Фадеева Мария Викторовна : другие произведения.

Song 'Bout The Hares

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  • Аннотация:
    "Песня про зайцев". Перевод на английский

                              \Песня про Зайцев

Forest was blue and dark
Trees were trembling in moonlight
From the oaks - wizards
Leafes were falling on ground.
Hares were mowing the grass
On a glade in a midnight
And besides this hey were singing
                 very vague song:

We don't give a fuck
We don't give a fuck
Hares don't afraid
Of nightwolf and owl.
We know what we got - 
In the time that hard
We're mowing the grass -
                 that is our goal!

And the oaks - wizards
Were dissolving in moonlight
Awful ghosts were arising
Near dirty deep swamp.
Hares were mowing the grass
On a glade in a midnight
For there fear they were quickly
                singing that night song:

We don't give a fuck
We don't give a fuck
Hares don't afraid
Of nightwolf and owl!
One who mowed magic grass
In the time that passed
Will be brave like us, -
               that must be a goal!

We don't give a fuck
We don't give a fuck
We'll become more brave
That a fearless lion.
We can stand this fight - 
Very scary night
And despite the fear
               we'll find happy time!

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