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Back - to the primates ?! or forward - to the superman?!

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    What is the future of mankind? Opinions differ, but all of them are, in essence, questionable. However, all this will end with something ...

  From the perspective of progress, it seems logical to assume the transformation of a person, but not of the whole mass of mankind, into a superman who, according to F. Nietzsche, goes far beyond the scope of an ordinary person thanks to acquisition by him of the increased egocentrism and a high level of dominance. It is in this transformation that Nietzsche sees the meaning of the existence of mankind.
  A slightly different version of the superman - a more modern one - was proposed by the science fiction writers the Strugatsky brothers under the name of 'luden'. This strange creature acquires the superintelligence from nowhere (what kind of mind is not explained), and it without fail rushes into far cosmos by incomprehensible means, where even more intelligent creatures await these ludens. in order to reduce suffering to a minimum and to increase joy to a maximum, the life and health of each such super-being become almost eternal, and it itself becomes a creator and consumer of culture. In these new "gardens of Elysees" futurologists see the future of mankind, or rather, what remains of it.
  Having approached a problem of change of the person from the opposite side, some biologists evolutionists, being guided by rules of artificial selection in society and brain researches, believe: to slide to all mankind back on a direct path - to primates, unless only something extraordinary will happen, for example, the implementation of cerebral sorting (the ability to predict the capabilities and abilities of a person by the size of certain areas of the brain by analyzing the individual morphological characteristics of the brain of a living person using a high-resolution tomograph, identifying thereby people with potentially outstanding and socially desirable abilities and talents).
  Who is right? And what still awaits us in the future?
  We turn first to the inventor of the term "superman" F. Nietzsche.
  In his work "So Zarathustra spoke" F. Nietzsche points out that a person is only a transitional link from the beast to the superman, on who everything ends: "What is a monkey in relation to man? Laughing-stock or excruciating disgrace. And the person for the superman has to be the same: laughing-stock or excruciating disgrace ... The superman - the meaning of the earth [1, p. 8]. ... he (a person) is transition and perdition... The most caring ask: "How to save oneself to the person?" Zarathustra asks, the only and the first: "How to surpass the person?" ... To the superman is predisposed my heart, he for me the first and only" [1, p. 207].
  According to Nietzsche, a superman differs from a person in his increased egocentrism: "For the neighbor" it is a virtue only small people: they say: "one stands the other" and "the hand washes a hand"; they have neither the right nor the strength for your egoism" [1, p. 210] ... The most malicious is necessary for the benefit of the superman [1, p. 208].
  What makes the superman by such - this is mainly the will for power, without which development is impossible: "But wherever I find the alive, I have heard everywhere about obedience. All living things are something obeying ... In order to the weaker served to the strongest - the will of the strongest induce him for it, which wants to be master over the weaker: he cannot do without this joy ... Only where there is life, there is will, but it is not the will to live, but - as I teach - the will to power!" [1, p. 82-83].
  But the superman cannot do, as F. Nietzsche believes, without the will to live, instincts, inner will, or "desire", as well as the will of passions and attractions: "... your body with its great mind: it does not say I, but it does I ... The tool and toy are feeling and mind: behind them lies yet Oneself. It also seeks through the eyes of the senses; it also listens by the ears of the spirit ... it compares, subjugates, occupies, destroys ... There is more reason in your body than in your highest wisdom ... Oneself speaks to I: Here you feel joy! ... You once had passions, and you called them evil. And now you have only the virtues: they have grown out of your passions" [1, p. 24-26].
  Let us see to whom else these signs belong, which Nietzsche attributed to a highest person.
  The will to life and instincts are inherent in any living organism.
  The inner will, or "desire," belongs in the most concentrated form to the predator.
  The will of passions and attractions cannot but be attributed for each person, but, of course, to a different extent.
  The will to force, or rather, to authority, expressed, according to Nietzsche, in the desire to subjugate another, is in fact a dominance characteristic of any living organism that always seeks to create more convenient living conditions for itself.
  This property is most pronounced among pack leaders, for example, the alpha-male monkeys. Actually, first of all, thanks to him, and not the strength, intelligence or cunning that can be found in assistants, the creature becomes a leader.
  Thus, Nietzsche"s superman is, contrary to desire of Nietzsche, not "half-saint", not "half-genius", not "creator", directing historical development in the direction he needs, not extreme individual, "absorbing" life in its extreme manifestations, surpassing a person so much how far a person surpassed the monkey, but this is just a copy of the monkey alpha-male in human form, that is, somewhat cultured.
  And his display on all signs, specified by Nietzsche, are the representatives of imperious elite of the states at all times in the history of the development of civilization. In some genius, with rare exception (Napoleon, who, however, despite all his dignities, ruined his own state, destroying many innocent people due to the false idea of uniting Europe under the auspices of France), is difficult to "reproach" the representatives of these elites, but behold the pronounced aspiration to the power and comfort is characteristic of them, which means the predominance of the animal consciousness of the alpha-male with his instinct of his own exclusiveness, which separates him from the weak and despicable fellow tribesmen, but by no means the prevalence in power elites of altruism, conscience, striving for equality and brotherhood.
  Nietzsche, may, have wished for a more noble higher person to appear in the future, but, alas, our desires do not always coincide with reality, and Nietzsche"s superman, judging by the above analysis, is not a noble, super-smart and hypersensitive being of the future, for whom an ordinary person is only a transitional stage from the animal, but he is only an egocentric with exacerbated desire to dominate.
  Similar to him, clever or silly, but cunning, resourceful and unscrupulous - by all means try to break in imperious elite at all times, differing in this most from the philistine. Thereby Nietzsche's expression: "The person is the rope tense between an animal and the superman. The rope over a chasm" [1, page 9] can at best be interpreted only as the aspiration of imperious elites in every way to arrange "abyss" among themselves and the people, showing all the rest the superiority in powers of authority, wealth, comfortable life, and trying to hide what is not enough for them, and lacks them, as a rule, intelligence in combination with self-respect, cultures, conscience, respect for people.
  Emergence of a civilization and cultural and also its technical advance means in general improvement of human community, more precisely, the increase of self-consciousness in generally, that is altruism, aspiration to knowledge, maintaining the saved-up cultural values, etc., but not only the improvement of technologies, and certainly not the increase in the likelihood of the appearance of "superhuman", which, as we have shown above, are always present in power elites, copying the actions of monkey alpha-males.
  In such development of civilization, it"s by no means a "superman" in their face of representatives of power elites who are just persons with a dominance of animal (the lowest) consciousness over self-consciousness (the highest consciousness), stimulates the development of the community, but the driving force of the development of the community is the incessant struggle the power elites as the brightest representatives of the animal consciousness predominantly, with the intellectual nonconformists as the most outstanding representatives of the persons understanding themselves, who is moved away from own animal consciousness to the greatest extent. Intellectual nonconformists sincerely trust in a possibility of organization of a harmonious condition of mankind and make for it all the efforts, contrary to indifference of the inhabitant, and counteracting the imperious elite which is most of all trying to keep own privileges and powers of authority owing to the mainly own animal essence [2, Section 3].
  In modern society generally science fiction writers and futurologists adjoining them, advance as it seems to them, the obvious idea about the selection out of mankind of some super-creatures with other intellectual opportunities, other vital aspirations, however, by indistinct, and with the removal from "wretched" mankind into space depths.
  Arkady and Boris Strugatsky in their novel "Waves Quench the Wind" [3] called them ludens and described this process of transformation as follows:
  "Any Mind - whether technological, or in accordance with Rousseau's ideas, or even heroic - in the process of first-order evolution goes from a state of maximum separation (savagery, mutual embitternment, wretchedness of emotions, distrust) to a condition of the individual association, greatest possible at preservation (friendliness, high culture of the relations, altruism, neglect achievable). This process copes laws biological, biosocial and specifically social. It is well studied and is of interest to us only here so far as leads to a question: and what's next?
  Having laid aside romantic trills of history of vertical progress, we find only two real, essentially differing opportunities for Reason. Or a stop, self-complacency, short circuit on, loss of interest in the physical world. Or entering on the way of the evolution of the second order, on the way of evolution planned and controlled, on the way to Monokosm.
  The synthesis of minds is inevitable. It gives an innumerable number of new facets of the perception of the world, and this leads to an incredible increase in the quantity and, most importantly, the quality of information available for absorption, which, in turn, leads to a decrease in suffering up to a minimum and an increase in joy up to a maximum. The concept of "home" is expanding to Universe scales. A new metabolism arises, and as a result of it, life and health become almost eternal. The age of the individual becomes comparable with the age of space objects in the complete absence of accumulation of fatigue. The individual of Monokosma does not need creators. He oneself both the creator, and the consumer of culture. On a water drop he is capable not only to recreate an image of the ocean, but also the whole world of the beings inhabiting it, including reasonable. And all this at continuous, unsatiable sensor hunger.
  Each new individual arises as a work of syncretic art: it is created by physiologists, and genetics, and engineers, and psychologists, aesthetics, educators and philosophers of Monocosm. This process, of course, takes several tens of Earth years and, of course, is the most fascinating and honorable ...
  TO CREATE, WITHOUT DESTROYING!" - here the slogan of Monocosm.
  Monocosm cannot but consider the way of development and own modus vivendi only true ...
  First: the entry of the mankind on the way of evolution of the second order means practically the transformation Hомо sapiens in Wanderer (superman).
  Second: most likely, not every Homo sapiens is suitable for such a transformation.
  ... the search, selection and preparation for incorporation of ripe individuals cannot but be accompanied by phenomena and events accessible to an attentive observer. It is possible to expect, for example, developing of mass phobias, new messianic teachings, appearance of people with unusual abilities, inexplicable disappearances of people, sudden emergence in people of new talents as if by magic, etc.".
  Indeed, it is known that our civilization in its development will come to the point of singularity. By this point, John von Neumann did not mean an astrophysical understanding, but the point beyond which extrapolation begins to give meaningless results. The historian I. M. Dyakonov drew attention to the point of singularity, or the limit point on the time axis, where historical cycles shrinking according to the law of progression converge [4].
  The approaching informational collapse is confirmation of that the era of fundamental changes in civilization development comes with an approximation of the point of the singularity.
  Informational collapse is defined as the condition of network information space menacing to its stability and normal functioning. Informational collapse is characterized by fall off of capacity of communication channels and arises at a situation when existing technologies are not able to transfer growing volumes of traffic.
  The beginning of informational collapse manifests in constant increase in speed of emergence of new information and accumulation of this information in the Internet. Acquaintance with the avalanche flow of information becomes more and more difficult and even more difficult becomes thereof its adequate use because filtration of information, as a rule, for doubtful criteria becomes actually by single method of ordering of information. This process conducts to fast loss by society of perspective reference points of development, to replacement of the true purposes by corporate purposes, to bamboozle of an overwhelming majority of Internet users.
  However, the optimistic futurologists interpret the point of singularity as a transition to a new, improved state. It, in their opinion, means a hypothetical explosive increase in the speed of scientific and technological progress, presumably resulting from the creation of artificial intelligence and self-reproducing machines, the integration of humans with computers, or a significant increase in the capabilities of the human brain due to biotechnology.
  Here, as science-futurologists and science fiction writer believe, ludens appear, that is, supermen, who, unlike ordinary people, use the situation of informational collapse for their own "ascent" and the removal from silly and vicious humanity.
  However, a point of singularity is, at a minimum, a bifurcation point, in which, due to the impossibility of being in the former quality, civilization is breaking up or moving into a different way of existence.
  As for the appearance of a superman against this background, the doubtfulness of this individual creature is obvious, if only because human intelligence is divided into two parts - creative and formal-logical.
  A person can transmit to powerful computers only his formal logical component in the form of appropriate programs, and the creative part of the intellect remains inevitably integral with the person, since 150 billion of all neurons of the human body work on a different principle - not on data exchange, but on the distribution and conversion during all lifetime of the person of information by means of appearing and disappearing communications - some kind of impulses of updating - between neurons which are not programmed and do not give in to modeling, and the number these impulses, naturally, for a certain time interval can be many times more than the neurons themselves, and the new combination of which can be "caught" only in the process of free scanning by the target"s "net", and the principal novelty of the "found", is due to the random formation of links between neurons. All this allows, in principle, "to reach" the desired and along with that - the original solution, or the receive the necessary answer, if, of course, the goal enters a kind of resonance with a set of new connections, most suitable for this case.
  It is this creative component of the human intelligence, which is impossible to convey to anyone or anything, that is truly human property. Exactly it, together with self-consciousness makes a person a super-being in comparison with all other living organisms. This, in fact, is the difference between a person not only from other living beings, but also from a computer: a person consciously searches for a subject of occupations, realizing that he is in the time that lends itself to completely conscious change due to his creativity and self-consciousness
  Of course, the degree of human creativity is determined by a rather random (from birth) combination of brain subfields, their sizes, as well as the appearance of new subfields and other structural features of the brain.
  Therefore, extraordinary abilities for a particular type of activity, called talents, are not so frequent. Nevertheless, any person with an undisturbed psyche has from birth certain abilities that he can gradually develop, that is, no one can be denied creativity, but it can be expressed to varying degrees, and this is due to the random "construction" of the brain, that is not passed on to descendants.
  So that no totality of talents, if they are understood as the "super-mankind", cannot pass on their abilities to posterity, and, therefore, this ""super-mankind" is not capable of development.
  However, in the era of the coming information collapse, having" on hand " the Internet and powerful computers, a person can entrust this artificial intelligence almost all works, not connected with creative activity and to release oneself for it, apparently, getting an enormous resource of free time.
  Naturally, the person and arrives so, receiving as it is paradoxical, instead of freedom of creativity the separateness of oneself from freedom.
  Rapid expansion of a zone of use of artificial intelligence in production of goods and means of production and also in service trade, deprives of work a considerable part of the educated population.
  These people fall into a situation of life on allowances, finding, however, a "free" day in return for a working day, but these free days are endlessly boring, because on an allowance you especially will not have fun, and these people, who own only certain professional skills, are not accustomed to be engaged in something creative and productive, yes, and the abilities for this activity, which is by no means routine, that is, - not easy, and means, the aspiration to it, as a rule, for a ordinary person is absent. There remains the sphere of banal occupations, such as playing dominoes, computer games, gardening, etc., as well as the sphere of crime for especially aggressively stupid or cunning-wise.
  Similar loss of because of gradual pushing off by artificial intelligence of working mass from at least a little meaningful occupations that give them confidence in their importance to society, leads them to degradation, and a civilization in general loses of own essence, consisting in the guarding and developing consciousness of each generation, whose existence under conditions of such a decrease in the level of self-value, and hence people's self-consciousness, loses its meaning, while the coming domination of machine artificial intelligence does not make any sense to the artificial intelligence, who has no consciousness, and therefore, - creativity, i. e. the creative basis, and this means impossibility self-development on this base for it.
  At the same time, the part of the "advanced" population that compiles programs and works in the field of high technologies, as well as in the field of the use of artificial intelligence, at first glance, too could transform into supermen over time, taking advantage of the capabilities of computers.
  And this "advanced" part of the population does just so. The result is very sad.
  Plunging into a virtual world in which you can immediately get the right answer to any question without any difficulty, a person gradually loses own creative basis, which he is no longer consuming.
  Therefore, he turns into an application to the artificial intelligence used by it, which "knows everything and everything is able", losing the opportunity for development.
  The similar pathetic being cannot be ranked in any way not that to the superman, but also to the ordinary person.
  What has to happen to human community if as it was shown above, it is meaningless to speak about the superman and infinite development of civilization?
  Behold here modern scientists-biologists appear.
  They, in the person of evolutionists, predict a catastrophic finale of civilization with the return of people, in fact, to the level of primates, perhaps not suspecting that such a finale predicted to humanity long before them Nietzsche in work "Humane, overly humane": "Maybe, all of humanity is only one time-limited phase in the development of a certain animal species - so that a person has arisen from a monkey and will again become a monkey ..." [5, p. 371].
  True, he immediately consoles us: "It is precisely because we can imagine this prospect that we may be able to prevent such an end to the story" [5, p. 371].
  In this context, one can cite the statement of the evolutionary biologist S. Savelyev, which he made in his book "Cerebral Sorting": "In just a few million years, cerebral sorting has increased our brain several times and has given it properties, unprecedented for the animal world. The problem is that this trend has already changed and today's artificial selection is aimed at reducing brain mass, which simplifies further socialization and conformism. At the same time, biological selection thrives, it is absolutely indifferent to both the size of the brain and the level of intelligence of its owner. The main value is food and reproductive dominance over other inhabitants of the planet. For these reasons, a safe uniformity of thoughts of the philistines will arise without any total control by the evil uncles with tomographs. The lovely humanity has already created perfect methods of behavioral selection that will destroy our consciousness and destroy the traces of reason without any additional efforts" [6. Preface].
  Like F. Nietzsche, S. Savelyev also consoles us, but more concrete, -however, useless: "Only conscious cerebral sorting can be opposed to these processes as an instrument for realizing humanity"s eternal dream of harmony of peace, security and justice of relations" [6. Preface].
  It is useless because the real and powerful forces, at least interested in the status quo, always oppose benevolent goals.
  First of all, it should be noted a certain negative point in the proposed cerebral sorting.
  By implementation of the cerebral sorting, some evolutionary physiologists, in essence, believe that each person should be "attached" to one or another occupation according to the results of previously identified abilities, laid in the structure of the brain, by certain techniques (a cerebral sorting). They consider similar "attachment" to occupation according to discovered potentially enhanced properties of these or those departments of a brain the benefit both for the person, and for society, since this selection will prevent or, at least, will postpone degradation of mankind.
  In fact, it is obvious that the considerations of the person himself who has undergone a brain scan, about the results of which he may not know, remain unaddressed at best (ignored), and at worst the person can be punished and can be ordered to do, what is told.
  It should be noted at once, that these good wishes of evolutionists that "each person after determining their abilities and the uniqueness of the brain design will be able to choose the most appropriate occupation" [5. Preface] will remain only well-meaning, i.e. the barren in the conditions of modern States, built on the exploitation of some people for the comfortable existence of other people, and not on providing each person with opportunities for the harmonious development.
  Nevertheless, it is assumed that the analysis of the brain structure using high-resolution X-ray tomography will become a method of in vivo analysis for objective selection of talents and geniuses with various types of giftedness, as well as a method of the objective assessment of a person"s innate abilities for planning the authentic fate to the person.
  The inadequacy of such approach to improving a person and betterment his communities from the position of the coverage of everybody and each, ostensibly for their own good, can be seen from the technical impossibility of the coverage more than 7 billion potential clients with expensive brain scanning techniques, that means the inevitable elitism of this process; which, even assuming similar coverage with this scan, also implies further development of the identified abilities, , but it is very problematic .Equally problematic is the overcoming of difficulties after the discovery of a variety of "talents" in their "attachment" to job, since the job provided may cause an objection and even rejection from it of the individuals with talents.
  Besides, this approach to "improvement" of the person inevitably leads to artificial dissociation of people on the best and the worst, that is obvious talents and untalented persons. However, exactly the ordinary, but cunning individuals, as we know, mainly "get through" into the power, and they therefore will never allow dominations of talents, who besides and will not want "to flounder" in fetid ooze of only one increased consumption, which is characteristic of the imperious elite.
  This technology also actually assumes in the conditions of capitalism the introduction of their kind of serfdom onto abilities for people with the scanned brain which is inevitable as at all not the wisest and high-moral individuals, but ordinary crooks, who always are "creeping" dexterously into power, will direct this process. They will immediately spread unthinkable corruption in this matter, while they themselves will try to avoid scanning because of their apparent ordinariness, or they will tamper with own data, just as they are currently "stamping" doctoral dissertations for themselves with the help of "Negroes", that, as they think, raise their status, but it is justified only in a society of boobies.
  In essence, such approach restricts a person"s freedom, depriving him of his initiative in solving own problems. A person at similar artificial selection, which excludes his right to make mistakes, striving for the unattainable, falls into his own intellectual slavery hindering the development of his consciousness, which is possible only in overcoming difficulties, regardless of intellectual abilities and professional inclinations.
  If nevertheless to allow emergence of similar technical capability of scanning of a brain, then realization such has to be especially private affair of each person, but, alas, it almost not realizable for all and everyone in the available conditions.
  Many people will not be interested in this procedure for religious reasons or because they are already self-confident and know what they should do; others, on the contrary, feeling lack of talent, do not wish to be completely convinced of this.
  The same people who will want to learn about their potential abilities should be provided with complete anonymity, since many will not wish to make public the findings, for example, because of their own modesty or secrecy, the inability to use them, as well as owing to disgust to the work, to which the increased abilities will be found for them. But such anonymity, as shown by current practice, does not work.
  The same who will wish to develop persistently found potential abilities need to give such opportunity in the form of additional educational courses, olympiads, competitions including competitions on the available jobs that is by all means connected with corruption.
  In other words, this procedure should be completely separated from the state in the person of its officials, whose goals and objectives very rarely coincide with the goals and objectives of active citizens, which is currently very problematic.
  At last, even if to allow improbable - the coverage of all inhabitants of the planet a cerebral sorting and the choice by each of them of occupation, the most pleasant and perspective for oneself, and, effective for society, then the individual inequality of abilities, so, and opportunities to become famous, rise, etc. or opportunities to fall, in the opinion of surroundings, into the circle of blockheads, bastards, etc. will even more manifests the true (biological) inequality of people, hidden now under a mask of the enmity of the poor persons, who can be in considerable number clever, towards the rich, among which fools enough.
  This biological inequality will excite unquenchable envy and hatred of untalented persons to talents as the first will precisely know that they will never show talents that do not exist at all at them. At least therefore, the hopes of physiologists-evolutionists as well as hopes of Marxists for "berthing" civilization at certain efforts to the honey shores of the harmonious society and will remain unrealizable, whereas the lowest consciousness and the highest consciousness do not get to anywhere and, irrespective of existence and quality of abilities, will continue the fight in the case of existence of a human civilization, providing the accelerated development of the last for the time being.
  Non-recognition by biologists of a true picture of Creation, in which the main actor is consciousness, leads them to two senseless statements, one of which assumes destruction of the only force (consciousness) providing functioning and development of Creation in interaction of its warring parties, and another assumes the establishment of world harmony which is impossible owing to denial of any development by it.
  The mistake of the evolutionary biologists is the categorical assertion of the same S. Savelyev about the primacy in the process of development of mankind of solving biological problems: "The development of social instincts and artificial selection are aimed at solving biological problems, and not at the intellectual development of mankind. Progress, of course, is, but its purposes absolutely same, as well as at any soil worm. The main goal of a live organism consists in search of an infinite source of food, boundless reproduction and dominance at universal resettlement. In the solution of such tasks a brain - only the auxiliary tool which can be thrown out easily after successful use. For this reason, constantly arising encumbrances by excess of intelligence automatically are removed from community ... [6. Chapter 2] ... Objects of the biological evolution use the social revolution only for the solution of the food and reproductive interests, the world cataclysms are only ways of selection of a brain, and basic instincts and their derivative motivations always remain invariable" [6. Preface].
  The actual substitution of consciousness by its tool - a brain - leads the evolutionists, apparently from the fragment given above, to exaggeration of value of action of animal (lowest) consciousness in the person which is directed only to getting of food, ensuring reproduction and acquisition of advantages before the others, on the one hand.
  On the other hand, evolutionists do not wish to understand that the accelerated development of living beings began with the advent of self-consciousness at them (the highest consciousness) which began to compete with animal (lowest) consciousness both in the environment, and in the social relations creating the permanent antagonism of these consciousness forms, having, as a rule, contradictory interests, and, therefore, - a new driving force for their development, specific only to human communities, since human beings have two components of consciousness - the lowest, often called the unconscious or subconscious, and the highest consciousness, or self-consciousness, the level of which can vary significantly depending on the degree development of a person or his communities - take, for example, a Stone Age person and the current Nobel laureate, - the level of self-awareness in both cases is significantly different, but self-awareness is present here and there, not disappearing anywhere, while the lowest consciousness, which is mainly responsible for the functioning of the organism (body) to keep it in a living state and by the adequate in relation to the body"s stay in environment, as well as for its fastening and expansion in it, remains virtually unchanged, that is, weakly dependent on time.
  Both these components of consciousness exist and act in the body and through the body in an inextricable connection, and the highest consciousness is unable to exist without the lowest, since the latter is responsible for the preservation of the living creature in the environment, without what a life is impossible, and the highest consciousness - first of all, for consciously-project activity of a creature both individually and in human communities in a certain environment, at this, without self-consciousness other natural beings are coped completely.
  It is these deep-seated entities in the form of the lowest consciousness and highest consciousness, are hidden and intertwined in each human consciousness, and, consequently, in the public consciousness, with all their antagonism because of the need to solve various problems, for the most part contradicting each other, and pursuing different predilections and interests, really determine the development of human communities at any stage.
  Along with that, the assertion that a person will turn into a monkey, if he will be presented to oneself as a community of similar beings, as an inevitable result of his biological development, looks even more awkward due to the fact, that self-consciousness, acquired the monkey-like creature, making this being already by the personality, that is, who understands own stay in time and, therefore, is aware on own mortality, cannot disappear even with the death of a person.
  Though the prevalence in general at mankind of the goals of the animal consciousness, especially in power structures, is obvious and cannot but threaten with grave consequences for its existence, all the more so since, it is paradoxically, all greater realization of these goals is supported by the advent of the technological novelties, especially Internet belittling self-consciousness and narrowing the scope of its action by the spread of artificial intelligence, that practically deprives the human community of the driving forces of development in the form of fight of the lowest and highest forms of consciousness.
  Be that as it may, the way out of this process of falling self-consciousness with the acceleration of the technological progress, - but without self-consciousness the emergence of civilization would not have been possible, - becomes more and more problematic because of the difficulties in "slowing down" of actions of basic (animal) consciousness, if such significant decrease in creativity occurs, substituted by the formal and logical approach, peculiar to artificial intelligence.
  However, an exit from this falling of creativity - the main property of consciousness - cannot be reduced to a cerebral sorting, on which is indicated By S. Saveliev, whose the limitation and practical inapplicability in the developed public relations is obvious, but this exit consists in the process of updating, general for all mankind, with the reduction of all achievements of technical progress to zero. Especially, as S. Savelyev specifies, even "... the selection directed to identification and strengthening of the best qualities can with the equal probability lead both to progress, and to regress" [6, Chapter 2].
  Summarizing, we shall note that Nietzsche"s idea of a highest person - superman, as we showed above, essentially points to him as a copy of a monkey alpha male with his passion for the unconditional exaltation above the others, but - with a suit, some education and completely pressed self-consciousness - the creature malicious, limited by the passion of preserving what is mined, indifferent to ordinary people, hypocritical, unscrupulous, with meager mind, arrogant and at the same time always obedient to the superior persons , selfish, cunning, thieving, insidious, dishonest, but energetic and sociable, that is, with a clear excess of the level of animal consciousness over the highest consciousness (self-consciousness).
  If similar semi-primates, consisting, as a rule, in power, or at least near with power, in accordance with Nietzsche"s prediction, suddenly replace all other people, then, firstly, the subject of their lust for power will disappear; that is, the main feature of the superman, according to Nietzsche, - the will to power as the impulse that governs the world - simply will not find an object for its own realization, secondly, all these dominants - "supermen" will immediately begin to fight among themselves, like spiders in bank, and on it the existence of a civilization will end irrevocably.
  More modern idea about the superman-luden indicates not development of humanity in similar quality, and opposite, - on its degradation, because his highest consciousness which almost completely entrusted the management of the world to the artificial intelligence, which does not have creativity owing to the artificiality, lack of initiative and to a formalism despite speed and width of coverage of applications of artificial activity, practically comes down to a humanitarian application to a computer that is not able to discover anything new, at that time the animal consciousness of this subject, satisfied with the available comfort, falls into a kind of anabiosis and does not try to counteract the fatal behavior of the highest consciousness. So that and in this case, any development is completed, despite the many words about a highest and united reason in Universe.
  Moreover, this "universal" mind really has nothing to do in space, since the irresistible spatial separation of the inhabited planets indicates their autonomous development with the real unification of the living mind (consciousness) only at the level of the hologram [7, Chapters 2 and 9].
  Thus, both of these representations of the superman on closer examination are poured out in fact not into the arrival of human beings in own development towards a certain happy super-reasonable and super-sensual existence, but point out on banal degradation of already existing person.
  The idea about the future of mankind which is put forward by biologists evolutionists, and based on evolution of a brain of the person, during which the brain prefers to shy away from serious thinking, if a brain is not forced to do it - and all events leads precisely to this "laid-back" comfortable symbiosis of a person with a computer - even more directly predicts a person"s transition to complete stupidity with the same sad result as in the first two cases.
  What is called - we have arrived into deadlock!
  Really the final of a civilization will be so sad?
  It seems that the situation really reaches a deadlock, if in own development the human beings do not turn into the supermen, but conversely, as a result, if to address an essence of reasoning of F. Nietzsche or S. Savelyev, fall up to the level of primates. Furthermore, the analysis of the picture of the future of humanity by the Strugatsky brothers inevitably implies the transformation of it into a humanitarian application to computer networks.
  However, we know that a person, as such, is the only one of all living beings who has self-consciousness and creativity, and both of these properties must have a basis in his genome in the form of appropriate programs. And this foundation in itself, once it has arisen, becomes irremovable, which in no way will allow a person to turn both into a primate, who does not have such a foundation in the genome, and in the application to the computer - purely logical and fruitless in the relation of striving for a new (complete lack of creativity).
  Therefore, it makes sense to look at a person from a different angle, namely, not from a humanitarian position, but from a position - just a carrier of consciousness, which, in fact, makes the totality of certain molecular compounds by a living creature, capable of not only eating, adapting to the environment, breeding and evolve randomly, but also to think, how according to the requirements and desires it is possible - to change everything surrounding as well as oneself in the company with colleagues not only for search of sources of food, ensuring own reproduction and consolidation of comfort of own existence with aspiration to prevalence over others, but and for high and non-utilitarian aspirations for knowledge, culture, invention, other diverse creativity, for caring for other non-parasitic creatures, as well as for harmonizing social life, that is, for everything new and interesting both in the field of intelligence and socialization, and in areas of subtle feelings and experiences.
  Similar process is possible only in one case: if there is a transformation of information into time.
  Since information in the general sense is data about the state of material objects that are recognized by various means, the grouping of these data cannot be carried out by objects of non-living matter, which have neither corresponding sensors in the form of sense organs, nor processing centers of grouped and encrypted information, in particular, in the form of a set of neurons.
  Thereby, only a creature with at least form-building abilities (patterns, tracing papers, matrices, etc.), the scanning tools of the surrounding, data from which are transmitted to the processing centers of this being, can recognize, receive (copy) and use the required set of data. After decryption, these identified data (information) is used in one form or another.
  It turns out, that all living creatures, including humans, is engaged only that, like a television receiver, they convert impulse packets with encrypted information into a moving picture of being, which in fact is a changing point of the present, which will certainly elude human consciousness due to its continuous high-frequency update.
  In other words, the smooth own time of every living creature is the result of an information process, or a process of processing impulse information coming through its sense organs into the corresponding centers.
  In this case, the living creature is, as it were, inside the changing picture formed by its consciousness, like a character in a computer game, but with the difference that it uses own sensory organs and information-processing centers to create this "game". In other words, an irreversible present time appears for every living creature - its "now".
  Thus, for each person, the discrete information arriving automatically is processed (with the help of a single consciousness, that is, the united consciousness of all living things) into things, images, meanings, feelings.
  It means that the whole Creation is being formed and supported by the living beings. Otherwise, it simply would not exist, since the inanimate is not capable of perceiving information and transforming it into time.
  As a result of existence of such system of Creation, effective for consciousness development, the living beings infinitely are forming a changeable point of the present and by that - the conditions for change surrounding and, so a possibility of change of consciousness both individual, and single.
  The most effective tool for changing consciousness is a self-understanding being - a person, who is capable of artificially transforming the environment, and not always utilitarian.
  This transformation leads to the emergence of new - artificial - objects and processes, which means the continuous growth of the consumed information flows.
  If own time of the person and mankind in the form of a civilization is result of processing and the transformation of information, then run of events with development of a civilization has to accelerate.
  In other words, the current time of each person, as well as all community, is condensed with increase in the information flows consumed by them that is an inevitable consequence of the conscious human activity taking the increasing spaces.
  However, continuous growth of volume of information coming to consciousness of people and affecting external expression of this information process - acceleration of own time of a civilization, has to fit into the existing possibilities of human consciousness, inasmuch the finite (strategic) decisions are made by the person, but not the computer. Therefore, inevitably there comes the moment when the main centers of a civilization cease to cope with the avalanche flow of the arriving information - the speed of information processing begins to lag behind its receipt. At this extended moment (a singularity point) own time of system of a civilization is being completed - crash of a civilization. In other words, the system loses the quality, inasmuch it isn't capable to function the same way.
  Thus, exponential acceleration of time or continuous growth of the information streams passing through consciousness of the person leads ultimately to impossibility of functioning of a civilization in its former form, inasmuch the person as the system, managing everything, is no longer able to "digest" these flows, to cope with them. And escalating power of the linked computer systems turns out not the assistant to the person more, but threat for him. Information collapse in the form of exit a manage system from the sphere of direct and adequate control by the person stops the functioning of a civilization.
  Nevertheless, being updated due to informational collapse (the point of singularity), humanity in the shell of civilization does not have time to completely degrade, and thereby begins a new development cycle from scratch, repeating basically former, thereby confirming its own existence only as a carrier of consciousness.
  In other words, each civilization, like any complex system, eventually disintegrates with the advent of something new in its place; or after a certain pause under suitable natural conditions, a civilization similar to the previous one arises and begins to develop in the same place, forming its own accelerating time.
  Therefore, the process of the formation and development of civilizations on the inhabited planets of various stellar systems is ongoing, endless, but discrete, without formation as a phantasmagoric and senseless for the development of consciousness of a super-intelligent being (there can hardly be anything higher than a single and infinite consciousness), so and without the fall of a person to the animal level, since there is nothing higher than self-consciousness in living beings, and once the self-consciousness program in the genome has appeared, it can no longer disappear without a trace, but it can change in any direction, making a person infinitely diverse, and thereby changing his consciousness , which is required for the latter.
  This faltering development of consciousness through human communities in the form of civilizations going consistently through singularity points assumes infinite development of consciousness in series of the arising and disappearing civilizations on uncountable manned planets.
  1. F. Nietzsche. Works in 2 volumes. T. 2. Moscow, the publishing house "Thought". 1990.
  2. Nisovtsev Yu. The dethronement of the myth about good and evil. 2017. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.
  3. Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. Waves dampen the wind. "Midday World (compilation)." Moscow, AST. 2016.
  4. Diakonoff I.M. The paths of history. From early human up to the present day. KomKniga. Moscow. 2007.
  5. F. Nietzsche. Works in 2 volumes. T.1. Moscow, the publishing house "Thought". 1990.
  6. Savelyev S.A. Cerebral sorting. Publisher: VEDI. 2016.
  7. Nizovtsev Y. M. The person as the hologram. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.
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