Карлссон Ирина : другие произведения.

One step from love

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Once I made through night and dangled
In the city marble jungle
Living empty dreams
No enjoinments, no more sorrows 
No more hopes in all tomorrows...
Bouncing signs and crooked numbers
But my heart and body slumber...
Shades of night grew falling faster
Raising gleams and fancy luster
In the town; 
And that was main cause that
Made me certain that my life was

Long way from the moonlight
Long way from the cool night
Long way from the tender heart
Long way from the blue skies
Long way from her green eyes
Long way from what has gone apart

So I dragged my life through night air
Wished to burn away the despair
Twilight deep and blue...
There she was my tender stranger
Piercing through the night and danger
Like an everlasting feature
In a glance of joyous creature
And my soul obscured and broken
Searching for what"s been left unspoken
And my feelings so demanding
Realizing I was standing

One step from the moonlight
One step from the cool night
One step from the tender heart
One step from the blue skies
One step from her green eyes
One step from what has gone apart

And my heart starts beating stronger
Hesitating then no longer:
That"s my only chance...
Lonely soul within me burning
The entire world around me turning
Made me stop all useless guessing
Quit the slumber... 
Start expressing!
My intentions firm and sober:
Make it May of my October!
... And she speaks and my endeavor
Brightens my life...
Now I"m never

One step from the moonlight
One step from the cool night
One step from the tender heart
One step from the blue skies
One step from her green eyes
One step from what has gone apart

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