- Аннотация:
And you, dear parents, what a fast price! How much do you ask for your baby?! The father and mother of the child called the price. - Well, almost free, come on, give me your cash faster, gentlemen, buyers, and take away the boy, before the parents of Kumbalkardon change their mind - said the broker Abu Abdullatif Ibn Rahmatulla, frantically shaking the hand of one of the buyers. Customers wanted to haggle, but then poor Kumbalkardon, hugged the leg of his mother, wept bitterly and begged with tears in his eyes: - Mom, dad, don't sell me, please, I'll obey you. I'll look after my brother and I won't take anything from the fridge. With outstretched hands I beg at the bus stops. Then collected the little things will bring you every last penny. If you sell me, I'll miss you and my brother and our dog Bobik. I'll just die of melancholy. I love you dad, mom... I will never ask you to buy me ice cream - he said, looking at the parents as on Telegraph poles with hope, eyes full of tears. Meanwhile, the bargaining began. - Comrade broker, you say a child is almost free, and the parents of Kumbalkardon that price for which you can buy a hundred of children together with the kindergarten, besides this child - oblique and Burr. Let the parents of Kumbalkardon make allowances for the slant eyes of the child and for Burr, too,- said one of the buyers, unhappy looking at the boy.