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Intriguing facts about the human relations

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    Relationships in society are extremely diverse. They manifest themselves not only between people, but also between different communities. Their result is also contradictory. One day they can be friendly, and at another time they are replaced by hostile ones, although everyone seems to want justice and prosperity. What is the root of these contradictions then?

  At the heart of all actions of living beings, including a person, is information. The living being that possesses it in the most acceptable form for survival and development receives an absolute advantage.
  The mediator in obtaining truly necessary information from its entire flow at the moment is dissatisfaction with the current environment for various reasons: emerging threats; more pleasant prospects for existence in terms of nutrition, reproduction and dominance; the appearance of a more comfortable arrangement in life.
  Dissatisfaction itself is the initial generalization of what all the available senses provide, and it is expressed, including for a person, mostly in an unconscious desire to replace what is available with something new both in relationships and in one's own surrounding in connection with a change in the situation.
  That is, dissatisfaction is the result of what all the senses provide every second integrally, and not separately, giving an impetus to management in actions for the sake of changing the situation towards its improvement.
  However, an obstacle to survival and getting pleasant sensations from life are other living beings who want the same thing, which, as a rule, is not enough for everyone, or what is available is seized by stronger and smarter ones.
  As a result, between all living beings distributed in the corresponding niches, there is a continuous struggle with varying success, during which various changes occur, which are immediately recorded by dissatisfaction, noting the beneficial ones for itself, and trying to instinctively use them.
  But the dissatisfaction of all living beings, except humans, operates only within the framework of instincts and reflexes aimed at survival, nutrition, reproduction and dominance in their own environment.
  the dissatisfaction does not concern everything else, since the program of actions of living beings is limited to adaptation to a changing environment without attempts to adapt the environment to their own existence, consciously and radically rebuilding it.
  Therefore, the relationship between all living beings, excluding a person, is reduced to survival and obtaining, preferably, pleasant sensations within the framework of pure adaptability, where the case is dominated by mutations in the genome, leaving some species of living beings overboard, but making other species more adapted to it.
  It is curious that the overwhelming majority of people ignore the opportunity given to them to break out of the limits of adaptability to the vastness of creativity is forced or not, preferring, like animals, only to adapt to their own surrounding in the aspiration for a more pleasant life.
  This kind of ordinary people (philistines) who are only interested in themselves make up at least 80% of the population of any country in the world.
  In other words, the philistines consciously block their self-consciousness in its altruistic part, focusing on the desire to satisfy their insatiable desire to consume everything that gives them pleasant sensations, ignoring culture and knowledge of the world, which require not just knowledge, but extensive interests and intensive brain work, which, as a rule, is laborious, selfless and not so nice.
  Nevertheless, the diversity of people is such that among them there are always persons who act contrary to only one animal desire for the pleasant for the sake of knowing themselves and the world, having in mind, in particular, the distant goal of using the results of this knowledge for the benefit of all living beings. And this desire obscures for them all the difficulties of this path.
  Such creative persons are polar opposites to the philistines in their desire not only to satisfy their interests or enhance their own status, but also, along the way, they enjoy bringing something new to society, contributing to its development not so much in terms of consumption, but in terms of making life easier for the sake of introducing an ever-increasing contingent of people to technology, science and art, thereby accelerating the development of society in every possible way compared to the slow development of the natural world.
  As a result, the number of the philistines, which in underdeveloped regions reaches almost 100%, gradually decreases, still always constituting an overwhelming majority due to the predominance in human consciousness of its animal component, reflected in the brain, created and perfected in the course of the evolution of living beings for hundreds of millions of years, while the awareness of oneself in the world, that is, in the current time, manifested itself, beginning with the most perfect hominids, comparatively recently, differing by orders of magnitude in time.
  It is this time factor, as well as the fact that the natural component of consciousness is responsible for the renewal and functioning of the organism of each cell and as a whole, that prevents the dominance of the altruistic component of its self-consciousness in the human consciousness, limiting itself only to a certain inclination to cooperation, if this is beneficial for obtaining the desired result.
  Therefore, the relationships between the natural component of consciousness and the self-consciousness of a person cannot be brought to the complete elimination of the impact on a person of the natural component of consciousness, which, with rare exceptions, prevails in its influence on the human actions.
  In this regard, all attempts to separate the animal essence of a person, starting with the removal of monks from the world into cells or the construction of the lovable communism, are doomed to failure, which is demonstrated by historical practice.
  Nevertheless, they are fully justified not only by the thoughtlessness of their implementers, but also by an attempt to overcome the egocentrism of natural consciousness in favor of the altruism of self- consciousness, which certainly accelerates the development of human communities in comparison with animal communities many times over, and thereby most significantly integrally enriches self-consciousness.
  Thus, similar relationship between the natural component of consciousness and the altruistic component of self-consciousness cannot but be the main driving force behind the development of both self-consciousness and the entire human society, however, hidden so far from the minds of thinkers, who are confident, on the one hand, that society is driven by the struggle of the oppressed with oppressors, and, on the other hand, - natural selection with a certain admixture of artificial selection, which, nevertheless, arises as if by itself as a result of a change in society in cultural or technological relations.
  Such confidence leads to certain false solutions, such as those which believe it is possible to establish a "paradise" of life on the planet as a result of a radical (Bolsheviks) or gradual (opportunists of all stripes) reduction of the struggle of the oppressed against the oppressors to nothing; or to establish a correct way of life by adequately regulating selection, separating the "best" from those who are only fit to serve under the guidance of artificial intelligence, and freeing the planet by one means or another from the excess population, which is no longer useful, but only a useless consumption of limited resources and pollution of the environment.
  It is curious that such simple solutions to the problem of human existence are again caused not only by stupidity and not by the fact that the dual essence of human consciousness is hidden under the impressive curtain of personality and individuality of a person, but by a completely reasonable solution of the animal essence of a person in the form of his natural component of consciousness, which is always tuned to receive pleasant sensations, and the rest is simply unknown to it.
  But this component of consciousness, as has already been shown above, predominates in the human consciousness, and therefore it is difficult to demand anything else from it, although these decisions in themselves are disastrous not only for the development of consciousness as a whole, but also for the human civilization, which could disappear without a trace if it were not for the existence in every cell of the human body of not only a program responsible for the retention, reproduction, metabolism, growth and development of the organism in conditions of adaptation to the environment, but also an additional program, in accordance with which each person is also capable of the opposite - adaptation of the environment to himself, as a result of understanding own place in the world and in time.
  This program can never disappear from the human organism. Therefore, any collapse of civilization means only its renewal, that is, the new development of the human communities to similar civilization, etc.
  In itself, this means a different attitude of consciousness towards a person and his communities, which are finite in their existence, but capable of endlessly renewing themselves within the framework of their own consciousness, not for the infinite improvement of themselves, since the finite remains finite, as do not improve it, and to change and develop the infinite consciousness by using the most perfect and at the same time the most contradictory final creature in the form of a person.
  The contradictory nature of the human communities and their difference from animal communities is also reflected in the fact that the development of the former is already going along a different path due to the duality of human consciousness.
  On the one hand, its natural consciousness functions within the framework of the same cruel natural selection of individuals, destroying the weak and others, for example, too smart, for the sake of preserving the stability of the entire population, that is, trying to avoid risk for the sake of the ideas of this or that person, but, on the other hand, this does not always work out due to the counteraction of the altruistic component of human self-consciousness by his own natural component of consciousness. Nevertheless, the collectivism of the natural component of consciousness here, especially in the early stages of civilization development, dominates almost 100%.
  However, the altruism of self-consciousness requires equality and brotherhood, that is, justice for all by creating the conditions necessary for the liberation of each individual, and not the dominance of an insignificant minority, like alpha males in a pack, over the majority crushed by horrific living conditions.
  Practice has shown a certain effectiveness of the altruism of self-consciousness, since in the course of the development of civilization there is a gradual increase in the number of self-active individuals with a sense of self-worth.
  But still, the overwhelming majority of the planet's population remains practically in an animal state of complete insignificance, without the ability to escape from it.
  Indeed, the bulk of the philistines, as a rule, passive, because of the load by the monotonous work for survival and nourishment; stagnant traditions; religious delusions; predispositions due to the low cultural level to the negative impact of the active propaganda of information frauds, even more fooling the people; the lack of the adequate education and upbringing, that does not allow these people to use in large quantities social elevators and to set before itself the high purposes: similar sad and gloomy life does not promote transformation of all mass of people into bright, educated, cultural, creative, vigorous and sociable persons at all.
  This fact, again, demonstrates a constant predominance in the majority of people and their communities of the animal consciousness, for which the concepts of equality, brotherhood and freedom are absent, however, it is precisely individuals with a prevalence of the animal type of consciousness are always at the pinnacle of power, and their overthrow does not occur for the following reasons.
  Among the average inhabitants (philistines) there are always subjects with a somewhat higher level of the lowest (natural) consciousness, which in this case can cause them to strive not only for full, quiet and safe life, but also for domination among their own kind.
  Focusing themselves mainly on such properties of individuality as a sufficient share of quick-wittedness; sociability up to servility; a tendency to deception in the form of distortion of information and dexterity in its presentation; acquired professional skills; as well as on such personality traits as a sufficiently strong will; self-confidence; unscrupulousness, expressed in cunning and treachery, as well as a significant share of irresponsibility, expressed in experiments that seem beneficial to themselves, but clearly harmful to the population, these subjects gain an advantage over the rest - the more inert members of the community in the form of ordinary people, highly moral intellectuals of any kind, and other members of the population who are sluggish or preoccupied with other matters, and who are not able to deftly push aside or slander their opponents, as well as really enjoy the humiliation of the lower ones, and at the same time endure mock from the side of own bosses.
  Their personality is significantly reduced, since altruism, that is, kindness, friendliness, empathy, compassion, mercy, expressed in disinterested concern for others, is practically not characteristic of them.
  They compensate a lack of mind by involvement of numerous advisers, but, because the decisions ultimately has to be made by them, so far as they, as true creators of own happiness, at first consider them from a position of the personal (corporate), but not the public good with a lurch towards retaining power, gaining a greater degree of their own domination and the acquisition of all sorts of benefits, littering, besides, the leadership of the various managing and economic structures with own mostly incompetent offspring.
  With such blackguards, who, moreover, may have various talents, for example, a high degree of intelligence, excellent memory, strong will, supported by impudence, energy and irresponsibility, it is practically impossible for other people to compete, especially since, in addition to everything else, all these rogues are unprincipled, cunning and insidious.
  They use all these properties, in fact, to achieve a single goal - power, thanks to which one can have everything that the alpha male in the pack has, and even more.
  However, by slipping into the most pleasant animal sensations, these people deprive themselves of the main thing - the prospects for development, which primates are not interested in, although the appearance of development is created in the environment of these rulers due to the incessant competition between them.
  If such beings have a clear bias towards the predominance of animal consciousness with its enduring egocentrism, then from among the ordinary people (philistines) in the course of the development of civilization, people with a high level of altruistic component of self-consciousness also emerge, which does not allow these persons to be satisfied by a derogatory situation for the majority in society, and they require its elimination, even if they themselves are in quite favorable conditions.
  These persons are already thinking not so much about themselves, but about the welfare of the whole society, wanting to lead the population to the heights of science and culture, not to mention increasing their well-being, that is, pursuing mainly goals that are opposite to the goals of the representatives of the ruling elite. Therefore, they appeal to the people in every possible way, proving their rightness and the anti-popularity of the oppressor elite, which in turn must justify itself and brand with shame the rotten fantasists-oppositionists who only know how to talk, but not govern and rule.
  This kind of informal opposition to those in power cherishes the hope of reorganizing society towards harmony, that is, equality, brotherhood and at the same time freedom, without understanding that freedom always opposes equality, justice, destroying any stability. But this hope for a harmonious world order can never disappear from their benevolent consciousness: they, as true humanists, are unable to believe that the horrors of our world cannot eventually turn into the well-being of each person and all of humanity.
  Such cardinal contradictions between the ruling elite and the informal opposition create within the framework of civilization under any social system that attitude of opposition which really promotes social progress, differing in this from the envy of the oppressed towards the oppressors, who often change places without changing anything in essence.
  Thus, this real attitude, based on the opposition of the egocentrism of animal consciousness and the altruism of self-awareness, supported by the permanent corresponding dissatisfaction of both, does not allow society to freeze, unlike, for example, the primitive communities of ancient people, in which there was no such opposition, but, a kind of distribution into the elite (leaders and priests) and obedient individuals subordinate to them was in place.
  The struggle between these layers of society, mostly with the passive behavior of the rest of the population, occurs continuously with the dominance of a more energetic ruling elite, provoking hatred towards itself on the part of everyone else, thus creating that antagonism that does not allow society to stop in its development, which accelerates many times in comparison with the animal world, drawing the masses of the population into progressive movement with its energy.
  This development can be evolutionary if the ruling elite and the informal opposition agree to certain compromises in the interests of the working masses, but it can suddenly move into another direction if such agreement is absent, which is reflected in the public consciousness as obvious injustice, transforming into a more or less successful attempt to remove the ruling elite from power when suitable conditions arise.
  If we compare the personalities of the representatives of the ruling elite and the informal opposition to it, then, unlike the powerful scoundrels who are only interested in preserving the possibility of retention of power and its strengthening by any means for the sake of simply maintaining the possibility of obtaining the most pleasant sensations, which is typical of primates, the Informal oppositionists are convinced of their rightness in the struggle for the people's welfare, but are not always critical of their ideas, which are mostly utopian. They are ruled by altruism. Therefore, above all, they care about the welfare of the people, whom, however, they do not really understand, since they unite this disunited and contradictory community into a single whole, presenting this whole as oppressed people who must defeat the oppressors and rest in the goodness of the earthly paradise, finally achieved.
  These are the basic relationships in a society based on the ownership of property, which allows all forms of consciousness in a person to be revealed most fully, with the achievement of countless shades of this discovery for oneself in the course of his progressive motion, and also due to the fact that the diversity of people and their colossal differences in the ability to perceive information, the speed of its processing, sensitivity, and ingenuity not only divide them, but also allow those who are capable of changing the way of life, accelerating the development of civilization, to always emerge from the general mass.
  1. On the manifestation of personality in the masses.
  The personality inherent in a person is by no means alone. It combines itself with personality. But, in turn, both of them are only an external manifestation of the duality of the human consciousness, as a result of which this being is able to change both own personality and oneself as a whole with an unusual speed for nature, then putting on the face of goodness, then having dropped it, turning out to be fantastically cruel and ruthless and crushing everything around for the sake of solving unseemly tasks or achieving chimeric goals.
  in the masses has not been presented entirely adequately, which is not surprising, since the very concept of personality is being mixed with individuality, the very concept of the people has not been considered in relation to those of its layers in which personality and individuality are manifested differently, on which, in fact, both the content of these layers and their position for or against each other depend.
  Such shortcomings are confirmed by the following examples.
  Contrary to popular belief, there have always been very few complete of the full-fledged personalities in the ruling elites, since the main attribute of a complete personality is self-esteem, and this leading layer of society was nothing more than subjects who, with rare exceptions, followed the opinion of their superiors and did not disdain, if the opportunity arose, to undermine a rival or to go over, if it was advantageous, towards other superior.
  In essence, the full-fledged personalities in the ruling elite were found only in skilled leaders or managers of certain industries, troops or directions on which much depended. Therefore, they knew their worth and tried not to lose their dignity. But such personalities were rare, which explains such chaotic, contradictory, often with rollbacks, course of history, in which the stupidity of those in power often prevailed even over common sense, and ambitions played a primary role.
  In other words, if, indeed, the course of history was determined by personalities, who were mostly to suppressed by mediocrities, then perhaps it would not have been so bloody and hopeless for the common people.
  As for the idea that has prevailed in people's minds to this day, that the driving force that determines the course of history is the struggle of the oppressed against the oppressors, in which, in particular, great personalities-fighters manifest themselves on both sides, then, alas, as history shows, if suddenly, during certain cataclysms, the oppressed seized power, then they began to feel its taste quite quickly and began to resemble their predecessors, and the poor man who became rich for one reason or another quickly forgot about his oppressed brothers, and joined, as a rule, the oppressors, if not directly, then in the role of a rentier.
  It is absolutely impossible to call such scoundrels by the full-fledged individuals, and an analysis of their properties can only confirm their egocentric, that is, animal nature, which in no way correlates with a noble, that is, worthy and independent personality who sincerely desires the common good.
  The oppressed, downtrodden and mostly illiterate or semi-literate mass of the population, whose number still exceeds the number of the rest of the planet's population several times, also does not suffer from an abundance of the full-fledged personalities, since it occupied mainly with the problems of survival, and not with raising their cultural level, without which personalities can only exist in an embryonic state, being replaced overwhelmingly by individuals of different types, who are similar more on animals.
  So, where does a person finally find himself capable of overcoming his animal egocentrism, becoming more or less a full-fledged personality, that is, a special one, oriented not only towards himself, but, for the most part, towards the common good.
  A person can get such development only in a sufficiently cultural environment, not burdened with various kinds of prejudices, if he, moreover, possesses such natural inclinations, outwardly expressed in his individuality, like good ingenuity, sensitivity, determination, perseverance, dominance and pry, a fairly high level of which over time in a favorable environment, leads him to the formation of such typically personal characteristics as a high mind, curiosity, will, diligence, self-criticism, responsibility, conscientiousness and conviction in certain developed principles.
  The essence and properties of individuality and personality are examined in more detail in my work "Why and how do individuality and personality compete in a person?" [1].
  Similar broad and well-founded view of the world cannot, depending on the concentration of certain abilities and the level of developed properties, not lead such a person to use all this for the benefit of society, be it the upbringing of the future generation, the desire for the most effective management of various processes, the manifestation of oneself in art, science or technology, where he will feel not an ordinary executor of someone else's will, but a full-fledged creator.
  That is, in such an environment with the greatest efficiency, a personality can be formed, the characteristic feature of which is not the ubiquitous approach to analysis - from the particular to the general (inductive), but deductive - from the general to particular conclusions. It is the latter that contributes to the discovery of something new due to the fact that it does not suffer from a narrow view, but selects everything possible from all sides to solve the problem.
  Thus, the most full-fledged personalities, although each person is a personality of sorts, but a very strangulated one, appear in those layers of society that are engaged in the development of something new and unconventional. And this is the invention, art and managerial and organizational activity. Moreover, the latter can be directed not only at working under a contract with the state or other structures, but also against them, if the relevant personalities think that these structures are wrong in one way or another, opposing progress or the basic interests and rights of the population.
  It should also be noted that the full-fledged personalities can also emerge from the common people, if a person is strong-willed enough and strives to realize his abilities by all available means, no matter what.
  Similar selection of these, so to speak, creative and independent personalities occur automatically, intensifying many times, if the corresponding community has matured in its mass self-consciousness in conditions of competition with other communities to a level that requires a change in the situation for the sake of accelerating the development of this community. It is precisely the insufficient level of mass self-consciousness that still leaves a number of countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America in the miserable state of satellites of established developed countries of the West, which have become the most advanced thanks to the accelerated development of their collective self-consciousness, although on the basis of the reasonable egoism and pragmatism.
  Such turning epochs for the individual communities, requiring the corresponding type of development in technology, science and culture, remove the passivity of the leading layers of society to the selection of the creative people, which begins to be conducted from everywhere. As a result, the process of community or state development is gaining significant acceleration. An example of this is the so-called industrial revolution, the real, not fictitious reason for which, as well as its course, can be found in my work "Why and when did the industrial revolution begin? and precisely in Europe?" [2].
  In this case, the creative personalities even from the lower strata of the population are being involved in this process.
  Such creative individuals, in particular, were the son of a simple tradesman I. P. Polzunov, who, although self-taught, invented a clock with a miniature theater, a unique hydraulic device, electrophones for lighting and proposed a number of other new projects back in the 18th century; the second lieutenant of the sapper brigade Yablochkov P. N. invented an electric light bulb and an alternating current generator; the assistant music teacher Alexander Bell (USA) became the inventor of the telephone; the apprentice jeweler Robert Fulton invented a steamship and a submarine.
  The tramp and loser A. M. Peshkov became a famous Russian classical writer; the son of a peasant F. I. Shalyapin managed to break out of the archaic rural environment and showed himself as one of the most outstanding opera singers.
  The son of a grocer, Claude Monet, became one of the founders of impressionism; one of the most famous landscape painters, A. Kuindzhi, was born into a poor Greek shoemaker's family in Mariupol (Russia).
  The famous Napoleonic Marshal Murat was a simple groom; an ordinary army officer, Captain Cromwell, showed such organizational and military leadership skills that he abolished royal power in England.
  The great church reformer Martin Luther was born into a simple peasant family; one of the most famous reformer-administrators, Lee Kuan Yew, was born into a middle-class Chinese family, but managed to become a lawyer, and then became the author of the Singapore "economic miracle".
  Generally speaking, when considering the problem of the personality manifestation, we should start with the fact that it is obvious to everyone that any person is different in lifestyle and behavior from even the most highly developed animals.
  Therefore, every person from ancient times endowed himself and everyone else people, like him, with something otherworldly, calling it a soul, differentiating himself from animals.
  This consideration, in particular, justified from the position of utilitarianism the fact that animals can not only be used as voiceless assistants, but also eaten, which indicates, on the one hand, that a person has self-consciousness, but, on the other hand, clearly indicates his animal, and even besides that, predatory nature.
  This kind of eating, to the shame of a supposedly enlightened and humane society, is still practiced, although in addition to the external similarity of primates and people, their behavior in extreme conditions, a 99% coincidence of the chimpanzee genome with the human genome was discovered, and their main difference from people is their attitude to their own environment, to which animals meekly adapt, and people try, besides, to adapt it to themselves, which in itself indicates the source of the formation of their personality on the basis of their existing natural individuality [1].
  In addition, the undoubted similarity of person's habits with predatory animals indicates that person's acquisition of personality has not completely displaced his original predatory breed, which is confirmed by man's behavior everywhere, even in the cultural environment, and not only in the criminal strata of society.
  These facts, if they do not prove the analogy of the soul of animals with the human, but testify to the fact that animals also have something like a soul, but somewhat different, or rather, truncated in comparison with the soul of a person.
  Christianity, however, completely rejected the similarity between primates and humans, proclaiming humans as the image of God, unlike other creatures that could be cooked into a roast.
  Unlike Christianity, Hinduism has the opposite opinion regarding other living beings, believing that in their subsequent lives, any living being could become a person. On the other hand, Hinduism believed that the human soul was immutable by nature, thus placing it in a passive position and, as a consequence, placing a person in a similar situation [3, p. 38].
  Buddhism denies the independence of a personality, considering it unreal, and thus also introduced man into a state of passivity in relation to what was happening [4].
  Christianity, in contrast to Hinduism and Buddhism, considers each person to be a full-fledged personality, capable of development in a wide spectrum - from mediocrity to genius, and considered animals to be the beings devoid of a personality [5], which is fully justified regarding animals, but not a person, since Christianity does not take into account that a person is nothing more than a semi-primate who has preserved his natural essence in the form of individuality, and this individuality is quite capable, and for the most part, as we observe in practice, quite successfully suppressing the individual both in the upper strata of society - the ruling elite - who shamefully despise the common people at whose expense they live, and these common people, who hate the elite, which rob and humiliate them, but at the same time do not miss the opportunity to break into its ranks in order to take advantage of previously inaccessible benefits.
  Isn't this typical behavior of the primates?
  Nevertheless, unlike the peoples following the institutions of Hinduism and Buddhism, which, in essence, brought the peoples covered by them to a long stagnation, a different interpretation of personality, although pragmatic, led the peoples professing Christianity, to comprehensive development with the formation in Europe of a special technological civilization with a highly developed culture, but with the predominance in it of an individualistic property arising from reliance on individuals, competing with each other, making it the most developed on the planet, but also brought this civilization with such isolated personalities that oppose each other in many ways, to collapse, which is currently happening with complete evidence.
  The reflection of the approach to personality in European civilization without a proper assessment of the individuality of a person, inherited by him from primates, and the relationship between individuality and personality was most clearly expressed in the emphasis of personalism and Marxism on personality, despite their difference, which consisted in the fact that personalism believes it is possible for a person to assert himself as an personality in society and even to oppose himself to it [6], while Marxism reduces the essence of a person to a set of social relations, uniting his biological and social natures into a single whole on such a recently emerged basis as civilization and culture [7].
  That is, personalism opposes personality to society, and Marxism merges it with it, not noting the main thing, namely: the external nature of the impact on a person and society of personality, which in fact is an external reflection of man's self-awareness, forgetting also about the natural essence of a person in the form of his individuality.
  A deviation towards personality or individuality, which, moreover, are still understood incorrectly or are considered synonyms, always carries a mistake, since it is impossible for a person to get rid of one or the other due to the fact that a person is a semi-primate, and the fundamentality of the action of one or another form of consciousness is determined to a large extent by time: the development of natural consciousness, inherited by a person from his ancestors, took place over billions of years, and the formation and development of self-consciousness in the form of its rudimentary forms in hominids lasted about two million years, and, more or less fully, took place only over several tens of thousands of years.
  Therefore, the personality, in essence, is under continuous and strong pressure of individuality, which cannot be removed, which, in particular, led to the complete collapse of K. Marx's idea of humanity's ascension into the arms of universal goodness in the form of communism, despite the long and bloody struggle of the supporters of this attractive idea with its skeptical opponents.
  Thus, the formation of personality based on the rise of self-consciousness to a sufficiently high level occurred relatively recently, when cooperation in the activities of hominids smoothly flowed into the altruism of self-awareness, which is the basis of the human personality, determining the meaning and nature of his activity depending on the content of a specific personality.
  In other words, we can talk about the human personality only when his aversion to cannibalism, so characteristic of the animal world, has been determined.
  At the same time, the natural consciousness of a person, reflected in his individuality, has not disappeared anywhere.
  Moreover, it, disguised by the veil of a rather prosperous existence of a person in civilization, breaks out at any moment in the event that this prosperity disappears - hunger, wars, natural disasters. Then a person turns into a beast-like creature, capable of destroying everything around him for the sake of individual self-preservation in accordance with the animal egocentrism of his natural form of consciousness without any thought about the consequences of this action for society, which can be fatal.
  At this, the negative personality traits also make a significant contribution to such human behavior, which is perfectly illustrated by the phrase of Madame Pompadour: "After us, even the flood."
  The lack of understanding of the duality of consciousness of a person with an unshakable foundation in the form of such form as his natural consciousness - the legacy of primates, without which no person and, therefore, personality is capable of existing, leads to unceasing disputes, the essence of which boils down to the fact that some claim that parenting forms a person, while others prove that parenting only masks the innate character of a person.
  In reality, both are always manifested, but to varying degrees, although the basis of human behavior, which is perfectly demonstrated in disaster situations, is the natural form of consciousness.
  Intuitively, this was felt by the Christian church, which believes that the original sin spoiled the nature of man, deviating him from the covenants of God.
  Science, in the person of a number of its directions, has not yet realized this, introducing purely one-sided explanations of human behavior.
  One of these directions, for example, positivism, describes a person as a complex organism in a series of similar organisms with morality.
  The other (Nietzsche) reduces a person to a failed animal.
  The third (existentialism) proves that in a person his separation from the general laws of development is realized.
  The fourth (structuralism) saw a person as a function of fundamental social structures.
  Similar one-sidedness can only surprise, illustrating a complete misunderstanding of the duality of the human consciousness, which, for example, led Hitler - a follower of Nietzsche - to a total war for the destruction of, in his opinion, semi-animals for the sake of the manifestation of the only worthy and accomplished non-animals.
  The interaction of the natural consciousness and self-consciousness, which was interpreted by Jung and Freud as the interaction of the unconscious and the ego, respectively, also appears extremely one-sided.
  In particular, Freud believed that the unconscious does not contribute anything useful to the ego, as a result of which the task of the ego is to tame the unconscious and control it [8].
  Jung believed that the unconscious can enrich the ego, and therefore the ego must adapt its actions to the needs and desires of the unconscious [9].
  In reality, the natural consciousness and self-consciousness in a person are fused together, but nevertheless, due to the fact that they act in accordance with different programs prescribed in the genome, certain life situations manifest them in different ways.
  For example, in the extreme situations a person does not have time to think and acts in accordance with the decisions of his natural consciousness, while in a calm and safe situation a person can use the capabilities of his self-consciousness to regulate his own behavior based on a leisurely mental assessment of the situation using not only the knowledge and skills he has acquired, but also relying on the moral values he adheres to.
  That is, in the human consciousness there is a shift of consciousness towards the program of the natural consciousness or towards the program of self-consciousness depending on various external influences on a person and the levels of the natural consciousness and self-consciousness achieved by him, the weakness or strength of which leads him in life. However, the tasks solved by the natural consciousness and self-consciousness are usually opposite, due to the extreme egocentricity of natural consciousness, unchangeable in its essence, and, to a certain extent, the altruism of the human self-consciousness.
  Therefore, there is no taming of the natural consciousness by self-consciousness according to Freud or enrichment of self-consciousness by the natural consciousness according to Jung, but, as a rule, their confrontation occurs due to the difference in the tasks to be solved, changing to coordinated actions mainly during periods of extreme situations, when it is necessary to use all available resources in order to get out of a peak situation.
  The task of the natural form of the human consciousness is self-preservation and, preferably, dominance in own surrounding.
  The task of self-consciousness of a person is to influence one's own surrounding with the realization of not only utilitarian intentions, but also aspirations for knowledge and cultural improvement.
  Similar contradictory of the dual consciousness of a person leads to the incessant struggle of these components of the single consciousness of a person, which are expressed externally in his individuality and personality.
  The result of this confrontation is the accelerated development of both the self-consciousness of a particular person and the collectivist self-consciousness of the specific communities, thereby ensuring the corresponding development of all mankind, the pinnacle of which is the formation of civilization.
  Therefore, it must be recognized that the most powerful driving force for the development of both a person and his communities is the interaction of the natural consciousness of a person and his self-consciousness, producing the development of the human communities with previously unseen acceleration, in contrast to the usual spontaneous activity of natural organisms, caused by unconscious dissatisfaction with the environment around them, capable only of organizing the slow development and complication of fauna and flora. The interaction of the natural form of consciousness and self-consciousness of a person and its results is examined in more detail in my work "The driving force and source of development of the person and his communities" [10].
  1. Nisovtsev Yu. Why and how do personality and individuality compete in a person? 22.03.2022. Amazon [Nisovtsev Yury].
  2. Nisovtsev Yu. Why and when did the industrial revolution begin? and precisely in Europe? 2022. Monograph "About the origin and manifestation of personality". Chapters 4, 5. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon [Nizovtsev Yury].
  3. Парибок А. В. Индуизм. Джайнизм. Сикхизм. М., 1996. С. 38.
  4. Щербатской Ф. И. Философское учение буддизма. Жизнь Будды, индийского учителя жизни. Пять лекций по буддизму. Самара. Издательский дом "Агни". 1998. ISBN 5-89850-004-9.
  5. Ответы Святейшего патриарха Московского и всея Руси Алексия II на вопросы газеты "Новости Эльзаса". Православие.Ru. Дата обращения: 20 августа 2009.
  6. Knudson A.C. The philosophy of personalism. N. Y. 1927.
  7. Бердяев Н. Персонализм и марксизм. "Путь". 1935. No 48.
  8. Фрейд. З. Основные психологические теории в психоанализе. М. ФСТ, 2006. ISBN 5-17-036472-5.
  9. Сознание и бессознательное. Сборник = The Portable Jung. СПб. Университетская книга. 1997. IABN 5-17-036472-5.
  10. Nizovtsev Yu. The driving force and source of development of the person and his communities (Against L.N. Gumilev's passionarity). 2018. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon [Nizovtsev Yury].
  2. On the possibility of creating a "melting pot" of peoples
  Attempts to bring peoples closer together to the greatest possible extent have been made since Old Testament times, but they have regularly failed, leaving us with the riddle of the impossibility of such obvious and profitable undertaking. Is the only reason for the failures in creating such fusion of peoples the one or another dissimilarity of people, or does this reason lie deeper?
  Several thousand years ago, the Bible described in the form of a parable about the construction of the Tower of Babel an attempt to unite peoples to achieve a high goal, which ultimately turned out to be unattainable, as if due to the language barrier.
  Of course, this story can be interpreted in different ways, but, in essence, its meaning comes down to the fact that certain differences between persons cannot always be eliminated to create, for example, a "melting pot" of peoples.
  Therefore, it makes sense to understand which differences are irremovable, why this is so and to what this lets us down.
  Until now, despite the attempt at globalization, the peoples of the planet have not merged. Moreover, even within the framework of one state, various ethnic groups do not want to merge into a single whole.
  This was very clearly shown by the history of the USSR.
  The Communist Party of this state made an attempt to form a new, Soviet person, uniting the entire population for this by creating opportunities unprecedented in any state before.
  In particular, the entire population was covered by education up to the secondary level, and all those who wished could obtain higher education on a competitive basis; all people were provided with work on the most favorable terms; health care for the entire population was raised to an unprecedented level on a planetary scale; real equality was established between all people, regardless of their race or nationality.
  Nevertheless, this state did not exist for a relatively long time. It quietly fell apart, despite all its achievements, and after its collapse, these wonderful Soviet people quite quickly plundered all the wealth of the state, but ultimately fell into bondage to the capitalist environment they had previously reviled; this international state was also divided along national lines, and the people in the new republics returned to their old way of life: some to capitalism, others, as in Central Asia, to feudalism. In other words, this wonderful "Tower of Babel" fell apart again.
  But first, let us note one of the main reasons why, despite all achievements of science in studying the evolution of a person as such, and at the same time the evolution of his brain, it is still believed that people can be gathered under one or another slogan, given some kind of carrot, and they will do what is prescribed to them at the moment, regardless of all their differences.
  This reason is one of the main tenets of Christianity - a person is the image of God. It was this tenet that prompted the Protestants from Europe to attempt a gradual creation a "melting pot" of emigrants and former slaves in the form of a union of small states of North America into a confederate state in form - the USA.
  A state of this kind was basically a gathering of people from Europe, determined, energetic and dissatisfied with the regulated, unfree, both economically and spiritually stale European life.
  They, as Protestants, needed the freedom of labor and the fruits of this freedom, but fruits of their labor were previously being unjustly taken away from them.
  Therefore, they tried to arrange a world that would primarily correspond to their religious (Protestant) views, the main one of which was the liberation of labor, and Martin Luther was the first to proclaim it.
  Having turning to the originals, Luther rejected the authority of the papal decrees and epistles and urged that the Bible should be the main source of Christian truths, not the church.
  Luther also rejected the juxtaposition between the worldly and the spiritual, stating that God's grace is being exercised also in worldly life on the professional endeavors, since God intends people to one or another type of activity, investing in them various talents and abilities, and the duty of a person to work diligently, fulfilling his calling (see, for example, Nizovtsev Yu. Why and when did the industrial revolution begin? and precisely in Europe? 2022. Monography "About the origin and manifestation of personality". Chapter 5. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon).
  The idea of Luther that the main vocation of man is diligent labor, has liberated Protestant public, who appeared, allowing it to take a different attitude not only to labor, but also to its fruits, especially new ones.
  Later, this idea prompted those in power to lift the ban on technical novelty and their use. Therefore, the reason for Reformation that took place in Europe was the progressiveness of Christianity, in which, unlike other religious directions, initially in the Christ's Mount Preaching was laid the contradiction between the existing beingness and the "world" other - the best.
  Naturally, sooner or later the idea of a "right" joining this better "world" should have appeared through the improvement of the existing world through effective labor efforts and their fruits for the common good that God cannot fail to notice directly.
  As a result, these followers of Luther, in a new territory where no one could hinder them, began to rebuild the world for themselves, allowing self-government, equal rights, eliminating class divisions and declaring civil liberties. Such a democratic society of equal opportunities, in which much really depended on the qualities of the individual, liberated popular initiative and allowed the beginning of an accelerated process of economic development, bringing the United States quite quickly, by historical standards, to first place in the world, initially in relation to the economy, and after the Second World War - to the place of world hegemon.
  Similar successes turned the heads of the US ruling elite, and they began to attract the best intellectual and hard-working forces to their country with redoubled energy, consolidating its power, which reached its peak after the collapse of its main rival, the USSR.
  It seems that here it has come - local happiness and well-being, true, to a significant extent, at the expense of robbing the rest of the world, but the rest of the world is to blame for its backwardness and worthlessness.
  But, literally, right away, something unexpected for Americans came to light, namely, that a person is not quite the image of God.
  A significant part of the US population, and these were mainly blacks, mestizos and other populations who spoke Spanish, stopped working, since they were quite satisfied with the allowance, which allowed them to eat well, reproduce well and have fun in accordance with their rather primitive needs.
  The ruling elite of the US, represented mainly by the financial tycoons, also, to satisfy their mob, moved the main production capacities to other countries, thereby initiating, to a large extent, idleness of the "white" population of the country, which hid in the service sector, not caring at all about the power and prosperity of the country.
  In a word, quite unexpectedly not only for the US ruling elite, but also for the rest of the world, the decomposition of the hegemon has begun, and, no matter how sad it may be for the US ruling elite, it will be possible, at best, to slow down, despite the attempts of the leaders of the US production facilities and its military-industrial complex to restore the country's potential, which are currently expressed in the confrontation between the Republican and Democratic parties.
  Thus, it becomes obvious that the famous American "melting pot", which they were so proud of, and in which, as the US elite believed, everyone could easily melt together - from blacks, former Mexicans and Chinese to white farmers and IT representatives of different nationalities, is bursting before our eyes.
  That is, the US, unexpectedly for itself, found itself in a situation similar to that in which its former adversary - the USSR - found itself.
  Both of these examples clearly indicate that a person in his communities is not intended to develop to a certain limit and begin to live in goodness, satiety, and even in the triumph of creativity. The insurmountable obstacles to this seemingly good end of development, which in itself is, in fact, an oxymoron, but the idea of which was following by all the great thinkers of humanity from Plato to Marx, is, first of all, the biological structure of a person, and it, on the one hand, pulls him toward an animal way of life, but, on the other hand, in the struggle with the altruistic self-consciousness of the same a person, which demands goodness and harmony for all, promotes the development of both the self-consciousness of a person and the collectivist self-consciousness of his communities, and the self-consciousness of both types does grow, reaching its peak in a comparatively well-organized civilization.
  But this rapidly developing civilization, prosperous in many respects compared to the animal world of mutual devouring, turns out to be unstable and rather quickly falls apart for a number of reasons (see, for example, Nizovtsev Yu. What changes await us in us themselves? 2024. Monography "On the causes of the consequences of the human activity". Chapter 14. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon).
  A significant role in creating the instability of civilization is played by the biological essence of a person, which consists in his animal form of consciousness - the legacy of a primate, who always wants to eat well and reproduce, and also, preferably, to rule at least somewhere. The animal form of the human consciousness does not care about spiritual values and development, it cares only about self-preservation and wants a pleasant existence for itself, adapting to everything in this, and it, and not the altruistic self-consciousness of a person, as a rule, dominates in his consciousness due to its more ancient origin, which is also in charge of the functioning of the human organism itself, which is confirmed by the behavior of any person in the stressful situations.
  In any form of the antagonistic competitive society, the advantage is automatically given to the egocentric animal consciousness of a person, which most effectively contributes to the seizure of property and power, while the altruism of human consciousness is trampled on the back burner. In the course of this fierce struggle for comfort, power, privileges and other pleasures, the opponents use all means, including wars, thereby promoting the latest achievements of technology, science and propaganda, and ensuring, at first glance, by this negative for the population activities, paradoxically, the progress of society as a whole.
  In other words, development is ensured by social disharmony with the cruel oppression of ordinary workers, incessant wars, the domination of nonentities and scoundrels over the smart and decent in the flow of disinformation and total deception of the philistines, who make up more than 80% of the population. All this action does not last very long (6-8 thousand years) - until the point of singularity in the development of civilization, upon reaching which, as a result of information collapse, as well as ideological and energy crises, own time of the technological civilization itself ends.
  Another biological feature of man, which prevents his endless development, and about this endless development scientists are always harping on, is the human brain.
  The point is not even that due to different conditions of the evolutionary development of hominids and people, it can differ many times and it is impossible to equalize people in this regard, which in itself makes society unstable, that is, prone to incessant conflicts up to wars, but that any brain, whatever it is, has limits in its understanding of reality due to the fact that this reality comes to it in the form of information, the flows of which intensify and diversify with the course of the human life and its communities.
  Therefore, at a certain point, these flows begin to overwhelm the human brain. It cannot cope with them and begins to make inadequate decisions, which, naturally, cannot but lead to the collapse of oneself and hiss community. That is where it all ends.
  And the hopes for help in this regard from the artificial intelligence are completely unfounded for the reason that this intelligence is imperfect compared to the brain, being, in essence, a good advanced calculator with a large memory and a high degree of speed. But this device does not have independence, since the programs for it are created by a person, and therefore all decisions still remain with the person, who sooner or later becomes incapable of them in a satisfactory manner.
  For the same reason, replacing the human organs with more long-term parts and introducing elements of the same artificial intelligence into his body, making a person an android, does not give anything due to the inevitability of the biological essence of a person in the form of his animal consciousness. In addition, anyway, if not here, then there, the body will fail, especially since the brain itself cannot be replaced.
  So, the hopes of transhumanists for eternal life are based on nothing more than sand (see, for example, Nizovtsev Yu. Debunking transhumanism with its reliance on physicality. 2022. Monography "On the causes of the consequences of the human activity". Chapter 7. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon).
  As for the socium of the planet as a whole, it also clearly shows the lack of opportunity for peoples to merge into one due to the different speed of social development of local civilizations, as a rule, externally conditioned by one or another remoteness of local communities from the centers of development of civilization on Earth.
  Indeed, in many regions of the planet, despite all the achievements of modern civilization, there are communities with a tribal system or feudal relations.
  In fact, the explanation for the preservation of this archaism in modern society is that if a separate community does not create sufficient information flows for its own development or does not get into them, and does not have a level of self-consciousness sufficient to provide at least certain categories of people with the opportunity to work for themselves, then it is doomed to stagnation and subordination to more developed communities.
  The reason for this kind of insufficiency of information flows is not only their practical absence in the jungles of Amazonia or Africa, but also the attitudes of individual religious confessions, which either preach passivity, as is typical of Hinduism or Buddhism, or give everything to the will of Allah, blocking human initiative.
  Such communities are characterized by either a practical lack of development, or it is slow, significantly lagging behind other communities over time, for example, those in which the majority of the population followed the attitudes of Christianity, and in its Protestant branch it did not at all limit the initiative and enterprise of the population, as was mentioned above.
  Thus, the first highly developed communities appeared where the growth of information flows covering the entire population was facilitated by a warm climate, fertile soil and the presence of communications convenient for intensive exchange of goods, which ensured a high degree of communication between heterogeneous groups of people; increased exchange of goods contributed to the creation of additional income and the emergence of owners who could use their free time and their free funds both for the development of technology and for the decoration of their lives, which became the basis for the development of technology and culture.
  However, the slave ownership and the predominant dominance of the former - archaic - collectivist consciousness in communities did not contribute to the manifestation of individual initiative, especially in the development of technology, since slave labor was extremely cheap. Later, when slavery exhausted itself with low productivity of labor efforts, and relations between the owner and a freer worker appeared on the land and in crafts, a basis arose not only for the technological improvement of labor, but also for raising the educational level of the population, which contributed to both increasing the productivity of workers and influenced the increase in the general cultural level of the population, which ultimately resulted in the selection from Christianity Protestantism , which reflected in religious form the increase in the level of general self-awareness of the population, requiring no longer collective obedience, but initiative.
  All this took place in Europe, since the blocking of the development of self-consciousness of the population was there, basically, the least, because the passivity, which is a consequence of the dominance of the collectivist form of self-consciousness, aggravated by the corresponding religious attitudes of universal obedience, gradually began to be supplanted by the individualistic form of self-consciousness, which demanded more freedom, and it, in turn, gave the opportunity to display initiative, which in general contributed to the improvement of the standard of living of the population and ultimately led to the emancipation of the creative initiative of the masses, which produced an industrial revolution and the arrival of capitalist property relations instead of feudal ones.
  Thus, it becomes clear, that the lifestyle and attitudes of people who make up local communities depend primarily on the ratio of collectivist and individual forms of consciousness.
  In primitive (archaic) communities, the collectivist self-consciousness completely suppresses the individual, while being at the same time subordinate to the natural (lower, or animal) consciousness due mainly to the forced focus on solving the problems of survival, not development.
  That is, this state of primitive human communities resembles the state of flocks of animals, especially since there is no private property in such communities and communications between communities are minimal, which means that the volume of information flows covering archaic communities is insignificant.
  With the advent of private property, the way of life and relationships between people change significantly.
  The rights of members of certain communities in relation to property begin to be regulated forced, commodity exchange develops, trade centers appear, mainly at the intersection of trade routes, which eventually turn into cities. Various entertainment events appear, descriptions of travels and everyday life of various peoples, that means the emergence of the rudiments of culture.
  In this regard, the level of individual self-consciousness is growing, but since the living conditions remain difficult for the vast majority of the population, the collectivist self-consciousness continues to dominate, while remaining, nevertheless, subordinate to the natural consciousness focused on survival.
  Over time, the authoritarian structure of states did not undergo major changes - until the 19th century, but then it was replaced by a republican system, more advantageous for the bourgeoisie that gained strength, which in this case could easily control and even change the governments in its own interests.
  The ratio of the collectivist and individual self-consciousness also did not undergo serious changes until the middle of the second millennium AD, which was greatly facilitated by the main religious confessions, who fought with all their might to preserve the ancient foundations and strive to prohibit any innovations.
  It is this policy of such major confessions as Islam, Buddhism, Catholicism, excluding the Protestantism that emerged in the 16th century AD, has left many countries to this day on the sidelines of history, since only personal initiative, not constrained by the arbitrariness of government officials and other authorities who support the prevalence of the collectivist consciousness, including natural consciousness and self-consciousness, over the individual self-consciousness, can bring to the path of accelerated cultural and technological development.
  It was possible to overcome the dominance of the collectivist consciousness over the individual self-consciousness only in a number of European countries thanks to the separation of Protestants from Catholicism and the transition of Protestant countries to the intensive technological development, attracting more and more additional information flows, which, in turn, contributed to raising the level of individual self- consciousness of almost all citizens of these states, and at the same time enriched them both materially and spiritually, as a result of which the rest of the world with its characteristic retarded development partially turned into the colonies of the developed countries, and the rest became their satellites (see, for example, Nizovtsev Yu. Why do local civilizations remain disconnected. 2021. Monography "Contradictory but real". Chapter 7. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon).
  In addition, the biological structure of a person, as well as the social organization of communities, is such that both a person with his dual consciousness - the natural consciousness and self-consciousness - and his communities, consisting of completely different persons according to the level of self-consciousness, and therefore in terms of needs and interests, are not able to agree, having different goals to the extent of their understanding of themselves and others, as well as reality. In particular, problems related to the processes of cognition and self-improvement do not concern a significant part of them at all.
  Similar heterogeneity of the members of the communities that make up a civilization also contributes to its disorganization at the stage of capitalism, when individualism manifests itself most clearly.
  All this testifies to the fact that the "melting pot" of peoples does not happen, and the unification of peoples is, rather, formal.
  But what does this give, and why is this kind of division of peoples necessary in the broadest sense?
  If we take it as an axiom that in Creation there is the active and the passive as its basis, then they manifest themselves in the following way. The active and the passive are capable of separating and uniting for the endless change and development of the active, which is necessary for it by definition, especially since the absence of change and development turns Creation into non-existence, but we do not observe this, but notice the opposite - the change and development of everything that exists in the finite objects and phenomena in the information flows.
  These flows do not appear spontaneously. They are created, perceived, processed, stored and transmitted exclusively by living beings due to the fact that only they possess a structure that includes three main components: sensors in the form of sensory organs that perceive extraneous signals and transmit them to the system for processing these signals or data, which deciphers and transforms them into what, for example, a person sees in a figurative form and senses in other forms as the corresponding environment, that is, as a result of information received and stored in memory; the third main component of the human organism is the genome, in which the structure, growth, metabolic features and development of the corresponding organism are programmed, which can be designated as form-building abilities.
  In other words, the absence of living beings in Creation makes it non-existent.
  Thus, only living beings are capable of performing the function of changing both passive objects and changing and developing themselves voluntarily or involuntarily in information flows, as if reviving Creation, but only due to the corresponding unification of the active and the passive in them.
  Thus, they represent a combination of the active and the passive, structured in a certain way, since without support from the decaying, that is, the finite passive, the active remains outside the current time, but only living beings are capable of artificially forming it for themselves, converting in a certain way the information coming into their sense organs into the environment, since passive objects are only capable of carrying information.
  Therefore, the eternal change and development are possible only for the active, but they can manifest themselves only in the information flow, which is possible only in the current time. That is, the eternal change and development are impossible without a certain alliance of the active and the passive in the form of living beings, which already in this, a kind of artificial time, can manifest themselves as a form-generating system of both the surrounding passive and themselves in order to ensure their own change and development in time as finite formations, which, due to copying themselves in the form of reproduction, are capable of continuing discretely in generations for an indefinitely long time, interrupted in one conditional place and renewed in another.
  As a result, through the finite living, the infinite development of the active is ensured, which is impossible otherwise.
  For this reason, the combination of the active and the passive in alive and thus in change and development cannot be reduced to a single and harmonious thing, no matter how much the living itself in the form of a person would like it, always striving for diversity and divergence.
  This is precisely what determines the predominance of divergence over convergence, an example of which is the primacy of the nationalistic aspirations of peoples over the ideas of globalization and internationalism.
  From all of the above, a rather paradoxical conclusion follows that this contradictory world, so unsettled, temporary and at the same time wonderful in its diversity and development in our eyes, in its endless human generations and generations of other living beings, of which people are an integral part, represents in this finite living massif that bearing support of the entire system of Creation, without which it simply cannot exist - without living beings, the information basis of Creation disappears, since only they can perceive, store, process and transmit information {see, for example, Nizovtsev Yu. Fundamentals that determine the actions of a person. 2023. Monography "What determines a person's thoughts and actions?". Chapter 9. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon).
  Did labor really create a person?
  Until now, the question of the emergence and role of labor in the emergence and formation of a person is on the agenda for the reason that a number of living beings also work quite intensively, having, moreover, one can say, an ideal organization of labor with its division into appropriate groups and individuals, but not having, at the same time, brains, achieving, nevertheless, the highest efficiency of their efforts. What, then, is the difference between the human labor and the labor of other beings in essence? And did labor create a person at all, or did a person create his own version of labor?
  F. Engels most expressively and definitely is expressed about the role of labor in the appearance of a person: "First labour, after it and then with it speech - these were the two most essential stimuli under the influence of which the brain of the ape gradually changed into the man, which, for all its similarity is far larger and more perfect"[1].
  Such categorical definition of a very complex and ambiguous process of the appearance of a person from the animal world immediately raises doubts about its adequacy, since the creatures of this world are also not idle, but they cannot transition themselves into a state similar to human.
  In addition, Engels, as proof of his assumption, makes rather banal arguments in his obviousness, such as the transition of the monkey to a straight gait and the release of its forelimbs [1].
  These signs cannot be denied, since they are indeed inherent in hominids, and then in a person himself, but they are also inherent in a number of mammals, such as kangaroos, kangaroo rats, bonobo monkeys, and even - some species to dinosaurs, such as archosauriformes and maniraptors.
  However, all these highly developed creatures over tens of millions of years have not been able to begin to transform themselves into humans, despite the fact that they often had to get food with the help of their forelimbs and even use primitive tools for this.
  In other words, similar arguments about the appearance of a person from a monkey, which developed into a person only as a result of upright and the use of forelimbs, indicate only the possibility of using these properties for the most effective labor efforts, but not in any way the basis for the transformation of a monkey into a person.
  Moreover, usual rats, which are not distinguished by bipedalism, are able to make surprisingly reasonable and effective efforts to obtain food and optimal functioning of their communities, and also have extraordinary adaptability to all changing conditions and outstanding survivability.
  That is, it is absolutely certain that for all these adaptively developed and quite well-thinking animals, as demonstrated by tens of millions of years of their existence in the unchanged position of performing all the same functions, there is no basis for transforming these purely the adaptive creatures into the creative beings, already capable of consciously transforming the world around them, and it, in turn, which is impossible without knowing this world to strengthen power over it.
  The emergence and development of computer technologies has shown that the basis for the clear and definite performance of specific functions, which include various types of labor, is the corresponding programs.
  All types of labor are, in essence, a way of interaction of a living being with the environment for life in it, without going beyond the order established by the program. And the very desire of living beings to preserve their lives in accordance with this order is conditioned by their receipt of sensations that distinguish life from the emptiness of non-existence, with which some species of animals are familiar from hibernation or fainting. It is sensations, first of all, that give the fullness of life, and thinking only regulates their flow as far as possible.
  Therefore, for all living beings, the program of growth and development is configured purely to receive sensations that give the impression of being in life, but nothing more. According to this program, located in the genome of each cell of the body, all living beings fight to preserve sensations, and everything else, in particular, problems of cognition, culture, morality, are not included in their "diet," that is, they are all programmed only to get sensations, which they succeed with different success, adapting to the environment.
  In other words, all living things are, as it were, inside the environment, being a kind of atoms or dynamic components of this environment, pushing in it for a prize in the form of sensations, and not reflections about such life.
  They are not able to go outside, but they would be able if, in addition to the first program, an additional program appeared in the genome that would allow them arbitrary considerations with appropriate arbitrary actions to achieve their goals in addition to the developed instincts and reflexes.
  It was such program that appeared when a suitable candidate arose, capable of arbitrary thinking and arbitrary actions.
  Such a candidate was one of the upright creatures, which was the most developed in relation to the production of various actions, as Engels quite correctly noted.
  It remains only to assume how this additional program appeared in the genome of one or more species of upright monkeys.
  There are few options here: a random change in the genome as a result of mutations or a targeted change in the genome.
  As for randomness, it is extremely unlikely, since the genome is too complex to relatively quickly transform it into the desired form in an uncontrolled way precisely when a sufficiently developed upright primate appeared.
  Therefore, it was not without an outside designer.
  But where did outside designer come from?
  Relatively recently (2001-2003), the Swedish philosopher Nick Bostrom tried to answer this question with his matrix hypothesis, expressing the consideration that the world is a simulation adjusted to the perception of a person, that is, a kind of computer programmer forms all the objects of our world [2].
  Bostrom and his followers believe that a super-powerful computer controlled by some otherworldly creature using appropriate programs can produce a whole world, like a computer game, and instill in the newly educated inhabitants of this false reality such a consciousness in which they will perceive everything around as objective reality, and will live in it, not suspecting that this reality is just a computer illusion.
  This consideration by Bostrom and his followers amply demonstrates their highly materialistic notion of consciousness as a derivative of the world of things. Therefore, they all believe that such simplified system of Creation can be created artificially and it is easy to manipulate it the way the creator of this virtual world wants.
  They also do not think about the fact that the inhabitants of the matrix, in essence, should be disposable, since in virtual reality the reproduction of its inhabitants with the corresponding transfer of the properties of the parents' genomes to the next generation without the presence of consciousness in these inhabitants, dictating all the actions of a living being, and not vice versa, and not from something external, is impossible.
  Therefore, there is no point in talking about a virtual world with conscious inhabitants in it, who are controlled by a highly developed programmer from another reality, who are nothing more than puppets, incapable of any development. But development in the environment known to us cannot be denied.
  In addition, the materialist Bostrom could not answer the question: where did the very first programmer come from?
  Indeed, there was nowhere for him to come from except from self-propelled matter, which somehow produced this super-intelligent programmer, especially since none of the materialists explained how this matter appeared from nothing in a state of self-motion.
  That is, Bostrom's hypothesis about the construction of a person and humanity in the manner of disposable soldiers by some programmer does not seem valid.
  Besides Engels and Bostrom, a lot has been was said about the role of labor in the emergence of a person in the relevant communities and its role in the progressive motion of humanity, but, as the saying goes, "the cart is still there". The reason for this state of affairs in such an important aspect, one must assume, lies in insufficient attention to the rather obvious difference between the consciousness of a person and the consciousness of any other being, as well as between the collectivist consciousness of the human communities and the collective consciousness of communities of other living beings.
  So, what is the main difference between the well-organized work of, for example, ants, for their own life support with a clear distribution of workers in certain niches to perform the functions necessary for the community, and the labor duties of a person? And why do ants not even need individual brains to perform their functional duties, which, however, are replaced by a system of fairly complex internal connections - in this case, they are performed by the nervous system - and external connections - signaling, on a field basis?
  In essence, the considerations and actions of ants are determined by nothing other than the lower - natural form of consciousness in the individual form of an ant - minimally, and in the collective - maximally, leading the corresponding community of living beings, depending on their level of development, gradually by trial and error to the optimal adaptation of the community to the environment based on instincts and reflexes initiated by the dissatisfaction of the creature with what it has, which is aimed at, at a minimum, surviving, and at a maximum - changing its presence in beingness in the direction of improving nutrition and organizing a safer existence.
  At the same time, some of these initially primitive communities can achieve such an optimal organization of their efforts to adapt to the environment that they stop there, completely satisfied with this position, that is, preserving themselves in it. In addition to ants or termites, bees and corals are distinguished by this property. True, in this case, one can forget about further development and improvement.
  However, another part of living beings is on the path of dividing into two main groups - gregarious ones, which passively graze, consuming this or that flora, and a more active group of creatures - predators, which consume not plants, but the gregarious ones themselves, thereby receiving in the created antagonism and at the same time a certain forced fusion of both groups, as well as in the competition of predators, an impulse for their own complication and development, which is already going quite quickly, eventually reaching primates, which have occupied, a kind of intermediate position, being both herbivores and predators in energy consumption.
  That is, primates managed to "suck two mothers", as it were, combining both types of consumption, and along with that - passivity in the form of lazy pastime, when food is available in abundance, with activity in the form of vigorous activity, stimulated by hunger or deteriorating natural conditions. Therefore, they found themselves in the most advantageous position compared to other living creatures in terms of adaptation to the environment, collecting, when there was no other prey, everything edible, even roots and berries, and also catching and devouring weaker living creatures when such an opportunity arose, even to the point of cannibalism.
  Nevertheless, these complexly organized creatures were also controlled by the same natural consciousness, acting only for the sake of adaptation to the environment based on instincts and reflexes.
  Thus, the development of living beings seemed to have stopped on primates due to the fact that natural consciousness had exhausted its capabilities within the framework of the adaptive existence of living beings.
  If we recall that any living being contains a triple apparatus for perception, processing, storage and transmission of information in the form of sensory organs (sensors for capturing signals), a center for processing captured signals (internal biological computer of one type or another) and a program for controlling the interaction of a living being with the environment, which, in particular, ensures the metabolism, growth and development of a living being in certain forms (genome) over a certain calendar period, which depends on the ability of a living being to perceive information without its catastrophic distortion, which is determined mainly by the accumulation of failures of various types both in the complex cellular basis of the organism, and in its parts and as a whole.
  However, the active in the form of consciousness of living beings, by definition, is not capable of freezing forever on what has been achieved, namely, on an optimal system of one kind or another, which is only suitable for adaptation in its functioning in the environment. It is obvious that, in principle, not only the reaction of a living being to the impact of the environment in the direction of adaptation to this environment is possible, but also the opposite - a purposeful impact on the environment to adapt it to the needs and interests of a living being, which already goes beyond instincts and reflexes.
  That is, the obstacle to this reverse reaction of a living being during its interaction with the environment, or to a more productive use of information coming into the sense organs for its own development, is the program on the biological carrier in each cell of the organism (genome), which is general in its adjustment to the adaptive coexistence of living beings with the environment surrounding them.
  From this follows only one conclusion: the matter can be corrected by introducing into the genome another - additional program, which will already provide a conscious impact of a living being on the environment in order to achieve pre-set goals, corresponding not so much to the consumption of pleasant energy resources, but to the satisfaction of the interests of this being, which gradually become more and more diverse in the course of its activity, first, for the sake of increasing the efficiency of using own surrounding, and then achieving the desire to know oneself and the world around, which, in turn, further increases this efficiency.
  In this case, the volume and speed of information consumed increase many times over, stimulating, first of all, the development of the information processing center, the volume of which in a person has increased five times compared to the brain of primates, and its structure has become more complex in accordance with the solution of new problems that were previously absent, and, therefore, the ability of consciousness to develop not only within the relatively narrow framework of adaptability, but also beyond its vast limits has increased, which, in turn, began to be reflected in the ever greater absorption of information flows by this new creature - dual in its consciousness.
  Thus, the introduction of an additional program into the genome provides the opportunity for additional development of both the living being itself in its new guise, and provides an immense scope for the development of consciousness in this new being in its generations and changing civilizations with endless variations in changes in mood, considerations, thoughts, interests and aspirations of these beings during their interaction.
  Let us also note that if before the appearance of a person the labor efforts of all living beings were limited only to life support with the consumption of suitable energy resources, drawn by them from the environment with complete subordination to it without any reflection, that is, as only dynamic elements of this environment, then the new creature, thanks to an additional program introduced into its genome, turns out to be already capable of subordinating this environment to solve its own problems - first in the form of hominids for the expanded consumption of the same resources, and then, already in a more developed form (a person), gradually move on to the creation of culture, technology and science.
  True, the question of how this additional program appeared in the upright developed primate remains forever hanging, but one thing is clear - it could not have appeared spontaneously, for example, during the development of monkeys over the course of only several tens of millions of years, since the complexity of the genome in this part is such that chance is practically excluded here, since the appearance of this program as a result of mutations initiating arbitrary actions requires much more orders of time, and, moreover, puts chance in the foreground, not regularity. But the world is not ruled by random phenomena.
  Thus, it cannot be said that labor created a person, since labor in the form of organizing that other type of consumption of resources that give the creature energy for action and reproduction has always existed in living beings, but was limited only by their desire to adapt to the environment in order to keep themselves in it in order to receive sensations, and not empty non-existence. So labor in the form of the forced functioning of living beings in a certain way in the environment provided precisely the process of obtaining specific sensations, preferably pleasant, but was in no way aimed at turning a feeling being into one that thinks speculative and generally.
  A creature capable of the latter, and therefore of knowing the environment, also did not appear immediately. It took several million years. In this process, the largely automatic labor for the sake of staying in the habitat was gradually supplemented by labor more associated with obtaining various benefits from the environment - clothing, tools, everyday life and other things that make life easier due to various efforts associated more with sagacity and ingenuity, and not only with skills developed over millennia.
  That is, it is also impossible to state the opposite - the absence of the influence of labor on the formation of a creature close to modern person.
  Only, now, this labor was already somewhat different: it was to a certain extent the result of the transformation of primates into a new creature thanks to the introduction of an additional program into the genome of the most developed primates, which guaranteed the gradual formation of this new being of self-consciousness, thanks to which it was able to break out of the complete enslavement of the environment to the scope of using this environment as in its own interests, and to achieve their own goals, which could be far from simply foraging, breeding and dominating the flock.
  This is the result of the emergence of an additional program in the genome of this new creature in the most perfect species of primates. If previously labor was reduced, in essence, to one or another method of obtaining resources that provide energy for life, and this extraction was carried out on the basis of instincts and reflexes, now an opportunity arose to join the project-target type of labor, as well as arbitrary actions for the sake of entertainment and other useless actions, which, nevertheless, often led to unexpected social and personal benefits, which later became known as culture.
  Thus, for the new living being, labor gradually began to disintegrate into two components - one of them is obligatory, but routine, the other is based on interests and goals, which are separated from only the struggle for existence, which dominates in the living world.
  The first type of labor, by definition, is not capable of leading a being to consciously-creative impacts on the environment to change its own existence, since the corresponding program in the genome was configured only for the adaptive existence of the being, while an additional program in the same genome already contributes to going beyond the limits of this adaptive existence, providing the opportunity to work both purposefully and arbitrarily, depending on the mood, surrounding and abilities, comparatively quickly leading a person in his communities to all benefits of civilization with the flourishing of culture, science and technology within its framework.
  The result of this process is the consumption of immeasurably larger volumes of information flows compared to the previous ones, accelerating the development of the human communities up to the emergence of civilization.
  However, the same increasing flows of information over time begin to exceed the capabilities of the human brain, making civilization unstable, and it disintegrates, reducing a person in his communities to the previous state of relations with nature, close to survival in it, but since the human genome does not change, then a person in his communities does not lose the opportunity to again use his additional program in the genome for development, so much different from the a slowed development of the animal world.
  And all starts again, thus ensuring a discrete but infinite development of consciousness in the human communities, which has no limit, since living beings in a person have managed to go beyond the limits of adaptability.
  It should also be noted: there is, of course, no limit to the change and development of consciousness, but this development can only occur within the framework of the current time, and inanimate objects are not capable of forming it due to the absence of corresponding structural features that manifest themselves in the presence of consciousness, as was shown above.
  That is, the change and development of consciousness can occur exclusively within the framework of biological nature, the pinnacle of which is a person, since only the living beings are capable of forming the current time, which is thus artificial, but contributing to extracting thereby both consciousness and everything else from non-existence, since they are the ones capable of reacting to information flows, converting them into material objects known to us, and not, for example, the artificial intelligence, which is not independent in its functioning and must be configured, managed and controlled by someone. That is, all other forms of matter are informationally useless, or rather, the inanimate can only be a carrier of information.
  The living organisms, the only ones of all that are in existence, possess subjectivity, that is, they consciously, but at different levels, possess information, if, of course, we understand by information the data on the state of objects surrounding the organism, which it recognizes with the means it has.
  Information, as such, is absent for all non-living objects (things), since they do not have the means to recognize, or rather, to form the environment, namely, there are no sense organs, no centers that process data coming through receptors in such a way that a changing environment is formed around, in which one can live, reproduce, maintain the existence of one's own kind, develop and at the same time compete with other living beings for the right to occupy various niches of life, at first without realizing it, and then quite consciously in the face of a person.
  In other words, without the ability to perceive and produce information, it is impossible to manifest anything, even if this is available in a hidden state.
  Therefore, in order for a "structure", in which one can live, was able to manifest, organisms are required that are capable of extracting, processing and producing information, and converting it into a current time in which they themselves could exist within the framework of internal and external spheres suitable for life.
  Only under these conditions, which living beings themselves create on certain foundations, can they feel, think and act, passing the baton to subsequent living organisms, which, as a result of random changes in the genome (programs recorded on protein molecules), can better adapt to the changing environment.
  The interaction of the living beings with each other and the environment is not carried out without certain efforts, which for the most developed representatives of the natural world are quite variety of forms of adaptive labor, which is mainly reduced, nevertheless, to the extraction of energy resources for their own existence, whereas for a person in his communities, labor is characterized by both an adaptive or forced form of work, and its project-oriented form with a possible manifestation of creativity.
  Thus, it must be stated that, apart from the living beings that combine the active (consciousness) and the passive (inanimate matter), and are thus able to place themselves in the current time on an informational basis, there is no one to "build" and maintain in a "working" state a system in which these beings can discretely exist, reproduce and develop, simultaneously providing the opportunity for consciousness to continuously change and develop in them.
  You can become familiar in more detail with my hypothesis about the emergence of a person, for example, in work "The person - a product of evolution?! Whether everything is so clear here?!" [3].
  1. F. Engels. The part played by labour in the transition from ape to man. Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1934.
  2. Nick Bostrom. (April 2003). "Are You Living in a Computer Simulation" Philosophical Quarterly. 53(211): 243-255.
  3. Nizovtsev Yu. The person - a product of evolution?! Whether everything is so clear here?! 14.12.2019. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon).
  4. What are the true reasons of the abnormality of geniuses?
  The creative beginning is present in every person, reaching its peak in not much individuals. However, these geniuses, with rare exceptions, suffer from diseases that are not often inherent in their less talented and numerous brethren. Why is this happening, modern science has not discovered, stating only the known facts of manifestation sooner or later in geniuses of painful deviations, which only have to be put up with. The reasons for this phenomenon are shown below and supported by relevant examples.
  The progressive motion of society is always based not on the course of soulless things and phenomena - they can only support this or that motion or interfere with it. This motion is determined by a change in consciousness of living beings. It manifests itself primarily in interaction of individuals with the environment in order to survive, and then with each other, creating certain relationships that facilitate or hinder the development of both individuals and their communities.
  The variety of forms of human consciousness leads to the fact that individuals always appear in society who most of all want to change their environment for the greater convenience of their own life, and they succeed, since they have not only such desire, but also the corresponding abilities in such spheres of activity, as a technique, animal husbandry, growing fruits and berries, a living word, creating forms that reflect reality in their understanding (painting, sculpture), etc.
  These abilities can manifest themselves in varying degrees - from brilliant accomplishments to small improvements in everyday life, but they manifest, as a rule instinctively, since at their core they are the desire of any living creature to create great amenities for existence in the environment, resulting from dissatisfaction with what is.
  At the same time, a significant part of these people do not have a purely selfish trend prevailing in the animal world, since they do not separate the public good from their own and are ready to share their achievements and findings with society, often completely gratuitously, thereby accelerating social progress both in the field of technology and in the field of culture.
  It is to these creative people that society owes its rather comfortable existence to this day due to the use of electricity, various types of fast and convenient transport, communications and many purely household appliances - from a toothbrush, fan and plug to a smartphone and effective drugs that significantly extend life.
  In other words, there are individuals in society who are always filled with a deep sense of dissatisfaction with their surroundings which comes to them from natural consciousness in its striving to create greater convenience for existence. However, this feeling is combined with their highest consciousness, in the form of self-consciousness, that is, the awareness of the scarcity of social comfort, the development of science and art. If self-consciousness reaches a high degree, it will require extending the achievements of civilization and culture to everyone.
  But natural consciousness dominates at this, since the activity of these individuals manifests itself mostly instinctively, without much thought, with a minimum of logical reasoning, nevertheless giving the most creative persons of all living.
  It is this kind of people, who as if instinctive strive improve own life by finding and implementing new knowledge by various ways without hiding it from society, based on their own interest, make discoveries, create masterpieces of poetry, painting, engineering, become outstanding commanders. That is, their activities are focused mainly to creativity, which attracts them by no means from the point of view of consuming some benefits - they are interested in the process itself.
  If in fact the consciousness of creative persons is dominated by the natural consciousness, expressing itself instinctively, then this circumstance should be reflected in a certain inadequacy of the most creative persons both in relation to their own surrounding and in their physiological and psychological characteristics.
  The fact is that the outstanding abilities for creativity, already laid down in the genotype, can largely supplant ordinary human properties and even affect the appearance of a person and his psyche, that is, for the most outstanding creative persons, called geniuses, this kind of substitution should be manifested most prominently and quite often.
  Indeed, for a long time already, frequent painful or unusual deviations from the norm was noticed among outstanding creative people, mainly in the field of art, where their genius can most freely "rampage".
  Although detailed studies on calculating the proportion of such deviations in geniuses in comparison with ordinary people have not been carried out, and could not have been carried out, since the very concept of genius is understood by researchers not the same, however, quite extensive information about generally recognized geniuses in certain areas indicates almost widespread and significant painful deviations in their psyche, physiology and even in appearance and behavior, being a kind of payment for an increased degree of creativity of their consciousness, which is not typical, for example, for ordinary people who make up the majority of the population.
  Therefore, it makes sense to turn to a more detailed study of the causes of this phenomenon, which makes a high degree of creativity dangerous for its carriers, which, on the one hand, makes a person an outstanding creator, and on the other hand, creates a defectiveness in him, that he is unable to overcome.
  So, over hundreds of millions of years of the formation of natural consciousness on the basis of the brain in the animal kingdom, when there was still no question of self-consciousness, a whole storehouse of information of various kinds has accumulated in it, the purposeful use of which could give already structured information in the form of certain findings for changing the surrounding world outside the evolutionary process, which is mostly random in nature (mutations in genes).
  However, a targeted approach to the use of a huge amount of information in each brain of a sufficiently developed living being was out of the question without a radical change in consciousness, more precisely, adding a new form of consciousness to the natural consciousness, or other programs for the action of a living being, with the help of which it could already to be aware of the meaning of their actions, making plans for a more or less distant future and solving problems not only for survival in one's own niche of existence, but also setting goals for artificially changing the situation in one's own area of life, first only for its improvement, and then for solving such non-utilitarian tasks as cognition the world around and oneself, which is reflected directly in new technical solutions and objects of art. More details about the process of changing consciousness and the emergence of self-consciousness can be found, for example, in the work "How and for what was the person being appeared from the monkey?!" [1, Part 1, ј 1].
  The manifestation of human consciousness occurs through material formations in the form of neurons, most structuredly collected in the brain,
  The main forms of human consciousness are natural consciousness, inherited from a whole range of creatures - from reptiles to animals, the last of which in the evolutionary series was a highly developed monkey; and The highest consciousness, expressed in a person's awareness of himself and his own actions in the form of project-target thinking, manifested for the first time in hominids, as well as intelligence, which is a center for receiving, processing, accumulating and distributing information, which controls the functioning of the body and is thereby a source of information for both natural consciousness and the highest consciousness. More details about intelligence, its features and differences from consciousness itself are described in the work "What really is intellect?" [2].
  Certainly, the only natural consciousness in animals uses its biological computer (intellect) only as a provider of current information and data from deep or RAM memory, needed at the moment, without much calculating, since almost every second in the living environment carries a particular threat and, practically, any living being has no time for long thinking about its further actions. That is, complex and long-term calculations in a living environment are impossible, and therefore one has to rely mostly on instincts and reflexes, that is, as it were, already worked out and memorized solutions to life problems in certain conditions. This kind of behavior is for a person when he is acting without much thought, but bearing in mind a specific goal, also is being immersed him in own deep memory (into the sphere of natural consciousness), is qualifies as an intuitive approach to solving incoming problems.
  For a person, since he lives in one of the communities of civilization, and where everyday threats to life are minimal compared to existence in the wild, where everyone tries to devour each other, it is not an intuitive approach to life that is more characteristic, but the calculation of own actions for relatively long time, based on traditions and the use of society's capabilities, laws, rights and other regulations.
  Therefore, the overwhelming majority of the population gets used to looking for support in life in an ordered environment of society, where the entire course of life is described in sufficient detail, starting with education and upbringing, and ending with work in one or other known conditions.
  As a result, most of the population perceives itself to be protected by society, becoming its obedient inhabitants, who do not need to use the information reserves of their deep memory, since they live according to a legalized schedule and do not claim anything else, in which they are supported by the authorities, since it's easier to manage subjects who want only a calm, orderly, well-fed life without any special worries.
  However, this kind of behavior with a balanced low level of manifestation of both the natural and the highest consciousness is a direct path to degradation, but this does not occur, since natural disasters happen even in an orderly human community as well as between different communities can emerge collisions due to various kinds of property. an increase in the volume of which can provide, for example, the capture of the territories of their own neighbors.
  Such events in the environment cause the appearance in society of individuals with higher levels of both forms of consciousness, who are able to think about ways to obtain new knowledge, and they can be useful both in wars and for the general development of the community. These individuals can also prove to be excellent organizers, contributing to better management and functioning of communities, and thereby they can create more favorable conditions for victory one or the other communities in their competitive struggle.
  Hence, it is clear that various combinations of levels of manifestation of the natural and the highest consciousness (self-consciousness) in a person can give very different types of individuals by interests, energy and, accordingly, the direction and effectiveness of their actions.
  Since this article is focused mainly on considering the nature of individuals with the highest degree of creativity, in so far as we should turn to their characteristic features, as well as we will also try to identify the causes of painful deviations in persons with the highest degree of creativity.
  We note right away that the individuals with the highest degree of creativity, from whom geniuses is obtained, are interested in combinatorics only secondarily, since they are aimed, as a rule, at obtaining fundamentally new, that is, unobvious knowledge, which, moreover, does not just add something to known, but overturns the entire system of knowledge or vision of problems in one way or another, while combinatorics is not capable of discovering what is absent in nature and social consciousness, since it operates only with the creation of a different combination of known objects and processes.
  There is no doubt that a genius must have a complicated or unusual brain structure, a corresponding education and a set of knowledge, a steel will and the ability to express himself under a favorable coincidence of circumstances or with an appropriate public query.
  The goal of such creative person as a genius is not just to gain non-obvious knowledge that is available, for example, to inventors, but this goal can only be large-scale projects that combine what previously seemed incompatible.
  This process can be provided by no means a logical-formalized approach, which is also used by artificial intellect who has no consciousness at all, but only insight (intuition) can provide it. Logic, intelect, that is, the analytic and synthetic properties of the brain, only help prepare for insight and systematize the results of insight with their corresponding framing.
  Therefore, a genius, if he really wants not just to improve, but to reverse the existing approaches to reality, willy-nilly must turn to intuition in his striving for the new, that is, like animals, he must use the immense memory field of own natural consciousness, but unlike them, he can dive into this field, keeping in mind a specific assignment in order to get "elements of structure" from there. He imagines this assignment in the form of a goal, and the goal can appear only on the basis of self-consciousness.
  All this means that in the presence of the above features - from the corresponding brain structure to favorable conditions for working, without which a high degree of creativity cannot appear, it is not capable also arise without a high level of the natural consciousness, a high degree of dissatisfaction of which creates an incentive to change the environments into the individual's desire for a more comfortable existence. And this form of consciousness in this kind of person dominates, and its degeneration into ordinary egoism is prevented by an high level of self-consciousness, which contributes not only to the formulation of a goal and the ordering of the data obtained in a logically understandable for others, but self-consciousness also requires to extend what has been achieved to everyone, since the individual with a fairly high level of self-awareness are also concerned with the state of society which he strives to provide the fruits of their labor.
  Similar combination of both forms of consciousness presupposes the concentration of creative people precisely on the process that captivates them, and not on its result, which is just a pragmatic outcome of work.
  Therefore, in this process of finding something new, the manifestation of natural consciousness in its striving for the new prevails, which is only supported by the project-target component of self-consciousness.
  So, a random combination of genes or the mutations in them can give a brain structure during human development that will allow, for example, to determine the subtlest shades of sound combinations, creating unusual melodies on this basis, which is a prerequisite for any composer, but this random combination of genes, naturally, cannot be passed on to the descendants of this composer. Therefore, the likelihood of genius composers having equally genius children - composers - is close to zero.
  In the same way, for the artist the important features of those parts of the brain, which may give him unique ideas about shades of light, perspective, etc., for the poet - subtle shades of sense-figurative reflection of reality, for the inventor - increased ability to highlight and create unusual combinations of surrounding and model on their basis of new devices of one type or another.
  In other words, these sections of the brain are that part of the biological computer (human intellect) that processes information from the senses, while producing an increased expenditure of energy for creative activity. In geniuses, these parts of the brain are the most developed and therefore the energy costs during their work are the maximum possible.
  But nothing is given for free. The intensive functioning of some parts of the brain, naturally, cannot but detriment to other parts of the brain, in particular, impoverishing them in terms of energy expenditures.
  In addition, the scale, which is necessarily expressed in the work of a genius, unlike, for example, talent, is ensured by the fact that to solve the tasks, that is, to obtain and process information, geniuses are able to use a significant part of the body's 150 billion neurons, and not only 11-19 billion brain neurons in the process of insight.
  This method of attracting all possible informational reserves of the body also cannot but contribute to the depletion of information support for other functions of the body, producing certain deviations from the norm in the development and functioning of the organism of an individual with an increased degree of creativity during his creative efforts.
  However, as we have already shown, the root cause of the emergence of the highest degree of creativity lies not simply in the effective processing of information by the biological computer of a given individual, that is, by his intellect. This intellect is just a supplier of information for the aggregate consciousness of the individual, which represents a combination of the natural consciousness and self-consciousness, which in the usual mode solve opposite problems: the natural consciousness solves the problems of survival, and self-consciousness - basically. the problems of harmonizing the life of an individual in a community of others subjects of action. And this is the norm for ordinary people.
  In contrast to this norm for philistines, any genius reveals the property, in moments of insight, to unite the aspirations of his natural consciousness and self-awareness, coupled with the entire volume of information from memory and current information provided to him by the intellect (biological computer) with certain unique characteristics of individual sections of the brain.
  This kind of resonance of the natural consciousness and self-consciousness, based on the optimal use of one's unique intellect, is possible only in one case - if the natural consciousness manifests itself at the highest possible level, and the level of self-consciousness manifestation is also high enough to keep the aspirations of the natural consciousness within the framework of the set large-scale goal.
  In this case, the genius, as it were, instinctively deceives own natural consciousness. With his intentions, he shows his natural consciousness the opportunity to significantly improve the position in the occupied life niche, which in general corresponds to reality, but he really means only the achievement of his own specific goal.
  As a result, the natural consciousness in these moments of insight provides the genius with the opportunity to perceive, if, of course, het will not disconnect from the ongoing process for one reason or another, the information he needs, stored in the deep memory of the organism, accumulated over hundreds of millions of years of existence of living organisms, and after that it is realized to process the obtained material for social consumption, which also requires sufficiently high level of self-consciousness.
  Similar high level of manifestation of self-consciousness also prevents the transformation of individuals with outstanding abilities into monsters, that is, does not allow them to focus on the absolutization of the exclusivity of their personality as a consequence of the egocentricity of the natural consciousness, and it makes sense to note that a decrease in the level of manifestation of self-consciousness while maintaining sufficiently high level of the natural consciousness leads the individual to the desire to dominate others, which is expressed in the desire to command, and subsequent decrease in the level of manifestation of self-consciousness forces a person to openly reject the established norms of community, using public goods without any return, the extreme expression of which is criminality.
  If we return to individuals with an increased degree of creativity, it should be noted that the one who copes with the solution of the problem of intuitive perception of the necessary information and its adequate processing, receiving a large-scale and unobvious result for all others, sooner or later is recognized by society as a genius due to the fundamental nature of positive changes, brought into the life of society thanks to his labor.
  Thus, a complicated or unusual brain structure, an appropriate education and a set of special knowledge, a steel will and the ability to act under a sufficiently favorable coincidence of circumstances or with an appropriate public request are necessary, but not sufficient conditions for the manifestation of the highest possible degree of creativity with appropriate results. This is what history demonstrates to us: millions of people had or have all these properties in aggregate, but in the entire history of civilization were manifested hardly more than a few thousand geniuses, that is, persons who have made radical revolutions in the minds of people by their discoveries or achievements,
  More details about genius are described in the work "What is the mystery of genius, still unsolved?" [3].
  So, the resonance of the natural consciousness and self-consciousness on the basis of the specific work of the biological computer of an individual in moments of insight leads to an overly intensive use of all the body's energy reserves to the detriment of its basic functioning, and frequent and deep immersion in the sphere of the subconscious can lead to uncontrolled behavior, depression and death.
  Regular penetration into the realm of the subconscious (insight for researchers or inspiration for art workers), that is, immersion in the boundless information bases of the natural consciousness, automatically brings this individual into contact with ancient instincts, up to the instincts of reptiles, which can quite often and in ordinary life to continue to own an individual with an increased degree of creativity, representing him before society not completely normal, or rather, not from this world (Lermontov, Van Gogh, Vrubel), inclined to recklessness or extravagance (Beethoven, Sergei Yesenin) or promiscuous and numerous sexual relationships (Alexander Pushkin, Rafael Santi), rather quickly depleting the body, or vice versa, in order to save energy with a sound mind, forcing a creative individual to avoid contact with women, to reduce level of communication (loneliness), which can prolong life in a relatively good state of health, but inevitably leads to misanthropy and ultimately to dementia (Immanuel Kant, Johann Sebastian Bach).
  Thus, all these factors in aggregate, reflecting primarily on the psyche, are the cause of the disruption of the adjusted work of human consciousness and, accordingly, the functioning of the body, which, depending on the duration and regularity of their impact, leads to various mental deviations, for example, schizophrenia and megalomania (Friedrich Nietzsche); disadvantage of energy for the functioning of the main internal organs of the body can lead to their degradation(Blaise Pascal, Ludwig Beethoven); early immersion in intense creativity can affect growth (Ludwig Beethoven - 162 cm, Mozart - 163 cm) or deformation of certain parts of the body (early baldness and stoop of Mikhail Lermontov), chronic pain and mental disorders throughout life (Nikolai Gogol, Friedrich Nietzsche, Ludwig Beethoven).
  Below, on a few examples of the most outstanding creators of the new is shown in more details the connection of their painful deviations with an intense creative process that is not typical for ordinary people, since it is impossible to stifle completely the raging ancient instincts of the natural consciousness that are perceived by persons with a high degree of creativity at the aspiration to obtain fundamentally new knowledge due to systematical penetration in this sphere of own consciousness. In addition, the manifestation of the natural consciousness in them is such that the level of self-consciousness available in them is not enough to force these creative persons to abandon their creative activity, which, along with new knowledge and discoveries produces exhaustion of the organism, neither by education, nor exhortations, nor punishment.
  We can even say that a high degree of creativity, generating along with that regardless of the will of its carriers obvious painful deviations or simply a rapid depletion of the organism, distinguishes almost all really great and original thinkers, discoverers and artists in their findings from less talented scientists and artists, as well as from imitators and false authorities, which have, in general, not bad health major part of life.
  You will say: but there are many famous figures of science and art, finally, Nobel and other laureates of various prizes, recognized as outstanding creators of the new, who had or have good health, psyche, and excellent external appearance.
  The explanation for this seeming misunderstanding is as follows.
  The fact is that such famous or gor having degrees and titles quite healthy most of his life persons either did not undertake intensive creative efforts during their lives, working, for example, only in the field of combinatorics; either these efforts were rare or short-lived; or their talent was not enough to create masterpieces; either they were good imitators of creative activity, especially if they managed to cling to really creative people or just rob them, especially since true greatness is determined only in a rather distant historical perspective, and in the present can prevail commercial calculation, envy, artificial exaggeration the merits of some and the belittling of the achievements of others, in particular, due to the usual conjuncture, etc.
  In addition, quite a lot of creative people, having declared themselves well once or twice, for various reasons lose their creative fervor, but they cannot forget what inimitable sensations they were being received in the process of insight. Therefore, they try to use liquor or drugs as a substitute, becoming alcoholics or even committing suicide. Such were the American writers: O Henry, Ernest Hemingway, Scott Fitzgerald, and the Russian composer Mussorgsky.
  Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)
  The brilliant mathematician, physicist, and mechanic who discovered the basic law of hydrostatics and laid the foundations of mathematical analysis, probability theory, and projective geometry, Blaise Pascal, as a child, was not just an active, curious, and healthy child, but also - extremely gifted, and all his remarkable inclinations were strongly supported by a wealthy father.
  His sister says about it this way: "As soon as my brother reached the age when it was possible to talk to him, he began to show an extraordinary mind - with short answers, very accurate, and even more - with questions about the nature of things ... as he became matured, and the power of his reasoning increased ..." [4, p. 5]. Confirmation of these words of Pascal's sister is that at the age of 16 he developed a new approach to conical sections, which became the forerunner of projective geometry, and at the age of 19 he invented a calculating machine - a prototype of a modern adding machine.
  However, the intensity of the activity of his consciousness, which led from an early age to the formation of new and original ideas in him, began to affect his health, starting from the age of 18. As his sister notes: "... it began to deteriorate as soon as he reached the age of eighteen ... [ibid, p. 11]; ...and he used to tell us that from the age of eighteen he had not had a day without suffering. These ailments were of different severity, and as soon as they gave him a break, his mind immediately rushed in search of something new [ibid, p. 12]; ... his ailments (at the age of 24) kept increasing, and it got to the point that he could not swallow any liquid if it was not warmed up, and then only drop by drop ... ... in addition, he suffered from unbearable headaches, inflammation of the intestines and many others ailments ..." [ibid, p. 16-17].
  Reasonably interesting, that as soon as, at about the age of thirty, he tried to seclude and move away from research studies, recognizing them as sinful, at the same time giving up pleasures and excesses, his health dramatically improved, which was also facilitated his chastity: "... he so honored this virtue that he was constantly on his guard, trying to prevent her from being offended in any way, whether in himself or in others" [ibid., p. 42].
  Nevertheless, the serious damage to Pascal's health, caused earlier, was the reason for doctors to forbid him to return to scientific work.
  But despite all Pascal's attempts to comply with this regime, nothing came of it. He carried out fundamental research on the cycloid, which later influenced the creation of differential and integral calculus, developed a method of travel in multi-seat carriages (hereinafter omnibuses), and also wrote a treatise on a person, the reasons for things and faith, which made him also a great writer.
  All these investigations ruined his organism finally and at the age of 39, Pascal died.
  His niece writes: "After the death of Mr. Pascal, his body was opened and it was found that his stomach and liver were shriveled, and his intestines were in gangrene ..." [ibid, p. 76].
  Isaac Newton (1642-1727)
  One of the founders of classical physics, mathematician and mechanic, the English scientist Isaac Newton, from childhood showed an extraordinary talent for technology and science. He was born into a wealthy family, his mother and uncle (father died) sent Newton to study at the University of Cambridge.
  Back in his student years, he made a mathematical discovery: binomial expansion. At 23, he proved that white light is a mixture of colors of the spectrum, and then he discovered the law of universal gravitation. In 1671, the reflector telescope developed by Newton was demonstrated.
  In 1686, in the book "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy", Newton introduced the concepts of mass, force, momentum and formulated three basic laws of mechanics. In 1707, he became the founder of a new mathematical discipline - numerical analysis.
  Newton never married, as he believed it would distract him from his scientific pursuits.
  "Until 1689, he was a pronounced hypochondriac and at the same time - a skilled healer, instantly extinguishing his real or imaginary diseases. His health was excellent" [5, p. 248].
  From 1691 the first signs of a mental disorder appeared: "He felt terrible anxiety; the dream was gone, the work was not getting along fine. It seemed to him that they want to kill him, they want to plunder his laboratory, to steal his works ... At times it seemed to him that he was going crazy. However, it seemed not to him alone. In Huygens's diary, there is the following entry: "On May 29, 1694 - M. Colin, a Scotsman, informed me that 18 months ago the famous geometer Isaac Newton fell into madness due to intensive studies or excessive grief from loss due to fire of the chemical laboratory and several manuscripts ... He was immediately taken into the care of his friends, who locked him in the house and treated him, so that at present he has recovered his health so much that he began to understand own "Mathematical Principles" [ibid, p. 254]. ...End of 1692: apathy, drowsiness alternating with excruciating insomnia. The beginning of 1693 is a deep melancholy, incoherence of thoughts" [ibid., P. 256-257].
  "... in one of the letters, dated September 13, 1693, he himself declares that he has lost "the connection of his thoughts". In this letter addressed to Pepys, Newton shows all the signs of a serious mental illness: incoherence of thoughts, unnatural suspicion, extraordinary blues and hostility towards people who have done nothing wrong to him" [6, p. 146].
  "After age 50, psychosis develops with incoherent speech, depression, paranoid features and ideas of persecution. His work "Chronology" indicates the existence of psychotic symptoms in the author" [7, p. 175].
  Newton died in 1727: "Death occurred in a state of senile dementia" [8, p. 552].
  Some researchers state the following: "... suffered from a severe schizophrenic disorder, and as analysis shows, in its very laws one can find traces of schizophrenic schizis" [9, p. 127].
  Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)
  Nietzsche is an original thinker, a subverter - and in many respects rightly - of the foundations of religion and morality of bourgeois society, who influenced greatly subsequent development of the culture socium.
  Undoubtedly, he discovered and described in his works in an aphoristic form new and unobvious facts and relationships between people, criticizing the existing connections in society.
  Similar in-depth creative approach to research from an early age could not but demand from him both an enormous expenditure of energy, and contributed to his contact in moments of inspiration with ancient instincts that could well have bare, and, indeed, eventually bared themselves, having replaced his self-consciousness, and having made him insane.
  Already at the age of 27, Nietzsche, being a professor of classical philology at the University of Basel, asks for temporary leave for treatment due to deteriorating health (stomach pain and sleeplessness) [10, p. 816].
  In 1873, there was a sharp deterioration in vision, up to the inability to write [ibid., p. 818]. In February 1874, the beginning of the psychoneurotic process manifested itself in the form of depression [ibid., p. 818]. In 1875, problems with the stomach (vomiting), eyes appeared again, and headache recurred [ibid., p. 819]. In January 1876, an exemption from teaching follows. As Nietzsche himself writes, "My headaches are aggravated by lectures. I can neither write nor read" [ibid., p. 819]. In 1877, a sharp deterioration in his condition again, forcing Nietzsche to go for treatment [ibid., p. 820]. From the beginning of 1879, constant bouts of illness began, accompanied by continuous vomiting, which led Nietzsche to a request for resignation for health reasons [ibid., p. 820]. From the beginning of the autumn of 1881 again a sharp deterioration in health: "I got to the point of despair. Pain conquers the will to live" [ibid., p. 821]. In 1882 and 1883, his condition did not improve. In 1885, Nietzsche writes: "The eyes are getting worse and worse ... Eternal attacks, vomiting after vomiting ..." [ibid., p. 823]. In 1888 he writes: "Eternal headache, eternal vomiting, recurrence of all old sores, deep nervous exhaustion ..." [ibid., p. 825]. Finally, on January 3, 1889, Nietzsche suffered an apoplectic blow and final darkening. From the records of the medical history of a psychiatric hospital: "Quite often emits uncommon cries. Takes the gatekeeper for Bismarck... Jumps in a goat way, grimaces and bulges his left shoulder... From time to time, a clear awareness of own illness... Almost always sleeps on the floor by his bed" [ibid., p. 826].
  Nietzsche lived in this state for another ten years. In 1900 his death occurred [ibid., p. 827].
  In addition to the permanently painful state of health of Nietzsche, starting at the age of 27, his masochism was noted. In particular, his close acquaintance and even some time fiancée Lou von Salome wrote about this: "Since cruel people are always masochists, the whole is associated with a certain kind of bisexuality. And this conceals a deep meaning. The first person I ever discussed this topic with was Nietzsche (this sadomasochist in relation to himself)..." [ibid., p. 822].
  If we turn to the works of Nietzsche, then we can note another mental deviation of him - the mania of greatness. This is visible even from the names of some of his works: "Why am I so wise" [ibid., p. 698]; "Why am I so smart" [ibid., p. 708]; "Why I Am Rock" [ibid., p. 762].
  Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol (1809-1852)
  Gogol, the acknowledged founder of all Russian literature, is more than a great writer of all times. In ways unknown to us, he revealed the true persona of a person in his relationships with other people, having shown how far he is from at least some decency, except for the external.
  In part, for this reason, Gogol faced insurmountable difficulties in determining at least some dominant positive traits in a person when he was trying to identify the positive heroes of his time.
  Similar truly realistic picture of human society could not fail to lead many significant writers of the next generation to a similarly pessimistic view of man in society.
  Nikolai Gogol in his youth was a rather dense and lively representative of one of the suburbs of Russia (now it is called Ukraine), but the first years of his literary work, when with the incredible effort of his genius, he has bared the entire underside of the life of the Russian Empire in the comedy "The Inspector General", have influenced him so negatively that he was forced to go abroad to improve his health, and, if possible, start working there on "Dead Souls". And then he was only 27 years old.
  He himself, in a letter to V. A. Zhukovsky from Paris in November 1836, noted: "And I became terribly bored. I was not amused by my "Dead Souls", I didn"t even have so much gaiety left to continue them. My doctor found in me the signs of hypochondria, originating from hemorrhoids, and advised me to entertain myself ... [11, p. 202]; ... my stomach is disgusting to an impossible degree and resolutely refuses to digest, although now I eat very moderately ..." [ibid, p. 213].
  In addition, as noted Gogol's acquaintance Zolotarev I.F., "I sometimes found a kind of tetanus on him: in the midst of a lively, cheerful conversation, suddenly he would stop talking, and you won"t get a word from him" [ibid. 215].
  Gogol continued to compose "Dead Souls", to treat himself and to be distracted on his trains across Europe, but his illnesses did not subside, but only developed even more strongly.
  For example, in a letter to M. P. Pogodin in 1840, Gogol points out: "The nervous breakdown and irritation grew terribly; the heaviness in my chest and pressure, which I had never experienced before, intensified ... ... this was joined by a painful longing, which has no description ... ... I understood my position and hastily, mustering my strength, scribbled, as best I could, a skinny spiritual testament so that at least debts mine would be paid immediately after my death" [ibid, p. 279].
  Three years later, Gogol again notes in a letter to N. M. Yazykov: "I am overwhelmed with various ailments, all the more unbearable for me because they induce anguish, melancholy and interfere with how to work" [ibid, p. 362]. V. A. Zhukovsky in 1845 confirmed Gogol's complaints about his health as follows: "Gogol's health requires decisive measures; he needs to deal with it exclusively, having thrown down the pen ..." [ibid, p. 378].
  Gogol himself in 1845 states: "My illness is a natural course: it is an exhaustion of strength" [ibid., p. 380]. In 1846, he reported to A. P. Tolstoy: "A small wind makes me sweat and shiver" [ibid., p. 393]. In 1850, Gogol again reported to N. Ya. Prokopovich: "Since the new year, I have been attacked by various ailments. I am ill and ill" [ibid., p. 472].
  In 1851, shortly before the death of Gogol, I. S., Turgenev, having seen Gogol at friends, has noted the following: "At that time (1841) he looked squat and dense Little Russian; now he seemed thin and weary... some lingering pain and anxiety, some sad worry was mixed into the constantly insightful expression of his face" [ibid., c. 522].
  Before his death, Gogol, as N. P. Pogodin writes, "... rejected any allowance, said nothing and almost did not take food ... No persuasions acted" [ibid. c. 557]. Upon examination, the patient was diagnosed with "Gastrointestinal inflammation due to exhaustion" [ibid, p. 565].
  In turn, Dr. N. N. Bazhenov has noted in 1902: "During 15-20 years of his life he suffered from the form of mental illness, which in our science is called periodic psychosis in the form of so-called melancholy ... He died during an attack of periodic melancholy from exhaustion and acute anemia of the brain caused by the very form of the disease - the accompanying starvation and the associated rapid decline in nutrition and strength ..." [ibid. c. 566].
  Aware of the constant decline of forces, especially accelerated in the last years of his life, Gogol tried to strengthen himself with religion, which, for example, Pascal did in a similar situation (see above). However, he did not succeed, apparently due to his neurasthenia and hypochondria.
  Devastated by failures in his creative work, which consisted his entire life, Gogol, using the fast, quite deliberately killed himself, stating in this regard: "How sweet it is to die!" [ibid, p. 563].
  Thus, both Gogol's chastity and his constant treatment did not help him, like Pascal, to get rid of the ever-increasing decay of a previously healthy organism, which had brought him to his grave at the age of 42.
  More or less organic explanation for such a fatal process both for Pascal and for Gogol lies in their intensive creative work, in which their genius found food for himself in finds that were not obvious to ordinary scientists and writers by immersing himself in the inexhaustible sea of his own natural consciousness, which, alas, with regular use it carries in itself, on the one hand, the destructive forces of ancient instincts, and on the other hand, it takes away energy for the normal functioning of the main organs of the body.
  Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy (1828-1910)
  Leo Tolstoy was an innovator in many of his works, both in form and in content, in his attempt to embrace the entire immense world of human relations. He even tried to penetrate into philosophy and religion, though not entirely successfully. However, his idea of Christian (non-violent) anarchism is quite original.
  Fundamentally new ideas, if you try to find them throughout your life, often give some success to their authors and can even have an impact on the life of the entire world community, but, as we have already indicated above, these non-obvious ideas do not come from the air or from books, as well as they come from not only from the personal experience of their author with all his t giftedness. They are largely drawn from his subconscious, into which you still need to enter and be able to get out of it with "prey", for which also a certain goal-oriented of the author's self-consciousness is required, which can sometimes create a kind of resonance of the natural consciousness and self-consciousness when they fully coincide in the course of solving the task. These factors, as well as the relevant experience and training, sufficient education and upbringing, as well as external favorable or, conversely, unfavorable, but stimulating conditions to address this task can lead to the acquisition of non-obvious knowledge in a satisfactory form.
  Such important and not always achievable factors and circumstances contribute to the fact that of the hundreds of millions of educated and intelligent people who have lived and live now on Earth, very few reach the peak of creativity.
  However, the achievement of non-obvious knowledge with such expenditures of physical and mental energy does not pass without a trace and entail certain losses.
  They were also mentioned above, and these energy losses and immersion in the world of ancient inhuman instincts inevitably leave their imprint on both the physiology and the mental structure of a person, especially since the intellect, which is an internal computer, that controls the functioning of the human organism, can already manage by functioning of the organism with greats difficulties, being distracted by solving other tasks.
  In particular, Leo Tolstoy could not help but experience this kind of troubles.
  The psychiatrist Rossolimo gave him the following diagnosis: "Degenerative double Constitution: paranoid and hysterical with the predominance of the first" [12].
  Doctor Makovitsky reported that "faints happens to Lev Nikolaevich already for a year and a half usually at six-week intervals, but there were three, five, eight weeks" [13].
  Modern psychologists even believe that Tolstoy's work was largely influenced by his illness: "Tolstoy's work is essentially epileptoidically written autobiographies in artistic images. His realism concerns mainly the psychologism and physiology of a person: descriptions of nature remain in the background, satire and humor are absent altogether, and in the foreground there is always the tension of the spiritual conflicts of the heroes ... Tolstoy is inclined to lecture his readers in the tone of a preacher and a moralist. He also wants to "save the world" and remake it for the better. To utter unshakable truths in the form of the sermon for mankind is a symptom of the "sacred disease of epilepsy" known to psychiatrists for a long time [ibid.].
  However, in our opinion, it was not the illness that influenced the work of Leo Tolstoy, but on the contrary, the high working intensity and regular discoveries in the field of the human psyche, which he extracted from his own subconscious, and this process gradually depleted Tolstoy's organism, causing him the features of an epileptoid psyche, which only to the end of his life would be manifested in the form of moralizing.
  If such mental deviations really influenced the creative process, then there would be many writers like " Leo Tolstoy", but only one world-scale writer appeared - Fyodor Dostoevsky, who was equally gifted and knew how to bring into resonance his natural consciousness and self-consciousness, receiving thereby the corresponding literary results, and receiving at the same time, as you know, an unhealthy psyche.
  Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov (1814 1841)
  The genius poet, Lermontov, gave the world unsurpassed masterpieces of poetic soulful lyrics, taking the soul of everyone who came into contact with it. We cannot find out how he achieved such warmth or tragedy in the extraordinary harmony of rhythmic stanzas, but one thing is clear that from an early age he was able to penetrate the boundless of his own subconscious memory, drawing from there, for his own reasons, all the splendor of world harmony and passions of all the contradictions of beingness.
  Two poems serve as proof that he came into contact with the transcendent in an amazing way at a very early age.
  He wrote the first at the age of 15. And it can only be surprised: "Beggar".
  The world still admires and will admire while it exists by the unsurpassed stanzas of Lermontov, sketched by him on paper at the age of 17: "The sail".
  You can easily find both poems on the Interne in one or another translationt.
  If Lermontov's father was beautifully built and unusually handsome, then his son, on the contrary, having reached adulthood, turned out to be short, stooped, bow-legged, with a disproportionately large head, was overweight and already at the age of twenty began to go bald.
  Excellent education, lofty dreams, extraordinary talent, which manifested itself from a young age and the mediocre, limited and even vile surrounding of Lermontov, who, in fact, admired Pushkin alone, and was very grieving upon learning of his death, on the one hand, made him despise and not even to respect his surroundings, which was expressed in continuous mockery of his acquaintances, on the other hand, persuaded him to delve into literary work, in which he reached unimaginable perfection.
  But nothing is given for free, and the energy that Lermontov spent on creativity from a young age fatally influenced his appearance - caricatured compared to his handsome father, which in turn made him even more nervous, unsociable, often angry, despising everything and everyone.
  The obvious disdain expressed by him to surrounding, personal courage in battles in the Caucasus aroused at a lot of people around him to the poet envy and hatred, that deeply hurt him, but he did not change his " outrageous" behavior in the eyes of philistines and high society.
  The nature in the Caucasus and the wild mountaineers provided additional food for his new magnificent poems.
  However, the poet's low-grade surrounding, the hatred of his own superiors towards him, the lack of prospects and his nervous character, reflected in the poem "The Demon", in which a proud soul alienates the world from itself, despising it, an unsatisfied search for ideals, as well as the devastation of its own consciousness with huge expenditures of energy the identification of original poetic finds, led him in the end to complete indifference to his fate.
  And at twenty-seven, he, as usual, contemptuously treated his unlucky friend, and without regretting anything, put chest under bullet in a duel.
  In this way. significant expenditures of energy on creativity affected the poet's unassuming appearance, that in its turn significantly influenced his mood, and the very dull time in barracks Russia, in which the poet found himself, forced him eventually not to resist the transition to another world, where, as he believed, he would at least not worse.
  Heinrich Heine (1797-1856)
  The great romantic, marked for his poetic genius undoubtedly, Heine has created completely airy, lyrical and at the same time deep in content works that invariably touch readers, which is not so often.
  For example, find and read in a good translation his poem: "Would like in a single word ...".
  Alas, inspired poetic insights in such a transparent and majestic form are not given for free.
  Therefore, we will simply give a brief description what the high intensity of his magnificent creativities brought for Heine.
  "Headaches began to haunt Heinrich Heine in his youth ... ...treating migraine he had to go to resorts.
  During one of such trips, in 1832, in Normandy, the first symptoms of the disease that would accompany Heine for the next quarter of a century, until his death, made themselves felt.
  Suddenly, two fingers on the left hand stopped obeying (signs of paresis - a neurological syndrome with damage to the motor path of the nervous system). Then, the disease has receded, but already in 1837 poet complained that his left arm was paralyzed to the elbow, "it dries more and more every day, and soon, apparently, it will wither away completely".
  At about the same time, Heinrich Heine begins to see worse, signs of diplopia (double vision) appear, pseudobulbar syndrome - a disorder of the central nervous system due to damage to the medulla oblongata.
  By 1842, headaches were already inextricably pursuing Heine, his left eye was completely closed, and with his right he was forced to read only through a magnifying glass. February 1845 - paralysis of the facial nerve, paresis of the masticatory muscles.
  Spring 1848: after visiting the Louvre, the poet's legs gave out, he was delivered home on a stretcher. Starting in the summer of that year, he no longer got out of bed until the end of his life ..." [14].
  Isaac Levitan (1860-1900)
  Levitan created landscapes so unusual in their living beauty that they cannot be compared with the most perfect photographs, and few people managed to come closer to such divine beauty on a simple canvas (paintings "Birch Grove", "Lilies").
  His sense of changeable reflections from nature, adequately reflected by him on canvases, which also carried a semantic load, made him an absolute genius of landscapes.
  Here is one of the responses to Levitan's work: "The airy picture depicting the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery in the dusk light was discussed by the entire intellectual Moscow. Impressed by the work of Levitan, the poet Nikolai Rubtsov wrote a poem, and Anton Chekhov described a canvas in the story "Three Years": "In the foreground there is a river, across it a log bridge, on the other side a path, disappearing into the dark grass ... And in the distance the evening dusk is burning out. And for some reason it began to seem that she had seen these very clouds, and the forest, and the field for a long time and many times, and she wanted to walk, walk and walk along the path, and there where the evening dusk, was, the reflection of something unearthly rested, eternal, ocean of pure joy and unclouded bliss" [15].
  Like any real genius, in full swing of his creative successes, diseases suddenly have appeared.
  In the mid-1880s, his heart disease worsened, and he went to the Crimea for treatment. In 1896, the symptoms of a heart aneurysm increased. A. P. Chekhov, who, as a doctor, examined Levitan, notes in his diary: "I listened to Levitan. It's bad. His heart isn't pounding, it's blowing. Instead of the sound of tuk-tuk, is heard a pf-tuk .... At Levitan, the expansion of the aorta. He wears clay on his chest." In 1899, he again went to Yalta for treatment, but to no avail. At the end of May 1900, Levitan caught a cold and died a month later [ibid].
  Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890)
  Only at the age of 27 - in the early 1880s - the Dutchman Van Gogh became interested in painting. He studied for a long time, mostly on his own, and finally found an original solution to the perception of reality through the human figure.
  In 1896, Van Gogh moved to Paris, where he continued to study painting, in particular, becoming interested in impressionism and Japanese prints. Along with that he continued to paint.
  Moving to Arles in 1888, Van Gogh most fully expressed himself in new intense art forms, spiritualized and intense in color, thereby having a significant impact on all subsequent painting.
  By that time, intensive work with many magnificent and original finds had a negative impact on Van Gogh.
  His psyche was significantly disturbed. In Arles in 1888, he attacked his friend Gauguin with a razor, and was subsequently committed to a psychiatric hospital, where the seizure repeated, and he was placed in a ward for violent patients with a diagnosis of "the temporal lobe epilepsy".
  After being discharged from the hospital, his psyche never returned to normal: he suffered from insomnia, hallucinations, and delusions of persecution.
  Van Gogh tried to heal in the hospital in Saint-Remy, but he still had fits of rampage at times. He realized that the disease had become uncontrollable and in the summer of 1890 he shot himself. His last words: "Sadness will last forever" [16].
  Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)
  The brilliant symphonist, author of wonderful and surprisingly melodic sonatas and concerts, Ludwig Beethoven was a completely healthy child, but from childhood he showed an extraordinary talent for composing musical compositions. At the age of 12, he began writing his first compositions, and at a young age he created a new piano style using massive chord harmonies, which manifested itself in the extraordinary sound of the Pathetique and Moonlight Sonatas, and them he composed when he was not 30 years old.
  At the age of 26, he began to lose his hearing and this process continued for almost 20 years. In addition, he remained short (162 cm). When he turned 41, he began to suffer from fever and headaches. The disease dragged on for another year and recurred more than once until 1827.
  Chronic abdominal pains have accompanied him for 30 years, numerously leading to thoughts of suicide, which allowed modern psychiatrists to assume that he has suffered from bipolar mental disorder. This circumstance also confirms the transformation of a cheerful young man into a malevolent and sloppy misanthrope, about what he himself wrote in his "Heiligenstadt testament" [17].
   In the last years of his life, his health deteriorated further due to severe liver disease, as a result of which he died in March 1827.
  We have to admit that the intensity of his creative activity, expressed in the creation of great musical works, rather quickly turned a young and healthy person into a character weighed down with many diseases with a bad character and a disordered psyche.
  Therefore, it can also serve as a completely satisfactory example of the danger of a high degree of creativity, the reasons for which are set out above.
  Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)
  Mozart has appeared to the world as a genius composer, who achieved extraordinary results in almost all areas of musical composition.
  His approach to music was very successful for him: his father was a violinist and composer in Salzburg, Mozart himself was an unusually gifted child musically, and already at the age of three he learned to select consonances. At the age of five he was composing small pieces, at the age of nine he composed the symphony and several sonatas. By the age of seventeen, Mozart composed 4 operas, 13 symphonies, 24 sonatas.
  Finally, at the age of 25, Mozart composed one of his best operas "Abduction from the Seraglio", and at the age of 27 - the magnificent Symphony No. 36, began composing 6 quartets and completed this work on these groundbreaking works in two years. In 1785 he wrote the famous opera "The Marriage of Figaro", and in 1787 - the opera "Don Giovanni". In 1788 Mozart composed three of his unusually melodic and mysterious symphonies: 39, 40, 41. In the last year of his life, he composed the opera "The Magic Flute" and the famous "Requiem".
  Such creative work of such a high intensity and such incomparable results could not affect both Mozart's health, starting from his youth, and the structure of his body: he was small in stature (163 cm), thin, ugly, suffered from chronic articular rheumatism, renal failure, he often had depressions and fainting. With such weakened health, it is not surprising that Mozart died of an infection that entered his body and caused pneumonia. He was only 36 years old [18, p. 560].
  In this respect, Mozart is not much different from Beethoven.
  Frederic Chopin (1810-1849)
  From the age of eight, Chopin gave concerts in Warsaw, where his first musical compositions have been published.
  At the age of 20, this genius of music composed two concertos, which are still considered unsurpassed masterpieces of this genius, and everyone who listens to them cannot but admire the novelty and unusual overflows of their musical fragments.
  He wrote many sonatas, fantasies, ballads, scherzos, nocturnes, preludes, mazurkas, waltzes, polonaises. And in all these creations, he achieved maximum expressiveness, brilliance of sound, passion, lyricism, which in all their fullness no one else has achieved until now.
  At one time, N.F. Soloviev appreciated the creations of Chopin as follows: "Chopin's music is full of courage, imagination and nowhere suffers from bizarre. If after Beethoven there was an era of novelty of style, then, of course, Chopin was one of the main representatives of this novelty. In everything Chopin wrote, in his wonderful musical contours a musician-poet is visible. This is noticeable in completed typical sketches, mazurkas, polonaises, nocturnes, etc., in which inspiration pours over the edge" [19].
  In accordance with the concept presented above, such a flow of intense creative activity from an early age could not but lead to a number of bodily and mental deviations.
  Chopin was small in stature, fragile and thin build.
  He suffered from epilepsy, which was often accompanied by visions. The chronic disease of his lungs was periodically aggravated. Apparently, it was tuberculosis, from which he died quite early, at the age of 39, [20].
  Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809)
  The brilliant Austrian composer Haydn, who laid the foundations for the symphony and string quartet, showed his outstanding musical abilities at the age of eight and in 1740 found himself in Vienna as a singer. In 1756 he wrote his first string quartets. By 1779, he had written several operas and over a hundred baritone trios. Later he wrote a large number of parts for string quartets and many symphonies, the number of which exceeds a hundred. He also composed several masses, oratorios and concerts, which are still performed today due to their unusually melodic sound.
  Such high creative load when creating works of a new order and sound should inevitably have left one or another imprint on his health or appearance.
  Indeed, for 30 years he was tormented by a chronic disease associated with deformation of the nasopharynx, repeatedly enduring complex and dangerous surgical operations. Haydn's condition periodically worsened and this terribly tormented him, especially since he had to breathe with his open mouth.
  Similar suffering made Haydn melancholic, and with old age, dizziness, swelling of the legs began, and an inability to concentrate began to manifest. In this state, he lived from 1803 for another six years and died in May 1809.
  Haydn was ugly and of low stature.
  Richard Wagner (1813-1883)
  The brilliant German composer Wagner was the greatest reformer of opera, organically merging music and dramatic action, and filling this fusion with wonderful melodies that cannot but cause delight.
  From the age of 15, Wagner began to comprehend music, which gave him the opportunity to first become a choirmaster, and then a conductor.
  In the early 40s, he wrote his famous opera "Flying Dutchman", and then the operas "The Rhine Gold", "Valkyrie", "Tristan and Isolde".
  In 1864 he composed first the opera "The Master-singers of Nuremberg", and then the operas "Siegfried" and "The Death of the Gods". His last opera, "Parsifal", was staged in 1882, and he died the following year.
  All these musical innovations, their theoretical justification had a very negative impact on the health and psyche of Wagner.
  All his life he was tormented by various painful attractions, including delusions of grandeur and delusional go, like hatred of Jews as oppressors of humanity and carriers of evil in their pursuit of gold.
  Here is what Thomas Mann says about Wagner's painful deviations in connection with his work: "The burden of this creativity rests on the shoulders by no means as hefty as the shoulders of St. Christopher, on the body is so frail both in external signs and in subjective sensations that no one would dare to assume that he would hold out for a long time and carry this burden to the intended goal. This is the personality, that is on the verge of exhaustion every minute, for which good health is a rare accident. At thirty, this man, suffering from constipation, melancholy, insomnia, possessed by all kinds of infirmities, is in such a state that he often sits down in despondency and cries for about a quarter of an hour. He is tormented by a nervous ailment - one of those illnesses, unrelatable of the precise definition, that exhaust a person for many years and threaten to make his life unbearable, although they are not "life-threatening". Their victims have good reason not to believe in this "non-danger", and Wagner in his letters more than once expresses his conviction that his death is near. At thirty he writes to his sister: "My nerves are finally shattered; perhaps a favorable change in the external conditions of life will be able to artificially postpone my death for several years; but it could have been successful only in relation to death itself - it can no longer delay my dying". This year: "I am sick with a severe nervous illness and after repeated attempts to achieve a radical cure I no longer hope for recovery ... My work is the only thing that supports me; but my brain nerves are so depleted that I can never work more than two hours a day, and even these two hours I gain only if after work I manage to lie down again for two hours and finally fall asleep for a while ... At the thirty-ninth year of his life, he writes to Liszt: "Every day I am getting closer to certain death; I live an indescribably despicable life. True enjoyment of life is completely unfamiliar to me; for me the enjoyment of life, love (this word is emphasized by him) exists only in my imagination, but not in my experience. That is why my heart had to move into my brain, by my life - to become completely artificial, only as a proponent of art, as an "artist" can I still live, the "artist" devoured within me a "person" [22].
  Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
  Perhaps the greatest musician of all times and peoples, Johann Sebastian Bach is an unsurpassed author not only of organ works, but also of many works of orchestral and chamber music, as well as a number of vocal works.
  Bach was a healthy and strong man. Therefore, the creative tension affected him most of his life in the form of a riot, when he fought with his colleagues and insulted his students. However, by the end of his life, he began to become blind and for the last ten years of his life he actually lost touch with the outside world. "Two unsuccessful cataract surgeries resulted in complete blindness. About ten days before his death, Bach unexpectedly regained his sight, but then a blow happened to him, which brought him to the grave" [23 p, 98].
  Some other composers
  It is also appropriate, bearing in mind the connection between a high degree of creativity and painful deviations, to draw attention here to less famous composers, but still quite renowned and recognized as outstanding, although in comparison with Mozart or Beethoven, their works look rather pale, being stood out only occasionally, and even then for one taste or another.
  Such composers, for example, are N. A. Myaskovsky, M. Bruch, J. Sibelius. In all probability, despite their musical abilities, they did not succeed in the process of insight, and accordingly unusual and at the same time beautiful melodies, perceived by everyone as a miracle, they were not given with the rarest exceptions.
  The symphonies of the Soviet composer Myaskovsky N. A. are not comparable to the symphonies of Mozart or Beethoven. He lived quite a long life-69 years-without any special excesses.
  The German composer Max Bruch lived also a rather calm and long life, having died at 82. His works are rather melodic, but not accented and, as it were, unfinished, that is, he could not catch the bird of genius which manifests itself in the highest degree of originality and, at the same time, scale and non-obviousness.
  The Finnish composer Jan Sibelius lived for 92 years, composed 7 symphonies, but no matter how much music critics praises him, it is enough to listen to these works and compare them with Mozart's symphony No 41, then everything becomes clear.
  On the other hand, some composers succeeded in insights (the true inspiration), although not often, and they became famous, but even these few insights fatally affected their health.
  For example, the Austrian composer Gustav Mahler (1860-1911) composed many pieces of music throughout his life, but two symphonies turned out to be surprisingly melodic and original - the first and fifth, and partly - 3, 8 and 9.
  It was during the years of intensive work on these symphonies that he had the heart problems (1907), and after writing the Ninth Symphony in 1909 and finalizing the Eighth Symphony in 1910, he died in the spring of 1911 from inflammation of the inner lining of the heart.
  However, very few intense creative efforts usually do not cause significant damage to health.
  For example, the Soviet composer Dmitry Shostakovich (1906-1975) managed to create several magnificent works, of which the most outstanding and original composition was the fifth Symphony. He didn't manage to create anything equally outstanding. Therefore, despite the difficult vicissitudes of life, he lived a fairly long life and did not suffer from mental or other serious disorders.
  The Russian composer Alexander Glazunov (1865-1936) wrote many interesting musical compositions, but only the magnificent ballet "Raymonda", composed by him before the age of 30, was recognized as original and the most melodic. Apparently, regret about the insufficient and inept use of his own capabilities in creative activity led him to alcoholism.
  The above examples are not so much curious in terms of the connection between creativity and diseases, but rather demonstrate that a high intensity of creative activity with a significant endowment of the individual leads not only to ingenious discoveries, but also to the appearance of significant painful deviations, the greater, the deeper and more often the thinker dives or the artist in the very process of creativity in the form of insight.
  This fact in itself certainly suggests the presence of some hidden reasons for the occurrence of such phenomenon.
  These reasons, emanating from the synchronous interaction of all three forms of consciousness - natural consciousness, intellect and self-consciousness, were discovered by us and described in detail above (section III).
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  16. Letter from Theo van Gogh to Rlisabeth van Gogh Paris. 5 August 1890. Webexhibits.org. 2011.
  17. Великович Э. И. Великие музыкальные имена. Композитор. Пособие для музыкальных школ и гимназий. СПб., 3 апреля 2006. - No 030560.
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  19. Н. Ф. Соловьев. Шопен. Энциклопедический словарь Брокгауза и Ефрона.
  20. www.kompozitory-znaki-odarennosti.ru
  21. Dies A. C. Biographische Nachrichten von Joseph Haydn. Vienna. Camesinaische Buchhandlung. 1810.
  22. Томас Манн. Страдания и величие Рихарда Вагнера. Доклад. Мюнхенский университет. 10.02.1933. wagner.su>book.export>html
  23. Зарудко В. М. Мегаэнциклопедия Кирилла и Мефодия. megabook.ru>auther> Зарудко В. М.
  5. Who is right: Westerners or isolationists?
  It seems, practice showed for a long time the full idiocy of aspiration of Russia to rightful cooperation with the Anglo-Saxon world, which assumes Russians as plebeians, gun meat, their highest layer - as selling and the despicable, but considering of themself - as inspired divinely, which are only capable to manage by the rest world. But Russia still cannot calm down and realize the situation.
  That's really for 300 years, since Peter I, Russia aims to become as the rightful European power, believing that if it is "wedged" into Europe geographically, it has right on this, forgetting that till XVIII century Russia was provincial east country and it didn't take part in any European affairs.
  As a result, it didn't turn out anything at Russia, except visibility. Russia was only used: at first - by Germans and the Austrians, then - by British, and then - by all together, led by the USA. How many the Russian people were killed in wars absolutely unnecessary for Russia knows only one God.
  I mean under the term "the Russian people" mix of Slavs, Ugro-Finnish, Turki and other nationalities formed during many hundreds of years on immense open spaces of Russia from the Carpathians to Kuriles and from the tundra to Central Asia, who have perceived not necessarily customs of the Slavs, but obligatory - Russian language and the Russian culture.
  It seems, practice showed for a long time the full idiocy of aspiration of Russia to rightful cooperation with the Anglo-Saxon world which assumes Russians as plebeians, gun meat, their highest layer - as selling and the despicable, but considering of themself - as inspired divinely, which are only capable to manage by the rest world. Only here the Anglo-Saxon world controls this world by means of promises, direct deception, enslaving loans, exclusive arrangements, an open robbery, gunboats, bribery of governors of other countries, inclined to corruption, etc.
  But Russia still cannot calm down and realize the situation. She again recently made another attempt to join the "high" European civilization. This happened in 1991. The result we all know: Russia, as always, was deceived, its infrastructure largely destroyed, the population began to die out, the persons of administration turned into the vile compradors, exporting abroad accumulated over all the years of Russian wealth and natural resources, dividing it all together beforehand and decided to myself that if not the country, so at least we'll move with families with stolen money into "happy" West in any case.
  By low literacy levels, they do not know that similar has happened near 1917: a lot of "smart guys" moved their capital abroad even before the October Revolution, and their capitals were no small, in terms of current dollars they were in many cases billions. However, with the minor exception, by 1929 all of these capitals disappeared somewhere, somewhere were being dissolved completely by legitimate way. The West does not recognize strangers and fleecing them as soon as possible, without sovereign support.
  Some awareness of deeds came to the Russian authorities not so long ago, but whether late? And what the swindlers of all colors who sat down at all levels of control of Russia can make even something good, if only, in the manner of Peter I, not to beat them up to death for bribes?
  Anglo-Saxons, having a higher level of consciousness than Russian, which they were accumulating for about the millennium in permanent development and what allowed them to create the strongest, technically equipped, educated civilization with the initiative population, nevertheless, strongly don't hold out to the level of consciousness in case of which it is a shame to plunder feeble for the sake of own short-time - private life is too short - prosperity. And this prosperity is rather doubtful, judging by the continuous degradation of Western society, completely having forgotten of precepts of Christ at the hypocritical church services and praise of the Divine stranger, replacing its own population by alien Arabs, Africans, etc. However, they claim that everything is correct because goes according to objective laws of social development, but in fact, they reduce the practical activities by the most primitive way to the right of the strong.
  Naturally, false values couldn't but lead the West to process of degradation which was manifested in it in recent years by the most menacing way.
  Individualism, aspiration to personal wellbeing by all means, up to deception of others, less developed peoples, the hypocritical democracy which is reduced not to creation of opportunities for implementation by people of really their free aspirations, but leading them to models in advance selected and prepared by elite which, for example, in the USA provide a choice only from two, in fact, for the people of identical candidates now, who, naturally, serve not to the people, but only to elite. Individualism, deception and hypocrisy always finally lead to crash the society infected with them.
  Substitution of true values by the false makes senseless of each specific life, doing out of live, free under initial essence people, the dummies moving by certain rules: they are, however, sleek, protected, satisfied with it and they despise of all remaining, not entering in their circle. But such life doesn't allow to develop in them to truly free aspirations because liberty assumes, first of all, not independence, but, at least, respect, help, sympathy to the near and to the far without what the person is lost: assumes collaboration for the public goodness without exception.
  The famous philosopher of the last decades Alexander Zinoviev wrote about this phenomenon, which he called as the Westernism, so: "The meaning of life of Westernoids (citizens of the West) was reduced eventually to two points: 1) to achieve the highest standard of life or at least to retain the reached level; 2) to get the maximum personal liberty, independence from people around as well as personal security. The first aspiration does the person as the pragmatic, the second - pushes him on self-isolation ... The problem "To be or to have?" the Westernism decided in favor "to Have" ... Coldness and restraint, indifference to destiny of the neighbor, a deficit of "warm-heartedness", loneliness, feeling of uselessness ..." is a consequence of superhuman relations [1].
  Simple Russian people, though and has lagged behind in development of consciousness on some hundreds of years from Europeans because of medieval "hibernation" up to Peter I's era, but, nevertheless, owing to the reasons explained below, didn't lose conscience polls and, except of managers tempted with the power and its privileges with their spongers, don't allow itself to rob the weak and to scoff over the hapless under the pretext of the help as it is done by Europe together with America hourly with the remaining world.
  At the same time, the constant aspiration of Russia to Europe wasn't completely fruitless. Russia much that borrowed at more developed and enterprising Europeans of the useful for all branches of the economy, military affairs, imbibed in itself the best achievements of the European culture and gradually reached level of the superpower, about what, for example, Germany dreamed, but "teeth broke off".
  So that Russian Westerners, A. I. Herzen and P. Ya. Chaadayev are right regarding need of aspiration of Russia to the western cultural and technological values, but deeply are mistaken in the person of their liberal successors concerning reception of Russia as the equivalent partner in association of the leading countries of the world. Practice shows this daily.
  Also isolationists, successors of Slavophiles, supporters of a special Russian way, are partially right when claim that Russia in the root is not such as other countries, and can achieve alone much.
  However, they don't understand, why it so, and their remaining ideas, as a rule, - a usual retrograde nonsense.
  If you try to approve something, so you find the solid base at first, but don't slide on a surface.
  For bigger clarity, we will estimate the main convictions of Westerners and isolationists concerning to Russia.
  Westerners have considered national originality of Russia as its backwardness.
  At first sight, apparently, this statement is too categorical and unfair.
  It, really, is incorrect concerning national originality of Russia so as Russia strongly differs from other countries, and its main difference consists that it possesses by people with such unique properties saving for the whole world, that to surprise and delight of all remaining people of the world, exactly thanks to these properties both Napoleon, and Hitler were broken and trampled in ashes. These properties have not gone away and the Russian people will be able to assume care of a world and to rescue it again if it is necessary anywhere.
  However, the statement about backwardness of Russia is quite right regarding real temporal lag of Russia from Europe because of delay of development of Russia from the West on some hundreds of years.
  P. Ya. Chaadayev, one of the first Westerners, spoke about it so: "Each people have a period of lively excitement, passionate concern, activities reckless and aimless... They are obliged to it by the brightest memories of heroic elements of the history, the poetry, all most strong and fruitful ideas; it is a necessary basis of any society ... We don't have anything it. At first - wild barbarity, then - rough ignorance, then - furious and humiliating foreign dominion, which spirit were inherited later by our national power, - such is the sad side of our youth" [2].
  This statement, of course, is insulting, but it accurately reflects, at least, temporal backwardness of Russia in institutional, technological, cultural and educational level from Europe for that time.
  The general idea of Westerners is that Russia and Europe after reforms Peter I go by identical paths. Russia on this way should borrow experience of Europe and the educated minority in it should achieve release of the personality and create the state and society providing this liberty.
  Here is correct only that Russia can borrow a lot of things on the way of development in more developed Europe.
  However, all remaining didn't happen still in spite of the fact that since appearance of first Westerners passed nearly two hundred years.
  "The educated minority" of imperial Russia showed the full helplessness and insolvency in 1917, and was dispersed already as the Constituent assembly at the beginning of 1918. Less educated minority which was formed during the Soviet power, new in respect of liberate of the personality didn't invent anything. On the contrary, it emasculated even more and enslaved the personality within single and false ideology.
  As for the thesis of Westerners, including here and Marxists, that Russia will catch up and will overtake the West, it is only possible to be surprised to their naivety and mechanicalness of their views.
  Really can the unripe young man catch up and overtake by explosive way, for example, the mature man with his experience? The difference of unripe and mature, experimental consciousness remains practically invariable for the few years of this race. Read "Fathers and children" of I. S. Turgenev. Perhaps only that, the young man, having reached already maturity, at last, will understand thought and feeling, perhaps, already late father.
  The modern domestic liberals-Westerners don't offer original anything, except the same aspiration to the blessed the West where don't wait for us as the equivalent partner at all.
  By the way, about it insightful, though inconsistent Chaadayev P. Ya., wrote actually providentially: "All people of Europe have the general physiognomy, some family likeness ... In addition to the general character, each of these people has still the private interest, but also that and another wholly are weaved from history and tradition. They make successive ideological heritage of these people. Each certain person uses the share of this inheritance, without labour and excessive efforts he accumulates into himself in life stock of this knowledge and skills and derives from them the benefit. Compare and tell, whether much we find at ourselves in daily use of elementary ideas by which we could be guided barely in life?... Would you like know, what it for ideas? These are ideas of debt, justice, right, order. They were born out of events which have created society there, they enter as a necessary element into social way of life of these countries. It also makes the atmosphere of the West; it is more, than the history, more, than the psychology, it is physiology of the European person. What will you replace it with us??" [2].
  Really, it is impossible to join to the alien organism, and it won't accept you and will always reject you or will make you by its colony, as it happened actually to Russia when after 1991 it has given itself on mercy of the West, supposing by naivety of the young consciousness that the West is same noble and fair as itself. But the West was the indifferent and the calculating in the relations with "someone else's" nations.
  So hopes of domestic liberals for merge to the West are vain. If they don't understand it, they are inadequate, but if understand and continue to insist on it, they are compradors and traitors of the homeland who are handing over it to the West which already joyfully has received from Russia, destroyed, in fact, by the same the West in case of their active involvement, the income in the amount of not one trillion dollars for the last twenty years.
  The Russian State still continues "to feed" strenuously the West and own elite, retaining at this overwhelming part of the population in poverty, probably, in hope that the West won't forget the assistants in elite of Russia, and correctly understanding that it is easier to control and direct the poor population, throwing it sometimes pathetic handouts.
  The difference of public consciousness of the West outstripping the level of development of public consciousness of Russia on some centuries under no circumstances won't allow Russia to interact as equals with the West.
  Here Westerners and Marxists confuse technical achievements with institutional, cultural and educational values, with experience and traditions.
  It is technically possible to catch up and even to overtake the West under certain conditions and tension, as the Soviet Union made it, having created by the first a hydrogen bomb, having launched the satellite, but the Soviet Union didn't manage even to approach close to creation democratic institutes which are similar of the western, to establishment of more or less real independence of different branches of the power, more or less democratic choices, quality of a general education of the population, quality of medical attendance of all segments of the population, etc. The value of life in Russia and in the West is different that is manifested everywhere in the current life in relation of the authorities to ordinary people. But - not only in it. For example, Europeans and Americans didn't throw and didn't forget about the perished fighters. They found and reburied or, at least, marked places of burial of all the soldiers who were killed in battles of World War II, but in Russia millions of perished Russian soldiers still lie thrown and not buried in places of fights. Anybody doesn't look for them, except sparse enthusiasts, doesn't mark and doesn't rebury with honor in spite of the fact that they perished for the homeland and it should be eternally grateful to them at least by memory of them, produced by honorary burial of them in graves with signs and should not spare expense and attention to the aid of families of perished soldiers if they need it. It should be the first duty of the state. And Soviet and then and the Russian authorities the perished fighters simply wrote off and forgot about them.
  Approach as Westerners, and Slavophiles to a peasant community is primitive.
  It is known that Slavophiles, nativist and Westerners-socialists consider that the community is a basis of Russia whereas other part of Westerners supposed that the community is a remnant that it will disappear just as it disappeared in countries of Western Europe earlier. Respectively the first stood up for full support of a community, others - for transition to individual economy.
  It is dispute not about that at all. Of course, eventually communities should to be broken up and give way to individual farms or collective farming of other form, as practice showed.
  The thing is quite different. Peasant communities have disappeared in Russia recently. Do not forget also about the collective farms in the USSR. For this reason the consciousness of the Russian people still keeps, acting for many centuries in mass of the population, spirit of collectivism, mutual, sympathy of neighbor, reinforced by the fact that during the Soviet power individualism in no way encouraged, while in developed countries this spirit long gone away, replaced by individualism of private owner, which thinks only of himself.
  That is national originality of the Russian people consists not in the community as Slavophiles claimed, but in consciousness of the people which many generations until recently were absorbing in themselves spirit of collectivism, support of the neighbor, friendship with it, but not hostility.
  Russian people still keep this noble spirit, disinterestedly helping all who asks about it and do not wait for special gratitude. All other people are surprised, and some even sneer under "stupidity" of Russians who do not ask anything for support which sometimes was by the decisive for other peoples. If to remember the Soviet Union, Russians invested in economy of other republics so much that those began to live better, than Russians themselves who, in general, and did not complain.
  This opposition of the Russian type of behavior, religiousness to values of more progressive the West was the main mistake of Slavophiles. It is impossible to oppose a one whole to another whole so as and an one, and another contain various components. Silly to cling to old way of life, outdated managing if more effective new appeared.
  It is impossible to reproach Peter I with his aspiration to Europe so as without military and economic strengthening Russia would be already divided between her aggressive neighbors and what then would be with the Russian people? The Russian people quite could die out or be dissolved simply in other peoples which would begin to manage on their earth. The case is not in the correct seemingly behavior of the Russians and not in their religiosity about what they forgot after 1917, being at war with each other and throwing crosses with domes of churches. The case is in their consciousness, in which they have accumulated and have kept during many centuries those properties which is absent in consciousness of other peoples.
  Slavophiles, as and present adherents of isolation of Russia, didn't understand and respectively don't understand that comparatively quickly change only the material, i.e. conditions, life of society, but public consciousness of the people, which was being developed for thousands of years, is changed extremely slowly and if it owing to these or those reasons acquired such positive features as it happened to the Russians, these properties are not going anywhere even in case of current changes in life, and the Russians during any regime and in the case of any cataclysms will remain in their mass as the same noble creations which are taking care about all unfortunate and lost above and more, than about themselves.
  1. Zinoviev A. A. The West: phenomenon of Westernism. The Global Human Hill. 1997.
  2. Chaadayev P. Y. Complete Works and Selected Letters in 2 vols. M. Science. 1991.
  6. Russia and the USA as two opposites.
  Antagonism of Russia and the USA as a manifestation of the opposite of collectivist and individualist forms of consciousness.
  Russia prior to reign of Peter I if and has evolved, then this development was occurring extremely slowly. Institutes of the power were archaic, the governing layer in the majority was semiliterate and population of Russia was almost completely illiterate and lived according to antiquated codes. Respectively both the public consciousness and personal consciousness at similar stagnant society practically didn't develop.
  The history went differently ways in other countries. At the beginning of the second millennium of our era the Charter of freedoms was accepted in England. In Italy and France of the Middle Ages the urban population had actually the same rights, as nobility. Parliaments, municipalities, judicial authorities, executive authorities functioned effectively, being substantially independently, students were trained at universities. The population had opportunity to get polls least primary education. Respectively the public and personal consciousness evolved in Europe much faster rates, than in Russia.
  In this case the task of an explanation of a similar phenomenon wasn't set, but existence of it isn't subject to doubt.
  Since XVI-XVII century the number of contacts of Russia with Europe through Poland, Sweden significantly increased. The elite of the Russian state of that time had gotten an opportunity of comparing of own way of life and European. Approximately for hundred years the information on life of neighboring countries was collected at a ruling layer of Russia in the volume sufficient for certain conclusions in favor of reforms, despite religious disagreements of Russia and Europe.
  Stored information volume, arriving from neighboring countries, comparison of their level of development, their culture with a level of development of Russia and traveling Peter I across Europe led the upper governing country layer to the decision on reorganization of the power upon the European way as in civil, and military relation, without what Russia would remain as the unimportant, powerless state which would be divided further among themselves by more developed neighbors. From the formal point of view in many respects Peter I was successful in this reform, but it didn't affect a general population. Anyway, numerous representatives of ruling estate, and not only, were sent to Europe for education.
  For several decades appeared in Russia, in addition to the lowest schools for the population, different educational institutions, including universities. However, all of them trained practically only representatives of "noble" estate. Mass of the population remained in a full isolation from the European culture and was almost completely illiterate. Besides, the most part of the population of Russia was in the status attached to landowners, more precisely, serfdom has dominated in Russia that meant for consciousness of people not only humiliation, but also full stagnation, or absence of development. Nevertheless, in Russia as a result of familiarization to the European values arose, though and not numerous, but rather educated and in a certain degree a cultural interlayer. Thereby, the foundation for appearance further in Russia of representatives of brainwork or intelligentsia was laid.
  In XIX century, this interlayer increased with incorporating in it different representatives of not nobility. However, in comparison with mass of the downtrodden population this interlayer in the numerical relation was insignificant.
  Thus, it is possible to state, on the one hand, growth of public and personal consciousness in Russia since the end of XVII century on the beginning of XX century, but, on the other hand, - not mass nature of this growth, in difference, for example, from Europe, the population which was educated rather quite good in the mass relation.
  The main thing if to look more attentively, this is what for two hundred years in Russia between overwhelming part of the lower class of the population and an intellectual interlayer, more precisely, people of brainwork was formed an enormous gap.
  These parts, heterogeneous on the level of consciousness, have represented in essence two different continents, more or less bonded by a stay place, language, some traditions and religion.
  At this, the consciousness of the Europeanized highest layer of the Russian society, which joined to individualistic aspirations of the western society, captured it after an era of bourgeois revolutions in Europe, sharply contrasted with collectivist consciousness of the peasant population of Russia. Life of peasants was still patriarchal and mostly was based on communal housekeeping and collectivist aspirations. It, in particular, showed "walking in the people" of Russian intelligentsia to which "people" at best didn't react.
  All this couldn't but make the state as extremely unstable, i.e. capable quickly to collapse in case of approach of these or those disastrous events.
  Radical mismatch of level of consciousness of mass of the population and the ruling clique expressing in different interests, aspirations can't but lead to conflicts which are aggravated in case of resistance of confronting parties. It only remained to wait for these events which happened in the second decade of the XX century. Prolonged war led to counteraction of the people mobilized in army to a ruling layer and a fast collapse of the power, despite industrial rise, high culture, numerous force organs and considerable military capacity of the state.
  All remaining causes of destruction of the Russian Empire, especially put forward by Marxists, with the emphasis on class fight, the leading role of the proletariat, don't withstand criticism.
  They are, at least, as secondary because in the same way collapsed also the Ottoman Empire where, practically, there was no proletariat, and scrappy Austro-Hungary with its backward and heterogeneous distant regions in which approximately same gap between consciousness numerically of an insignificant elite, intellectuals and consciousness of the downtrodden mass of the main population was formed.
  At the same time, it is necessary to mark that Germany has not collapsed, despite defeat in war, attempts of revolutionaries to make changes to a political system, similar to Russian changes.
  There was it because general consciousness of the population, its cultural and educational level during more than thousand-year history of more or less uniform growth of the general consciousness in the presence of operating democratic institutes had no essential gap from the cultural and educational level of a ruling layer of the nation.
  All this shows the prevailing role of consciousness over material conditions of beingness which looks for a support in them and without finding, starts destroying this beingness, unsuitable for it. It also happened in Russia, the Ottoman Empire and Austro-Hungary, unlike Germany and other developed countries with more uniform public consciousness which population has not given in on temptation of revolution.
  Consciousness changes extremely slowly. Therefore, there was formed in Russia under a socialist flag after 1917, eventually, some kind of empire, which is similar Russian, but with a smaller gap in consciousness of a ruling layer which in the majority was out of the people, and of the population which cultural level for years of the Soviet power significantly increased.
  The Soviet bureaucracy threw up all resources of the country not on rise of a standard of living of the population, not on uniform development of economy and culture, but on fight for world supremacy by means of a militaristic superpower - the Soviet empire.
  However, this empire which selected for itself under the slogan of socialism the transfer of all property to the possession of the state, i.e., in fact, state capitalism, couldn't withstand long competition with more effective competitive economies of the developed countries.
  Extension of contacts with the countries of the West and rather low level of life of the population of Russia under the name USSR, the growing lag in science and economy, unreasonable costs for race of arms led, eventually, to events 1991, completed by ruin of the power.
   The basic reason of decay of the Soviet empire was the following: in consciousness of the population and ruling layers of the state gradually took roots the idea that transfer of managing to rails to competitive economy, similar of western, will be enough for increase of a standard of living and finding of universal happiness.
  Self-conceit of ruling elite of the country with rather low level of consciousness, dominance in it of aspirations to own material enrichment, but not to the benefit of the country and the people led to rollback of Russia to the level of the secondary state and up to transformation it in a raw appendage of the West.
  Elite of Russia did not take into account that the world had been divided long by the western monopolies, therefore Russia, which was till recently as a world superpower, was out of work though its allegedly ineffective economy had been quickly destroyed by due to western tips.
  As a result, Russia turned with the large supplies of raw materials actually into the semi-colony of the West, having lost both markets of sales, and production for sale, except some types of raw materials.
  The ruling elite of Russia which imbibed in itself doubtful values of consumer economy of the West was being transformed to the compradors transferring the stolen richness of the country to offshores and western banks, governing structures of the country at all levels wallowed in corruption, like the most backward countries of the world. The population lost any perspectives on the future, there emerged outflow of its most competent and outstanding representatives into other countries.
  There is already much written about all this. Therefore, it is possible to state the following.
  Lag of Russia from the West in level of development of consciousness on some hundreds of years does not allow it to become by the equivalent partner of the western countries. These countries will always despise it as the highbrow intellectual despises the plumber.
  Whether there is an output from this of the subordinate and pathetic state?
  The response can be one: the real output consists only in development of consciousness, in detection and cultivation in it its most valuable features which will allow Russia to refuse from consumer values.
  Russia shouldn't pass that way which led the West to decline, gradual degradation in the acid environment of the consumer economy doing of people as puppets. Besides the West promptly comes nearer to the end so as without continuous extension of the consumer capitalist economy it can't exist, and the limit to this extension already actually came.
  Another question: is it possible this process of bringing of consciousness up to refusal from consumer values in the current conditions for Russia?
  China here is not an example as far as China as well as the USA, is in the general system of the world economy, China is also subordinate to it, being depending on the international monopolies, and also in the consciousness follows to the stereotypes of the western life that we also watch.
  The answer on this question can give only practice.
  Anyway, even if it is impossible, all the same it is necessary to aspire to this aim.
  Probably, the mission of Russia consists in this aspiration, which is based on its fundamental difference not in level, but in quality of until recently patriarchal public consciousness which is more inclined not to individualism, not to a pragmatism.
  Tendency of this consciousness was determined by historical conditions, by the territory, by the mixed and heterogeneous population connected, however, by the general interests, the general culture. All this, including also the gap in hundreds of years from quickly developing countries of Western Europe, and many other things together still hold overwhelming mass of the population in the frames of conscious and collective actions.
  The high level of culture and education of the modern population of Russia, technological achievements, collectivist consciousness in mass of population, not wishing to recognize pathetic consumer values of the West in exchange for which the West actually demanded to liquidate independence of the country, to force citizens of Russia to own, in fact, slave way of life which main line is obedience and robotizing of all citizens, is quite real basis for overcoming of pull to consuming for the sake of higher values.
  Unfortunately, it is necessary to state that danger of obvious reducing of periods between critical events in our world which carries to some fundamental and quite fast overturn of all our beingness owing to closeness of the point, so-called, singularities [1], is quite high. However, very few people know about it and who knows, is complete of scepticism, thinking silently: lived always and further we will live somehow. An, no! Life isn't infinite not only at the person.
  Formation, which was close to state, arose in the form of thirteen staffs: Virginia, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Northern Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia about middle of XVII century of our era on east coast of North America.
  This formation actually laid the foundation to the new state which received further the name the United States of America (USA). We can therefore consider that this state exists for almost 400 years, which is not so little.
  Fundamental difference of this state from Russia consists in that what the pursued deviators from the set religions of the countries and numbed traditions, the sectarians of all colors simply dissatisfied with the life in the Old World from the different states gathered there.
  It was Lutheran Germans, Mennonites, English Catholics, French Huguenots. Numerous colonies were created by the Dutch, Swedes, Poles, Italians. The Jews who were pursued actually in the majority of the countries of the Old World too have directed on the new homeland. The Dutch have delivered Blacks from Africa having laid the foundation to slaveholding on the continent.
  To decide on separation with the homeland, to go to uncertainty not only adventurers and losers could, but also the majority of strong people, dissatisfied with the current life, aiming not simply to the better life, but - to radical changes, to liberty, to arrange of own world which will be others than the former.
  Such people should be not simply vigorous, but also they should be with the highest level of consciousness for appropriate time of their arrival in the new country, i.e. with own understanding of life, with aspirations differing from the standard, with new plans, projects. Their consciousness, its dissatisfaction and corresponding to it aspirations have required not simply to exist in the flow of time, in the present, but to direct in the future having reorganized the world under itself.
  And it is valid, immigrants from English Calvinists - puritans, having arrived to America by the ship "Mayflower" in 1620, at once have concluded among themselves the agreement in which their ideas of democracy, self-government, civil liberties were reflected. Similar agreements were concluded by immigrants and in other colonies. Further provisions of these agreements found the reflection in (1788) the Declaration on the independence of the USA which made a basis of the Constitution of the country.
  The population of the USA, quite homogeneous concerning rather high level of consciousness, in comparison with remaining countries of the world could quickly enough, without long swinging to begin process of economic development. This accelerated process proceeded on the basis of created here, unlike all remaining countries of the world, of democratic society of equal opportunities in which, a lot of things depended, really, from qualities of the person, but not from attendant circumstances.
  However some external and internal factors were hindered by this. Americans had to exempt itself at first from importunate guardianship of England, having won against it war for independence (1775-83), and then to overcome alienation of the South and North of the country with canceling of slavery as outcome of Civil war of 1861-65.
  It is curious that canceling of slavery in the USA on time coincides with canceling of serfdom in Russia.
  There is nothing surprising that, possessing the most "advanced" population in the world and the most democratic institutes, having recognized a private property as sacred and having got a chance under the custody of the adopted laws to be engaged by free production and sale of goods, through short time - already in the twenties of XX century - the USA became the leading industrial power of the world.
  It is known that towards the end of the 20th years of XX century the USA was practically made even in production of an industrial output with all remaining world. At these rates of economic growth in the USA were the highest in the world.
  Thus, approximately during 300 years from the moment of appearance of 13 states of America, this new state moved forward economically on the first place in the world.
  To save this first place and to this day wasn't simple for the USA. At first the problem of Germany emerged, which together with Japan carried the long, bloody fight by all means for world supremacy with allies which basis made the USSR and the USA.
  Then the Soviet Union became by the opponent of the USA. The Soviet Union managed to be advanced in the rank of the superpower competing with the USA thanks to exclusive use of all resources of the enormous country at oblivion of interests of its population in the conditions of rigid dictatorship.
  However, the low level of consciousness of the leading interlayer of the USSR and the utopian plans following from this; inability of uncompetitive Soviet economy to get closer to the economic, technological, vital and cultural level, which was achieved by the leading powers of the world, was led to the ruin of the main rival of the USA, having left this state in the rank of already single superpower in the world.
  All resources of the world actually fell into hands of this state now.
  Thus, mission of the USA, on the one hand, consists in demonstration of superiority of the power with population having initially the highest mass consciousness, developing in process of development of the country more and more and capable therefore to give to the state such acceleration in case of which it becomes by world leading.
  On the other hand, the mission of the USA consists in demonstration, eventually, qualitative worthlessness of the idea of public consciousness putting at the forefront individualism, proprietary aspirations, psychology of consumption, which produce an economic miracle, but gradually deprive each person of this society of liberty, stopping thereby development of his consciousness [2]. As a result, under influence of the false values promoted in every way by the state, society quickly decays, human life loses meaning and the end to everything comes [3].
  We will give some statistical data confirming parasitic character of the present America and sequential degradation of the population of this country.
  Making about 5% of population the USA take away at least 40% of world resources in own use.
  About a half of able-bodied population of the USA exists on an annuity or on welfare and Americans quite arranges this idleness.
  The declared purchasing power of the main currency of the world - dollar - is much more, than its real value provided by potential of the USA. Thus, the uprated course of purchasing power of dollar allows the USA to throw continuously for own use any resources of the world practically in any quantity, without putting any work. That is the high level of life of the population of the USA means automatic lowering of the level of life in developing countries by which the USA, in fact, in every possible way hinder to develop, in particular, by means of enslaving loans.
  The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, created under the auspices of the USA and international banks and monopolies gave the chance for these organizations to become by the principal regulators of the prices and omnipotent creditors in the world who set the prices, favorable to themselves for raw materials from underdeveloped countries. They enslaved whole states by provision of loans on certainly unprofitable or even impracticable conditions, deceiving or bribing elite of these countries and using military force in case of disagreement of these countries with agreements enslaving for them.
  As a result, the USA and their allies extend poverty and hunger in the majority of the countries of the world for the sake of own prosperity. Actually, all these actions carry not only the USA, but also the whole world to the doom if only not to counterpose to this the new aspirations, which are opposite to their false values.
  1. Diakonoff I. M. The paths of history. From early human up to the present day. KomKniga. Moscow. 2007.
  2. Nizovtsev Y. M. In what, how and for what liberty is acting. 2014. www.litres.ru
  3. Nizovtsev Y. M. Our true life is endless. 2014. www.litres.ru
  7. Is everything so obvious in Russia's confrontation to the Western world?
  Whose will win in the confrontation between Russia and the entire Western world, led by the United States? Weak Russia nowadays or the strong America? Is it possible to actually the victory any of the parties at this stage of development of a civilization? Why only Russians do not wish in their mass humbly to accept the consumerist values of the West and in what the Russian idea should consist?
  Civilizations like the current technological civilization, judging by the mass of the artifacts discovered, existed on Earth with certain breaks, at least for 500 million years.
  The proposed mechanism of their appearance, as well as their mission, are set forth in the work [1, Chapter 4, 6].
  The approximate duration of their existence can be judged by the following data. Let's bring them in.
  Some researches were devoted to a subject of condensing of the time periods between the critical events up to a final point. This approach is based on the concept of the singularity, used John von Neumann in the middle of XX century. The singularity, if not to mean its astrophysical comprehension, represents a point behind which the extrapolation starts giving the senseless results.
  The historian I. M. Diakonoff paid attention in 1994 to the singularity point, or the limit point on a time axis where the historical cycles are converged which are shrink in compliance with the law of the progression: "There is no doubt that the historical process shows the signs of the natural exponential acceleration. From the emergence of Homo sapiens until the end of the phase I passed not less than 30 thousand years, II phase lasted about 7 thousand years, III phase - about 2 thousand years, IV phase - about 1.5 thousand, V phase - about one thousand years, VI - about 300, VII phase - a little more than 100 years, the duration of VIII phase while it is impossible to determine. Plotted on a graph, these phases add up to an exponential development, which involves eventually moving to a vertical line, or rather, to a point, so-called singularity. Scientific and technical achievements of mankind were being developed according to the exponential schedule likewise ..." [2].
  Diakonoff's schedule may be completed up to the vertical line. In this case, the point of singularity will fall for 2022.
  The definition of a technological singularity appeared after Dyakonoff's works: the technological singularity is the hypothetical moment after which the technical progress becomes such fast and complex that it will be inaccessible to comprehension. The technological singularity as a result of the development of the nanotechnologies was considered in the report of 2007 of the Commission on economic policy of the Congress of the USA. As the start date of the singularity was called 2020, according to another prognosis - 2030. Basic idea of this conclusion is the consequence from the law of Moore (an empirical conclusion from the observed speed of development of the technologies): somewhere between 2025 and 2035 the computing power of separate computers will be made even to the "crude" computing power of a human brain, and then and will surpass it.
  The given dates are close to each other and they also are close to the present time. The question is only in the interpretation of the specified process, i.e., what will happen in the singularity point with the world civilization?
  Let us quote our considerations on the interpretation of this process, which are presented in more detail in the work [1, Chapter 5].
  "As a rule, a point of a singularity interpreted as the transition to the new, improved state. However, this point can be a bifurcation point, with possibility of transition to a state of another type of a civilization, if available type of a civilization cannot exist, for example, it can be the transition into a state of an ecological civilization at the refusal of the majority of the technologies applied earlier, or it can be the transition to a state of the complete disintegration of a civilization.
  Any of these transitions does not cause optimism since and in one and in the other case the present civilization will stop the existence.
  In the first case the transition leads to the compelled global transformation which is bordered by a disaster: the mankind should refuse the comfortable existence provided with technical achievements which is not being combined with harmonious existence with the planetary nature. Will have to switch from the destruction of nature and the poisoning of the environment to interact with it and preserve not so much oneself, as much as it, switch to the use of the technologies, which renew of the natural resources. This will reduce significantly, in particular, the energy resources and food resources. This process will involve automatically the essential reduction of the population, the structural change of the management by society. In particular, it will have to give up the state control system and to pass to the hierarchical system of self-governing communities. There are, of course, variants, but an ecological civilization has nothing to do with capitalism nor socialism nor democracy.
  In the second case, owing to loss of management and occurrence of the general chaos, will collapse the communication systems, energy supply, water supply; the transport will stop, the need in money, and, means and in a bank-financial system will disappear, collisions will begin, the cities will collapse, there will be epidemics; technologies, cultural values will be lost until the written language. The civilization will disappear as such, and the survivors will fall into wildness. Variants can be different, but the scenario is unlikely to be different from this.
  At the same time the idea of futurologists that the point of a technological singularity means hypothetical explosion-like growth of rate of scientific and technical progress, allegedly following out of creation of artificial intelligence and self-replicating machines, integration of a person with computers, or the significant increase in opportunities of a human brain due to biotechnologies, is being represented more than fantastic because of extreme proximity of the point of a singularity. Moreover, it is not observed while anything from predicted by futurologists. On the contrary, a gap between the ordinary population and its highest layers goes deep more and more. The highest layers of society are being decayed, depriving however more and more overwhelming part of the population even necessary. Representatives of these layers are being transformed from people into beings for the consumption, indifferent to everything, except themselves, losing completely the opportunity for development".
  The densification of periods between the critical events up to a final point, acting for a technological civilization in general [1, Chapter 5], can treat and to its leading parts, namely: to the former superpower which turned nowadays into the regional power - Russia, and to the present state - "the sovereign" of the world - the USA.
  Let's see, whether so it?
  But first, in order to confirm the vitality of the problem of the accelerated development of civilization, close to exponential, it makes sense briefly to answer two questions: why the natural world does not stand still, but develops with acceleration - at first insignificant, and then - with the emergence of civilization - with the exponential acceleration; and how this process will end.
  The answer to the question of the completion of the development of the current civilization is obvious. Since accelerated development cannot be infinite, the collapse of civilization is inevitable. In particular, religion interprets it as the apocalypse. But the same religion does not answer the question - what follows the apocalypse?
  However, the answer is known due to the available data, which was mentioned at the beginning of this article. After the collapse of one civilization, the next one was being arisen, and there were at least several dozen such civilizations on Earth, judging by the preserved artifacts, which scientists have relatively recently learned to date fairly accurately. However, science is unable to explain the reasons for the appearance and disappearance of these civilizations, since it relies on the theory of smooth evolutionary development, at the peak of which, as a consequence of this development, a person appears, and then a civilization.
  The explanation of this phenomenon of the successive emergence and disappearance of civilizations on Earth together with the parallel development of flora and fauna before the appearance of primates and their reformatting into the hominids was given for the first time in my work "Our true life is endless" [1, Chapter. 4; 7]. But this material goes beyond the scope of this topic and it makes no sense to enter into the already published details.
  But on the question of the accelerated development of the entire living world, which is not so obvious, it makes sense to say a few words.
  The accelerated development of the living finds its explanation in the representation of time as an information process.
  More about the formation of time by the living is described, for example, in my work "What is at the basis of the manifested (reality)?" ("Topos" Magazine. RF. 2022).
  The consequence of this approach is the densification of the own time of development of the local communities of the living beings within the calendar time with an increase in the information flows consumed by them.
  The fact is that the minimal possibilities for processing data coming through the sensory organs to the processing centers of this data into information suitable for the retention in life, reproduction and development of the original primitive organisms, such as bacteria and similar microorganisms, allowed them to exist within the calendar (astronomical) time of only minutes or hours.
  It is believed that these single-celled organisms appeared on Earth 3.5 billion years ago.
  Due to the weakness of their perception of information flows, the development of themselves and their communities in the direction of complication was extremely slow: the time interval from the emergence of the single-celled primitive organisms to the formation of more structured organisms in the form of algae had compiled 2.3 billion calendar years.
  Animals have appeared about 550 million years ago. Accordingly, the time interval from the appearance of algae to the appearance of the first animals turned out to be shorter - about 650 million calendar years.
  The first mammals appeared 220 million calendar years ago. That is, the time interval from the appearance of the first primitive animals to the appearance of complexly organized mammals turned out to be even shorter - about 330 million calendar years.
  Thus, it is noticeable that the development of organisms on Earth was accelerated, that is, the own time of these groups of organisms was being got denser.
  It should also be noted that much more complexly structured organisms of various representatives of fauna, which already have such multifunctional systems for processing data coming through the senses, controlling all the functions of the body, as the nervous system and brain, have been able to process the large amounts of information than the primitive organisms due to an increase in the speed of the information processing.
  The consequence of this complication of the organisms was a significant increase in the calendar life cycle of fauna representatives compared to the primitive organisms, which was no longer measured in hours, but in calendar years.
  Therefore, much more events began to fit into the interval of development of communities of these representatives of fauna compared to more primitive organisms, and, as a result, the own time of development of fauna has significantly got denser, namely: own time of development of communities of various representatives of fauna from their origin to the appearance of the mammals in calendar years amounted to 330 years, having got denser in comparison with its own time of development of communities of multicellular organisms such as algae up to the appearance of the first animals (650 million calendar years).
  If we follow the course of development of the animal world, then we can note the incessant densification of the own time of development from simpler creatures to more complex ones.
  In particular, the first mammals appeared 220 million calendar years ago, the first monkeys appeared about 30 million calendar years ago, the first hominids appeared 6 million years ago, the first intelligent man appeared 200 thousand years ago.
  All the above facts indicate that the development of the living beings within the framework of also improving communities proceeded from the very beginning with acceleration, which increased with the complexity of living organisms.
  Next, we note the following.
  As you know, almost all living beings are in a competitive environment. Therefore, an increase in the probability of their survival implies, for the most part, their complication, as a result of which they acquire more opportunities for feeding by less organized organisms, as well as winning the competition in their own niche for the sake of increasing own life span. In addition, the most complexly organized creatures mostly gain an advantage in the struggle for the continuation of their own genus.
  The process of the complication of the organic structures in the form of the living organisms implies an automatic growth of the information flows, consumed by them, which, in turn, requires an acceleration of the pace of processing these already large amounts of information. As a result, the number of the sensory organs and the capabilities of the processing centers of the data coming from the sensory organs are gradually increasing.
  However, this process of complication of the living environment is slow, that is, with minimal acceleration, due to the randomness of gene mutations that are beneficial to organisms, as well as their use in the development process only trial and error procedures in the framework of adaptation to the environment.
  Therefore, this process of development of the living took several billion years from the appearance of viruses and bacteria on Earth to the appearance of a human prototype in the form of a hominid.
  For the first time among all living beings, the hominids in their communities have acquired the ability to be aware of their own actions, that is, to use not only instincts and reflexes, adapting to the environment, being only its active elements, but also the ability quite consciously collectively to coordinate and plan their actions both for the current time and for the future. Thus, they went beyond the limits of the adaptability to the environment, transforming into homo sapiens after a few million years.
  That is, the own time of the development of the hominid communities before their transformation into homo sapiens has become even more condensed compared to the previous period of the development of monkeys.
  In turn, homo sapiens acquired, as a result of this development of hominids, a larger brain in mass and additional departments, providing themselves with the most effective opportunity to change the environment purposefully for their own benefit, which allowed them to form a civilization just in a few hundred thousand calendar years.
  But only civilization has given the real scope for the accelerated flow of time for oneself, having existed in development to this day, according to various estimates, from eight to six thousand calendar years.
  It is possible to explain such a curious phenomenon of a significant acceleration of the run of events within the framework of civilization by the fact that the present time of each person, as well as the entire community, gets denser with an increase in the information flows consumed by them, which is an inevitable consequence of conscious human activity that captures larger and larger spaces.
  This project-oriented activity, conscious in its manifestations, with an understanding of its own capabilities in a limited time of its life to perform certain actions, as well as achieve a lot in the fields of culture and technology without delay, proceeding within the framework of civilization, ensures its progress, setting the maximum acceleration of the development of the human community as a whole with corresponding densification of its own time of development of civilization within the calendar time.
  At the same time, the accelerated progress in activities of this community is achieved generally not as a product of its personal qualities, such as sharpness of mind, resourcefulness, retentive memory, ingenuity, force, etc., but as a result of accumulating and use of information of many generations in all its possible types, but, most effectively, - in written.
  With growth of volume of information sources are being expanded possibilities of specialization, training, that by itself even more promotes to the achievements in a labor activity, which in turn gives additional opportunities for manifestation of initiative, ingenuity, training fruits, assuming not only the work on samples, but also use of logical designs, abstract forms, but not just the subject concepts, by composing in own head of certain schemes, before their implementation in practice.
  The greatest contribution to this progress, both technically and culturally, is made by subjects, capable not only of one extrapolation, but also of unexpected (creative) solutions to emerging problems, since these subjects can create something that is not yet in the environment, and this in itself means the desire of every person for similar manifestations, as far as, of course, it is possible for him.
  This acceleration of the own time of the human community within the framework of civilization, that were reflected in the densification of significant events, having occupied much less calendar years in comparison with previous periods of development of the living, begins to be looked through especially obviously on the stage of industrial revolution, when time slowly lasting in their relatively minor changes in the middle ages begins to be accelerated significantly: already only after a few decades with the invention of the steam engine, Railways, vehicles will go on highway, planes will rise in the sky, and then for a smaller period of time rockets will takes off, the explosion of the atomic bomb will occur, there will be computers, the planet will be covered by tentacles of Internet.
  However, continuous growth of volume of information coming to consciousness of people and affecting external expression of this information process - in the acceleration of the own time of a civilization, has to fit into the existing possibilities of the human consciousness, inasmuch the finite (strategic) decisions are made by the person, but not the computer. Therefore, inevitably there comes the moment when the main centers of a civilization, controlled by humans, cease to cope with the avalanche flow of the arriving information - the speed of information processing begins to lag behind its receipt. At this extended moment (a singularity point) own time of system of a civilization is completed - crash of a civilization. In other words, the system loses the quality, inasmuch it isn't capable to function the same way.
  The exponential acceleration of the own time of development of the humen communities within the framework of civilization
   or continuous growth of the information streams passing through consciousness of a person leads ultimately to impossibility of functioning of a civilization in its former form, inasmuch the person as the system, managing everything, is no longer able to "digest" these flows, to cope with them. And escalating power of the linked computer systems turns out not the assistant to the person more, but threat for him. Information collapse in the form of exit a manage system from the sphere of direct and adequate control by the person stops the functioning of a civilization.
  That occurs further can only be assumed, but the civilization, as well as any difficult system, finally, breaks up with emergence on its place of something new; or after certain pause under suitable natural conditions on a former place arises the civilization similar to former and starts developing, forming already own accelerated time.
  If we recall that any human technological civilization forms its own increasingly compacted time (the fact of the densification of time is explained by the growth of information flows with the development of civilization), culminating in an information collapse [1, Chapter 5], then the explanation also gets relatively rapid disappearance of all technological civilizations, whose productive period of existence in terms of the development of science, culture and technology, could hardly have been more than ten thousand calendar years.
  After some distraction, required to explain the phenomenon of the densification of the own time of the communities of the living beings in the course of their development within the calendar time, it will become more understandable to gradually compress their own time during the development of communities of Russia and the United States with the transition through the turning points (critical), which will be indicated below.
  Russian statehood, according to the available data, was created on the basis of Kievan Rus not earlier than IX century of our era and existed till an era of reforms of Peter I in the form of set of feudal formations which essence almost didn't change for last eight centuries.
  Peter Romanov managed to stir up this "bog" and urged to him to this not only a personal love to the educated Europe, but also an onslaught of the same Europe in the person of Swedes.
  When such extreme circumstances he together with not numerous colleagues managed to carry out necessary conversions in military, administrative, economic spheres and not only achieved of the save of the state, but he also made it one of the first in Europe. He has set a necessary trend and the state followed to it practically up to the falling which took place in 1917.
  The state which appeared on a place of Russia after revolution, in essence, was the same authoritarian and bureaucratic, but covered by fig leaf of the nationwide property behind which the affiliation of everything to the Soviet bureaucracy was hidden. the Soviet bureaucracy could dispose of this property practically uncontrollably. The territory, natural riches, high national potential and initial enthusiasm of the population which believed in justice of allegedly the nationwide system have allowed creating due to its super exploitation and the incredible victims of the superpower with the nuclear weapon. However, slowness of the Soviet bureaucratic machinery, uncompetitive of economy in comparison with the leading capitalist countries, its ambitions of the superpower requiring excessive attachments as well as and the enthusiasm of the population which gradually was fading, the low standards of living of population led also this state to the crash in 1991.
  All remaining events in more than thousand-year history of the country were, in our opinion, incomparably less important that doesn't allow to rank them as critical events from the point of view of development.
  Thus, number of the critical events in the history of the country makes to the present time 4.
  The first, it is the emergence of the state (about the middle of IX century); the second - transformation of the state from the backward province to the modern militarized power of the imperial type of the first row (the end of XVII, the beginning of XVIII centuries); the third - acquisition by the empire of instability and its disorder, more precisely, conversion at the beginning of XX century to the empire of new, quasi-popular type (USSR), in fact, even less steady, than the first because of full utopianism of the dominating idea of the all-people state. Deception of the population by this false and hypocritical idea of equality and justice as well as an expenditure practically of all resources of the country then on fight for world revolution, then for world supremacy couldn't last long and led to the disgraceful end of this monster.
  Thus, the Soviet empire silently collapsed at the end of XX century under the pressure of not the biggest troubles as well as full dispassionateness of the population, what, generally, very few people expected and at us and abroad as far as externally the empire seemed terrible and magnificent at full internal putridity.
  Thereby, the first phase, or the phase of early feudalism lasted about 850 years; the second phase of existence of the state of imperial type of late feudalism lasted about 250 years; the third phase of existence of the Soviet quasi-public empire lasted about 70 years.
  Graphically, these phases, though it isn't enough points of critical events, nevertheless show exponential process of development of the state which finally should bring to the vertical line, more precisely, to, so-called, a point of singularity
  A fundamental structural change of the current civilization or its disappearance, judging by the exponential for the current civilization, should occur between 2020 and 2030, which implies the last phase of Russia's existence within the framework of the current civilization for about 30 years.
  So the historical cycle of Russia fits into the general trend of the existence of the entire earthly civilization.
  We will estimate now, whether the rule of the compression of periods between critical events up to a final point to act and for the USA.
  The history of this state isn't so long, but nevertheless it exists if to consider from time of formation of 13 independent states under the auspices of England approximately from the middle of XVII century, more than 350 years.
  The first critical event was actually formation of combining from 13 colonies-states. The basis of this combining was other ideas of democracy, self-government, civil liberties, other than in the states of Europe.
  Further these most progressive rules for that day led to rapid growth and development of the industry, agriculture, trade as well as this rules have provided the considerable inflow of migrants from different countries and a victory in fight for detachment of the country from English control with declaration of independence and subsequent accelerated development which led the former colony and the insignificant state at the beginning of XX century, more precisely, after World War I, which weakened all his competitors, into the first spot in the world on the industrial indexes.
  This process of conversion of the former British colony in North America to the mighty industrial power took some more than 250 years. This event which occurred after World War I in the twenties of XX century we can quite consider as the second critical event as far as all remaining events which happened in this country for the past 250 years, so how the war to England for independence in XVIII century, civil war between the North and the South in 1861-1865, had a great value for internal development of the state, but didn't influence directly on the main world processes.
  The third critical event for the USA in the ratio with the world is the ruin of the USSR which left the USA as the single superpower in the world. This event has made the USA as the full manager in the world.
  Thus, the first phase of gradual development of the state from the union of several British colonies up to the largest industrial power of the world lasted more than 250 years; the second phase of existence of the state up to acquisition by it of the status of the single superpower of the world lasted about 70 years; the third phase of existence of the USA lasts from 90th years to the present and its duration will make, judging by time of arrival of a point of singularity, about 30 years.
  Graphically, these phases show the exponential process of development of the USA which finally should pass to the vertical line, more precisely, to so-called, a point of singularity.
  Structural change of the USA or their disappearance, judging by an exponent, should happen between 2020 and 2030 that assumes the last phase of existence of the USA in its current form for about 30 years.
  The historical cycle of the USA as well as Russia, at the last stage actually coincide.
  So far, we don't know with complete certainty what will be after passing through the point of singularity with Russia, the USA and the whole civilization.
  It is only possible to assume that it will be a choice from below mentioned options of the transformation of the current civilization.
  Some advanced intellectuals consider that new, unusually developed, technically not representable perfect civilization will appear behind a point of singularity. Fantasts permanently dream about it.
  But it is extremely improbable because aren't present any prerequisites to it so as the bulk of the population of Earth is simply illiterate, hungry and only survives, and there is no opportunity bringing it to the level of understanding of the modern scientific, technological and cultural achievements in the next years.
  Perhaps, it will be full loss of the civilization as a result of wars using the nuclear weapon, final fracture of world infrastructure and falling of the surviving population in wildness that is very probable because there are all prerequisites to it in the form of alienation of the leading and underdeveloped countries, their mutual hostility as far as the first plunders and deceives the last; religious and cultural disunity; the increasing lag of bulk of the population from the available and more and more produced cultural and scientific and technical values; nearby the information collapse; increase of structural instability of the civilization as complex system; crash of capitalist system of managing which is patronized in every way by the USA, being in this regard by the main grave-digger of the civilization; the low level of consciousness of the vast majority of people who owing to this fact are incapable to interact with each other on the basis of friendship, of love, sincere sympathy, help, as well as disinterested service to society, but are only capable to humble himself before force, and in case of its absence can easily destroy each other and destroy everything if only the opponent didn't get it [1, Chapter 5].
  It is possible also that the point of singularity is the transition from a technological civilization to a stateless equilibrium and ecological civilization on the basis of the self-organizing and self-controlled domains which, in particular, showed the efficiency in the form of kibbutzim in Israel and in which it is possible to remove antagonism thanks to bring of all confronting forces up to value, the close to zero due to a certain restriction of liberty of the individual, more precisely, its self-restrictions, in favor of a team [3].
  The historical practice has clearly shown, all ideas about improvement of the state and creation in its bosom of blessed noncontradictory society are utopian absolutely: from Plato's the ideal state up to the states with the most representative democracy. Actually, all real-life and being existed states, irrespective from their form, always parasitize on a body of the people which always dreams to get rid of them, but the people is doomed, despite any revolutions, to coexist with these parasites. Here it is possible to draw a parallel with the natural phenomena: still it is not known that would happen to wildlife if all parasites disappeared.
  Therefore, the idea about destruction of the state means transition from certain regularity to chaos.
  Nevertheless, as it is paradoxical, it is possible to find nevertheless an outlet, or a temporary lacuna for establishment in certain degree of the fair society, but only in the case of particular restriction of freedom of the personality, more precisely, its self-restraint in favor of a collective (communities), or a civilization without the states, despite all internal contradictions which always are rending any society.
  This requirement is satisfied by a type of community in which the resultant of all opposing forces will become almost zero.
  So as struggle, contradictions, collisions are always present at the developing society - it wouldn't be developing without them - so far as process of development should be paused or - it should be expressed extremely weakly. In other words, a civilization, society has to lose possibility of development temporarily.
  Reducing the opposing forces for all the remaining cells (domains) of a civilization to zero means that it has entered a state of equilibrium.
  Its basic signs consist in the following.
  First, it has to be in ecological equilibrium with the nature, i.e. it has to return generally to appropriating economy with preservation and addition of some resource-saving technologies.
  Secondly, having refused the complex state management system, the civilization has to return to the simplest forms of the public relations in the form of local self-coping cells of various orientation on the kinds of activity, connected among themselves not only horizontally, but also vertically, unlike primitive communities.
  Thirdly, the tasks of civilization should not be the development of technology and social relations, but the self-sufficiency concerning creation for each person of acceptable biotic conditions and maintaining of functioning of self-coping cells without the emergence of a heeling towards the retirement of these cells from self-government. The only "medicine" for this purpose is the most frequent rotation of the elected operating personnel.
  In this relation the difference of this structure from primitive communities consists in more high level of consciousness of members of the self-coping cells, saved up for six millennia of previous civilization development, and, in this regard, the emergence of possibility of the conscious decision by all members of cells of arising problems within the elementary structures.
  Fourthly, the free time of each member of community which can be very the considerable, thanks to preservation of many technologies of reproducing of food and household items, has to be devoted to self-development in that sphere to which he has predilections: art, crafts, fight against diseases, learning process, etc.
  Thus, the civilization is as though conserved. Certainly, sooner or later it will decompose, but time of its existence and quite quiet life of people in it can be much more, than life time of the technological civilization known to us.
  To the one who will tell that it is impossible to stop development, it is possible to give an example of a similar suspending in development of human communities, more precisely, its extreme delay.
  This example is the well-known and studied primitive communities which have been existing approximately in the same condition of some tens of thousands of years, until awakened from "hibernation" about 10 thousand years ago whereby, partly, our civilization emerged about six thousand years ago. The communities, which are in the equilibrium with environment, exist and now in a natural form, for example, the Australian natives. There are similar communities in a artificial type of various sects, for example doukhobor. The public and production formations close to them - kibbutzim in Israel as well separate themselves from society and the state on the way of life, which is close to the equilibrium.
  It is not excluded that the ecological civilization which, most probably, will appear after disintegration of a present technological civilization, will not disappear over time from the face of the earth, and under the influence of this or that push will be waken and will start functioning in another form [3].
  If to discard, in our opinion, as absolutely unpromising, the option of transformation of our civilizations in society of continuous happy cyborgs, there are two more possible above-stated options of transformation of a civilization when passing it through the point of singularity.
  It is most probable from them, certainly, the option of full ruin of the civilization because ruling elite of the USA will hardly want to refuse the power over the world because of some, perhaps, fictional future cataclysms.
  However, there is Russia which if, of course, wants, can use the forceful levers to compel, in general, the cowardly opponents to follow her course, or, at least, to be isolated from the perishing West.
  Thus, the flagship of the procession of the current civilization to doom is the most advanced state of the world - the USA which will hardly be able even in case of quite adequate information about the future fatal threats to refuse voluntary from the power over the world, private-ownership relations, social relations wearing not human, but especially consumer character.
  That is, rather high level of consciousness of its population doesn't mean that the altruism as a component of the self-consciousness of this population achieved the level corresponding to love, understanding of others, help to them even due to own wellbeing and a failure from violence.
  One of historical evidences of this is almost elimination of Indians of North America by the citizens of the USA relatively recent at the time mastering of open spaces of the continent, well developed system of robbery of the remaining peoples with acquiescence of own population for the sake of his arranged well life.
  Besides, the US population tacitly has agreed to the introduction of order by the state, regulated in detail and backed up by virtually any forceful influence on it, that, in fact, has turned it in the police state at its ostentatious democracy.
  Thus, apparently, the structure of consciousness of citizens of the USA, the most part of successors of citizens-inhabitants of Western Europe, has the skew to the side of the external activities, as well as individualism, at the head of which is pragmatism and reasonable selfishness.
  The famous English philosopher Hobbes, one of founders of the theory of the public contract still in XVII century has said that "... people by the nature are subject to greed, fear, anger and remaining animal passions, they look for kudos and benefit, they act for the sake of favor and glory, i.e., for the sake of love to themselves, but not to others" [4].
  However, Hobbes adds to this thesis that, that the person, as a natural being, is egoistic, striving first and foremost to satisfy his own needs, but he is also reasonable, that is, he is able to understand with his mind, that taking into account the interests of other people often turn out to be beneficial: ""... natural laws (as justice, equality, modesty, mercy and (in General) behavior towards others as we would wish them to behave towards us), by themselves, without the fear of some force, forcing to carry out them, contrary to the natural passions, attracting us to partiality, pride, revenge, etc..." [5].
  The idea of Hobbes' the rational egoism, reinforced by Peirce's concept of pragmatism further, is essentially the basis of the ideology of capitalism.
  As for pragmatism, it is characterized by its founder - American philosopher Peirce, as follows: "Consider what effects that might conceivably have practical bearings you conceive the object of your conception to have. Then your conception of those effects is the WHOLE of your conception of the object" [6, p. 331-346].
  Naturally, Americans, as the heirs of European culture, began to be guided in their activities by the principle of reasonable selfishness, quite reasonably added to it the principle of benefit arising from the concept of pragmatism.
  Thanks to it, Americans achieved enormous success in the activity, quickly having created the prospering state and having strengthened it.
  But reasonable egoism and pragmatism have the reverse side consisting in hypertrophied desire by all means to save own life and to improve it even to the detriment of all remaining lives as well as - in full "cleaning" of consciousness from morality which hinder the person in similar society to oust by all means the competitors on a "warm" place to become successful.
  It's all means fixing of the attention by the similar person only on external beingness in relation to him, that is - the subordination of own liberty of this or that necessity, the action in strict frames of the law, these or those external establishments.
  But it leads domination of the state over him.
  Really, if the individualist leads for himself war against all, then only the strict frames of the state which he is forced to admit and obey to establishments accepted in the state, can constrain him.
  However, the similar regulation of life leads to the loss of the internal liberty, the loss of remorse, sympathy for other people, even to own children. The average American admits that he doesn't make illegal acts only because of fear of punishment, remaining for him doesn't matter.
  Therefore, liberty is understood by Americans only as the external, civil liberties within the framework of their interaction with the state, but isn't reflected in internal feelings in any way. And without this there can't be sympathy for all unfortunate, deprived, desire to give help of them. Liberty, which is understood as depth dissatisfaction of consciousness with itself, aspiration to own change, improvement, is alien to Americans who are quite pleased by reached and want to retain only own wellbeing, without sharing with anybody. It means complete abandonment from development of consciousness and, ergo, uselessness, futility of the current western civilization with a line item of development of consciousness, that is - its destruction is inevitable and we won't need to wait for it long [1, 3, 7].
  Thus, individualism within the framework of the consumer ideology, which creates the maximum freedom for the commercial activities and the development of the technologies, is able quickly to provide a comfortable existence for the population of the corresponding country, but at the same time it deprives a person of both internal freedom and freedom as independence from the existing and the incoming. In addition, individualism pushes for the enslavement of the weaker for the sake of preserving what has been achieved, dividing the world into well-fed, who are satisfied with themselves, and hungry, forced to take care of only one daily bread, that thereby prevents to the free development of consciousness of both those and others.
  The underlying basis of the actions of the USA together with their allies on saving and consolidation of own system of life is the known statistics according to which the high level of life on Earth during the present period with the available means and resources can be provided only to about one billion from eight billion inhabitants of the planet. They consider themselves by this billion and aren't going to share with anybody by captured worldly goods. This pragmatic philosophy especially became stronger at them after defeat of the USSR in opposition of two superpowers.
  It is interesting to look at how one of outstanding modern philosophers A. A. Zinoviev within traditional views of the philosopher-dialectician assesses this situation.
  A. A. Zinoviev supposes on this base that the most probable scenario on this critical segment of development of the civilization is formation of special type of super civilization: "The uniform mankind is possible, but not as peaceful co-existence of the equivalent countries and the people, but as the structured social whole with the hierarchy of the countries and the people. In this hierarchy the relations of domination and subordination, leadership, management, i.e. - the relation of a social, economic and cultural inequality is inevitable ... I speak about vertical structuring, but isn't simple about division of the world society on regions. And I imagine it not as one hierarchical line, but as interlacement of many lines in which the uniform world hierarchy appears only as a tendency. The western countries are at peak of world hierarchy... [8].
  A. A. Zinoviev draws such conclusion from the juxtaposition of the initiative, inventive, businesslike, individualized western person with the Russian person with "his feeble ability to self-organization and a self-discipline, tendency to a collectivism, lackey humility before the higher authority, tendencies to look at the vital benefits as on gift from above, but not as on result of own efforts of creativity, an initiative, risk, etc." [8].
  "The analysis of a microstructure, - A. A. Zinoviev continues, - the Westernism society and communistic society shows that they are incompatible in the basis. Natural (that is by evolution owing to internal social laws) transformation of one into another is excluded ... And without metamorphosis of society at the level of a microstructure Russia will never become by the country of the Westernism (the West). Russia can become only by the sphere of colonization for the West..." [8].
  A. A. Zinoviev is absolutely right concerning a dissimilarity of Russia and the West. As we stated above, it is result of lag of consciousness of the Russian people from western people owing to the formed temporal log between them as well as - historical living conditions.
  However A. A. Zinoviev does not take into account the proximity of the point of singularity which assumes, most likely, not occurrence of this or that super civilization as natural continuation of the present civilization, but assumes actually or a total disappearance of the existing civilization with deliverance of a surface of Earth from the available structures and people, which surviving part will fall into wildness, or formation on wreckages of the former civilization of some absolutely other civilization, perhaps, an equilibrium civilization which some characteristics we has marked above and in work [3].
  The features of the Russian people marked by A. A. Zinoviev with minus in comparison to type of the western person acquire for emergence and structuring of an equilibrium civilization with a bias on the collectivist activity not simply the positive sign, but - the crucial importance.
  We will mark these properties of the Russian people in more detail below.
  Unlike energetic, independent, inventive, but egoistical western individuals at least indifferent, and actually despising other nationalities, the Russian people lived in the world and mutual respect with other nationalities on enormous territory of Russia. In particular, Russia at the expansion never exterminated aborigines, as it has been done by Americans with American Indians, but, vice versa, assisted their development, opening schools and attaching to the own culture.
  Therefore, to become as a flagship of holding of a present civilization from wars, fatal destructions, a fall in wildness of the surviving population by its more or less smooth transfer to other form, and to avoid thus its full doom, are capable only the people having in the consciousness those properties which are close to the basic principles of an equilibrium and ecological civilization.
  Such special characteristics which arose on the whole set of reasons, possesses, as we suppose, only one people on Earth - Russian.
  Let's see, whether this is true.
  It is necessary to recognize, and it is difficult to argue with this that the consciousness of the Russian people significantly lags from consciousness of people of the West. The explanation for this phenomenon was offered above. And here there be nothing to be done.
  At the same time the Russian people, despite any bad properties about which they know very well, but to correct of its properties they aren't able even if they aim to this, possess some features in own consciousness, unlike all remaining people, which are surprising and unique compared with other peoples.
  We will list below these features and the reasons of their origin.
  It is events of history in which ancestors of the Russian people suffered much from incursions and wars, and they, as successors, acquired eternal sympathy for sufferers, empathy to all "poor" world, and feeling of disgust for the rich persons and tyrants. But they acquired not only this, protecting many hundreds of years the homeland, without giving it in insult to anybody. Russians have acquired the property of rebelliousness to nobody and nothing: Russians don't concede and don't give up. They have showed this to Napoleon and Hitler. Yes, they have showed weakness at the end of XX century, having given in to temptation allegedly of the free, full, provided by any trinkets of consumer "western" life which is actually free, but in the form of the opportunities and only for the privileged, but Russians aren't included into their number and won't enter never. And it is good, because these "privileged" now, decaying in impunity and permissiveness, plunder and humiliate all rest world, leading it to destruction. Russians even now, in the destroyed country, try, as they can, to resist to Americans, unlike the rest world which humbled himself in front of sovereign "States"!
  It is also the possession of the one seventh part of the world land with all its riches which gives to Russians sense of superiority over all remaining world, which feels in the person of its ruling elite the constant envy to Russia and aspiration to destroy it or, at least, to split its territory; but this superiority expresses not in contempt for the remaining people at all, and in aspiration - somehow to help all "humiliated and offended", to share with them, though so far Russians can't help themselves because of treachery of the local compradors which are destroying the country.
  It is also the absence in consciousness of simple Russian people of purely individualistic aspirations peculiar to people of the West. The Russian people didn't manage to become impregnated by ideology of the West completely yet. Philosopher A. A. Zinoviev wrote about an individualism phenomenon so: "Individuality of a person as independent "I" is the invention of the western civilization. The West has destroyed collectivist bases of human beingness and developed on their place of combining of the people possessing by self-consciousness "I", i.e. the West has invented the expedient and rational organizations. But natural need didn't die absolutely. She somewhere dozes, and from time to time she sparks in spontaneous forms, in particular, - in the mass motions. However, this need cannot generate a steady way of life for a large number of people in conditions of the western society" [8].
  Over individualism at Russians, as a rule, prevails the aspiration to the help to the neighbor who got to trouble, inclination to the general equivalent work that exists as heritage still of the recent communal past in severe conditions of the northern country where without the support of the neighbor it was difficult to survive, as well as the fact that individualism was not encouraged in the USSR.
  It is also the absence in consciousness of the Russian people of the feature to adapt to everything. This noble feature to remain under any circumstances oneself has grown for many hundreds of years at the Russian people because they always beat off from aggressors and, whether it is bad, well, but lived in themself and to anybody tried not to envy.
  The Russian person, living many centuries in tight contact with other numerous nationalities, got used to be respectful to other customs and beliefs. He has no feeling of racial or religious superiority and never humiliated and didn't transfer to a slave status of more backward culturally the non-Russian population. On the contrary, the Russian people in many respects have helped to development of feeble or small nationalities.
  Only one well-fed and trouble-free life isn't need to the Russian person. It is boring and sad to him in it. From such life he only starts drinking and brawling. The Russian person can never assimilate to cattle.
  The Russian person doesn't need also the power over the world. It is nasty to him to command and humiliate others and, thereby, to be humiliated to oneself.
  The Russian person doesn't need the European, American, Chinese and any other order. This order ruins its broad aspirations to everything, perhaps, and unreasonable, and harmful to health and prosperity. The Russian person would like to send to hell any order, if only, according to Christ, it was good to everybody, but he doesn't know that it is necessary to make for this purpose and he is grieved at this.
  The Russian person puts above conscientiousness, but not feasibility, not pragmatism, latently feeling that it will be reckoned in other life to him.
  What will be with the world without Russia which can only look with amazement at Russia? Simple Russian people always rescued it at the difficult moment, begging nothing in exchange, going away after the next victory to live into their pathetic izbas and to have the stale bread. It is clear that the world will perish without such people because there are no such disinterested people more.
  From here it is clear what should not be the Russian idea: it should not be as the national, or the egocentric according to which only to Russians it would be good and pleasant, and the remaining would only serve to them.
  So, what after all should be the Russian idea?
  We will remind that Russians in the last world war already once saved the world from enslavement by "the higher race", having putting on the fields of battles tens of millions of best fellow citizens, but having defeated by the incredible efforts of the country, haggard by Marxist experiments, in fact, to all rich, experienced in fights and armed up to the teeth, Europe.
  All this has occurred not just like that, not accidentally.
  The basis of the victories in any circumstances is the Russian character. Sources of formation of the character we marked slightly above: this is eternal discontent of the Russian soul with itself and it is aspiration of the Russian soul to something for the best what it not knows, but always would like to know. That is. truly free aspirations are most brightly expressed in the Russian soul [7]. In this sense the Russian people rose above all in the world and therefore should become as responsible for it.
  For this reason, the simple Russian people have fond of Christ who rejected temptations of this world, and who urged to help all sufferers, to refuse violence, to love and respect each other. The Russian people on the whole sincerely seek, consciously or not, but to follow Christ's precepts, unlike hypocritical people of the West who evade from recognition that their developed and cultural states humiliate and plunder of the rest of the world for the sake of only own full wellbeing, refuting by own disgraceful affairs the prayers and glorifications to Christ.
  The response to a question of the Russian idea can be only one: Russia once again should become as the savior of the world. Presumably that Russia doesn't remain lonely in the anti-individualistic aspirations. Such countries as India can join to it so as the bulk of citizens of India has purely patriarchal consciousness.
  What will bring to us the singularity point, which is coming ever closer? [1, 2].
  It cannot be predicted precisely, but, most likely, the modern civilization of consumption will disappear, and on its place can appear or only wreckages and the people surviving in a cataclysm who fell into wildness or a new civilization on other principles of existence, which are so close to the Russian person [3].
  In conclusion we note, that from the position of the development of consciousness absurdly praising one and berate others. All and each have its place and time. Everyone does what can and on what is capable. In the development of civilization, individualism and collectivism, having been expressed in the most concentrated form, respectively, in the United States and Russia, have shown their positive and negative sides.
  However, to date, despite all the achievements of the civilization, now the dominant individualism, which have promoted earlier of development of personal and public consciousness, and with it the whole civilization, now, at the peak of its development, it led the civilization to a dead end.
  Individualism turned into giant monopolies which took away everything in the hands and which try to erase in each individual his human dignity, having left only passion to a profit and consuming.
  This is deadlock which excludes the output out of it, because the development of each personal consciousness in the consumer society stops by the formed civilization system which, in fact, blocks by all available means any personal free aspirations to other values, than consumer values: society as if is being looped and rotates in the same formed circle.
  The sense of existence of consciousness, dominating in reality, consists in its development. The mismatch between acting system and sense of existence of consciousness is allowed finally by elimination of beingness which is unsuitable for development of consciousness. In this case, the unstable technological civilization automatically collapses as the complex system which is losing management like the ship at the storming ocean [1, Chapter 5].
  Hence, a depersonalized capitalist civilization, which reached the considerable technological tops, but having impregnated all society by their ideas, which are nonconstructive for development of consciousness, becomes unnecessary.
  Another matter, what society will succeed it and when? If it will happen, as it is explained above, then the collectivist consciousness of Russians, which they have yet, can be not superfluous.
  1. Nizovtsev Y. M. Our true life is endless. 2014. Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.
  2. Diakonoff I.M. The paths of history. From early human up to the present day. KomKniga. Moscow. 2007.
  3. Nizovtsev Y. M. Communes as a result of crash of all civilization. ISBN. 9781311711199. Smashwords Edition 2014. (C) Nizovtsev Yury.
  4. Hobbes studies, ed. by K. C. Brown. Oxford. 1965.
  5. Hobbes T. Leviathan. 1651. British Library. Egerton MS 1910)
  6. Peirce C. S. What pragmatism is. The Essential Peirce 1 - 2. Vol. II. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.iupui.edu/-arisbe/menu/.../bycsp.HTM
  7. Nizovtsev Y. M. In what, how and for what liberty is acting. 2014. Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.
  8. Zinoviev A. A. The West: phenomenon of Westernism. The Global Human Hill. 1997.
  8. The person in the attractive field of power.
  What does with the person the power and what are the fruits of efforts of the person in power? Who actually uncompromisingly counteracts the authorities and whether a complete victory of one of the parties is possible? What is the primary source of the development of society? Is not it curious to take a look at all this from the highest bell tower, if thou is not too lazy to climb up on it!?
  The popular masses in the state always allocate from themselves the elite (the intellectual-governing part, on the quality of which both the existence of the state and its development depends). The quality of the elite is determined mainly not by any external influences, but by the level of own collective self-consciousness, which in turn depends on the level of self-consciousness of each individual entering into the elite, accumulated in the course of the country's historical development.
  In particular, the low level of self-awareness of the elite, expressed in its excessive conservatism and autarky, inhibits both the public and technological development of the state. Besides, this conservatism puts this state in the subordinated position in the relation of other states owing to the accumulated backwardness sooner or later and does the elite by the comprador concerning the states which were more advanced in the cultural and technological relation.
  In principle, the imperious structures cannot have individuals with the highest possible level of self-awareness (the highest consciousness), i.e. the high-moral, conscientious, with high culture, humane and altruistic inasmuch the pragmatism promoting successful actions of the imperious structures for own preservation, and the concomitant deception of the masses, as a rule, consisting in a promise of the onset of the near prosperity, rejects the high level of self-consciousness of all representatives of the imperious structures, promoting negative selection of representatives of power or rapid decrease in this level to hypocritical and unscrupulous mediocrity, without denying maintaining sharpness of mind and other intellectual abilities, , which already go not for the benefit of the people, and, as a rule, for preservation of power, privileges, got property, and only forcedly - for development of the country, in order to avoid its disintegration and accession to stronger neighbors, that, as a rule, leads to loss of power.
  Therefore, the most states aspire to alliances, in order to consolidate themselves in the blocs and to acquire the technological and cultural achievements of the allies, that in the modern world seems by a aspiration for globalization, but in fact - it is a aspiration to preserve own power through some relatively minor concessions, into which the depraved elite includes also sovereignty of the state. In other words, those who seized the power, never voluntarily will concede it, and change of rulers in the democratic countries as a result of elections is just a decoration of the preservation of the power of the same elite.
  As a result, centripetal forces never defeat centrifugal, but always compete with them owing to what any secret or explicit world government, that controls everything and everyone, is impossible, inasmuch it is impossible to exterminate egoism and property of individuals or separate groups of persons within a civilization.
  Naturally, attempts to create this government steadily fails, but at the same time - they force instability and produce local wars for the power over the world which is coming down in essence to taking by its resources by separate groups, creating for them illusion of the power over the peoples.
  Any power for each individual is always a short-term mirage, quickly disappearing owing to continually arising contradictions in society advancing its development, which have no deed to individuals and even to entire elites.
  Therefore, in order to retain the power, it is necessary to guess the trends in the development of these contradictions, which is almost impossible, since they lurk in the depths of civilizational development, presenting on the outside a distorted picture of the true state of affairs. Confirmation of this circumstance are the final failures of ingenious Napoleon, who was trying to unite Europe under own power; Lenin, who was trying to implement Marx's hypothesis, which has been consisted in the programmed substitution of social formations through the transformation of the economic structure by means of the class struggle of the oppressed with the oppressors; Stalin, whose state-communist project fails through relatively a short time after his death; Churchill, who, in spite of all his efforts, ruined the British Empire; leaders of the United States: they are now in perplexity in front of the collapse, impending on them which was connected with the end of an era of consumption.
  In general, the course of social development in the hidden play of various contradictory forces did not manage to guess either by the Romanovs in Russia, or by the elite group of the main state of the world of the Middle Ages - Spain, who has been replaced by the British elite, but which was It is forced to give up its leading position in the world for its former colony - the US, becoming only the accompanying partner of the Americans. In turn, and the United States is currently rapidly losing the prospect of development due to a number of accumulated contradictions, in particular, between financial and national-industrial capital, the collapse of the consumer market, increasing national strife, the growing opposition of those countries of the world, in which the national consciousness is still preserved, offended by the Americans' disdain for their interests and cultural characteristics, but which have already accumulated enough force to counteract the United States and the international monopolies affiliated with them.
  In fact, the course of history, more precisely, the development of a civilization is due to the growth of the volume of information flows consumed by mankind, which is an inevitable consequence of the conscious activity of a man, which captures ever larger spaces, provided, of course, that the own time of mankind is nothing more than an information process [1, Ch. 2, 3, 10].
  The level of self-awareness of the masses, mainly concerned with the struggle for survival, rather than cultural and intellectual development is woefully low, inasmuch they are mired in poverty as well as in the dullness of mass culture, excluding their scanty educated and cultured stratum; however, the level of self-consciousness of the managerial stratum of states is also low, and the main cause of this is negative selection of the leading managers.
  These factors do not allow to make the process of historical development manageable by somebody, although locally - for individual states - it can be accelerated or decelerated as a result of the actions of individuals, affecting also neighboring countries.
  The example of similar braking is the communistic experiment done by Lenin, and then - by Stalin with Russia which has discarded it both on the number of population, and on economic power to ranks of the third countries of the world, but, nevertheless, improved the position of the oppressed masses in many countries of the world, inasmuch the ruling elites of the developed countries, in fear of the ongoing social cataclysms, had taken into account the inadequacy of interaction with the working masses, having improved the financial situation of working people and provided of them additional civil liberties.
  The example of acceleration of development are the actions in China Deng of Xiaoping on a successful combination of state and market economy at the tough centralized guide that has liberated the population from following the orthodox communistic and Old Testament ideas, that gave a benefit to all layers of the Chinese population. The enthusiasm of the population which appeared as a result, rather quickly brought China out of century backwardness in the first row of developed countries of the world.
  However, no one from other countries of the former socialist camp adopted this experience of China, apparently, for the reason that the ruling elites of these countries was more interested in own enrichment and accession to elite of developed countries of the world, than in development of the country, whereas the Chinese elite by results of unsuccessful experiments of Mao-Zedong, could not neglect the interests of its numerous population, and quite successfully combined the centralized management with the group and proprietary interests of masses, having made the country by the economic leader of the world.
  1. What is hidden behind the shell of power.
  Any person aspiring into the power, falls practically to the autonomous bureaucratic-corporate structure limited and anxious with own interests which are mostly contradicting interests and needs of masses.
  On the one hand, having the power, a person gains the ability to dispose by people, the available material and financial resources, to snatch the corruption component provided to him and to live for their own pleasure, and in the autocratic state also not to be responsible for the acts before the people, pleasing the higher officials, and at the same time deceiving both masses, and own superiors.
  It is clear, that so immoral field of actions cannot but be rejected by individuals with the high level of self-consciousness which assumes also high degree of self-respect, impossible in the corrupt elite. Exactly this factor clarifies the slow - with zigzags and deviations - deployment of civilization.
  The main reason for similar braking, kickbacks, often senseless conflicts is incompetence and self-interest of the persons making the final decision, having been passed the negative selection into the management structures, and therefore not able to catch the true trends of development, which are being covered with their own, as a rule, selfish interests. Their stupidity, self-conceit and selfishness, despite the presence of numerous high-caliber consultants offering sometimes adequate solutions, prevail, that happened often even with Napoleon.
  On the other hand, those in power, especially in states with an authoritarian regime, are afraid to lose it, since with the loss of power they will be deprived of their privileges, opportunity to rob their fellow-countrymen with impunity and commit lawless acts. The very possibility of this loss and fear of punishment torments them continuously.
  Enjoying the humiliation of the lower ones, any representative of the authorities is always helpless and humiliated by a higher bureaucrat, especially since, as a rule, insufficient competence compels him to grovel before the higher ones.
  Forced hypocrisy, fear of losing status, coercion to corporate corruption, over time, inevitably dehumanize any individual in power.
  A person in power not only loses rest, but also becomes the center of the disintegration of his loved ones, giving them, without any labor on their part, many opportunities beyond the reach of ordinary people. In addition, numerous officials deprive of social lifts of all other citizens, filling existing vacancies with their relatives and friends, lowering thereby the intellectual level of the governing elite, that promotes degradation of all control system.
  Nevertheless, the power steadily attracts to itself the vast majority of people as the level of development of their consciousness not so is high that assumes a desire prevalence without the special efforts "to get out the people", to become above mass, without having the special abilities, but, to bow one more time to superiors, to please and to flatter it, is not considered by seditious among the people, as a rule.
  This desire to create for himself a estrangement from the immense and nameless mass is also manifested in conscious or unconscious creativity, but needs abilities for this, which are either absent or which still need to be developed, which requires labor and time, but time, as always, is not enough, whereas To join the ranks of bureaucrats or law enforcement agencies is much easier and promises, to all appearances, considerable benefits - not only material, but also sense of superiority over the mute crowd. In a considerable measure, for this reason the number of "managers" only "swells", despite all reductions: who will agree to refuse voluntarily a similar, in effect, sinecure, especially at authoritarian regimes.
  However, such a blessed stay in "bosses" is just an illusion that quickly dissipates during the very first cataclysms, when even the rulers, who did not manage to escape with the stolen money, turn out to be a torn crowd or, at best, in prison.
  In other words, a person in power falls into the quasi-natural situation, where one being inevitably devours another, being in turn devoured by a stronger or quirky. At once it is imperceptible, but always happens.
  For this reason, truly wise people invariably have evaded power at all times, considering this activities not only contemptible and unpromising both for itself and for the oppressed, deceived people by deed, but also hindering their individual development and interests, since power, as was shown above, essentially, is mill, grinding each individuality into a corporate dust.
  The most vivid testimony of the attitude of the wise men to power is the behavior of Diogenes, who from his barrel-amphora answered on the offer of Alexander the Great to do for him anything within the limits of rhe human opportunities: "Do not cover for me the sun!"
  2. Some features of authority representatives.
  Let's look at what main characteristics the elite has in power and what properties and senses are imposed those who got into the power.
  2.1. Duality.
  Any power structure, as well as the person in it, are characterized by duality.
  Existing for management of society and its organization at this or that level, this structure under this mission really carries out well or badly functions of management and the organization, but, structurally torn off from masses, an apparatus of power quickly turns into rather autonomous cell, immersed in own interests and own self-preservation, that come to the forefront for it.
  The only medicine for this bureaucratic "disease" is feedback with citizens (voters) and also as much as possible frequent rotation that turns in the conditions of authoritarian regime into profanation, and in the conditions of the developed democracies externally looks quite respectable, being expressed in various clubs, diverse press, TV programs, Internet communities, elections at all levels, etc., but in fact, the ruling elite of these countries is not inferior in any respect to in its field of activity, in which it plunders everything that is possible, and those, who it are able to overcome, both in their own country and abroad, with a polite smile on lips, supporting own actions by the beneficial to themselves legislation, law enforcement agencies, various types of corruption of the leaders of trade unions and other opponents, reducing the opposition only to superficial difference, but with preservation of own selfish interests, as it for example happened to the trade unions in Great Britain, transformed to the Labour Party reflecting the interests of the same negligible, predatory and hypocritical elite.
  All concessions that are being made for people are purely forced or ordinary deception.
  2.2. Utilitarianism and development.
  In fact, the basic organs of government disposing everything, including the lives of people, take upon themselves, without knowing it, the function of God. But omniscience is not typical for them, and they use all others and everything else for their own intake, which leads them to inevitable collapse and replacement, but, nevertheless, they are forced to undertake anyway the function of management towards development for own safety. Therefore, the ruling elite willy-nilly on average advances society on the higher civilization-cultural level that is promoted not only not only by fight between elites of various countries, but also antagonism of a people masses, the opposition intellectuals with the commanding top of the country the ruling everything and controlling everything , as well as internal struggles in the elites themselves, sometimes, especially in critical periods, when, to all appearances, there is no way out,, attracting good planners and organizers, such as: Franklin Roosevelt, de Gaulle, Deng Xiaoping.
  2.3. Primitiveness in combination with vigor, skill to communicate meanness and cunning.
  The elite, seeming at first glance by a community of a respectable, understanding, educated and cultured public, who is in constant concern for the people put forward it, in fact, there is a bunch of little savvy, hypocritical crooks and rascals who hate each other and hurt each other at the slightest opportunity.
  Representatives of the elite got out on the surface either thanks to conjunction of casual circumstances, either as a result of kinship or friendship, or by buying a place for them on pre-stolen money, or by rubbing themselves into the confidence to any significant figure in power, etc. Creativity and a high mind are not required for it.
  First of all, it is necessary energy, luck, cunning to draw attention to himself of the necessary people, hypocrisy, fawning, full immorality and uncleanliness in all transactions, lack of conscience, impudence in combination with humility at the right time, ability to fornicate the words seeming true and inspiring, but not containing in themselves any own or even borrowed the sensible and original thoughts, because those thoughts into a silly head do not come, whereby it is necessary to involve the help of an intelligent but sluggish colleagues; ability to push aside rivals from "body" of the ruler or leader, to give at the right time the file or to support under a elbow, to justify oneself in the stupidity committed, having shifted the blame on the others, to be faithful and reliable till a certain moment, which similar swindlers feel by the upper flair, etc.
  A significant deviation from these properties immediately leads to negative consequences. Therefore, for the sake of honors, privileges, material benefits, an opportunity to command the masses with a finger movement, one has to be a permanent villain, who is not always, but yet can come to his senses already in a different environment: either in prison or in retirement, or having run away toward palm trees with coconuts.
  The similar environment easily cultivates traitors who in order to avoid material losses go on deals with any enemies of the motherland.
  This circle of people surprisingly exactly and brightly have been characterized in the poem by Zinaida Gippius still in 1904:
  Scary, rough, sticky, dirty,
  Rigid-commonplace, always ugly,
  Slow-tearing, petty-dishonest,
  Slippery, shameful, low, limited,
  Clearly pleased, secret-lascivious,
  Flat-ridiculous and nauseous-cowardly,
  Viscously, marshy and muddy stagnant,
  To life and death - equally unworthy,
  Obsequious, boorish, purulent, black,
  Occasionally gray,
  In the gray stubborn,
  Eternally lying, devilishly obdurate,
  Silly, rancid, sleepy, malicious,
  The corpse-cold, pitifully-insignificant,
  Intolerable, false, false!
  2.4. Loneliness and degradation.
  Loneliness of those in power, suspicion and callousness are caused by generally continuous competition in that bank with spiders, and this jar - essentially any apparatus of the governing authority, where everyone wants to take a seat of the first, or at least not be by the last.
  Delay in process of stay in power, impunity in actions, is similar to the rust which is eating metal, leads to degradation of the ruler (Roman dictator Sulla, King of England Henry VIII, Russian Tsar Ivan Terrible.), to indifference to the fate of citizens (Russian emperor Nicholas II), and even to his criminalization with elements of madness (Roman Emperor Caligula).
  The irremovability, for which leaders of authoritarian regimes so passionately fight, as a rule, is characterized by the rather rapid downturn of the country as a whole with the most probable prospect of turning it into a semi-colony.
  2.5. Utopianism and absurdity under the mask of necessity.
  Fight for justice, equality and brotherhood if such happens, leads to transformation of the sincere and honest fighters who seized power, to bloody tyranny and wars (Robespierre, Lenin) as justice demands destruction of civil liberties allegedly until prospects of new brotherhood do not become clear to the silly people, for what it is necessary to destroy incomprehensible dissenters, and this, according to the newly-born tyrants, cannot but strengthen the power that is kept, nevertheless, depending on the situation, not too long (about a year for Robespierre) or 70 years of the USSR until the transformation of utopia into absurdity with fast decomposition.
  2.6. Thievery and dishonorableness.
  Having seized upon the power, the person is at once tempted with the opening prospects of "admission to a trough", what he was deprived during the stay in usual existence, by purchase of the various privileges and access to corruption opportunities.
  The attempt to refrain from robbing of the people usually rigidly is suppressed by the corporate dishonesty, which is standardly assuming to use estrangement of elite from the befuddling working masses for own enrichment in all possible ways, the more that business and power actually are merged together inside the "elite cloud".
  2.7. Acquisitiveness (self-interest), hypocrisy and insidiousness.
  How it was shown above, the level of self-awareness among those who have reached power, is not too high, their ability for creative activity is low, the horizon of needs, as a rule, is limited to material goods, otherwise they would be engaged in something more promising and interesting than, in essence, deceit of the working masses and own enrichment.
  The lack of creativity, primitiveness, the tendency to a purely material, are compensated by breakthrough abilities, corporate solidarity, having brought up by the presence in Communist Party and Komsomol for Russia, or an elitist education and training for remaining countries, as well as - by energy, cunning and insidiousness.
  The example of this is comparatively quick enrichment of Russian managers against the backdrop of the fooled people mass. These representatives of the Communist and Komsomol elite of the USSR have seized during about twenty years over 70% of the property of the whole country.
  Insidiousness, hypocrisy and unscrupulousness of the elites of any countries, which always declare, that they care exclusively for the welfare of the people, considering the people actually to be nothing but soil for their own property cultivation, as well as by cannon fodder in the event of war, is unparalleled.
  It remarkably shows, for example, behavior of the elite of the USA at the end of XIX century and all 20th century in the international affairs.
  2.8. Illustration of the behavior of the authorities.
  Let's take as demonstration First and Second world wars. The reasons of these wars are discussed keenly still.
  The main one is admitted unevenness of development of the capitalist countries and emergence in this context of contradictions between them, at this, concerning World War I are analyzed Germany, Great Britain are considered. France, Austria-Hungary, Russia, Turkey, but, as a rule, not the USA, which was kept neutral almost to the end of the war and was far removed from the theater of operations.
  But by the early twentieth century, the United States became the leading economic country in the world, what has become a reason of the emergence at the ruling elite of this country of certain ambitions, and in connection with this - the "legitimate" desire to be the first everywhere, for what it is necessary to make the others the last. The best way to achieve such goal, as we know, is to plunge the world into a chaos that can be controlled in a certain direction, and where it is possible catching a fish in muddy water of wars and other cataclysms.
  Therefore, the elite of the USA quite naturally could not but take part in the organization of world wars in own favor, having shown at the same time such features of the operating elite as insidiousness, hypocrisy, self-interest, aspiration to domination over the people, neglect by millions of human lives for the sake of fat, the size of which cannot fit a human life, and the meaninglessness of which is obvious for any normal person, thus denoting the limited and primitiveness self-consciousness of the leading representatives of the power elites who consider the masses of not only other countries but also - by their own country as expendable material, and this material is not a pity to sacrifice to achieve their more than doubtful goals.
  The breakthrough of the USA ruling elite, merged greatly now with international monopolies, toward mythical power over the world thank to the involvement of the world into the chaos of world wars, is quite characteristic, representing the ugly type of any ruling elite of any country, which sells both its people and itself in the case necessity.
  Possessing the most "advanced" population in the world and the most democratic institutions, having recognized a private property as sacred, and having getting thereby the opportunity under the tutelage of the adopted laws to engage in almost free production and sale of goods, in a short time - by the beginning of the twentieth century - the United States became the world's leading industrial power.
  It is known that towards the end of the 20th years of the XX century the USA become practically equal in production of industrial output with all rest of the world. At this, rates of economic growth in the USA were the highest in the world.
  Naturally, the elite of the USA towards the end of the 19th century - since the Spanish-American war - has considered unfair its position in the world, and, having noted growth of might of Germany united by Bismarck, has tried to forget about its disagreements with Great Britain, the decline of the colonial empire of which was already quite visible, and to replace Great Britain as the world hegemon, for which its former colony quite ripened.
  Having involved Germany and Great Britain in war, the elite of the USA quite could, having weakened these the main competitors, to become not only the leading industrial country of the world, but its head and chief superintendent, having strengthened even more own economic and financial position at the same time.
  The most perspective for achievement of this purpose was war which did not concerned the transatlantic territory of the USA, its industrial capacities, human resources, but should be ruin economy of Germany, Great Britain and France catastrophically. At this, the costs of the countries-rivals for warfare could be compensated for the account of loans from the financial circles of the USA thanks to what, in particular, the debt of the countries of the Entente of the USA increased for years of war many time, and export of gold from Europe to the USA has made this country by the center of concentration of world reserves of gold.
  Due to various kinds of intrigue and pressure on Russia, including financial, because of borrowed by Russia the loans, the United States, France and Great Britain managed to deceive Russia's narrow-minded and corrupt elite, and draw it into the war with Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey for the mythical Dardanelles, moreover, the United States managed to deceive its actual allies - Great Britain and France, without taking part in the war until 1917, but only getting income in on it.
  The war also significantly revived the US economy, which fell into crisis in 1913.
  Having joined into the war only in 1917, Americans lost by the killed more than 10 times less soldiers, than other allies, but managed to take part in repartition of the post-war world and to make an application for world hegemony that was confirmed further by World War II which became thereby a natural continuation of World War I, and which was also largely initiated by the United States, which not only contributed to Hitler's acquisition to power, but also financed the economy of fascist Germany, and even secretly supported its economy during the war, again pursuing the old policy of weakening of the warring parties - own competitors - in every possible way.
  As a result, after the World War II, the United States received a only competitor for the role of the world hegemon in the person of the USSR. But the Soviet Union, greatly weakened by military losses and losses from an autocratic Stalinist regime that destroyed a significant part of its own creative population in order to do the country into an obedient tool for achieving world domination under the communist flag, but went too far, resisted not too long, and after several decades has collapsed because of the decomposition of the elite and the people, who have lost the goal in the look of the build of communism, and also because of the fatal lag of the rigid planned economy system from the competitive and dodgy system of the capitalist economy, built primarily on the private property initiative with the planning elements.
  3. Characteristics of the essence of the elite.
  In the elite of the society of any state, does not prevail the highest consciousness, characterized by a high level of self-consciousness at all. The low level of the elite's self-awareness assuming the features which were mentioned above, leads to the domination of the lowest, or natural (animal) consciousness, for which the main feature is the feeling of self-preservation seeking in any case not to lose of the consumption of sensations, preferably the most pleasant ones, at the expense of all other citizens on which to the representatives of the elite spit, but nevertheless they understand that having lost or having destroyed this pitiful, according to them, folk, they will miss a basis of own existence, and therefore they are compelled, creaking the heart, somehow to interact with it.
  For bigger clarity we will give definition of the highest and lowest consciousness and also we will point to features of their interaction.
  Two irreconcilable beings coexist in each person.
  One of these beings is determined by the lowest consciousness, which - only one - is inherent in all flora and fauna, except man; This type of consciousness manifests itself in a unity (consent) with the environment on the basis of sensations.
  Beings with this type of consciousness are in the general flow of life, but are not able to "rise up" over it, they do not understand that live.
  In this respect, they resemble pre-programmed mechanisms capable of sensing, forming their own environment and adapting to it, but lacking spontaneous or conscious memories, fantasies, notions of time, they have only a genetic memory in the absence of oral or written memory of generations, and are not capable of consciously affect the habitat.
  These beings do not even know that they will die, but can feel approach of death only instinctively. Similar restriction of consciousness for these beings means impossibility of any purposeful change of the environment even for the most developed their representatives - these beings are completely subordinated to it, though, at this, quite reasonably and effectively interact with the surrounding from the position of information, coming from their sense organs to the processing centers of an organism. This information is not distorted by reflections, reminiscences and experiences peculiar to human consciousness in general.
  In this regard these natural organisms are more perfect, than people, and ignorance of own essence makes them quite "happy" in existence in spite of the fact that in the general natural circulation they only also do that devour each other.
  And such "being" necessarily "sits" in each person, and cannot but determine his existence in one way or another, regardless of attempts of the person to distance themselves from it.
  The other "being" in the person is presented by the highest consciousness which separates it from the habitat and from fellow tribesmen; this being is manifested in understanding by it of own existence, for example, in the form of abstract ideas about the world and about oneself, return to the past in the form of memoires, design of the subsequent actions on the basis of data, consciously picked up from memory
  in their combination to again arriving information, responsibility for the committed, opportunities to make any decisions, even the most unprofitable and useless that actually there is the brightest manifestation of freedom of consciousness.
  On this basis of people tries to set to itself the purposes, to solve various problems and to change thereby the surrounding by means of the developed representations-projects.
  New projects and ideas develop the mind of a person, his insight, contribute to the most effective manifestation of various abilities during life, lead to the thought of beautifying life, that is, the culture of one's own beingness and the public beingness.
  In the person both these antagonistic in relation to himself and to the surrounding, hypostasis, are merged together. Therefore, they do not manifest themselves separately, but operate in a hidden way, and the degree of their domination depends on the degree of development in a person of the highest consciousness.
  And the person himself often cannot predict what in the next moment will become predominant: love or hatred, anger or sympathy, sincerity or hypocrisy, timidity or courage, discretion or recklessness.
  The lowest consciousness "feeds" only on the sensations that give it everything, including the harmony of existence, i.e. something acceptable and even pleasant in our understanding in a certain combination of feelings if, of course, to distract from fight of each being for survival. Therefore, it does not wish to lose the sensations at all.
  Similar the type of consciousness has natural egocentrism, automatically seeking to survive, no matter what.
  In the process of development of the living beings, this type of consciousness undergoes relatively minor changes, since it is not able to withdraw own basic property - an unconscious desire for survival, based on the primordial activity of any living thing.
  The highest consciousness which is contained in the person at any level of its development is radical contrast to the lowest consciousness.
  In the presence of the highest consciousness in the living being, it begins as though to see the light, becoming not so much "poured" in the environment, how many separated from it, and, so it acquires the opportunity to look at it and on oneself from the outside, to appreciate this ratio in attempts to consciously set to itself goals in mind certain shortcomings in one's own existence, which, in the opinion of this being, could be overcome, and to try to obtain implementation of goals in actions.
  All this obviously drops out of an instinctive and reflex coverage of the lowest consciousness, and even begins to contradict it as the highest consciousness often neglects utilitarian reasons, chasing something to unattainable, but kind heart and mind.
  Being separated in self-consciousness from the environment, this being, in the course of time, in its development in relationship with the beings, which are like him, begins to feel the need for new forms, different from the primitive communal relations of still wild people, completely absorbed in the struggle for survival. In mutual communication this creature reaches such a limit that its various conscious aspirations begin to pour into significant changes in the environment, and not just in its use.
  From gathering, a person passes to cattle breeding, growing cereals, other forms of economic activity and the corresponding exchange of the labor products. Inequality, ownership, the struggle for the preservation and augmentation of property, for power and et cetera are arising, that in turn requires establishment of some institutions of order in order to avoid chaos - the local states in the bosom of a growing and improving civilization were being formed.
  New forms and institutions, on the one hand, ensure the accelerated development of communities already in a structured form, that is, as the states with the bodies of governance, security, courts, etc., and on the other hand, do not allow to the states to fall apart because of the contradictions, invariably tearing-apart the last.
  Despite a certain progress in development of human communities according to development of self-consciousness, the essence of human consciousness which is expressed in dualism, more precisely, in divergent life-aspirations of the lowest and highest form of consciousness does not disappear anywhere, and cannot be substantially modified.
  Both these parties of consciousness continuously conflict both in the person, and in the interpersonal relations: discontent with, visible inability to change quickly, the felt limitation of intelligence, abilities, etc.; the envy and hatred to competitors instantly would rip to shreds any human community if not the state with its institutes.
  Nevertheless, each person manifests also qualities of the highest consciousness which are expressed not only in the intellectual and production sphere, but also in inquisitiveness, various religious and cultural forms and also in the affectional relations, somehow: friendship, love, experiences for relatives, for the fatherland, etc.
  If the relationship between people on the basis of self-awareness slowly but steadily develops, then the lowest consciousness in the person remains unchanged.
  Therefore, ideal people do not appear, and the lowest consciousness, despite any form of its disguise, acts at any stage of the development of human consciousness, being expressed in deep-rooted egoism (egocentrism) - personal and corporate, hypocrisy (masking), suspiciousness (caution), contempt for people of other circle (mistrust to other communities), animal instincts concerning an opposite sex, etc.
  The above main characteristics of the representatives of the ruling elite of the state and the reasons for their appearance exclude the long presence in it of the persons with a high level of self-awareness, that is, with self-respect, altruistic, noble, honest, serving with total dedication. If such people fall into the elite, they cannot be envied: they are either rather quickly driven out of from this upper stratum of the state, or descend in their self-consciousness to the level of ordinary scoundrels, hypocrites and swindlers at whom the highest consciousness is largely replaced by the lowest one.
  However, the sphere of the lowest consciousness, without applying for creativity, free will and abstract thinking, never loses aspiration to survival of both the individual, and community of individuals, despite everything. Exactly this its property does not allow to the highest consciousness to be unfolded to all breadth which representatives are generally intellectuals, neglecting the possibilities of the being in the elite, but more interested in the harmonization of the community.
  The confrontation, which is being formed between of these relatively small strata, consisting of the educated people with polar aspirations in the basis, - it is a lowest consciousness which has displaced the highest consciousness to the background, against the predominantly the highest consciousness, - creates the constant tension and fight in society, providing development of society, that is more and more exciting the rest passive population and increasing inflow to these stratum of the most active representatives of a people at large.
  Below this problem is considered more in detail.
  4. Antagonism in consciousness as the driving force of development of communities.
  Except the people masses and the elite, which represents mainly the organizational-managerial contingent of the highest officials and representatives of the most advanced business, there is a layer of people of mental labor, intellectuals of all kinds, as well as - rather few representatives of other population, which managed to rise one way or the other in own consciousness to that level which dictates them disgust for immoral and mercenary behavior of elite.
  These people feed hope for reorganizations of society towards harmony, that is to equality, brotherhood and at the same time to liberty, without understanding that liberty always resists to equality, justice, destroying any stability.
  But this hope for a harmonious world order cannot disappear inside their blissful consciousness ever: they, as true humane individuals, are incapable of believing that the horrors of our world cannot but pass into permanent prosperity of every human being and all of humanity eventually.
  However, humanism on its action cannot but be at its essence only illusion for a multi-billion people mass.
  Humanism, which, by definition, is atheistic, i.e. looks for a support not in God, and in the person, is absolutely inadequate, though at first sight it is very nice, owing to proclamation by it of the slogan: to determine the meaning and forms of own life must the person himself, living in the spirit of reason and use of own abilities.
  As it occurs always, the support of theorists of humanism on the person, on his elevation at once leads humanism into the deadlock.
  First, the vast majority of people, who are not worse than the others, is forced to live in inhuman conditions, often - in hunger and cold; they - on the brink of survival - are not capable to life in the spirit of reason and use of own abilities, which still should be to determine, that is very difficult in case of the actual absence of an education system and on the verge of survival. I.e. the theory of humanism is elitist, and it in this regard is distracted from the human race in its majority.
  Secondly, construction of humane society by means of the ethics, based on humanitarian values in the spirit of reason and free search, suffered a complete collapse: the richest society in the face of Western countries, robbing the underdeveloped countries, and having the high level of life, nevertheless, is in a deep ideological and economic crisis, and decays.
  The person in the countries of "golden" billion is reduced to a pathetic, selfish being in the conditions of false democracy, he stops in the development, "going in cycles" on consuming of the electronic and information novelties of civilization devouring all his free time. Any protests are senseless or are cruelly suppressed. He becomes indifferent and incapable for decisive actions, pliable to the false propaganda of the fallacious values of technocratic society, - typically the consumptive.
  On the other hand, poor in the majority the Muslims making the considerable part of the population of Earth, turned out as anti-humanists in their aspiration to dilapidated religious dogmas, contradicting as to reason, and to liberty of the relations, search of new values, development. The elite of the Muslim countries, in effect, tries violently to force other people to accept these medieval views pulling the world to uniformity, wildness and autocracy.
  Third, humanism is not able to solve the problem of choosing between the interests and needs of the person and groups of people.
  Recognizing the intrinsic value of the human person, humanism leads to self-centeredness, destroying naturally and temporally limited to the identity of the person, not capable to become the superman at all efforts to that end.
  Recognition by humanism as primary these or those the group interests and values means a direct way to totalitarianism and the relegation of the person thereby to nothingness.
  Fourth, humanism denies religious values, repelling the most people away from self, inasmuch in the depths every human being feels his own weakness, limitation, mortality and cannot do without the support even and the fictitious external forces.
  Thus, recognition of intrinsic value of the person as a pearl of Creation without appeal to his basis - to consciousness, turns out both senseless, and useless.
  It is confirmed also by practice: freedom, happiness, development, despite all efforts of humanists and the UN, remain on the sidelines, and dominate, in fact, only thirst of a profit, consciousness of own superiority, utilitarianism, i.e. is implemented a transfer by the structures of power of false values into the values, determining life. Thereby is formed some kind of cancer tumor which is corroding the person and his civilization quickly.
  A brief examination of these aspects of the life of human society shows how the absence of the possibility of the existence of a harmonious community of such contradictory beings, both people, and absence of need in such harmonious community, which would be the end of development.
  Both each person and his communities are finite. They appear and disappear, and traces of their presence on one planets are smoothed gradually, on others - appear people, and this process doesn't have the end.
  Therefore, if to search the support only in the person, as a self-sufficing being, then the question of mission of human existence in intervals between the birth and death together with remaining people; and about mission of own civilization, which is also the finite, loses a meaning.
  This is one of the main reasons for the triumph of religion at all times, which tries to connect the person with some highest power to strengthen him in the world.
  Nevertheless, the meaning of human existence in such contradictory conditions in the form of the developing civilizations, of course, is available inasmuch at a depth level people are separated and united by consciousness, inherent to them.
  In the person consciousness (active) provides for itself actual, though every time the temporal life bringing changes into consciousness.
  Consciousness in its individual expression, when it finds self in the finite beings over and over again, retains its active nature, its main frequency base due to actions in the thingness resisting world which consciousness seeks to change through the person, as soon as can, despite all hindrances arising in front of it.
  Human actions, contributing to the reconstruction of the frequency structure of individual consciousness, allow remaining the eternal to each individual consciousness. Therefore, consciousness can't be isolated completely from the living beings, and forced for own preservation again and again "to plunge" into them. Exactly thus, i.e. discretely, the infinite saves self through the finite temporal world as the active.
  The stay of the active beginning in the person not only gives to the person as to a separate being, the conscious life above which there is nothing, but also each individual consciousness has an opportunity to change self in actions of the person, and along with that to save own kernel from destruction, remaining, unlike things, as the eternal, and at this, having only to one to it inherent personality.
  The living beings scattered on universes, including people in the communities, retain Creation in existence thanks to the fact that as finite, they form beingness discretely in this existence, providing the infinite existence of Creation, and to themselves - life. In the infinite set of these beings each individual consciousness can develop, express self and implement self infinitely [1, Ch. 11].
  Therefore, it is possible to state: for development of consciousness, which presents in each person as the infinite, single and along with that - as the divided, the main thing in any conditions - the most awful and, seemingly, insuperable - is the rejection of own negativism, egoism, arrogance, irreconcilability, various temptations. All this consciousness passes in the person over and over again and here nothing to be done: to find is possible, only having lost.
  The irreversibility of the taking place events, which lead to death, impossibility to correct a lot of things out of deeds does life as the tragic and creates for consciousness so necessary for it for development the environment resistance, in the absence which - continuous happiness - consciousness would be fallen into stagnation, or, on the contrary, - in continuous chaos - consciousness would be lost self. Therefore, moments of "now" appear and disappear (are updated) sequentially, but don't stiffen in blissful rest and don't lose its sequence [2, Ch. 2.1; 1.7; 1.8].
  If to return to both - stated above - the most advanced segments of society - the governing imperious elite and unofficial intellectually developed oppositional layer, - exactly between them is conducted incessant struggle, in which, as a rule, no one or the other side not wins, inasmuch a clear victory of the imperious elite having rather low level of self-consciousness, owing to what, the lowest consciousness to a large extent overshadow the highest consciousness, which becomes not capable of full creative activity, would lead to return in a society, similar feudal or even primitive instead of quite comfortable and protected civilization, buried it, i.e. by turning the civilization into savagery. On the other hand, the complete victory of the noble fighters at whom the highest consciousness dominates over the lowest for harmony and global justice, would lead to dictatorship or anarchy, that as a result degenerate into complete stagnation of society, further decay and collapse of this society.
  Thus, despite all its abomination, primitiveness and platitude, imperious elite with its low level of self-awareness, over which the animal consciousness with the instincts of consumption at the expense of others, largely predominates, nevertheless is not inclined to allow own destruction thanks a sense of self-preservation, characteristic of the lowest consciousness, whereas noble fighters for justice with high level of self-consciousness and corresponding of it by the aspiration in establishment of the harmonious, but not antagonistic relations in society, lead to eliminate of liberty and development, i.e. to the crash of a civilization as such.
  The struggle between them under passive behavior for the most part of the rest population happens continuously with the dominance of the more energetic of the ruling elite, provoking hatred towards oneself on the part of everyone else, and by that forming that antagonism which does not allow to the society to stop in development.
  Exactly for this reason, any coup or revolution, overthrowing or even annihilating all imperious elite as it was, for example, in China repeatedly, rather quickly reproduces previous - antagonistic - order in society, i.e. restores that the situation, under which only and possibly development of a society. In Russia, after the seventy-year cataclysms, occurred the same. If similar restoration does not happen, then the community breaks up.
  Thereby, the underlying source, more precisely, the driving force of the social development, as well as - the development of each person, is the hidden interaction of two forms of consciousness: the lowest, or original-animal, and the highest consciousness, or self-consciousness.
  Until now this latent driving force of development has not been determined: instead of this latent driving force idealistic philosophy, in particular, Hegel, pointed to the notion far from concreteness, - public consciousness which, according to him, and is the main source of social development, and only it one determines it, whereas the materialistic philosophy, for example, Marx, on the contrary, believed that only public life and activity determine the public consciousness.
  As can be seen, both approaches do not prove, but merely declare their understanding of the problem, mentioning only the external expression of hidden antagonistic forces, but they do not open them, and therefore the entire history of determining the driving forces of social development shows the searches and finds of various external factors, often far from each other, more or less influencing the course of development of society, i.e. the antagonism of the basic components of human and social consciousness has not been revealed.
  The visible does not mean penetration into the depth. Therefore, even a brief analysis of the factors listed below, which are considered by their authors to be the primary sources, the reasons or the driving forces of the development of society, shows that they cannot be as the primary, but they are derivative, secondary factors that translate deep antagonism in the human and social consciousness into social development, and some of them are just the conditions for social development.
  Materialistic analysis of the problem allocates as the driving forces of the development of society the factors mostly of a natural-structural character.
  C.L. Montesquieu has considered as the source of social development the geographical conditions and the environment: "The law, generally speaking, is a human mind, inasmuch it governs all people of the earth ... They (laws) have to correspond to physical properties of the country, to its climate - to cold, hot or moderate, to qualities of the soil, its situation, sizes ... in the countries, which are fertile, more often happens the ruling of one, and the infertile countries are ruled by a few, that is sometimes as if kind of compensation for adverse natural conditions" [3, p. 168, 393].
  Certainly, natural conditions are an important factor for existence - less or more favorable, but not more than that, since they are just one of many external factors - exactly conditions that can somehow affect the life of communities - but they are not the driving forces of development. In addition, as the history of primitive communities shows, regardless of geographic conditions and the natural environment, for tens of thousands of years no visible development was observed for these communities.
  J.J. Rousseau believed, that the number of population should be attributed to the driving force of social development: "Before the invention of special signs, replacing all values, wealth could consist almost exclusively in lands and herds of livestock, which were the only actual good things, which people could own. But when the land ownerships, passing by inheritance from generation to generation, so increased in number and size, that they covered the whole earth and came into contact with each other, then some were able to grow only at the expense of others. Those people who did not do anything, because weakness or carelessness prevented them, in turn, to acquire land, became poor, without having lost anything, because they did not change when everything changed around them. From here little by little arose domination and slavery or violence and robberies, depending on differences in character of that and others" [4, p. 83].
  Free occupation of the land plots, proportional to the increase of the population really does end once with all the ensuing consequences, but this fact is difficult to consider as primary and determining in the development of communities, since it does not indicate the reason of the population growth and, therefore, it is an external factor, and not primary.
  D.E. Durkheim considered the social differentiation of labor as the main driving force of the development of society, because he believed that, unlike simple communities, where people are connected by personal relationships, interests and traditions, people in modern large communities increasingly rely on each other due to differences in their own specialization. At the same time, Durkheim considered the growth of population and population density to be key factors in the development of society [5, p. 106; 6, p. 125].
  Certainly, a sufficient number and density of the population favor to emergence of various crafts, and then - to the differentiation of labor to facilitate and improve its productivity. All this, naturally, can be carried to the favorable conditions promoting emergence and fixing of the property rights, and accordingly - towards the development of trade, cities, states and much more, but all these factors are only the outer framing of the process of the development of human and its communities. Therefore, the question remains of what after all drives people to move forward in case, if the favorable conditions arise.
  K. Marx tried to prove that the driving force of social development is the contradiction between needs of people and opportunities of their satisfaction which is being allowed the struggle of the productive forces of society and the tools of labor, as well as - in the struggle of owners of the manufacture, against a class of employees on this manufacture [7].
  Here, too, remains without determining the source of the emergence of the people's growing needs, forcing them not content with the necessary, but to seize for themselves, taking away from others, everything possible, including what they are not able to exhaust or use during life. Therefore, this factor cannot but proceed from some hidden, internal source, i.e. it is the secondary.
  The engine of history is the struggle for existence. Such is, in particular, opinion of the representative of school of social Darwinism Ludwig Gumplowicz. He believes that conflicts in society are ineradicable, because people mercilessly are fighting for influence, the survival and dominance. Gumplowicz argues that any society develops in accordance with the law, consisting in "... the desire of each social group to subordinate to itself every other social group encountered in its path, in the aspiration for enslavement, domination" [8, p. 159].
  However, similar ruthless struggle for survival and existence is characteristic fullest not for the person, and flora and fauna whereas for the person this struggle coexists, for example, with altruism, mercy, self-respect, and these human features not always suffer defeat in the course of the struggle of the person for existence: the person in the realities of life, unlike animals, knows about own mortality, but in many cases this knowledge ignores, that in many respects influences progress in development of communities, especially in moral aspect. In other words, unlike the rest living beings who fight for survival among themselves the person first of all struggles with himself within himself, and only individuals with overwhelming domination of the lowest consciousness fall practically to an animal state.
  Thus, in fact, all the above considerations of various scientists who adhere to the materialistic position, about the driving forces of social development cannot be adequate: they are external factors or conditions that can only accelerate or slow down the process of development of these or those communities of civilization, but it is impossible to name each of them or even all these factors together, as the sources, causes or primary driving forces of the development of society.
  Indeed, these phenomena and conditions to a greater or lesser extent have existed under the primitive communal system, when tens of thousands of years there was no visible development. Means, their action depends on certain hidden processes, on accumulation in human communities of some "substance". The main thing from these hidden processes is the functioning of the new - already human consciousness, outside of which the person would have remained as a primate, and this activity begins to become complicated, accelerate and be shown with bigger efficiency with growth of self-consciousness of the person, which is absent about other living beings, and this growth attracts due to the creativity more and more various information streams to the person and his communities.
  The highest consciousness during the growth begins to counterpose itself to the lowest consciousness more and more effectively - the struggle between them and distinguishes the person from animals, being manifested in early stages of development barely noticeably, and then is stronger and stronger.
  In other words, the growth of self-consciousness, or raising the level of the highest consciousness in the struggle with the lowest consciousness, gradually but with acceleration expands the human sphere of activity, ensuring the permanent development of both individuals in their generations, and the development of their communities.
  The growth of the human consciousness does more noticeable an action of the majority of the factors noted above which thereby can be qualified only as derivative, external, dependent on individual and collective human consciousness.
  Consequently, the intensive development of communities of the living beings - previously barely noticeable, and the main contribution into which was being produced by the mutations - begins only with the appearance in the living beings of self-consciousness, and accordingly - its interaction with the lowest (animal) consciousness, which does not disappear anywhere out of these living beings. This interaction is expressed practically in the unceasing struggle of these merged hypostases of consciousness, since they mostly have opposite aspirations, as was discussed in detail above, i.e. their interaction is predominantly expressed in hostility (antagonism).
  The idealistic approach to the problem of the development of society as and a materialistic one, exposes a number of different factors, but mostly of an intangible character, which, in opinion of their authors, are the driving forces of social development.
  Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis attributes the driving force of social development to the rooting in man of a consciously manifested the thrust towards God: "So this heavenly hail, while he is in earthly wandering, calls on citizens from all nations and recruits a itinerant society in all languages, without regard for the fact that there are various in rights, laws and institutions by which the world of the earth is established or maintained; nothing of the latter. not abolishing or destroying, but, on the contrary, saving everything, that, although is different for other peoples, but is directed to the same goal of the earthly world, unless it hinders the religion that teaches to honoring of one supreme and true God "[9. About a God's hail. XIX, 17].
  The thrust to God means first of all the aspiration of the person to get closer to perfection, but, as we know, good intentions can lead away in the opposite direction up to such limit where opportunities for development disappear completely. Almost all religious sects and such large confession as Muslim are an example of it.
  Pitirim Sorokin believes the accumulation of base of scientific knowledge is the main source of development, as a result of which the contradictory variety of real-life sociocultural systems will be transformed to a certain integrated sociocultural layer [10].
  Scientific knowledge in itself is dead - it is necessary to manage to apply still in time it without manifestation of negative results, otherwise - instead of transformation of systems in the progressive direction will happen regress, that was being happened incalculable number of times, and which threatens especially now from "achievements" of genetics.
  Gabriel Tarde notes that the driving force behind the development of society is the creative mind in the form of rationalization of tools of work and life, including the inventive. The last Tard considers as an adaptation mechanism, without which it is difficult for a person to apply himself to changing environmental conditions.
  The new arises as a result of the activity of a few gifted individuals. Then the process of imitation begins. In particular, according to the Tarde, the assertion of the basic social institutions was due to the inability of ordinary people to invent, and they began to imitate the innovators [11].
  The inventive first of all develops technologies, but practically does not touch the sphere of the spirit, the senses, i.e., it mounts kind of the shell, but not the inner - spiritual and cultural - content of the person and his communities. The inventive does not affect national-being features, at this, some of the new technologies can lead society to the collapse weaning the person to work creatively and stupefying him, which, in particular, is happening now in the information sphere, they even are able completely to annihilate mankind by super-powerful weapons, genetic experiments or poisonous substances.
  Protestantism regards labor as the source of the development of society, believing that labor is a manifestation in each person of his chosenness by God. In particular, Jean Calvin argued that every Christian must firmly believe in chosenness of a person by God, and throughout his life to tirelessly seek more and more confirmation to this faith, achieving successes in worldly activities, which is the criterion of the chosenness by God [12].
  Only one labor is not able to improve as the world of any individual, and to affect significantly the development of communities. Labor can not only do the person more honorable and improve everyday life, but also lead to stultifying, for example, by its monotony and mismatch to the true abilities and interests of the person, and, on the contrary, the time, free from labor, can give the chance to the person to define in itself additional abilities and skills, to develop them, in particular, to improve the process of labor, and an able idler can pity the silly worker and so improve the work process that its productivity will increase many times over, and the work process will become more pleasant and more interesting.
  In actuality, conscious labor, unlike the work of bees or termites, is appeared only with the formation of self-consciousness, which has detached the person partly from the animal components of the environment, and allowed him not instinctively as earlier, but with full consciousness of the case to formulate tasks and perform them, consciously changing the environment to achieve the set goals, gaining thereby liberty.
  A.J. Toynbee has come to the conclusion that the driving forces of the development of society are the activities of personalities by chosen by God, military aggression, unprofitable resource and geographical position [13].
  The activities of God's chosen personalities, as follows from the definition of this driving force of development of communities, clearly points to supervisor of this force, that, on the one hand, expresses external character this force, and on the other hand, the definition unites Christianity with Muslim fatalism depriving autonomy all historical development.
  Wars cannot be the primary cause of the community development - they are not even secondary, but tertiary factors that affect civilizational development, since, as a rule, they are being caused by a conflicts in relation to property and resources between the elites of different states.
  Unfavorable resource and geographical location, as it is visible from real historical examples, is capable not only to promote (Japan), but also to slow down, development of communities (Pakistan) as well as not to influence this process (Bulgaria) at all. Therefore, these factors cannot be qualified as primary driving forces of social development.
  P. Lavrov argues that the critical consciousness of the intelligentsia is the driving force of social development.
  In this respect, Peter Lavrov noted: "Philosophical ideas are important not as a manifestation of the process of development of the spirit in its logical abstraction, but as logical forms of consciousness by a person of higher or lower dignity, more extensive or closer goals of own existence; they are important as a form of protest against the present in the name of the desire for a better and more just social order or as the forms of satisfaction by the present" [14, p. 19-28]; "Ideals of a person's life are realizable only in society; but - society, as an ideal unit, finds its real realization only in the unity of personal goals. At all the division of parties, at the struggle of opinions, at the struggle of interests, only then the struggle is reasonable, useful for society and progressive, when the disputants are on the same soil and represent only different aspects of the human moral ideal. As soon as there is nothing in common between disputants, once human dignity has lost its guideline importance in the struggle of individuals and masses, only a catastrophe that completely changes social forms and personal relationships can lead to progressive development"[15, 506-507].
  The critical consciousness of the intelligentsia under certain conditions, as it was shown above, can lead not to development, but to the regress of the community, to the decline of the whole state.
  A significant compromise between the power elite and the informal opposition in the person of intellectuals is impossible, inasmuch the imperious elite never voluntarily will make serious concessions and never voluntarily will concede the power. However, if on average the level of the highest consciousness at her representatives is not too low, and the criticism from oppositional intellectuals is effective, implicating involving the broad masses of the population in the protest movement, then the imperious elite can be inclined to reforms as it, for example, was being occurred the last hundred years in Europe.
  Otherwise, instead of smooth reforms the case may end with the complete replacement of the imperious elite, the overthrow of the state system, and even to the changing economic relations, as it has been happened in Russia in 1917.
  But Lavrov was wrong about the mandatory progress at such replacement of formations. This is confirmed by the same experience of Russia, which after 1917 received the era of wars, genocide of own population, brutal dictatorship, and in the end - the collapse of the state.
  Nevertheless, Peter Lavrov has guessed the external expression of one of the sides of the hidden antagonistic forces acting in the public consciousness, namely: the dominant highest consciousness, which come to the peak in the opposition-minded, educated and honest people of intellectual labor - the dominant highest consciousness in these people counteracts the lowest consciousness predominating in the governing structures of communities (imperious elite) in which people of mental labor do not differ in honesty, self-respect, altruism, nobility, and they at best simple are forced to sail in the stream of hypocrisy, acquisitiveness, covetousness, deception and corporative interests.
  As for the rest of the population, it is basically a soil for representatives of both intellectual layers from which they themselves grew hereditarily, accidentally, or thanks to certain skills, qualities, lifted them above the average level, and this soil they can spoil or improve, inasmuch population are usually passive for the most part because of the employment by monotonous labor for survival and pro-feeding or falling into the category of lumpens, for whom everything became indifferent; obdurate traditions; religious delusions; predispositions to negative impact of active promotion of the information bluffs, which dupe it; lack of due education level, that does not allow it to use in large quantities social elevators and to set before itself the high purposes: similar sad and gloomy life does not promote transformation of all mass of people into bright, creative, vigorous and communicable individuals. Only several percent of such persons is allocated out of all of population.
  The faceless masses of the people are gaining the development in the person of their representatives in power and in the informal intellectual opposition to the power. Informal intellectuals, pursuing mainly goals diametrically opposed to the goals of representatives of the imperious elite, are compelled to appeal to the people, proving own rightness and anti-people character of the elite-oppressor, and representatives of the power in its turn has to justify itself and stigmatize of the rotten dreamers-nonconformists, able only to speak, but not to operate and rule.
  Thereby the people masses are being involved willy-nilly by energy of relatively few persons these into forward, and this motion can be evolutionary in case of the consent of the elite and the informal opposition to certain compromises in the interests of the working masses, but it can jump abruptly into a different direction if there is no such consent, which is reflected in the popular consciousness as an injustice, being transformed into more or less successful attempt of the removal of the ruling elite from power in the event of suitable conditions.
  Follows from the arguments given above that the factors described above, which authors-idealists consider to be the driving forces of the development of society, are one-sided and limited - they mostly lack the spirit of contradiction, which indicates that they are all products of the dynamics of human activity, but - not by internal basis of the development of society, i.e. - not by the true hidden source, the cause or driving force of the development of society.
  Finally, we can state the following.
  Informally oppositional part of intellectuals, to which it is possible to attribute the various educated individuals, got out of the people masses in this or that generation - active, honest, sincerely wishing good to the people, that is, with the dominant of the highest consciousness, never, contrary to A. Toynbee's opinion, did not join and will not join to the hypocritical and self-interested managing elite of the state. They will not allow themselves to make such act, inasmuch already achieved the level of the higher consciousness placing all material benefits on the last place among the values of life. Therefore, they will always expose unscrupulous, hypocritical and thievish authorities, fight for the rights and civil liberties of the working people, involving them in this struggle as much as possible widely.
  For the representatives of power, the lowest consciousness is inevitably dominant, i.e. there is a clear lack of awareness of themselves in their consciousness as self-valuable personalities, and not as consumers. Power and not too limited access to privileges and property belittles them so much, that they see in the masses of the people only a source of the benefits for themselves and a field for manifesting own low-lying instincts. However, fearing the anger of the people and the counteraction the informal opposition, they are forced to resist the anarchy, holding, in particular, by means of reforms, that order, which provides functioning and development of society, but, naturally, not from noble motives, but only from a sense of self-preservation.
  The skew in this confrontation leads either to stagnation in the development of the community, or to the disorganization of the system of control and management with further onset of chaos, consequences which cannot be predictable.
  A brief analysis of the factors that, according to their authors, are the driving forces of social development, shows their one-sidedness and external character, i.e. secondary nature of these factors with respect to the true driving force of the development of society, since only deep entities in the form of the lowest consciousness and highest consciousness, , hidden and intertwined in every human consciousness, and consequently - in the public consciousness, with all their antagonism, really determine the development of human communities at any stage, wearing the various masks, that are taken for as the primary reasons of development because of limitedness of the human mind, and along with that - due to its self-conceit.
  1. Nizovtsev Y. M. Miracles in a sieve. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru
  2. Nizovtsev Y. M. Everything and Nothingness. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru
  3. Ш. Л. Монтескье. Избранные произведения. М., 1955.
  4. Ж. Ж. Руссо. О причинах неравенства. СПб., 1907.
  5. Craig J. Calhoun. Classical sociological theory. Wiley Blackwell, 2002. ISBN 978-0-631-21348-2
  6. Explorations in Classical Sociological Theory: Seeing the Social World. Pine Forge Press. ISBN 978-1-4129-0572-5
  7. K. Marx. Manifesto of the Communist Party. Geneva. 1882.
  8. L. Gumplowicz. Sociology and politics. M., 1895.
  9. Творения блаженного Августина Епископа Иппонийского. Части 1 - 8. Киев, 1901-1912.
  10. Social & Cultural dynamics: A Study of Change in Major Systems of Art, Truth, Ethics, law and Social Relationships | Pitirim Sorokin. St. Petersburg: Publishing house of the Russian Christian Humanities Institute, 2000.
  11. G. Tarde. Les lois de I'imitation. Paris, 1895.
  12. Bouwa W. J.J. Calvin. A sixteenth-century portrait. Cambridge, 1984.
  13. A. Toynbee. A Study of History. Vol. III. The Growths of Civilizations. Oxford University Press. 1934.
  14. Лавров П.Л. Философия и социология. Избранные произведения в 2-х томах, т. 2. М., 1965. Стр. 19-28.
  15. Энциклопедический словарь, составленный русскими учеными и литераторами, т. I - V. СПб. 1861-1862. Т. IV Стр. 506-507.
  9. What were the true aspirations of the glorified rulers and the reasons that caused them?
  It is known, what deeds were glorious the famous rulers, about whom volumes of historical researches are written - from Caesar to the US President Kennedy. Much less publicized data about their sins and transgressions, since the power elites ordering historical research on their own ancestors or predecessors are not interested in revealing the unpleasant or unflattering facts of the primitiveness and immorality of these figures, and, moreover, still remains a mystery, why the scoundrels are usually in power - a kind of negative selection, - which was noted by Plato more than 2000 years ago.
  In recent works, "The person in the attractive field of power" [1, part 4] and "The driving force and source of development of the person and his communities" [1, part 3, chapter 3] we have shown the fundamental reasons, according to which in power are individuals who often cannot be denied intelligence, energy, sociability, organizational abilities, but their main properties are selfishness, love of power, covetousness, contempt for the lower ones, hypocrisy, adaptability, cunning, insidious, dishonesty, naked pragmatism (benefit).
  They are not afraid to take the burden of power, that is, the adoption of vital decisions for large groups of the population, because they are interested in the population only from the position of receiving from it one or another benefit for themselves or for their own clans, and they always deceive their subjects, obscuring their selfish goals, but, as a rule, supplement this deception with timely thrown small oblations.
  It is precisely these, by no means the most positive properties, that ensure surfacing" from the crowd and holding in power of these, in fact, crooks whose actions are aimed at creating their own well-being, and everything else is subordinate to this goal or it interests them as factors that contribute to holding power and the glorification of one's own person, who, as a rule, does not differ in any achievements in science or art.
  Therefore, it makes sense to use the most impressive examples to show the true "achievements" of these figures, who are often proud whole countries and admired by not stupid people, and who really were not deprived of some abilities and even talents.
  However, first, to understand the essence of the problem, we note the genesis of consciousness and the difference between human consciousness and the consciousness of other creatures, as well as a combination of properties that characterize people striving for power, and the similarity of these properties with the main signs of the most primitive living organisms.
  In one of the works, we noted the following.
  "Be that as it may, all living beings are different from other objects of being by the presence of consciousness in them, which, in fact, makes them alive. This means that, unlike inanimate objects, they acquire new properties that allow them to replicate themselves through reproduction thanks the genetic code available in them; to be merged with the environment through metabolism; thanks to mutations, to be distributed on different types of living organisms, and, at the same time, with greater or less success, to be modified in accordance with changes in the environment, in particular, to become more complex, etc.
  However, these beings in the form of flora and fauna have no subjectness. They manifest themselves in the environment only in the form of dynamic components of the environment that do not conscious themselves, although and act to give development to this environment, but act instinctively-reflexively, i.e. their consciousness is limited consumption of sensations, and it does not go beyond the environment, and the development itself is very slow in comparison with conscious actions. Therefore, such initial type of consciousness can be qualified as the lowest consciousness, the only inherent to all living beings, except for the person who has some kind of complement to it.
  This restriction in the only of the lowest consciousness in any representative of the flora or fauna is removed in the person whose consciousness acquires a significant complement in the form of awareness of oneself. Thus, one gets the opportunity to become the subject of action: he understands the meaning of his actions, composing projects, correcting them on the move, that is, remaining as part of the environment, he at the same time rises above it, becoming partly its master and even the creator as in various man-made structures, mechanisms, processes, and creations of the spirit, which is reflected in various areas of art and culture...
  Thus, in human beings there are two components of consciousness - the lowest, often called unconscious, or subconscious, and the highest consciousness, or self-consciousness. the level of which can differ significantly depending on the degree of development of the person or his communities - take, for example, the person of the Stone Age and the current Nobel laureate, - the level of consciousness and in that and other case significantly other, however self-consciousness is present both here and there, without disappearing anywhere, but the lowest consciousness, which is responsible generally for functioning of an organism (body) to hold it in a live state and to do it by adequate concerning stay of a body in the environment as well as to fix and spread an organism in the environment, remains almost invariable, i.e. does not depend on time.
  Both these components (hypostases) exist and act in the body and through the body in an indissoluble connection, but the highest consciousness is incapable to exist without the lowest, as the last is responsible for preservation of the living being in the environment - it is impossible to do without this, and the first - above all - for conscious and design activity of a being as individually, and in the human communities which are in a certain environment, and other natural beings always do without self-consciousness...
  The lowest consciousness "feeds" only on the sensations that give it everything, including the harmony of existence, i.e. something acceptable and even pleasant in our understanding in a certain combination of feelings if, of course, to distract from fight of each being for survival. Therefore, it does not wish to lose the sensations at all.
  Similar type of consciousness has natural egocentrism, automatically seeking to survive, no matter what.
  In the process of development of the living beings, this type of consciousness undergoes relatively minor changes, since it is not able to withdraw own basic property - an unconscious desire for survival, based on the primordial activity of any living thing...
  Both these parties of consciousness continuously conflict both in the person, and in the interpersonal relations: discontent with, visible inability to change quickly, the felt limitation of intelligence, abilities, etc.; the envy and hatred to competitors instantly would rip to shreds any human community if not the state with its institutes.
  Nevertheless, each person manifests also qualities of the highest consciousness which are expressed not only in the intellectual and production sphere, but also in inquisitiveness, various religious and cultural forms and also in the affectional relations, somehow: friendship, love, experiences for relatives, for the fatherland, etc."
  If the relationship between people on the basis of self-awareness slowly but steadily develops, then the lowest consciousness in the person remains unchanged.
  Therefore, the ideal persons do not appear, and the lowest consciousness, despite any form of its disguise, acts at any stage of the development of human consciousness, being expressed in deep-rooted egoism (egocentrism) - personal and corporate, hypocrisy (masking), suspiciousness (caution), contempt for people of other circle (mistrust to other communities), animal instincts concerning an opposite sex, etc." [1, part 3, chapter 3].
  The low level of self-consciousness of the power elite and structures adjacent to it, as a rule, limited by pragmatism leads to the dominance of the lowest, or animal consciousness in it, for which the main property is a sense of self-preservation, which seeks in any case not to lose the consumption of sensations, preferably the most pleasant ones, at the expense of the rest of the population, and exactly the location inside of the power organs give similar senses primarily.
  In fact, the pragmatism of the rulers is reduced to the most profitable way of survival, which consists in the aspiration to consume the best foodstuff (the aspiration of any living being for food), - to create for themselves and their offspring the greatest possible comfort (the aspiration of any living creature to provide for themselves the maximum amenities that contribute, in particular, its reproduction).
  But to satisfy such requirements, a victory in the competitive struggle is necessary, which can give all the best on one"s choice from the perspective of consumption, namely: it is necessary a seizure of power or, at least, the proximity to the power elite (the aspiration of any living creature to dominate their own niche of life, the implementation of which may provide the best conditions for survival and, accordingly, the consumption of not just sensations, but - the most pleasant sensations).
  Thus, mainly people with the most primitive system of consciousness, that is, with a predominance of lower consciousness, try to get into the structures of power.
  Therefore, for the representatives of power, the lowest consciousness is inevitably a dominant, that is, in their consciousness a clear lack of awareness of themselves as self-valuable personalities, and not as consumers is sensed. Power and practically unlimited access to privileges and property belittles them to such an extent that they see in the people masses only a source of well-being for themselves and a field for manifesting their own low-lying instincts.
  However, being afraid of anger of the people and counteraction of informal opposition, they are forced to resist to anarchy, holding, in particular, by means of reforms that order, which provides functioning and development of society, but, naturally, not from the noble motives, but only from a sense of self-preservation.
  Compared to the rest, similar individuals from the standpoint of falling into the power elite and retaining inside it have significant advantages, since the main content of their consciousness is not compassion, disinterested love for one"s neighbor, honesty, self-esteem, nobility and other positive human qualities that have distanced a person from the animal world with its ruthlessness and automatism, and have helped human communities to use their creative abilities to change the world with great success.
  These positive human qualities, manifested with increasing force during the development of civilization due to the presence of a higher consciousness (self-awareness) in a person, are concentrated more in those individuals who are not satisfied with simple consumption, but who want more - knowledge about the world, about themselves, and wish to demonstrate your drawing abilities, Music, composing, civil and legal building, meaning they want more freedom, and not just for themselves, but for everyone. Therefore, they are natural opponents of power structures, criticizing them and forcing them to pay attention both to themselves and to pay more attention to the lives of the working masses, improving the efficiency of the state apparatus, culture and science.
  With the growth of this natural opposition to the authorities, the course of civilization is accelerating, countries and regions, which to the greatest extent concentrate all the cultural and technical achievements of civilization are distinguished, in contrast to archaic or backward states in which this opposition either did not appear or it is weak. Similar States are at the moment in the majority.
  Power, like the people in it, is cold, ruthless, mechanistic, systematic, corporate, pragmatic, hierarchical, fixated on itself - it is like a soulless nature built on mutual devouring in the frameworks the chains of its dynamic units, therefore everything truly humane, especially altruism, characteristic for the highest consciousness of the person, is only an obstacle to the penetration into power and the retention in it.
  For this reason, the scoundrels, or the individuals, in whom the lowest consciousness, that is, natural instincts, predominate, seek to power and with great success are held in power. In this regard, these individuals are closest to ordinary natural organisms, who are not bothered by moral problems, and own intelligence, which is higher than that of monkeys, they are used to only succeed in their sovereign field, pushing aside competitors, and fearing the burden of power not because they are afraid to make a mistake in their care about people, but because aa boss may not appreciate their zeal for caring for him.
  Similar orientation of structures of power mainly on themselves, actually deprives them of the ability to independently develop the relevant community, provoking either complete stagnation or slow development, and even then this development is forced due to the pressure of neighboring communities that can subordinate or absorb this community, and to deprive the local top of power, which has been happening for the last several millennia in a row, without making any special changes in social beingness.
  But as soon as a more or less constructive opposition to the authorities arose, this community began to progress much faster. An example of this can be the Greek city-states, which appeared more than two thousand years ago, and which laid the whole cultural and legal foundation of the present civilization, as well as having produced a number of technical and military innovations. A great degree of freedom in the realities of that time was provided by numerous philosophical schools, which were not only the first scientific centers, but also influential opposition to the authorities, and the first initiator of mankind 's desire for harmonious peace was Plato with his ideal state [2, Chapter 2].
  After a long stagnation in Europe, following the fall of the Roman Empire, in the middle of the Middle Ages has occurred the turn to industrial, beginning with the Netherlands, which put an end to a estates society close to caste community, that is, the stagnant, and conceived a society in which real opposing forces appeared in a form of the capitalist power elite and humanitarian opposition to it, which has stood on the side of the working people and offered to improve society so, that there were no longer neither rich nor poor (Campanella, then Henri Saint-Simon and many other thinkers - potential reformers) [2, chapter 2; 1, parts 6, 7].
  Thus, without constructive opposition to the ruling elite, either the archaic remains, or this community is absorbed by more advanced tribes or peoples.
  In potential power lovers, the primitive desire for consumption at the expense of others, or parasitism, was initially laid to the maximum extent. And it is promoted by to invariably elevated level of dominance on the basis of selfishness prevailing over all actions, that is, an inescapable aspiration in any way to push potential competitors from power and, therefore, from the feeding trough.
  Therefore, similar individuals are not ashamed anything: all their actions are characterized by deception. hypocrisy, contempt for the subordinates, cunning, perfidy.
  Thus, they use their highest consciousness misused, that is, all creativity available in them is directed not to the best organization of society, not to the common good, but to intrigues with the aim to penetrate the power in order to acquire and consume personal goods, and by any means to preserve oneself in it.
  This implies the natural advantage of such individuals over ordinary decent people who are not able to betray with a charming smile, but it"s these, in fact, scoundrels who penetrate power and stay in it, create multiple obstacles to improve the content and effectiveness of management, since most often they either do not have the corresponding abilities, or lose them in the flow of consumer sensations provided to them from power and comfort, poisoned, however, by the intrigues of the inevitable competitors who must be resisted by spending time and mental resources.
  It is precisely because of the miserable content of power elites whose primary goals were and is their own well-being and maintaining power, and not the development of their own countries, that the move of civilization is slow, zigzag - with delays and kickbacks.
  Thus, from the foregoing, it follows that each representative of the power elite, and even more so, the ruler, in order to find the best food, the most pleasant comfort and the most beautiful representatives of the opposite sex, must, just as happens in nature, take a leading place in the community, that is, first eliminate competitors, and then retain the captured leadership, still eliminating potential competitors to his own place as lord.
  As a result, the ruler gets not only the opportunity kicking his subjects, if he wants, not only to withdraw the funds from the treasury for a "beautiful" life, but also the opportunity to provide his offspring with loot for many years to come, as well as to promote, as a rule, his incompetent offspring into power, and, if possible, make the power hereditary.
  An objection may follow to these theses: many rulers were cultured people, famous for their glorious deeds, and they are still set as an example for the current generation.
  Therefore, they simply cannot be commonplace killers, thieves, sybarites and lascivious individuals.
  Let us look at specific examples of the behavior of the most famous and illustrious rulers of what preferences they were choosing, that is, what primarily were attracting these persons and why.
  We have chosen as examples such historical figures as Caesar, Napoleon, Churchill, US President John F. Kennedy, well-known and highly respected by the majority of the population.
  2. Analysis of the characters.
  2.1. Gaius Julius Caesar (100-44 BC)
  Caesar is the most revered, noble, endowed with many talents, brilliant commander, who have conquered the whole of Europe, bordering the Roman Republic, have carried out a number of progressive reforms in the country, de facto have formed the enormous Roman Empire. Napoleon took an example from him. His tactics and strategy were studied by all the great commanders. His name became an analogue of royal titles. Until now, the entire educated public is thrilled at its mention.
  But - what really motivated this person in his deeds?!
  Caesar was born into a noble but not wealthy family. Received a good education at that time. Father died early. Gaius Caesar was then only 16 years old. He became the head of the family, which encouraged him to independence and the ability to take important decisions.
  Perhaps his ambitions were born even then: the aspiration for power - once he is noble, and the desire for enrichment - should not be such person as he, to be poor, especially since money opens the way to power - someone can be bribed, and own independence can be demonstrated to the public. At the same time, the very achievement of power guarantees an almost unlimited disposal of state resources.
  However, Caesar began small: he went to military service first to Bithynia, where he showed himself well, and was awarded the civil crown - an honorary military award. Then he was moved to Cilicia to war with Mithridates, but after the death of his adversary - Sulla, he returned to Rome to participate in the political struggle, that is, in fact, to gain power in the state. It was 78 BC, and Caesar was only 22 years old.
  Already in about 72 BC he was elected by the military tribune (command position allowing to command the legion), in 69 BC he became a quaestor (assistant consul and treasurer). In 66 BC Caesar was elected Curule aedile, whose duties included the organization of urban construction, transport, trade, everyday life of Rome.
  Thus, he was gaining increasing popularity among the people. In particular, in 65 BC he organized gladiatorial battles with extraordinary luxury.
  In 64 BC Caesar headed the permanent criminal court in robbery cases, and in 63 BC he held the highest position in the system of Roman religious magistrates, becoming a great pontiff. For the sake of this prestigious life-long position, he had to bribe all groups of voters, spending huge amounts on it. But his creditors did not stint, understanding the guaranteed return of money, since this position attracted general attention to him and ensured success in his political career.
  Indeed, in 63 BC Caesar received the position of governor in Spain, where he was able to practice oneself in pacification of local tribes (Lusitans), and in robbery a number of cities and churches to raise significant amounts to repay debts to creditors.
  Thus, by intrigue, bribery, family ties, military successes, periodic generous handouts to the plebs, to a large extent, quick wit, organizational talent and determination, as well as the successful elimination of competitors, the main of which was the famous commander Gnaeus Pompey, Caesar advanced to the first place in the Roman Republic, becoming first among the consuls (59 BC), and after the victory over Pompey - the sovereign dictator.
  In the interval between the first consulate and dictatorship, Caesar, as proconsul, began the wars of aggression in Gaul, eventually capturing to 50 BC territories of modern France and partially - Germany and Belgium. The robbery of the new territories gave Caesar astronomical sums, which to a large extent contributed to successful conduct by him of the civil war.
  Caesar's love of power was, on the one hand, realistic - he did not want to accept the imperial title, apparently not having interested in the external attributes of power. Having all the powers of management and being proud of himself, he once answered a proposal to become king: "I am Caesar, not king!" [3, ј79].
  On the other hand, he considered his own intellectual abilities and accomplishments to be unique and therefore did not impede all kinds of honors in own honor, up to "... dictatorship for life, ... Father of his Country, ... statue among those of the kings ..." [3, ј76]; in the management of the state he did what he wanted, for example, "... he named magistrates for several years to come, ..." [3, ј76]; "... arrogant were his public utterances ..." [3, ј77]; he also openly scorned the senators, not taking into account the long-established republican traditions of the state.
  Therefore, as Suetonius writes: "Even the populace no longer were pleased with present conditions, but both secretly and openly rebelled at his tyranny and cried out for defenders of their liberty" [3, ј80].
  The conspiracy of nobles led by Brutus and Cassius developed, and Caesar was killed.
  According to the testimony of Suetonius Caesar had many abilities: "In eloquence and military art he gained no less, if not more glory, than their best experts ... Cicero calls his syllable elegant, brilliant ... " [3, ј55]. About "Notes" by Caesar Cicero speaks like this: "He wrote memoirs which deserve the highest praise; they are naked in their simplicity, straightforward yet graceful, stripped of all rhetorical adornment ..." [3, ј56]. "He covered great distances with incredible speed, making a hundred miles a day in a hired carriage and with little baggage, swimming the rivers which barred his path or crossing them on inflated skins, and very often arriving before the messengers sent to announce his coming" [3, ј57]. " ... he never led his army where ambuscades were possible without carefully reconnoitring the country ..." He entered into battle ... sometimes in the most severe weather, when this was least expected of him" 3, ј58]. "No regard for religion ever turned him from any undertaking, or even delayed him ..." [3, ј59]. "He joined battle, not only after planning his movements in advance but on a sudden opportunity, often immediately at the end of a march, and sometimes in the foulest weather, when one would least expect him to make a move ... When the issue was doubtful, he used to send away the horses, and his own among the first, to impose upon the troops the greater necessity of standing their ground by taking away that aid to flight ..." [3, ј60].
  The same Suetonius testifies to his unpretentiousness: "... he drank very little wine ... in the matter of food Gaius Oppius tells us that he was so indifferent ..." [3, ј53].
  Further, Suetonius notes the lack of the ferocious temper of Caesar: "His friends he treated with invariable kindness and consideration. ... he never formed such bitter enmities that he was not glad to lay them aside when opportunity offered ..." [3, ј72-73,].
  However, actually, except the love of power dominating in him, he was also possessed by a passion for acquisitiveness: "Neither when in command of armies nor as a magistrate at Rome did he show a scrupulous integrity; for as certain men have declared in their memoirs, when he was proconsul in Spain, he not only begged money from the allies, to help pay his debts, but also attacked and sacked some towns of the Lusitanians although they did not refuse his terms and opened their gates to him on his arrival. In Gaul he pillaged shrines and temples of the gods filled with offerings, and oftener sacked towns for the sake of plunder than for any fault. In consequence he had more gold than he knew what to do with, and offered it for sale throughout Italy and the provinces at the rate of three thousand sesterces the pound. In his first consulship he stole three thousand pounds of gold from the Capitol, replacing it with the same weight of gilded bronze. He made alliances and thrones a matter of barter, for he extorted from Ptolemy alone in his own name and that of Pompey nearly six thousand talents ..." [3, ј54].
  As an explanation, we note that one sestertium of Caesar's time was a bronze (medium) coin, and according to modern estimates, based on known prices in the markets of Ancient Rome, in terms of euros corresponded to 2 euros. For example, it was possible to buy on 1 sesterce liter of table wine, for ½ sesterce -1 kilogram of bread, for 15 sesterces - tunic, for 1200-2500 sesterces - slave.
  One Attic talent equated approximately 26 kilograms of silver. Since 1 gram of silver corresponds to approximately 5.5 modern dollars, 1 silver talent can be estimated at 143 thousand dollars, although, of course, the prices of our time and the time of Ancient Rome can vary greatly, but the scale is still visible.
  Nevertheless, Caesar perfectly understood the value of money not only as the means for a comfortable life, the construction of palaces and the purchase of works of art, which, however, he did not neglect according to evidence of contemporaries, and he considered money as a necessity to achieve power and its strengthen in the quality of some means of bribery of the people (customers and plebs in general) for own support, for bribes to relevant officials and senators to solve problems, in particular, appointments to positions, going into astronomical debts to collect amounts for bribes, which however paid off pretty quickly, as well as to fight wars, the victories in which over the adversary - obviously weaker on the military organization (tribes of Gauls, Belgians, Germans), on the one hand, strengthened his position in power, and on the other hand, gave him huge sums as a result of the robbery of conquered peoples and tribes: "... he met the heavy expenses of the civil wars and of his triumphs and entertainments by the most bare-faced pillage and sacrilege" [3, ј54].
  In particular, in August 46 BC Caesar made a grand triumph, dedicated immediately to four victories. Not only the crowned captives and hostages from the conquered countries were shown in the procession, the slaves carried treasures, estimated at 64,000 talents, which is about 10 billion modern dollars.
  In addition to power and acquisitiveness, Caesar was a passionate lover of women: "That he was unbridled and extravagant in his intrigues is the general opinion, and that he seduced many illustrious women, among them Postumia, wife of Servius Sulpicius, Lollia, wife of Aulus Gabinius, Tertulla, wife of Marcus Crassus, and even Gnaeus Pompey's wife Mucia ... But beyond all others Caesar loved Servilia, the mother of Marcus Brutus" [3, ј50].
  Thus, in Caesar, the main signs of the lower (natural-primitive) consciousness were clearly concentrated, the main of which was self-centeredness in the desire to stand out and take a leading place in the hierarchy of the community, for which one should not disdain by any means, without remembering morality. That is, Caesar was a high-level dominant, like an alpha male, seizing power and grabbing the best of everything in a row - from luxury to a lot of attractive females, since power allows to make it.
  The above facts also indicate that in addition to dominance, two more properties of the lowest consciousness were clearly manifested in him - the aspiration for a comfortable life with feasts, palaces and triumphs (the best food and living conditions for living creatures), as well as the aspiration to fertilize as many females as possible for their own pleasure, and (unconsciously) to continue themselves in the offspring (transfer of their own genome to next generations).
  2.2. Napoleon Bonaparte. 1769-1821.
  Napoleon is considered by practically all literate people to be unusually great - a true heir to ancient heroes, a brilliant commander, a talented organizer and lawyer who has put the world on a new - more adequate - foundation by his Civil Code.
  He forced all the monarchs of that time to acknowledge his own insignificance before his great deeds, and France, the best part of the population of which was destroyed him in his continuous wars for domination of his neighbors, nevertheless recognized this Corsican as his greatest citizen.
  What is this citizen, who has made himself Emperor, if we look at him through the prism of the possession of each person of one of the two forms of consciousness indicated by us - the lower (primitive-natural, practically invariable for all living beings) and the higher (self-consciousness, which arises only in a person, and only inside him is constantly evolving in the frameworks of society). Which of these forms of consciousness prevailed in him according to the facts and results of his actions?
  The ancestors of Napoleon have been known since the 9th century AD. - Florentine branch of the Italo-Langobard family, descended from Count William. In the XIII century, representatives of the genus moved to the Genoa region, and then - in the XVI century - to Corsica, which then belonged to Genoa. So Napoleon is Italian by birth. And until his death, he spoke French with a distinct accent.
  In 1785, he prematurely graduated from the Paris Military School and was enlisted as a junior lieutenant in the artillery regiment. Napoleon supported the revolution and in 1792 received the rank of captain. In 1793, he arrived in Toulon, besieged by the revolutionary army, and received the rank of major there. With the help of artillery commanded by Napoleon, Toulon was taken and he awarded the rank of brigadier general for his services. In 1795 Napoleon used artillery in the dispersal of the royalist rebellion in Paris and was promoted to divisional general and later appointed commander of the rear troops. In 1796, he took command of the Italian Army of the French Republic.
  Creating a numerical superiority in the right place and at the right time, Napoleon quickly dealt with the enemy, who used outdated military tactics, and cleared almost all of Northern Italy out of the Austrians, receiving a huge indemnity from the defeated. Then he drove the Austrians completely from Italy and captured a number of its regions, including Venice, Verona, Mantua, Genoa. The Italian campaign was successfully completed. He kept a large part of the military booty for himself, which is not indicative of his lack of commercialism.
  In 1798, Napoleon went to conquer Egypt, as a pre-field to the conquest of India. He successfully completed this task, but in Syria failed and, leaving the army, went to France. This momentous event, as well as the fact that he left the army after crossing the Berezina, when it was necessary to somehow correct the collapse of his plans in Russia, testifies to Napoleon's enduring egocentrism, when for the sake of career reasons, he easily sacrificed by entire armies. In addition, Napoleon took out from Egypt a lot of art and other treasures, some of which he kept for himself.
  The crisis in France in 1799, due to military defeats and the country's economic weakness, provoked a conspiracy against the ruling Directory, and the conspirators invited the popular General Bonaparte to take part in the conspiracy. The coup was completed and Napoleon became the first consul of the three - the head of the executive branch.
  So, taking advantage of his popularity and military force in his hands, Napoleon seized power in the country, which he could not even dream about at first, but, apparently, having felt own strength and weakness of the Directory after the Italian campaign, he was only waiting for the right moment.
  He had enough abilities to manage, formulate laws and conduct military operations, and Caesar served as an example, whose biography and books he carefully studied.
  Several victorious battles allowed Napoleon to seize northern Italy from the Austrians, which Suvorov had conquered for them, as well as to gain control of Italy and Germany. In 1802, the war with the coalition of Austria and Great Britain was over. Then Napoleon acquired Louisiana from Spain, thereby expanding the colonial possessions of France.
  Napoleon"s administrative reform allowed to solve the problems of tax collection and recruitment, and also outlined the structure of the state, close to modern.
  In an effort to strengthen his power, Napoleon put the press under control, created a powerful police and secret service, limited the opposition, returned Catholicism, secured the right to property and equality before the law, and then made himself by the lifelong consul, like Caesar.
  Napoleon's new order consisted primarily of supporting the French bourgeoisie in its expansion beyond France, which was most hampered by Great Britain, which had similar interests in the foreign market.
  The resulting conflict could not but be resolved by the war. Napoleon sold Louisiana to the USA and in 1803 captured Hanover, owned by the United Kingdom.
  In 1804, the Civil Code of Napoleon was ratified, the meaning of which for Napoleon personally was to strengthen his power as a guarantee of the preservation of civil rights, property rights to the land of peasants and those who bought the confiscated land of the church and emigrants during the revolution.
  Thus, it becomes clear that Napoleon"s main aspiration is nothing less than lust for power, as evidenced by the elimination by him of his main rivals - General Pishegru (was strangled in prison) and Moreau (was expelled from the country).
  In this regard, it was quite logical for him to proclaim himself the emperor of the French to enter the community of other monarchs, but he did not succeed, although Napoleon tried hard, believing that great deeds could replace hereditary patricianism.
  In 1805, seeing the growing power of France, almost all the countries of the rest of Europe, under the leadership of Great Britain, started a war with it, but were defeated, thanks to which Napoleon received not only new territories, but also about 65 million francs out of Austria. Prussia was also defeated, and Napoleon received 159 million francs of indemnity from her. As a result, by 1807, almost all of Europe was in the hands of Napoleon.
  Only Russia and Great Britain remained independent countries, with Spain and Russia being virtually allies of France in the role in which they were playing in the continental blockade of Great Britain. Portugal, which refused to submit to Napoleon, was subject to the contrition of 100 million francs.
  In Spain and Portugal, unrest began, which went into a war with France, which won the war, but not completely, as hostilities spilled over into a guerrilla war.
  In 1809, the war between France and Austria began, in which Austria was defeated.
  The instability of Napoleon's empire, which included almost all the countries of Europe, was shown by his unsuccessful war with Russia, after the defeat in which first Prussia broke away from Napoleon, and then Austria and Sweden. After the defeat in the "Battle of the Peoples" near Leipzig (late 1813), Napoleon abdicated in April 1814.
  At the beginning of 1815, Napoleon managed to escape from the island of Elba and recover to the throne for 100 days, after which he suffered a final defeat at Waterloo and was exiled to St. Helena, where he died in 1821.
  Napoleon was extremely ambitious, as his entire biography shows. He not only always sought power and was not afraid to bear its considerable burden, but also sought to regain power even in hopeless circumstances, having launched the escape an escape from the island of Elba, since he had to understand that he was guaranteed to lose to the superior forces of the opposing powers.
  At the very beginning of his ascent, Napoleon without any hesitation took advantage of the weakness of the Directory and seized power, which he held for about 15 years, but, like Caesar, his neglect for the opposition in the form of legitimate sovereigns of Europe, quickly rolled down after the unsuccessful military campaign in Russia, and two years later he lost power and the crown.
  Napoleon"s ambitions found their initial foundation thanks to his military successes in Italy: "After Lodi, - Napoleon will say later, - I began to treat myself not as an ordinary general, but as a person who was called upon to influence the fate of the people ..." [4, p. 32].
  Over time, his stay in power and total uncontrolled actions were expressed in contempt for others and an exaggerated opinion about his own personality, that in the animal world leads inevitably an alpha male to defeat due to underestimation of the situation at constant competition. And the arrogant Napoleon, hoping for his own assessment of the situation, organized two failed campaigns - to Spain and Russia, which became the beginning of his fall.
  French historian Jacques Tulard confirms grotesquely exaggerated opinion of Napoleon about himself in his book about him in the following words of Napoleon: "Not for this I took upon myself the work of governing the Netherlands in order to listen to the opinion of the Amsterdam rabble or to act what others want ... Subordinate to me the peoples of Italy know me well and must remember that in one my little finger there is more intelligence than in all their heads combined" [4, p. 286].
  These tirades of Napoleon clearly show what the self-power of the arrogant dominant leads to, despite obvious talents and abilities - to exaggeration of his own significance, to loss of ability to adequately assess the situation and the essence of things, that is, to mistakes and subsequent decline and decomposition of everything he created for himself. This means for him, in the face of competition, with strong opposition both within and outside the country, an inevitable loss of power.
  Here is an analogy with Caesar regarding the behavior of the latter before the conspirators killed him.
  Indeed, the tendency of the lower consciousness to a purely material: dominion, honors, glorification, enrichment, pleasures, characteristic of these rulers, despite the high level of their intelligence, obscuring the altruism of self-consciousness with its compassion to the weak, the pursuit of spiritual values and high ideals, which really only interfere in the bank with spiders, which makes up the essence of power, can offer nothing more to a person, except, in fact, an animal - pleasant food, comfort, affectionate females and the ability to kick the subjects or citizens in the consciousness of its own importance and supposedly influence on world events , which partly happens, but purely locally, without affecting the general course of the accelerating time of technological civilization.
  Actually, the usurper and upstart Napoleon was able to hold on to power for more than ten years, not only and not so much thanks to his military successes, but by the internal situation in post-revolutionary France. Its national bourgeoisie needed new markets for the sale of products, the peasants and the petty bourgeoisie wanted to secure the rights to property that they had seized from the aristocrats after the revolution. In addition, it was necessary to fix the elimination of feudalism in the new laws, in particular, in the abolition of estates, equality of citizens before the law, religious tolerance, as well as it was necessary to normalize finances, to form a new administration, etc.
  This is exactly, what Napoleon did, setting an example to the whole feudal world of what can be achieved in a short time thanks to timely and adequate reforms.
  However, his excessive ambitions, the inadequacy of autocracy, which he organized for himself, the strength of his competitors and the betrayal of the French bourgeois and the new nobility, and the tiredness of the population from wars removed him from power, making him a hero and, at the same time, a great loser of new history.
  Like all rulers, Napoleon believed, and to this he was also motivated by unconditional military talents, that the main way to strengthen and retain power is the conduct of predatory wars, during which it is possible not only gain popularity by your victories, but also significantly enrich oneself with military booty, and part of it to distribute for the same strengthening of own positions in power.
  However, the flip side of wars is the losses of alive power. The number of these losses is indicated in one of the French encyclopedias: "At least 5 million people - military and civilians - became victims of the Napoleonic wars" [5. P. XVII-XVIII].
  Napoleon"s biographer J. Tulard writes: "In 1813, the French, at whom began to draft 16-year-old sons in the army, called Napoleon a cannibal" [4, p. 321].
  Thus, in sacrifice to his ambitions and lust for power Napoleon brought unprecedented earlier number of victims of the war, and France itself became the victim of his ambitions, having turned from the leading into the secondary power, which ceded Great Britain superiority both in Europe and in the world.
  Like Caesar, Napoleon, penniless at first, was not spared the passion for wealth, luxury and other attributes of the "sweet" life in full accordance with the instinctive desire of any living creature as best as possible to settle himself to get the most pleasant sensations.
  He lived in stylish palaces, surrounded by numerous servants and new nobility in galunas, epaulettes and gold.
  True, he had enough money for all this luxury, since in all campaigns Napoleon was engaged in undisguised robbery, exporting gold, jewelry, art objects in astronomical quantities from Italy, Egypt, occupied European countries.
  His other instinctive desire, like that of Caesar, despite Napoleon's intensive load with military and state affairs, was the transfer own genome by the help of attractive females to the future.
  According to E. Roberts [6], from December 1804 to August 1813, Napoleon presented to his mistresses, who were at least 21, over 480 thousand francs. This amounts to almost $ 10 million in modern equivalent.
  In addition to the legal heir from the second wife - Maria Louise of Austria, he had a son from actress Eleanor Danuel de la Plagne, a son from Maria Valevskaya and a daughter from Francoise Maria Leroy. However, he was not lucky here - his rightful heir did not inherit anything and died early, and the rest of the children did nothing special during their lives.
  2.3. Winston Churchill. 1874-1965.
  The high-born aristocrat, the greatest politician, the witty weirdo, the gourmet, the workaholic and the Nobel laureate. So Churchill is seen by historians, and with their filing - by the rest of the public.
  The British themselves named Churchill in 2002 as the greatest man in the history of their state.
  To find out if it is, then it would be nice to examine his nature by Churchill"s actions, that is, to find out what he was really striving for - were his goals high or low-lying?
  Winston Churchill was born in 1874 in one of the estates of the Dukes of Marlborough. He was the third son of the seventh duke of Marlborough.
  At first he tried himself on the military line, graduating from the military school and even participating in several conflicts and wars. Listed on active military service, he also tried out journalistic activities.
  Seeing that the latter is better for him, he abandoned his dreams of a military career, preferring to cover the military conflicts in the press, using the connections of his high-ranking relatives and receiving good fees for articles and books, improving in his literary profession.
  In the course of this ebullient activity, Churchill, not deprived of energy, skilled in journalistic work and communicating with different circles of society, having various connections in high society, realized that popularity, money, glory, the greatest possible comfort, reverence of descendants and, most importantly, - power over people is easiest to gain at some dexterity, abilities and connections in politics, especially since there along the path of his own father - who was Chancellor of the UK Treasury - he had a direct road.
  Already at the age of 25, Churchill tried to take a seat from the Conservative Party in the House of Commons, but was unsuccessful, failing to consider the dissatisfaction of the voters of the district with the Conservative-sponsored "The Church Tithes Bill," which provided to the Anglican Church funding from local taxes.
  Churchill then took an active part in the Anglo-Boer War. The escape from captivity made him famous, and he received several offers to run for Parliament. Churchill did not fail to take advantage of this, in mid-1900, for the first time passed in the House of Commons from the Conservative party.
  Four years later, Churchill found it more advantageous, apparently, for career reasons, and also because of some differences on a number of political issues, to join the Liberal Party.
  His hopes were realized, and already at the end of 1905, Churchill was appointed deputy minister for colonial affairs, and in 1908 he became Minister of Commerce and Industry. Under him, a law was adopted on the minimum wage, according to which the standards for working hours and wages for the first time were established in England, which can be attributed to the positive political activity of Churchill.
  Churchill received one of the most influential posts in Britain - the post of Secretary of the Interior - in 1910. The minister"s salary was 5,000 pounds a year, and Churchill did not fail to immediately abandon his literary work, thereby showing his true life priorities - a passion for comfort and other attributes of a "sweet" life thanks to money, despite the burden of power and the corresponding hassles.
  However, this was not the most important thing for him. The post of minister gave Churchill the opportunity to directly exercise his power over people, and the forms of this manifestation characterize him as a cruel, self-serving despot, despising the "lower" public and ignoring possible victims.
  This is confirmed by his actions in 1911 during the strike of sailors and port workers. Churchill directed the marines to suppress the riots and ordered them to open fire on the crowd [7].
  Hereinafter, the threat of a general strike thanks to the actions of Lloyd George was avoided, but Churchill in his conversation with him put it this way: "I learned about this with great regret. It would be better to continue and give them a good thrashing" [8].
  At the end of 1911, Churchill received the post of First Lord of the Admiralty and immediately took up the modernization of the fleet to prepare it for a future war. To replace coal with oil, he initiated the allocation of more than two million pounds for the acquisition of 51% of the Anglo-Iranian oil company, thereby automatically making the Persian Gulf region a zone of strategic interests of Great Britain.
  Churchill's actions during World War I were largely unsuccessful. Antwerp, which he was trying to protect, fell, the Dardanelles operation, one of the initiators of which he was in 1915, failed catastrophically. Churchill received his resignation. However, in 1917 he was appointed Minister of Arms, and in early 1919, Minister of War and Minister of Aviation.
  Churchill"s actions against Bolshevik Russia, which he wanted to strangle in the cradle as a new possible rival to the British Empire, were also unsuccessful, since all his attempts to end the Bolsheviks through the intervention of British troops ended in failure.
  In 1921, Churchill was appointed Minister for Colonial Affairs and signed the Anglo-Irish Treaty establishing an independent Irish state. The government coalition of liberals and conservatives broke up, and Churchill suffered several defeats in trying to get into parliament from the Liberal Party. He did not think long, reasonably choosing the solution most favorable from career considerations, and in 1924 he moved to the camp of conservatives.
  His expectations were met, and in 1924 he received a second position in the state - Chancellor of the Treasury. Churchill also failed the procedure of returning the economy to the gold standard and increase the value of the pound sterling. Deflation occurred, rose in the price of British exports, the economic downturn began, there was mass unemployment.
  As a result, Churchill did not receive an invitation to enter the government, and in 1931 he was forced to return to literary work.
  Along with that, he continued to be a member of parliament and opposed the pacification of Hitler, well aware of who was behind him and that Hitler's task was not only to seize foreign territories and suppress Bolshevism, but also to advance Germany to the leading role in the world under the slogan of purification humanity and the organization of a new - the most "progressive" - fascist-racist order.
  In this regard, after the outbreak of the war, the dismissal of the former pacification leaders and the appointment of Churchill as the country's prime minister, who could organize resistance to the aggressor, were quite natural.
  To defeat Germany, an anti-Hitler coalition was created as part of the USSR, Great Britain and the USA, the resources of which far exceeded the resources of Germany with its satellites, so the coalition's victory in the war was ensured.
  However, Churchill worked tirelessly not only to defeat Germany, but to deplete its main rival, Bolshevik Russia, by opening a second front with Roosevelt only at the end of the war (1944), and after the end of the war, in his speech in Fulton, he called for a cold war and the eradication of Bolshevism, that is, the elimination of the last rival of the Anglo-Saxons in the world.
  Moreover, Churchill"s primitively low-lying essence was manifested in a call, completely incorrect from the point of view of a civilized man, in a conversation with US President Truman in 1947 to deliver a preventive nuclear strike against the USSR, which would "erase the Kremlin off the face of the earth and turn the Soviet Union into insignificant problem", substantiating this proposal by the fact that the aggressive USSR does not yet have an atomic bomb [9].
  Paradoxical as it may seem, the victory over Germany led to the career defeat of Churchill, who did not become prime minister again due to the victory in the election of the Laborites. All his stormy activities did not save the British Empire from collapse, and this collapse was accelerated by the war, since the damage from it was irreparable.
  The ruin of the economy not only of England itself, but also of its colonies, the external debt, having grown to astronomical sizes - mainly to the USA, the absence of clear proposals for raising the economy led not only to Churchill's resignation, not only to the impoverishment of the inhabitants of the metropolis and its colonies, but also to the rapid collapse the whole empire and replacing the world currency - the pound - with the US dollar, and the transformation of Great Britain into a secondary power, instead of which its former colony - the USA - became the leading one in the world.
  Churchill's love of power was such that, despite his age (76 years) and a clear inability to fulfill the duties of the prime minister (strokes, heart failure, deafness), he was listed as prime minister from 1951 to 1955, refusing to resign.
  In addition, the years of his leadership, and this time were unsuccessful for the population of the UK due to the fact that his proposed cost reduction by reducing the import of food and industrial raw materials led to an increase in the prices of essentials.
  The work on military memoirs at a time when Churchill was out of work was mostly conjunctural, since he stated about all six volumes of his book "World War II," that he was not writing a book, but was making a fortune.
  Indeed, Churchill"s biographer M. Gilbert writes that this ambitious publication became for him a real enterprise in which he used a lot of people: naval, military and air force experts, scientists, historians, writers who did a great job: selection of materials, verification of facts, preparation of references. In addition, a group of trained secretaries worked for Churchill in two shifts. And besides, taking the opportunity to go down in history, former military, political figures and businessmen involved in military events willingly helped their memoirs on private occasions [9].
  Naturally, many English-language magazines began to print this work, at this, only one Life magazine paid Churchill $ 2 million for the right to publish. Over the years, this six-volume work was publishing in separate editions for decades. It is not surprising that such a well-known person as Churchill surpassed even the really talented prose writer E. Hemingway as the candidate for received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1953.
  In 1965, after the death of Churchill, the Sunday Times newspaper commented: "Very few authors in the twentieth century received more money from their books than Churchill" [10, p. 24].
  Churchill died of another stroke on January 24, 1965, and was buried with state honors.
  Churchill, at the beginning of his political activity, has not yet closed in complete and final love for himself and his clan. Therefore, he supported the social reforms carried out by the liberal government at the beginning of the twentieth century. In particular, in 1908 he initiated the law on the minimum wage, which established the norms of working hours and wages.
  Martin Gilbert in the preface to his book on Churchill [10] describes him as follows: "A shrewd, reasonable and cautious politician, Churchill was always a supporter of bold actions. One of his greatest talents was his exceptional mastery of the word, his love of language, which allowed him to eloquently and easily expound the most important things, convince and inspire people. He had a great sense of humor".
  Churchill also had a creative imagination. In particular, he proposed scattering foil from aircraft to bring down German radars, expressed the idea of creating a pipeline under the Atlantic Ocean, proposed the construction of a navigation device for pilots, and was involved in journalism and literature with success, eventually receiving the Nobel Prize.
  It must also be said that to a large extent his energy and tough control of the country in the war with Hitler Germany, allowed to mobilize Great Britain, despite casualties and hardships, to the all-out struggle against the enemy, which was crowned with success.
  However, the primary goal of Churchill was to achieve the highest power in the country, and, if possible, in the world, since the sun does not set in the British Empire. He followed this goal invariably until the last premiership, refusing already in a completely weak state to retire.
  Churchill once admitted to his mother: "If I do not succeed, it will be a disaster for me! Failures will break my heart, because ambition is my only support" [12].
  And one of the well-known prime ministers of Great Britain - Lloyd George, who worked with Churchill, described Churchill as a person who is ready to make a drum from her own mother"s skin to drum the march in own honor.
  An example for Churchill in his quest for Supreme power was Mussolini.
  Pierre Milza notes in his book "Mussolini" Churchill"s words about him: "Mussolini is the greatest living legislator" [13].
  And at a press conference in Rome in January 1927, Churchill said: "If I were Italian, I"m sure that I would be completely with you from the beginning to the end of your victorious struggle against the brutal appetites and passions of Leninism" [10, Chapter 22].
  For career advancement, Churchill actively used his connections in the highest circles of society.
  As an example, we can cite one case of Churchill's communication not with ordinary people, but extremely useful for his ambitions and aspirations: "In March 1907, Churchill went to rest in Biarritz, in the magnificent castle of his friend Baron de Forest and his father, Baron de Hirsch. "The king dines or has supper with us every day," Churchill wrote. Churchill moved from France to Italy, where he took a second car trip, this time with a new friend, F. E. Smith, a member of parliament from the Conservatives, a witty and brilliant man who quickly became his closest companion, despite political differences. From Italy they went to the de Forest castle in the Moravian Eichhorn, where they had fun hunting for hares and partridges" [10, Chapter 9].
  Churchill needed power not only for its sake, but it provided many other opportunities, in particular, to get good money through corruption, that he repeatedly used.
  Churchill, who did not have capital, but wished to live in luxury, rendered services to bankers, receiving a corresponding bribe for this.
  Sevastyanov A. N. in his book about Churchill writes the following: "The Jewish banker Kassel secured him participation in the loan issued by the Japanese government in the amount of 10.000 pounds (in current money - 500.000 pounds). Churchill wrote to his brother Jack about this financial transaction: "I hope to get a small profit from this." In 1905, Kassel paid for furniture in Churchill's bachelor"s apartment in the Mayfair district of London. Kassel"s financial support was ongoing. The income from the shares of the Etchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railway, which he bought for Churchill in 1907, enabled the politician to pay for the typist's services. When Churchill married Clementine in 1908, Kassel gave them £ 500 for their wedding, that is, about £ 25.000 in terms of current money" [11, p.20].
  "During the First World War, the production of explosives in the UK in large quantities (thirty thousand tons) required acetone, which was not on the market. The state was ready to pay for it in full without bargaining ... Weizmann, the head of the Jewish Agency, received from Churchill a monopoly on the production of acetone throughout the empire. You can imagine what fabulous profits such contracts bring!" [11, p. 21].
  "... Sir Robert Whaley Cohen asked him to mediate in negotiations with the British government to merge his private oil companies with the Anglo-Persian oil company, in which the majority of the shares were held by the British government ... Churchill agreed to represent Cohen's companies in negotiations with the British government. For his mediation, he received 5,000 pounds - the amount equivalent to the annual salary of a cabinet member" [11, p. 22].
  Churchill as the true dominant-power-lover could not help but wage or at least accompany wars and local conflicts, that had not only to support his image as a great strategist, but also strengthen his position in power as a fighter for the interests of the British Empire.
  In particular, he made considerable efforts to create the permanent conflict situation in Palestine - the territory mandated by Britain, having confronted actually Jews with Arabs in order to "fish in troubled waters" in the future, paving the way not only for Britain but also for the USA actual to dispose without hindrance of the region"s richest oil resources.
  As for the Second World War, Churchill, being the head of his country, in agreement with Roosevelt, was dragging out this war in every possible way, reasonably considering it the result weakening his opponents - the USSR and Germany. Of course, he had in mind the interests of Britain and the USA, that is, the Anglo-Saxons and himself as their protector.
  Churchill does not spare his opponents and participates in a number of punitive operations and wars: he fights with the Boers in the Boer War, goes to Cuba, where José Marty 's rebellion is suppressed, participates in punitive operations in Sudan, repressions against the Irish, Somalis, Rhodesians, fiercely fights with the Bolsheviks.
  But his greatest "achievement" was the Bengal famine in India in 1943-44, actually organized by him, in which, according to the estimates of the Indians themselves, about 7 million people died.
  More recently, journalist and international analyst Rakesh Krishnan Simkha, in an interview with Sputnik, outlined some of the details of this next brutal deed of Churchill, for who the Indians apparently have nothing to do with people.
  An abundant harvest of food grain collected in Bengal in 1942, the British has exported almost the entire to the metropolis. Rice prices went up, and by June 1943 it had become out of reach for the millions of poor people in this region, and in a relatively short time millions of people died a quiet death, because there was no one to help them.
  A member of the commission investigating the causes of hunger, W. K. Aykroyd described all the horrors of the mass hungry in his book with the sarcastic title "Victory over Hunger".
  And the aforementioned Simkha in his interview described Churchill's general attitude towards the Indians as follows: "Winston Churchill was simply the last of many bloodthirsty despots who controlled the fate of India for more than 200 years of British rule. He said: "I hate Indians. They are bestial people with bestial religion".
  In addition, Churchill organized at the end of World War II the completely senseless killing of over a hundred thousand people in Dresden, directing 800 bombers to this defenseless city. No military aims justify this attack. Perhaps he wanted to take revenge on Germany for the bombing of London and Coventry, but it is impossible to put oneself on the same board with the Nazis, although this was the case.
  Thus, between the wars, as well as during wars, Churchill shoots, burns, suppresses, starves both own and others subjects and citizens ostensibly in the public interest, but in fact in accordance with the animal instincts that dominate him, which are characteristic of all rulers: back in the Gaelic wars Caesar methodically destroyed the Celtic population, boasting this, and Napoleon did not pay attention not only to the suffering and numerous casualties among the civilian population during his wars, but also did not spare his soldiers, most of whom died not in battle, but from diseases, wounds, adverse climatic conditions(frost in Russia or the heat and plague in Egypt and Syria), or was simply cast at the mercy of fate in the same Russia and Africa.
  Personal and corporate egoism, corresponding to animal egocentrism, as well as suspiciousness and prejudice, corresponding to animal caution, were clearly expressed in obvious hatred and contempt for other communities: "I do not believe that a dog on the hay has any right to hay, even if she lay on it for a long time. I don 't recognize that right for her. I do not admit, for example, that great injustice was committed against the Red Indians of America or the black Aborigines of Australia. I don"t admit that injustice was committed against these people because a stronger race, a more advanced race, a wiser race, let"s say so, came and took their place" [14].
  At this, Churchill's hatred of other civilizational approaches and communities was reaching the highest degree.
  In particular, he, having not tolerated the rivalry of Germany with the British Empire, fought with all his might against it in the First World War, and in the Second World War he used every opportunity to bring Germany to the very bottom, having turned its civilian population into corpses, and cities - into ruins by total bombing of cities, and having offered to divide Germany into dozens of small states in order to get rid of this rival on the world stage forever.
  He hated the Bolsheviks with the same force, trying to destroy them with the help of intervention after 1917, and after World War II in 1945, Churchill ordered the British military to prepare operation "Unthinkable", a plan for a war with the USSR, which was to begin in July 1945, and then, besides calling for a cold war with the USSR (Fulton Speech), considered it necessary to destroy the USSR by nuclear bombardment, while it did not have nuclear weapons. M. Gilbert cites his words on this subject: "If I remained the Prime Minister, I would surely be able to convince the Americans to use their new weapons to deter the Russians" [10, Chapter 36].
  And he did all this literally after recent hugs and friendly conversations with Stalin, which clearly indicates his hypocrisy, corresponding to disguise for animals, in order to the enemy does not recognize during your true intentions.
  His hypocrisy is also confirmed in actions on the territory of his own country.
  At first - the first ten years of MP Churchill was full of such positive statements as the need to show mercy to the defeated Boers, criticism of the increase in defense spending.
  But, as soon as he was appointed Minister of the Interior, he began to suppress the protests against the authorities with unprecedented cruelty: in this way the mass social protests of the workers were suppressed, the performances of the women-suffragettes who demanded equal rights. The brutality of the new Minister, who ordered the police to treat protesters as hardened criminals amazed even his conservative colleagues, and against protesting dockers and sailors in Liverpool in 1911, he sent the Marines, allowing the use of weapons.
  Like all males among animals who have achieved power and are able to get what they want, Churchill, since the income allowed it, became a gourmet, consuming the best delicacies, the most expensive cognac and champagne, Cuban cigars. He also liked to play in the casino, used a luxurious state-owned yacht for himself and relaxed in the most expensive resorts in the world.
  As for women, it is possible that he wanted to consume them in large quantities, but in his youth, without serious funds, lacking an attractive appearance and the ability to look after girls, first he failed with the daughter of a high-ranking official Pamela Plowden, who preferred Count B. Litton to him. Then actress Ethel Barrimore also hesitated to marry him, the heiress of wealthy ship-owner Muriel Wilson similarly rejected the offer of hand and heart on his part, and the likely alliance with the daughter of Prime Minister Transvaal Luis Botha Helen never found a logical completion.
  Finally, fairly clever Churchill realized that it will difficult for him to find contact with women for a number of reasons, one of which was his inability to systematically court for them.
  Therefore, when Churchill met Clementine Hosier - the daughter of a dragoon colonel, whose mother was from the family of Earley counts, and probably was smart enough, in order to consider a promising politician at Churchill, she found him a profitable party for her daughter. Churchill did not resist, and after all his failures on the love front, and his age pressed - he was already 33 years old - he married Clementine, in addition, he had already achieved a lot in his career, having held the post of Minister of Commerce in 1908.
  Thus, he closed the problem of sex, which was doubtful for him, and engaged with all energy more attractive career development, showing genuinely the highest degree of dominance. Moreover, he kept this dominance until his very advanced age, refusing to resign from the post of prime minister already in a frail condition to the very last limit - at 80 years old.
  From this it is clear that despite the external brilliance, in Churchill, as in the other characters of our review, all the basic properties of the lower consciousness gathered: dominance was expressed in their fierce desire for power; the creation of the most favorable conditions for themselves, reflected in the desire for a comfortable and well-furnished life with getting always the best. As for the transfer of the genome, Churchill, due to his busyness and inability to deal with women, concentrated on his own wife, from whom he had many children.
  Churchill used all his talents and skills, as well as his good intellect, as can be seen from his actions, despite the distracting maneuvers in the form of literary creativity, to enter power and to be consolidated in it, making decisions, first of all, not to improve the lives of at least citizens of own state, but to maintain the dominance of the large owners of Great Britain and international capital, serving them, without sparing forces, and receiving considerable bonuses and privileges from them.
  2.5. John Fitzgerald Kennedy. 1917-1963.
  Kennedy - the most adored, and not only by the residents of the United States, president of this country without an original name and with a short history, the former colony of England, which now overshadowed its former metropolis, and each president of which, as seen by many, owns the whole world. It seems that in front of John"s charm all his sins on the female part recede, and it"s hard to believe that he was insincere in his actions and state deeds.
  Therefore, it is interesting to take an open look at this wonderful example of masculinity and universal adoration from the side of known facts, for some reason set aside or forgotten, and figure out on this basis, what was influencing him in the first place.
  John Kennedy was born in 1917 in Massachusetts in the family of an Irish, Catholic, wealthy businessman and politician Joseph Patrick Kennedy.
  He graduated from Harvard University in 1941. Participated in hostilities in the naval forces. The rank of lieutenant he has ended the war.
  He was interested in politics, a successful activity in which could pave him the way to the highest power, at this, by the power, turning an ordinary person into a historical figure, about which legends add up, judging by one of his diary entries about Hitler, he was most interested in: "You can easily understand how in just a few years, having overcome the hatred surrounding him now, Hitler will turn into one of the most significant personalities in history. Cherishing the infinitely ambitious plans that he wanted to realize in his country, he posed a threat to humanity. But the secret, enveloping his life and death will outlive him for a long time. There was something about him that legends add up to" [15, p. 69].
  And in the advancement to the highest power, his father could really help him, being one of the richest people in the USA, a comrade-in-arms of President Franklin Roosevelt, who himself had dreamed of a highest power in the USA, but did not work out, but now he could try to promote inti power his not stupid, educated, charming and attractive son.
  And this rich man, close to mafia circles, did not think at all about decency in the race to the presidency with hardened politicians and used all means to achieve the goal.
  After the war, Kennedy took up journalism, working with Hurst, but having appreciated own abilities and inclinations, as well as yielding to his father's agitation, he plunged into politics.
  He was not able face any material problems, because the Kennedy clan dreamed of the highest political posts of at least one of its representatives, and was ready to provide considerable resources to achieve far-reaching goals, the ultimate of which was the post of President of the United States.
  During the years of John F. Kennedy 's presidency, the capital 1 the Kennedy clan was more than $1 billion, from which John F. Kennedy received his main income, not from the president 's salary.
  Intrigues and bribery, which was mostly done with John 's tacit consent by his father, from the very beginning accompanied Kennedy 's career growth.
  It all started with the House of Representatives. Joseph Kennedy began negotiations with Congressman D. M. Curley, who had financial and legal difficulties. Joseph offered to pay his debts and settle legal troubles if Curley vacated the seat in the House of Representatives.
  Joseph later admitted in a conversation with a journalist about the beginning of his son"s political career: "I just called someone, got in touch with people I know. I have many friends" [16, p. 19].
  As a result of the actions of his father, John F. Kennedy came to represent Boston County in the US Congress as a congressman from the Democratic Party (1947 - 53). He was a member of the committee on education and labor relations.
  The next step in Kennedy's breakthrough to power was the struggle for the post of senator from Massachusetts. In front of him was a serious rival - Republican Henry Cabot Lodge, a grandson of the former chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the main oppositionist to US President Woodrow Wilson on on the issue of joining the League of Nations.
  John Kennedy owes his victory with a slight margin over Henry Cabot Lodge again thanks to the thoughtful and generously funded actions of his father and his team [17].
  John F. Kennedy was a senator on the Labor and Public Welfare Committee until 1960.
  Already in 1956, John F. Kennedy was seen as a future candidate for the presidency of the United States, partly because he personified the "new generation" about which he mentioned in the slogan during his first election campaign in Congress in 1946. In early 1959, preparations began for the presidential election, and in January 1960 he announced the registration of his candidacy. With a slight margin, he managed to defeat his opponent from the Republican Party, Richard Nixon.
  Again, for the third time, Joseph Kennedy ensured this victory to his son with not quite legal means. In particular, Eleanor Roosevelt outlined in a television interview the following: "Kennedy"s father is delivering heaps of money all over the country and he probably has a paid representative in every state now" [18].
  In US history, the 1960 presidential election is considered the dirtiest.
  Kennedy's rival, Richard Nixon, US Vice President, was supported by FBI Director E. Hoover and America"s richest man, Howard Hughes. Compromising evidence, bribery of voters, judges was used. Probably more experienced and become skilled in past election campaigns, Joseph Kennedy, who also did not suffer from a lack of money, was more successful.
  In addition, John Kennedy himself, as a young, successful and handsome candidate, influenced voters to a large extent with his charm.
  Be that as it may, with an extremely small margin of votes (119 thousand) with a total number of voters - 69 million, John Kennedy won.
  So John Kennedy became the 35th president of the United States.
  Thus, by intrigue, bribery, family ties, generous handouts to voters and, as a result, the successful elimination of competitors, John Kennedy moved to first place in the country.
  During his presidency, Kennedy did not do anything particularly outstanding, although he tried to revive the economy by cutting taxes, but without success, having failed to overcome opposition resistance.
  It should be noted, however, that Kennedy advocated equalizing the rights of blacks, created a national arts fund, and initiated a flight to the moon.
  However, unsuccessful were his actions in relations with other states, which he, like any ruler of a strong power, wanted to subordinate to his influence, but did not succeed.
  His attempts to overthrow F. Castro in Cuba led to nothing. Not only that, he received the Caribbean crisis in connection with Cuba, which put the whole world on the brink of nuclear war.
  Kennedy also decided to increase US intervention in the Vietnam Civil War, which ultimately, but already at his successors, led to the defeat of the United States.
  Kennedy did not live to see the end of his presidency. He was killed in Dallas, because, like Caesar at one time, he neglected the opposition, which in the person of large monopolies and the mafia couldn't tolerate he restrictions, which Kennedy tried to impose to them.
  It must be said that Kennedy was not a fool, although, in fact, by the politician who held the highest office in the country, he was made by his own father, not by him oneself. Nevertheless, the son lived up to his trust: John Kennedy had a flexible mind, good professional training, determination, and even audacity, if he carried out a number of socio-economic reforms, signed the Nuclear Test Termination Treaty, effectively fought segregation, and proclaimed the US"s entry into space exploration, including landing on the moon.
  Kennedy struggled with unemployment and tried to boost the country's economy, having suffered as a result, because he tried to force the monopolies not to take out capital and production out of the country in pursuit of a higher rate of return, that, according to many experts, was the main reason for his death - who will allow for oneself to lose hundreds of billions of profit due to the whim of some Kennedy!
  As for greed and money-grubbing, John F. Kennedy was above this, but not because of the presence of nobility from birth, but because the wealth of the family allowed him to remain "in chocolate" all his life. He had no debts, he did not have to raise money for election campaigns, he did not need funds for a luxurious life - he was always accompanied by the maximum possible comfort and presence of the most beautiful women.
  For example, on the Honey-Fitz yacht, there was even an elevator. Inside is a lacquered dark wood finish. In addition, the yacht had a small copy of the White House Oval Office. It was here that the president was meeting with representatives of his administration in the midst of the Caribbean crisis.
  But to power John Kennedy treated not simply quiveringly, but also was making to all lengths to get and keep it, not having at all in his thoughts the concepts of conscience, nobility, honesty.
  One of the evidence of this is John Kennedy"s tacit consent, and by no means by weakness of own character, to the help from his rich and influential father in ascending to the summit of power, who did not disdain any intrigues, acting by bribery, connections and intimidation of those who disagree with the help of Mafia.
  The Kennedy family had a connection with the mafia since the 30s, when John's father made a fortune from the underground whiskey trade. His frequent golf partner was the influential gangster D. Roselli.
  John Kennedy was also in intense contact with the mafia leaders. In Cuba, in 1957, he was relaxing with influential mafiosi Meir Lansky, and one of the three mafia leaders in the United States, S. Dzhankana, helped to collect the votes in the presidential campaign in 1960, moreover, according to John Kennedy's mistress Judith Exter, Kennedy asked her to hand over a package of money to her good friend Dzhankana to bribe voters. In addition, Kennedy turned to Dzhankana with a request to remove F. Castro after the failure of the American landing in Cochinos Bay (April 1961).
  However, after the declaration of war to Mafia by the Minister of Justice, John F. Kennedy's brother Robert, arises the conspiracy of three mafiosi - S. Dzhankan, S. Traficante and S. Adonis. Jack Ruby, who killed Oswald, who allegedly shot Kennedy, was also the member of Mafia. This explains the connection between Mafia and the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
  In addition, John F. Kennedy was the actual hostage to the FBI Director E. Hoover, who had on him an extensive dossier with documents and photographs of not only his love affairs, but also on relations with the mafia.
  To avoid scandal, it was decided to change the head of the FBI after the re-election of the president, but Kennedy did not wait for this - he was killed. At the same time, there are many statements. that FBI agents sought to hide information about the Kennedy assassination - photos and video recordings were seized from witnesses to the assassination of the president. Almost all of them were missing. Key evidence, related to the disclosure of the assassination procedure, was falsified by the FBI.
  Thus, Kennedy"s murder itself could be the result of Kennedy"s breach of obligations to the mafia, which was being covered by the FBI.
  An important factor, at least contributing to the assassination of the president, was his policy towards the monopolies: in particular, Kennedy in 1962 lost the confidence of the business community, seeking to lower steel prices, in addition, he tried to stop the outflow of capital from the US economy to other countries with a higher rate of return, and thereby became the main enemy of the monopolies, who needed to be eliminated.
  Like all rulers, even temporary ones, Kennedy, wanted to raise the prestige of his power in the simplest way possible - participating in wars.
  Apart from the failed invasion of Cuba and the US involvement in the Vietnam Civil War, Kennedy managed to bring the entire world to the brink of a devastating nuclear war during the Caribbean crisis.
  Researchers attributed the Cuban crisis to Kennedy"s obsession with the idea of the Cold War and his penchant to create conflicts. He believed that he should be "tough", despite the dangerous situations that arise later. Kennedy stubbornly refused to compromise and remove American missiles from Turkey, which were not of special strategic importance for the United States [19, p. 351].
  Like almost all healthy primitives who are in power, Kennedy instinctively sought to inseminate as many women as possible, while simultaneously receiving a lot of pleasure, and not at all thinking of high morality, which, judging by his actions with the opposite sex, was inaccessible to him.
  Alan Brinkley in his book [20] writes that, having a wonderful family and a bunch of children, Kennedy hid his almost pathological sexual concern. Brinkley cites the following facts: "Almost all of his adult life, wherever he went, Kennedy was always looking for sexual adventures. It is not surprising that his status made him a particularly attractive prey for the ladies. Friends, assistants and sexually preoccupied politicians like him, joining forces, vied with each other to introduce the president to the fair sex. His list of don Juan included movie stars, fashion models, relatives of of friends and dear call girls".
  So in the case of Kennedy, who is adored by the majority of the US population, it is necessary to recognize by the will of inexorable facts the predominance of a primitive animal essence of consciousness in it, which, on the one hand, helped him to penetrate power, and on the other hand, demonstrated those qualities that are more appropriate alpha males of primates, rather than a highly moral and religious intellectual.
  From this brief analysis, perhaps, of the most famous, or at least for this moment the most known and respected characters in the history, it follows, paradoxically for philistines, that the main aspirations of both Caesar and the other characters in our review were reduced to the seizure of power and its retention, which was facilitated by their conduct of actual and economic wars, the aspiration for the most open or implicit subjugation of own fellow citizens, which in nature corresponds to the high level of dominance, the most vividly represented by the alpha-males of monkey packs.
  Similar primitive (natural) strivings were promoted by other properties of consciousness noted above in considered characters, the main of which are greed and money-grubbing, paving the way for a sweet and comfortable life with funds obtained mainly by unrighteous ways, which in nature corresponds to the aspiration of each organism to provide itself with a "warm" place and good nutrition; voluptuousness, which in nature corresponds to the aspiration of each organism by the maximum possible coverage of the opposite sex to increase by all means the number of their "copies" in the environment.
  Whatever it was, but to help the desire for power more than anything can not only and not so much a high level of intelligence, which, of course, is not superfluous, but above all those properties of consciousness that directly contribute to the victory in the competition with similar dominant individuals - and they do not include compassion, pity, love, friendliness, mercy, honesty, - but help in the competition for power, which gives basic material wealth, cunning, insidiousness and deceit, which are a superstructure of such properties of the lowest (primitive) consciousness as dynamism, communicability, the aspiration to stand out, disguise, caution, sexual activity, helping to stay and gain a foothold in existence with the consumption as possible of the most pleasant sensations during the struggle for existence with the transfer of gained positions to own offspring.
  All these properties of primitive (lowest) consciousness, without which it is impossible to do to any living being, including man, are manifested in different ways in living beings, but already in their highest degree they can already be observed in a pack of nimble and nosey monkeys, who do not know what sympathy and pity are, but invariably show energy, sociability when feeling hungry, thievery under favorable circumstances, the trick when sharing food to snatch the most "sweet" pieces.
  In particular, human hypocrisy corresponds to such a property of primitive consciousness as camouflage - it allows the same monkeys to mask their true intentions, for example, by taking food from a weaker member of the pack before he runs away; human suspicion and prudence corresponds to the primitive property of caution, which manifests itself in monkeys during communication in order to avoid troubles on the part of a stronger being, as well as in dislikes to other populations of beings; human sexual licentiousness in using women for their own pleasure corresponds to the behavior of alpha male apes, for which are accessible to all females of a pack and, accordingly, the production of the maximum number of offspring.
  And all this is dominated by egoism as the desire to stand out in the community as much as possible, subjugate everyone to oneself and take everything desired, which corresponds to the egocentrism of any living creature trying not only to survive, but to provide itself with the best living conditions in the form of the most pleasant sensations.
  Thus, in the most famous and revered rulers: Caesar, Napoleon, Churchill, Kennedy and other lesser-known rulers who are hardly significantly different from those noted in the properties of their consciousness, in a concentrated form were gathered the main properties of one of the two forms of consciousness - the lowest (animal, or primitive, ancient) consciousness, prevailing over the properties of its other form - the highest consciousness (self-consciousness), reaching its peak and mass character at the last stage of the existence of technological civilization, but not affecting its foundation - a lower consciousness that does not change with the passage of time, and still prevails in the rulers.
  Higher one, and, consequently, indiscrimination in the means of achieving their goals that help them successfully defeat competitors for the highest authority, which, of course, is facilitated by a high level of intelligence and creativity as properties of higher consciousness, but already in the second turn, since the dominance that determines the enduring and strongest aspiration to occupy the most advantageous place for existence in the hierarchy of individuals, that is, a kind of power in one"s own niche of existence, is an integral property of the lowest consciousness and has nothing to do with values of the highest consciousness of a spiritual and aesthetic order, giving only a pleasant sensation of power over the fellow tribesmen, if one succeeds in attaining this, in which Caesar and other rulers succeeded in, and, as can be seen from their behavior, gave them the highest satisfaction.
  This, in fact, consists the nature of power, which, due to the duality of human consciousness to change impossibly e, as a result of which in power will always be the scoundrels, no matter how historians cover them, painting the supposedly great and glorious deeds of these figures, whose essence not much different from the essence of the monkey.
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  4. Tulard J. Napoleon, the Myth of the Savior. Blackwell Publ. Ltd. 1986. ISSN: 0018-2648.
  5. The encyclopedia of the French revolution and Napoleonic Wars: a political, social, and military history. Gregory Fremont-Barnes. - ABX-CLIO, 2006. ISBN 978-18510-96466.
  6. Roberts A. Napoleon the Great. Penguin. 2014. ISBN 978-0-241-01919
  7. R. Holmes, In the Footsteps of Churchill. The Bubble Reputation. 1895-1901. Basic Books, NY, 2005, ISBN 0-465-03082-3.
  8. Н. Роуз. Черчилль. Бурная жизнь. М. "Издательство Аст". 2004. ISBN 5-17-014478-4.
  9. Winston Churchill"s bid ti nuke Russia to win Cold War - uncovered in secret FBI Files. Daily Mail, 2014. 8.11.
  10. Martin Gilbert. Churchill: A life. 1992. An Owl Book. Henry Holt and Company. New York.
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  13. Milza, Pierr. Mussolini. Paris, Fayard. 1999.
  14. To the Peel Commission (1937) on Jewish Homeland in Palestine.
  15. John F. Kennedy, Prelude to Leadership. The European Diary of John F. Kennedy (Washington, D. C. Regnery, 1995.
  16. Mochael O'Brien, John F. Kennedy. A Biography (New York: St. Martin's Press, 2005.
  17. "Rose Kennedy Speaks at a Tea, 1952", n. d., JFKL.
  18. Eleanor Roosevelt to JFK, June 2, 1958, JFK.
  19. Reeves R. President Kennedy. Profile of power. 1993. New York. Simon & Schuster. ISBN: 978-0-671-64879-4.
  20. Brinkley, Alan. John F. Kennedy. 2012. Times Book. ISBN: 978-0-8050-8349-1.
  10. The dethronement of the myth about good and evil
  Household and religious idea of the good and evil as opposite ethical categories is absolutized up to recognition them by comprehensive. How the situation with them in fact is? and why these concepts are inapplicable to the world of the nature?
  It is known that since the birth of civilization, good is understood as positive and welcome assessment of actions, in particular, deeds, creation, whereas under evil is understood the negatively-condemned actions, for example, humiliation, infliction of harm, destructive actions.
  Naturally, the concepts of good and evil, as polar, were being contrasted, and evil by all means was subject to condemnation.
  It should be noted that these moral categories are the very relative, since, for example, harming the enemy cannot but be good for one of the parties, and good deeds often "lead to hell."
  Insufficient knowledge, which often leads to negative consequences, also cannot be qualified as evil, because it is rarely complete, but learns on mistakes, receiving a positive result.
  Sympathies and dislikes rarely remain the same throughout life.
  On the other hand, it should be noted that to animal (natural) life, that is, at its guide by the lowest consciousness, which for the person is qualified by science as subconsciousness, the concepts of good and evil are inapplicable, since the instinctive and reflex actions of living beings are not subjects to assessment from the position of any kind of morality. And it means that good and evil, as respectively relatively the right and the bad, appear only in the presence at living beings in addition to the lowest - instinctive-reflex consciousness of the highest consciousness or self-consciousness.
  Therefore, aggressiveness, the desire to humiliate or destroy an opponent, to seize its territory, self-centeredness, in a word, everything that contributes to survival and domination, peculiar of an lowest (animal) consciousness with its irresponsibility from the position of the human morality, cannot be assessed critically by the highest consciousness, which is characterized by selflessness, respect and love for people and other living beings, altruism, decency and conscientiousness; however, with the latter properties alone, you can't survive in an antagonistic, that is, a competitive society, and any person must, willy-nilly, turn to the lowest consciousness, which contributes to him at least survive in the whirl of life, more precisely, this very lowest consciousness itself enters into action when it considers it necessary.
  Thus, each person is in a situation of interaction between the lowest and highest types of consciousness, which for the most part comes down to their struggle due to the fundamental difference of the problems, which are being solved.
  Nevertheless, this struggle significantly accelerates the pace of development of society compared with the animal world or even with primitive communities, some of which have survived until now in areas distant from civilization precisely because of the weakness of their highest consciousness.
  This fact of the accelerated development of human communities in civilization conditions makes it possible to recognize the struggle of the lowest and highest types of consciousness both in each person and in human communities as the main driving force of the development of a civilized society.
  It is the struggle of the lowest and highest types of consciousness that causes the emergence of the concepts of good and evil, in the first of which is accented the action of the highest consciousness for the most part, and in the second - the action of the lowest consciousness for the most part, at this, the relativity, or blurring and changeability of these concepts indicates, as a rule, the leading the position of one or another type of consciousness.
  Inasmuch the total eradication of the lowest consciousness, which is not only the foundation of human life, but life in general, and the centers of this type of consciousness are the aspiration to survive at all costs and the aspiration to leave behind posterity, that to be exempted from aspirations of this type of consciousness is not possible.
  Therefore, the release from similar aspirations or desires - a main goal of Buddhists - is a clean utopia, and it is sad for them.
  As for moral improvement - the main goal of Daoism, then it turns out as effective only for people with a high level of self-consciousness, because only they are able to distance themselves as far as possible from the egocentrism of the lowest consciousness, having eliminated the eternal, according to Daoism, equal dependence of good and evil, which in fact can quite often be unequal.
  If to recognize compliance of the heart chakra of Hinduism to the highest consciousness, then it absolutely fairly points that poor development of this chakra, that is, of the highest consciousness, means smaller ability of the person to kind acts.
  If to consider the lowest consciousness as the main source of the evil, - and the lowest consciousness cannot be eliminated at all, - then views of Christians on evil as dependent essence are not so far from the truth.
  Judaism also quite adequately consider evil as a negative characteristic of human existence in the world and deny in independent existence of this negativism, which is actually manifested mostly as a result of the actions of lowest consciousness, as well as as a result of some actions of highest consciousness.
  From this brief review, a true basis emerges for the abstract moral (humanized) concepts of good and evil - the highest and lowest types of consciousness respectively both in the person and his communities.
  Below these abstracts are being more extensively deployed.
  If to proceed from existence in each person of two beginnings - the lowest (animal), qualified by the modern science as subconscious, and the highest (self-consciousness) which is present only at the person and defines his actions only partly independently, without having the opportunity to separate completely from the lowest, and designate these beginnings, respectively, as the lowest and highest types of consciousness, first of all we have to state the undoubted difference between man and any other living being, who cannot in any way aware of itself in time, and secondly, it should be noted the difference of living beings from inanimate matter, consisting in the fact that the former are able to "turn" instinctively or consciously the surrounding to themselves, processing the "impulses" coming from it through the appropriate channels (sense organs) in the processing centers, which is absent in any natural objects of the inanimate matter.
  In other words, each living being from birth long before appearance of the person has found the new property compared to objects of the inanimate matter - the relative subjectivity. This property is expressed in unconscious ability of this being to processing coming to it on channels of the sense organs of data from the environment, which, after processing in the respective centers, become information for him about himself and the environment, and the creature can use this information, trying to get advantages for itself in the struggle with competitors and in alliance with "colleagues", which means its development in the lower phase of consciousness, which is operating only with advantage for itself.
  Thereby the received information, which, being converting into time, creates a changing unidirectional "movie" of the world, a living being somehow feels and understands, since it automatically places itself in it, and can more or less "conveniently" define itself inside it in accordance with the emerging feelings and intelligence, that is, guided by the degree of their own dissatisfaction with the existing position, which dissatisfaction with the position of other creatures surrounding the given one can counteract.
  Similar fight for survival of one living being in communication with other living beings the detached onlooker can determine as the ambivalent.
  All impacts from outside, allowing this being to survive, breed and dominate, the observer may qualify as positive, or conditionally - as good for the being, and all impacts that lead to the deterioration of his position or death, the outside observer has to qualify as the negative, or kind of as evil.
  For another creature living at the expense of the first or even feeding on it, the outsider observer naturally considers the situation in the opposite way, that is, here the "good" for the second being turns into "evil" for the first, and the "evil" for the first - into "good" for the second, which means relativity and artificiality of the concepts of good and evil in principle.
  Therefore, it is meaningless to proclaim, as some religious confessions (Buddhism) do, the inevitability of the victory of good over evil in beingness.
  Before the appearance of the person, no living being could evaluate own behavior from a moral point of view due to the lack of self-awareness.
  It is self-consciousness that has transformed the extreme relativity of the concepts of good and evil, but in fact, the positivity or negativity of changes, undergone by a person or a group of people, into absolute concepts, since each person (a separate community of people) correlating himself with everything else, that is, as if turning himself from an outside observer into an interested person, acquires the ability, unlike other living beings, be aware in one way or another degree negative for itself intentions of other people (communities), which are in practice objective, transforming them in own consciousness to the concrete evil for itself, and transforming natural or public cataclysms into the world evil (Lord's punishment), or on the contrary.
  Such approach, putting both groups of people and each person quite consciously into the center of events, got its completeness in the process of civilization development, during which the concept of ownership was formed, finally translating objective actions and intentions from the relative into the absolute category, that the development of religious views not in small degrees has contributed , according to which the world has been built on the struggle between good and evil, that is quite far from the insufficiently conscious actions of primitive people who did not have enough time for thinking about good and evil in the permanent struggle for survival by means of scanty means, the most salutary and effective of which were group solidarity and as a result, the impossibility of the emergence of private property.
  Thus, with the development of civilization, general unspoken rules (morality) were being formed, at the center of which the ideas of good and evil (respectively, right and wrong) were being put, as a principle noted by Confucius: "Do not do to others what you do not wish yourself", which is undoubtedly associated with the protection of ownership (private property) by the morality, while the rules of behavior of the distinct communities may vary significantly.
  Similar views can appear only in public consciousness of antagonistic social structures for their deduction from the disorder, the means of what is, besides law enforcement agencies, the statement in the masses of some kind of ideological background, in which the taking of else's property is considered as the indispensable evil.
  Such appeal to some kind of peacefulness which was capable to be shown only at rather high level of development of self-consciousness, apparently, has contributed to the solidarity of people in their actions in conditions of social structure unfair to the majority of the population with its institutionalized inequality, smoothing individualism and egocentrism as a consequence of the manifestation mainly of the lowest consciousness, but not eliminating the fundamental contradiction between higher and lower consciousness, which is the true driving force behind the development of society.
  Before the emergence of civilization, people of an archaic society valued strength, dexterity, knowledge of medicinal herbs, the ability to effectively hunt, prepare edible dishes, etc.
  With the advent of new relationships already in the civilizational scheme, the possession of property obtained by various, including unjust, methods, which often exceeded the natural needs of the person, has been added to these skills.
  It is clear, that the person can dispose by things for the good not only for himself, but also for people.
  Therefore, the term "property" was understood originally as "good" exactly due to the property was the general, i.e. it was used for good of everybody.
  This fact is explained by that the private property in archaic society was absent, since both products and things were being distributed on all members of tribe uniformly. Such approach was dictated by survival of all community owing to the low productivity of the same things and food.
  Naturally, consumed things and foods were being considered as good exactly for everybody.
  Since those times the term "good" has acquired two meanings: good-goods-things and good-blessing-boon-charity-goodness.
  In Russian the term "good" and now is understood, on the one hand, as the things, property, prosperity; and on the other hand, as goodness, kindly, the useful, the honest.
  In English, like the Russian language, the term "good" is understood and now as things, products (goods), as well as goodness, well, boon (good).
  Thereby, the notion "good" has meaning not only as things, products, but it was being transformed to the terms "kindly", "kindness", "goodness", i.e. into a certain positive moral category.
  However, this initial attitude towards consumption of objects and products in the form of common ownership during developing the trade relations, forming States, different classes and estates begins to lose its original meaning, turning from good for everybody in property for individual owners.
  Thus, good-thing in developed society begins to be understood not as common good, but as the good for specific (private) owners of things. In other words, the good (possessions, ownership) turns into representation of people in use of this good (property) only for the good of the owners.
  Similar process of transformation of "good" in "property" happened not only in Russia. For example, in English the good with the insignificant addition "s" (goods) is interpreted as product, cargo, ware, stuff and property.
  Apparently, for elimination of an ambiguity of the term "good" in Russian language has emerged such notions of common good as "well", "perfectly", and in English language - the term "well" (perfectly, successfully).
  Naturally, people, deprived of property at its division or received its not enough have considered such situation for themselves as unfair, false, inhuman that couldn't but cause in them disappointment and its extreme expression - evilness. All these terms in different languages have related roots, and their meaning comes down to bad relations, the reason which is the varying degree of possession of property.
  Therefore, most likely, the term "evil" has arisen during formation of the proprietary relations with fixing of a certain possession by laws in a counterbalance to the word "good". These terms have expressed thereby the opposite relation of people to property. I.e. the property can be as good in the sense of common good, and to provoke hatred, anger on the part of the deprived, which can be generalized by the term "evil".
  So, the same formation - things - in the different relations produced two polar notions, which both in religion, and in morals turned into allegedly eternally existing categories - good and evil. Their different interpretation doesn't change an original sense of these categories because as it was stated above, these notions arose concerning the possession and no more than that.
  However, in religion this opposite relation to the possession in minds of people turned into eternal fight of good and evil in the world.
  I.e. religion has ignored, but rather, didn't want to understand the source of origin of good and evil, stated above, having absolutized these notions under pretence of the need of the struggle of light against darkness though actually it is about different intentions of people, which follow from inconsistency of the lowest and the highest forms of consciousness in each person, which are in permanent fight and collisions.
  These contradictions are impossible to smooth. Therefore, the person in the frames of the developing civilization according to instincts of the lowest (animal) consciousness will always aim to multiply the good (ownership) for himself, considering that the opponents of this process are the undoubted evil for himself.
  The highest consciousness, in a counterbalance to this selfish aspiration, will proclaim as goodness the giving out (distribution) of property that Christ most brightly has expressed so: "The poor in spirit are blessed wherefore they possess by the Kingdom of Heaven." (The Gospel from Matthew. Ch. 5, item 3).
  In this saying he clearly lets knows that good as goodness in the world of aspiration to possession (property) is unattainable.
  The being of a categorical imperative of Kant comes down to good, i.e. to the idea of committing of acts by the person concerning remaining people thus as though he has made them for himself.
  Here - in the categorical imperative - Kant also tears off "good" from the natural reasons, idealizing thereby the person by artificial removal him from own animal nature (the lowest consciousness).
  Actually, the impossibility to eliminate of egocentrism, derivative of the lowest consciousness of the person, denies reach by the person and mankind of absolute good and harmony, but proclaims incessant struggle in the framework of good (property).
  The progressive motion of civilization also meant the development of the highest human consciousness, which was expressed mainly in the gradual increase of the cultural and technological equipment of both humanity and each person.
  The growth of self-awareness in the form of the expanding the coverage of the masses of people with such characteristic features as self-esteem, sympathy and help suffering, civil conscience, altruism, etc., has led many people to other expression of themselves, which has looked earlier like the underline of wealth, power, influence, corporate solidarity, etc.
  The new mass expression of themselves looked like a desire to move away from rudeness and primitiveness in expressing of themselves to various kinds of attempts to become the cultural and creative persons - from rationalizing living space in various ways up to cultural innovations in the form of fashion, rampant graphomania, structuring virtual space using computers and the Internet and etc.
  Thereby, a certain devaluation of possessive instincts occurred and, accordingly, an unconscious mitigation of the absolutization of the concepts of good and evil in the form of the withdrawal of a significant number of people from religion with the spread of relativism and agnosticism occurred.
  Nevertheless, the habit of qualifying various actions and intentions of people in the established terms of good and evil has not disappeared, and the masses are still far from understanding the above mentioned relativity and conventionality of these concepts.
  In connection with the above, it can be noted that the world evil in the form of irrational liberty, as well as its source in the form of "Nothingness" before the world, about which, in particular, Berdyaev spoke, not exist and cannot be, since there is only a process of development of consciousness in resisted to it beingness. This process requires both creation and destruction, which, of course, can be thought of as good and evil, respectively, but the inadequacy of this approach is evident due to finding the negative and positive in each of these procedures: it is possible to build both castles in the air, and jails, and senseless hypotheses, and the states seeking to destroy all people counteracting it; but it is possible to destroy the buildings built on sand, hatred of people to each other, misanthropic theories, obdurate concepts, silly illusions, etc.
  Not seeming good and evil, but various opposing forces are necessary for the development of consciousness in general, much like light and darkness are necessary, otherwise it would not be clear what light is and what darkness is. Consciousness in each person should be dived into the struggle between these forces in beingness, being darkening, then lightening, especially since the basis or driving force of this struggle is the lowest and highest consciousness of each person.
  It is incomprehensible to people, and therefore they represent everything that harms or counteracts to them specifically as evil, and the opposite -as good. In essence, the process of destruction and creation, which flows through the consciousness of man, gives him freedom, providing an opportunity for conscious actions that cannot but enrich him with new impressions, considerations, knowledge, ideas, and experience.
  However, there are forces whose source is unknown or unclear to humans. These forces in the historical development to the person have always been difficult to resist. These forces are natural and social cataclysms in the form of abrupt climate changes, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, epidemics of deadly diseases that are destructive for entire nations, wars, etc.
  Therefore, people could not help but attribute these not very understandable by origin and frightening phenomena to the world evil, that has served as a cornerstone for all world religions. Only recently has science been able to understand the essence of a number of these phenomena, showing their natural character without any raid of divine punishment for sins.
  The animal beginning in the person does not know neither good, nor bad. It just participates in fight for existence, for survival and when this beginning in the person prevails, he, without thinking, destroys competitors for the sake of itself, continuations some kind of, for the sake of existence of the community.
  Similar low intentions, passions, acts are being caused by the animal beginning of the person and they cannot be carried to an arbitrariness and it is impossible to qualify as the conscious, purposeful evil which is initially put in his consciousness - any living being is simply forced to defend unconsciously the life in competition struggle by all available means.
  On the other hand, the conscious actions of a person, often leading one as individual and his environment to catastrophic results, have the basis in good as it is represented to him, intentions.
  In limit option, that is peculiar to revolutionaries, he can wish to do much good for the whole world by force, having brought it kind of the real happiness and prosperity,
  The revolutionaries are ready achieving this alleged prosperity, as Mao-Tse-Dun once put it, by means of the destroy if not the whole world, then most of it.
  There is a variant of Raskolnikov, noted by Fyodor M. Dostoevsky: his hero opposes self to all other, who, as he considers, are the imperfect, interfering, unnecessary, while he is more perfect person, who deserves to live and create. There is also no evil intention, but there is delusion.
  Hitler wanted for benefit of the highest, as he believed, nation, to partially or fully exterminate several nations as imperfect and hindering the advancement of humankind, thereby implementing the model of the "correct" human development. For him, it seemed true good.
  But if Raskolnikov later understood own delusions, then the same Hitler did not succeed at lifetime.
  Napoleon has justified his actions in capturing Europe by the creating a holistic and harmonious education united under his wise leadership that would not be torn apart by wars more.
  Lenin also wanted to bring happiness to the whole world by immersing him in a trouble-free and non-contradictory existence, in which the needs of every person will certainly be met - communism. What came of this is known.
  The most common evil in the world is harming by some people to other people, whereas this is in fact either the side of natural and artificial selection in their struggle for existence, or the result of conflicting relations between them, expressed in resentment, jealousy, vindictiveness, mistrust. Besides it can be by the result of errors of behavior, overlapping each other at the interaction in each person of the lower and higher types of consciousness. That is, evil and good are not the basis of the world, the person, do not come from the abyss or from God, but they are merely mythological ideas of people about what is useful and harmful for them, which stems from their own relationships, the dual nature of the human consciousness and the underdevelopment of the highest consciousness.
  Behind good and evil hide the aspiration of people in the antagonistic world for the better, which everyone understands in his own way, and therefore tries to eliminate or soften all the forces opposing this aspiration.
  Often the fact that seemed at one time for the mind of a person by good and evil, during life changes places. So, for example, happened with Raskolnikov in the interpretation of Dostoevsky.
  For misanthropes, the whole world is evil. For revolutionaries, capitalism is evil. For the bourgeoisie, capitalism is the highest form of the existence of society, the kindest of all kinds of good.
  The process of creation and destruction is to a certain extent controlled by the human consciousness, but it is not operated by it completely consciously, since some people - with a weak development of the highest consciousness - prefer a smooth and trouble-free existence, preferably with dominance among their neighbors; other people - with a high level of self-awareness - are trying to altruistically lead society to universal goodness and harmony; the third - with the balanced level of the lowest and highest consciousness - want that to them did not prevent to live as they want; the fourth, - in who the lowest consciousness dominate - try to humiliate and subordinate all others.to themselves.
  All this, naturally, does not do society monolithic. Moreover, the community of similar versatile individuals does not break up only thanks to the threat of violence at violation of the prescribed legislation, for which, at the level of civilization, that is, with a corresponding increase in the level of self-consciousness in various communities, are automatically formed the competing states with their laws, governing and organizing institutions, judicial and security agencies.
  These states, which exploit in the person of the ruling bureaucracy and the estates adjoining it, the main mass of the population producing one or another product, nevertheless, have to somehow strive for development because of the fear of being absorbed by more technologically and culturally advanced or more militant peoples.
  Be that as it may, such a social structure in comparison with the rest of the organic world, of course, is a progress made thanks to the emergence of the human self-consciousness, without which living beings were not able to correct anything consciously, that is, would have been forced to develop very slowly at the level of the natural selection.
  However, if we return to the concepts of good and evil, which we call into question in its basic essence, then we can recall that in people is often manifested as if in no way motivated malice.
  But in fact there are several relationships here.
  One thing is that a person in life can be "cornered" like a rat with a threat to his life, the life of close people or something dear to him, and there is no way out of this situation.
  Here, as it were, he loses the highest consciousness acquired during the development of the human race, and his aggression is of a purely animal character of defense in an attempt to get out of a losing position.
  Reflexes and instincts enter into action. And there is no need to talk about evil as such, since the person here turns into a defending animal, and often looks like an evil animal. However, some psychologists call this state a manifestation of universal evil, which in fact was not, is not, and never will be.
  Another attitude is the conscious aspiration of a person to destroy everything around as much as possible. This happens in a strong rage or irritation and passes with the restoration of the normal state.
  So here not evil is expressed, but the discontent of the person with the fact that he is not capable to change or make in any way that he wants is splashed out, owing to own inability or owing to the fact that circumstances categorically interfere with it or they just did not ripen.
  However, this temporary state of anger towards the world can turn into a permanent one if a person decided that the world does not give him anything, but it only takes away, that he has nowhere to go and not for what to go. This is manifested at low level of intelligence, when a person"s consciousness may be unable to withstand the pressure of the environment and their own ideas and fantasies.
  The highest consciousness In this case calls for a struggle, albeit useless and senseless, leading to death, but a struggle. This is a manifestation of dissatisfaction of the highest consciousness.
  And the faint-hearted misanthropes begin to recoup on even weaker ones, justifying themselves by the fact that the small fry are worse, but it lives, and here they perish in vain.
  Similar behavior has nothing to do with universal evil, since a simple change of circumstances in favor of the weak-souled individuals makes an evil-hearted misanthrope, which is harming everyone, by a good-natured creature who can even share with you the benefits obtained, however, only in order that society estimated him.
  Another manifestation of evil is often considered the actual breakdown of the human psyche, which can occur for various reasons, but is not immediately understood by its surrounding, as, for example, happened in Ancient Rome to the emperor Caligula. In this case, it makes no sense to talk about evil in relation to a sick person.
  Summarizing, it can be noted that instead of searching for the true causes of human acts, which consist, as a rule, in human relations, in the struggle between the lowest and highest types of consciousness in the person, it is much easier to refer to the primitive evilness that is allegedly inherent in every person, whereas initially in man there is no evilness at all, but a lowest (animal) consciousness, always tuned for survival both within the individual and within his social group, and therefore trying to dictate to him to oppose everything that is outside, interfering, threatening, that can often be not so superfluous.
  At the same time, this lowest consciousness prevents an individual from turning into an ideal personality, that is, completely to overcome own feelings of envy, hatred, egoism, to which can be added the weakness of the intellect and the resulting desire for simple solutions, which usually leads to such disastrous results that, except as the result of acting evil will, it seems impossible to name.
  An animal is being converted into a person thanks to self-awareness, but it is inseparable from the animal "passions" in life, which, on the one hand, evokes ideas about the evil nature of man, and, on the other hand, about his kindness, altruism and benevolence.
  As a result, arising the myth of good and evil, of primordial innocence and of the fall into sin, which really corresponds to the threshold acquiring animals to self-awareness, which gradually brings these new beings to a certain (situational) understanding both the world and oneself in it, or to the realization of oneself in time.
  This new being senses the world (own surrounding) not only from the inside, that is, not only instinctively-reflexively, but it is already able to look at it if any from above and consciously try to find for itself to benefit, for example, by having taken away by force or cunning some good (property) for oneself, having deprived others of it, as well as - to find other values that are inaccessible to animals, in particular, creative cultural, technological and moral, for example, having donated the part of the property to others.
  In fact, the concepts of good and evil for human society latently carry the moral content, that is, the content of the concepts "favorable" and "bad" for both the individual and communities of individuals.
  If to simplify, then applied to yourself, for example, it is bad to drink vodka, do not brush your teeth in the morning, do not look after your own health, closed in himself, etc.; it is good to be strong, healthy, educated, hardworking, etc. In the relation to community of people, for example, it is bad to brawl, deceive, and it is good to be friendly, and ideally you should strive to follow the moral code proposed by Christ in the Sermon on the Mount.
  And for the rest good and evil, as a rule. remain behind brackets, since, as it was already shown, practically any intention or action can bear in themselves the negative or positive contents depending on the parties of actions (circumstances): the restaurant frequenter, devouring with pleasure beefsteak with blood hardly thinks of feelings of a bull-calf on the slaughterhouse.
  Thus, the abstract concepts of good and evil show that each person is mostly in a situation of struggle between the lowest and highest types of consciousness due to the fundamental difference in their intentions.
  This struggle significantly changes the pace of development of a civilized society in the direction of acceleration.
  Such accelerated development of civilized communities means that the struggle of the lowest and highest types of consciousness both in every person and in human communities is the main driving force behind the development of these communities, which is clearly illustrated by the concepts of good and evil, which appeared only with the emergence of civilization, i.e. at the sufficient level of development of self-awareness.
  In the concept of good, the action of the highest consciousness is reflected predominantly, and in the concept of evil, for the most part, - the action of the lowest consciousness, and the relativity of these concepts indicates, as a rule, on the exit in a human or group relation to the leading position of one or the other type of consciousness.
  On the other hand, the indispensable presence and interaction in the man of the lowest and highest forms of consciousness indicates both the ineradicability of evil and the impossibility of the final triumph of good, at least during human life in a society of private initiative, and also during the existence of civilized communities.
  Let us illustrate with some examples by no means the basic nature of the concepts of good and evil.
  Consider the relationship of the people and the state.
  Is the state evil or good for the people?
  As you know, states did not always exist.
  There are many theories that put forward one or another reason for the emergence of states.
  We, in turn, believe that the state arose only as a result of a massive increase in the level of people's self-consciousness to the extent that they could, using their creativity, improve the production technology of all vital products - from the agricultural implements and the hunting tools up to methods of domestication of animals, up to such extent that the excess of the products of labor have arisen.
  Earlier, in a primitive society, that is, with a relatively low level of self-consciousness of each person, there was no the excess of food and resources, and the meager food reserves were being more or less evenly distributed to all members of community by the most respected members of the community, from what, actually, depended the survival of each local community, that is, it was in this way that individual and group behavior in primitive communities was dictated by the lowest consciousness, dominating at that time, which was responsible primarily for the survival of the living being.
  In the new situation - with the appearance of an excess of various kinds of products - has become impossible to agree on their fair distribution. To the similar "public" contract insufficiently high level of self-consciousness hindered: in the new conditions of the surplus of various products of labor for the lowest consciousness into the forefront there is not an ensuring survival of a being, but egocentrism with its desire to capture all the excess only to its own advantage, that, certainly was difficult to overcome yet to weak highest consciousness.
  The animal (lowest) consciousness still largely dominated over still weak highest consciousness with its altruism. Therefore, the lowest consciousness was dictating a person to take away from the weaker or unsuccessful in conditions of a disintegrating primitive society, food, grounds, buildings, women, tools for oneself.
  The temptations that arose for the possession of products and resources led to a confrontation in their achievement between different actors, bringing chaos into society.
  There was a need to restore order in new relationships between people. The result was the emergence of a single factor that could restrain the mercenary intentions of the opposing individuals. So the state formations of various type have emerged.
  The conditional good of these new formations with all their institutions, or their positivity, was reflected in ensuring a certain order in relations between people in one way or another, in particular, legislatively, declared and supported by forceful influences if necessary. To this, largely, forceful and unjust order for the majority of the population, it had to adapt and tolerate this order in order to get rid of the fear of arbitrary violence against it.
  The positivity, or "good" of the state, is also manifested in the fact that, competing with similar formations, the state, in order not to be absorbed by own neighbors, that is, willy-nilly, is trying to create conditions for technological and cultural progress, which means the transition to more than less civilized society to accelerated development compared to previous times.
  In this process, for thousands of years, an experimental fact was found that confirmed the need of a state, oppressing and robbing own population, but at the same time somehow tries to ensure technological and cultural development in the frame the community: if this development stops or slows down significantly, the country is being either captured by its neighbors, either goes into hibernation or chaos.
  On the other hand, if to look at the state with eyes of the peasant, handicraftsman or any hired worker, from which by taxes and other levies the state often take away the very necessary, then, except the negative, or spiteful feelings to this state is difficult to have other sensations.
  At the same time, the representatives of the imperious structures, distributing what's taken from the workers, basking in luxury and enjoying power over subordinates and the humiliation experienced by them. Naturally, they have the warmest feelings in relation to the state, that is, it is good for them.
  So what is the so-called "the people"? and how to relate it to the state in order to minimize the negativity, or "evil", emanating from the latter?
  To answer these questions, it is necessary to clarify, of what main layers are consisted the people, and how the lowest and highest types of consciousness in the representatives of these layers relate.
  The people or the entire mass of the population of each state is divided according to the ratio of types of consciousness available to individuals into the following main strata: ordinary people (philistines), representatives of the imperious structures and other "heads" (elite), informal-intellectuals.
  The weak development of self-consciousness and equally the weak manifestation of the lowest consciousness (low level of dissatisfaction of consciousness in both cases), which are in a balanced state, characterize the basic group of any communities - so-called ordinary people (philistines). All members of this group are guided generally by own mind and experience: they are occupied by themselves as well as own wellbeing, and do not aspire to either "high" or "low" goals, limiting themselves by the desire for a hassle-free life in satiety, in which trouble is desirable to see only on the monitor screen.
  Philistines do not feel the aspiration to new due to own efforts, trying to obtain more comfortable state in life from a position of simple acquisition and consumption of the good things of life.
  Most often, such people who consist the vast majority of the population out of politeness are called demos (the people), and politicians always appeal to it, perfectly understanding whom to deceive the easiest.
  Despite all this criticism, it is difficult to condemn the people masses, as it is usually engaged in daily monotonous work, not having prospects for another kind of activity that could contribute to the development at these masses of self-consciousness.
  The habitual standard dictates to masses to live as everything, consuming what is, creating around itself an environment of artificial and natural objects only in order to regularly to update it, finding satisfaction in this incessant process.
  The population has no understanding that the pursuit of consumer values is quite monotonous and never gives the result which is completely satisfying the person.
  At such behavior the person actually demonstrates the preference to the monotonic existence - as if to the life-sleep with rare moments of awakening which, as a rule, are initiated by external circumstances (marriages, divorce, new job, diseases, death of the close persons, etc.).
  Having lived such life, similar reasonable beings with surprise discover in it, in effect, absence of interesting and outstanding events precisely because they were trying to follow to the pragmatic approach.
  In this respect, they are remarkably similar in behavior to animals, for which, although they cannot reason, the main thing is getting sensations.
  Such persons avoid the participation of any public activities, being interested only in their own well-being, but avoiding any risk. They do not resist the authorities and avoid any extremism, but only so long as their survival is not at stake - after realizing this, they crush everything and everyone without any hesitation and reflection.
  Nevertheless, the philistines are the main soil for formation of intellectual and imperious layers; representatives of these layers are being grew from this soil accidentally, hereditary or thanks to these or those proficiency, competence or abilities which raised them above the average level, and this soil they can ruin or improve as the people masses are as a rule passive, because of the employment of the monotonous work for survival and nourishment; stagnant traditions; religious delusions; predispositions due to the low cultural level to the negative impact of the active propaganda of information frauds, even more fooling the people, the lack of adequate education and upbringing, that does not allow it to use in large quantities social elevators and to set before itself the high purposes: similar sad and gloomy life does not promote transformation of all mass of people into bright, educated, cultural, creative, vigorous and sociable subjects at all. Such of the people stands out only a few percent.
  Thus, the faceless mass of the people outwardly acquires development in the person of their representatives in power and in informal-intellectual opposition to power.
  Informal intellectuals, pursuing basically the goals opposite to the goals of the representatives of the power elite, are forced to appeal to the people, proving their rightness and anti-people of the elite-oppressor, which, in turn, must justify itself and stigmatize by shame of the rotten informal-dreamers who can only speak, not rule and predominate.
  Thereby, the people, willy-nilly, are involved by energy of this struggle into a forward motion, which can also be evolutionary at the consent of the power elite with the opposition from the nonconformists-intellectuals to certain compromises in the interests of the working masses, but it can jump into a different course if there is no such agreement, which is reflected in the public consciousness as a clear injustice, transforming into a more or less successful attempt to remove the ruling elite from power upon the occurrence of suitable conditions.
  Anyway, among the average inhabitants there are always subjects with a somewhat higher level of the lowest consciousness, which in this case can cause them to strive not only for a well-fed, calm and prosperous life, but also for dominance among their own kind. Taking away from the highest consciousness the appropriate share of intelligence, which includes increased ingenuity, and from the lowest consciousness - speed of reaction, quite good strong-willed qualities and energy, skill to communicate, sufficient dexterity, cunning, insidiousness and unprincipledness, these individuals get advantage before the others - more inert members of the community in the form of philistines, highly moral intellectuals of all sorts and other relatively sluggish or anxious with another matters of members of the population, who are not able to deftly push aside or slander an opponent, as well as really enjoy the humiliation of the subordinate, and at the same time endure the mockery from the side of their superiors.
  The lack of intelligence the persons, broke into the power elite, compensate by the involvement of numerous advisers, but because the decisions eventually have to be taken them, insofar they, as the true creators of their own happiness, initially consider their activities from the position of personal (corporate), and not the people's good with a roll in the direction of retaining power, gaining a greater degree of their own dominance and the acquisition of all kinds of privileges, clogging up in addition to it the various management and economic structures with own mostly incompetent offspring.
  Therefore, the hopes of naive masses to correct these moral freaks, cunning, hypocritical rogues, representing the power elites of various states competing with each other, have no basis, regardless of the structure of the state and its degree of development - from despotism to parliamentary democracy.
  For representatives of the power, a dominant inevitably is the lowest consciousness, that is, in their consciousness there is a clear lack of awareness of themselves as self-sufficient personalities and not as consumers. Power and practically the unlimited access to privileges and property belittles them so much that they see in the masses only a source of wealth for themselves and a field for the manifestation of their own low instincts. However, fearing the anger of the people and the counteraction the informal opposition, they are forced to resist anarchy, retaining, in particular, through reforms, the order that ensures the functioning and development of society, but, naturally, not from noble motives, but only from a sense of self-preservation.
  Except philistines as well as the power elite, representing mainly the organizational- managing contingent from the highest officials and the most advanced business, in each community there is a layer of the people of brainwork, intellectuals of all kinds, as well as - relatively few representatives of the rest of the population, who managed in one way or another to rise in their self-consciousness to the level that dictates their aversion to the amoral and selfish behavior of the power elite.
  These persons have the hope of reorganizing society in the direction of harmony, that is, equality, fraternity and at the same time liberty, without understanding that liberty always resists to equality, justice, destroying any stability. But this hope for harmonious world order can never disappear in their blissful consciousness: they as true humanists, are not capable to believe that horrors of our world cannot turn into prosperity of each person and all mankind eventually.
  Informally-oppositional part of intellectuals, to which various educated people from this or that generation can be attributed, are active, honest, sincerely wishing good to the people, that is, with the dominant higher consciousness, have never joined and will not join the hypocritical and self-interested governing elite of the state. Already reached level of the highest consciousness, putting material benefits on the last place among life values, will not allow them to commit similar. Therefore, they will always expose the unscrupulous, hypocritical and thievish individuals in power of this world, to fight for the rights and civil liberties of workers, involving them in this fight as much as possible widely.
  Thereby, their opposition to imperious elite does not allow society to freeze in place, being reflection of antagonism of the lowest and highest types of consciousness in each person.
  The struggle between them when the passive behavior the most part of the rest of the population occurs continuously with the dominance of a more energetic governing elite, which is provoking self-hatred from everyone else, and thus forming that antagonism that does not allow society to stop in developing.
  It is for this reason that any coup or revolution that overthrows or even destroys the entire power elite, as it happened, for example, in China repeatedly, relatively quickly leads to the reproduction of former - antagonistic - order in society, that is, restores the condition, under which is possible development of society.
  In Russia, after seventy-year cataclysms, the same thing occurred. If this recovery does not happen, then the community will disintegrate, merging with neighboring states.
  The imbalance in the confrontation of the power elite and informal intellectuals leads either to stagnation in the development of the community, or to disorganization of the control system and the onset of chaos with unpredictable consequences.
  Thereby, the driving force of social development, as well as development of each person, is the hidden interaction of two forms of consciousness: the lowest, or natural (animal), and the highest, or self-consciousness.
  The rest, significant in number of strata of society, from a political and social point of view are not of great interest, being due to quite low level of self-consciousness and, accordingly, in their pragmatic aspirations they are more or less close to philistines (representatives of the security and police services, military, small businessmen, creatives, criminal elements).
  This brief analysis shows that the heterogeneity of any community in the context of civilization demonstrates different, often diametrically opposed aspirations of certain sections of society, which is reflected in various ideas about good and evil, although, of course, the "sign" of majority of civilization communities is the Sermon on the Mount of Christ with his precepts, which, alas, remain just an elusive horizon for people.
  The structures of power, that exist for managing society and its organization, at one level or another, perform these functions well or badly, but, being torn off from the masses by hardware, they quickly turn into fairly autonomous cells, preoccupied with their own interests and their own self-preservation, which go for them to the fore.
  The only "cure" for this bureaucratic "disease" is feedback with the people (voters), as well as the rotation of officials as often as possible, that turns into profanation under conditions of an authoritarian regime, but in conditions of developed democracies it looks quite respectable outwardly, being expressed in various clubs, the various types of press, TV programs, Internet communities, elections at all levels, etc. but actually the imperious elite of these countries does not at all concede in own field of activity, where it robs everything that is possible, and everyone it can overcome, both in its own country and beyond its borders with a polite smile on their lips, reinforcing their actions with favorable legislation for itself, law enforcement agencies, various types of bribing of trade union leaders and other opponents, reducing the opposition only to a superficial difference, but with the preservation of their own vested interests, as it happened, for example, with the trade unions in Great Britain, transformed into a Labor party, which reflects the interests of the same negligible predatory and hypocritical imperious elite.
  All concessions that are made for the people masses, are strictly forced or they carry in self usual deception.
  Actually, the difference between the ruling elite of the despotism or authoritarian regimes of one kind or another and democratic regimes lies only in the fact that at democracy the ruling elite masks its chronic incapacity and dullness by regular change of rulers, but for some reasons - out of the same group of people, allegedly according to the voice of the people, to which actually the valid choice due to specially and accurately thought over selective rules is not provided, and quite inert masses can appeal in the protection, except rather rare own indignation and almost fruitless addresses to the mighty of this world, only to own elite - to intellectual nonconformists; however, these intellectuals, being able to constructively criticize the authorities, have no ideas of development, except for utopian ones. This deadlock situation is usually resolved by no one unregulated, but still progressive motion from crisis to crisis, due to the constant influx of new information, during which holistic communities somewhat increase their technological and cultural level.
  How can one minimize the "malicious" influence on the society of the ruling elites?
  The well-known recipe says that for this it is necessary to arrange regular re-election of the ruling elite through a universal vote.
  Practice shows that similar democratic elections as a matter of fact alter that a little from a position of accounting of wishes of most of the population.
  The imperious elites of all countries are mostly engaged in their own enrichment and showdown among themselves.
  How, then, can the quality of the ruling elite be improved and thereby increase the proportion of "good" for the working masses?
  Based on the above, theoretically here you can build on the following.
  First of all, we note: the ruling elite, managers and officials do not arise from the air and not only by inheritance, but initially - from the masses of the people.
  The quality of these masses is very low, because the lowest consciousness, that was being formed for hundreds of millions of years, which reached its peak in primates, is covered with a relatively "thin layer" of higher consciousness (self-awareness) in the person, that was being formed only during the last several million years, beginning with the hominids.
  One can imagine the crowds of these half-monkeys, who are being situated in the "aviary", fenced by a set of laws, some moral installations and threats of imprisonment in the "punishment cell" for "wrong" behavior.
  The overwhelming number of these semi-literate creatures are forced to simply survive in a cruel world, and self-consciousness for them is by no means a prime necessity.
  At best, their highest consciousness balances the action of the animal consciousness, giving of individuals, who are indifferent to everything except satiety and trouble-free existence.
  The rest of the population, as a rule, may be worse or better morally, but not by much.
  Of all significant strata of the population, only a layer of the informal intellectuals-(intellectual nonconformists) has the highest consciousness as an obvious dominant, because of what they, with rare exception, have no desire to be dipped into "a dirty pool" of policy in which with pleasure climb like pigs these dodgy, impudent, hypocritical and vigorous "half-monkeys" to whom to spit on everything and everyone, except themselves and own pleasures.
  However, the minds of the intellectual nonconformists are filled with fake or even extremist ideas, because they believe in the triumph of justice in the form of the gradual reconstruction of the humanity into a harmonious society eventually. Nevertheless, already one aspiration to good in relation to "poor" people makes them wonderful critics of the mighty of this world.
  Time the defect of base, from which there is a set of "servants of the people" is obvious, that hourly is confirmed by practice of all countries of the world, the following suggestions could be suggested for one, of course, not a solution, but to alleviate such hopeless situation.
  First, in order to ensure the greatest possible responsibility of those who elect their own "servants" into the state apparatus, it should be that the voters are persons, who have an education not lower than secondary. This, in particular, will allow them with some knowledge of the case to understand how candidates are deputies, judges, ministers, etc. with the request of the relevant information.
  Secondly, the voters should have a certain autonomy and independence in material terms, which is possible, as a rule, if they possess some property, for example, real estate, as well as if they have financial assets that exceed debts. Otherwise, they are easy to bribe or coerce due to the threat of dismissal, eviction, etc.
  Thirdly, for attraction to elections of people not indifferent, interested in progress and prosperity of all society, but not individuals and corporations, it is necessary to allocate from lump for participation in elections only those who really participates in production of goods and services in the age from 25 to 55 years, that is the most productive and responsible for themselves and own families age.
  Fourthly, in order to exclude the creation of corruption networks, it is desirable to remove officials of all levels from public service after the expiration of three-year term of their job with the transfer they to another job, as well as to eliminate the possibility of adopting them again to the job into the state structures over the next 5 years.
  Fifthly, each public servant conducting or supervising work on certain objects or the directions is obliged to provide quarterly the report on work flow and the obstacles revealed for them for them to the special commissions of the active voters, controlling voluntarily the important for society areas of activity at all levels, which strengthens the active (civil) society, reveals the true quality and timeliness of working, as well as promotes an exception of an overrun of the budgetary funds.
  Sixthly, the voters receive in the person of own initiative groups at all main levels of the state activity the right to recall at any time the officials who did not cope, judging by the reports received by these groups, as well as complaints and actual state of affairs with the solution of tasks set.
  Seventh, the incomes of civil servants are limited to the size of the average wage in the country, that repels obvious fraudsters and rascals from the state service.
  Of course, such innovations may seem far from the existing practice, especially in conditions of authoritarian states, in the current conditions of a general decline in morals and passivity of the population, but without them, any community is doomed to the stagnation and subsequent decomposition.
  11. Whether will triumph of justice and how will it be done?
  Would be the two main systems in both management and ideology - capitalism and socialism - act as before in the framework of the development of civilization? If not, what will be the outcome to which humanity will come? and is there a chance on justice here?
  Owing to gradual development of a civilization the mankind came to two alternative economic systems with polar opposite ideology: capitalism, based on a private property and the credit relations; and socialism, in which basis the collective property is put.
  At the same time, it should be noted that socialism is initially a defective formation, that does not correspond to its name as a whole, because the overwhelming part of public property is not in the hands of the working people, but is transferred to the complete disposal of the state bureaucracy. Therefore, this formation should be called quasi-socialism.
  The idea of reasonable selfishness of Hobbes, further supported by the concept of Pierce's pragmatism, in essence, is the basis of the ideology of capitalism.
  Hobbes argues that the person, as a natural being, is egoistic, striving first and foremost to satisfy his own needs, but he is also reasonable, that is, he is able to understand with his mind that taking into account the interests of other people often turn out to be beneficial.
  For illustration, we present a small excerpt from "Leviathan" by Hobbes: "... natural laws (as justice, equality, modesty, mercy and (in General) behavior towards others as we would wish them to behave towards us) by themselves, without the fear of some force, forcing to carry out them, contrary to the natural passions, attracting us to partiality, pride, revenge, etc..." [1, p. 192].
  As for pragmatism, it is characterized by its founder, Pierce, as follows: "Consider what effects that might conceivably have practical bearings you conceive the object of your conception to have. Then your conception of those effects is the WHOLE of your conception of the object" [2, p. 331-346].
  Reasonable egoism and pragmatism, on the one hand, liberate the productive forces of each individual, making him competitively free within the framework of the state that supports the striving of each person to improve the living conditions. Thus, the pace of development of the respective communities becomes the maximum possible.
  On the other hand, the inequality of abilities and conditions under the domination of unlimited competition of individuals seeking to obtain benefits for themselves, cannot but lead to the separation of society with respect to the possession of property or its equivalents, at this, the difference in the size of this property can reach astronomical values.
  The natural occurrence of permanent tension between the "offended poor" and the "rich people who are snickering" the power elite is trying to smooth over with a robbery of less developed communities, the funds from which are largely transferred to the additional pro-feeding of both the ordinary people and the middle class to avoid social cataclysms.
  As a result, the world community is automatically divided into parasitic states, which make currently so-called "the golden billion", and other states, the development of which the parasitic states impede by "sucking out" in various ways, the main one of which is to bribe the power elites of developing countries, the wealth of these countries, including the most educated and capable citizens.
  The basis of the capitalist mode of production and community development is an emphasis on the growth of the mass consumption, stimulating the development of all economic systems, and financially enriching the power elite, as well as the business elite.
  However, the growth of the mass consumption cannot be infinite.
  The limitation of a capitalist way of production consists, on the one hand, in an finiteness of resources and also in irretrievability of a number of materials at rough increase in number of the population of the planet now. On the other hand, now at an overwhelming part of the population decline in income is observed, at this, a considerable part of the rest population of Earth lives many decades on credit.
  In addition, the capitalist method of producing goods is ultimately harmful because of the constant imbalance of the integrity of the environment, surrounding the human communities, for profit, which leads to the destruction of nature in its individual parts, and in general. At this, the mass culture and advertising, debasing people to facilitate their manageability in order to engage in meaningless consumption, it rapidly lowers the level of self-awareness of the masses almost to the animal state, which means a progressive degradation of civilization.
  The ever-expanding spread of information technology and robotics under capitalism lead to the fact that instead of using people free time for creative leisure, they fall into despair, addiction and depression of people who have lost the status of experts in their work, aware of own unclaimedness for an indifferent society.
  The automatism, the soullessness of capitalism, its orientation mainly on profit actually lead to the transformation of a person from a subject of action into a puppet of incomprehensible goals of capitalism for him, which actually do not exist, just like there are no goals for a non-stop mechanism.
  Before this overwhelming senseless monster, he becomes powerless and indifferent, which means the indispensable collapse of this mechanism due to the reduction to a state of the disrepair of the main elements of the mechanism - the living beings.
  Quasi-socialism has as its main idea the slogan of gradually building a harmonious (just) society [3] based on the collective efforts of all members of the community (communism) while using allegedly nationwide property.
  At quasi-socialism the imperious elite focuses attention and enthusiasm of masses on alignment of the standard of living of the main mass of the population with the prospect of gradual arrival to communism.
  The basis of the quasi-socialist mode of production and development of the community is to shift the emphasis from unlimited mass consumption to the distribution of manufactured products according to labor, which too often cannot be adequately assessed, and is largely stolen by the power elite and its henchmen.
  Similar collectivist approach with an obvious bias on equalization destroys the competition of individuals, deprives of them own free expression within "no man's" property, especially as assessment of high and low results of work has no considerable difference.
  In mass terms, this approach significantly slows down the development of quasi-socialist states, making them chronically lagging behind the developed capitalist states in terms of technology.
  Quite quickly, a comparison of the material achievements of capitalist and quasi-socialist states leads the working population of quasi-socialist states to revise their views on the ultimate goal of the community (communism) because of its obvious unattainability and it is reoriented to the capitalist consumer values.
  Such inversion in the minds leads to the destruction of the quasi-socialist state and, accordingly, the implicit stratification of the ruling bureaucracy and the working population of these states quickly flows into the obvious stratification, with the formation in place of the former states, as a rule, the backward states with respect to the organization of society, in particular, in terms of feedback of masses and elite, establishing the comprador clan for the most part due to the former authoritarianism of these states in governing, that is, of the rather low self-consciousness of the power elite, seeking to preserve their power and stolen wealth by any means. Such countries are natural victims to more developed countries, falling immediately into the "paws" of parasite states.
  It follows that if the human communities wish to survive within the framework of technological civilization, then, on the one hand, rational egoism and pragmatism should be replaced with a different ideological basis, and the desire for consumption should be eliminated.
  On the other hand, replacement of capitalism by the seeming alternative - socialism - is unpromising, since, as it is stated above, the proclaimed socialism with its aspiration to general equality which is impossible for a number of reasons, basic of which, besides the biological congenital distinctions, as well as distinctions, arising depending on living conditions is loss of rates of development and degrees of freedom, is a clean utopia. It is this reason that eventually leads the еquasi-socialist regimes, after many losses, to a relatively rapid return to the more stable bosom of capitalism.
  It seems that it is impossible to go beyond this vicious circle, that is, the limit of social development is reached, followed by the disintegration and decomposition of civilization.
  This is true that is confirmed not only by permanent crisis of a present civilization, a set of local wars, but also the accruing information collapse (a singularity point) [4, Chapter 3].
  The biological catastrophic final of a civilization is predicted also by some physiologists-evolutionists, one of whom states the following: "... the mankind already created perfect ways of the behavioural selection which will destroy our consciousness and will destroy reason traces without any additional efforts. It is possible to oppose to these processes only a conscious cerebral sorting (process of identification of people with desirable properties of a brain) as the instrument of implementation of an eternal dream of mankind of harmony of the world, safety and justice of the relations" [5. Preface].
  However, non-recognition by biologists of a true picture of Creation, in which the main actor is consciousness [4, Chapter 13] leads them to two senseless statements, one of which assumes destruction of the only force (consciousness) providing functioning and development of Creation in interaction of its opposing parties, and another assumes establishment of world harmony which is impossible owing to denial of any development by it, what wrote about still I. Kant: "The means that nature uses to carry out the development of all inclinations of people is antagonism of them in society, since it eventually becomes the cause of a law-order ... Without these unattractive properties of uncommunicity themselves, generating resistance for which everyone must inevitably encounter in own self-interested ambitions, all talents in the conditions of life of Arcadian shepherds, that is, in conditions of complete unanimity, moderation and mutual love would forever remain hidden in the bud; people as meek as the sheep they herd hardly made their existence more worthy than the existence of domestic animals ..." [6, page 5].
  The mistake of evolutionary biologists consists in their categorically stating the primacy in the process of human development of solving biological tasks: "The development of social instincts and artificial selection are aimed at solving biological tasks, and not on the intellectual development of humanity. There is progress, of course, but its goals are exactly the same as those of any soil worm. The main goal of a live organism consists in search of an infinite source of food, boundless reproduction and dominance at the ubiquitous resettlement ... Objects of biological evolution use social revolution only for the solution of the food and reproductive interests, world cataclysms are only methods of the choice of a brain, and basic instincts and their derivative motivations always remain invariable" [5, Chapter 2].
  The actual replacement of consciousness with its tool - the brain - leads evolutionists, as can be seen from the above fragment, to exaggerate the significance of the action of the animal (lower) consciousness in the person, on the one hand.
  On the other hand, evolutionists do not want to understand that the accelerated development of living beings began precisely with the appearance of self-consciousness (the highest consciousness), which began to compete with the animal (lower) consciousness, both in the natural environment and in social relations, creating a permanent antagonism of these conflicting on interests forms of consciousness, and therefore - a new, specific only for human communities, the driving force of their development: "...in human beings there are two components of consciousness - the lowest, often called unconscious, or subconscious, and the highest consciousness, or self-consciousness. the level of which can differ significantly depending on the degree of development of the person or his communities - take, for example, the person of the Stone Age and the current Nobel laureate, - the level of consciousness and in that and other case significantly other, however self-consciousness is present both here and there, without disappearing anywhere, but the lowest consciousness, which is responsible generally for functioning of an organism (body) to hold it in a live state and to do it by adequate concerning stay of a body in the environment as well as to fix and spread an organism in the environment, remains almost invariable, i.e. does not depend on time.
  Both these components (hypostases) exist and act in the body and through the body in an indissoluble connection, but the highest consciousness is incapable to exist without the lowest, as the last is responsible for preservation of the living being in the environment - it is impossible to do without this, and the first (the highest consciousness) - above all - for conscious and design activity of a being as individually, and in the human communities which are in a certain environment, at this other natural beings always do without self-consciousness.
  It is these deep entities in the form of the lowest consciousness and highest consciousness, hidden and intertwined in every human consciousness, and, consequently, in the public consciousness, with all their antagonism because of the need to solve various problems for the most part contradicting each other, really determine development of human communities at any stage" [7, Chapter 3].
  It is clear from here that the primary task of consciousness, realized through one"s own carrier in the form of the human body, including the brain, is not caring for the body, prolonging its existence or extending the existence of the human race, but - in the search and creation of conditions for one"s own change, including at certain stages and the development, at this, the development is most successful within the framework of the human civilization.
  In this respect, consciousness is by no means a parasite for the body, which without it is just the totality of certain natural compounds, that is, by a thing. Consciousness actually forms a symbiosis of soulless matter and rational matter, expressed in living beings of various kinds, including man with his dual, unlike other living creatures, nature.
  Since the accelerated development of the human dualistic consciousness within the framework of civilization cannot be infinite due to the limited capabilities of the human body to receive and process all the growing information flows, insofar purely automatically occurs the destruction of civilization as a structure that does not possess the capacities for further functioning (information collapse). This point of singularity means the completion of a civilization"s own time, as an already unsuitable system, which is to some extent similar to the point of natural death that happens to a person whose organs no longer provide for the functioning of the whole body.
  Be that as it may, these formidable factors do not mean the complete disappearance of civilization, as well as the complete disappearance of human consciousness. They are merely a sign of a cardinal transformation of the present civilization into some other form.
  Such forms, apparently, are a little - only two.
  Information collapse means the crash of a technological civilization, at which information, energy, transport and technological chains and systems cease to function.
  In this case, relatively quickly the overwhelming majority of the population of the planet returns to primitive conditions of existence, technical and cultural schemes with disintegration of infrastructure of a civilization are lost as unnecessary, insofar a cruel struggle for existence comes to the fore. In other words, the population falls into wildness, stratifying on the small groups fighting among themselves for pro-feeding areas [4, Chapter 4].
  The excessive flow of information at the point of singularity, with the processing of which the human brain cannot cope, thereby making wrong decisions, the buildup of which leads to almost full loss of infrastructure of a civilization, means not only the termination of the current of own time of a civilization, but also the loss of the connection of self-consciousness of each individual with this disappeared "the present" of a civilization. The highest consciousness of each person in the absence of cultural and technological basis has no a base to interact with. Therefore, the level of this part of the human consciousness, without being completely reset, nevertheless falls to the minimum values, and the lower (animal) consciousness becomes dominant, which is able to more effectively lead an individual in the wild after the disappearance of the civilization shell, where the struggle for survival comes to the fore, that is, obtaining food, ensuring reproduction and achieving the best conditions for implementing the first two procedures, or striving to dominate in one"s surrounding.
  Thus, after the crash of a civilization, people return to a primitive state, which they "passed through" tens of thousands of years ago.
  However, over time, these "primitive" people can raise the level of their self-awareness to the extent that will allow them to once again take the path of creating orderly communities with emergence of property, legislation and other attributes of a civilization, and, quite perhaps, the way of development of a present civilization with these or those deviations will be repeated that, most likely, already were in the history of Earth [8, Chapter 4].
  Another very real consequence of the collapse of a civilization is a smooth transition of communities to an equilibrium state, at least in certain regions of the planet. This option of events may well coexist on the territories of the planet with the first version of post-civilization events.
  With the collapse of the civilization shell, the inflow to individual people of information from cultural and technological artifacts, which almost completely disappear, decreases to a minimum, that means substantially a break with the former own time of the disintegrated civilization, so, can lead to the formation of the new own time of a civilization on ruins of former infrastructure.
  Similar reduction of information flows nevertheless keeps an opportunity to withhold the highest consciousness though at a low level, but which, nevertheless, allows the highest consciousness to resist its replacement with the lowest (animal) consciousness. Such opportunity appears on condition of association of people in rather small cells-collectives which main feature is conscious restriction of own freedom by each member of a cell for the sake of survival of whole cell in the conditions of the hostile environment at contact with other similar cells for commodity and cultural exchange.
  In this case, the relatively weak self-consciousness of each individual can, nevertheless, somewhat counterbalance the action in many respects of the destructive lower (animal) consciousness, which, in the case of its substantial dominance, can easily make a person into a cannibal.
  It is curious that this new civilization, which has passed into a state of equilibrium, is a truly fair community, which appears at the cost of losing development and restricting the freedom of the individual, more precisely, its self-restraint in favor of a cell-collective, or establishing a civilization without states, thereby removing internal contradictions, always tearing apart a society in a developing (technological) civilization.
  An equilibrium community is a society, in which the resultant of all contradictory forces becomes almost equal to zero.
  Since this is not possible in a developing society, the development process must be halted or expressed very weakly. In other words, civilization, society temporarily loses the possibility of development.
  In such state the civilization can be only as the equilibrium.
  Its basic signs consist in the following.
  First, it has to be in ecological equilibrium with the nature, i.e. it has to return generally to appropriating economy with preservation and addition of some resource-saving technologies.
  Secondly, having refused the complex state management system, the civilization has to return to the simplest forms of the public relations in the form of local self-coping cells of various orientation upon the kinds of activity, connected among themselves not only horizontally, but also vertically, unlike primitive communities.
  Thirdly, not development of technologies and the social relations, but self-sufficiency concerning creation for each person of acceptable biotic conditions and maintaining of functioning of self-coping cells without the emergence of a heeling towards the withdrawal from self-government, has to be as the tasks of an equilibrium civilization. The only "medicine" for this purpose is the most frequent rotation of the chosen operating personnel.
  In this relation the difference of this structure from primitive communities consists in more high level of consciousness of members of the self-coping cells, saved up for six millennia of previous civilization development, and, in this regard, emergence of possibility of the conscious decision by all members of cells of arising problems of a civilization within the elementary structures.
  Fourthly, the free time of each member of community which can be very the considerable, thanks to preservation of many technologies of reproducing of food and household items, has to be devoted to self-development in that sphere to which he has predilections: art, crafts, fight against diseases, learning process, etc.
  Thus, the civilization is as though conserved. Certainly, sooner or later it will go wrong, but time of its existence and quite quiet life of people in it can be much more, than life time of a technological civilization known to us.
  To the one who will tell that it is impossible to stop development, it is possible to give an example of a similar suspending in development of human communities, more precisely, its extreme delay.
  It is possible give as an example the well-known and studied primitive communities which have been existing approximately in the same condition of some tens of thousands of years, until awakened from "hibernation" about 10 thousand years ago, whereby, partly, our civilization emerged about six thousand years ago. Communities, which are in the equilibrium with environment, exist and now in a natural form, for example, the Australian natives. There are similar communities in a artificial type of various sects, for example doukhobor. The public and production formations close to them - kibbutzim in Israel, as well separate themselves from society and the state on the way of life, which is close to the equilibrium.
  It is not excluded that the ecological civilization which, most probably, will appear after disintegration of a present technological civilization, will not disappear over time from the face of Earth, and under the influence of this or that push will be waken and will start functioning in another form [9, Chapter 3].
  Regular advent of a point of singularity for each human civilization means the indispensable process of updating so important and necessary both for consciousness in living beings, and for Creation in general [4, Chapter 7].
  1. Гоббс Т. Левиафан. Соч. в 2 тт. 2 т. М. 1991, с. 192.
  2. Peirce. C. S. The Fixation of Belief. The Writings. Volumes I - VI. Vol. III. Indiana University. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.iupui.edu/-arisbe/menu/.../bycsp.HTM
  3. K. Marx. The Communist Manifesto. Geneva. 1882.
  4. Nizovtsev Y. M. Miracles in a sieve. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.
  5. Савельев С. А. Церебральный сортинг. Издательство: ВЕДИ. 2016.
  6. Кант И. Сочинения в шести томах. Т. IV, ч. 1. М., 1963-1966.
  7. Nizovtsev Y. M. The driving force and source of development of the person and his communities. 2018. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.
  8. The person - a product of evolution?! Whether everything is so clear here?! 2017. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.
  9. Nizovtsev Y. M. Communes as result of crash of all civilization. 2014. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.
  12. Why are we capable of laughing?
  Laughter can be up to tears, but tears do not bring up to laughter.
  Any animals never laugh, but a person was able to assess the comic situation and use this assessment for his own purposes, the main of which is not just entertainment of oneself, but a distraction from the troubles and hardships of life which a person is aware, but cannot do anything.
  The transformation into the comic of one's own hardships thereby became an unusually effective way for a person to distract himself from them. By such detachment from the cruel realities of life in laughter, a person frees himself from the conventions of beingness, intuitively feeling their temporality and imperfection.
  The external expression of this curious transformation tribulations and tragedies into the comic, detract from them, is the laughter, the animal component of which comes from the reflexes, similar of a reaction to carding or tickling, and also from an instinctive reaction to threats, for example, in the form of growling, whereas the essential component of laughter is determined by the consciousness in the form of a relationship to some troubles and misfortunes as to the absurdity of the unexpected incident with yourself or preferably with others. Absurdity of it, dropping out of a framework of the known order, causes involuntary fun or an ironical grin from that, as "to those above" cannot provide the order in "hostel".
  Therefore, the prime cause of laughter is an involuntary understanding of incongruity, absurdity of a situation, which, nevertheless reproduced in reality in one form or another vital or artificial forms. This intuitive understanding causes involuntary superiority over the situation, which finds a way out in a intense sound form, like a cough, or - in a concussion of the whole body resembling convulsions.
  The pleasure and satisfaction of this understanding does not reach fixation in the mind as a judgment, but immediately passes into relief through sounds that bring relaxation, vivacity and an influx of energy from the insufficiency of beingness, that has clearly appeared.
  In contrast, standard troubles, which regularly cause suffering and grief, cause the crying of the victims and the sympathy of others.
  Moreover, unlike regrets or upsets from the misfortunes that occur, which often cause tears, thereby bringing relief, but only in the form of a decline in strength and the coming melancholy, the reaction to what is happening in the form of laughter manifests itself from surprise at its absurdity, that leads not to fear, but to interest in this unusual violation of the usual routine.
  In itself, the unusualness of the situation in the form of its absurdity or implausibility most often develops as an artificial or natural manifestation of some event or object in an area where they should not be, which makes this kind of incident related to the creative process, which is characterized by the search for a new and unusual.
  That is, if this incident does not pose an immediate threat, it can cause surprise, turning into interest due to its absurdity, which, in turn, can lead to an involuntary feeling of superiority over it, arising from an intuitive understanding of this absurdity or even stupidity, that finds reflection either in a smirk or a grunting.
  In the absence of an involuntary desire to highlight the comic side of what happened with its absurdity, it turns out, as you know, a person without a sense of humor.
  In the hierarchy of human characteristics, laughter, which is called this distinct grunting, stands above regret or chagrin, not only because animals can also cry from suffering, but because any person can be made to suffer, but he is not able to laugh due to coercion, since sincere laughter can only be spontaneous.
  This human property is used by comedians both from the stage and in their writings, whose level of talent is determined by the ability to combine the incompatible, as it were, plausibly and effectively, simply and not too superficially.
  In life, as a rule, everyone laughs at extraneous absurdities somehow affecting them, but some individuals, especially those advanced in realization themselves as personality in a contradictory and changing event world, are able to laugh at their own stupidity instead of tears and regrets.
  Similar involuntary reaction to absurdity not always, but often turns an unpleasant situation into comical, that just like faith, making life easier, and thereby distracts a person from the troubles and hardships of life, which he sees, understands, but can do nothing except how to laugh at them, which is not typical for animals, since they do not aware their own existence in time, and thus they do not need distraction from the events of beingness, to which they are only able to adapt without striving to change it and themselves along with it, remaining only at the level of sensations, but not reaching the level of representations, imagination and abstractions, without which it is impossible to present a comicality of the situation.
  Thus, laughter distracts a person from the oppressive reality. And in this he is similar to faith.
  It should also be noted the two-sided nature of laughter that occurs when the consumer interacts with the information flows that cause laughter, from source, which can be not only the external, but also himself, since each person has self-consciousness, and, therefore, criticality.
  Anyone who wants to try to cause laughter by presenting his comical expressions, in addition to his own talent, must maintain a certain balance between the originality of what is said or shown, which are peculiar sharpness up to paradoxicality, their depth, as well as simplicity, bordering with stupidity. All this can be expressed with an oxymoron: that's after all, it happens that, it seems, so it cannot be.
  How difficult this is can be seen from the fact that in the entire history of mankind, the authors of amusing and sneering utterances that captivate everyone with their unusual, simplicity and at the same time depth, were much less than recognized fiction writers, unless we shall count the authors of anecdotes, sketches and the like, characteristic of their vulgarity, and causing laughter of one rude audience who is able to laugh even when showing a naked ass.
  And this indicates that laughter and humor are not equivalent, since any absurdity, that does not threaten life, can initiate laughter, and a spoken or written utterance can be attributed to humor, that is, to be funny for the audience, only with a certain combination of absurdity with the depth of content and simplicity of form, which should be laconic, as well as accessibility to any audience.
  That is, it is enough for laughter to contemplate a ridiculous, but not terrible situation that violates the established order, in which someone gets into a stupid position in the eyes of the audience, causing ridicule of this idiot - the so-called the humor on the square.
  As for the humorous utterances, formed by the authors themselves, then it is possible to make by these utterances laugh or smile if it is possible to maintain a certain balance between the originality of the utterance, its depth and simplicity, demonstrating their coherence in orientation to the violation of the established order.
  In particular, the lack of silly simplicity reduces the statement, at best, to satire, the lack of depth - to a flat joke, and the insufficient originality - to banality.
  In this case, simplicity should be understood as the unpretentiousness and naturalness of utterance up to its silly, which gives a person, as it were, superiority over the situation, assuming not only surprise, but also mockery of it.
  Therefore, the seriousness of the utterance, despite its originality and depth, can cause respect or even admiration, but not laughter.
  As an example, we can cite several magnificent maxims of Polish satirist S. E. Lec.
  - It is necessary to multiply the number of thoughts so that there are not enough overseers on them.
  - The window to the world can be closed with a newspaper.
  - The dream of slaves is a market where you could buy yourself masters.
  - Ideas get into the head inside.
  If the utterance is devoid of depth of thought, then, despite its originality and simplicity, it comes down to a flat joke in the form of a common expression or a newspaper anecdote, for example:
  - From a bachelor's diary: "I washed the floor, wiped the dust, washed the dishes, cleaned the bath and toilet, cooked dinner. Want to marry myself..."
  - Wife to husband:
  - Here, you pay the attention, our neighbor every morning, leaving for work, kisses his wife! Why don't you do that?
  - I don't even know her!
  In the event that the utterance loses a significant amount of paradoxicality, it becomes nothing more than a triviality, as, for example, such utterances of the Russian humorist M. M. Zhvanetsky:
  - Whoever married a young woman has paid in full: she will not see him young he will never see her old.
  - The world's first ruined poor appeared in Russia. Not a single ruined banker, and a mass of ruined poor people.
  The same M. M. Zhvanetsky in some utterances quite managed to find a balance between originality, depth and simplicity of the spoken, giving samples of full-fledged humor, for example:
  - Alcohol in small doses is harmless in any quantity.
  - Women can do anything. They should not be given time to think.
  Similar balance in many of his utterances was found by the famous American writer Mark Twain, for example:
  - This man is known only that he was not in prison, but why he was not in prison is unknown.
  - I don't think I could like her, except on a raft in the open sea, and even then, if there is absolutely nothing to eat.
  - You need both hands to kiss.
  Real humor that evokes a smile, that is, truly funny, slips in some of Kozma Prutkov's utterances, for example:
  - Not every general is by nature complete.
  - It's nice to caress a child or a dog, but it's most necessary to rinse your mouth.
  - Click the mare in the nose - she will wave her tail.
  Any source of humor that really makes everyone laugh or smile, certainly carries content in a form that reflects the habits, traditions of the audience or individual, as well as their ability to pry, sometimes reaching interest.
  Only such interaction between the source of information and its consumer is able to produce a resonance, expressed in an unaccountable laugh or smile, which is nothing more than an actual recognition of someone else's creativity in the form of surprise, carrying in this case purely unconscious, but interested character.
  Thus, the astonishment as the reaction to an unexpected situation, leading both animals and people to fear or arousing their ability to pry, can give rise to laughter in humans, unlike animals.
  What is the root cause of such a difference between humans and animals?
  This kind of cause, both laughter and goal-setting and creativity, inherent only in humans, can only be the self-consciousness of a person, radically distinguishing him from other living beings.
  It was it that finally brought him out of the world of the predominance of sensations into the world of abstractions, interests and ideas.
  Therefore, a person's interest in the new has penetrated into the sphere of the absurdities of beingness, the intuitive understanding of which, if it is addressed to phenomena or objects that combine not only absurdity, which can frighten, but also simplicity, leading to an understanding of the phenomenon, as well as the depth of connection of this, apparently, simplicity with the unusual situation, is able to manifest in a person the inherent property of creativity in him, manifesting itself in this unexpected situation by its resolution for itself in the form of expressing feelings not in the form of growling or mooing, but in the form of a smile or laughter, into which these animal forms have transformed, reflecting only fear or ability to pry.
  If this inner creativity does not find expression, that is, the absurdity of what is said or done does not arouse interest, for example, because of stupidity or misunderstanding, thereby leaving a person indifferent, then he perceives what is happening or presented only as a violation of order, the result of which can only be his discontent.
  In conclusion, it should be noted that if the sphere of humor reflects situations that cause laughter or a smile, then, on the one hand, it cannot include satire, sarcasm, and similar serious forms.
  On the other hand, laughter caused by excitement, excess of strength, nervous discharge, anxiety, hysteria, imitation of someone or tickling, has nothing to do with humor.
  At the same time, the so-called "evil laughter" also has nothing to do with involuntary laughter, which means that it is impossible to attribute it to humor. Rather, it should be called a certain sound mockery of others, whereas humor has the opposite orientation - not to harm anyone, not to spoil mood, but on the contrary, to make life easier by the amusing or the sneering.
  Therefore, to humor, the attribute of which is involuntary laughter or, at least, a smile, can be attributed only the various types of jokes, sneers, gags, puns and witticisms that cause mood increases, that is, amusing or sneering. They can be determined as comic, but not resentment or schadenfreude, which is characteristic for vulgar jokes, mockery, sketches and similar opuses that play on the base feelings of the audience, stupefying it even more. These areal jokes or schadenfreude are nothing but a concentration of absurdities and stupidity, addressed to the egocentrism of human consciousness, ignoring the altruism of its self-consciousness.
  It can be seen from the considered that under the recognized term "humor" utterances both causing laughter and not leading to it are combined. Moreover, even utterances of a sinister nature, for example, the so-called black humor, can cause laughter.
  Therefore, the failure of this definition of the funny situations, which in places turn out to be not funny at all, is clear.
  This fact presupposes the separation from the ridiculous generally, the amusing or sneering, which can be designated as comical, causing not malicious, but good-natured laughter.
  In the comical, the balance between pointed originality, depth and simplicity is quite naturally observed.

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