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Feel the Snake

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Feel the snake. And feel yourself
As a snake... - 
You have no shoes. 
You are skinned, and you are naked - 
But you"re not to be confused.

You should crowl - just feel the sand;
Feel your tattered belly. So,
From beginning to the... and
Feel your long and hungry soul!

Smell and smack your dirty slough - 
Feel the body of Dahau.

Feel the snake! Just sleep, eat, love!
Fuck your female! (knowing-how!)

Feel the rabbit in your mouth,			
Feel the mouse in your teeth,
Feel the desert - it"s your house,
Feel the death you deal with.

Listen to the musik, that 
Makes you be erected (wow!).
Then, you shouldn"t take your hat		
Off, when you come in...			 
  And now
Feel the man. And feel yourself
As a man. - Then, you can smoke,
Sleep and eat, and love... You can
	         So, drink your Coke.


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