Осташев Алексей Евгеньевич : другие произведения.

Sakhalin coal

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  • Аннотация:
    The book tells about the history of the formation and development of the oldest of the sectors of the economy of Sakhalin Island - the coal industry. On the basis of archival documents, the main stages of the development of the industry are revealed, starting with the first information about Sakhalin coal dating back to the XVIII century and ending with 2002, many names of long-forgotten people are named. http://samlib.ru/img/o/ostashew_a_e/chapterone/sakhalincoal.pdf

  Essays on history
  (mid-nineteenth - early twenty-first centuries)
  BBC 65.9 (2) 304
  About 76
  Editorial Board: S.G. Sheredekin (chairman), T.B. Belousova, V.I. Belonosov, A.I. Grishko, V.L. Podpechnikov, Honored Miner of the RSFSR G.A. Revnivykh, Candidate of Historical Sciences L.S. Tvarkovsky.
  Under the general editorship of the candidate of economic sciences I.P. Malakhov.
  Head of the Editorial Board:
  Issued by order of Sakhalin Coal Corporation.
  The second edition has been corrected and supplemented.
  Ostashev A.E.
  About 76 Sakhalin coal: essays on the history of the island coal industry in the middle of the XIX - early XXI centuries. - Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, 2002. - (number of pages) ill., table.
  (publisher's code)
  The book tells about the history of the formation and development of the oldest of the sectors of the economy of Sakhalin Island - the coal industry. On the basis of archival documents, the main stages of the development of the industry are revealed, starting with the first information about Sakhalin coal dating back to the XVIII century and ending with 2002, many names of long-forgotten people are named.
   BBC 65.9 (2) 304
  (publisher's code)
    A.E. Ostashev
    OJSC "Ugolnaya
   Sakhalin Corporation
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