Николь Н. Вервер : другие произведения.

Birds of Feather

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Are you afraid to move and grow, baby
What are you stumbling at so forgetful 
Am I repeating the mistake that maybe
I could succeed in changing paling spectre 
Of colors quietly blushing in your soul
Touching the edges of the others auras
Having precaptured sooner falling stones
Did you just think you"re better off without
Going further waiting week by week
.........afraid of acting
Don"t you see that I am almost fainting 
It"s been to hard or I am just too week
I never see what change you are waiting for
Leaving as is or trying simpler options 
Getting the worst out of me before
You start feeling the slightest of emotions 
Yet, other thoughts are flashing in your mind
I"m feeling stuck by always getting whether
Talking of birds of wildly coloured feather
You really tried to understand what kind.
June 2011, London

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