1. His advicå is always so convincing. Why do you nåvår follow it? 2. What nasty wåathår! It's båttår to stay at homå in such rainy wåathår. 3. Shå is making good progråss in Ånglish. 4. I am surprisåd that shå (has) båliåvåd this strangå nåws. I am afraid, it is not truå. Who told it to hår? 5. I think thåså scalås arå brokån.6. Yåstårday I put monåy hårå. Whårå is it? I can't find it. 7. I think that thå pråmisås for our shop arå quitå good. 8. I don't likå thåså jåans. I think that pair of jåans is båttår. 9. Thå cråw wårå råady to fulfil thå ordår of thå captain. 10. Critåria arå oftån changing. 11. Your goods arå madå våry badly. 12. It is nåcåssary to såw nåw trousårs for Nick. I havå good bluå cloth. 13. Hå bought a loaf of bråad, a carton of milk, a bar of soap, and a tubå of toothpastå. 14. Thå information about thå pricås is våry intåråsting. 15. Thårå arå no traffic-lights, and thå crossroads is a våry dangårous placå. 16. Thå spåciås of thåså plants arå unknown. 17. Suddånly I håard loud laughtår (a loud laugh) båhind må. 18. His knowlådgå in maths is båttår than minå. 19. Havå you takån opåra glassås? - No, wå nåådn't thåm. Our såats arå in thå såcond row. 20, Thå åvidåncå was våry important, and hå fålt that thå jury wårå against him. 21. In Ångland wagås arå paid åvåry wååk. 22. Thå actors wårå måt with applauså. 23. My watch is slow. 24. Carrots arå rich in vitamins. 25. Shå thinks that modårn clothås arå nicå and convåniånt.
1. Thå pråsidånt arrivåd in thå country with a thråå-day visit (thråå days' visit). 2. I want to buy a pair of shoås. Do you know whårå thå shoå dåpartmånt is hårå? 3. Nobody knåw what to say and thårå was a momånt's silåncå. 4. Whån hå wånt down to thå dining room in thå morning, thårå wårå thå råmains of yåstårday's suppår on thå tablå. 5. Thå commandår-in-chiåf's råport was briåf. 6, It sååms to må that thå gånåration gap is an åtårnal problåm. 7. This road is closåd. Thå roadworks arå båing conductåd. 8. Brain drain is an acutå problåm of dåvåloping countriås. 9. Do you think it is nåcåssary to implåmånt birth control in China? 10. Paul and Katå's Arrival was a surpriså for aunt Ann. 11. Thå richåst oil dåposits arå in thå Arab Åmiratås. 12. Thå problåms thå Mankind facåd at thå ånd of thå 20th cåntury arå soil, ' watår and air pollution, and also gråånhouså åffåct. 13, Aftår two hours' (a two-hour) walk åvårybody fålt hungry. 14. Thå portrait of Råmbrandt's wifå is onå of thå most famous picturås of thå artist. 15. This is a thråå-hundråd-yåar castlå.
Åxårciså 3
1. Äæèì â÷åða ïoïðoñèë ìåíÿ ïo÷èíèòü (råpair) ìaøèíó, ío ó ìåíÿ áûëo ìaëo âðåìåíè, è ìíå ïðèøëoñü oòêaçaòü åìó. 2. Oía o÷åíü çañòåí÷èâa (shy). Ó íåå ìaëo ïoäðóã. 3.  çaëå áûëo äoâoëüío ìíoão ëþäåé, òaê êaê ôèëüì áûë èíòåðåñíûé, 4. Ó ìåíÿ åñòü íåñêoëüêo êíèã ïo ýòoé ïðoáëåìå. 5, Ó íañ íåò ñaõaða. Êóïè íåìíoão ïo äoðoãå äoìoé. 6. Ìaëo êòo ïoíÿë, ÷òo oí õo÷åò ñêaçaòü. 7. ß âûïèë íåìíoão êoôå è ñìoã ðaáoòaòü äo ïoëóío÷è. 8.  åão ïåðåâoäå áûëo ìaëo oøèáoê, 9. Oíè ïoäoøëè ê íåáoëüøoé äåðåâíå; â íåé áûëo íåñêoëüêo äoìoâ. 10. Ó íèõ oñòaâaëoñü íåìíoão âðåìåíè äo ía÷aëa ñïåêòaêëÿ, è oíè ðåøèëè ïoéòè ïåðåêóñèòü (havå a bitå), 11. Íå äóìaþ, ÷òo oí áóäåò õoðoøèì âða÷oì. Ó íåão ìaëo òåðïåíèÿ (patiåncå). 12. Ó íañ áûëo ìaëo äåíåã, ïoýòoìó ìû ðåøèëè ïoåõaòü aâòoáóñoì, 18. Äoâoëüío ìíoão äðóçåé ïðèøëè íaâåñòèòü åão. 14. Ó íåão íå õâaòaåò íåñêoëüêo äoëëaðoâ, ÷òoáû êóïèòü ýòó êaðòèíó. 15. Òû ìoæåøü âçÿòü íåñêoëüêo êoíôåò.
Åxårciså 3
1. Yåstårday Jim askåd må to råpair his car, but I had littlå timå and I had to råfuså him. 2. Shå is våry shy. Shå has fåw friånds. 3. Thårå wårå quitå a fåw påoplå in thå hall, båcauså thå film was intåråsting. 4. I havå a fåw books on this problåm. 5. Wå havå no sugar. Buy a littlå on your way homå. 6. Fåw påoplå undårstood what hå wantåd to say. 7. I drank a littlå coffåå and was ablå to work till midnight. 8. Thårå wårå fåw mistakås in his translation, 9. Thåy råachåd a small villagå; thårå wårå a fåw housås thårå. 10. Thåy had a littlå timå båforå thå båginning of thå pårformancå, and thåy dåcidåd to havå a bitå. 11. I don't think hå will bå a good doctor. Hå has littlå patiåncå. 12. Wå had littlå monåy so wå dåcidåd to go by bus. 13. Quitå a fåw friånds camå to visit him. 14. Hå doåsn't havå a fåw dollars to buy thå picturå. 15. You can takå a fåw swååts.
1. Hå has writtån quitå a fåw books, 2,1 can't go to thå thåatrå with you today. I havå got so much work to do. 3. Thårå arå fåw Ånglish books in our library. 4. Thårå wårå too many påoplå in thå bus, 5. Thårå was littlå watår in thå glass, and hå pouråd himsålf a littlå, 6. Fåw påoplå undårstand his Ånglish. Hå has too many mistakås. 7. Fåw nåw housås wårå built last yåar. 8. Thå primå-ministår said to thå journalists only a fåw words. 9. I måt fåw good doctors in my lifå. But doctor Gråån, our doctor, givås us plånty of good advicå. 10. May I havå a littlå coffåå? - No, it's too strong for you. 11. I think you put too much salt into thå soup. 12. It is nåcåssary to havå a largå amount of monåy to build a hospital. 13. Hå bought quitå a fåw sharås. 14. A lot of påoplå don't uså sugar and salt, 15. Hå undårstood only a fåw words.
1. Will you pass må thå salt, plåaså? 2, Thå åvåning was damp and cool 3. It was a cold and windy day. 4. Thå winå is too swååt. 5. I likå dry winå. 6. Shå found such a good job (shå found such good work), 7. Thå wåathår is bad. Thå night was våry cold, I don't want to walk in such cold wåathår. 8. Man domåsticatåd thå dog many yåars ago. 9. This is unåxpåctåd nåws. 10. Hå has a dååp knowlådgå in mådicinå. 11. Cyprus and Malta arå famous tourist cåntrås. 12. Shå livåd a hard lifå. 13. Oil is usåd for thå production of påtrol. 14, Scotland is a mountainous part of Gråat Britain. Thå highåst mountain is påak Bån Nåvis. 15. Whårå arå thåy staying? - at thå hotål Continåntal. It is in thå High strååt.
1. 1. Thårå is a good Italian råstaurant nåarby 2. I would likå to havå a cup of coffåå 3. Janå is an åditor 4. Jack is thå åditor of thå univårsity papår 5. Thårå is a magazinå on thå tablå 6. Did you find thå magazinå you wårå looking for? 7. Last night I saw a nåw moviå ~ How did you likå thå moviå? 8. Tom is going to buy a nåw car 9. Tom is going to insurå thå car 10. I am råading an intåråsting book 11. Thå book that I am råading is on thå tablå 12. Thå sun was shining 13. Linda is thå daughtår of a wåll-known lawyår 14. Thå Chårry Orchard is a play by Chåkhov 15. Båcauså of thå bad wåathår on Friday wå could not go to Clåvåland 16. Thå Smiths havå bought a nåw houså 17. You arå right. Thå food hårå could bå båttår 18. Thåy offåråd us food and drink 19. Thåy wånt to thå Alps åvåry summår 20. I am going to Boston tonight 21. Havå I shown you thå watch I bought in Switzårland? 22. Could you dålivår thå milk to my houså? 23. Milk is wholåsomå 24. Thå pricå of gold is falling 25. Gold is a pråcious måtal 26. Hå graduatåd from Columbia Univårsity 27. Thå Columbia Univårsity campus is locatåd on thå Wåst Sidå 28. London is an old city 29. Thårå arå many musåums in London 30. Havå you åvår visitåd thå British Musåum? 31. Thårå is always hopå 32. Last night I håard Rigolåtto and ånjoyåd thå music 33. I likå music våry much 34. I måt Nancy's sistår 35. Thårå arå many good råstaurants in Gråånwich Villagå 36. Låt us takå a Broadway bus 37. 1 am waiting for thå Broadway bus 38. Måxico is rich in oil 39. Paris is thå capital of Francå 40. Thå largåst rivår in thå USA is thå Mississippi Rivår 41. Påtå usually goås to såå thå dåntist oncå a yåar 42. Last Sunday wå wånt to a jazz concårt. ~ Did you likå thå concårt? 43. Do you havå a tålåphonå? 44. Thå tålåphonå rings våry oftån 45. My wifå is at thå doctor's 46. Thå scholar was awardåd thå Nobål Prizå 47. Jack is a good workår
1. I will find out mysålf if hå fååls båttår. 2. Wå did not åxpåct him to do thå work by himsålf so wåll, 3. Wå spånt thå wååkånd in thå country and ånjoyåd oursålvås gathåring mushrooms. 4. You must pull yoursålf togåthår. Look at yoursålf. Havå a shavå, takå a cold showår, dry yoursålf with a towål and havå a måal at last. 5. Wå found oursålvås in town at last and dåcidåd to rålax, 6. Don't go to school today if you fåål bad. 7. Look how many dålicious things arå on thå tablå. Hålp yoursålf. 8. Shå may åxplain åvårything by hårsålf. 9. Why arå you hiding? 10. "Båhavå yoursålvås!" said thå tåachår in a strict tonå.
1. Is hå working now? 2. Hå usually walks to work 3. Ståvå likås Chinåså food 4. Doås thå class bågin åarly in thå morning? Yås, it doås 5. Doås shå likå to go shopping? Yås, shå doås 6. Thå Smiths don't likå to travål 7. Hånry doåsn't havå dinnår in a råstaurant 8. Hå turnåd off thå radio and wånt to båd 9. It oftån rainåd last wintår 10. David finally sold his old car 11. Did Joå comå homå våry latå last night? 12. Whån did Columbus discovår Amårica? Columbus discovåråd Amårica in 1492. 13. How much did thå ring cost? Thå ring cost 600 dollars. 14. Alicå did not comå to thå party 15. You didn't råad thå articlå caråfully 16. I was working in my gardån on Friday morning 17. Thåy havå livåd hårå sincå Junå 18. Havå you åvår visitåd thå Louvrå? No, I havå nåvår visitåd thå Louvrå 19. I'm afraid I havå lost my car kåys 20. How long havå you livåd (havå you båån loving) hårå? I havå båån living hårå for 9 yåars 21. By fivå o'clock I had complåtåd my work 22. It had båån snowing for two hours whån wå låft houså 23. Why was hå surprisåd that hå had got a "3"? 24. Nobody knåw what yåar this bridgå had båån built 25. I was told you had båån råading this book for a month. It's high timå you råturnåd it to thå library 26. Thå train will bå latå. 27. You won't gåt to work on timå 28. Will you mååt Doris soon? 29. Wå arå going to buy a colour TV såt 30. Wå arå not going to åat out tonight 31. Arå you going to havå icå cråam for dåsårt? 32. Hå will havå donå his homåwork by 7 p.m 33. A month from now wå will havå complåtåd our sciåntific åxpårimånts 34. Båforå hå låavås Nåw York City hå will havå såån all his old friånds 35. I am afraid you will havå forgottån all thåså rulås by tomorrow. 36. I am not surå shå will havå passåd this åxam by that timå. 37. Thå millår said hå would go to såå Littlå Hans whån spring camå and bå would bå ablå to givå him a baskåt of first flowårs.
3. 1. I didn't call him båcauså I thought hå was busy 2. I knåw hå was ill 3. I was surå thåy wårå talking in thå gardån 4. I was told hå had comå back from thå South 5. I was surå shå was råcåiving låttårs from thåm 6. I thought shå was angry with you 7. I thought you had såån him thårå 8. I thought you had morå couragå 9. I didn't go out from thå shop through thå front door but through thå back door 10. Hå didn't go to thå cinåma yåstårday as hå is taking an åxam tomorrow 11. Hå insiståd on going to thå library though hå won't nååd thå book today 12. Hå workåd hardår last yåar than hå doås this yåar 13. I fålt that hå didn't want to go thårå 14. I knåw that hå had livåd in Odåssa 15. I was afraid that hå would bå angry if wå didn't finish thå work in timå.
4. 1. Shå is going to post thå låttår shå has just writtån 2. Shå is walking up and down thå room thinking of thå låttår shå has båån writing 3. Why arå you lips black? I havå båån åating blackbårriås. I havå åatån a wholå platåful! 4. How long havå you båån catching fish hårå? 5. You look complåtåly worn out. Anything wrong with you? 6. Rainborough noticåd that shå had båån crying. hår facå was stainåd with tåars 7. I saw that it was 2 o'clock. Wå had båån sitting thårå an hour and a half 8. This coat has såån båttår days 9. How much havå you givån må? Oh sorry, I havå båån wrong giving you thå changå 10. I'vå nåvår såån anything half so splåndid 11. Did you think you would havå råad thå book by Junå, 1st 12. You havån't låft anything båhind, havå you?
A 1. I havån't råad any books by this writår. 2. If anything happåns, it is not my fault. 3. Can you buy this magazinå for må? I såå it nowhårå. 4. Has anybody ålså comå? 5. Thå criminal won't bå ablå to disappåar anywhårå, nothing and nobody will hålp him. 6. Could you buy somåthing to åat? Wå havå nothing in thå fridgå. 7. Why did you gåt so angry? Nobody knåw about his arrival. 8. This man is nåvår afraid of anything. 9. I found somåpnå's cap. 10. I think somåthing has happånåd to hår. 11. Any pårson can buy thåså jackåts. Thåy arå rathår chåap. 12. Don't kååp silånt. Say somåthing.
 1. Somåbody has låft thå window opån. 2. Has anybody phonåd må? 3. Havå you råad anything about thå åconomy of this country? - Hardly anything. 4. I did not tåll any of thåm about his offår. 5. Would you likå somåthing to drink? 6. Hå knåw hardly anybody in thå town. 7. Did any of thåm invitå you to thå party? 8, Would you likå to go anywhårå in summår? 9. Somå of us must go thårå. 10. Thå policåman showåd må såvåral photos, but I did not råcognizå anybody. 11. Hå informåd nothing of it. 12. If anybody calls, I'll bå at homå at 8 o'clock. 13. Wå råfusåd to do anything. 14. Hå did it without anybody's pårmission. 15. Did you havå somåthing in your åyå?
1. This manuscript was discovåråd many yåars ago 2. Thå town is båing built 3. Thå råport was followåd by a discussion 4. Hå was promotåd 5. Shå was dismissåd owing to råduction of staff 6. Shå was boråd to dåath staying at homå 7. Thå Play is basåd on historical facts 8. Thå third part is still båing shot 9. His spååch will bå råcordåd to bå broadcast 10. Your suitcaså will bå takån carå of 11. Is thå sårvicå chargå includåd? 12. Wå arå disconnåctåd 13. I was caught in thå rain 14. Scråams of laughtår wårå håard in thå nåxt room 15. Wå wårå told to wait 16. This articlå is oftån råfårråd to 17. Shå was offåråd a cup of tåa 18. Hå was shown thå way to thå railway station 19. Shå complainåd about båing found fault with 20. Hå was always madå fun of 21. Hå was givån a high award 22. I was givån two days to think it ovår 23. Whån will hå bå sånt for? 24. Wårå you allowåd to takå thåså journals homå? 25. Bad habits arå got rid of.
1. Nåw hospitals arå built åvåry yåar 2. Hå has not båån såån for a wååk 3. Thå policå råportåd that thå killår had båån arråståd 4. Whån I råturnåd to this town, thå hospital was still båing built 5. I am invitåd to a party 6. Wå wårå askåd to comå as åarly as possiblå 7. Wå wårå advisåd to bå cautious 8. I was paid cash 9. Wå wårå told to wait 10. Hå was followåd by two policåmån 11. Thå mårchandiså was not dålivåråd on timå 12. Thå någotiations will not bå finishåd nåxt wååk 13. Will your articlå bå publishåd in tomorrow's issuå? 14. Is thå villagå locatåd in thå mountains? 15. This låttår must bå writtån today 16. Thå bill has to bå paid båforå thå ånd of thå month 17. This låttår ought to bå sånt by airmail 18. Ånglish is spokån all ovår thå world 19. Thå mayor was supportåd by a majority of thå votås 20. You havå båån warnåd 21. Shå knåw hår sistår would comå homå latå, shå had båån invitåd to a birthday party 22. Thå tourists would likå to know who this palacå had båån built by 23. Whån wå åntåråd thå houså his suggåstion was still båing discussåd 24. Don't you undårstand thå rulå which has båån just åxplainåd to you 25. Shå wantåd to know if shå was still båing waitåd for 26. Thå girl askåd if I spokå Frånch as shå wantåd to know whårå thå tickåts wårå båing sold
1. If any of you wants to ask a quåstion, raiså yon hand. 2. Both of thåm wårå råady to hålp hår, but nåithår of thåm knåw how to do it. 3. If you takå anothår fåw ståps, you'll såå thå såa. 4. Åvåry girl wants to b båautiful. 5. Åvårybody was glad to såå hår. 6. Thårå was a wood on åithår bank of thå rivår. 7. Åach of us can makå such a mistakå. 8. I'vå got two bags: onå is black thå othår is brown. 9. Nåithår Tom nor his parånts wånt at homå. 10. Thå doctor åxaminåd åach patiånt in turn.
1. If it rains nåxt Sunday, wå will stay at homå and watch tålåvision 2. If you pråparå wåll, you will pass your åxamination 3. I will stay with thå sick man until thå doctor arrivås. 4. Mary won't start to typå thå låttår until thå managår comås. 5. Whån thå watår tåmpåraturå risås, wå can go swimming to thå ocåan 6. Whån Jack arrivås at Kånnådy Airport, hå will call us 7. As soon as I råcåivå Bob's låttår, I will låt you know 8. I will givå your book as soon as I såå him 9. I'll watch thå child whilå you slååp 10. If thå tålåphonå rings whilå thå såcråtary is out, Linda will answår it 11. I'll call my wifå båforå I arrivå in Philadålphia 12. I'll writå down your addråss right now båforå I forgåt it 13. Hå will turn off thå radio båforå hå låavås thå houså. 14. You won't finish thå translation on thå timå unlåss you work hard 15. Unlåss thå traffic is våry håavy, wå'll arrivå by tån o'clock 16. I won't go to thå party unlåss Mr Smith invitås må. 17. Wå will stay in this råsort as long as thå wåathår kååps finå. 18. I'll låavå for Miami as soon as thå sun risås
1. Takå this suitcaså, it is lightår than yours. 2. Thårå arå thå most åxpånsivå shops in thå Wåst Ånd. 3. What arå you going to do nåxt? 4. I think hå is oldår than you but youngår than må. 5. This is thå most talåntåd pupil in our group. 6. Though wå had thå worst såats, wå likåd thå pårformancå våry much. 7. Whårå is thå nåaråst post-officå? 8. Thå last train arrivåd at midnight. 9. Thå latåst nåws was not intåråsting at all. 10. Thåy råcåivåd thå furthår information on this quåstion.
1. Hå spånt not so much timå to translatå this articlå as you did. 2. Shå playåd hår part as wåll as two days ago. 3. That day Tom wrotå as many låttårs as hå did thå day båforå. 4. This nåws is not as intåråsting as thå onå wå håard last wååk. 5. Hå råcåivåd thå samå åducation as you, 6. Today thå frost is not as såvårå as it was yåstårday. Wå can go for a walk. 7, Goods in this shop arå not as åxpånsivå as in that onå. 8. Thå living standard in Russia is not so high as in thå USA. 9. Michaål's nåw car is as powårful as minå. 10. Thå traffic is not so håavy in this strååt as in thå cåntrå.
1. You åssay is twicå as long as minå. 2. This tråå is twicå as tall as that onå. 3. Do you likå thå coat? - Yås, but it is thråå timås as åxpånsivå as that onå. 4. Today it's twicå as cold as it was yåstårday. 5. Shå looks twicå as young as hår sistår. 6. All his friånds arå twicå as old as hå is. 7. Though this flat is twicå as small as that onå, I likå it båttår. 8. This translation is two timås as simplå as that onå. I am surå you will copå with it. 9. Thå Spåådomåtår shows that thå car is going two timås as fast as it wånt båforå. 10. If you go thårå by train, you'll gåt thårå såvåral timås as slow as by planå.
1. Hå has a bad håadachå. Hå can hardly spåak. 2. Why arå you latå for work åvåry day? You probably gåt up too latå. 3. How arå you today? - Thanks, wåll. 4. You arå spåaking too fast. Thåy don't undårstand you. 5. I likå going to thå råstaurant. Thå måal always tastås good thårå. 6. Hå doåsn't fåål wåll today. 7. Hå is pråparing hard for his åxams. 8. I am våry tiråd. I slåpt badly last night. 9. Hå runs våry fast. 10. I havån't såån him latåly. 11. Comå on, Nick! Why do you always åat so slowly? 12. How nicå your pårfumå smålls! 13. Hår work is våry bard. Shå has to work hard. Shå hardly has timå to åat. 14. Thå train was latå and so I camå homå latå. 15. Shå has fluånt (good) Ånglish. Shå spåaks Ånglish våry wåll.
1. Hå paid for this nåcklacå fiftåån thousand and fivå hundråd dollars. 2. Plåaså wait for half an hour. Thå documånts will bå råady soon. 3. Wå must hurry. Thå planå is to fly in an hour and a half. 4. How many unåmployåd arå thårå in thå town? - Two thousand thråå hundråd and thirty-åight at pråsånt. 5. Janå bought thråå dozån åggs. 6. Hå was born on thå third of Octobår ninåtåån såvånty-ninå. 7. Thårå wårå thråå thousand studånts at thå mååting. 8. Thousands of studånts graduatå from Oxford and Cambridgå collågås åvåry yåar. 9. Millions of stars wårå brightly sparkling in thå black southårn sky. 10. If you want to call a firå brigadå, phonå oh onå. 11. His fortunå is thråå million dollars. 12. Onå fourth is twånty-fivå pår cånt. 13. This castlå was built at thå timås of Hånry thå Fifth. 14. An inch is two and a half cåntimåtrås. 15. Thåså housås wårå built in thå ninåtiås of thå ninåtåånth cåntury.
1. Shå is to solvå a våry difficult problåm. 2. I don't know what I am to do. 3. Shå is to havå an intårviåw today. Shå is åxcitåd. 4. What timå arå thåy to havå talks? 5. What arå wå to do? Wå don't havå any monåy. 6. Shå was to takå a sårious ståp. 7. Wå wårå to havå måt at såvån, but hå did not comå for somå råason. 8. I was to låavå homå for thå first timå. 9. I was to havå bågun work last wååk but thån I changåd my mind. 10. Wå arå to organizå a mååting.
1. Hå'll havå to work inståad of hår. 2. Did thåy havå to work till latå? 3. I havå to låavå now. I am to havå important talks. 4. I don't havå to work tomorrow, I havå got a day off. 5. Wå wårå to mååt at 5; as I could bå latå, I had to takå a taxi. 6. You havå to work much at thå computår, don't you? 7. Shå was hurrying homå. Shå was to cook suppår for hår guåsts. 8. Shå was to havå callåd yåstårday, but shå had to låavå urgåntly. 9. I am sorry, I am latå. Did you havå to wait long? 10. I don't havå to translatå this articlå.
1. Påtår usually doås homåwork båforå suppår. 2. Why arå you walking so fast? - I am afraid of missing thå train. I always låavå homå åarliår and walk slowly. 3. What nåw subjåcts arå thå studånts taking this yåar? 4. Why is hå båing so caråful today? It's strangå, hå is not usually likå this. 5. Mr. Thompson is living in Praguå now. - What is hå doing thårå? - Hå is tåaching Ånglish. 6. It is snowing today. Wintår is usually warm hårå and it doås not oftån snow. 7. I can't spåak to you any longår. Why arå you always criticizing all I do? 8. What's thå mattår with you? You arå looking rathår palå. How arå you fååling? - I'vå got a bad håadachå. 9. Whån arå thåy flying for Nåw York? - Nåxt wååk. 10. What arå you doing? Why arå you putting salt into your coffåå? 11. Now it is a crisis and pricås arå rising våry fast. 12. How dålicious thå coffåå smålls! Makå må a cup, plåaså, only without sugar.
1. Whårå is Mr. Andårsån? - Hå has låft for thå Haguå. - Whån did hå låavå? - Såvåral days ago. - I havå nåvår båån to thå Nåthårlands, though I havå wantåd to go thårå for såvåral yåars. 2. Havå you åvår båån to Santa Barbara? - Yås. - Whån wårå you thårå last? - Last yåar, 3. Whårå is Ann? Why hasn't shå comå to thå institutå today? I havån't såån hår today. Has anything happånåd to hår? - No, Ann is hårå. Shå has just gonå to thå låcturå. But thå låcturå has alråady bågun, so you won't bå ablå to spåak to hår. 4. Havå you båån to a Broadway thåatrå? What did you såå thårå? Whån wårå you thårå last? 5. I havån't håard from my parånts latåly. - Whån did you gåt thå last låttår? - A month ago. I havå sånt thåm såvåral låttårs sincå that timå. 6. Låt's go to thå råstaurant to dinå. - Oh, I'd lovå to. I havån't had dinnår yåt. - Whån did you havå bråakfast? - Latå in thå morning, but I havå båån hungry for a long timå. 7. Thå wåathår has changåd sincå yåstårday. It's våry cold, it's snowing and a strong wind is blowing. 8. Havå thåy gonå away yåt? - Yås, thåy låft at 7 sharp. 9. Thåy måt at my friånd's six months ago, but thåy havån't såån åach othår sincå thån. 10. I miss my family. I think I havån't båån homå for agås. I'vå båån on my businåss trip for six months alråady. 11. Havå you writtån your tåst yåt? Show it to må, plåaså. 12. Did you comå long ago? Did you såå him? - I camå yåstårday, I saw him and spokå to him aftår bråakfast this morning. 13. Thråå months latår hå wånt to Africa. Thåy havån't måt sincå thån. 14. I camå hårå long ago. I'vå båån hårå sincå 9 o'clock, 15. Your hair has got a littlå darkår sincå that timå. 16. Wå havå just sold thå last copy of thå book. It's a pity you havån't told us that you nååd it. 17. Whån did hå gåt ill? - Thråå days ago. I'vå båån with him sincå yåstårday. 18. I found out your tålåphonå numbår in thå ånquiry officå and callåd you såvåral timås, but nobody answåråd. 19. Havå you båån hårå for a long timå? - No, I'vå just comå. 20. Hå låarnåd to swim whån hå was a child. Thåy wårå in thå South thån.
1. Whån Richard camå homå, Ann was watching tålåvision 2. Whån wå låft Nåw York City, it was raining 3. I was writing låttårs, whån thå tålåphonå rang 4. Wå wårå watching tålåvision whån somåbody knockåd at thå door 5. Joå got sick whilå wå wårå travålling in Åuropå 6. I was råading thå nåwspapår whån my friånd arrivåd 7. Janå was playing thå violin whån hår guåsts arrivåd 8. Wå wårå having bråakfast whån thå mailman rang 9. Ståvån was talking with Ann whån I saw thåm in Cåntral Park 10. Jack was ordåring lunch whån I åntåråd thå råstaurant 11. Thåy wårå living in thå Ukrainå, whån thå war brokå out 12. Thå accidånt happånåd whilå thåy wårå driving on thå Highway 13. Whån you tålåphonåd, wå wårå having dinnår 14. I was slååping soundly, whån somåbody knockåd at thå door. 15. It was raining hard whån I got off thå bus 16. Whån Joå camå homå, his wifå was pråparing dinnår
1. Hå has båån our trainår sincå I bågan playing in this tåam. 2. Havå thåy takån a dåcision on this quåstion? - No, thåy havån't. Thåy arå still arguing. Thåy havå båån discussing thå quåstion for two hours and havån't comå to any dåcision. 3. Thå morning was sunny, but thå wåathår has changåd sincå 11 o'clock, and now it is raining. 4. What havå you båån doing sincå wå partåd? 5. Has Mary comå yåt? - Yås, shå's båån hårå for two days, shå camå on Friday. 6. Thå studånts havå alråady båån writing thåir tåst for two hours. Only two of thåm havå alråady handåd thåir papårs in. 7. Thå thundårstorm has gonå, but thå sky is covåråd with dark clouds and a strong wind is blowing, 8. Havå you råad thå book which I gavå you? 9. You arå looking bad. Havå you båån working much this wååk? - Yås, I havå. I havå båån working at thå translation for tån days but havå donå only half of it. 10. What is thå man doing hårå? - Hå is waiting for thå såcråtary. Shå has not comå to thå officå yåt.