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On the similarity and difference between criminality and those in power

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    It is quite difficult to determine the difference between representatives of government structures and criminals, since both of them deceive, rob and destroy the population in different ways. However, the former mainly represent the governing structures, while the latter are outcasts.

  Key words: criminality, power, elites, individuality, personality, creativity, consciousness, self-consciousness, dissatisfaction, sensations, information.
  To understand this problem, it is necessary first to turn to the animal world from which a person emerged, but only partially, since he inherited a number of animal characteristics, which, while remaining with him, were nevertheless transformed into certain properties of his personality.
  Among the animals there are predators and herbivores. The latter are the natural prey of predators, who do not exterminate them entirely, but select sick or weak individuals for prey, thereby performing the work of selecting herbivores, not giving them the opportunity to wither away or multiply excessively, establishing a certain balance in this world of selective devouring of herbivores and competition between predators.
  Over time, the competition between predators and the resistance of many herbivores, with sharp horns and powerful legs with hard hooves, led to the formation of a number of properties that contribute to the greatest efficiency in activities of predators.
  The basis of all these properties is egocentrism, which is partly mitigated by forced cooperation, if group actions are more effective, for example, for predators.
  Nevertheless, it is on the basis of egocentrism - as a product of inevitable competition that separates a being from the rest - that all other properties of an individuality"s being are formed, which determine the degree of its effectiveness as a hunter.
  Individuality is formed on the basis of the genotype, to which is added the impact of the appropriate environment, which is determined by the dissatisfaction of the consciousness of the being with the existing conditions in relation to nutrition, reproduction and status in the flock or herd.
  The leading properties of this kind, especially for a predator, are quick-wittedness, decisiveness and perseverance. If the hunt is carried out in a group, then an important property that increases the effectiveness of hunters is the ability to coordinate the actions of the group, or a kind of organizational ability of some beings, which, in the event of successful actions of the group, turns the main organizer of these actions into a leader.
  These properties, together with such characteristics of the individuality as the ability to pry, life experience, skills, manner of behavior, appearance, temperament, degree of sociability, sensitivity, impressionability, together constitute the individuality of a being, which outwardly reflects its own consciousness.
  In addition, as a result of competition, animals develop such qualities of individuality, based on the degree of quick-wittedness of the being, as masking their intentions, consisting of deceiving competitors or opponents; caution in actions due to dangers threatening on all sides; distrust in communication with other communities, which is forced due to their struggle for limited resources.
  Since a person is a semi-primate, all the noted properties, to one degree or another, constitute his individuality.
  However, if the directionality of the animal"s consciousness is focused on survival, that is, on nutrition, reproduction, as well as on dominance, helping to create for itself the most profitable and pleasant living conditions within the framework of what is in the environment, realizing its desire to consume pleasant sensations without leaving beyond the framework of adaptability to the environment, then the human consciousness besides has another directionality - to change the environment, which is carried out not only to solve the problems of survival and consumption of resources, but also in order to achieve the goals of knowing this environment for its most effective use, which, in turn, affects his own development, as a result of which he acquires initiative, variability of vision of problems in the course of motion towards the intended goal and creativity of thinking, which is distinguished by arbitrariness and insight, in contrast to straight-line formal-logical approaches, which with one degree or another of complexity are characteristic of the rest of living beings in their thinking.
  Thus, initiative, goal-setting and variability in seeing a problem from the right perspective allow you to achieve your goal in a variety of ways, depending on your own ingenuity, the most effective of which are creative ones.
  The result of this new directionality of consciousness, reflecting a different degree of self-consciousness of this being, is the formation, in addition to individuality, of its personality, gradually making this being a person with both individuality and personality, reflecting, respectively, the animal nature of consciousness and self-consciousness of a person, aimed at developing its personality, again, for the sake of using newly acquired properties to most effectively achieve the goals set.
  All of the indicated properties of individuality do not leave a person anywhere, reflecting his animal consciousness, but during the formation of a person from a primate through a hominid, new properties appeared in this new creature, reflecting a different directionality of his self-consciousness towards transforming the environment with aware intentions, not at all prompted by one instincts of survival and finding pleasant sensations.
  In particular, his memory has developed, formed not only on a genetic basis and on the transfer of skills by parents to offspring, but also due to a significant expansion of areas of activity. In addition, based on the development of the signaling system, speech was formed, and accordingly, an oral and then a written form of transferring knowledge and skills to offspring appeared.
  Instinctive egocentric quick-wittedness smoothly flowed into various forms of thinking, oriented not only towards oneself, but also towards understanding the world and improving relations in the community.
  The competition, which is characteristic of any beings and their associations, including human communities, in their struggle not only for benefits, power, but also for their own dignity, a place in life corresponding to their abilities, interesting work, etc. , as a result, did the following: thanks to it developed, for example, out of the animal ability to pry - the human curiosity and, thereby, the desire for knowledge, that is, for one"s own education; out of the perseverance - will and self-confidence; from the joint coordinated actions - self-criticism, friendliness, empathy, sympathy, united of further by the term "altruism".
  Along with that, a high level of the ability to pry, perseverance, dominance and quick-wittedness, based on the animal egocentrism, as well as a sufficient level of mental abilities, curiosity, hard work, confidence in one"s abilities, based on a considerable share of altruism in the human self-consciousness, have ensured the development of his creativity.
  True, both creativity and altruism can declare themselves not for the sake of the whole community, but only for the benefit of narrow circle of persons.
  As an additional example of the emergence in a person of new properties that already make up his personality, one can cite the transformation of the disguise of living beings into the human cunning, hypocrisy and deceitfulness.
  It is known that each creature ensures its survival by obtaining food from the environment, devouring lower organisms and dodging enemies, and thereby trying to preserve oneself, as well as ensure the most intensive reproduction and regular nutrition.
  One way to solve such problems is to instinctively distort information coming from some living beings to others through their senses.
  In particular, the South American snake Cantille has a bright, thin and movable tail tip resembling a worm, luring small animals to them.
  This kind of deception in the form of disguising one's true intentions is an instinctive form of distortion of information, manifested as an effective means of survival.
  A person is also no stranger to the instinctive deception, for example, in the form of pretense, often allowing him to improve his position in society, get rid of enemies and make friends.
  With the acquisition of self-consciousness, a person significantly expanded the scope action of all consciousness. In particular, he turned out to be able not only instinctively, but also quite consciously to use information distortion to achieve his own goals. For example, by throwing a false information to the enemy in war, you can trap him and destroy.
  This kind of deliberate aware actions based on natural (instinctive) deception began to be called cunning, which manifests itself in various forms depending on the goals set.
  All means of cunning behavior to achieve the goals of enrichment and gaining power, consisting in various frauds, tricks, maneuvers, tricks, overtures, etc., are limited only to adaptation to the environment. Therefore, they are not associated with the achievement of high goals for the development of technology, science and culture, that is, progress in the form of raising a person's self-consciousness to a higher level in own development.
  So, it is a misconception that cunning is similar to ingenuity, or rather, creativity, since cunning, being merely a tactical trick, does not look far, solving only immediate problems of improving the quality of life, and thus is not capable of serving as an effective means of developing self-awareness by acting purely for solving problems of adaptation, that is, within the limits of the natural (lower) consciousness of a person, albeit with knowledge of the matter.
  Moreover, a person's awareness of the possibilities of distortion of information quite naturally led many subjects not just to cunning, which is often a positive factor in life, but also to a deliberately unscrupulous and unprincipled deception in the form of hypocrisy, allowing often, that a mediocre performer insinuate into the confidence of the leadership, as well as falsehood, which can so distort the field of activity that a deliberately stronger opponent, underestimating the opponent, loses to him.
  Thus, we can say that the human consciousness certainly contains the properties of individuality inherited from primates, but on their basis other features have appeared in it, using which it acts quite consciously, trying to gain benefit for himself.
  Thus, for example, the natural egocentrism of the animal consciousness was supplemented by the egoism of the personality in its self-consciousness, which always manifests itself, but to varying degrees; the deception of enemies or rivals necessary for an animal began to be accompanied by both cunning and hypocrisy and deceitfulness; completely justified caution, characteristic of animals, often transforms into manic suspicion; the distrust of other communities was complemented by contempt for people of a different circle or even the reduction of representatives of other races and religions to animals.
  In addition, the unconscious, but necessary for survival, hard work, characteristic of all living beings, except parasites, was supplemented by completely aware laziness; the instinctive order in the actions of any animal began to coexist with irresponsibility, self-confidence, uncriticality and unprincipledness; decisiveness often began to turn into chutzpah and cruelty towards the weaker or subordinate.
  Quick-wittedness, often supplemented by good mental abilities, began to be used to solve both positive goals of development and knowledge, and to solve purely selfish problems.
  The ability to pry already in consciousness of a person began to coexist with intellectual curiosity, and both of these properties are also used by him to varying degrees to achieve both positive goals of education and development, and to interfere in other people's affairs.
  Persistence as a property of individuality, on the one hand, is manifested in a person by stubbornness, and, on the other hand, it is manifested by aware volitional tension in achieving set goals.
  At the same time, coherence in the actions of groups of living beings has become a source of various types of cooperation among people, contributing to the most effective achievement of their goals.
  Moreover, on the basis of cooperation, all the properties of altruism arose and began to strengthen, namely: friendliness, empathy, sympathy, mercy, sacrifice, that is, selfless concern for others.
  All these properties of individuality and personality are distributed differently in people. First of all, depending on their genes, and secondly, their manifestation is determined by upbringing and the current situation around them.
  In other words, the fullness of their lower (animal) consciousness and self-consciousness may differ significantly, but these forms of consciousness themselves are fused together, and which of them dominates depends on the conditions indicated above, and depending on changes in the environment at times, one or the other of these forms of consciousness may begin to dominate.
  Nevertheless, in the extreme positions of the social hierarchy that will be considered below, the genetic foundations and influence of the environment can so obscure the altruism of self-consciousness that a person in his actions approaches a predator, differing, moreover, from it by unmotivated often cruelty, as well as unscrupulousness and irresponsibility.
  These extreme positions in the social hierarchy on both sides are occupied, at first glance, by so different and dissimilar in everything leaders by everybody and everything in various forms of power elites, and outcasts of society - bandits, swindlers, thieves and other lads who make up the criminal elite, that is the totality of criminals in the minds of society.
  In order to understand the essence of criminality, it is necessary to cut off the husk that accompanies it in the form of various kinds of lumpen, in particular, the chronically unemployed, tramps, professional beggars, who have such a bias towards the lowest consciousness that they practically have only the memory of the highest consciousness.
  In other words, they have only not numerous formal ties with society. For this reason, they return as if to the level of animals, more precisely, - on the level of sensations. Neither public life, nor wealth, nor the power - nothing is interesting to them.
  Having suddenly got money, they immediately spend on drink or skip them, they sell their votes to anyone at an opportunity, they can kill and rob just like that, and in this regard, they are even worse than animals.
  The main considerations in their minds are concentrated on the processes: drinking, having a snack, taking a walk and making the pleasant for themselves the nagge to their neighbors.
  Historically, criminality appeared during the period of the emergence of proprietary relations, initially formed from people who did not receive either property or power, despite their energy, intelligence and cunning, since there are always not enough "places in the sun" for those who wanted to nest there.
  Therefore, such deprived persons quite naturally find the manifestation of their outstanding often qualities in illegal actions, where they can be unusually smart and strong-willed, thereby becoming outcasts in their confrontation to society.
  Since such individuals are always present in society, the struggle of law enforcement agencies with them never ends in victory, especially since the core of the criminal community is formed not just by the offended, but by a kind of ideological fighters against society as a whole, for natural reasons, consisting in the fact that it deprived them by property and power.
  Their consciousness is dominated by its lower component based on egocentrism, which outwardly manifests itself in the dominance of individuality and negative personality traits with almost complete oblivion of altruism. So for them, society is something like a herd, which they do not shepherd, like those in power, and they have to snatch their own from this herd, like predators.
  Therefore, the behavior of these figures is not much different from the behavior of predators in the animal world, that is, in their personality there is no altruism at all, as well as conscious hard work, responsibility to society, but there triumph predominantly self-confidence, uncriticality, unprincipledness in everything, laziness and impudence, thereby demonstrating selfishness and contempt for everyone else, whom they consider sheep.
  The individuality of these prominent representatives of the criminal underworld is such that they can be smart enough, decisive and persistent in their actions in order to create effective gangster or fraudulent groups, often forming rather good cooperation.
  Outwardly, they resemble people, but the lack of positivity in their self- consciousness and their reliance on purely animal instincts in their mentality makes them incorrigible in terms of serving society.
  These representatives of criminality despise the population for its passivity before the oppressors, and in their midst, in contrast to generally accepted laws, they establish, as they believe, truly fair thieves' rules, based on concepts developed historically in their antisocial practice.
  The essence of these rules comes down not only to the establishment of a hierarchy of thieves with its right of force, but, most importantly, in them they oppose themselves to the laws of society, considering them unjust, which, in turn, justifies the correctness of violating these laws, restoring, in their opinion, to some extent, true justice, especially when robbing the rich with their unrighteous incomes.
  Thus, this quasi-animal isolated world of social outcasts feeds mainly on sensations, and not on great ideas for the development of society. But this world differs from the adaptability of animals in that in its self-awareness it contrasts itself with the environment, although it uses it, that is, this opposition is aimed not at changing this unjust world, but is limited to its robbery for the benefit of own circle, which, like the community predatory animals, is completely satisfied with this.
  Nevertheless, in this community, which despises power in general, there are as in any other, a kind of conformists who, especially in an era of weakening state foundations, strive to get into power, but not in order to strengthen it or to facilitate the life of the people, but in order to steal everything with great pleasure on an astronomical scale, emptying the state budget for their own benefit.
  To sum up, we can note the most characteristic features of the core of this outcast community.
  Practical denial of altruism, with the exception of relatives and the closest circle of associates.
  The belief that the archaic is more just than the state system.
  The basis of all their enterprises is deception, initiated by a reluctance to engage in systematic or hard work.
  Contempt for the entire population for its passivity, and dislike among the authorities for the fact that they have access to channels of legally justified robbery of the population in their favor, in particular, by tax and credit policies, and sharing a significant part of what they receive among themselves with complete impunity.
  Decisiveness, ruthlessness and impudence.
  Quick-wittedness, not bad mind, prudence and resourcefulness.
  Perseverance and high strong-willed attitude.
  Self-confidence, uncriticality, unprincipledness, laziness.
  Cooperation with one's own kind with relative observance of the rules of a pack of wolves.
  Creativity that is aimed not at social development, but is realized in fraudulent deals.
  Again, historically, in the stratum of owners, who, unlike the rest of the population, have considerable resources, there are always people who are more interested not in local ownership of property and its use for a comfortable life, but they have a strong aspiration to own people for the sake of subordinating them to their desires and whims
  In other words, they are pleased not just with comfort, but it is more pleasant to command their "herd", like an alpha male in a troop of monkeys.
  What is this aspiration fundamentally determined by?
  It turns out that among the population, due to the peculiarities of the genetic code, there are always individuals with an increased level of dominance and, accordingly, a high level of manifestation of energy, who, due to life circumstances or insufficient upbringing are not burdened with such personality traits as kindness, friendliness, empathy, sympathy in their self-consciousness, but they have such personality properties as good quick-wittedness, sociability, a tendency to deception in the form of distortion of information and dexterity in its presentation; acquired professional skills, adjacent to such personality traits as a fairly strong will; self-confidence; unprincipledness, expressed in cunning and deceit; and they also do not suffer by a great sense of responsibility.
  As a result, they receive an advantage over the rest - the more inert members of the community in the form of ordinary people, highly moral intellectuals of any kind, and other members of the population who are sluggish or preoccupied with other matters, and who are not able to deftly push aside or slander their opponents, as well as really enjoy the humiliation of the lower ones, and at the same time endure mock from the side of own bosses.
  They compensate a lack of mind by involvement of numerous advisers, but, because the decisions ultimately have to be made by them, so far as they, as true creators of own happiness, at first consider them from a position of the personal (corporate), but not the public good with a lurch towards retaining power, gaining a greater degree of their own domination and the acquisition of all sorts of benefits.
  Thus, the power structures gather mainly individuals in whom a typical animal consciousness dominates, overshadowing the altruism of their self-awareness.
  It is the noted negative characteristics of these persons, but positive in terms of infiltration into power and retention in it, that constitute the corresponding gathering of scoundrels, which Plato noted more than 2000 years ago in his characterization of tyrant: "But when he (tyrant) has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty, and there is nothing to fear from them, then he is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader... What a blessed alternative, I said: - to be compelled to dwell only with the many bad, and to be by them hated, or not to live at all!... And the more detestable his actions are to the citizens the more satellites and the greater devotion in them will he require?" (Plato. Complete works. Republic. Book VIII. Hackett Publishing Company. 1997)
  Plato writes about democracy and oligarchy in the same vein, believing that the power structures of these forms of the state are not much better than under a tyrant, leading over time to the same tyranny of both sole and group.
  Thus, the similarity between the top bar of the social hierarchy and its bottom is obvious.
  In both of them, the animal consciousness leads, which is outwardly expressed in the prevalence of such personality traits as a high degree of dominance, quick-wittedness, decisiveness, perseverance, and they also have life experience and coherence in actions with their own kind.
  At the same time, altruism in their self- consciousness is supplanted practically by the egocentricity of their animal consciousness, and instead of altruism in their self-awareness such negative personality traits as self-confidence and unprincipledness have become entrenched, which, however, are accompanied by such neutral and even positive personality traits as a high-willed attitude, prudence, cunning, resourcefulness, some degree of creativity.
  However, despite such obvious similarities, these strata occupy opposite positions in the hierarchy of society.
  What are the causes and consequences of this rather strange, at first glance, situation?
  It must be assumed that such distribution of these strata in the hierarchy of society, already within the framework of civilization, is caused by the different attitudes of representatives of these strata to property and power.
  As we noted above, the division of these strata, which later became entrenched, took shape at the dawn of civilization during the distribution of property, which did not go to all energetic, mind, cunning and unprincipled dominants.
  Accordingly, the field of activity for each of them has developed.
  Some got power over society, others - opposition to this power, which consisted, however, not in the desire to overthrow it, but only to take away from its representatives and the population subject to them the same property, as much as possible, despite the riskiness of this enterprise.
  The rest of the activities and those and other representatives of both strata were not interesting due to the predominance of an animal predatory principle in them, which does not care about the processes of knowledge and which does not have a desire to participate in the labor process of creating material or spiritual values.
  Therefore, some had the opportunity to rule, others to despise this power and harm it in any way possible, receiving satisfaction from this and feeding in the form of booty, despite the corresponding reaction of this power, consisting in persecution, imprisonment and executions.
  Since vacancies in power structures are always not enough for this kind of individuals, they are mainly distributed among the marked strata.
  Power for the governing elite is needed not only in order to carry out their decisions, exercising leadership over the community, which is impossible to do without even in animal communities, but also to dominate the crowd, enjoying their external superiority over them and all other subordinates, despite the fact that at the same time to each of it have to grovel before own superiors.
  Representatives of the power elite are accustomed to this unscrupulousness, hypocrisy, contempt for inferiors and subservience to superiors, and are always ready use them, since all these properties prevail in their consciousness, expressed in individuality and personality.
  In turn, power is also important to the representatives of criminality, the basis of which is the content of their consciousness, expressed in the above features of individuality and personality, but it is not given by origin, cunning tricks and playing along with the authorities, and mostly power achieved by authority, remarkable intelligence, resourcefulness, high professional qualities, and she acts in her own circle, that is, it does not go beyond it, which is not required by bandits, fraudsters and thieves using the outside world as a source of prey.
  In addition, the ruling elite needs power, with rare exceptions, in order to acquire property, taking advantage of their position. An example of this is almost all high-ranking politicians who have never worked in business and did not have a significant inheritance, but who acquired a significant fortune during their time in power, which seemed to come from nowhere, but in fact, is a product of ever-present corruption.
  As for the representatives of criminality, they also must somehow distribute their prey, but it mainly goes not to the acquisition of property, to which historically the core of the representatives of criminality has a negative attitude, but partially it goes to drinking and partying walks, partially goes to the needs of the thieves' community (the common), and the rest is allocated for bribes to the authorities to preserve the viability of the community.
  True, some of the bandits and fraudsters succumb to the temptation of entering into power, having significant funds, and often settle well in it, but only in order, using power, to plunder the country's property on an even larger scale.
  In this regard, the power elite, just as predatory, but possessing governing powers obtained in various ways, but mainly as a result of legal elections, always finds itself in a situation of competition with the same elites of other countries. Therefore, in order to avoid the absorption of the country by its neighbors, which is fraught with the loss of power and all advantages associated with it, it is forced, willy-nilly, to ensure economic growth and a build-up of armaments. And this requires an educated population, well-equipped technical production and scientific research.
  Thus, despite its predatory essence, the power elite ensures one way or another the development of the country, which is significantly accelerated with the emergence in the country of informal-intellectual opposition to power, since this opposition is critical of power, which does not always reject this criticism, that turns out to be very positive for society as a whole, while the community of bandits, thieves and fraudsters remain aloof from this progressive movement, rightly in this case being at the bottom of society.
  Representatives of these social strata have also differences caused by their attitude to society and their position in it.
  Representatives of criminality are more straightforward in their actions compared to those in power, since they do not recognize established laws, following the correct, in their opinion, concepts, which is due to contempt for the society of "sheep" and the predators in power who shear these "sheep", pretending to be their shepherds.
  Proud scammers and thieves, as obvious predators, are disgusted by this approach. Having placed themselves outside of society, they are not interested in power over it, but prefer to attack this "herd" like wolves, dragging the prey into their lair.
  Those in power are inclined to bureaucratize public life, introducing many laws that limit the initiative of the masses, creating peace for the ruling bureaucracy, and at the same time allowing, through taxes, to take away from the population what they have earned.
  Such a policy is not typical for representatives of criminals. They despise the population for passivity, and those in power for hypocrisy, the constant deception of both the people and representatives of own circle, and take revenge on them with robbery for their own removal from public life.
  One of the most remarkable features of those in power, in contrast to representatives of criminality, is the continuous distortion of information about themselves using all available means, especially since practically all information sources are in their hands, presenting themselves everywhere as benefactors of humanity, movers history, modest bearers of the law, responsible to their voters, fighters for the fair distribution of goods in society, caring only that everyone gets what they deserve, whereas, in fact, these scoundrels have only one accomplishment, and even then a forced one - the creation conditions for development of society, but only for the sake of their own retention in power.
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