Карлссон Ирина : другие произведения.


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Rain keeps falling outside the window,
Like tears from the skies,
But I"m staying with my Linda,
My loving heart sighs.
Peals of thunder rumble sternly,
To dark turns the day...
Please, don"t feel so sad and lonely
So strongly I pray:

Don"t cry, don"t cry!
I"m ready to give you all my life...
Don"t cry, don"t cry...
I come here to stay and I say
I love you.

Why are you feeling so unstable?
I won"t let you down.
I love you dearly,
You"re my baby,
Don"t let yourself frown.
Time goes by, we"re getting older,
But our love"s above all...
Come to me, love, I"ll warm your shoulders
With a hand-knitted shawl.

There have been so many seasons
But cold winds went away,
There have been so many reasons
For making me say:
I want to hold you close to my heart,
Though much we have seen.
Darling Linda you"re always mine now
And always have been.

Rain keeps falling outside the window,
Like tears from the skies.
But I keep staying with my Linda
In our earth"s paradise.
Peals of thunder rumble sternly
To dark turns the day...
Please don"t feel so sad and lonely:
So strongly I pray.

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