Михайлов Евгений Александрович : другие произведения.

Not a hero

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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6 September 2019

Not a hero.

   When I look in the mirror,
   I don't see a hero.
   I see a shadow of one,
   Who is lazy and young.
   How come I'm a loser,
   And in life just a user?
   What I want is to win
   The real thing not a dream.
   I was hoping like mad,
   Doing nothing instead
   To achieve all my goals
   But I got lots of "holes".
   I have a "hole" in my head,
   I forgot who's my dad.
   All my money is gone,
   Through a hole. I'm done!
   What do I do that is wrong?
   Why does it keep going on?
   Maybe I should start working,
   And stop yawning and looking?
   Help me find in a mirror
   True survival and a hero.
   I believe I can smile,
   This is my latest style!

Yevgeniy M.

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