Лукашина Лиза : другие произведения.


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Музыка: Тимур Рыжов, Лиза Лукашина
Слова: Лиза Лукашина


I"m lost in a crowd
But nobody is watching me.
I"m asking about things
Which are not meant to be.

I"m lost in the lake of your pride
Where there"s no destiny.
My heart is by your side
You know it certainly.

I"m lost in the light of the day
But my memory lingers.
For the wishes I got I know the price I will pay
Reflection on my fingers.

I"ll be strong till I die
But now I"m chained to your eyes lovingly.
Guess the riddle inside
Guess the riddle inside
Of me.

How can you know
What I"m made of..
How can you know
What I"m made of..

I"m lost in a crowd
But nobody is watching me.
I"m asking about things
Which are not meant to be.

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