IsraGuard or IsraeliInvasion in Quebec
It was around 7 years ago when I met IsraGuard at the first time. I have participated in the
"kleizmer" (Yiddish) festival as a composer and keybordist. By then nothing threatened
Jewish population or Jewish property. Jews and Arabs were working side by side, hand
by hand; there were no tensions between them. Nothing have threatened Jews from the
Quebec nationalists as well. No danger was threatening the Jewish festival in quiet and
peaceful Montreal, and no local or international political events could trigger such a
danger by then.
The presence of heavily armed and equipped as for the action Israeli military forces was
an open provocation, a demonstration of the "Jewish muscle", and gave a good peace
of proof of the "Jewish danger" to Anti-Semites. Wearing a blue uniform, very like some
special police forces in Israel, with a body armour and big white letters "IsraGuard" on
their backs, the militants were challenging Quebec's (Canadian) integrity and
independence. Why militants with "ArabGuard" or "ItalianGuard" (or ItalianMafiaGuards)
on their backs are unimaginable at an Arab or Italian festival - and "IsraGuard" is
bearable? Why should one - and not the most numerous - ethnic group shoul have a
superior privilege to form its own military task force, rival to the governmental military
force: and others - not? Another very delicate, not immediately clear connotation was
potentially hidden in this word "IsraGuard". Not "Jewish Guard" but "IsraGuard". It is
the same as if militants with "IraqGuard" instead of "ArabGuard" were securing an
Arab festival! An impertinent demonstration of an armed military brigade, named after
a foreign country (or foreign government) was as an invasion or a military occupation
of Quebec.
Militants in IsraGuard military uniform have searched - frisked audiences and the
participants of the festival; they even searched and stopped bystanders or simple
pedestrians! They touched people, went through their purses and bags, and asked
questions - as if they were official Quebec's police. It was just outraged! Un-doubtfully,
they w e r e Israelis; not Canadian-born Jews, but Israelis. Their vulgar gestures and
conduct, their Russian-Israeli or Hebrew accent have betrayed their Israeli-related
When they stepped to me ready to began the search, I have asked them to call their
supervisor or manager. They called a tall strong-build man. I asked him, under what law
they have rights to search people, and who they are: an Israeli police (from Israel), or
a local, Israeli-based organization. Instead of responding to my polite questions, they
began to shout on me all together, and presented my questions as an incident. Since
then I was not allowed to participate in "kleizmer" festivals, and Jewish WAY (YM-
YWHA) has never invited me as a musician any more....
My second contact with Isra Guard took place 3 years later, when - after one year
experience in security (persecuted by Zionist organizations for my views I had no
chances to be employed in my profession) - I was looking for another work. It came
out that IsraGuard artificially created such an atmosphere in the city that people
without their course were rejected. I had no alternative but to take their course.
Because I did not want to waste my time (and money) for nothing I warned the
course's administration that I have no status in Canada yet - and asked them if
this would be an obstacle. They promised me "to take care of it" - and reinsured
me that they will give a license anyway.
However, I did not receive a special certificate, which included a certificate for
carrying arms, at the Central Police Management, and IsraGuard break their promise
to help me. When after receiving the landed immigrant status I came back asking for
another referral to police - and a certificate that I have took the course, - they told me
to take another course paying 600 dollars, and left me without any paper or another
proof that I've ever was studied at their course. However, I made a copy from their
original letter to police back in 1998, and kept the study-book and a conspect from
the course; I've noted names of the teachers and students, their telephone numbers -
and a lot of other information as a proof that I have finished the course. I have
understood that IsraGUard will never give me any certificate or a diploma, and will
never employ me: because they know, who I am, and what views I have. I just wasted
my time....
During my course I have found out that the Isra Guard is officially (I.G.S.) Security
Inc. One of the firm's founders and leaders, Jacob Haimovici, used to work in Israeli
security squads. I have met him personally several times, and made a conclusion
that he must be a very good person. So the opinion of many other people. Now, in
2002, he's a president of the company. He is sensitive to people in need; he helps
ones in desperation to find work, he's a charity donator, and he's giving his helping
hand to many unlucky and poor families.
The company was founded around 10 years ago, and the rumors are saying that
some Jewish organizations were financing this project to have militants for
"protection" of the Jewish meetings and events. IsraGuard also became a
"protective" tool for Jewish institutions, leaders and businesses. Creation of
such an institution as IsraGuard clearly reflected a growing aggressiveness and
perceiving of guilt of the Jewish leadership. Feelings of guilt force to be afraid.
As ex-President Bill Clinton said in one of his recent speeches (regarding
President Bush's policy) "we need not to use military strikes, but to make more
friends". Unfortunately, the Jewish leadership have chosen not to make more
friends, but to make a stake on force, and by fully supporting such a war criminal
and very fiend as Sharon provoked a lot of anger and indignation among non-Jewish
One newspaper wrote that "today, the firm employs 500 security guards and provides
a wide variety of services, including private investigation and counter-terrorism
consultation, to a lengthy list of businesses, residential complexes and public
organizations." "Anti-terrorist" squads, loyal to a foreign country (State of Israel) -
and employing almost exclusively actual Israeli army officers (because these people
are Israeli citizens - and accountable to Israeli military service, which is actual for men
till age of 65) is an assault on Quebec's (Canadian) sovereignty.
IsraGuard has provided security during the meeting of Israeli ex-Prime-Minister Barak
with the public.
Haimovici connects the activation of the Jewish militants with the "escalation of
violence in Israel": in other words, sees it as an extension of the policy of the State
of Israel. Indeed, local Canadian Jewish leaders could separate themselves from the
cruel policy of the present Israeli leadership, condemning tortures, extra-judicial
killings, occupation, atrocities, demolitions of Arab houses - and other Israeli regime's
crimes. Instead, they considerable support Israeli terrorism, provoking anger and
condemnation of non-Jews, which they call "Anti-Semitism" - suspecting all non-Jews
in "terrorism".
IsraGuard is an intimidation of the Christian, Hindu, and Muslim population in Quebec,
a stressed sign of Israeli occupation of this "belly province".
But the most outraged is a formation of a special K-9 division within IsraGuard: a
more comprehensive, MOSSAD-like (or rather SHABAK-like) military police, which
possess attacking dogs and searchs schools, public and privat places in Quebec. In
an interview to CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS (CJN) [January 24, 2002] Haimovici and
his employees said that any dog trained and employed by IsraGuard is "is also an
attack dog. During demonstration, Mendel orders Bullet to go after a volunteer
from the audience and, in a flash, the dog sinks its teeth into his well-protected
arm. IsraGuard employed another of its dogs, Tyson, a Belgian Malinois...."
Israeli Zionists had good teachers - German fascists and Russian stalinists, who
fed their dogs by living people' kidneys! And now they turned Quebec into
their playground.
IsraGuard is the only such agency in Quebec, which has such tools and such
plenary powers!
The presence of IsraeGuard in general, especially the attacking dogs, is an
intimidation of the non-Jewish population and Jewish non-Zionist dissidents.
In the same interview Mendel, an IsraeGuard employee, said that "the
presence of a dog can be an effective deterrent in itself. He calls it "the
intimidation factor." Mandel "has 15 years of experience training and
handling security dogs, including working in the Israeli army's K-9
commando units. He has also trained police forces and anti-terrorist
tactical units in several countries." We can learn about such Israeli
"trainers" from Victor Ostrovsky's book "By way of deception" He
considers such operations of training provided by Israel by the most
oppressive regimes in the world - and the international mafia as one of
the most serious Israeli crimes. Ostrovsky is also negatively describing
Israeli: one, who's interested, can check this book's short content in my
work "GULAG of Palestine".
IsraGuard is just an official cover for Bnei Brith's military extension. It is not
occasionally that IsraGuard's demonstrations and promotion were organizaed
by Bnei Brith and with Bnei Brith's assistance, as well as in Bnei Brith's facilities.
As well known - Bnei Brith, a Jewish extremist Zionist-Masonic conspiracy
organization is one of the most sinister Jewish world wide agencies.
However, I'm trying to avoid generalization, and support a possibility that
Mendel can be a nice person - as well as Haimovici. On the other hand we
have to distinguish between their personal qualities - and the role, which
they play as the staff of this "intimidating agency".
From the same interview we know that "Companies and schools have been
using the K-9 service for inspections made without prior notice." - And this
raises many legal questions....
IsraGuard is providing security services to businesses, residential complexes
and public organizations. They securing and monitoring (this information is
not confirmed) around 1 and a half thousands objects. By allowing this
"Israeli-based" agency to do it, Canadian (Quebec) authorities gave an
allowance for local Jewish organizations, and - first of all, Bnei Brith, - and to
Israeli government with its MOSSAD for accessing and accumulating very sensitive,
confidential information. One, who worked in security, as I did, must know, what
I mean.
Since October, 2001, IsraGuard (through their employees) is monitoring my
movements in the city and around my home. They know my present, new social
insurance number, which I've received AFTER taking a course at the agency.
Monitoring and accumulating a dossier (file) on a dissident raises another number
of questions.....
From some of my friends, employed by IsraGuard, I know that in this agency
there is a more human approach then in many other agencies of this kind. The
agency treats its employees very good. From people in administration of the
objects, which IsraGuard secure, I know that the agency is doing its work
also very well. However, all this does not eliminate innumerous legal and
moral questions, concerning this agency's activity.
This is just another chain of the Zionist extremists' anti-Christian conspiracy.
March, 2002
Новые книги авторов СИ, вышедшие из печати:
О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души"
М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"