальная идея состояла в том, чтобы объединить в единое целое знания медицины, нейротехнологии и квантовую лингвистику Иврита и Арамита, основанную на Еврейской науке. В
  этом направлении получены первые результаты, которые уже сегодня могут быть
  использованы для эффективного лечения, профилактики здоровья и так же для расширения человеческого интеллекта и его творческого потенциала.
  Патентоспособность. В настоящее время работа защищена авторским правом, в
  соответствии с законом о интернет - изданиях. Материалы на русском, английском
  и иврите опубликованы на моем сайте www.visnsoft.com
  Возможный рынок. Медицина, образование, интеллектуальные развлечения.
  Project: Energy Linguistic medicine
   Today, thanks to the latest achievements of energy-medicine, there appeared a possibility to measure, with the help of various devises, the energies of various organs and systems of hu-man body, and to define the energies of light and colors required to each human being. On the other hand, thanks to the unique knowledge of peculiar properties of Hebrew, it has become
  possible to define the energies contained in Jewish holy books. This has led to a question as to how the data on the energies of various human organs and systems, and information concerning the energies of various holy texts, are connected with each other. Is there a direct correlation be-tween energetic needs and requirements of human beings on the one hand, and the energetic
  properties of the Jewish holy books, on the other?
   The purpose of Energy Linguistic Medicine is scientific study of the interconnection be-tween the energetic requirements of human beings and the energetic properties of the Jewish holy texts, and practical application of obtained knowledge.
   Energy Linguistic Medicine was first announced by the author in April 2006. This new branch of medicine is based on the achievements of modern sciences and Jewish wisdom. Ini-tially, the idea was to unite into one whole the knowledge of energy medicine, neurosurgery and quanto-linguistics of Hebrew and Aramaic. First results have already been obtained, and they can be already used for effective treatment and prevention of health disorders as well as for the ex-pansion of human intellect and creative potentials.
   Energy Linguistic medicine has a sparkling future which we are only beginning to mas-ter. There are numerous scientific publications on the subject of light-color therapy, energy medicine and the use of light-color stimulation of the brain. There are also numerous known facts testifing to startling medicinal and prophylactic properties of the Jewish holy texts. Thanks to the discovery of visual images of the holy language and texts, there appeared a realistic possi-bility to study and use the medicinal properties of the Jewish holy books.
   The visual image of any holy text consists of consecutive order of pulsating colors. In fact, it is a natural instruction, or prescription for color stimulation of the brain. The Tanakh alone contains over 300 thousand such unique natural instructions. Using this fact, WEZIT has developed a software program for energy massage of visual sectors of the brain based on the light stimulation of the brain with the help of energies of the Tanakh. This software is capable of not only improving one's eye-sight, but can also help in solving many other problems connected with a need to expand creative potentials and activity.
   For more, please visit www.visnsoft.com
  Shaul Baskin, Mathematician, CEO and founder Wezit. Initiator of high-tech
  project Energy Linguistic medicine. Developer and inventor new mathematical
  methods, algorithms and software related to the quantum theory of holy
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