Leon Gunin - Гунин Лев : другие произведения.

Petition : sign a petition to stop persecution of my mother by Immigration, welfare and Human Resources on behalf of Israel

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками

From Leon (Lev) GUNIN


======================= to whom it may concern


Dear Sir or Lady!

Let me tell in brief about the source of our troubles.

In ex-USSR I was a human rights activist, persecuted for my activity. After tragic death of my brother I was deported from my native Belarus to Poland (1991). My wife, daughters and mother followed me. We planned to stay in Poland (my native language is Polish) or in Germany. Unfortunately, we were kidnapped by Israeli agents and taken to Israel against our will.

I was criticizing Israeli regime since 1986 or even earlier. In my works I wrote about persecution of free-minded individuals by sponsored and commanded from Israel Zionist gangs, and about terrorist methods, which Israel employed for accelerating Jewish immigration to Palestine. In my work called "The GULAG of Palestine" I described, how new immigrants and Christians are persecuted in Israel and turned into slaves.

With Amnesty International's indirect support we could escape from the "Jewish State", and became refugee claimants in Canada. Israelis used my lawyer's translator (an Israeli citizen) and their people in Immigration Canada to topple our refugee claim. Israeli embassy was deeply involved in our refugee case, directly communicating with the board and the Immigration officer. There is a paragraph in IRB's decision, which can be understood as a claim that Israel has purchased "Russian" immigrants from USSR (paying for transportation, etc), and Russians became "property" of Israel. A logical conclusion is that "commodity" can't obtain a refugee status.

Thanks to enormous efforts, thousands of good people's help, excellent work of honest lawyers, and our own sacrifices we managed to receive a positive response to our humanitarian appeal. However, pro-Israeli activists in Canadian Immigration have used medical tools to stop us on that stage. They "incriminated" me tuberculosis, which of course I did not have, and only joint efforts of many concerned Canadian doctors, deputies, journalists, and others prevented my imprisonment in a closed medical facility, where they could do just anything to me. The whole affair was evidently based on a forged x-ray!

"Medical repression" was used also against my mother. Famous cardiologists and other specialists, lawyers and medical technicians, evidences and independent tests were denying Immigration Medical Services' forged "conclusions", but Immigration simply ignored independent opinions. These medical persecutions may be considered as torture. Only a possibility that my mother's "medical case" can attract too much attention could convince Immigration to retreat. However, my mother got a stroke which, we believe, happened in result of Immigration's persecution.

After her husband's death my mother got welfare. By summer 2003 welfare administration forced her to appeal for Old Age Security Pension. She told her welfare agent that because she and her son (me) since arrival to Canada (1994) are still stateless (and have no Canadian citizenship) she'd be refused. Then she was told that if will not appeal for pension, they'd stop her welfare. She had to appeal (September 2004).

However, her application was actually turned down. Under a pretext that her birth certificate was missing in the file (it wasn`t true) office of Human Resources Canada stopped the procedure, and submitted a special questionnaire, with questions about her immigration case. These questions were illegal, incorrect, compromising and composed in such a way that responding to them mother would put our status in Canada in danger. Indirectly Human Resources confirmed that the questionnaire was composed by Immigration, and sent by Immigration`s directive. My mother responded immediately. She explained, why she turnes away the questionnaire and thinks that it is not legitimate. She also pointed to cruelty towards her and accused the agent, assigned to her file, in provoking a suspension of her welfare. Human Resources" agent unfairly accused my mother (27 October 2004) in not responding to the letter. M-me Michaud also claimed that all mother"s documents were not certified. IN reality we certified documents many times, once through Human Resources` own local office, and still the main office was pretending that we didn"t. Facing undeniable proof that ALL documents were certified and submitted, Human Resources issued a decision, by which informed my mother that she will receive pension ONLY if answers and sings the questionnaire, and that her file is now closed. We hired a lawyer.

Immediately, my mother"s welfare was suspended (under a ridiculous pretext that she didn"t respond to one of agent"s letters). In reality, even that the letter did not require any response, she answered it. Our lawyer appealed for revision, and welfare was restored.

However, in March 2005 the lawyer received a letter from Human Resources" agent, the same m-me Perrette Michaud. Our demand to replace her was ignored. M-me Michaud insisted that my mother must a) fill out a new application form, as if she has never applied before; b) answer and sign the same questionnaire (see above); c) fill out incapability and administering applications; d) certify a copy of her Landed Immigrant passport. (A copy of mother"s Landed Immigrant document was certified and submitted to madam Michaud 5 times!)

Simultaneously, my mother"s welfare was suspended again (March 7 2005). This time they made a clear connection between my mother"s refusal to sign submitted by Human Resources questionnaire - and welfare suspension. And again a move by Human Resources (March 3) was "enforced" by welfare"s move (March 7). This is not a coincidence. No doubt that such a pressure tactics was developed in a close cooperation between welfare - and Human Resources" bureaucrats. Welfare is attacking my mother on behalf of Human Resources, Human Resources - on behalf of Immigration, and Immigration - on behalf of state of Israel.

There is no connection between the questionnaire and Pension Law. By no way Human Resources can place my mother"s pension in dependence of her will to sign it. Intimidation, blackmailing, cruelty, lawlessness and impunity are unacceptable in such a country as Canada. I ask any one who"s capable to do something for us to help us. This is not just a humanitarian issue but a core question of our rights and freedom, and Canada"s independence.

Yours truly,

If you sign this petition, write your name, your country and your telephone number, and send it to:

Pierrette Michaud (Elisabetha Gunin's case)
Service Delivery Agent
Human Resources Development Canada
Post Office Box 1816
Quebec QC G1K 7L5

My mother is 80 years old, she's suffering from cancer and post-stroke pains. She has no sources of income other then welfare. Denying her welfare is the same as killing her.

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Новые книги авторов СИ, вышедшие из печати:
О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

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