Гусаров Андрей Владимирович : другие произведения.

At sharp and dangerous black rocks

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At sharp and dangerous black rocks,
Which always are resisting waves,
Sunk more than one rich ship. And lawks
No man who will go down in caves?

Who is so brave to take the risk
And get the wealth with devil help?
I see you, madcap! You came here
And ready to reach ocean's depth.

You're who had nothing but own soul,
Has pledge it for the lucky chance.
You see in dreams - you'll reach the goal -
And you repeat a single phrase:

My Lord, I ask you, what you will give me?

The moon shines brightly in the sky
And waves break down against the coast.
And late to turn back since the die
Is cast and you by now see ghosts.

The old man with a shaggy beard
Welcomes to you, as the old friend.
It was his voice that you have heard
When has forgotten taste of bread.

He spoke with you in troubled dreams
While you have not come to a thought
That your life had got out of  trim,
It not your fault, but only Lord.

My Lord, I ask you, what you will give me?
My Lord, I ask you, what you will give me?

My Lord, I ask you, what you will give me?

The entrance to a cave is free
While ebb lasts some time. Golden bars! -
Embodiment of magic dream
Too hard to bear it for once.

But time of flow now come
And water quickly fills a cave,
Here only you can't overcome
Avidity, because you rave:

My Lord, I ask you, what you will give me?
My Lord, I ask you, what you will give me?

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