Roman Neviditsyn
Verse #1:
You broke my heart.
I changed my point of view
About the life
That is lasting without You.
I gave You my love,
My soul and my body.
Your beautiful laugh
Is a song for nobody.
My tongue's licking off Your tears,
My whisper's caressing Your ears...
Please, give me the key
To open Your heart.
Your eyes are a sea.
We are living apart.
Your beauty excites me.
I'm loosing my mind.
I look for that key
And can't ever find.
Verse #2:
You left me alone
And forgot my embrace.
I call on Your phone.
I want to see Your face.
Please, give me a chance
To be near You.
I fell in a trance.
You know I love You!
My tongue's licking off Your tears,
My whisper's caressing Your ears...
Copyright (c) Roman Neviditsyn, 2001.
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О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души"
М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"