Воруем у Коэна - Suzanne (Songs of Leonard Cohen), Dance Me to the End of Love (Various Positions), Here It Is (Ten New Songs), First We Take Manhattan и Everybody Knows (I'm Your Man), True Love Leaves No Traces (Death of a Ladies' Man)
Мой вариант текста известного музыкального произведения Элтона Джона и Берни Топина, который неплохо ложится на музыку. Не является точным переводом с английского языка. Для проекта Learnsongs.ru Текст с успехом тиражируется и заимствуется плагиаторами. Видимо, действительно, ...
Перевод с английского. Книга "The White Cat That Swore Vengeance Was Just Lazing on the Dragon King"s Lap" (Белая кошка, поклявшаяся отомстить просто лежала на коленях короля драконов). Бесплатный перевод первых семи глав можно найти в интернете. Позже, возможно, переведу их сама. ...
Перевод стихотворений из цикла Германа Гессе: "Стихи художника" Hesse, Hermann (1877 - 1962) - швейцарский писатель, поэт и художник немецкого происхождения, нобелевский лауреат по литературе (1946). Его книжечка "Gedichte des Malers" c десятью стихотворениями, сопровождаемыми ...
Перевод стихотворений из цикла Германа Гессе: "Стихи художника" Hesse, Hermann (1877 - 1962) - швейцарский писатель, поэт и художник немецкого происхождения, нобелевский лауреат по литературе (1946). Его книжечка "Gedichte des Malers" c десятью стихотворениями, сопровождаемыми ...
Перевод стихотворений из цикла Германа Гессе: "Стихи художника" Hesse, Hermann (1877 - 1962) - швейцарский писатель, поэт и художник немецкого происхождения, нобелевский лауреат по литературе (1946). Его книжечка "Gedichte des Malers" c десятью стихотворениями, сопровождаемыми ...
The Global Warming on the Earth frightens many. But a little who guesses to what it is connected. The change of a climate is the beginning of the Next World Flood.
Вариант перевода четвертой строфы: И сует она за мессу ксендзу плату, Чтоб душа не опустилась в сине пламя, С той поры, как ксендз задумал строить хату, Разом черти все в цене подорожали. Оригинал взят взаймы с http://www.tomex.kom.pl/index.php?page=wiersze&autor=szymborska&title=haniaa. ... ...
An Old Russian Gypsy love song by Apollon Grigoriyev and Ivan Vasiliyev.`The Seven String Guitar` sung by Strongilla Irtlach http://kkre-28.narod.ru/irtlach/git.mp3
Anarchists perform the Apple Small dance and song (a fragment from the film `Alexandre Parkhomenko`). In the beginning the Red Army commanders agreed that they had to remove the anarchists` armoured train. One of them went to meet anarchists and pursuade them to free the railway ...
A great Russian actor Spartak Mishulin (1926 - 2005) in the classical staging of the Small comedies of the big house by Andrei Mironov, Arkadiy Arkanov & Georgiy Gorin, Theatre of Satire (1974). This number staged by a groovy choreographer Vladimir Manokhin was so popular that sometimes ...
Mikołaj Rej or Mikołaj Rey of Nagłowice (1505-1569) was a Polish poet and writer of the Renaissance in Poland, as well as a politician and musician. He was the first Polish author to write exclusively in the Polish language, and is considered (with Biernat of Lublin ...
JOY AND FIRE! WOW! Chinese pop star and beauty Ms. Jeannie Hsieh (Republic of China, Island of Taiwan) came upon a snag during her performance. That `snag` was ... see above! It`s really funny! I would hire him as a dance backup for me if I were a singer! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHyvcIaPVpQ&list=PL12018C86ED451608 ...
Alexandre Nikolayevich Lobanovsky, one of the St. Petersburg bards composed music, having slightly changed the first line (`charmed` instead of `kissed`). (In my translation I kept Zabolotsky`s text intact. In any case it"s singable! - AAO) Declaration of Love. Music by Alexandre ...
HEARTBRREAKING IDA Boris Pasternak fell in love for the first time rather late when he was 20 years old. He fell in love with Ida Wissotzkaya, the daughter of a wealthy Moscow merchant. It was love at first sight. The parents sent Ida to learn abroad. By that reason Pasternak asked ...
Vadim Stepantsov THE FALLEN ANGEL Вадим Степанцов ПАДШИЙ АНГЕЛ Замечательная стилизация Вадима Степанцова под подростковую лирику и неумелый, но искренний стих. Исповедь хулигана! Позволяя себе быть хулиганом, он надеется встретить ангела. И это ангел, представьте себе, в его понимании ...
THE FATE OF A MAN A scene from the first Feodor Bondarchuk`s film `The fate of a man` from Mikhail Sholokhov`s short novel. Bondarchuk who"ll direct `The War and Peace` played the title part of Sokoloff. Lagerfuehrer was played by actor Yuri Averin, the former WW2 vet (a genius!- ...
FOUR VARIATIONS ON A THEME OF A POEM BY ТА САМАЯ ТАНУКА Original: http://www.stihi.ru/2011/02/10/9319 Translation: http://zhurnal.lib.ru/editors/p/prjahin_a_a/gothdress.shtml
For the first time `A glass of vodka on my table` was performed by the `Major Sergeyev` group led by Evgeniy `Zheka` Grigoriyev. The the song was sold to Grigoriy Leps, another singer, Zheka`s crony, just for $300. In the 90s both musicians were not the pop stars, they were the ...
A GIRL PUZZLE ЗАГАДОЧНАЯ ДЕВУШКА A marble sculpture Die grosse Liegende (A big girl in a reclining position) by Willi Schmidt (1924-2011) in a pedestrian zone of Frankfurt am Mein, Germany. Her legs are enveloped in woolen leg warmers. Partially, it"s a result of pity and compassion, ...
Yaroslav Smelyakov wrote many iconic poetic texts that made him immortal as a classical Russian poet. The Soviet hippies and yuppies of the 60s loved not only his `Lida` but also his poem `If I ever fall ill ...`. `If I ever fall ill ...` (Если я заболею...) excellently recited by ...
Viktor Balthasar Emil Hoffmann (Виктор Викторович Гофман) (1884-1911) was born in a family of the Austrian German citizen who owned the furniture factory in Russia. He went to the Russian classical school and finished it with honours. One of his classmates was Russian poet Vladimir ...
Cross my heart, the described scene was taken from the real life. It reminded me of Arkady Averchenko`s short stories. Life is a great author, after all.
The title of this song https://youtu.be/m6tyesDCEgk is the Yiddish Tango, or in original `Jüdischer Tango`. This the title it was given by its songwriter Friedrich Swartz, a Jewish German composer, himself in his last letter sent to Germany from Paris to where he`d escaped ...
Kiss me, girl! (Поцелуй меня, девочка!) https://youtu.be/9sct6yKjUOc Arranged & sung by the most unique Russian pop singer Sergei Vasiliyevitch Tchelobanov (Сергей Васильевич Челобанов). He performed as a pop star in the 90s of the 20 c. Later he dedicated himself to arrangement ...
Lyrics of the song THE LILAC-COLOURED HAZE (СИРЕНЕВЫЙ ТУМАН) was written by a poet Mikhail Matusovsky as a lyricist in 1936 when he was a student in Moscow. But its music was composed by Jan Sashin (Yakov Levin), his mate, another student of the institute, who also became a poet. ...
September 28 is Brigitte Bardot`s birthday! She`s my idol!https://youtu.be/Bbkwrf5lMqc https://youtu.be/h0xUjsxwrkE (Sorry for my complicated relationship with time, I thought it was October, so I`d written Oct. 28 before). A propos, слово la madrague означает "сеть для ловли тунца", ...
SONG OF THE MOONSHINERS ПЕСНЯ САМОГОНЩИКОВ https://youtu.be/Ce1MPHBwsmo and potpourris from the Russian feature film `Operation `Y`, or the new adventures of Shurik` (film director Leonid Gaidai). See the full film in here: https://youtu.be/x_-ehagcrBg Vladimir Livshitz wrote ...
WHAT MADE YOU FEEL LOVE OF YOUR MOTHERLAND? A Russian patriotic song written by Mikhail Matusovsky and composed by Veniamin Basner. First sung by Mark Bernes for an excellent Russian action motion picture The Shield & the Sword (film director Vladimir Basov, a war vet). He`s appearing ...
Vadim Stepantsov has been one of the biggest modernists of the Russian literature, author of the quasi-naive and simple, but rather sophisticated and elegant erotic poems in a style of the courtly mannerism. (The poems written in that manner are supposed to be a combination of refinement ...
Hokku by Basho Matsuo. It makes me remind a Russian funny story. A farmer`s yard. Night. Famer`s wife on the porch hearing a sound of wild pissing in the dark and asking rather terribly: -Who is pissing over there like a cow? -It`s me, mommy! Farmer`s wife (endearingly: ...
Russian Jews Samuïl Pokrass and Pavel German, authors of the bravura Revolutionary songs and military marches which had been popular in Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany for many years created an excellent Gipsy love song in the 20s of the 20 c. You can listen to the romance The ...
Svetlana Plakhutina lived in Vladivostok before she`d moved to Moscow. This is her poem from the collection of poems `An Apple on my Palm` issued in Vladivostok in 2002
`The steamboat whistles, shouts: `Hi` is a song from the Russian feature film `The river banks` https://youtu.be/ZGRPbkkE_VQ, https://youtu.be/0qLbGtebw78
`E la nave va` is an allusion of a Federico Fellini`s feature film of the same name that translates into English as `And the Ship Sails On` (1983) https://youtu.be/PIFxpgg6A1Q
ESTONIA WELCOMES TOURISTS ONLY! Eesti Laul 2015 vaheklipp - ALASTI TODE 7 - 2015 Estonian Public Service Ad For Attracting Foreign Tourists https://youtu.be/6HK_G1MeSLE Bonus: https://youtu.be/zhGnuWwpNxI
Fortuna(Vabank) A song from the same name Polsh motion picture`s soundtrack. Sung by Jacek Chmelnik (1953-2007) https://youtu.be/CdB2WmL25dQ (Before and in the midst of the song he addresses his audience: `Uwaga! Państwo Uwaga! Teraz! Teraz! Znów!`(`Attention, Messieurs ...
Евгений Евтушенко "Со мною вот что происходит" (Evgeny Yevtushenko `What`s wrong with me, I don`t know` The poem was set to music by Mikael Tariverdiyev. It`s sung by Sergei Nikitin https://youtu.be/fZV4Ga0N_Jw
Lev Knipper (1898-1974) was a Soviet Russian composer and, by the way, a brother of the German film superstar Olga Chekhova. He became famous owing to his melody to an iconic Soviet song `Polyushko-polye` about the Red Army cavalrymen`s gallop in the wide steppe: https://youtu.be/RhutG7430uI ...
A jocular English remake of the original song THE WIFE OF THE FRENCH AMBASSADOR by Alexandre Gorodnitsky https://youtu.be/-0z5EfqdF88 Alexandre Gorodnitsky is a prominent Russian professor, doctor of science (geophysics, oceanology) and one of the most prominent Russian singing poets. ...
Winterwäldchen - Winter Coppice is the German lyrics to the tune by Arno Babadjanian (at source: "Чёртово колесо"). Frankenfeld Show, ARD-1975, West Germany - Winterwaldchen (Winter Coppise) Sung By Larissa Mondrus https://youtu.be/DVLNK4I3g28 (from 1:39)
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