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The deepest reasons for the constant aggressiveness of the West

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    The fact that by many the aggressiveness of the Western countries are still explained by the tightness in Europe, whose population now exceeds that of Russia several times over, is certainly true, but the crowded also exist in other regions of the world countries of which do not conflict constantly. Therefore, it makes sense to try to get to the bottom of the real reasons for this situation, when Russians want to live in peace, and Europeans only talk about peace.

  The fact that by many the aggressiveness of the Western countries is still explained by the tightness in Europe, whose population now exceeds that of Russia several times over, is certainly true, but the crowded also exist in other regions of the world countries of which do not conflict constantly. Therefore, it makes sense to try to get to the bottom of the real reasons for this situation, when Russians want to live in peace, and Europeans only talk about peace.
  Keywords: information, natural consciousness, self-consciousness, community, person, civilization, culture, technology, aggression.
  A relatively recent study of the DNA of the living people has shown that their distant ancestors left Africa more than 60 thousand years ago, and about 45 thousand years ago they appeared in Europe through the Middle East. They had the dark skin.
  In the ice-free south of Europe, they lived as hunters and gatherers in small groups, gradually moving up the rivers into Western and Central Europe, adapting to the cold climate.
  During the warming period about 14.5 thousand years ago, they began to settle in small villages and they developed stone tools.
  About 10.3 thousand years ago, on the fertile lands of central Anatolia (modern Turkey), the inhabitants began to engage in fairly intensive agriculture and breed herds of goats and sheep.
  Gradually, they, and with them the technologies found, spread to the north, and already about 6 thousand years ago, most of the population of Europe was engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding.
  These new inhabitants of Europe already had light skin and did not mix with the indigenous population of Europe.
  With a high degree of probability, due to the plague about 5.4 thousand years ago, the population of Europe catastrophically decreased, and, as a result, it was replaced by nomads from the eastern steppes of Europe, who mixed to a greater extent with the inhabitants of the western part of Europe, and to a lesser extent - with the eastern, judging by the DNA of the preserved bone remains.
  This latter part in the overwhelming majority continued to engage in agriculture, while the western part of the former nomads, although mixed with farmers, retained their wild, warlike character, forming the basis of the future Western civilization with its harsh-conquering and cultural-technological center in the form of the Roman Empire.
  This last part in the overwhelming majority continued to engage in agriculture, while the western part of the former nomads, although mixed with farmers, retained their wild, warlike character, forming the basis of the future Western civilization with its harsh-conquering and cultural-technological center in the form of the Roman Empire.
  The inhabitants of the eastern part of Europe, on the contrary, for the most part lost their warlike and wild character, and continued to engage in agriculture, periodically fighting off the attacks of their warlike western neighbors.
  These eastern inhabitants of Europe included the future Albanians, Balts, Slavs, bordering on the Greeks in the south and the Finns in the north. DNA shows that the ancestors of the Slavs were the Pannonians in the Middle Danube region and the Wends to the north-east of the Carpathians.
  The geographical position of the western inhabitants of Europe, leaving them with land contacts with the outside world only in the east, thus provided this - the most accessible - opportunity to profit from the peaceful farmers there.
  As a result, this kind of constant threat forced part of the eastern population of Europe to migrate further east.
  These migrants and part of the inhabitants who remained in Eastern Europe and united by a single language began to call themselves Slavs.
  The first Slavs, in order to protect themselves from their warlike western neighbors, in the 5th century AD began to unite into strong states, such as, for example, Great Moravia.
  The migrants first settled from the Oder River to the Middle Dnieper and Polesie, and then joined the Finno-Ugric tribes further east.
  Over time, the Eastern Slavs, who had largely mixed with the Finno-Ugric tribes, formed a new nationality, which was called the Russians, and first formed a state with its capital in Kyiv, and then in Moscow.
  The Russians had to fight off invasions both from the west, with great success, and from the east - less successfully.
  However, in the 15-16th century AD, the onslaught of enemies weakened. The Russian state strengthened and, during the reign of Ivan IV, began expansion to the east with its sparsely populated areas. This movement continued for several centuries and stopped only before the obstacle of the Pacific Ocean.
  Thus, the Russian state acquired its extraordinary vastness not through bloody wars of conquest, but as a result of the comparatively peaceful annexation of desert lands without harming the local population.
  On the one hand, such actions of the Russians demonstrate a fairly high level of heritage of their wild steppe ancestors, which allowed them to stubbornly fight off strong enemies. On the other hand, they show that the heritage of their peaceful ancestors from Anatolia was not in vain either, but manifested itself in a peaceful attitude towards defeated enemies and the population of the annexed territories.
  At the same time, their western neighbors, whose DNA was closer to their steppe ancestors, and who, to a large extent, as a result, had a wild disposition and a tendency to seize prey by force using any available means, found themselves locked in the east by the Slavs, and on other sides by the seas, first tried to enter Asia through the straits by Greek phalanxes, and then - by Roman legions and crusades, but, in the end, found themselves in the original position, and were forced to unleash internecine wars that lasted several centuries.
  Nevertheless, as is known, wars, in addition to large losses of population, bring with them a fairly intensive development of technologies that can have a dual purpose, as well as - the development of support for ongoing battles in the form of excellent roads, various schools, which, in particular, produced specialists capable of handling complex military and related equipment.
  As a result, in addition to gunpowder, muskets and cannons, which were being produced rather primitively, more effective technologies appeared in Western Europe, the basis of which was the water wheel.
  The water wheel has become widely used. It has set in motion a hammer weighing up to one ton in the processing of metals. In paper production, with the help of the wheel, the presses were raised and lowered, in mining - have lifted ore and pumped out water from mines.
  On the smelters has connected the water wheel with the bellows to inject the intense air flows into the melting furnaces, that allowed to increase amount of the melted metal significantly.
  Guns and guns began to cast in special forms, openings in trunks did by means of the boring machine.
  In addition, the mills, using water or wind as a propulsion unit, began to operate in the cloth and flour-grinding industry.
  The spinning machine appeared, pulling the fiber into a thread and twisting it simultaneously, the tape units started working on weaving manufactories, on which one worker made 20 tapes of different colors at once.
  Portuguese invented light and maneuverable vessels - caravels. They were equipped with three masts with direct and slanting sails and could move in the necessary direction not only at a fair wind, but also with an oncoming one.
  The wide use has got the invention of Johann Gutenberg the individual metallic letters, from which was possible to make lines and pages for imprints on paper. He also invented the printing press.
  In England in 1589 an industrial knitting machine was invented. The device consists of a needle with a hook, which work by opening and closing sequentially, simulating the procedure of hand knitting. In 1660 there were about 650 knitting machines, and in 1844 - about 43 thousand.
  In the middle of the second millennium of our era in Europe the logarithmic ruler (slide rule), a microscope, the telescope, a silicon musket was also invented.
  At the end of the 15th century Luka Pacioli suggested to make double entry in accounting.
  In the 16th century in Europe were invented a pocket watch, granular gunpowder, a diving bell, diethyl ether, a wheeled yacht with sails, sealing wax, a pencil, a water closet, and a world map in a new projection.
  At the beginning of the 17th century in Europe were invented an arithmometer (adding machine), a steam turbine, a caliper, a liquid thermometer, a barometer, a counting machine, and a vacuum pump.
  Finally, the broadest use of credit was begun, which is the basis of mass commodity production, having making possible to fill the shortage of its own resources and bring capital into continuous circulation.
  The opportunity to mass production of various goods demanded the development of trade, finding new markets for goods.
  The cheapest and most effective method of trade was the delivery of goods by sea. Access to the sea, shipbuilding and navigation skills were possessed by Catholic countries - Spain, Portugal, Italy, France and Protestant countries - the Netherlands and England.
  That is, partly, wars also gave an impetus to the development of technology and culture in Western countries, and they managed to uncork their part of Europe due to intensive access to the sea, and finally subjugate many underdeveloped countries, turning them into their colonies.
  However, this was not enough for them and the West continued to cherish its previous idea of capturing territories belonging to the Russians.
  This is confirmed by two wars of the 20th century (1914-18 and 1939-45), as well as - by the bribery of the corrupt powers that be in Russia, who finally fulfilled the dream of the West and gave it their country for complete plunder, previously unheard of even in comparison with the plunder of India by the British.
  In addition, to illustrate the true essence of the Western countries, one can also note the most impressive list of wars against obviously weak states and their merciless robbery and destruction of the indigenous population.
  During the colonial rule of England in India until 1920, more than 100 million inhabitants of this previously prosperous country were destroyed by artificial famine and executions, and life expectancy dropped to 30 years. As for the financial losses, they simply cannot be calculated. The richest country in the world was robbed clean by the impudent and ruthless elite of England, which is still living in this money.
  After the Opium War in China in the mid-19th century, unleashed by England and which took tens of millions of lives of Chinese, Western countries forced China to conclude unfavorable agreements, receiving virtually free access to money and other valuables of China. A violent plundering of the country began.
  After 1930 year, Japan attacked China, establishing its dominance until 1945. The result of this colonial policy was millions of victims of famine and uprisings, the number of which exceeded one hundred million, and China's material losses are also incalculable.
  Western countries from the 17th to the 19th century were being actively engaged in slave trade, effectively destroying the population of Africa, since when transporting slaves across the Atlantic Ocean, 1-2 out of 5 people survived, and the life of slaves in America was most similar to hell, as it is described.
  During the colonization of both continents of America by the Spanish, Portuguese and Anglo-Saxons, more than 75 million Indians were exterminated. Especially effectively were "worked" the Anglo-Saxons in the north, since only a few hundred thousand Indians remained from the indigenous population of North America, and even they ended up in reservations.
  As a result of the First and Second World Wars unleashed by Western countries for the interests of global monopolies and greedy Western elites, a total of about 140 million lives were exterminated, not counting the colossal material losses and the irreparable loss of many artistic and other cultural values.
  This list could be continued, but it is already clear that world progress is rather contradictory and far from humane if the leading countries of the world are the most bloodthirsty.
  To determine the underlying reasons for the purely aggressive policy of Western countries throughout their existence, but at the same time their cultural and technological superiority over other countries of the world, it is necessary to note the following.
  All living beings differ from the inanimate in their ability regardless to perceive, process, use and transmit information, while inanimate objects have the ability only to bring information (see, for example Nizovtsev Y. M. What is the basis of the manifested (reality)? Monography "Creation as the unity of eternity in time and nothingness out of time". 2024. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. (C) Yury Nizovtsev)
  For living beings, being in the flow of information means, at a minimum, receiving sensations, and not the emptiness of non-existence. Therefore, they strive to remain in this flow by any means.
  They can be helped in this by such a property of any active living being as dissatisfaction with the existing, that is, the desire, at a minimum, to keep up with the changes taking place around, and even more preferable - to make changes themselves to improve their own position in the environment (see, for example Nizovtsev Y. M. Manifestation of dissatisfaction of consciousness in the person. Monography "The driving force and source of development of the person and his communities". Chapter 4.2. 2019. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. (C) Yury Nizovtsev).
  All living beings are capable of the first, and only people are capable of the second.
  Thus, dissatisfaction, which is so necessary for the adequate use of information, is a response to changes in the environment surrounding the organism, and, if possible, a desire to change it in order to improve one's position in it.
  A person in his communities is capable not only of adaptive existence in the environment, but he can change it at his own discretion with the available means in his interests, competing with other people or communities.
  In this competition, the following methods are used: force, deception and cooperation. That is, those methods that are also in use in wildlife, where, however, everything ends with the defeaters being eaten (see, for example Nizovtsev Y. M. Deception as a consequence of dissatisfaction, turned to truth.
  Monography "The essence of the human activity". Chapter 10. 2024. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. (C) Yury Nizovtsev).
  In other words, the dissatisfaction of the natural consciousness of living beings is being oriented mostly towards forceful methods in combination with deception, which gives the greatest and fastest benefit.
  However, people, in addition to the natural consciousness, also have self-consciousness, that is, an idea of themselves in time, which they can to a certain extent control without destroying and deceiving neighbors and fellow tribesmen (see, for example Nizovtsev Y. M. On the emergence and essence of self-consciousness. Monography "The essence of the human activity". Chapter 5. 2024. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. (C) Yury Nizovtsev).
  Therefore, it seems that people could reconsider their attitude to competition, abandoning forceful methods and deception, moving on to good-neighborly relations.
  Nevertheless, as a rule, we see the opposite.
  The most advanced states in the world in cultural and technological terms are also the most aggressive, cruel and boastful of their superiority over others using them for their own purposes and interests with threats, promises, deception and direct aggressive actions.
  It is obvious that such aggressiveness of Western countries and Japan, which has joined them, did not come from the outside, but is embedded in their consciousness, which is oriented towards aggressiveness and deception as the most effective methods of subjugation and using other peoples for their own interests, as happens in the wild.
  Therefore, the dissatisfaction of their natural consciousness, inherited, as noted above, from the wild steppe peoples, and aimed at aggressiveness, unlike, for example, the Russians, dominates over the altruism of the self-consciousness of Western communities, despite their advancement in education and technology.
  Therefore, the overwhelming majority of the population of these countries does not protest, but actually approves of such continuous and predatory actions of their elites, which are use force and deception, as a result of which also hoping for the establishment of truly good-neighborly relations with them is nothing more than an illusion, which is shown by the history of relations between Western countries and other countries of the world, when Western countries violated any agreements if it was beneficial to them.
  It is also very significant and curious that the combination of a high level of the egocentric and aggressive natural consciousness and a fairly high level of self-consciousness, which, however, is provided mainly by education and is altruistic only in relation to one's own population, is the deepest basis of creativity, which will be discussed in more detail below, and this level has provided the greatest number of creative individuals from the population of the most aggressive countries of the last few centuries - England, France, Germany.
  This is confirmed by a far from complete list of fundamental discoveries and inventions, given below, made in these countries, the number of which far exceeds the achievements in this regard of all other countries in the world taken together.
  Shorthand. 1605. F. Bacon.
  The first submarine. 1620. W. Bourne.
  Desalination of water. 1625. F. Bacon.
  Reflecting telescope. I. Newton. 1668.
  The first steam device and water pump. 1698. T. Savery.
  Detection of the movement of stars. 1718. E. Halley.
  The first electrostatic engine. 1740. E. Gordon.
  Marine chronometer. 1761. E. Harrison.
  Sociology. 1767. A. Ferguson.
  The first cast iron arch bridge. 1781. A. Darby.
  Thresher. 1786. E. Meikle.
  The first vaccine. 1798. E. Jenner.
  The first incandescent lamp. 1802. J. Davy.
  Railway with a steam locomotive. 1804. R. Trevithick.
  Portland cement. 1824. W. Aspdin.
  Electromagnet. 1825. W. Sturgeon.
  Electromagnetic induction, 1831. M. Faraday.
  Cooke and Wheatstone's electric telegraph. 1837.
  Pedal bicycle. 1839. K. Macmillan.
  The first chemical fertilizer superphosphate. 1842. D. Lawes.
  The first passenger liner with a steam engine and an iron hull. 1843. I. Brunel.
  Boolean algebra. 1847. D. Boole.
  Medical syringe. 1853. A. Wood.
  Telephone. 1856. A. Bell.
  Light switch. 1884. D. Holmes.
  Reaction steam turbine. 1884. A. Parson.
  Classification by fingerprints. 1892. F. Galton.
  Discovery of the electron. 1897. D. Thomson.
  The world's first wireless communication station. 1897.
  Asphalt pavement. 1902. E. Hooley.
  Electroluminescence. 1907. G. Round.
  The world's first air force. 1918.
  Jet engine. 1930. F. Whittle.
  The world's first electronic digital programmable computer. 1943.
  Carbon fiber 1963.
  First theory of the Higgs boson. 1963.
  DNA profiling. 1984. A. Jeffries.
  Proposal for a "World Wide Web." 198. T. Berners.
  First SMS message. 1992.
  The first DNA database. 1995.
  Graphene. 2004. A. Game and K. Novoselov.
  Probability theory. The XVII century. B. Pascal and P. Fermat.
  Dentistry. Early of the 18th century. P. Foshar.
  Law of conservation of mass. XVIII century. A. Lavoisier.
  Corvette. 1670.
  The first mechanical metronome. 1698. E Lupie.
  Discovery of natural rubber. 1736. S. De la Condamine.
  Electric harpsichord. 1759. Delabord.
  Oxygen. 1772. K. Scheepe.
  Floating battery. 1782.
  Chrome. 1797. L. Vauclaine.
  Canning. 1809. N. Appert.
  Lamarckism. 1809.
  Quinine. 1820. J. Caventu.
  Arithmometer. 1820. P. Colmar.
  Fourier analysis. 1822.
  Photography. 1822. N. Nieps.
  Polyvinyl chloride. 1838. A. Rainier.
  Photovoltaic effect. 1839. A. Becquerel.
  Rifle. 1840.
  Roulette wheel. 1843. F. Blank.
  Foucault pendulum. 1851.
  Marine periscope. 1854. And Davy.
  Internal combustion engine. 1859. A. de Rocha.
  Motorcycle. 1869. L. Perrault.
  Smokeless powder. 1884. P. Vieille.
  Microbial theory of disease. 19th century. L. Pasteur.
  Balloon and airship. 19th century.
  19th-century impressionism.
  Cinematography by L. Buly. 1892.
  Pasteurization. 1862. L. Pasteur.
  Artificial silk. 1884. Hilaire de Chardonnet
  Fluorine. 1886. A. Moissan.
  Viscose. 1891. H. Chardonnet.
  Radioactivity. 1896. A. Becquerel.
  Radium. P. and M. Curie. 1898.
  Laminated glass. 1903. E. Benedict.
  Seaplane. 1905. G. Voisin.
  Helicopter. 1907. L. Breguet.
  Neon lighting. 1910. J. Claude.
  Ramjet. 1913. R. Laurin.
  Printing press. 1440. I. Gutenberg.
  First pocket watch. 1505. P. Henlein.
  First newspaper. 1605. I. Carolus.
  Laws of planetary motion. 1609. J. Kepler.
  Phosphorus discovery. 1669. H. Brand.
  Ampoule discovery. 1720. A. Vater.
  Discovery of uranium and zirconia.1789. M. Klaprot.
  Lithography. 1796. A. Senefelder.
  Sugar production from sugar beets. 1799. F. Achard.
  Color theory. 1810. J. Goethe.
  Wax generation. 1830. C. Reichenbach.
  Wire rope. 1831. W. Albert.
  Cell division. 1835. H. von Mehl.
  Discovery of polystyrene. 1839. E. Simon.
  Ozone discovery. 1839. C. Schönbein.
  Discovery of hemoglobin. 1840. F. Hünefeld.
  Cell discovery. 1868. P. Langerhans.
  Electric elevator. 1880. V. Siemens.
  Bacteriology. 1880. R. Koch.
  Linotype machine. 1884. O. Mergenthaler.
  Electrothermal welding. 1895. G. Goldschmidt.
  Oscillograph. 1897. F. Braun.
  Discovery of the stratosphere. 1902. R. Assmann.
  Printed circuit board. 1903. A. Hanson.
  Morse code. 1905.
  Discovery of Alzheimer's disease. 1906.
  Discovery of cosmic rays. 1909. T. Wolf.
  Theory of continental drift. 1912. A. Wegener.
  Chainsaw. 1927. E. Lerp.
  Concrete pump. 1927. M. Gies.
  Synthetic rubber. 1929. W. Bock.
  Tape recorder. 1830.
  Particle board. 1830. M. Himmelheber.
  Programming language. 1942. K. Zuse.
  Plastic socket. 1958. A. Fischer.
  Integrated circuit. 1949. V. Jacobi.
  SIM card. 1991.
  The fact is that it is this combination of a high level of the aggressive natural consciousness and a sufficiently high level of self-consciousness that produces the individuals, who are always overwhelmed with a deep sense of dissatisfaction in relation to their environment, which comes to them from the natural consciousness in its aspiration to create greater conveniences for its own existence due to the initial egocentrism natural consciousness. However, this feeling is combined with the altruism of their self-consciousness (the highest consciousness), the dissatisfaction of which by the insufficient social comfort, the development of science and culture, reaching a high degree, requires that the achievements of civilization and culture be extended.
  But, at this, the natural consciousness dominates, since the activity of these individuals manifests itself for the most part instinctively, without much thought, giving, nevertheless, the most creatively active persons of all living.
  That is, the noted combination of a high level of the aggressive natural consciousness and a fairly high level of self-consciousness with a definite degree of altruism, externally expressed in the peculiarities of the individuality and personality of individuals, regardless of the presence of talents or just abilities, invariably attracts them to creative activity, and it happens, leads to the discovery of new patterns, the invention of convenient life support systems and the creation of high cultural samples. Therefore, creative individuals are precisely the relatively small group of the population that ensures the accelerated development of technological civilization in the context of private property relations (see, for example Nizovtsev Y. M. Who really makes the main contribution to the development of civilization? Monography "On the essence of a people in the frameworks of the state". Chapter 18. 2024. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. (C) Yury Nizovtsev).
  The Russians, who to a much lesser extent inherited an aggressive and egocentric natural consciousness, and to a greater extent the altruistic in their self-consciousness, as history has shown, are more inclined not to aggression, but to good-neighborly relations, also possessing a certain creative potential, which is proven by a number of discoveries and inventions made by them, starting with Polzunov and Lomonosov, and ending with Kapitsa, Landau and Zvorykin.
  Therefore, they, differing in these deep properties of consciousness from the population of the Western countries and China, can represent in the near future that force which, unlike the obviously decaying West and China, oriented only towards itself, which considers all others barbarians, will, if not dominate the world, then will try to arrange, at least, equal relations between the countries, included in their own region.
  As for the Western countries, then, like Assyria in its time, they are already inclined to decline and, if they survive, then, at best, will turn out to be the ordinary states.

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