Латман Иосиф : другие произведения.

Don′t Look Reproachfully, Faithful My Dog

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Yosef Latman

                                         All rights reserved by the author

(Free translation from Russian by the author Yosef Latman)

Don′t look reproachfully, faithful my dog,
Don′t look for flaws in me, friend loved.
Life, you are knowing, is full of colored stripes,
And now... without wine, I′m like a drunk in haze.

Don′t be scared of me , how wolves are afraid of fire,-
I′m afraid myself of my own shadow,
and to calm fear,
And not to blame myself for something dire,
I kneel before you now and here,
thinking only of real.

Pressing cheek to your gray muzzle,
I cry no reason like over life′s puzzle.

While washing in morning with ice water even in frost,
I wait, old fool, good luck I′m long sought for.
June 2020

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