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The Killer Speaks

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  • Аннотация:
    Поэма пo мотивам "Хеталии", глобальной политики, войн, экономического кризиса и мрачных прогнозов о грядущем распаде России. По сути, это "Америка, будущее: кошмар наяву": Альфред, воплощение Америки, рассказывает, как ему живётся после гибели России и смерти его "лучшего врага" Ивана. И как остальному миру живётся _с ним_.

  This poem was inspired by "Axis Powers Hetalia", current global politics, wars and the financial crisis and by the dark prophesies of political scientists announcing Russia's impending dissolution. This is Alfred's (America's) waking nightmare in the near future, told by himself. This is how he fares after the fall of Russia and the death of Ivan, his long-time best enemy... and how the rest of the world now fares with Alfred.
  The Killer Speaks
  The bitter century
  was ended,
  the glorious gone, the abiding gone,
  the cold sun
  persisting as a kind of curiosity
  I can verify
  that when the sun sets in winter it is
  incomparably beautiful and the memory of it
  lasts a long time
  (c) Louise Glück, "Landscape: 4".
  ...And You, in Darkness, stood beside
  My bed. My Fool. The coming Tide
  advanced high along the beach.
  I knew the score. For years
  You were
  chained by my Pain
  within My Heart's reach -
  held down-
  Earth from ways
  that beckoned to You - that Saints -
  God's Heroes, martyrs, Fools follow.
  So, no
  Surprise -
  nor Fears.
  Just - Your lips -
  - "Let go."
  You were drowning in my Tears.
  Another crisis. Patience
  I'm led away in Chains,
  no less. The Assembly convenes. They eye me like
  I Crawled out of a grave.
  Is this about Justice, Truth, or peace?
  None such under the Sky!
  The Devil's in my Money, loans, schemes -
  I swear -
  It's very like that one dream -
  where - ...
  My hands are cuffed behind a sturdy chair.
  I am to answer for,
  You know.
  The pain.
  Memory swirls.
  Beyond the windowpane
  the locust Swarms -
  Hell's army falling from the Sun's black Hole -
  A scene from all the songs I wore -
  My Second Skin,
  Sweet fairy Teeth I made
  Which drained
  Year after year all Your Life's blood -
  - red - drop - by - drop.
  But in my dream
  We galloped toward Berlin
  And on - and stopped - at Torgau - Elbe - where
  We had buried
  In that - dreamembering -
  We - children - we grew up together.
  On horses, rode over plains -
  Prairies -
  And the Locust swarms -
  The clouds - Indians,
  The golden Wings - the jaws - so fair.
  My hands are cuffed - too tight. I swear -
  The locust Face is staring at my Soul
  And - enemies, Beware -
  I hear Father, creepy Gandalf, scheme.
  - "They have no evidence. We'll call
  for an Appeal -"
  The Death.
  It is all for real.
  No Problem.
  Keep the nerves,
  Be cool.
  You, Visitor, are not My Fool.
  You're now God's - one of His Saints -
  - can I embrace such Holy Eminence?
  Touch, hold him, tear, feel his smell?
  Thought so.
  That's all I need of Hell.
  My Holy enemy, My victim, Fool.
  I've paid in full.
  And I will pay in full.
  ... The Crisis. Losses grew into the Sky.
  It took some guts, though - to decide
  to hang Me Bloody Bastard high.
  The charge was Murder - poisoning one "Saint".
  It wasn't for Law, and what is Straight -
  For I have shat
  on Law for decades now and they let
  to profit.
  And Justice - what Unearthly thought -
  some kind of an Alien plot -
  it was just us - and as for Them -
  for You, they knew no Pity then
  and now even less, My Friend.
  I could have dropped them where they sat.
  I let
  Them cuff me, lead me to a cell.
  I fell.
  I saw it through the end.
  I was so tender to You
  I Loved - I always would remember You
  It was the Silence in the Hotel room
  all the Violence had gone out of us -
  Sometimes I let them thank Me
  Do you have it yet - Freedom? I shall find you.
  Do you know Her not? Freedom? I shall find you.
  On Earth - as I am - in Heaven -
  Above and Beyond
  What's Given -
  I'll find you.
  For there's no more
  Justice, There's
  Just Us.
  You'll see how kind
  She is.
  And I'll be - tender to you -
  afterwards. I'll even show largesse -
  I pick them off
  one by
  one -
  here - one
  there -
  it's like a shooting range -
  everywhere -
  and they let me
  do -
  rape -
  with impunity -
  let me go
  on, thinking sure, it was not their turn
  it would never be.
  It is everyone's turn.
  I am Free.
  I aim, shoot, take them down.
  My Father Frowns - silent - all the Wars
  are something He could do without.
  At least, the most - you know -
  The Cost.
  He's ceased swearing and speaking loud.
  Most of them
  are - still - grateful
  to Me,
  You know. I bid them remember
  You - Torgau, Elbe - the burial Mound -
  Bloody limbs, broken - Scythian smile -
  I Remind.
  They agree, they
  It is Me
  after all.
  Could have been -
  ...Mine. Oh,
  the end
  Some cultural & historical notes:
  - Torgau at the Elbe is the place of the official meeting of American and Soviet armies on April 25, 1945.
  - One of the main reasons for the current financial crisis is the American financial policy, esp. the policy of subprime loans. Judging by all signs, the crisis hasn't taught the financial sector any lasting lessons.
  - Ivan the Fool is, like Ivan Tsarevitch (Ivan the son of the Tsar), the most common hero of the Russian fairy tales. In fact, the Fool and the Son of the Tsar in the tales are mostly interchangeable. They both represent the prototypical Russian.
  - Tsarist Russia, a deeply Christian Orthodox society, considered itself to be a holy land, the Third Rome, taking this place after Byzantium had fallen to the Turks in the 15th century. After the 1917 Revolution, the idea of Russia's global mission became secularized and expansive - the nation was destined to bring communism to the world and liberate humanity from wars, exploitation, poverty, inequality, hunger, racism, ignorance and generally from suffering and evil. A holy mission that tragically failed when Russia lost the Cold War - or maybe much earlier, when the Bolsheviks resorted to politics of mass murder and terror.
  - The popular American culture, the Hollywood movies and especially the enchanting American music, was one of the main factors that contributed to the Soviet defeat in the ideological warfare. The effect this popular culture and its values (sex, drugs and Rock'n'Roll and also a glamorous criminal lifestyle) had on the Soviet youth amounted to ideological and aesthetic poisoning. I know what I'm talking about because I grew up in the USSR in the 80s and 90s. I felt this effect on myself, I was there.
  - For the Russian people, the consequences of Russia's defeat in the Cold War have been terrible. The numbers of ethnic Russians are steadily dwindling (too few children are born and of those born, too many are sick). The country suffers under an almost completely destroyed economy, legal system and education and a corrupt government that often acts like an enemy to its own people and does nothing to protect the Russian national interests. Many political scientists claim that these tendencies make a downfall of the current system in Moscow and a further partitioning - a national destruction - of Russia inevitable. In all the years since 1991, the United States have powerfully supported the corrupt government that has put the Russian people in such a sorry state. In fact, Yeltsin remained in power for his second term due to US support only.
  - The Scythians were an ancient people who lived on territories that are now mostly Russian. Some metal faces found in their burial mounds show eerie, serene or disturbing smiles. Ivan's trademark smile in "Hetalia" is much like those.
  - I am familiar with a real-life case where a dead man appeared to his beloved, who had been grieving for him for years, and told her: let me go, cease crying, for I am drowning in your tears.
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