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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Capitalism today

  Capitalism today in all forms, focuses on concentrating financial and industrial capital. Capitalism uses all forms of civil law or form penetrate to promote and violence too.
  Forever and ever corporation’s culture is an expansion.
  The expansion spread from the center of the growth corporation to the periphery (In the provincial region). This development only enriches privately owned corporations.
  There wasn’t another goal. Our Law, our terms of managing, and point of view on resources corporation can not another goal.
  Local businesses in the small town can’t concurrent with big industrial holdings or trade corporations.
  This leads us to a loss of quality, rising prices, and the decline of the provincial economy and culture. It is possible that in government can help local businesses, but this is not the role of a modern state and it has difficulty coping with this.
  Closure world of small town it heart self-belief and the individual’s living goal. On the other hand, this world is always a small part of the big world (Capitals for example) part of the big center.
  Small-town ideology it’s an acceptor's concept of the limited capacity
  Small towns are often the site of traditional religions. Small towns are defenseless against the unlimited ambitions of corporations.
  It is possible that as the role of the government to decreases in the ratio between corporations and small towns, But for today's corporations it will be impossible. And we don't know what it will look like.
  In general, I think that an individualistic approach is more progmatic than a collectivistic one, but you need to understand that just culture develops for itself. Just the corporation growing its capital for itself, so people in the small town have every right to live for their own goals and realize their way of life, and their individual future, as they consider necessary.
   In the Conclusion, I want to up the question of why (only Why?) most places of the world exists in the role of a province for large-scale plans the globalization. What do you think about this disbalance?
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