Текст временно не публикуется. The text is temporarily not published. A trip to Poland at the expense of the youth fund. (In university). Autobiographical story.
Текст временно не публикуется. The text is temporarily not published. Conundrums of Viktor Yanukovych. Yanukovych, Poroshenko, Zelensky. A political science note.
Furgal and Degtyarev. What did Novak talk with Degtyarev about on the night of July 25, 2020, and what did he not discuss with Furgal? The experimental essay - an attempt of the reconstruction of a historical event.
HEY, DUDE! A poem by a Russian author! I doubt my being that author, but who knows? I wish I`d been! At night woman picked up a man just to spend a night together, but he fell in love at dawn and got ready to marry her! The woman behaves as a tough man, and it makes the whole bed ...
Текст временно не публикуется. The text is temporarily not published. Krylov's elephant as the conceptual basis of Russial foreign policy in the South Caucasus. The sketch.
Lenya Bobrov watches the operation of powerful pumps while passing through the Volga-Don Canal and makes an order for beach slippers in an online store. A story.
[publishing house] To naval dirk, - may be, - 500 years! A naval dirk, - may be, - the contemporary of the first circumnavigation! Translation from Russian into English: Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Кортик. К истории экспедиции "Магеллана - дель Кано - де Эспиносы"".
SEE MORE GLASS! Agniya (ἁγνὴ) Lvovna Barteaux (born Ethel Leibovna Volova (1906-1981)) was an outstanding Russian children`s author, satirist, excellent screenwriter, influential presenter. She was born in a Jewish family before the Russian revolution. ... ...
The Bureya problem. The mountain of forecasts gave birth to a project worth 31 million rubles. The essay on the modern history of the Russial Far East.
Текст временно не публикуется. The text is temporarily not published. The compilation of a biographical note about the creators of an effective Turkish drone. A drawing.
The Letter from the Office of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography for the Rostov Oblast (in pursuance of the order). A diary note.
Текст временно не публикуется. The text is temporarily not published. The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the financial assistance to pensioners in Kherson. There's enough money for everyone. A financial note.
The Monologue about the Novocherkassk-style Small Pies. Translation from Russian into English. Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Монолог о новочеркасских пирожках".
Towards the Moon. "Conversation of the Mute with the Deaf" (at the Russial Foreign Ministry) or Whether the Rostov Oblast is under the sovereignty of the Russian Federation. A diary note.
Two top-level meetings on cosmic development (April 12, 2021, September 29, 2021). The strategic task of modern Russial cosmic policy. Our personal opinion. An essay on the history of space exploration.
[publishing house] Translation from Russian into English. Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Сказка о новых приключениях Гоголевского Носа (Часть 2)". [publishing house]
Когда поделилась своим переводом "Мусорного ветра" с Чушковым, тот в ответ прислал свой перевод этой песни ("Ветер знает") с комментарием, что лучше уже не будет - видимо, у него. Тем не менее для меня его комментарий выглядел как взятие на слабо, в связи с чем я и сделала в конце ...
Гойдалку гойдає вiтер, - Вiн згадує чресла кобiти, - Гойдалку чимдужч гойдала!.. Та де та тепер кобiта? - Не стало її в тiм дворi: Гойдалко, замри ж бо, - замри!..
Произведения Гаррисона активно переводили на русский язык, однако, что касается его эссе и статей, тут имеется некоторая лакуна. И я позволил себе немного её заполнить. Представленная ниже статья была впервые опубликована в 1994 году в сборнике рассказов "Galactic Dreams".