Jim O'Donnell : другие произведения.

Back The Way

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками

Песни Джима О'Доннела:
Back The Way
Your Dream
Your Dream (перевод)
A Scot's Farewell Song
A Wanderer (What I Want)

Back The Way

You"ve picked up this stone near the platform of town N
You used to throw them to the rails one by one
And the train runs so fast through the land that laid in dust
With your hand and the stone which has stayed and not gone
And the train runs so fast to get stopped somewhere at last
Somewhere at last to be stopped, somewhere far away
When it reaches its destination it will take back the way

You see a broken tree near an empty house on a drying plain
White traces of the airplanes in the blue above are getting pale
And the people on the stations different clothes and different nations
If the window-panes were thin you"d near now blue belled sky is ringing
And the train runs so fast to get stopped somewhere at last
Somewhere at last to be stopped, somewhere far away
When it reaches its destination it will take back the way

It"s too cold in spring this year, but there"s no any rain
With the noise in your ears, locked tightly in the train
Trees and metal thrush are near, does the nature feel the pain
And tomorrow you"d be here on more time again
And the train runs so fast to get stopped somewhere at last
Somewhere at last to be stopped, somewhere far away
When it reaches its destination it will take back the way

You"d like to have a player with you to listen to like that one
In the hands of the girl who looks so sweet having so much fun
Her naked knees and curled dark hair, and will you see her once again
Or put the stone back it"s been, or once in life do we meet anything?
And the train runs so fast to get stopped somewhere at last
Somewhere at last to be stopped, somewhere far away
When it reaches its destination it will take back the way

Your Dream

When you said that you dreamed to have the Moon
I went outside to make your dream come true
The city was dirty
People were haughty
I couldn"t buy this silver Moon for you
I couldn"t buy this silver Moon for you

I was selling my shiny soul in the streets
I was diving for gold in dangerous streets
God bought my soul
I"m all in gold
I couldn"t buy this silver Moon for you
I couldn"t buy this silver Moon for you

I saw the cures for fears in human hearts
I taught the dresses made of the brightest stars
All things were perfect
But I bought nothing
I couldn"t buy this silver Moon for you
I couldn"t buy this silver Moon for you

I see the splendors of the rising Sun
You must be sleeping in your bed by now
Oh, stay asleep, my love,
I"ll walk away without a word
I cannot buy this silver Moon for you
I cannot make your perfect dream come true

Луна и любовь

(перевод Aife)
Просила ты с небес луну, чтоб не мешала спать,
Я кров покинул, поспешив тотчас луну достать.
Но мрачен город,
И толпы высокомерен взор.
Прости меня, что среди них луны я не нашел.

Я душу выменять решил и был, конечно, рад
За золото и серебро спускаться прямо в ад.
Но выручил Господь меня,
Опять душа ясна.
Прости, и с помощью Его не куплена луна.

Я видел в небе пару псов, страшащих королей,
Парчу из самых ярких звезд, что глаз твоих светлей.
Пусть совершенны чудеса
Заоблачной страны,
Прости меня, что среди них не разглядел луны.

Я вижу, как вот-вот блеснет мне солнечный алмаз.
А там вдали ты тихо спишь, наверное, сейчас.
О, спи, любимая,
Домой, теперь уж мне не быть.
Прости меня, мою луну я не могу купить.

A Scot's Farewell Song

How to cry out this beautiful feeling
That caught me inside
When being in raving of blood I see
A spirited face of my killed sweetheart
Looking at me as from behind
A crudely crowd around
And how to keep up in the throat
And not shout aloud
The word of freedom addressed to my faraway land
When the belly is burning with suffer and it is the end
'Cause hands are broken already to hold to life tight
But how to explain to the slaves of the crown why
It's better to fail in the battle or even with a rope lashed on the neck
Just see that my land is on fire now
She's waiting for me in the chambers of God
So I cannot wait anymore till the day to die in the bed

A Wanderer (What I Want)

Drinking houses and dancing party have started in the square
I let the last glass fall and go outside to make a breath of air
Dark shadows on the walls are waving in excuse
Which everybody's looking for, but anyone can't find the tune
That I want
That I want now

There's frost on the grass, a few money left for the freedom of they tell
The people here curse the government for any hard to dwell
There are lights around the city's heart - the castle on the hill
The sunrise shines above the place I leave misunderstood
I come down to the rails where the trains are rushing through
I come away to know if it has appeared something new
What I want
What I want now

Grassy path leads me down full with the ghosts from ancient stones
I'm only by myself with a flask of whiskey that my hand has owned
I'm floating down the wind, making a road become the road
Someone like the devil or the God is speaking to my soul
'Call out and tell me where lies the country that you need
Call out and tell me what is the thing you used to dream
Just what you want
What you want now

Just some miles away by a driving line, it's another dirty town
Where the legs have carried me for finding out so who we are
I'm on the streets to find a place I can stay for one night
I've seen her green eyes in my dream, perhaps I should just rest a while
It's all I want
It's all I want now.

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