Литвинова Алесия Михайловна : другие произведения.

Each day

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Each day I have to restrain my emotions,
Each day I have to wear a mask,
Each day I have to control all my motions.
And u know it"s a difficult task...

And everytime I hear ur voice I feel the temptation,
I know that the illness called a desire....
I cant always control just the passion,
But to put away all regrets I will try...

Each day I wake up and feel the ache,
Inside myself, it"s so deep and regenerating....
And everyday I see u and the painful poison take
Inside, it"s just a miracle, so biting....

I feel the pain, I suffer so much,
I"m missing u , I"m missing ur thought
I"m praying surrender, surrender me, pls
I"m beseeching, u darling, I"m on my knees....


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