Where people live out the story of their lives. There is a garden beyond that field, And a place beyond that garden. Do you know this place I'm talking about? This place where the heart rolls upon its own melting? Where all of life sings to its own unfolding glory?-- I'll meet you there. There is a place touched by a warm breeze, Where you can hear the sweet whispers of your soul; A place where lovers dance like the circling spheres, Where every drop of rain becomes a boundless blessing-- I'll meet you there. There is a place that will always be your home, Where every smile glistens like a summer sunset; A place where an ancient gatekeeper awaits your return, Where a million lifetimes join into one moment, now-- I'll meet you there. There is a place where these words cannot go, Where silence bathes us in a hue of golden light, Where everything merges into the endless glory of love . . . Look, here?we are that place! I'll meet you there. |
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