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  • Аннотация:
    83 P. DM/08 "It is with a sense of deep satisfaction that I am today able to announce a decision of the Emperor and Government of Japan to submit to the Japanese people a new and enlightened constitution which has my full approval. ... ... Foremost of its provisions is that which, abolishing war as a sovereign right of the nation, forever renounces the threat or use of force as a means for settling disputes with any other nation and forbids ... assumption of right of belligerency by the state. By this undertaking and commitment Japan syrrenders rights inherent in her own sovereignty. ... ... The Japanese people thus turn their backs firmly upon the mysticism and unreality of the past and face instead a future of realism with a new faith and a new hope". P32 Comment: from MacArthur's 6 March 1946 'Announcement concerning the proposed new constitution for Japan'. As published in: 'The political reconstruction of Japan'. Sept. 1945 - Sept. 1948. Government Section, SCAP, n.d. (1949?) Vol. 2 Appendix C:10. - p.657

   Article 9 of the SHOWA Constitution, May, 3, 1947
   "Aspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as a means of settling international disputes.
   In order to accomplish the aim of the preceding paragraph, land, sea, and air forces, as well as war potential, will never be maintained. The right of belligerency of the state will not be recognized"
   Martin Knottenbelt's MEMO 88/23 of the 3d May, 1988 (item 'b', postulate 17/XI/82)
   "The A9-syllogism challenges the criminal ongoing arms race. By demonstrating that this ongoing context is indeed criminal. By adducing evidence that since over three decades ago, the conventional concept of state sovereignty lacks validity"
   Martin J.Knottenbelt, PGP Publicists, Limpid Lemma A9-s / Peter M.Korolev, EWS-PSG (1995-96)
   01.1946 P.135 KT/01 Kenzo Takayanagi on IMTFE-J promoting a World State, he had suggested A9 to Shidehara
   01.1950 P.127 MM/05 M.Maruyama slides past the worldwide Anti-A9 vendetta
   19 января
   19.01.46 P.114 BVAR/01 B.RЖlling interestingly decries "this new crime against peace"
   24 января
   23-24.01.81 P.41 TM/1981 McNelly on A9-s
   24.01.81 P.95 RHN/02RM om OMTFE-J Negative because of disregard for A9-s; Premier Shidehaea proposed A9
   24.01.88 P.5, P. 133 88/24-01 MJK Memo 88/24 on IMTFE-Pal
   24.01.89 P.?
   26 января
   26.01.55 P.174 REW/14 Quixotic A9 entirely SCAP's responsibility
   30 января
   30.01.46 P.171 REW/11 Mac Arthur's momentous 30 Jabuary 1956 "Smoke-Screen"
   31 января
   31.01.81 P.138 80/MK/01 Typical institutionalized Anti-A9 vendetta
   1 февраля
   1.02.46 P.169 REW/09/ REW on the ORIGINS of Mankind's hard won A9 in "Note", for p.1008 read p.101
   7 февраля
   7.02 Northern Territories Day. 7.02.1855 P.186 WM/03 Wolf Mendl cheerfully introduces "An Asian Falklands"
   13 февраля
   13.02.46 P.174 REW/14 Quixotic A9 entirely SCAP's responsibility
   24 февраля
   24.02.65 P.176 A9 - "unique & unprecedented"
   02.46 P.21 JE/11 "Japan Echo", Anti-A9
   02.87 P.139 DI/05 Ikeda rates top rank in importance second to none
   6 марта
   6.03.46 P.83 DN/08 Douglas Mac Arthur on 6 March 1946
   26 марта
   26.03.88 P.29 SHM/88 Sydney Morning Herald Anti-A9
   27 марта
   27.03.46 P.106 MM/01 Shidehara cited on A9 27 March 1946
   5 апреля
   5.04.46 P.76 DM/01 Douglas MacArthur Anri-MGC, Pro-AoP
   04.1954 P.100 Huxley promoting Lentz's approach to 'Science of Peace'
   3 мая
   3.05.46 P.2 17/IX/82 73-word Statement of 'A9-s'
   P.180 IMTFE/01 "no more important criminal trial in all history"
   3.05.47 A9 Article 9 in the Showa Constitution
   3.05.84 P.113 8/IX/51 [3.05.88] The 1951 JPC trips itself up on its Article 11
   5 мая
   5.05.51 P.178 DM/14 DM's Anti-MGC, Pro-AoP, DM's 5 May 1951 Testimony
   13 июня
   13.06.45 P.50 AoP/01 'Anatomy of Peace' on Copernicus
   16 июня
   16.06.62 P.124 MM/02 State Secretary Rusk cited on the ongoing "paradox"
   26 июня
   26.06.1945 UNO-Chapter 95/42
   28 июня
   28.06.87 P.152 NS/01 The Anti-A9 LFP at its 1987 AGMin Utrecht
   2 июля
   2.07.62 P.124 MM/02 State Secretary Rusk cited on the ongoing "paradox"
   4 июля
   4.07.88 P.89 DM/12 Douglas Mac Arthur Anti-MGC, Pro-AoP 5 April 1956 "The leaders are the laggards"
   5 июля
   5.07.84 P.110 EH/01 Edward Hearth on Sovereignty in an Interdependent World
   10 июля
   10.07.62 P.20 84/9/y Loewenstein on our UN ambiguous A9
   07.54 P.150 TL/07 Th. Lentz of St. Louis sadly misjudges Mac Arthur
   24 августа
   24.08.87 P.4 24/VIII/87 A9&9A
   27 августа
   27.08.28 P.8 TTJ/01 The Tokyo Judgment, core passage
   30 августа
   30.08.1858 P.198 LE/01 On: "...violence and fraud, and disregard of right"
   3 сентября
   3.09.51 P.112 3/IX/51 US State Department tacitly denies A9
   3.09.81 on the content of 'peace research' in latter day NL
   3.09.83 P.3 3/IX/83 EWL Enforceable World Law
   4.09.51 P.45 JPC/03 JPC&Imtfe-J
   7 сентября
   7.09.51 P.15 P.42 JPC/01 Romulo's JPC gaffe
   7.09.88 P.48 TROUW/01 NL Media typical Anti-A9 sneer
   8 сентября
   8.09.51 P.113, P.194 8/IX/51 And how three years later that is politically confirmed
   17 сентября
   17.09.82 P.2 17/IX/82 'A9-s' Enforceable World Law
   27 сентября
   27.09.88 P.1-99 MJK Memo 89/03, 88/77
   7 октября
   7.11.46 P.156 PRID/04 Relating to 'Ways Out Of the Arms Race'. The anti-A9 PRID of Dundas, Ontario, on Japan's 'Secular forces'
   23 октября
   23.10.70 P.138 80/MK/01 Typical institutionalized Anti-A9 vendetta
   10.48 P.10 JE/01 'Japan Echo', Anti-A9
   2 ноября
   2.11.72 P.119 DI/04 Ikeda Pro-A9, while only tacitly recognizing 9A
   3 ноября
   3.11.48 P.130 CC/01 Commyns Carr on IMTFE-J
   3.11.88 P.142 12/XI/88 The 4th July 1988 'Declaration of Villeranche on Interdependence'
   5 ноября
   5.11.95 PGP Memo 95/42
   4-12 ноября
   4-12.11.48 P.117 BVAR/04 Editor BVAR's whimsical Introduction to the Tokyo Judgment
   12.11.48 P.116 B.RЖlling interestingly decries IMTFE-Pal
   12.11.88 PP.100-200 Remembrance Day 88/79
   14-16 ноября
   14-16.11.86 P.159 PRID/07 The Anti A9 PRID of Dundas, Ontario. - Relating to MJK Memo 88/91
   17 ноября
   17.11.82 P.2 17/IX/82 73-word Statement of 'A9-s'
   19 ноября
   19.11.86 PGP Memo 88/91
   24 ноября
   24.11.88. P.159 PRID/07 The Anti-A9 PRID of Dundas, Ontario, - Relating to MJK Memo 88/91
   11.86 P.158 PRID/06 relating to 'Ways Out of the Arms Race' Congresses
   1 декабря
   1.12.88 P.159 PRID/07 The Anti-A9 PRID of Dundas, Ontario, Relating to MJK Memo 88/91
   23 декабря
   23.12.48 P.192 RHM/06 Minear describes the execution of Tojo et al.
   26 декабря
   26.12.46 P.169 REW/09 REW relating to Potsdam &'Unconditional surrender' 26.12.88
   83 P. DM/08
   "It is with a sense of deep satisfaction that I am today able to announce a decision of the Emperor and Government of Japan to submit to the Japanese people a new and enlightened constitution which has my full approval. ... ...
   Foremost of its provisions is that which, abolishing war as a sovereign right of the nation, forever renounces the threat or use of force as a means for settling disputes with any other nation and forbids ... assumption of right of belligerency by the state. By this undertaking and commitment Japan syrrenders rights inherent in her own sovereignty. ... ...
   The Japanese people thus turn their backs firmly upon the mysticism and unreality of the past and face instead a future of realism with a new faith and a new hope". P32
   Comment: from MacArthur's 6 March 1946 'Announcement concerning the proposed new constitution for Japan'. As published in: 'The political reconstruction of Japan'. Sept. 1945 - Sept. 1948. Government Section, SCAP, n.d. (1949?) Vol. 2 Appendix C:10. - p.657
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