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After Us, The Deluge

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  By Vlad. Parkhom
  No Vlad. Parkhom 1999 Any use of the text from "After Us, the Deluge" is prohibited without written consent from the author.
  3. HUMANKIND--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9
   A life in Mother Earth's Bosom is a passage of Spirit through physical substance of the World in order to conceive and cultivate "stem cells" for the organism of the Supreme Mind. Under control of the Soul, generation after generation in the Holy forge of Time fosters the Genetic Layouts. Integrations of these layouts destined for completing a certain task (with a system of seniority of specialization) make up individual organisms. Identities of those form biological species which in most cases develop using the system of two opposite sexes. Species use other species as source of energy (multi-step processing of chemically simple elements and reactions of their interactions into enriched fuels) and information, thus making it possible for the most successful ones to go on continuing the development of their Layouts. Completion of this task is recognized by "chemistry" of feeling of Happiness. Each and every living entity in the process of living and reproducing, experiencing and cognizing, to avoid destruction by chaos, has to understand the laws of it's own existence. Before the Mankind, the arbiter of behavior was immediate contact with the Supreme Mind through soul channels. The Mankind's task is to transfer Life initiative (the potential of inevitability of movement and change) from material existence co-ordinate to the world of Spirit by placing controls of existence from the right cerebral hemisphere connected to God through soul channels - to the independent left one. An individual, in a certain range, is given an opportunity to make his own decisions. But in spite of The Plan, having become a slave to certain elements of existence, man turned out to be a squanderer of the potential given for birth of New God. Matter took over Spirit and Idea. Man spends the energy of thirst for life to examine the laws of nature (calling that science) and based on this espionage creates life-easing gadgets. Lowering our life to the level of exploitation of pleasure, we sell our environment and sacrifice achievements of our ancestors for purposeless things. All what we are so proud of - agriculture, industry, technologies, medicine, art, sports etc, as well as any specialization, despite supposedly wonderful results, sooner or later will lead to fatal outcome. From the very moment of coming into the world every one of us lives by deceived illusions of our imagination. Our gods are so squalid... Too impartially test perfection of His creations and to eliminate unexpected contradictions of the developing Laws, God has created and constantly improved Devil whose duty is to palm off through the channels of Soul diverse temptations, provocative thoughts and ideas. To excel in it is his assignment. A living entity, hearing God through the same channels, has to tell the difference between culpable and righteous. Only good has power to rule the World, while evil is an essential emergency brake for fail-safety of Idea with its sharp and bumpy turns. But giving up to Demon's temptations of tasting the forbidden fruit, we create so called civilizations again and again. Devil's operation under coded notation "The Fruit of Knowledge" perplexed even The Creator... The human branch of "Darwinian tree" sucked in all the juices from the Roots of Idea. Other "branches" started to loose their "leaves", wither without fulfilling their predestination - at a speed far exceeding "process of development by natural selection". "The Tree" starts to rot not of old age, but of a fatal disease named MAN. Some will understand it only asphyxiating due to lack of oxygen in the atmosphere. The 'medical report' for this 'case of the fatal illness' I will try to establish in the following chapters.
   Like the bubbles in a just-poured goblet of champagne, the novices who have won in the lottery of Life appear in Broad Daylight. I also found myself among them. What's luck? - I don't know. My mother, a midwife in a Ukrainian village, with her own hands helped most of my future childhood friends make their appearance. When my turn came, my father seated her in the wagon and went to another village, but I was born before they arrived, in the wagon on the road. My birth not accompanied by any unusual atmospheric phenomena, blackouts or earthquakes.
   I became aware of myself in an environment of already formed world-views, in which, so it was said, supposedly no mysteries existed. They explained things to me with great assurance, such as who I am, what this World consists of and why it was created. They also explained to me what I was supposed to do there, what laws and whom I should obey. My existence also began under the influence of this hypnosis.
   A multitude of doubts arose in my consciousness with respect to the authenticity of the theory of life. I sensed the urgent necessity of being certain of the correctness of my acts. I noticed that the world of the human being is under the constant influence of a drug, which is called civilization. By means of this, man squanders the knowledge acquired by many previous generations, the physical and spiritual resources of the living organism. Yes, man is living a criminal life, but while doing so, attempts to convince others and himself that everything is so and should be and that he is making great progress. No one, it turns out, knows the true meaning of life. More than that, they refuse to understand it.
   My life, probably, is the only chance to embody my consciousness, my "I". Therefore it is essential to understand its meaning and direction of development, while such a possibility is still available. One can lose one's mind, thinking about the essence of time, space, matter, the soul, and life. But the mind is lost to an even greater degree and refuses to discuss this essence. That is why it is necessary for me to have an understanding of all this. Maybe something depends on my brief stay in this alleged Chaos.
   It is possible to become familiar with the recent past by studying archaeology and history. Under the auspices of the powerful of this world, of all eras and nations, in spite of their cruelty and other unseemly qualities, works of art were created; monuments of culture and ideas which outlived their creators and to one degree or another have been preserved up today. Attempts to analyze the distant past, the beginning of life and the Universe are extremely risky (for example the Big Bang theory). In our lives we encounter many phenomena and processes which pass by extraordinarily quickly, which are more simply ascribed to the category of the Bang than explained in their essence. But prognoses in these fields can be compared with the probability of forecasting the process of fertilization and the birth of a child, its development, the presence in him of these or other parents and so forth, knowing only about one day in the life of the grown person and some fragments of his past. Even after getting to know everything about a person for one specific day of his existence, is it possible to trace back in the opposite direction to the sources of his life? Is it possible to represent all the nuances of his appearance in the world?
   What is to be said of the future? Where is it leading? Who guesses its meaning or at least approaches a solution? Is there an Idea on the basis of which a plan for the development of Life and the Universe is constructed? Who is the author of this plan and what tasks is He pursuing? Is this Plan being realized, or did the Idea that corresponds to it, with its purposeful meaning, "become derailed", lost? Why is Life necessary, in all the diversity of its manifestations and what is the significance and influence of the human being there in this drainage system of life? What can the individual do to find the lost Idea, if such a thing actually exists? What does my own life consist of, what are its function and significance?
   With fear and surprise I watch the time of my life fleeing into nonexistence, the way of life of peoples and individuals, the foolishness of man's ideas and efforts to turn them into reality. With fear I observe the process of man's self-destruction and his destruction of everything living on Earth (no species, other than ours, does this). I do not in any way want to present myself as being better than other people are; I possess to a great or lesser degree the same set of problems and defects. My knowledge in many areas of so-called Science is quite primitive and what I have written does not belong to the category of scientific research based on obvious facts, but only the outcry of my soul. I wouldn't want to be mistaken in everything.
   Do I have hope? And what is it to me? After all, I myself can no longer live, as I understand life. Although medicine declares me to be relatively healthy, according to my understanding, my intellect and body and spirit are leprous. The attempt by sick brains and feelings to recognize the present and future world is a hope that someone who is healthier and more astute will be able to use my thoughts in order to search for a way out from the dead end of "the development of civilization". This is an attempt to reveal the tragic consequences of our existence, to pay attention to the absence of a state of balance of feelings and the Idea of one's own species, an attempt to inspire a grain of truth and the Idea of life lost on the way of the so-called development of civilization. Civilization led from the given direction to somewhere "below" and "aside", to a hopeless dead end. For some time it will still continue to experience the complex of feelings, which accompanies and controls life. And although there is little hope for the restoration of Truth it is impossible to not hope. And there where there are desire and hope, miracles can begin. And while girls and boys, surprising for their beauty, still continue to be born - all is not yet lost.
   Written by me - as though psycho-philosophy, as the world and its laws are found out and are characterized by sense organs and circuits of the analysis of alive essences. The man, in particular, has audacity to try to change existing philosophical bases of the laws of the god. Besides as well as alive, essences wishing to learn and the world - are inseparable and are components of the same Idea. Therefore philosophy, as the separate science, has no the right on existence, as the skeleton can not be considered alive without other elements of organism.
   In your eyes I might seem a very severe person, but try "to take off" the spectacles with the distorting lenses of civilization. Think about the nature of your own customs and habits; try to understand what is happening to you and why you are living and for what.
   Before flying, it is still necessary to figure out the possibilities for flight and to have the strength to desire it. And only the one who tried for many generations to fly could become a bird.
   Life is the process of species' development and interrelationship, the appearance of new forms and the extinction of the imperfect forms. No one attempts maliciously to destroy another species. Only a necessary number is eaten. All living forms are brothers and sisters of one and the same Idea. And in spite of the fact that we eat each other (while receiving above-average pleasure) - this is a manifestation of love. The process would seem to be brutal, but what results! A multistage mechanism of life, carrying and embodying the Idea with minimal consumption of external energy should function smoothly.
   Earlier the world was wonderful, despite all the difficulties inherent in it. They ate each other - is that not an ideal way to rid oneself of imperfections, without waste and to advantage? Everything was according to common rules: the strong and intelligent survive. That was the law. Are others needed?! For example, can one regret the millions of perishing spermatozoa, if at least one of them reaches the goal? That is the task, after all! One kind makes progress, using others as food - a very unusual form of "collaboration". The living organism is an almost ideal mechanism for the processing of unsuccessful and incomplete forms into new life, a new attempt and hope without the need of an enormous amount of external energy. The better specimens of the species perpetuate the race. They deprive others of life only because they must survive, all species are interrelated, learn from each other how to live. The goal of species competition is to outpace the others, being more beautiful, healthier, more intelligent (there is no need to annihilate competitors) and thereby setting an example for the others.
   How cruel, and at the same time it is the only possible, excellent competition, it is leisurely, without applying "prohibited techniques", determined not by total fear, but by aspiration toward something, the desire to achieve something. Here each one, separately, successfully lives out the life, which is allotted to him by providence. Having enjoyed it, continued and brought up progeny, given them the quintessence of the received knowledge and possible mistakes? This is how it will turn out. But one is successful in transmitting one's own structure, with small changes in the quality of the sense organs and developing the possibility that new ones will appear, if not continuing the race then having intercourse with the members of one's own tribe. Each of us takes part in the process of natural selection, passing on the baton in the race of life, keeping an eye on oneself and the process itself which is called life and fate.
   The presence of the necessary population of the species, guaranteeing its stable existence, reflects success. The sole law permitting Life to continue along the vector of time was the law of natural selection - the exploitation of the weak or those who violate the laws of God. It's a pity for the weak. This feeling appears especially in relation to oneself and one's relatives. But let's imagine that everyone is very kind and no one eats anyone, or the strong, out of his or her kindness, become the food of the weak. After some time, the world will be dead, because the weak will die of weakness. Well, and if no one would eat anyone? We would have an endlessly growing amount of trash, which would poison and take-up the entire biosphere of the Earth. The decomposition of the living being's organism after the end of the period allowed to it for life, completes an uncertain and amazing chance to "visit among the living". The swiftness of the process of decomposition into primary elements, used by other lives, is one of the valuable qualities of the organization (project) of the organism.
   Where is this borderline, this "0" between "bad" and "good"? After all if you don't find and don't catch food, then you die of hunger. Those who are eaten and their relatives (the species) feel the loss of life as injustice. However, in the general mechanics of division and life, those who eat do not sensible of their sin. Of course if they are chasing precisely you, catch you and eat you - this is terrible, the end of your personal and only life.
   Entire species disappeared if they were weak or if they didn't develop physically and mentally in all aspects of life. And it is necessary to improve your organization, so that over the long term it makes it possible to create the organism which is necessary for the rise and development of the next level of life - the Spirit. A dangerous game, chance, but what a result!! The individual is improved and successes are transmitted through inheritance by means of reproduction, with the transmission of hereditary individual successes and failures into the successes and failures of the species. These slender sprouts of achievements and compromises turn into the dynamic qualities of the living mass of species which, thanks to this, is distinguished by the choice of different orientations of the philosophy of life.
   The occurrence of a new kind of life is caused by necessity of more harmonious service of development of Life on a vector of Time. Each kind has appeared to solve certain tasks of this process, therefore, if the kind is made necessary functions - it does survive. In the beginning phase of development it is very easy to become food. A new species makes many mistakes in the process of establishing a balanced interaction between organs and feelings and the environment. This takes time, in the course of which a species either perishes or becomes stable as kind. The negligible probability that a new set of organs will resonate successfully with systems that control and manage them explains the absence of smooth transfers between species. The special nature of the development of protection of the life process of the organism is reflected in the variety of forms: short or long, thin or fat, bald or hirsute, etc., which is transmitted in one measure or another by genetics as a version of existence proved by life. Some forms of life remain unchanged (they were closed up in their shells of time) over millions of years. Having a 'thick skin' - it is possible to hide safely behind it and isolate oneself from this world, its horrors and from the development of events in it. But won't you find under the protection of this 'armor' your dead end, although protracted in time?
   A certain set of organs and limbs, their size and mutual decomposition create the opportunity to unite within oneself similar types on the level of the genetic code. They determine the "0" (the reference point) the tuning of the sense organs, the membership in their species and better understanding of "similar to oneself". Some decisions of design of organism, as for example, in what part of a body to place brains, and in what - private parts, are caused by rationality and degree of necessary safety for these bodies in all situations of life, including its physiological periods. For example, despite of importance of a brain as such, it should be placed in an absolutely unsafe place, but nearest to sensors of its external information - sense organs, thus providing their most optimum interrelation. Though can seem, that more safely all the brains can be in area of ass.
   Each kind has a range of deviations within the limits of working ranges of the physical sizes of bodies and organs. Their mutual proportions (as well as other parameters of organism) demonstrate optimality for a kind. In this condition they become the standards desirable both beautiful for a kind and opposite sex in him on the present moment of life. Outside the kind these ranges are much broader, which creates the diversity of forms of life. With presence of the certain difference between types or subtypes the interdiction of intercourse of the genetic circuits is generated, that is shown in absence of a sexual inclination between them. The sexual inclination to other kind is incurable mental disease. The sufficient difference between kinds begins to form the mutually advantageous relations. Each kind succeeded in the development of separate organs and senses, (therefore it deserved to stay alive) and observing other kinds and forms of life, it is possible to understand how and where Life is going. The change of development of the individual of one kind or its varieties in the direction of another creates the outward appearance both in form and in character. Thus, for example, dogs often resemble their owners. This similarity is determined not only by the consequence of mutual relations, but also by the result of the desire to have a friend (an animal, resembling oneself in these manifestations or others) for contact with them at the level of the soul. And not casually speak: "... Like eagle...", "... Like lion...", "... Like rabbit..."
   The "legality" of the rules of behavior in this world supports the certainty that one's own species is the chosen and right one. The deeper the species introduces itself into the world, the more it feels this - the more changes can be introduced, both positive and negative. The meaning and task of life in its different phases are altered. What is surprising is the range of the search for alternatives and redistribution of duties and functions for various periods of life among various species. The synchronizing element is the daily and yearly cycle of Life, defeated by various living beings in different ways - sleep, obtaining food, the complex process of improving oneself in order to achieve success in transmitting them to the species through reproduction and intercourse. Depending on the climate and the duration of the reproductive process, the most suitable time of year is chosen for it. The embryo of life, the seed, can wait for a convenient combination of circumstances in space and in time without special needs, with minimal requirements, and after the "start" - convert to an active form of development, beginning to demonstrate its "I". Some essences know in the kind only individuals of their own age i.e. have no any concept about the future in general. The information on the future and vector of its direction is transferred only through genes. Any auxiliary directing educational process and example of the parents or later physiological condition. There is no necessity for wisdom of the old men and all occurs as development of Life as such. But the majority - bind age-physiological cycles and not only with a difference per one year.
   With time, the imagination should portray clearer and clearer pictures of the future, the meaning of life should become constantly deeper and further from the ordinary surmounting of everyday problems and cares. An understanding of life with "a clean conscience" appears. According to the idea, a living being should reach a condition of full agreement with God's laws. One should not fear them, but understand the essence of submission to them - only then is there hope; correspondence of the real and planned is confirmed. The individual should understand life and deference to it, not violating the laws of God and not going in for compromises. One develops the desire not to deceive or offend anyone. The sense of "conscience" appears, impeding the work of personal "plans" in a "criminal" regime. But where are these "righteous" concepts obtained? The concept of what is righteous is dictated by the meaning and tasks of the Idea. The greater the distance between species, the greater the lack of understanding of laws and norms of the other species. Only God understands everything and everyone, correctly adjusts the organisms, revealing capacities for the autonomous search for successive levels of development. The process of the development of life takes place with constant acceleration, to lose, in the end, the sense of the flow of time as such...
   The pioneers of life had a great amount of time and few enemies. They ate primitive organisms by sunlight and existing chemical elements. The conditions of the habitat were changed, and the organisms changed. After all, the chemical and physical composition of the atmosphere, dry land, water, diversity of climate and its changes with the succession of the seasons determine the number of species in the surrounding habitat. The population of a specific species depends on the ecological zone of its existence and the number of other competing species. Mosquitoes and cockroaches, bears and elephants begin to occur in this or that place or quantity by necessity of Life of as such and created opportunity it. And that many from similar "changes" do not like us, we try them to destroy or to move - speaks about our own problems of development. Feelings of friendship or hostility can be determined by the relative overpopulation of a sector of the habitat, formed by family relationships and individual characters. Everything is in balance, from time to time violated by a change in the cosmic radiation, natural disasters and the consequences stemming from the development of life on Earth.
   How unique is the chance to be born, to live out one's life and continue it! This chance was developed by previous generations, their effort, dangers that were overcome, intuitive understanding of the trajectory followed by the Idea of God and following its laws. The classic outline of the principle of life is observed in the world of plants: to stand on strong roots, but to strive upward. Physics, the presence and condition of a set or organs, the degree of their development are determined by previous generations' form of life, their successes and failures. Throughout the individual's life, the physical structure changes, depending on the corresponding load and "vacuum" of needs that arise. The speed of this process is limited by the degree and possibility of errors in calculation ("a chess game" can be played in different ways, depending on the sense of responsibility). The individual doesn't have the right to regard his life as his property. He must understand the probability of its infinity through the perpetuation of the species, be aware that the possibilities of transformation in the span of one life are limited. But it is necessary to carry out one's personal task in this process.
   There is no need for the physical organs to always be in a state of maximum of development and response. They are in a state of expectancy and are brought into working condition to the necessary extent, within limits corresponding to the possibilities of the genetic code, the particular features of the environment, the individual's tasks and achievements. The culture of behavior, interrelations with those similar to oneself, harmony with the idea of development and traditions of the previous generations - all this and much more determine the probability of success in life. Life in particular should be full of movements, which evoke the need for a certain bodily structure. The physical workload, through two-way communications, lets the brain know that it is necessary to develop both certain muscles and the system that nourishes and serves them. The brain, for its part, gives the corresponding commands to the organs and limbs of the body, estimating the need for these workloads according to the Idea and its own capabilities.
   It was on this principal life appeared and developed. But even if someone achieved excellent results, that still didn't signify victory. Much depends on what mechanical capacities are developed what their character is (whether they are temporary, whether they damage the other physical, psychological, etc. attributes) and how they are transmitted to the following generation. Are they necessary to the following generation (the heirs) and how will it assimilate them into its own genetic code, transmit them further? Are these achievements necessary for the species except for pleasure, contemplation, and awareness of their possibility?
   The complex of the system of life abruptly changed with the appearance of so-called man.
  Passing through most of the generations and stages of development, through their suffering and joy, life did not aspire to achieve successes in destroying itself and our habitat. The life is not a gift. It is given for performance of its quite certain program. And already it is given by that to you, is present in view of, that you have chance this program to execute even in what that to a measure. Pleasure, happiness etc. regulators of sensations are given for self-confirmation of realization of this program. But the man has managed to transfer the life to a level of pleasure, instead of task, its accompanying and directing. Man lives as though the guiding Idea of life didn't exist at all, as though he himself will remain eternally unchanged, as though the meaning of life consists only of pleasing and catering to the body, avoiding difficulties and dangers which accompany life at all its levels. Man lives - if only to hold out according to the life cycles that are allocated to him for the fully determined tasks.
   Everyone "spins his wheels", presses on the levers and switches, flies, dives, yells, vanquishes or loses, becomes a leader or outsider. But what is all this fuss? When the Idea is lost, life's meaning becomes uncertain - it seems one want to live, children are still born, but there are already doubts about whether they are necessary. People aren't improving, rather the reverse. To the questions: "what are they living for, what do they see as the meaning of life?" fairly often they answer: "we want to make our children and other people's children happy". As though that were a good thing, but essentially it's a foolish answer. But try to object to it... It is impossible to make oneself happy by means of anyone's help. Help should evoke the feeling of gratitude but this feeling isn't happiness.
   It is obvious that man deeply desires to avoid unpleasant cares or duties, to receive everything while doing nothing. Everyone wants to be healthier and more beautiful than others, without doing anything to obtain the maximum attention and pleasure from life, to consume more than he produces. This is the principal idea and meaning of man's present life. But not every desire lends itself to realization, just as not every illness is curable. Many of them belong among the "hopeless". The very feeling of "I want" should stimulate a plan of action, perhaps not always completely intelligible, but logical. Simply receiving something as a present or a miracle rarely turns out for anyone, except for the very opportunity to have life.
   If a person had the opportunity magically to avoid problems and difficulties, then how would he make use of this? What would he turn himself into? After all, without this, thanks to his civilization, he has turned himself into a creature unable to live in the Future. People seek for swift solutions to their problems and desires. But after all, time is needed for the solution of each problem, a quantity of cumulative operations and a definite sequence for them.
   At presence of talent, or the abilities are above the average level, individual to live easier. In comparison with others, there is no necessity to put how many efforts to survive. It also destroys "having advantages", if they do not have higher purpose of life. In all his homes, clothing, etc., he is not the result of his own creation. Just the reverse, his interference by means of civilization now leads him to imagine that he is only the debris of Hope. Man haste, as though stupid, turned into an animal due to the "understanding" of his own existence, to solve all the problems before their time. Human "intellect" has great potential, but its vector is in the negative scale - the scale of the devil. Energy and the craving for life, intended for developing the Idea, are used for producing medical, scientific and technological discoveries. The invented mechanisms, the mass media, etc. consume energy, given by God for the achievement of the Goal; they burn it for nothing, like the time of the individual's life. Under the influence of human "intellect" one after another they disappear from the system of his organism's control mechanism. ('... Creations come, when you are disable'... (Mad.)
   The achievements of previous generations are "consumed" by those living today, like a legal inheritance. Thus the laws and traditions are violated which emerged as a result of the experience of milliards of lives that have been lived. In attempting to get to know himself, man loses his comprehension of the Idea. After all, he is only raw substance, material for Its embodiment. There will always be problems. Man must learn how to live, enjoying the surmounting of problems, not bypassing them in every way. To resolve with increasing speed and ease the difficulties that are encountered is what constitutes development.
   The distortion of analysis and control by the process of development and work of the areas of the genetic code responsible for this, pleasure without genuine movement forward, are elements of masochism. Freezing or sweating occurs for different reasons and under different circumstances. But only those who often enough experience such extremes endure them more and more easily and they become not the most important, but the usual accompanying component of daily existence. Then more difficult life, then the easier life. Only in that way is harmony perfected between the organism's internal connections and its interaction with the environment.
   With correct development, after entering the next stage, the organism preserves the capacity to solve problems and confront life's difficulties. Today, they are surmounted by means of all kinds of tricks, which are our sole "development". The diversity of civilizations is more and more suppressed, smoothed out and concentrated in one direction. The worship of money is increasingly triumphant, and of devices that make life easier and artificially stimulate our brain and sense organs for receiving pleasure.
   There is a specialization in service of separate processes of human existence. Due to it we also have an opportunity to sell ourselves to devil. This specialization also becomes the sense of life. Aspiration forward is the reception of formation (circus tricks) in environment of already existing 'specialties' or, even better, invention of new facilitating or treating types of service for more and more losing autonomy of organism.
   Spiritual values are increasingly supplanted by material values. The amount of energy and resources used "for pleasure", as well as the amount of wastes produced, graphically reflect the degree to which the devil has seized soul and body. Without an attempt at self-control in using energy and food products, an "explosively dangerous" environment is created, crowded with images, noises, odors, and tastes, bringing a tremendous amount of absolutely unnecessary information. How much fuller life would be without the appearance of "such" a human being and his civilization, how much more intelligible would be the tasks and goals of the living being! How much "trash" man produces, attempting to bring in poorly conceived (but new) ideas and ways of solving problems! How forcefully he mixes himself up in his own inventions, ideas and especially their consequences, almost always unforeseen. He is inclined always to perceive them as natural, and not as something which he himself created.
   The degree of criminality in relation to Idea and ecological zone of Its Probability is measured by quantity of consumption of external energy (as in direct use 'of natural stocks', and in derivative of this process: petroleum, oxygen, electricity. Physical sizes so-called of ecological environment necessary for manufacture of products of consumption and subjects of a life), expenses of forces and energy of the Earth for recirculation of our 'inventions' in primary elements of life.
   Speaking of the environmental balance it is essential to take into consideration not only the exhaust of automobiles and other machinery, but also man's discharges into the atmosphere, water and soil. Discharges, which do not end up in the intended place in contrast to the natural constant flow in the environment. All of the increasing consumption of throwaway dishes and packaging used once only, tons of quickly scanned newspapers and mountains of trash heaps every morning beside beautiful, tidy houses. They don't disappear without a trace from the face of the Earth, as soon as they are taken away from our homes. Though many think, that if they do not throw trash on asphalt or grass in park and instead in a garbage bag - that they do much for a nature. And the fact that they generate by own consumption more trash, than "Bums" - do not wish to realize. There is no justification for the creation of a plastic or glass bottle, a plastic spoon and fork. They are used for a few seconds or minutes, then for many years they will clutter up the earth. What awaits us if the countries of the world become "highly developed" and their citizens obtain everything that they want? After all, everyone is striving for that and not without success. How much energy will be required? Wastes accumulate at an ever-increasing pace, but the attempt to recycle them (like the creation of biodegradable packaging and dishes), apart from the suppression of the pangs of conscience, isn't bringing major positive results. And the leaflets about the recycling of wastes look more and more like an advertisement for the sale of those goods.
   The forests, many plant and animal species are vanishing from the face of the Earth with terrible speed. All are occupied with existence, understanding and accepting only themselves, with their own cruel "human" laws, devouring, obtaining and altering everything according to the caprice of their will. Man leaves a huge quantity of nuclear, industrial, and agricultural wastes, hoping in the future to be rid of them. Will he succeed? Discharging sewage wastes into rivers and the ocean contaminates them, chemical weed and pest killers poison the soil, cutting down the forests leads to changes in the atmospheric composition, pesticides damage the ecology and destroy entire species of birds and insects. Loud sounds of underground and underwater explosions, engines of ships and planes, different frequencies of range of navigational equipment overpower sensitive sensors of feelings of alive essences on ground and under water. Any more not speaking about chemical changes of ecological environment and structure of organisms of alive essences as such. What contrasts! On the one hand, there are excellent people striving for an excellent life, on the other hand - the Earth, being transformed into a dump, and other lives, divided into the edible and inedible. How is it possible not to see a general picture, not to notice the consequences of their acts?
   Man doesn't comprehend his own responsibility as the powerful one in the living world. He deprives other living beings of even an unequal chance to survive, perpetuate their kind, and improve the species, he prefers to breed them as food products, controlling their way of life from birth to death. He experiences a feeling of joy or satisfaction in constructing machines or buildings, from harvesting the crops, and making new scientific discoveries. At the same time, for the environment, animals, and plants all of this is extermination and conquest.
   How can such opposites man and his surroundings - live together? Which of them is "bad" in the embodiment of the Idea? We must become the environment's "own", understand it profoundly, and not be "vermin". We must learn how to control ourselves in relationship to the environment, not to "use" animals and plants. It is possible to refer to a river, trees, a cow, a fish, etc. by the term "my", but in what sense?! To consider one superior in relation to plants and animals is the same as experiencing similar feelings toward newborns or underage children. Is it possible to feel that you own other living beings? To assume that one has the right to control other lives, except in the process of natural selection and feeding, means to be a criminal and one who perverts the development of the Idea.
   What feelings does a chicken experience, growing up in a cage, to be eaten, or the rye, the grains of which are planted where they are wanted and then are gathered up, to the last one? Yards, vegetable gardens, parks, pleasing the eye with their beauty, actually are zones of incarceration, prisons for animals and plants. The lives of plants are even more vulnerable; they are still less protected from man's caprice. Plants in flowerpots blossom not in order to be beautiful (especially for us). The beauty of a flower lies in its desire to live and in the craving to continue life in the future. We like it for the same reasons, but only in the role of an observer from a distance - we ourselves "sold" this craving, but at least it's possible to look. We put them in pots and set them in our homes because in our subconscious, the craving for reproduction (thus the perpetuation of the species) is most important. They blossom in the hope of perpetuating their own species - but in a flowerpot it isn't so simple to do that. Although they can bloom still more than in a wild (free) condition, since they strive in any case to obtain the necessary result. Thus hens lay more eggs, hoping to see their children, all 100% of which we use as a food product. Or girls in the poor countries are unexpected getting better despite of their more difficult life.
   Isn't it absurd to be a vegetarian and to consider one more humane because of that? To be eaten, to eat others, while experiencing feelings of fear and pleasure is the norm in the correct and natural development of the general Idea. What is more criminal: hunting and killing for pleasure (though it is display of work broken by a civilization of automatic devices of struggle for existence), raising pigs destined to be killed, or the hungry wolf catching and eating a rabbit?
   Man is "enchanted" by birds in a cage, by fish in a fish tank, flowers in pots, trees in lamps. Man likes this, but what about the living and defenseless? How can a species of cut flower (doomed to die) evoke a burst of positive emotions in a woman's soul? Animals live among flowers but we breed them sell them or give them away, using the same organs of emotion and the feelings themselves, but in what a distorted form.
   On the channel thirteenth they try impart interest to a so-called science: the girl wok up before sunrise and also shines by a flashlight to the window of barn. Thus at chicken works their biological mechanism, they wake up and cocks sing their song. Whether it is possible to name the girl kind, if she does it for chicken before time? Can one call it: "stay curious"? A person's 'head goes round' from the infinity of personal possibilities: 'Is it possible to reduce the cost of a dozen roses to 10 cents?' - shouts another channel's television commercial.
   Strange kindness: to use everything as a food product is normal, the saving of one seal (or another animal) is to confirm for oneself and that like oneself one's own humanity and kindness of soul. The man considers that if he grows animals or to hunt for them -- it normally if to kill them with a minimum of the pain, caused at this moment. People do eat meat with huge pleasure, but do not wish to deprive life of an animal by own hands. Very interesting, clearing conscience, "platform". It is applied on war and under the attitude sentenced to death -- it is possible to kill, but not so thus to do is not so painless. In this case Hitler acts in a role of the most human of mankind -- people went into gas chambers not suspecting about coming death. Neither fear, nor pain.
   Some animals we find agreeable, some we dislike, and we behave toward them accordingly but on what grounds? On what basis does man grow cabbage and cut flowers? Is there a major difference between the use of clothing and jewelry made of natural leather and fur or from their substitutes? The very desire to have natural leather clothing is already a crime, both for our feelings and for our intellect. What feelings does a man experience while watching television advertisements with running chickens' legs (He will yet be punished for this degradation of feelings)? At the same time, a person can listen to the songs of a nightingale or be deeply indignant at the cat that catches a sparrow.
   Changes are taking place in animals and plants at the genetic level, expressing in everything a great indifference to life. Man's conquest of their way of life leads to a weakening of the reproductive mechanism and a shift to ever-more indifferent existence. Man alters the laws of survival. It is not the weak and sick that becomes food. Man fishes out the best specimens. Employing science and technology, he can empower himself to coerce the nature of things.
   Man, constantly inventing new forms of life and changing old ones, oppresses living nature to the benefit of an ever-larger variety of his pleasure, ever greater satisfaction of the distorted feelings of his lost soul. And after this he is surprised by the changes in the weather, climate, environment and the very state of his soul!
   But man is in a non-existent world. He doesn't see, and he isn't aware of the beautiful world around, on which body he exists as a malignant tumor. The human world is something that man thought up, based on a distorted imagination and impatient conjectures. This world is false, dangerous and is destroying its foundations. Man is unaware that not only his own life is in his hands, not only the life of the whole living world on Earth, but also the Idea of life itself, with all its previous manifestations, searches, strivings, sufferings and joys. Who gave him the right to take charge of everything living on Earth (included himself) as though it was his property? Who permitted him to behave according to the principle: "after us the deluge"?
   We lack respect even for other individual members of our own human race. The lack of understanding of the Idea of life gives man the right to impose on others his own vision of life's meaning and to feel an unshakable confidence in his own rightness. It seems that power and strength to take charge of everything living was given to man for a definite reason. He paid for this, having learned to "sell" his soul. It is not necessary to explain to whom. And after all, the soul is in global contact with its own structure, the idea of life, and self-control of actions- achievements through the laws of God.
   There was a seizure of power by the Body. Material took precedence over Idea and Soul. Man learned how to sell the surroundings of his existence, to sacrifice the achievements of previous generations and himself for the sake of worthless things. He wastes energy and the craving for life on the invention of "facilitating" devices, on the observation of the laws of nature, calling this science and civilization. Experiments in any of the fields of so-called science have been carried out by God through millions of years (so-called evolution) and the result of them is we ourselves with all the nuances of our structure and existence. And everything that we earlier considered unknown is a direction of development or action, long-since proved erroneous. Man is driving himself further and further into a dead end. His chances for Success are becoming smaller all the time, despite his dominant feeling of confidence in himself.
   Science, the revolution of morals and sexual relations, art, technology, etc. play a decisive role in the development of contemporary corrupt civilization, constantly increasing the rupture with the natural way of development. When people concentrate on something, they can obtain stunning results. But for the most part, man uses all of his knowledge and talents for obtaining a comfortable, sated, and rich life.
   Using clothing and housing, means of preserving food and preparing it, man, in contrast to other beings, has chemically and physically extended the range of his existence. In so doing, he got along without developing his physical abilities. Employing agriculture and livestock breeding, the tools of labor and hunting, various types of energy and methods of transforming it, he extended his presence on our planet. Coming together, people form artificial organisms - communities (towns, states), acquiring specific duties in them. In overpopulated society, the need arises for "given names" and "surnames" to identify individuals. The occurrence of third coordinate of the circuit of the identification of the individual ("patronymic") is one of determining attributes of distinction east and western of types of "microprocessor". Eastern circuit of existence demands convenience to the communications much more by plenty of the individuals (paradox: the English language differs by presence of third coordinate, which gives it huge advantage before others). When a large community can exist, it offers to leaders the chance to use its members as tools to make their own lives easier, liberating them from dirty and difficult work. The ideal at present is to obtain money in this way or that and to do nothing. What will become of the "lucky people" later on, how will their descendants live? Just look at an attractive young man or woman, at their easy and pleasant life. You think how would their life change without an apartment, work and money in the bank? Without all these benefits, they would turn from godlike creatures simply into helpless pups and wouldn't be able to survive at all!
   Man's invention of property and money made it possible to create reserve stocks and hand them over to "the future" not through improvement in the genetic code and the ecological habitat, but "by inheritance". Everything has a price and everything must be paid for, one way or another. The demand for a diversity of consumer goods and everyday services is determined by the necessity of the souls that are falling down. For the study and encouragement of this fall, so-called sciences and industry are constructed. And no one worries about where 'our successes' are leading. Whatever can be sold is produced. Everything is studied and invented which might arouse the interest of the Consumer (a term increasingly replacing the term Human Being). Life depends on the state of the economy, which people worship like a god. The presence of money gives them the chance to indulge in pleasure and the satisfaction of their desires. Those who have little or no money work a great deal and dream of finding the latter. Sensation whence undertakes, that if you have made it, have bought it or have found it - that it already your property? Whether it is fair? In order to make anything the material is necessary, whether you have a right to consider it your property and to transform it in not only useless, but also dangerous for all wastes?
   The ability to make money, by means of skill, cunning and strength, becomes weightier than such qualities as honesty and trust. Man constantly lies, squirms, act cunning, both with himself and in interrelations with those around him. At one time, how much it meant to give one's word! Now, almost nothing happens without a lawyer and rubber stamps. "Verbal" agreements include only those of an illegal sort - so that there is no evidence. Is it possible to feel normal without feelings such as honor and conscience? How could man transgress the fatal borderline of the violation of morality and the Goal? At what point did the degradation of our feelings begin? How did the possibility of such a sin appear, which the devil immediately exploited? How was it possible to lose the God-given sense of purity, truth and moderation? What might be the consequence of this?
   Lying is one of the most significant of man's vices, since life is constructed on the Divine law of truth, and the living being is very easily deceived. But over generations, through acquired experience, we come to expect lies and we make adjustments for its presence and dimensions. People are often hesitant to speak the truth, for the truth might offend. Man misrepresents reality in the light of what is advantageous to him and out of fear of being punished by the law. Ambiguity arises: thinking and knowing one think saying and doing another. Ambiguity is one of modern man's most widespread traits (and the deep discrepancy between his genetic organization and outer actions and manifestations). Lying fills all the "gaps" and disharmonies of civilization (there is "sweet" lying, "agreeable" lying and so on. The art of telling lies to others and to oneself have been brought to such a height that the real world, the world around us, has become invisible, it has dissolved into lies.
   We have learned to conceal our feelings' natural reaction behind facial expressions, controlled out of necessity, we know how to bluff, and in interrelations with one another we are concerned only with producing a false impression. The manifestations of lies and adventurism are many-sided. Those high-heeled shoes give women a better-proportioned figure, whose legs, "thanks" to civilization, are becoming shorter and losing the beauty of the original form because of the absence of natural load on them.
   Our senses are under a constant harassment of the concentrates, which irritate the sense organs, and lower their sensitivity. We constantly deceive our eyes (television, the cinema), ears (music, in addition to its increased loudness), the sense of smell (eau de Cologne, perfumes), taste (spices and the art of cookery), the feeling of cold and heat (clothing, housing, interior heating). The world of the real is becoming grayer all the time. Like a girl without make-up and poorly dressed, it doesn't arouse very much interest. The mechanical and electrical gadgets, musical instruments and artificial illumination, houses and airplanes, make up and original hair dresses (as well as all rest available today or expected by his imagination in the future) are necessary to the man. Only all this in a condition to help him to support potential named as Thirst of Life.
   The manifestation of individualism is expressed by the variety of clothing, hair styles, kinds of occupation and types of behavior. Although clothing reflects fashion more than individual taste, it is a sign of one's position in society and one's material circumstances. Increasing admissibility decorate of the body: tattoo, color of a hair, eye and lips, speaks about the increasing break with the validity. Having had plastic surgery performed, having dressed up in effective clothing and cosmetics, a woman or man appears younger and more attractive. But the child, who is born to them, with the aid of these and similar devices, receives a quite different "inheritance".
   There is a concept of 'privacy' occurs, which entitles to hide the negative characteristics, illness and problem from itself similar (at other alive forms the mechanism of this sensation has healthy roots). Why the society agrees with it? All (in the greater or smaller measure) have the same problems, which are obviously necessary for hiding, because idle mechanisms both the circuits of their management and control lose serviceability. Though, "thanks to civilization", today without it is possible already to exist. But mechanisms of self-checking and the estimations of the data environmental you (for example in search of work or partner of life) continues to function so long as the brain will convinced no need of them and will disconnect them.
   So gradually, generation behind generation, the man destroys itself, his today's democratic and conservative deviations seem to him very important, and same deviations will seem to our grandsons not clear, ridiculous and not worth of attention. Precisely as we look and we are surprised or we are horrified to customs, laws and habits of our ancestors. This process is possible to name devaluation of the man. Each generation should prove (even to itself) the contribution to development of a kind. But for man all this is demonstrated only in changes of clothes, hair dresses and other attributes of a style, that also is a parameter of difference from "previous", therefore and it rotates on a spiral, which loops are not so far from each other.
   For the present, generations succeed one another and our life (more precisely, what remains of it) continues. But where are we going, in what direction? How much does man need to deceive self, in order to feel satisfaction with contemporary life and what he has done? And the more civilization is developed, the more its chance disappears from the face of the Earth. What remain are the undeveloped, the primitive. They continue life and if they are people they strive in that direction, toward civilization, following the way of their predecessors without special inclination. This differentiates man from other forms of life.
   Man lives a primitive life, not noticing the miracle of existence and life as such. Fascinated and amused by theater, music, the cinema, he doesn't notice real life, doesn't see his own downfall, lives in an imaginary world, going ever further from the real world, which he doesn't understand, and making no special effort to understand. With ever-increasing speed, he flees in the torrent, which he himself created and sees only what is beneath his feet. He doesn't see what is in front - doesn't raise his eyes, stumbles, and doesn't recall what's behind. He dreams of living easily and pleasantly, enjoying himself, not wanting to know of the consequences of such an existence. He commits more and more errors simply because he thinks that he should be doing something all the time. The most important thing for him is to be sure of himself, to feel good about self and to love himself (it isn't important to him why).
   Man wants to be alive, for as long as possible. For him there is only his own, personal life, and it isn't so important what kind of life he has. The main thing is to live happily. Catering to his sense organs, man causes them to break down. Taking pleasure in his strength, he gives the impression that no other life forms have intellect: they do not follow the "great" human improvements; they never have a full life and only suffer. Plants, fish, animals and especially primitive man (we always represent him to ourselves hiding in bad weather and from dangers in the caves) in the greater measure are perceived as suffering and miserable. But look at a fur-tree, eagle, dolphin or monkey. Whether there is at you a feeling of pity to itself? Speaking about the primitive man - he already then 'has tasted the forbidden fruit of knowledge ", thanking which contents and became feel cold and to be afraid, therefore and beginnings to refer to as, as the man.
   Man assumes that the external tranquillity and the absence of the living world's struggle with him prove the absence of any intellect in this world. Although with regard to physical structure he resembles (in a very brutal form) animals. Hi in the structural relationship, producing experiments on them in the hope that the medical compounds, which are invented, will have the same effect also on the human organism, that he can transplant to himself even the organs of animals. Imagining himself to be a demy-God, considering all other forms of life as means for his own existence, man thrives for the time being in "flight of civilization", in the ever-growing art of making life easier. He invented the house, heating, piped water, uses electricity and other forms of energy for all of his increasing and, as a rule, false needs. It is necessary for man to possess always more and more modern devices or methods of influencing his sense organs. In a contrary situation he loses the joy of existing and will feel himself offended by fate and the social structure, since possessing new devices is a mirror reflection of the sense of development and such feelings as goodness and happiness.
   Man only acts, eats and drinks, learn and undergo medical treatment, but by means of sport, music, cinema, books, etc. supports the sense of the fullness of a useless life. In a house with windows, refrigerator and television set, in a milieu of works of art and walls he feels very comfortable and safe. And the higher the quality of his property as described above, the more expensive it is - the better his life is. A house is arranged in accordance with understanding and perception of the outside world, and also its harmony with it own interior. Here the level of development is also manifested and the perspectives of what are expected both in form and in color. Convenient objects such as the toilet, the couch, and lighting simplify daily life and make easy and painless the process of degrading the possibility of a universality of physique of the body, sense organs and brain. Pictures and flowers in pots, a splendid view from the window, a stereo, television etc. occupy the ranges of the sense organs; give the possibility of feeling the fullness of life.
   But, in spite of the fact that man learned to cook soup, speak and built houses, he doesn't understand the world, doesn't become God, he doesn't even remotely approach his logical ideal. It seems that he is searching for a guiding idea and makes efforts to bring this about. But interpreting this as an impossible dream any leads to madness. And in general, how in this world - milliard times greater than even our richest imagination can visualize - does man intend to accomplish anything fundamental? Man rejoices over the invention of each new device for the "improvement" of life: the teapot, the bicycle, the car, although becoming older and not having time for the innovations, he begins to take a negative attitude toward civilization's development. He begins to say that civilization is "bad", but this doesn't apply to all of civilization, but only to its "developing" part. He doesn't want to live without what he has already obtained from it.
   Man tries to make his own life constantly more promising, safer. There are already safety rules about how to open bottles of champagne and children are forbidden to overtake each other and to touch each other in game, because it is possible by it to offend or to make graze. And marasm in this direction becoming stronger with each day. What sort of life is that -- woke up at night in a locked house, opened the refrigerator and ate something good. Returned to the comfortable bed and lays his wife (she lay there seductively, how to resist - she also likes it; moreover, it must be done regularly, otherwise divorce proceedings will be started, and there will be a division of property). The more you think about this, the more clearly you understand that human life is a foolish pastime.
   People still strive toward spiritual and physical achievements but their most important, leading qualities long ago vanished from the visible horizons. They no longer have the chance to work for the mechanics of life and development. And how would it be possible, if man lacks the logic of the very meaning of life, the logic to explain his own laws and acts? Man does not aspire toward the absolute Idea. He is involved in the routine, everyday satisfaction of the sense organs, in the irresponsible destruction of sources of energy and his own capacity for life.
   And man goes through life, accompanied by civilization, trying as it were to be a good person. But his positive character constantly becomes less absolute and more relative. It turns out that around many necessary and important people, their life is fully sated, that of good people more than that of criminals - but all this is merely empty commotion. Many are relatively kind and sensitive people. But even the best of the human race, without lies and other violations of God's laws cannot manage even in their best manifestations. People are born, learn, love and hate, not knowing what all this is for, the trivia of life give it meaning and importance. People live on the level of their petty problems, having filled life with them completely. And for them life consists of these trifles.
   Man fights for the development of science and medicine as the main hope of continuing his lazy existence, despite the depletion of natural resources and the growth of the population. No one wants to live as his fathers and grandfathers did. Life is supposed to be ever more consumer-oriented, with devices to make it easier - better and better, more and more convenient. For this they send children to school and hope very much that afterward they will invent something "useful" for civilization. Trying to adapt the child to the machine of civilization, they present him with elements of various fields of knowledge, which help him to exist and fulfill a certain function in the "organism" of society. Thereby they exterminate in him the genetic information about the meaning of life. And the faster children grasp the "standards" of adults, the more capable, intelligent and promising they are thought to be.
   Childhood is the time about which we can still be proud. Receiving strength and purity from the genetic code, which remains unbroken, we attempt to resist civilization. And in childhood, while we are not yet connected by the ways of civilized existence, we succeed in "taking a breath with our own still wild lungs". Only later, like tamed wild horses, we become reconciled to civilization, in which all our time is absorbed. But with each new generation, the genetic code increasingly loses its primeval strength and wild temperament.
   Adults are afraid of speaking the truth to children, so as not to injure their minds, which are still clean. They don't says that chickens, pigs, and cattle are raised for meat, and squirrels, foxes and other animals with beautiful warm fur coats become our winter clothing. Children find out about this gradually, later on. And it is not an accident that children have no fear of the representations of animals, even the reverse. The fear appears with growth and its origin determines in large measure not the concept of danger but the isolation from nature, 'thanks' to civilization. In children's brains, based on genetics and the soul, this isolation remains a phase and on a large scale.
   Who didn't have toys during childhood? Becoming familiar with the world, its phenomena and laws by means of toys, cartoon films, books and other surrogates for reality, destroys immediate contact with the environment. Deprives them of two-way, interactive relations with it, so necessary in the process of cognition and formation of the personality (how differently children love the "pigeon-toed teddy bear" in the form of a plaything, in the zoo, and in reality). In playing, the child perfects and brings into working order the body's mechanisms and automatic reflexes and its control. He must combine the two genetic codes received as an inheritance and make them into one - there is no longer a choice, more precisely, the father and mother made the choice. The result is the individual's definite character and its structure. A change in man's genetic code with the dynamic development of civilization is reflected by the child's interest in a new type of plaything (take a look at the shelves in stores - they tell about this). The deviations in a reality of perception of good and bad always take place. But to aspire that it is necessary to healthy and ideal, instead of to easy and convenient. I do not think, that someone from healthy wants to become the invalid. Usually, on the contrary. Beginning itself to feel comfortably in "patient" condition, a body and soul much more lowers the chance of recovery. Is lost magic of force of desire creating vacuum of necessity and purposefulness - vibration of a resonance of an opportunity of achievement of the purpose. But will be on sale soon and toy as the girl without a leg in an invalid carriage or with asthma (its sound support by electronic). Or toy of retarded and with various homosexual deviations. You see all everyone is equal and also have the rights.
   The child differs from the adult in that, despite many generations of civilization, his genetic code attempts to preserve elements of life's real meaning, the Idea. But with adulthood, some losses take place (adults help this to happen). Characteristically, doctors employ the therapeutic action of contact with animals in hospitals and homes for the aged, surprised by the unbelievable results of their use; the presence in the home of an aquarium with fish changes relations in the family for the better... And no toys can reproduce a similar effect on a normal person. What are we doing with our children? They don't have a choice, after all - they depend on us. And we must be very careful about the way the child spends his time.
   From childhood, memory is overtaxed with the study of subjects, which are unnecessary for later life. We fill the brain with the knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry, geography, language and so on. We must pass examinations in each of the subjects listed, regardless of our individuality and capability. Our heads are so full of this "knowledge" that no room remains for the process of investigating the Idea. Memory is consumed by the overload, and later it is lost altogether. Complete sections of the brain fade out, it functions according to roundabout goals, complicating life and making the result, both of the brain's work and life itself, remote from what is necessary. Intensively instilled knowledge later erodes, but it already has served as some inoculation for civilization. The life itself should generate desire to aspire, to study, and nobody has the rights to forcibly change this process.
   "Infected" by certain "knowledge", the individual makes himself into a brick, a link, a specialist in a certain field, that is, a civilized man. Only an idiot or a madman does not understand that you must give back what you owe - otherwise you are lost. Depending on education (parents figured it out and had the opportunity), ambitions and requirements, each works from 9 to 5 and some more or less, playing his role in the machine of civilization. For the general mass of the population work occupies more and more time. It turns into a way of life: they work from morning till evening (as a rule, both husband and wife), in order to make life possible today, in order to dream of a better life tomorrow. Money influences the choice of friends, wife and the feeling of self-confidence. The possibility of borrowing money (credit) signifies life at the expense of the future. Such a way of life damages both the family and people's mutual relations. Moreover, everything is for sale. Even the celebrations of our ancestors have been transformed into "extra sales" of worthless consumer goods, presented as gifts to family members and close friends.
   Civilization pulls people in its wake, many of them are unable to comprehend and use the knowledge presented to them. But they have no other choice; they have to be everyday slaves. And now this is called life. With every change of generation there are changes in this direction. Real life has disappeared from the visible horizons. Thus politicians and spies appeared, doctors and pilots, idlers and criminals. Thus houses and gardens appeared bridges and factories but also the ever-growing need for the flow of energy from outside, since his private resources were quickly exhausted.
   The Idea having been lost, only the everyday concern about survival remains. These concerns became life itself (and the only life). They divided people into "bad" and "good", made them love and hate, proceeding on the basis of this primitive criterion. People don't know any other world, they're afraid and they don't want to know. Also it seems to them that the struggle for existence unites them in groups and forms friendly mutual relation. But the general purposes - Idea unites us. Idea, which we also do not notice and its accompanying attributes we attribute to other phenomena. Animals and plants we like and we respect according to the same mechanism. The people perceive their life as a personal property, learned how to make it as long as possible, forgetting about past and future. The priorities of family and community interrelations are redistributed. One's life expectancy and security increasingly prevail over the value of the lives of relatives, friends, and the nation. Man is unaware of what the fullness of life consists of, the essence of the Idea; he doesn't realize that life must continue. He doesn't understand that life's value lies in the quality of the final touches and refinement of his genetic code, success in finding a partner with whom to continue his life through time and the influence on other lives of the species and all living beings in general. Taking mere fragments and elements (sex, food, health and other) for all of life, he lives as though simply waiting for his death, but in this process he wants to have fun and take things easily. If he succeeds in this, it is considered that he didn't live in vain. People live as though they would live forever, as though they could do whatever they like, unaware of either the meaning or the significance of their own lives. But how life changes, when a person finds out that he hasn't much longer to live! How differently he starts to look at life, to understand and value it.
   When the essence uses or simply passes till a curve of the biological tasks, incorporated in him, at him the desire is lost to live. And to continue life in this condition it is completely not simple. Easing dynamics of work of the genetic circuit with the ending of term of 'God's guarantee' leads to frailty of it during development of Idea. The elements of it 'grow old', that results in increase of quantity of mistakes of a complex of the genetic circuit. At presence of narrow specialization, which characterizes principle of the civilization, the opportunity is still felt to feel young (complete forces for an embodiment of Idea), but already only under the certain circuits, instead of in a complete complex. Breaking biological cycles of a live essence, the man tries to change their applicability. It is thought that if old people behave like children, they will preserve their youth. Man makes ludicrous attempts to live as long as possible - even though life is constantly becoming more futile and morbid. Man and his life cycle derive from the same process. Attempts to change life with the aid of science and medicine ultimately will lead to the disappearance of the species, as imperfect and unable to carry the Idea. The "positive" result of science is an increase in the life span - the average person grows older and older. But how long will this victory last and at what price? Life's value (its successes) is not measured by the span of time lived and pleasures received. Pleasure is a regulating mechanism in life's processes and perversion of its function leads to diseases. After all, the life expectancy is dictated by the need to create conditions favoring the fulfillment of the main Idea of existence.
   Imagine that all animals, plants, fish, mosquitoes and worms think about their health, go to doctors, and move around in wheelchairs out of necessity. Imagine that the relatives of trees which have been knocked down by the wind, or have fallen because of age, extend piped water to them, trying to prolong the already useless life even if only for a short time. If the same thing happened to the uncivilized world which happens to us, imagine how 'beautiful' the Earth would be - everything using an apparatus and on crutches, the average age of the living would be much higher - the world of old creatures and numerous things, stores and organizations. Whether it associates with symptoms and process of development of cancer's tumor?
   People do not become wiser with age; they have forgotten even how to die. They die in hospitals. Even if there is no hope, they want to prolong their lives by a few days, hours. Why not be at home at this time, why not speak of parting with relatives, friends and "leave" with dignity?! How is it possible to die in a hospital, surrounding with medical apparatus and people in white coats? Death, after all, is a moment of self-evaluation of work done by the individual who passes on the baton of life and its understanding both to his genes and his species. This is a rare opportunity for revelation with the higher intellect, realization of the meaning of the Idea and the result of its embodiment. When the time comes to die, it is impossible to fear death (like any "future"). But men now prefer to die in lay position instead of standing.
   After all, it is a moment of dialogue with the higher intellect, synchronized with the brain's process of disconnecting at the moment when "the soul departs from the body", which reproduce the picture of "an examination of one's own life" and a tunnel with a bright light at the end. We give up our soul for the last time, confessing our sins before the gates of death. An individual's death is like "change of filter" for energy supply system of the developing genetic code. Life is the constant perpetuation of the species, but death gives the chance to eliminate a great amount of useless information. Necessary information is transmitted with the genetic code; it is not subject to constant re-verification, but is taken "on faith". And there is a vast difference between perception with "faith" or "doubt". The world of God and his laws stands on "faith".
   With its haste in changing the laws of behavior, according to new ideas that corrupt man, civilization prepares the psyche of the person to break down. The change of life's priorities in connection with the loss of the Idea and "life only for itself" alter man's character, oversimplify his "diagram". This can end with a chain reaction of collapses and disasters. Man today is face to face with the fact that there is an enormous, artificially created potential energy, which he can use to destroy both himself and the environment. Let us say that there is a reason to destroy himself, but what are other forms of life guilty of? After all, in a century or two (a relatively short length of time) life on Earth will become impossible without space suits and other means of protection. Fish will be able to live only in aquariums, and scholars will achieve ever-new "successes" in medicine, science and technology. Humankind, intoxicated with the "blessings of civilization", will all extinguish in its way, in the name of the future. Will it come (the light) and what will it consist of?
   "Armed with knowledge", imagining that he rules the world, man unfeelingly and mercilessly exterminates everything and everyone. He conquers the ocean and cosmos, taiga and permafrost, depths and heights. In his own way he loves Mother Nature, her offspring, but he mistrusts her like an enemy. Man imagines that he belongs to himself and not God, that he can even improve on God's creation and it seems that he is ready to become God himself. He dreams of changing the weather and the climate, laws of the planet, stars and universe for his own primitive demands. And there are already successes: more and more often trees put out leaves in winter or (flowering) are covered with snow in late spring. The world becomes more and more "perfect" according to our will.
   The success of the life of man consists of the result of his actions and his heirs. The particular features of a specific person, his virtues and deeds are all only a process, creating heirs. Only this will be recognized and be taken into account by the future. Will the time come when man will be conscious of his criminal nature, when he will be ashamed of his own and his forefathers' acquisitive and primitive lives? Can we call it Reason, which gives man the chance to live better than others can, being more cunning, cleverer, knowing how to obtain more with less expenditure? Man is very inventive but he cares only about money and his own well being. But the great Idea is absent. It is impossible to call this cleverness and egoism: Reason. I hope Reason is something different.
   For an opportunity of realization of process of conceive, development and the birth of the healthy New God (Son of the God) are necessary the laws of interrelation as inside each kind of life, and all of its variety. God's laws are managing axioms of microprocessor's working programs of creatures in closed ecological environment. They define adjustment "0"s' and ranges of feelings, circuits of acceptance of the decisions and performance of actions. Derivative of this process are the mechanisms of continuation of existence of separate kinds of life on the Earth. Each of us, were in mother's womb, submitted to anybody to unknown complex of the unwritten laws. Otherwise one was born by body, brain or sole disable or monster in this or that aspect unable to pass the baton of life of a kind and Idea (as occurs to the mankind).
   For successful realization of Idea of own purpose during all periods of life the functioning of an alive essence should be synchronize by huge amount of balanced parameters and their feedback. As the sports game, any element of life has the rules, without which there is no opportunity of the consent and submission, i.e. it is impossible to achieve result or to determine the winner. Without these rules there comes anarchy and with it -- impossibility of achievement of the purpose. The rules can be of democratic or conservative character, but the anarchy even with the constitution, concerns absolutely to other measurement (by the way it that and is a point of a support for atheists).
   The comprehension by the man of discrepancy of his own behavior and God's laws has resulted and in creation so-called ten commandments. They also are one of the first indicators of understanding by the man sins of the life more and more having a place with development of a civilized life. Catch the wolf and put him in a zoo and through many of generations he will change the behavior, externally remaining the same wolf. We have caught and have put self in a "zoo" - were caught on specialization in scales far leaving limits of the nuclear family relations. Everyone becomes convinced of the existence of God's laws at the last moment of their life, whether they want to or not. However, by then it is too late to change anything. All agree, God's law makes everyone pay the necessary price in the end.
   'Thank' to civilizations there is an impossible mutual existence of the individuals because of a variety of their deviation from an ideal'accepted on arms'. There is a necessity to bring in corrective amendments to the laws of perception of own life and its accompanying sensations since there is a huge quantity of mutual misunderstanding, both within the limits of a kind, and in the attitude toward environment. There is a necessity of attempt to result all this in balance, submitting a fidelity to the kind -- second on importance (after following to the Laws of the God toward Idea) axiom of life. It also has resulted in occurrence of necessity of creation of generations, constantly varied with change, (so-called development) variety of state managements, human laws and courts.
   Owing to the disharmony of human civilization, the need arises to control it by means of the judge, police officer, lawyer, doctor, science, school, work, etc. All these regulators only increase in size, constantly controlling more of our life. The growth of necessity of their quantity speaks about the increasing deviation of the man from the God's laws. More and more scientists, engineers (and those who execute their projects on an industrial scale), etc. are required, to support the work of the civilization mechanism. But for some reason there is no science commensurate with human needs, the Idea and successful development of it with the capacities of the environment and its resources. There is no science learning about human feelings and the inter-related diversity of peoples. All energies and investigations for the most part belong to the field of economics, its analysis and prognoses for the future.
   The transgressions of God's law are: exploitation of different sorts of "natural resources" as sources of energy, contamination of the environment, violation of the moral limits of God's laws and so on. But for us all this is industry, agriculture and emancipation from prejudices and progress. Tasting the "apple of knowledge", we have the opportunity to maintain our existence today, and care nothing for Tomorrow and the Idea. This includes the definition of "civilization", by means of which we became a civilized society. In contrast to all living things, man lives not "before" God and the Idea, but according to the laws of civilization, which have appeared artificially. Human laws do not accord with the laws of God, but result from our distorted and fallen world-view.
   Man (out of caution) is in no hurry to change state structures, in spite of his own "great accomplishments" in different fields, aware of truths based on biblical study and the social constitution created by our grandfathers. But he can not himself constrain and makes the kind amendments to it, the majority from which deprive of Its serviceability. It provokes a variety of the amendments to the constitutions and available laws, which bring of a different sort of discrepancy and disorder of interpretations of the same actions or laws from different points of perceptions or interests later. Kindly, as such, should have an absolute point of readout (in spite of the fact that " all in this world rather "). Ostensibly, the cruelty is found out by the perception, spoiled by a civilization, of a complex of feelings. In the mechanism of probability of existence of Idea, from goods up to evil - only one step. Society's attempt to create its own man-made laws, and improve them, is forever incomplete. For example, today we hide behind locked doors and barred windows, a phenomenon, which was not at all expected when the "good" laws or amendments were adopted, which "improved" old laws and rules of conduct in society. Another example: today addressing a girl by any dirty word is less liable to be punished by the law than saying that she has pretty legs or a pretty figure.
   With the unnaturally huge growth of the population and information, feelings, customs, social laws, etc. are standardized. Gradually the foundation, the balance of life of man's living organism, collapses. And only his? Sensible laws are violated (as a rule, illuminated by custom) and there is a diabolical transformation of achievements in all fields of development into a torrent of ideas and devices making it possible to experience only enjoyment, leaving aside all concern about the meaning of life.
   The government determines which laws are to be obeyed. The press and television broadcasts occupy people's brains, suggest what they should strive for, explaining what is "good" and "bad". Employers determine what work should be done. The medical profession recommends what to drink and eat, how to undergo medical treatment and for what. Art recommends what your lost soul should love. So that what is left to do, how can we not use all these "freedoms"?!
   Governments are gradually overgrown both with their own bureaucratic structure and the network of all sorts of "business" enterprises. Thus the organism arises from specialized "independent organs", and every group of specialization becomes "arms", "legs", "eyes", "ears" and "brains". Is it impossible to consider all these formations as a transitory stage to a vaster social organism, if the separate individual's line of development is repressed? And what will this organism finally look like? After all, it can't move in space, is very firmly attached, and produces an immense amount of wastes. It is far from being in harmony with the environment, and what flows in its veins (the municipal sewer system) brings huge harm (be not capable to be cleared by the Earth and to become "clean").
   Man acquires various "complexes", based on a profound lack of understanding of events and phenomena, which occur. He yields to primitive discoveries and assurances of different branches of "science", solves life's problems not on the molecular level of human relations, but based on the strength of civilian laws. God's law doesn't make individuals equal within the group, the state and the species. He only demands of all, without exception, that they do not go beyond the restrictive limits, which He defines. And what equality can there be among individuals with different levels of development? That would mean, for example, that no one has the right to achieve more than his co-tribesmen. What sort of development can take place in such a case?
   Can a genius and an idiot, a courageous person and a coward, a beautiful woman and an ugly one, really have equal opportunities? Unless it is possible to put a mark of equality (one man - one vote) between drug addict and hero of war? The man, who pays for the maintenance of the state, army and police, is equal on "vote" to welfare recipient during a choice of the president and government? And later selected by them the president makes the decisions having consequences on life of hundreds millions citizens not asking them on that of council. Whether far equality has gone? But this in no way means that the level of development, physical dignity or position in society give anyone the right to be exempt from the species' rules of conduct. Why not obey God's laws and practice mutual respect, in spite of individual particularities?
   Corruption of the permitted norms of conduct leads to violation of natural laws and the creation of provisional, recent, more and more "human" laws. And this is not surprising: all this happens by the will of individuals, who chance to be in power and, frequently, violate their own laws. These laws correspond only to someone's individual notion of this world's justice.
   The wavy characteristic of destruction of the laws of God (French revolution, 60's years in America and others 'the revolutionary processes' expose laws of degradation with development of so-called human civilization. The human brain logically creates the conditions for its "fall". Let us take for example the use of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. In their use, "codes and programs" are employed which are available for work in extreme cases, for the treatment of various diseases. But after all, aren't we sick all the time? Although all the "automates" continue to work, despite the fact that it is already hopelessly late, they continue to work, as hair and nails continue to grow on a dead person...
   It's impossible to forbid man to drink, to smoke or to use drugs, which helps him to leave and to be in a condition of inactivity. His own brain determines how to act with his own organism. But the problems of drugs and crime are attributed to the presence of drugs and guns. Governments try to struggle with what is available and not with the perversion of the spirit (they take guns away from normal people, but they remain in the hands of criminals). Society is not obligated to pay for medical treatment for alcohol and drugs (really only due to its kindness). Although here a paradox is visible: those who drink and smoke, according to statistics, die several years earlier, thereby saving the state money (pensions, homes for the aged and medical expenses for this period). And if one considers these statistics then it turns out that thanks to the smokers, drinkers and those who don't lead a healthy way of life, the state receives quite a large profit. If I were in the place of the lawyers of the tobacco industry, I would make these calculations and use their results in legal proceedings with the state.
   Society is obligated to punish those who break the law, including those who commit crimes by accident. It is necessary to not put itself in a situation of an opportunity of occurrence of similar "cases". How frequently at other kinds one individual kills casually another? And what if someone is completely casual or were in a condition of temporary loss of mind will begin nuclear war? Whether him will judge and whether recognize as his guilty? A person must answer for the results of his actions. After all, what will be left in life? The following generations will live with them and by them, "eat and drink" them, "breathe" them, but what was planned for (what people had in mind), may only in some measure be a "mitigating circumstance". If you can't foresee the consequences of your actions, don't try to carry them out. It is possible to forgive (and thus return to the brain as a "program correction") on the level of relations among family members and friends; indeed, only the family can be a socialistic society. And only on this level is socialism possible, but never at the level of large groups, much less of states (the creation of the theory of socialism and communism at the state level was one more of man's enormous mistakes).
   The founders of the Communist states met with failures, despite the persuasiveness of the theories. Who they were and what they wanted is really possible to understand from their pseudonyms. The name Lenin (learning) has no relation to the Lensky uprising of workers in Russia. And laughing at the foolishness of his people, the Great Lenin said in his testament "learn, learn, and once again learn", which in English sounds like: "Lenin, Lenin and once again Lenin". Confirming by these the fact of being informed about the origin of the pseudonym of the leader, Stalin, us if to counterbalance Lenin, chose his name (steel) and there was a partnership between learning and strength. Couple words about Russia: Amazes patience and non-failure of operation of "tear making mechanism" of People. The largest problem of Russian and Ukrainian peoples - absence of healthy sperm bank. Why so it has turned out? That it to understand is necessary to familiarize with a history of occurrence of these peoples and them so-called of development: an attempt of Peter the Grate to make Russia European like country, Socialist Revolution, civil and Second World War. Today brave find out itself only been drunk or under the sanction and compulsion by will of destiny, without everyone on that of logic appeared at authority.
   The attempt by strong (particularly an abnormal) genetic code to take control of others is observed both in totalitarian and in democratic forms of state administration. Society and its leaders always attempt to impose a way of thinking which accords with the laws of the existing state system, which naturally leads to different kinds of restrictions and dissatisfactions. State borders artificially suppress the natural relations of neighbors and provoke the formation of totalitarian regimes, with their corresponding laws. Totalitarian formations engender fear. The reluctance to experience personally the force of the law makes people conceal their beliefs or have none at all.
   Men has appeared in Africa, from which has gone by different ways on all continents. According to successes of development so-called civilizations and from the one who and where aspired or casually has got, each group, depending on arising necessities and available talents, has achieved those or other successes. During these migrations, having changed ecological environment of the existence, races and the peoples developed features of the forms of physics, color of skin and languages. Each people (with rare exception), having succeeded in something and under influence of its religion (attempt of understanding of own existence, on today ever more replaced by philosophy), it determined culture and needs, was copied up to the certain level. Having increased a population of the own states, thanking 'to the increasing successes of a civilization ", the man has appeared before the fact of overpopulation. Because of it - separated from each other by borders. Today, having overflowed a planet, the returning to the beginning - sensation of internationalism began. And with all by it and mutual relation different races, peoples and cultures (is especial if to remove borders, dividing them physically, of the states). But the elements of life, for one quite normal, are not normal in perception others, or even fall outside the limits of not criminal one. Presence of various languages complicates mutual relation even more. A variety of languages, as well as necessity of occurrence, was dictated by features of environment of existence.
   Almost all went on a way of Western (material) civilization. The majority and Life as such, in the other aspects do not understand. Besides many times over have grown also of appetite to well-being as well as perception of norms of satisfaction of sensations of happiness and pleasure. These appetites inflame ever more. Only few, having hidden in "safe spots" live as though by other life. But they already anything change can not, unless inspire itself, that by a pray or meditation to change all it is possible. And even they in what that to a measure use achievement of the same civilization. I.e. remain behind on the quite certain distance - what to not be lost.
   The man has filled a planet by own mass and continues it to do with menacing acceleration. The nuclear century will bring also nuclear war. When the man will multiply up to a limit and because of increase of a level of ocean at it will begin with acceleration to decrease an ecological zone, struggle for it will become severe. You see, alive creatures (including the man), at absence of food, eat even their own offspring. And at reduction of gravitation of a molecule of family it to do even easier. Some civilizations, to survive be not capable, have left after itself monuments of culture. We, similar, shall leave after ourselves everything that can remain after nuclear war or accident. The nuclear century will bring also nuclear war.
   Different peoples, depending on environment, life styles and the circuits of commonwealth of a community (both ancestors, and their own), form features of a structure of "microprocessor" of a brain and organs of reception of energy for existence. The associations, from family nucleus and to formation of the state, with its territorial borders are an attribute of the consent of internal ranges of genetic deviations. The people, one way or the other creates government, laws and diets, with which the majority 'of the genetic circuits 'agree. When the individual or part of the people lives not where they were born, disharmony of environment and genetics takes place. It is evident in discrepancy of percentage of a variety of deviations (diseases and internal protests) in comparison with "natives". For example, percent of the certain diseases in different areas of New York State explained in the greater measure by demography of residing in another's ecological environments (you see you are byproduct of it), than poverty or pollution of separate areas.
   All accelerated mass migrations connected to political and economic disagreements of the individuals, cause genetic allergies - melancholy of a body on an ecological native land, despite of presence of large freedom and filled refrigerators. As even features of the forms and colors these ecological zones form. As, for example, Russian, living some generations in China, begin becomes to some extent on china's similar, despite lacking a genetic impurity. And it occurs on many parameters. Look at a huge variety of'humankind". For adaptation of time was quite enough.
   But as soon as in the certain territory the sufficient percentage amount of other genetic balance will be going, under favorable circumstances the struggle for independence begins. Sometimes it grows out "fermentation" of new ideas. The groups of the adherents are created: the party, trade union, religious direction, club etc. Sometimes it occurs as a result of immigration from other countries: display of kindness to the citizens deprived of the rights in other countries or by necessity of a cheap labor, unwillingness to make the heaviest and dirty works.
   The aspiration of 'enslaved' nations and peoples to independence is dictated by necessity of unique genetic association to have the right to chance of achievement of own variant of the Purpose. One state can be divided into two or more, or on the contrary, to be united with another. Being united voluntary or under duress (conquering weak) the state becomes as though stronger. But consequences of joint existence of a variety of the genetic circuits are not easily foreseen. The structure of society creates a variety of conditions for formation and freedom of the individual. And than more degrees of freedom, the more responsibility for owns actions. The distinction of a structure of microprocessors cannot serve an element of the superiority of one nation or race above another. Not all is possible to balance in a common denominator - only Future in the infinity has the right to make estimations of a similar sort.
   Outlines of the block diagram of the microprocessor of a brain of the People or race is looked through in dogmas and forms of their derivative life as church, cathedral or mosque. These displays are a double star, antimatter occurring in the microprocessor and microchemistry of life organism at presence of discrepancy with the God's Idea. For this reason both form, and the details of registration on a maximum make possible a resonance of the consent of the microprocessor of the individual and their mutual association in structure and circuit of the People.
   Eastern and western man, for example, observes the distinction of a structure of "microprocessor" of a brain, in a difference of perception of life and its values. And it is not simply to create the laws to a greater or lesser extent satisfying the people with different "roots". And the natural consent of the different peoples with the laws one is even more complex. As occurs in USA, especial in New York, so-called "melting pot". The necessity of tightening the laws and change the behavior of police in USA -- process of change of 'western' type of the microprocessor toward 'eastern' direction. The immigration in the large sizes is the catalyst of this process. The changes of the same order occur to 'eastern' microprocessor, in 'western' direction. In the greater measure it occurs due to mass media and freedom of movement. We have confused ourselves by a variety of political platforms both misunderstanding of the tasks and desires. It is struggle for democracy and freedom. In what it will result - nobody knows.
   The migration destroying the dams of a human civilization is divided into 3 stages: first - ideological, second - 'clever' and third - looking for better life. The man has confused also itself both with quantity and opportunity to live anywhere, has brought down itself its senses and feelings concerning the mechanism of offspring and comprehension of the person. On the thirteenth channel it is possible to see allot of incredibly interesting and educational programs. But all of them are derivatives of a civilization, eulogize the man and only slightly reproach with his obvious crimes. What contrast between migration of the people and animal, birds, insects, fishes, which we today confuse by our civilized and intellectual presence on the Earth!
   Because of overpopulation, a struggle for sources and zones of existence arises, leading to hatred and killing of those similar to oneself. Wars break out. They are "extract" of change by the man 'inside molecular mutual relation 'in his associations. The war is a functioning left for limits of the mechanism of natural selection and expelled on many parameters from their working ranges with an interlacing with Idea of development and the coordination of It with accompanying by biological cycles, of accompanying, kinds and their individuals. At the beginning wars were individual, "one to one", and later en masse: with the stick, sword, gun, cannon, bomb, and finally the atomic bomb with the red button of it control. Such is the progress of science and its priests. It is already possible to fight (by pressing a button) without one's heart beating any faster, even if one is a great coward. A coward can win, and honest, valiant and simple people lose their lives.
   Though the war today can have absolutely other forms of development. For example, it is possible to load the civil or cargo ships and planes with nuclear heads (what for to start up a rocket, which can be detected by radar moreover it is necessary to hit the target) and to coordinate time of their explosion. Either the same nuclear or hydrogen bomb can rather easily be constructed in someone's basement or apartment in New York or Washington. And in case of good luck you have not find of any evidence and witnesses. Also try late on to prove, what country is responsible for this act (especially if these citizens have the American citizenship, it, being "today's political correct", does not give the right to accuse the country of their origin). There would be a desire, and it is -- many of terrorists can't wait, but either education or the technical opportunities yet do not allow. But they study at the American universities (and can be Americans too), and science and technology are inevitably advanced. Besides, today the nuclear bomb can simply be bought. And it is even easier for the terrorists to get the bacteriological and chemical weapon.
   In spite of our "humanity" (or just because of it), we almost always resolve most questions and problems by force or the threat to use it. Although persuasion is the most reliable and peaceful way to manage and achieve one's goals (and even to sleep in peace, but most important - to govern through the soul and heart is much more convincing, longer lasting and promising), man fatally chooses violence. Man is cruel and sly. He doesn't show his moods and this is dangerous - he can always get a "knife in the back". If he holds everyone by force and behind bars, then how can he be honest? And who will work productively? He needs an enormous apparatus in order to rule by force. It is much simpler to govern people by means of one belief or another. If suggestion (belief) is used, there is no fierce resistance to "violence", tranquillity prevails, even if not completely. The cheap ruse of calling nations or individuals great or talented works perfectly in the process of conquering them.
   Emerging from obedience to God and the Idea, the sense of one's true place and importance makes it possible for one man to rule over another without mutual agreement about it - that is, violence materializes even among one's own kind. It becomes permissible to exist at the expense of others, weaker, more foolish or simply possessing by nature the complex of the outmoded concept of "honesty". Interrelations within the species are artificially distorted. By means of imperfect laws and rules of conduct, a class of the "sly" is formed, living and thriving thanks to their slyness. Slavery and slave owning will never leave human life, but only change their appearance to forms more suitable to the times. There are always people who desire to live at others' expense. Helpers usually don't have the smallest salaries, i.e. sometime they consume most part of the help. Observing and studying "weaknesses", they rob a person or the social system, in order to exploit him as quickly and imperceptibly as possible, adroitly using such feelings as pity for the sick and poor.
   Same feelings, only on the other hand of their range, are used in systems of collecting of money clever at silly through casinos. That it 'stinks", that there is a game on complexes ostensibly "playing" not especially disturbs even authorities. You see they use the same complexes of the citizens by a huge variety urban lottery, math and psychology of which is not a secret.
   As a result of man's "improvement" of God's laws a situation is created in which natural emotions are displayed in a false way. For example, the genetic codes feel pity for someone who can't create the conditions for perpetuating the race by various kinds of help, and continue without the right to exist. But as a result they appear in the form of a child, toward whom we naturally experience benevolent feelings. Scientific achievements make it possible for child to be born and more then one in cases that are impossible under natural conditions. Children are born and people marvel and rejoice. No one is interested in what will become of these genetic continuations is of no interest to anyone. The main thing is that they appeared, and with them there is also opportunity to use in itself the programmed feelings. In the Future no one will even try to look; it doesn't exist on the horizons of life, other than in material manifestations.
   Fathers and mothers conceive and bear children, hoping that the state will feed, clothe and educate them (their children even help them, the parents, to survive without working). They are pathetic, these human displays of benevolence, leading ever further into a deep pit. When food products are distributed for free, the mechanism for obtaining a supply of energy loses its combat effectiveness; it disrupts the work of a huge number of "automatons" which have human functions, and of animals and plants that fall under man's influence. The absence of the feeling of hunger puts out of operation the mechanism of preying and the use of energy. Where did the belief come from that society should supply its members with food products, medical services, housing and other benefits, and moreover, how firmly do people believe it? After all, shifting (except for emergency situations) responsibility for the problems of his life onto the society, man divests himself of responsibility for his own life, increases the already tremendous army of "the needy". It is both impossible to neglect an illness because of pity for the sick person, because of the reluctance to do him any harm, and impermissible to shift all concerns about man to the society. This practice generates social parasitism. Why not each citizen is obliged to pay for maintain an army and government, for cleaning of streets and police and only having "income"? You see if you do not have money, to you are not obliged to give in shops all free-of-charge. But it is necessary to take into account, how the individual has grown rich. The well to do try to flee problems which arise from proximity with those who own nothing. They buy homes further and further away from them, but the Earth is not infinite and moreover, it is round.
   Those who rule this world understand that they must give to the people, how to correctly control their various aspirations and how to make use of them, exploiting the inculcated respect for authority. They know correctly how to unite or divide the masses, play on their feelings, inure them to different kinds of restrictions. Insurance companies, doctors, lawyers know how to "twist people's arms", leaving to the government the role of managing this intriguing process of enslaving human souls.
   The lawmakers' bureaucratic machinery, those who oversee obedience and fulfillment of the law, must be constantly increased. More police are required all the time, judges, juries, prisons, because a decline in morals is taking place. At the same time the legislators and lawyers try to create the impression of infallible laws. Under these conditions they will always have employment and rule the society.
   The devil "interprets" God's laws so adroitly that soon people without leadership, reference books and consultations (including legal advice) will not know what to do and how to bear children, how to bring them up and what to teach them. At any moment the law might prove their actions to be unlawful and wrong, prescribe what to do with children take away the children and give them to other "parents". Thus responsibility and the genetic relation of children and parents are destroyed. The time is not far off when laws will be created prescribing with whom and how to live, whom to love and whom to hate. The human nonsense all is more and more strong. Will be soon dangerously even to date only the girls of your own race or people. It will be necessary to consult at the lawyer to not break the modern laws and to avoid suspicion in racism. Whether it is possible today to tell: 'I am proud to be the American '(or French)? You see it similarly to racism. If you want to be convinced, that it already occurs - news and other transfers on 13 televisions channel looks. We are approaching a time when a law must be printed for every action and desire. Even the choice of movie stars and participants in sports competitions going to be regulated by the law -- people will not become stars or athletes because of personal merits. Man is proceeding straight toward achieving an absurd "society of equal opportunity".
   Though the law of natural selection continues to show itself everywhere. Even at hiring for job the employer takes into account a sex and character, age and physical condition, experience to him necessary and so on. But even for job they will hire soon in masks and shapeless costumes, with a voice, change going through the computer. Nobody will accept the beautiful secretaries - lawyers will 'undress' up to last cent on the basis of the more and more new laws in the field of equality and sexual prosecution. Western civilization requires demands to take off yashmak from others, on itself pulls even darker and heavier one. Soon there will in the dictionary of the forbidden words such them as "man" and "woman", "old man" and "child", "dead" and "alive" ... will replace them, without any bias and infringements political etc. of correctness, word: "person", i.e. alive essence of a kind (in last, present or future - is unimportant). And then will not be and rabbits both white, and gray - them will replace "an alive essence' (or something in this sort).
   In the civilized world it is difficult to behave naturally. Man constantly comes up against preposterous prohibitions and restrictions. If he tries to lead a natural way of life, he simply won't survive physically or won't be able to perpetuate his kind. Man is ever less accountable to God and his own conscience. His conduct is increasingly governed by the fear of being caught and punished. We are witnesses of the loss of ideals and the bitterness of life, in short - general collapse of morals. And it is unlikely that this process can be halted, much less reversed. We constantly deceive each other. True, we try to do it pleasantly, intelligently and within the limits of legally "permitted" regulations.
   More and more often the keenness and depth of human ideas of justice and right is determined by the battle of lawyers, investigators, who know the laws and the attitude of public opinion toward the results. It is becoming necessary to be able to hide thoughts behind impassive facial expressions, to have two lives, external and internal. The external must follow the laws of society, but what happens "within"?
   To a great and greater degree, people are becoming criminals; the level of humanity and closeness to God's laws gradually sinks lower and lower. Man already allows the opportunity to commit crimes, trying to find a justification for ever-greater deviation from God's laws. The "logical basis" for the fall of man allows him to avoid considering himself a criminal. He doesn't want to be that yet. But today everyone is already a criminal. Criminals "to a lesser degree" consider themselves very honest and decent people, which is relatively true. People are afraid to speak of the rest, as much as they cynically trample upon God's laws. And society is no longer shocked by the violation of these laws.
   It still happens in only a few instances, but man is starting to take pride in his crimes. After all, it can be said that today this is the only chance to display daring, to risk one's life. Plundering, killing and raping -- each time the criminal tests and conquers within himself the sense of fear of being caught (sometimes testing thus pleasure). And he does it knowing the degree of risk (if he isn't a madman) - not every one of us can do that, not many of us have intentionally risked our lives even once. Moreover, psychic deviations, which lead to committing crimes, are present in the other members of the society, though to a lesser extent. Therefore recently it has even been attractive to be a major criminal. Crimes are understood, explained and permitted. Interest in the criminal arises, he has the opportunity to receive or improve on his education, even to write books (or he puts his name on them, others write them). The bigger the criminal, the more money can be earned on him. Criminality (the display of falling soul) begins to be erected into one of the forms of art.
   Of what depth and sizes of passion inflame around of the murderers and other kind of criminals in eyes of a society. The same society on the one hand as though condemns and wishes to punish, and at the same time wants to protect, finding for this purpose any reasons, dodge of the available laws and influencing on weak or kind feelings. And thus in it the huge quantity so-called of kind people is involved which earn on it money. Free-of-charge nothing is done any more. A system is created in which the criminal is paid for his crime. Who pays? The taxpayers, of course, pay. And lawyers make their own money, remaining on the side of the criminals, almost always knowing about their crimes (that way it's easier to defend them). Furthermore, in contrast to the judge, no one threatens the lawyer.
   The lawyers (not free-of-charge) help the immigrants to deceive the immigration department by creation "of the legendary political biographies" and memoirs transferred oppressions (in a case of their presence multiplying the validity on factor, allowed by imagination), at filling the questionnaire and during passage of interview. And in the near future a huge percentage of 'brave political refugees' 'by chance' find themselves in automobile accidents and other emergencies and the same lawyers and the doctors who are recommended by them teach how to behave oneself with insurance companies (earning enormous sums in this). Having got or trying 'to break' on West many do not declare the physical and mental problems. It occurs later (to occurrence of the documents on residing), more precisely, when it is necessary to be arranged and not at all on work. To work you see it would not be desirable. For this purpose the Americans and the Mexicans exist. Also are arranged of sciences and arts on welfare, and it is even better -- SSI. They become food and shelter for brave, not afraid of the Soviet authority, political refugees. And with proud they go to receive welfare as deserved by some reasons.
   The mechanisms of today's migration are not similar to the previous immigrations. It is not simple inflow of a cheap labor, well fed the American industry and agriculture during many years. The government, trying to attract a necessary labor, uses obsolete statistics of results of similar measures. Not all immigrants are going to improve a national economy. They rather dexterously use of today's artfulness laws and use available system in "complete growth ". By fair means of foul the engineer, scientists and workers from other countries appear in the American companies. Many at once bring the parents, whom large percentage were farley from being ordinaries a builders Communism, and arrange them pensions and health services of capitalist system. Many will emigrate shortly before reception of pension and will receive it here - then it is possible to come back to Poland and other countries. Besides the large portion of the earned money the immigrants or illegal workers send to native land and in the case that -- them is where to come back. Frequently loyalty to the country of the origin they at all do not hide, at the same time receiving all that is possible from USA or etc. The acquired ability to survive in the country of the origin makes the immigrants much more strongly and fearless in infringement of the laws (as state's and God's) in comparison with "the real Americans". Today immigrants rather frequently act in a role of one who "discovered of America" and behave in relation to it as many years back order itself the Europeans in relation toward natives (Indians). Therefore during the control of immigration, it is necessary to take into account increase of the charges and to not be surprised to the facts of increase of the automobile and medical insurance. Everyone know, that the Chinese are bad drivers, but to discuss and statistic it at all levels is forbidden.
   At the beginning of my stay in the USA I accidentally (in a private way) had a conversation with immigration official occupied quite a high post in his department. I told him about different tricks and deceits used to receive political asylum in America, since I myself went through the "system". I was very surprised by his answer: "the more immigrants we let through the department, the bigger the department, the bigger my job and salary". And if this was a joke, then it was quite apt.
   Though to get rid from lie during reception of the status of the political refugee it is possible by creation Web Site or newspaper, which would place "legends" of the political refugees. You see what by them now to be afraid? They, you see, according to their biographies, were not afraid and protested against available authorities. But because, in most cases, all is thought up and beforehand it is known -- never is given to publicity, it is possible agrees of circumstances and rules of reception of the political status. And after reception of political refugee status it is possible to go back in the country, pursuing by them and open real 'American business'. Now you can do business on your own -- make your choice -- it is America! Than it will be one more measure, not giving in to any economic laws is engaged. I want to pay your attention, that most of money of international currency fund and other organizations, never is crossed borders of the countries to be help, and remain in foreign banks but on someone's private accounts.
   Why does the lawyer have the right to tell lies? Why doesn't he defend on the basis of truth? After all, for the lawyer who knows the laws and has a flexible mind, it isn't so difficult to exploit the imperfection of the ever-growing quantity of laws or the mistakes of the police officers. Furthermore any kind of extremism of medical practice is used (the condition of temporary insanity etc.) for the justification in legal proceedings. The lawyer is not interested in truth - he is interested in winning the case. After all, that is his profession, this determines his well being. And after all, the law should protect society and not those who commit crimes. An even if the criminal is mentally ill why is he protected in greater measure than the victims are?
   Over time, man-made laws become ever more cumbersome, making it possible to play with them, depending on circumstances and money. Sometimes the criminal can be released, according to the circumstances that develop or because of the violation of numerous and complicated rules and procedures, in spite of the confidence in committing a crime, (someone in the investigation process forgot to say something, wrote something incorrectly or infringed an accepted formality). At the same time it is easy to be sentenced for a crime which is approved of by society and one's own conscience.
   According to the idea, punishment for a crime should be greater than the crime itself. Only then is it "punishment". Moreover, since money is the only equivalent of vitality of today's state and society, then the amount of money spent on the apparatus of criminal legislation, the maintenance of "criminals" and their rehabilitation, should be defined as a percentage of the state budget. If the number of criminals grows, then the law should be strengthened on the level of punishment, if the number declines, there is a chance to occupy oneself with the rehabilitation process. But society's "kindness" should not determine punishment. If we oppose capital punishment for murder, then how is it possible to kill soldiers of the other side in time of war? After all, the rulers sent them, in accordance with their laws, how can they be criminals? In time of war or in the process of an exchange of gunfire between the police and criminals is it permitted to kill or wound? Is it permitted at all to shoot in reply to an attempt to kill you, do you have the right to defend yourself? If there is no punishment in the country for the deprivation of life then does it have the right to produce weapons, to have an army and police? After all, it is possible to kill with a weapon by accident.
   As distinct from capital punishment, life imprisonment shifts the cost of maintaining the criminal over to the next generation. They will maintain the killers (though each case is necessary for examining individually) and rapists of their fathers, mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers, feed them and give them medical care. And this is extremely profitable to today's rulers (after all, money is always scarce), therefore, it is convenient to shift payment over "till tomorrow", when they themselves no longer will rule (but they can live on their pensions). Today we cannot imagine where to obtain the money to construct prisons, although the need for them is a consequence of our "kind" wishes. And it is as though no one is to blame. Is it possible to think that people who desire good are responsible for the consequences of their acts?
   Maybe it is necessary to punish for the consequences of a similar kind of legislative "improvements". But any organization is in one measure or another a form of business and people go to work not to solve the problems of the world, but to make money. Legislation and legal proceedings, like any business, don't want to die or become small. After all, their personnel, like everyone, want to live in comfortable circumstances and don't forget about their children and grandchildren.
   The system of early parole is a similar business. But shouldn't it, like other business, bear material and criminal responsibility when released criminals commit crimes again? One would like to see and hear through the mass media explanations, justifications and pangs of conscience of those who let someone out ""on bail", the coefficient of their useful action in money and lives lost "from their delivery". After all, the citizens sense the consequences and not the desires. But how can man permit irresponsible people to have power over him? For this role people should choose the best, and not those who promise a great deal, speak fine words and do nothing useful. But the government consists of professional lawyers, the world is ruled by those who know how to use and create laws, not by the wise, strong and good. And " the law as pole - where will turn, there and has left ". It is easy for observing at "loud" processes or look to last events - presidential elections in USA. How such disorder in interpretation of rather simple event by the Supreme courts of the different levels and legislative and executive bodies could turn out? You see any arguments are not necessary. Obvious by all observable events by two different party affiliations is perceived and is interpreted with completely opposite logic.
   Today (in the free world) public opinion is the guiding power of choice. It is easily manipulated by means of television, the press and other sources of mass information. Exaggerating the positive or negative meanings of events or separate individuals and using the information in a perspective which is convenient for someone, the mass media polarize the society and its attention in a direction that is convenient for them. They act as though they rule the world, as though everything depends on them. They control events as an experienced sailor controls the sails of his yacht, making it sail against the wind - it isn't important what direction the wind blows in, the main thing is that it was there. How could this happen?
   Man tries to impose his laws on other living creatures, domesticating them and breeding them in artificial conditions. He applies his "intellect" and "talents" to the raising of cattle in order to obtain milk, pigs in order to obtain pork; donkeys in order make them carry loads. It is still good that he doesn't succeed in everything that not all agree to be tamed, changed, continuing their species in slavery. What will happen if the world of animals and plants, the planets and stars, stop obeying the laws of God and will begin to submit to the Man?
   Man, "having tasted the fruit of knowledge", increasingly shifts onto science and medicine the mechanisms of control, administration and supplying energy to his personal organism. Quite foolishly, he is starting to interfere in the work of his own organs and the organism's internal processes. Not knowing and not understanding himself, he thinks that he is able to do everything by means of his great discoveries and intellect.
   The natural craving for knowledge is defined not by whim and curiosity, but by the difference in potential between the available knowledge and the world-view, which must be acquired to make the Idea a reality. Studies it is need for that it is necessary to know and you do not know, instead of that that will bring harm. The results of knowledge should "be implanted" into the genetic code and through it, refine, develop and create new sense organs and functions of the organism.
   Genuine knowledge and civilized science and education have nothing in common between them. The first aspires toward understanding and perfection of the species, transmitting the results of this perfection into the genetic code, at the time when civilization strives to study itself and the world, so as exploit its achievements in making life and all the component processes easier. And the more man improves his life in this way, the more normal, successful and happier it is considered to be.
   With each day, science discovers ever more refined ways to deceive the elements of the Life mechanism and the further it leads away from the hope that new sprouts of the embryonic Idea will be born; it falsifies the way of its development in every possible way. And after all, a genuine outline of development and the direction in which it tends are necessary for supporting the "thirst for life", without which any positive striving ceases and living death sets in (which is what awaits civilized society, in the best case).
   Under the influence of our "knowledge", for example, our food and the way it is consumed were perverted. The cultivation of vegetables, fruits and animals led to an increase in quantity but a reduction in the quality of food products. An especially noticeable deterioration results from applying the newest scientific achievements. The way we acquire food, from its free-life form to the source of energy for man's life, is becoming complicated. During consumption of food the substances, as mercury and others harmful for organism chemical elements get in. Food preparation, using fire, spices and salt, mixtures of vegetables with meat, use of a different sort of drinks (soda, coca cola etc. instead of water) conveys through the sense organs images, scents and tastes of food which are unnecessary, and in greater quantity than necessary. A living creature's organism has a surprising capacity to store up a surplus of nourishing matter, for instance in the form of fat deposits, distributed throughout the entire body. A man who is always sated becomes excessively obese, constantly overloads the working digestive organs. The "reserve" never is used, that is, it isn't needed; it loses its capacity to transform and turns into a constant paunch. This promote both application of medical preparations and recommendations, which change of automatic mode of body functioning and bring in to its work by-effects, as, for example, an extra pounds of weight etc. consequences.
   Man's attempts to rid himself of obesity bring much money to both the doctors and the researchers in the corresponding fields of science. The methods of treating it with starvation bring swift but ineffective results. Having returned to our former way of life, we return to our obesity. After all, you won't restore the mechanism of due transformation of the food reserve at one stroke. This mechanism ought to be working constantly. But how to help this, when everyone has refrigerators, and stores two steps away sell food round the clock? It is no accident that the time necessary for the most through hunger strike and the biblical fast (40 days) is identical. The fast determines the most suitable time of year, connected with the presence of food products and the necessary activity for this period. (Pay attention to a condition of health of the hostages, released after the long periods having bad and insufficient meals - their doctors are surprised).
   The task of brain is to asses the organism's need for nourishing matter, to determine sources where it may be founded and to test with the organs of smell and taste (sensors). The task of brain is to exercise control over all chemical processes - receiving distorted information about what has wound up in the stomach, gives erroneous commands to the corresponding organs and glands. The result is various diseases of the teeth, stomach, intestines and corresponding areas of the nervous system, brain and sense organs. For this reason, many of our organs function improperly. Disorder ensues and a "psychosis" of the chain of command by the nutrition mechanism with all its opposing connections. Limited knowledge about the structure of our body, how to nourish and serve it, led to the establishment of diets, prescribed by doctors, which we follow (instead of eating the available food while one "wants to"). Many carry bottles of water, since medicine recommends 'letting pass through' the organism a certain quantity of it. All this sounds and looks quite foolish.
   Nutritional matter becomes what is "desired" depending on the organism's condition, the selection available and the prognosis for the future of the genetic code. Using the results of scientific investigations impairs the natural nourishment mechanisms, distorts control over obtaining and transforming energy. Knowledge in this field is too superficial in character, not taking into consideration the enormous quantity of interconnections and side effects.
   Already today scientists are working and achieving "successes" in creating food, which is able to deceive (by its taste indications) the sense organs, creating the impression that a substance is present in it, which in fact is not there. But by deceiving the sensors of taste we do send into the system of energy production the elements, which do not carry this energy. The area of the brain, which is occupied with this, does not instill confidence in higher instances, the brain begins to have doubts about itself and its own structure, an understanding of what is occurring.
   Science and knowledge are not in a position to realize, control, much less improve the system of maintaining the human organism and supplying energy to it, but with their "achievements" they successfully wreck the internal automatons that are present. However, once having broken them, you don't restore them by desire alone. The same problems arise up and spread to every living thing that in one way or another has fallen under the influence of "human reason".
   The intake of food quite often is accompanied by obtrusive service, the use of exquisite dishes, music, dancing, drinking wine, and attending to the present or potential partner, which by no means promotes the correct functioning of the nourishment mechanism. But then there arises the variegated trade fair in food, alcohol and one's own body.
   Physical or psychic diseases exist even in the world created by God, as elements of the natural selection mechanism. But in the human, "improved" version, they are present to a much greater degree. "Thanks" to medicine, there is a growing likelihood that diseases will accumulate, passed on to the next generation through preservation of the damaged genetic code in the living (is it possible to use medical preparations, if you think of childbirth?). Diseases pass through a second, more complex circle, acquiring immunity to medical intervention and damaging the organism's immunity. Medicine and science cultivate and overstrain all viruses, main task of which - to direct a vector of Life. Any attempt at artificial prevention of illness leads to a weakening of the genetic control of this area and the possibility of transmitting this weakness to a future species as such. In the initial stage of such interference this leads to an increase of population, but after all, it is restricted both territorially and quantitatively by many other factors.
   The organism is always prepared for environmental changes, for struggle with diseases, infections and allergies of a different sort (the latter result from the organism's incompatibility and the surroundings of its habitat). Some last researches confirm that if children during the life have contact to animals and with an environment as such, at them 'the immunity to allergies " is developed. Whether on the contrary - the absence of complete contact with environment of the existence derivates allergies? The majority of cases of an allergy have appeared as result of medical intervention and changes of an ecological zone of own existence by consequences 'of a civilized kind of life ". The majority of cases of an allergy have appeared as a consequence of medical intervention. The treatment of some diseases creates ground for infringement of contact with an environment and its breath of year's cycle. All this requires the increasing isolation from an environment, us caused. The constant contact of everyone's body with environment through respiratory and digestive organs, skin and mucous membranes, stings of mosquitoes etc. introduces it to microbes and bacteria existing at the present moment in surrounding environment. In small doses they are "inoculations", by means of which the organism discovers them and finds ways to fight with unexpected events that come up in life or changes some elements of its own structure. In case of absence of "dirty" elements (for example, the use of artificially cleaned and sterilised food) occurs a disability of immunity not only appropriate organs, but also its general system, that can develop into diseases of other organs.
   An unnatural way of life and inventions, that make it easier (which is the formula of civilization), in the end lead to the occurrence of epidemics, which are produced by the foolishness of the intellect in making these or other decisions, carried out in the process of the life of the species. These epidemics arise because of absence of natural selection, connected to necessary quantity of generations for successful adaptation of body. Usually they belong only to a certain species, since they are a result of its mistakes and are not transferred to other species. With occurrence of a civilization change began to occur to such acceleration, that the available circuits both mechanisms of adaptation and modernization of the genetic circuit and physics to have time (be in time) be not capable. Goes addiction of their satisfaction and with it and loss of prospect of Idea.
   Using artificial inoculations against certain diseases (the same mechanisms and schemes work) and antibiotics for quick curing, the organism loses strength and readiness to oppose a variety of unexpected events. It turns into an organism protected only with respect to certain viruses and diseases. But it is impossible, after all, to foresee the quantity, nature and the way in which viruses and diseases will strike, which are unknown and still do not exist - they are produced by the dynamic of life itself and the interactions of all that exists in the Universe. The similar processes occur with animal, plants and planet, as the man changes their genetic bases. Studying and "growing" them with the help of "science" and "progress", interfering in elements of functioning of the Earth, he does not understand distance between early results and their consequences in the future.
   Viral illnesses, like other additional stressful deviations from the normal operating of the organs and functions, are a correction, an attempt to establish the necessity of the organ's improvement and its ability to work. We know and we are surprised that many animals and the plants do have in their organisms chemical substances, fatal to others and viruses, which are catalysts of improvement own organism or elements of its functioning. The mechanism of the occurrence of diseases and viruses is ideal for self-purification and imperfections' departure from life (both individuals and species) which does not follow the way of the Idea's development. The consequences of taking antibiotics are sudden illnesses on the biological and bacteriological levels, earlier controlled by a strong immune system. Even such a state of illness as a rise in body temperature is a necessary element of struggle with a disease or virus. And in "wearing down" a temperature by taking medicines, we disrupt the healing process.
   Medical intervention puts out of operation the quest for healing substances in the organism's self-curing process. With traditional healing by means of medicine, a stream of concentrated matter is directed at the organism's diseased organs and tissues. As a rule, the success of this application is temporary in character, and when used constantly, frequently it causes only injury. For successful self-healing of a disease we must discover it, tell the brain of its presence, and it decides itself, knowing the available internal capacities and resources. The feeling of pain informs the brain about the organism's problems, which should reconstruct its function, to find a way to eliminate the problem or injury by the available internal forces. Man learned to remove the sense of pain (both physical and spiritual), using appropriate medications, which disorient the self-healing mechanism. We cannot tolerate pain today, or even permit its presence.
   Medicine shifted to the doctor the responsibility for the organism's work in critical situations. The use of medicine, inoculations, antibiotics, vitamins destroys the organism's capacity to struggle autonomously with diseases, that is, to be independent. Over time, the need for medicine increases. Promising new discoveries bring unpredictable consequences, often negative, but man does not fear them especially. New, previously unknown diseases appear. Many of them are still to be discovered. Up to the present we are by no means certain of the consequences resulting from Electro-magnetic waves, inoculations, hormones, artificial lighting, various skin care creams and cleansers. What great please from painted nails and lips, snickers and warm socks. But in what chemical and physiological changes of organism it will result later, what "automatic devices" and their interrelations with the genetic circuit will come in a condition of bewilderment - nobody disturbs. We do not know the consequences of removing the tonsils, wisdom teeth, the appendix; taking a shower every day, cleaning the teeth and so on (birds and animals do not use soap and toothbrushes but they do not look dirty and pitiful). Some organs and limbs are overburdened, others aren't used at all and therefore atrophy, and a third group does not work according to function. And one doesn't need to look far for the causes of diseases of the female breast, the prostate gland and so on.
   Man's organism and soul to some degree are subordinate to his personality. But can this personality change something in its organism directly, without using the mechanisms given to it by nature? In order to become strong, it isn't enough merely to want this. It is essential to make the muscles work, to create a situation where they are needed. For this, man chooses sport and different kinds of physical exercise. But you see, in them there is no harmony of the loads of an image of life of ancestors, which "according Darwin" and is the founder ours organism and its features on the present moment. There is no complex psychological component of real life and deep interrelation between a body, nervous system, brain, feelings and soul - that also limits integrated approach of development. The 24-hour biological cycle and the change of seasons of the year do not coincide with man's activity as dictated by civilization. Susceptible to the consequences of civilization, the organism is far from being in that situation for which it was created. Of itself, it adapts in some way civilization, at the individual level, depending on the chosen way of life, the "inheritance" received from the ancestors, but this is far from sufficient.
   Several diseases arise on the basis of events that occur: famine, wars and so on, when the mistakes of the leaders and influential individuals are transformed into diseases of the nation. Some of the most visible consequences of these mistakes are the war invalids and the destroyed families of the dead. Problems with heredity apply to them, manifested as a result of atomic war and accidents, for example Hiroshima and Chernobyl. But man, even though there are more and more such events over the long term, will never stop his civilization. "Advanced" and "fast-maturing" human thought, intoxicated by its closeness to "truth itself", trims the deep roots of the meaning of life and pushes man to achieve new "successes".
   Contemporary methods of growing and preserving food; the use of alcohol, tobacco and drugs; environmental pollution (as a result of our way of life) and so on, combined with the lack of knowledge of oneself and one's Idea, lead to an increased number of different kinds of functional and physiological disorders. Diseases are violations of the harmony of functioning and soundness of the body's mechanisms, no longer subject to the workload that created it. The number of these diseases is increasing, but they will be more complex when the genetic code loses overall control.
   The organism's reaction to the attack is quite varied. Some diseases, for example a cold of the respiratory tract, manifest themselves almost instantly. Different or similar chills of the muscles, bones, spine or brain can manifest themselves in the most unexpected way over a few or many years. The reliability of the construction of the human organism is deteriorating, in spite of the externally healthy appearance of the new generations. The genetic code tries to preserve the structure's soundness, but no longer needing it, it weakens under the influence of the "civilized" way of life.
   With increasing speed there is a disruption in the harmony of mutual proportion and functioning of the organism's organs and limbs. All this is taking place 'thanks' to a comparatively easy existence in civilized society and the absence in daily life of a full complex of physical and psychological loads. The clumsy and obese external appearance, like the moral or psychic functioning in a variety of life situations, doesn't embarrass us. The time is coming when children will be born as cripples and freaks, with disproportionately developed organs, distorted feelings, unable to exist autonomously. Already today many boys and girls, as in contest to their parents, unexpectedly high growth or they need very huge size of shoes -- that speaks about frustration of the mechanism of transfer of a genetic heritage. In the not-too-distant future (it is already happening) the genetic codes will be hopelessly diseased and unsuitable as instruments for achieving the Goal. And all this, in spite of the "great achievements of science and medicine". Perhaps at least then man will think a bit?
   But will it be possible to return to healthy genetic codes, to the healthy Idea? In nature, in the regular process of development, in achieving new successes, the latter are passed on to the next generation. Humanity has achieved individual successes (sometimes even extremely surprising ones), but on the whole its accomplishments are used for living an easy and beautiful life, and not for transmitting something worthy of the future generation. Man "goes forward", opening up one set of forbidden doors after another, taking pride in his "accomplishment" to the Devil's joy. He lives and reproduces together with diseases, increasing their number. The moment will come, however, when medicine will not be in a position to cope with them, not only because of deficient knowledge, but also in connection with the rising cost of medical treatment.
   The craving for life of the genetic code itself, the presence of the Idea of its existence and development, the dependability of the construction and the physical body-carrier's condition determine the chance for achieving the Goal. When we lack harmony among us, we are overburdened and feel stress, different kinds of diseases appear -- disruption of the work of the reproductive mechanism and its elements, emotional outbursts, spiritual breakdown and incomprehension of the permitted norms of behavior. Humanity still is at the very beginning of the road to repair the damaged genetic code by bringing in healthy genes. With the help of genetic therapy it is possible to cure some diseases. But whether will show "another's" genes the influence on other organs, feelings and work of a brain as such? Whether can arise failure to understand one another? Diseases transmitted with the genetic code are diseases of the code itself. What unexpectedness will be at "of thirst of life' and others, accompanying Idea, harmonies and norms, feelings and sensations? It should be expected that the result of "medical treatment" of these injuries would be similar to the consequences of treating diseases that are already known. All this only leads to the occurrence of new functional and psychological disorders at a deeper level.
   The purpose of race of researches in the field of genetics is the opportunity to earn a lot of money on treatment of diseases, which already now everyone has a rather plenty. These diseases occur "thanking" a civilized image of life, for which it is necessary to pay thus. Desire of the individual to keep own life us long us possible conducts to destruction of stability of presence healthy structure of organism of a human kind. A science and medicine step by step of "successes" destroy a kind, by which belong. Thus, to same, everyone test feelings of success, happiness and development, but all this only successful work of Devil. And in our eyes the man and his scientists are much kinder and more humanly than God. Is above what to think about.
   Scientists, making very sentimental speeches about the preservation of the environment, help to kill it with ever-increasing speed. Their sleepless nights of searching, feelings of joy at "discovery", which later brings much misfortune for the Earth and life on it, are like the irresponsibility of an alcoholic who solves problems by drinking, but forgets that later he will have to pay for it. Was it rational to create the atomic bomb without foreseeing the consequences should it fall into the hands of a madman? Shouldn't there be a law to punish the inventor (with the analysis of the genetic consequences of his invention), if suddenly the obvious misfortune for Earth, and life on it, is discovered? The Holy Inquisition was a very compassionate organization and therefore it worked badly. And it was already too late...
   The scientists know about the man (and life as such) only some physiological, chemical and physical condition and data of own organism. All researches in these areas are conducted only for increase of life expectancy and struggle with diseases. With what persistence and impatience man tries to learn about himself. He knows almost nothing about himself and has no idea whatever why life was given to him. But then how much he wants to make this life easy, safe and how quickly he removes himself from the conditions of natural existence. A closed circle: to invent something that makes life easier (creating wastes and using up imported energy) and then to run and sway in gymnastic clubs, trying to preserve the muscles which are left without work. Isn't it a crime to waste the time and energy of your life in such a way? Your body (physic) is to derivative of an image of life. Each muscle, curvature and thickness of bonds is necessity of routine of life. Having changed life by a civilization, soon both the results will appear. And the exercises in the club will not help you see there is no complete harmony your body created. The awkwardness and ugliness even will appear at presence of perfect development of the certain muscles. You see concept "beautifully" is a maximum optimum development of a kind according to today's necessities. Therefore also vary at us of perception by our feelings of beauty and happiness. By been "to smart" the individual loses beauty of an own body as well as itself in it necessity.
   Man takes great pride in his achievements. Inventing something new, he immediately patents it. The invented device is used by everyone who can "afford it" (a minor detail - everything must be paid for). The opportunity to earn a great deal of money is one of the principal engines of scientific development. Man makes the work of his brain easier, inventing computers for performing tasks and solving problems. New inventions are interwoven with old ones and interact with each other - an avalanche-like process, which gets out of control. The result is destruction of the psyche, physical and chemical mechanisms and their balance.
   The environment comprehended by our sense organs is a natural mass medium. For example, the sky (in the morning, daytime, evening and night, differing during the daily cycle), is a calling, directing and synchronizing motor of our aspirations in the future, toward God and the Idea. The unexpectedness of a rain or snow, hurricanes and floods are necessary for us. They create vacuum for self-improvement and development. Mass information, based on guesses and studies of separate individuals, bears in it destructive strength. After all, only on the basis of according with the laws of nature is it possible to construct a genuine, promising development plan, and not with a brain infected by ideas and knowledge, which it does not need.
   Nowadays, thanks to the mass media, the ease of transportation, the rapid diffusion of ideas, the state's current control over the individual, and so on, it can be said that there is only one type of human, despite his apparent diversity. Gradually even special features are being obliterated such as the form, proportion and color of separate elements of the body. What difference can there be among peoples and cultures if today all strive for an easy life, well being, prosperity and money? Their ancestors' cultures drag after them like tails, hindering the quick rush after first place in technical progress. The degree of an admissibility of transformation of feelings, strength, reason etc. on 'the international currency' - money, defines vector of discrepancy with the laws of God.
   Man's desire to have everything easily (not developing himself but dissipating) separates him more and more from the rest of the living world. Thought is not directed upward but, encountering objects and ideas, which simplify life, loses speed and depth. The feeling that there must be power, a supply of it, is inherent in a weak intellect, an intellect which finds itself in an alien environment and not among "its own kind". To feel one naturally among devices and mechanisms is unnatural. It is to deceive one's own sense organs and brain, leading to a disruption of their functioning. But today it is normal to live at others' expense, thanks to one's "intellect" and to use "science" and natural resources to satisfy one's physical and "natural" demands. Today it is normal to satisfy and burn the potential for knowledge, studying unnecessary subjects (which seem very important and necessary to success in civilized life) in different kinds of educational institutions.
   Convenient, indolent existence is full of pleasures or striving for them. This in no way corresponds to the Idea of harmonious development and self-complication of the genetic code, with the gradual disappearance of imperfection from the face of the Earth. Man does not radiate; on the contrary, he consumes energy, not especially worried about its sources. Is energy in ever-growing quantity needed for the existence of a high level of development? Even if man finds an inexhaustible source of energy, how will he manage it? With this will there also be a similarly "inexhaustible" amount of wastes and won't his body and mind become still more sick and lazy?
   Man's life, sufficiently prolonged in time, is eaten up by the struggle to seize more important and easier posts of civilization. The unlimited potential of human capabilities is revealed by separate individuals and is expressed in the achievements of science, technology, art, etc. But all this is used (it would be better if not used) in fields called "the apple of knowledge" by the Bible, and not for passing along the way of the Idea and cultivating self-knowledge. The devil does not slumber and though he himself cannot do anything, he "muddies the water", showing actuality and truth in a crooked mirror. He knows how to teach Man, how to successfully waste himself and his talents. And it doesn't matter whether these talents are great or small - for everything he has his own "purgative", his approach (although not especially varied). And man, by his own imperfection and haste is caught in his tricks.
   Initially the human organism is capable of developing, altering, and reconstructing itself according to the Idea of development and the real situations of the environment. But having forgotten about the Idea and the need to acquire ammunition for achieving it, the human organism cannot perform its life activity without the help of the social structure (the system). That is, it is already "connected to the system" and to break away from it is tantamount to death. But the "system" itself cannot exist forever; it dooms us to slow death.
   Changes of the living organism's delicate and deep symbiotic relationships, with the influence of using the achievements of "science", leads to disorders in it, the birth of children with these disorders, the rise of new diseases and the possibility of being exposed more easily to old diseases. That is, more powerful forms of elementary diseases appear in the mechanism of natural selection. Civilization and violation of the laws of natural selection condition these diseases and for the Idea of the development of life all our kindness is turned into a cancerous tumor.
   How it was possible, that God's law of natural selection has turned, in our sensations and understanding, into bad, inhuman and inadmissible? How dare we try to challenge its validity? The survival is not a main purpose, furthermore not sole sense of life and it is only one of necessary mechanisms, without which there is no opportunity of realization of Idea.
   Does man have the right to live and moreover to reproduce, if he is not capable of existing independently? Is it possible to help him and to what degree? To be alive still does not mean to have the right to exist. There are many living corpses in this world. People squander their abilities, given by God for following the Idea, on such good things as work with the physically and psychically ill. But does it correspond to the amount of healthy people's time squandered, plus the unavoidable wastes of the offered benefit in the process? Isn't there a distortion of feeling and instincts, a disturbance of the balances and tuning of the sense organs and their automatic functioning?
   Today life is measured quantitatively. It is said: "how many lives could be saved..." or "how many lives were lost...' and no one is interested in how lives were useless from the viewpoint of the Idea, and in the Idea itself. Values were reappraising in our so-called intellect. There is an expression: "if we save even one life, then it justifies the time and money spent". But is it necessary to "repair" everyone, regardless of the degree of "unfairness" and is it possible? Are there really not enough relatively healthy people on Earth for the existence of the species? We lose the capacity for autonomous life and have ever more need of medicine and its development. We feel surer with it, hoping that if "I" fall ill with this, then I will be cured. Even the relatively healthy live with this fear and hope.
   Our "kindness" is an abstract notion, an evaluation of "good" and "bad" by feelings already disorganized. We are debauched by "the achievements of civilization" and debilitated by sloth. There is more kindness than needed, but human kindness does not correspond with reality and God's laws. On the one hand we waste vast resources and time from healthy people's lives to save a person who is already hopelessly ill and on the other - we perform abortions, destroying healthy lives which are not yet born. And is there suddenly a New Christ among the young that we have destroyed? We desire to do well, we expend a mass of energy, but as a result we do only evil. All this is result from violating the laws of natural selection on various levels. The appearance of "human" kindness is a very costly pleasure, based on self-deception.
   Kindness makes it possible to play on human feelings. Society is becoming chronically ill, more and more dependent on doctors (to the joy of the latter). What does the present-day doctor dream of: universal health or his own success? The doctor (not every one, of course) at first gives hope of a healthy life, and then sells medications and his personal services, misusing man's fear in the face of death and making the exit from this world quite painful. Man (as a result of his typical way of life) is killed by wearing out his organs to the limit, and not by overloading or damaging them.
   Only insurance companies don't like human tragedies, preferring only to use them to frighten people. Doctors like the seriously ill, not healthy people. After all, the healthy can come only for a health checkup (if you persuade them with threats about their health). What do you take from them? If you take a large amount, they won't turn to you at all. And someone, who is really sick, moreover with a serious illness - that's where there's money, "pure gold". And it doesn't matter what a person dies of and when, sooner or later, as long there was cholesterol within permissible limits.
   In civilized society concepts and feelings are distorted in relation to values of individual life. Attempts to make life longer in time madden the mind of the human race. Luminaries and fireflies of all branches of science are occupied with this. Everyone wants to live longer, which demonstrates the disruption of the automatic ranking of what is important and necessary between the individual, his task and his transfer to the future by bearing and educating up his children. The number of years lived is the principal unit for measuring success and therefore the doctors devote enormous energies in order to extend the life expectancy, regardless of the condition and last wish of the dying persons.
   How much does man have to deceive himself in order to feel satisfied with his life and the things he has done?!
   The male and female, on reaching sexual maturity, find and select each other, not knowing the feeling of pity for the weak. Both seek the optimum way to create a new genetic code, trying to change their own for the better by means of mixing with the genetic code of the chosen partner. After all, what is important is not the life of the individuals, but the dexterity of receiving the genetic code from the predecessors and transmitting it to an incomprehensible, purposeful future. All of life is structured on this, there cannot be another - there is no necessity of another one. For achievement of this task the God also gives a charge so-called of thirst of life and thirst of actions.
   When a young lion grows strong, he takes the lioness away from the predecessor, which is losing supremacy, and kills both: him and his offspring. After all, at the moment, she is the only available source for the continuation of his genes in the trajectory of life. Although when he kills the offspring he chooses a time when the lioness is not right there, because when she is present, the instinct to protect her cubs functions and takes precedence over all other instincts. And the lioness does not "bear a grudge." Within a very short interval of time, she is already flirting with the killer of her cubs. On the other hand, She doesn't deprive cubs of life (her own or His) for the "conquest" of the Lion - that is the difference in the brain's design structure and the idea of the sexual division system and their corresponding characteristics. Naturally, not all kinds of living creatures have a Formula of Life, which is accompanied by such cruelty. Everything depends on a tremendous number of initial elements, but the principle is the same.
   Individuals expand the limits of possible development of certain functions, organs and genetic codes. The opposite sex is extremely sensitive to the revelation of perfection and if the individual's development is "on the true path", then this is expressed in desire for it (feeling of Love). Normally it is shown not to the best of the gene pool and to itself equal on many parameters (in hope for reciprocity). Attempt to have "partner" with a not respective range characteristics does not result in natural positive reaction. It is expressed in the form of obvious refusal or fright. The need to have those qualities which are not present in sufficient measure in one's own genetic code, a feeling of confidence in the positive result of the two codes' interaction, attract beings of the opposite to each other. The period of mutual cognition of many elements of the potential partner based on respect and equality, the belief in the intention and owns full value has the name a Romance.
   Physical condition and development, like the lack of anything disturbing the brain and psyche's work, are the factors that give approval in this process. They make friends with some and fall in love with others - the mechanism for perpetuating the species demands the introduction of the New, Strong and Long-term into the genetic code or it is necessary to replace the one on hand with a healthier version. Therefore, usually the man needs an unusual woman who he doesn't always understand.
   In the ideal case there should be a competition of all the elements of two genetic codes. The victor in each element remains and the defeated yields, experiencing a feeling of joy from his defeat (the elements of a physical structure, character and other parameters received "by right of succession" are shown accordingly in similarity with the father or mother). Inequality is tolerated and determined only by the order of the future being's sex, the strength of its thirst for life and the correct understanding of the direction of the Idea's future development. Though the search of variants behaves absolutely "as the baby": the first child takes much from one parent, and second - (irrespective of a sex) from another.
   The leading essence of the one or the other (in case they love one another) corrects the result of this auction of the genetic legacy. After all, even in a team of horses there is a leader and a subordinate and if there is no such "inequality" you won't go far. This process demands mutual consent - after all, the task is the same for both. The more handsome, healthy and highly developed an individual is, the greater advantage he has in this process, the easier it is for him to find a partner or be chosen, although his tasks require more responsibility, make more demands because they are on a higher level.
   In the sexual process itself (at presence of Love, Romance and under the control of a sexual inclination) an alteration takes place in the regime of the physical organs, the work of the brain and feelings, in order to realize the possibility of uniting two genetic codes into the desired "combination". When there is an orgasm, moreover, there is contact with the higher intellect through the channels of the soul; therefore states are experienced that are completely unusual for daily life. There is a certain difference in the male and female behavior mechanism. The male (for the successful perpetuation of the species) must put his semen in more than one place. In contrast to the female, it is as though he has the right to polygamy, which degree is limited to necessity of participation in feeding, protection and bringing up of posterity. The female's task is to receive semen from a specimen with the best possible endowments. If no fitting partner is present, one may make a compromise (the female is prepared for this to a greater extent) - after all, there must be progeny.
   The absence of a choice and also the restriction of choice, because of personal particular qualities, chase the genetic code into a dead end. For example, sexual desire for one's own relatives (up to a certain generation) is one of the transgressions against God's laws. The similarity of two genetic codes does not lead to development because of the absence of anything new for the management of personal disruptions. On the contrary, corresponding "weak areas" increase one's powerlessness.
   The male, offering himself, demonstrates his achievement in development, as compared with the competitors; the female has the advantage of choosing. It is the matrix of life for two sexual beens. And if the woman offers herself first, she breaks by it the formula of life. And one not vainly in this case can call her by a "dirty" name.
   Animals never conceal their "infidelity" and they lack the desire to take revenge for it. Violence is absent, except that it is an element of play. The need to be sure that the source of the perpetuation of the species is pure and that it belongs to "oneself" is expressed in the feeling of "jealousy". It is most characteristic of the male (simply according to the mechanics of the process itself), for the "mother" gives birth and definitely knows that this is her child, and the "father" is compelled to rely on his own control. The jealousy speaks about doubts in belonging to you micro ecology of the partner. You see it is a very necessary element, which requires preparation, knowledge and understanding each other. Only then the process is in the working range. The father's need to be sure that it is his child, his genetic legacy, determines the success in transmitting information and upbringing. On this element of life there was also law of the Jewish people on a nationality of the child.
   Where do feelings arise as to what is beautiful and ugly, both within the limits of the species and in everything tangible by our sense organs in the surrounding habitat? Everything healthy is beautiful, and what is terrible is what appears dangerous both for one's own life and for the result of the combination of two genetic codes. For different species the elements of the beautiful are completely different. The attraction to the beautiful is the driving force of life and development. The legs, arms, chest, mouth, ears, voice, hair, etc. are perceived as "beautiful" because in such a form they are most ideal for the life of the given race and the individual, from the viewpoint of the opposite sex. When the man tells the woman about her wonderful hair, legs, and so on, these words contain information about his desire to improve the corresponding elements of his own genetic code. For the woman it is pleasant to hear such compliments, for they confirm her personal influence on the genetic future (and the reverse). The reaction in reply is to think about the elements mentioned with a heightened degree of confidence, which later helps to transmit them to a new Code, which is being built, removing the unnecessary doubts during the Auction of genetic codes. At the partners managed to keep love and romanticism process of association of the genetic circuits occurs more harmoniously.
   All this takes place against the background of a struggle among persons of the same sex for the right to a better choice. Males clarify the relations among themselves, not concealing this process from the female, reserving for her the right to choose. This is not a "life or death" struggle, but a struggle to prove one's advantage in the process of evolution. In choosing a partner, one must consider not only physical attributes but also the presence of an aggressive desire to develop (as distinct from consumer life). Only those that are healthy, strong, intelligent and thirsty for perfection, beauty and expediency have the chance and right to perpetuate the family, and with it the life of the species. The proof of this is that children "born in love" have enormous advantages at the beginning period of their lives. It is possible to take pride in the fact that someone loves you. But after all, this is only the initial part of the work of the mechanism of the continuation of the species. It is still necessary to bear and bring up children - then there is something to be proud of.
   The male and female choose each other according to the need to create a fighting machine for the continuation of life. In carrying out the task of perpetuating the species and bringing up offspring (and sometimes for all the rest of one's life), He and She are one organism, the two halves of which perform different functions, but at the same time equally important. These functions are allocated according to the particular physical features and the psyche, conditioned by the "inequality" of physiological duties in the very process of reproduction.
   In extreme situations, connected to pregnancy, diseases, the raising and feeding of the child His and Her capacity for interchangeability is demonstrated. The family is an organization for the continuation of the species and the education of progeny. Psychology, behavior, interrelations and feelings among relatives of various degrees of closeness are determined by this fact. All these processes are carried out against the background of the vast diversity of two-way relations, which maintain the instinct for life: the physical condition of children and their success in following the Idea.
   The presence of Love into family nucleus, different degrees of relationship, nationality, country, race and kind determines correctness of adjustment of sense organs. Cooperation and interrelations of related genetic codes are manifested in different ways: for example, the mother can sacrifice her life in protecting the children. To a much lesser degree, the children are prepared to protect the parents. In this fact the consciousness of the hierarchy in the process of continuing the life of the gene manifests itself intuitively: the previous generation is less important than the present one (man's awareness is already impaired to a great degree). Though there is a set of feedback. For example, in family there are still children, they need be to be fed and to be brought up (genetic circuits, close to you,) or the parents are still capable to make posterity - in these cases the successor can give back own life. Besides the above mentioned mechanisms and their feedback have biological and physical "coil-springs" and "shock-absorbers". Those is the mutual relation between the mother -in - law and son - in - law, the mother -in - law and daughter - in - law, ext. including lasting for them "family molecules ". The genetic code, and the degree of its closeness to one's own (genetic mutual understanding), determines who to feed whom to protect whom to forgive. One of the greatest tragedies in life is if the children die before their parents.
   There is no need to attend school or listen to anyone's stories in order to know how to find the opposite sex, how to make a choice and how to reproduce. The mechanism of the genetic code contains this information and the "school" only damages and kills the subtlety of its ability to work and the originality of the individual decision. Education in the area of sex only leads to distortion and loss of the feeling of love.
   Children receive their physical appearance, intellect and spirit as a combination of their parents' particular genetic features. They change for the better or worse, depending on the way they are brought up at home, outside and in school. A child is not born as an ideal person. Children never offended on the parents for been born with mental and physical problems or defects. In spite of the fact that others much more healthy and more beautifully is never of indignation at children. They understand that them have given that been in 'presence'. The insults, basically, arise during the consciousness part of life: as to them concern and those them 'given'.
   Even before birth he is a derivative of his parents, and later, of the society and the existing surroundings. The parents' task is to explain to the child in one way or another meaning of life and its outlook, to convey to him the beauty of life and the ability to surmount its difficulties. To explain that "he received it from the past", that he faces the task to "pass through and pass it on to the future", to surmount the pettiness of everyday cares. And it shows the greatest gratitude to the parents if the child is better than they are.
   Depending on the relative physical sizes and degree of survival in the environment, kinds of life use various methods of survival: qualitatively and quantitatively. But it is always quantitative, only with some it takes place on the level of the loss of a huge number of already living offspring, and with others - on the level of the loss of genetic bases (fish roe). The first determines a higher level of development of life, because it is more optimal, but demands from the parents their care for a protracted time - feeding, protection, etc. The living world is divided into relatively dependent and independent both among kinds and within their ranges.
   The sex of the future offspring is determined not only by chance, rather it is ordered by the genetic code, depending on the need to observe the right balance in the life of the species. The female version is in great measure the biological element for the continuation of life over time and the development of the Idea. The indirect proof of it is an opportunity to look after a genetic heritage from the father to the son on infinite quantity of generations. The percentage ratio of male and female individuals is ordered by the difficulty of existence, environmental changes, the presence of wars, and the danger of everyday life and so on. The development period of the fruit is harmoniously blended into the yearly cycle, which is especially noticeable in the plant world. Naturally, it is the species, which are best, adapted to zones with different temperature and climate ranges, that is, produced by them, that live there.
   The human reproductive cycle also should be coordinated with the annual cycle, but by means of the "achievements" of civilization, it is possible to occupy oneself with love and beget children throughout the entire year. The differences among individuals born at different times of the year, ascribed to the position of the stars (the so-called Zodiac signs), are actually determined by climatic conditions, the availability (according to the season) of food products for the mother during the process of her pregnancy and the "psychology" of the newborn child's encounter with this world at the start of his life. We must consider how harmonious the process of conception, pregnancy, birth, child rearing is, and to what extent it is blended into the seasonal changes of the ecological setting. And the more normal children ought to be those born at the most appropriate time of year. And independent of the Zodiac sign, they will have the best prospects for development and achieving success.
   The mechanism for perpetuating the human race, worked out by many generations, has turned into relations established by the state or church with the seal and promise "to live together to the end of our days". But is it really possible, not knowing the future circumstances in life, to make any commitment? After all, even when a woman has a husband whom she loves, she has to confirm Her place in the universal system of selecting the best gene of the species. She likes to go out "into the world", wants to have confirmation that others find her attractive and desirable. Although the laws of civilization command that one should behave appropriately, internal mechanisms, under the heavy shackles of these laws, apparently agreeing to them, continue to function on the subconscious level. This means that even though she married and signed a "marriage contract for ever" She still does not make such a pledge to herself internally and in her soul she doesn't agree with it. That also applies to the "husband". If mutual commitments are not there in the soul, then no official stamp will consolidate them.
   Craving for amusement and the desire to receive pleasure at the base of the functioning of the reproductive mechanism is one of the greatest violations of God's laws. Man lives as though he is "chosen" and created in order to receive pleasures. Not understanding the meaning of his own existence, he is sure that the next generation is the result of his sexual pleasure and the appearance of children will be subject to his control. He is unaware of the mechanism of the need to have children and the "program" of interrelations with them throughout one's life.
   The family that exists today produces and maintains a primitive structure of relations. The joint life on the basis of specialization and fear of loneliness, lengthening of time of life at the expense of a civilization etc. transforms its large part in useless and helpless in comparison with its ideological purpose. To have the possibility of sex at any time as it were confirms the necessity of the personality in the process of life as a perpetuator of one's own kind. And it isn't important that this doesn't take place - the primitiveness of the living organism of man makes possible the maintenance of the functioning of separate automatons, not aware of the uselessness of this process.
   In order to maintain sexual appetites for each other, people must stay slim, shave, bathe, and make money. Concealing one's problems and signs of age by employing various kinds of subterfuges, man extends the natural range of mutual suitability and deceives the natural mechanism of sexual appetite. For example, having a decrepit but attractively dressed body, washed, shaved, and smelling of perfumes, he can create an impression. Then turn off the lights (with the daytime active period, who, except for the man, prefers to have sex in darkness?), stay with your imagination and you are satisfied, receiving confirmation, as it were, that your sperm were sent on assignment. Often, the result itself is not needed - condoms were invented for that or other means of protection. The result of this is the maintenance of sexual enjoyment, for which later generations will pay.
   Since the meaning of life is its continuation by reproduction, interwoven over time with the development of the organism, intellect and soul, then having disturbed this system by civilization, the automatons are in a dead end. For example, having increased the possibility of giving birth to children, it is necessary to invent methods of prevention and termination of pregnancy. Moreover, simply to bear children is already impossible - it is necessary to support them financially, in accordance with one's aspirations of the standard of living. We have an attitude toward the species, the individuals of which continue the race, finding ourselves surrounded by the security of the parents or grandparents. And quite often the parents select for their children their life's companion.
   Many consider that their life was sufficiently difficult and their children should not have such difficulties, i.e. it is necessary to ensure their future with houses, money, education and easy life. In the contrary situation it is better not to have children. But having lived through several generations with the perception of life in this way, from the structure of the automaton are born struggles for life as such - one is not always successful even in reproducing. But you see your genetic heritage thus degenerates. Therefore in highly developed countries the birth rate for these or those reasons is being reduced and the need appears for the influx of new "blood" by way of immigration or adoption of children from other countries.
   In civilized society, due to specialization in all areas of life, it is hard to find a suitable individual of the opposite sex, despite overpopulation and relative prosperity. All elements of the logical system of seeking a suitable partner are disturbed. Beings of the opposite sex find each other less and less in accordance with the laws of God and increasingly according to a corrupt version of these laws. The material circumstances and the prestige of the position occupied in the machine of civilization have become the decisive factors in the choice. And the more money you earn with as little expense of time as possible -- the more cleverly you are considered by others, the more respect and attention you receive from them, the easier is to achieve an arrangement during search of the partner for offspring. More and more successfully, money replaces such qualities as strength and beauty, since it operates in this way: it gives confidence in the future and offers protection. There is no need for strong arms and graceful, swift legs, healthy teeth and sharp eyes - today they are replaced by money (in relatively decent quantity). Beauty and youth are required only for the sexual process itself. The partner or companion for life is selected according to his material and physical state; the inner content has no major role, although it is just what is most important.
   More and more significance is given to the knowledge and skill of manipulating each other's sexual organs and erogenous zones. Sex becomes a specialization, a method of earning money. "Standards" of beauty change, people who have money perceive themselves as being more attractive. It becomes necessary to do pleasant things for each other: compliments and different kinds of exaggeration and sweet deceptions, which are extremely necessary to the "degenerating" man. Those who know how to do this skillfully belong to the category of good and sensitive people.
   To compel love is not so simple. It is possible to rush to the lover - all strive toward the responses of such vibrations. After all, only in the presence of love, truth and justice, faith and hope, is the so-called wonder of the development according to the Idea possible. But man trained himself to love for help and gifts, he sells his feelings for material gain, he does not use feelings as an instrument in searching for a better version of the genetic code. Individuals appear, more precisely they invent themselves, with different sorts of defects (attempts to conceal their presence) the feeling of shame - for example, it is clear who was the first to put on a loincloth. And how many similar devices and tricks we have today, how quickly new ones are created.
   According to human norms, each person has the right to a family and children, despite the existing physical defects and illnesses. What sort of posterity does man expect? People have been born and have brought up their children over many thousands of years. If they had not done everything as necessary, then we wouldn't be here today. But now science teaches us how to give birth to and swaddle our own child, what to teach him in school, what we are all supposed to eat, drink, and so on. The time will come when people will change the process of contracting marriages: lawyers and doctors from both sides will consider the agreement on the condition of health, consider the history of inoculations and the use of medications, the condition and compatibility of the genetic codes. In the future, it is fully probable that sperm and ovules will be sold like other goods (only of different quality - everyone can afford it) or will be distributed to everyone with the participation of the doctor, judge and lawyer. And all our feelings and "consciences" will vanish. And our future will not last very long. And probably not only ours...
   The mechanism of sexual relations serves for the goals of reproduction, but here man is also successful, whose particular aspect is the ability to influence his sense organs artificially. He uses sex very frequently, devoting himself to various sorts of perversions, experiencing the need for an ever-more concentrated form of effect. Besides such human actions as sex without desire to have children, use of safety and contraceptive means, masturbation, homosexuality, and abortions are a crime in relation to life.
   When sexual pleasures predominate in subordinating the importance of life processes and the Idea, control them, become the most important, overshadow reason, then perverted love exists, man's new achievement. There is a process of depravity of feelings and their sensors, soul and understanding occurring. People have succeeded in a science to enjoy life and to test "deep feelings" by necessity or at favorable confluence of circumstances. Lust becomes the main engine, using the mechanism of perpetuating the species so as to receive sexual pleasure. Pregnancy is an unnecessary or unpleasant consequence of "experiencing feelings"; frequently it is concealed and terminated. Sexual life is determined not by the closeness between man and woman, going constantly deeper and recognizing the need to perpetuate the species, but the desire to receive unpunished pleasure and pride. The heroes of our time 'just in case' have condoms in their pockets, and the 'princesses' have their 'tubes tied' or use contraceptives.
   Sexual activity, without the goal and desire to continue the species, is a subject of pride and self-confidence. Two types of partners are set apart: one for sex and one for continuing the species. The basis, which draws partners to each other, is not posterity but the art of sex, which is becoming the meaning of life itself (partners abandon each other much more often because of sexual dissatisfaction than because of an inability to continue the species). We can observe a readjustment of the relative importance attributed to responsibility for continuing the species and the process of sex itself. Sex becomes a drug, people are busy "gratifying" each other's and feel very good after a successful sexual act. People only fantasize about the real meaning of life and consider it incredibly complicated to understand, if it is not absent altogether. They still continue automatically to bear children, but they have the vaguest notions about the reason why it is necessary. The connection is severed between the sexual process itself and its Idea - where your sperm go and what happens to them. Frequently the sperm end up in the condom. If not there, then in the same sewer system (or in 'case of failure' - more 'concentrated' its version), continuing to work as tails there, not understanding the grandeur of human ideas...
   Sexual activity is observed even in age, not corresponding to biological cycles and periods. Grandmothers and grandfathers, instead of bringing up their grandchildren, give rise to own children, and nobody disturbs that them will not be entered in own biological cycles and will have mental and physiological frustration. Grandparents drink and dance, travel and fall in love, take pleasure in life, often in debt (the grandchildren and not yet born "heirs" will pay for it). The invention of Viagra and other achievements of science and medicine make it possible for the old and impotent to continue to experience lost feelings and passions as their organisms are for whatever reasons unable to continue posterity...
   The children, for their part, do not wish to be occupied with their aging parents and send them to homes for the aged (they even resent their parents, if they are poor). Parents also do not want to waste their precious time on children, preferring to pay for a kindergarten. Earlier children resembled their parents, earlier they were born and brought up by "them!" Today each member of the family tries to take the maximum for self, they separate from each other, increasingly breaking up and destroying the cohesion and mutually respectful relations in the family. Fathers and mothers create scandal, abandon their children. The raising of children by single parents, the adoption of a stranger's child, brings distortions into the formation of his personality, engenders a complex of a lack of self-confidence, wariness of the world and society. The parents don't know their children; don't have any feeling for them. How to raise them, cure them, feed them and discipline them - they neither know from the grandmothers nor through their own feelings, but from booklets, legislation, and scientific, medical or legal consultation. According to current law, children can even judge their own parents. But we still feel a link to the coming generations, we hope for their success, we help them, we perceive them as relatives. All this is the process of continuing the life of the genetic code. But relations in the family become complicated, the fortress of family connections begins to be corrupted, interrelations between generations are complicated, become into something unnatural and unforeseen. Different generations merge into each other; sometimes children are younger than grandchildren are. The behavior mechanisms are thrown into such disorder that parents can even "sleep" with their own children.
   Thanks to the information media, the ease of movement, the increasing density of population, medicine and the liberalization of relations, there is an increasingly greater risk of meeting a person who is altogether unsuitable. People meet each by chance; sometimes they become acquainted after spending a night together. It is possible to conceive a child without even knowing each other's names. The lengthy process of getting acquainted and learning about each other's special characteristics and mutual confidence seems hopelessly outmoded, films and shows with such scenarios no longer attract us. Formerly, families were founded on a natural basis: people married with their fellow countrymen, neighbors they known since childhood. The partners knew each other, avoided needless unexpected development. They knew each other's parents, their characters and what they were capable of in life's critical situations. But there are no longer many people who ask their parents' permission to marry. Today two people can sleep half a meter away from each other (through the thin walls of the building) and never get to know each other. At the same time you can love a person at the opposite end of the planet via the telephone or by photograph.
   As far, as the difference of two mutually liked genetic circuits without their understanding of it can be big, is shown on their children. Though children already grow out associations, which, on idea, should be somewhere in between. If they not the twins, one is closer to a pole of the mother, and another - to father (can be told, irrespective of their sex). Two genetic circuits, having execution of their project and, in the much greater measure having estimated its result, do make the amendments in the following tenders of own future genetic auctions. All above described concerns to rather equivalent unions, based on the mutual consent and without presence of violence of the different orders (as the girl is given out in marriage by the parents choice, or she considers, that get marriage with rich, thus it is possible much more to facilitate own existence). The range of mutual understanding of those genetic codes seeking each other should be found within the boundaries of one culture which to a much greater degree guarantees the exclusion of disharmony of separate elements of a new code which is the result of the combination of two into one. It also relates to the mixing of races, in spite of their birth and living in one country. Many surprises can be expected from the mixing of peoples and races, although in the first generations the results can be positive, but problems of major scattering of the genetic codes can appear later. Only ones who are sure in strength of elements of their genetic circuit and the realistically perceiving respective elements of the circuit of the partner can allow themselves similar experiments.
   The mixing of genetic codes in the hope of catching up with what was lost by oneself, one's people, bears a more and more desperate character. The thought of time, age, place, space and ideas in the presence of artificial elements of life, in the absence of striving toward the ideal, has been irreparably violated.
   Blossoming youth unmistakably signalizes the beginning of the mating season. The process of conception should take place at an appropriate time in the monthly cycle. The woman's readiness (more precisely, the egg's readiness) for fertilization should arouse her desire. The form of a woman's breast tells of her readiness for the process of reproduction and feeding. Therefore she is pleasing to the man. But this breast is to a much smaller degree accessible to the child's mouth than to the man with a gray beards and false teeth (to stimulate passion). When the breast is the object of his imagination, and it is not being sucked on by the child's mouth, then mustn't disorders result? What sort - that is already a different question.
   One of these disorders may be that no genetic information is transmitted about the necessity of the breast altogether, which will manifest itself in future generation by the decrease in its dimensions and a weakening of its functioning. After all, it was not created to be massaged constantly but to feed the child - who are more and more often fed from bottles. Beast-feeding a newborn (and moreover with one's own, that is with one's own milk) makes it possible to ideally transmit one's own genetic legacy from one generation to another. It is also related to other organs and functions of our organism.
   For the living world, sex is a necessary, responsible act, for man it is a source of pleasure and amusement. Even the knowledge of the woman's monthly cycle is used to decrease the likelihood of pregnancy. But after all, here it is possible to lose the desire to continue the species, the control of which is an impossibly complicated matter. Beyond the limits of civilization, does one encounter violence, prostitution or the desire to terminate the pregnancy of a physically healthy organism? And this list, unfortunately, can be continued. Discussions on the subject of abortion absolutely do not consider the fact that it is not only a fetus, which is killed, but also a new genetic code.
   For example, PMS is a reaction of a brain to misunderstanding of the reasons of misfiring of the own mechanism of continuation of a sort. Looks like all in the order, but "thanking" civilizations' again created "new programs of life" of organism deceive the mechanism of continuation of a sort, having left "pleasures" (drugs of change of modes of existence) his accompanying. Some nations, in spite of their low standard of living, are displacing others, due to their large numbers. Others, in spite of their "intellect and development", are decreasing their population, not giving birth to children, leading the consumer way of life. But after all, the only ones who will live in the future, despite the level of their intellect and color of their skin, are those who have had children. Only they will remain on this Earth, under such conditions as may make life possible at all, as a consequence of the outburst of our civilization.
   Many years ago, man was evaluated in accordance with his conduct in combat and on the hunt. Athletic competitions (not much time was wasted in preparing for them) served only to demonstrate their capabilities to each other and to the female sex. Today it can be said that these competitions are the only demonstration of man's qualities. A ball (an inflated piece of leather), or another invention becomes the mark of evidence of his advantage in strength and dexterity, cleverness and boldness. To pump up itself and muscles, to make itself "greatest possible" - unnatural condition, but impresses environmental and is used for attraction of an opposite sex ostensibly by healthy genetics. If it is necessary all time to strain, the individual will bring up itself up to the condition, determined by his genetics, putting it in non-working ranges, depriving its opportunity to transfer achieved by right of succession. If the physics is on a limit of the opportunities (though in stressful situations it is necessary), the opportunity of development and changes will very much be complicated. Therefore, in our eyes all alive world, in comparison with the man, as though is in a quiet and lazy condition. Organism is arranged so, that at change of an environment or at development as such, it is reconstructed, developing in itself new abilities, bodies and members. If there will be necessary long fingers or hair on them - which they in due course will appear. Only this part Darwin has seen, not having noticed thus of Idea all it.
   The sports games and competitions are ever more divided on kinds. It is obvious, that tall one can easier rich up to high "basket" than short and vast can lift heavier bar. Small and light ones have others advantages. I.e. there is a competition not of a complex of development of the individuals, belong to different groups, and comparison of separate elements of achievement of a kind. Not assembled in one individual, they a kind, as such, do not characterize.
   There is immense respect for personages who have perfect form. But superior results are achieved not only by physical perfection, but also selection, the specialized training, and the interest of a material character. For most people, their physical condition is the result of the everyday practice of life.
   The average contemporary man experiences a sense of satisfaction, observing the superior results of different individuals in various types of sport. In becoming a "fan", it is as though he himself performs what is being observed and feels satisfaction about "his" accomplishments. The closer the "sportsman" is, by family ties, to the populated area, the country, the closer to the man his successes are, the more they are "his". These feelings are based on the degree of closeness of the genetic basis. Today, in the over-populated and overly-confused society, the closeness of genes "is determined" by the uniform of the team which he takes as his own, the players are bought and sold (the same "codes" work, but how distortedly!). The player frequently "plays", but everyone know, that from the following of "season" he is sold or he have exchanged, and he "will play", can, even against a team, for which now "plays". I.e. not players play, and owners of their "teams", which this fact do not expose for show, as thus will kill on sports the constructed reflex of "fan". Presence of the documents for citizenship defines a belonging to this or that nation or people. The athletes from around the world tend to relocate to a country with higher pay and the fans are cheering for them according to the mechanism described above. Although, frequently, the inhabitants of the country, left by the athlete, continue to cheer for him (and not without a reason).
   The sports games have lost an element of pleasure, of rest and have got attributes of the truth of rigidity of production of money. They have turned to one of the fastest methods of making money, on which rests the mechanism of today's life. One of the best sports school (as well as concerning a variety of arts) was Soviet - sole chance for the individual to jump out 'of dirt- and into a prince'. But it, as well as space, served to the huge propaganda machine 'advantages of socialism and communism'. Very fast decomposition of this 'school' today is observed; the great Soviet sportsmen spread worldwide. The God has awarded the individual with talent (art, science, sports etc.) having in view of to give it to his people. But the individual, having advantage before others, leaves on West, dumps thus environment of the origin.
   Huge passions flare about a ball tossed into a basket or about the difference of fractions of a second among those running the hundred-meter race! The exactness of the fall of a ball, shot or other sports projectiles support in man the confidence in the work of his own mechanisms, necessary for real life. The international sports competitions, Olympic Games etc. are as though proof of advantage of development of one genetic complex over another. And though the difference is defined in fractions of a second and centimeters - for process of development and self-analysis of own achievement it plays huge importance.
   Sports no longer demonstrate accomplishments to which we must aspire, which are already possible today. Individual people's better accomplishments do not perfect the species, but serve only to give the experience of a feeling of self-satisfaction, essential in order to confirm the sense of development. They don't inflame the imagination for an achievement that will still be impossible in the near future. New ideas in sport and art, all these roller skates and various gymnastic machines are only a flight to nowhere, possibly beautiful. There is no long-term outlook and there cannot be; and the artificial development of separate groups of muscles later leads to psychological and physiological disorders.
   The women do not lag behind at all the men, demonstrating the force in the same kinds of sports (earlier they danced). In many kinds of sports the female is represented by the individuals agrees of sexual bodies, but their physical development in the greater measure is similar on "man's". Look at the swimmers or basketball players. To whom they are similar, where their "feminity" and breasts? And if the kinds of sports were not divided on men's and female, (as a loop of a hysteresis) the areas of sports appropriate to various homosexual displays would be defined also. Why feminists do not demand "equality" in all sports competitions, but only try to take root into man's kinds of them? What criteria in such case to accept for the standard in such kinds of sports such gymnastics, figure skating etc.? Can they be really resulted in a common denominator? If to enter in sports uniform estimations for the men and women, the quantity of the women of the sportsmen is going to be significantly less, it is necessary to them again studies to dance and even more of them will appear on kitchen. And, may by, opportunity again will appear to eat home meal, instead of Chinese.
   The particular functional and physical features of the male and female original dictate the particular features of the brain structure, sense organs, their range and sensitivity. For example: in extreme conditions, the man first must make a decision and take action. Only then does he have the right to experience the feeling of fear. For the woman, the feelings are present in greater measure during the whole time of decision-making. This explains, for example, the discrepancy in the percentage relationship between the number women pilots and the number of accidents, which they cause. The specialization male's and female's subversions of microprocessors, is caused by distinction of ranges of loads and stressful situations, accompanying them. Both variants are designed for interactive functioning and each of them should solve respective tasks, which define border undressed of stressful loads. Therefore some situations of life are natural to one partner and stressful for another. The stressful situations arise on war and during education of the child or cooking of food. And according to them - feature of a structure of microprocessors. But in the so-called advanced countries the service in army is more similar to a paid in front tourist cruise with adventures. And to eat it is possible in a restaurant or "take it out" dinners. There would be money, products of consumption and petroleum. And for rest there is no necessity for the intense specialization of division of sex to obviously male's and female's. And it is a major tragedy for the species when the woman orders to the man not about what the family need but about what he is going to do both today and in general, although this is not at all Her problem. He was absent and She simply filled the vacuum, which formed. It is as though the leadership is more hopeful that the life of the species will be preserved by returning to the sources of the Idea, to real values in the future.
   The consequences of human experiments in the "equality" of men and women are ridiculous, pathetic, but terrible. After all, there has been and is equality, each one simply has own tasks (equally honorable) and there is no sense in both learning and carrying out each other's functions. Is it possible to decide by law or agreement, who shall bear children - the man or woman? The fulfillment of an entire complex of responsibilities by both, having no "specialization" makes life much more complicated. The very composition of the genetic code of men and women is different. After all, each one must know and be able to perform his (or her) own task. It is natural to divide the responsibilities, which are more appropriate to the nuances of the psychology and physiology of the one sex or the other. Who is to look after the children, who is to cook the food, who is to obtain it (hunting bears or gathering mushrooms), who is to fight - naturally derives from the original division of responsibilities in accordance with sexual attributes. After all, it is impossible for the functions of obtaining food and providing protection from danger, which are connected with physical and psychological overexertion, to be assigned to a being that sometimes has a fetus in her womb.
   In result of degradation of the basic circuits of the family nuclear relations with development of a civilization occurs recustomizing of importance of a variety of the entrance information of man's and female variants of microprocessors. It that today refers to as democratization and deliverance of old prejudices. One of "victories" of this "movement" is the right of the woman to participate in election process of the president and both other legislative and executive bodies of government. Want to know why greater percent of the women in USA vote for democrats? The circuit of female version of the microprocessor is designed for preferably peace cultivation of posterity -- not for a hunt on mammoth or protection against dangers. But you see if she will not have conditions for this purpose, also all her "achievement" to her by a side will leave. You see in her mine: money is better for spending for habitation, meal, clothes etc., than on army and arms. And, it very much frightens, when political decisions done by women. It may be necessary to have not the blend government, but its separate female and man's Senates and Congress, as can use the microprocessors according to their specialization. You see it already occurs to the Presidents first Lady role.
   But women continue their absurd struggle for equality. One of its aspects is equality of men and women in the army and study in military training institutions. But does that mean that if (in case it is necessary) the army will be changed from a voluntary militia to an army of draftees, then all women without exception (not only those "fighting for equality") will have to take part in combat operations and under equal conditions? Why didn't this question immediately come up in the process of discussions on similar subjects? Doesn't it turn out that all this "equality" is necessary while it gives the right to "receive something here and now"? Moreover, training in the army is accompanied by the stimulation of aggressive emotions and other negative emotions, making it possible to kill the enemy without pity and with joy. Does a future mother need such passions? How will this be reflected in the heirs?
   The reproductive process, which is most important for the continuation of life (and transmitting the genetic code), is a sensible way of managing the division of leadership between man and woman. These functions, different but equally important, shape the special features of physical structure and psyche. In civilized society, thanks to its "achievements", life becomes easier; there is a chance to become more specialized, not only in accordance with sexual attributes and the physiological condition, but also according to separate elements or forms of activity. Moreover, many functions formerly were performed by the individual person, today are performed by machines, governmental agencies and organizations. There is a loss of leadership in certain duties according to sex, a loss of one sex's need for the other, as two halves of one whole. Same time, being alone, the individual fulfills the functions of both sexes, thus acquiring to one degree or another physical qualities and peculiar features of the thinking of the opposite sex.
   These processes in no way resemble a change of leadership - matriarchy. Men's and women's sexual organs and special physical features remain (for the present) unchanged, but the structure of the psyche and the logical analysis of surrounding events and situations are changing substantially (to a greater degree for men). Owing to social changes, the woman of our time is starting to cultivate masculine principles in herself. For example, the hair on a face of female is provoked to growth from two directions. Outside - "thanking" that the woman like man, works in the winter on the street, and " with inside " - "thanking" increase of amount man's hormones, that is completely unexpected and it is poorly pleasant for perception of an opposite sex. It is necessary to the women soon to have a shave - it is so quickly on them comes. Besides, as well as men, them will be soon a lot of bald. And all these processes occur not only to a hair, but with all other elements accompanying specialization of division of sexes (for example, the quantity of crimes accomplished by the women is very quickly increased is especial by teenagers). Male genes go through the female organism (and vice versa), in the most unexpected places manifesting themselves as the origin of unexpected feelings, physical and physiological discrepancies... But the majority that "to us thanking", will be received by next generations - we shall not know, at all we do not represent, what inheritance to them we prepare. And to refuse it at them any more there will be no opportunity.
   The tenets and stereotypes of sexual attributes are being obliterated. Not all these changes occur in just the same way in all individuals. The various deviations from one's own sex may be the most surprising, so that accordingly it manifests itself in the process of seeking a partner of the so-called "opposite sex". A vast number of the couples that live together have different distortions of the psychological and physical indicators concerning sex. But if the couple consists of "different sexes" (on the basis of their body parts), then society accepts them as normal, although it is hard to tell who is the "man" and the "woman" in such a union. Thus the distinguishing sexual indicators, which typify one sex or the other, are destroyed, after being formed and not succumbing to significant changes over many generations. Only "conformists" of religions in what continue that to a measure to support "for a long time out-of-date" mutual relation between the man and woman even in America, despite of discrepancy to the modern laws and accepted norms of behavior. But "the democratic process" is relentless ...
   In our time, in searches for the partner to fill a personal "vacuum" the choice often falls on someone of the same sex. Firstly it was something very much unexpected, but in due course to it been reconciled, since the changes occur today in the greater or smaller measure to all of us. But agrees of the God's laws, continuations of posterity at unisex is not observed, despite of their high sexual activity caused by a dissatisfaction of a brain by work of the mechanism of continuation of a sort. And since offspring is not present, the sex becomes more and more necessary). That results in the invention all kinds of a variety of execution of the sexual act, ever more body parts become 'sexual', the quantity of a different sort of erogenous zones (idea - continuation of a sort, its primary realization - sex is increased. There is as though dispute with the God about purpose of body parts and feelings by Him created. The changes of mentalities accompanying process of sexual desire in a direction physically and physiologically not ripened for this act yet -- children.
   Changes in physical form, although they do occur, take place much more slowly than changes in understanding and ideas. Millions of years the way of life shaped special features in men's and women's body form and its structure shaped the notion of beauty of one's own sex and the opposite sex. Now the process of the species' self-destruction is under way. It has entered into the impasse of development, lost the Idea and is destroying other beings' process of development. So far we see only the beginning, but in contrast to development, regress takes place with menacing speed...
   The family nucleus is being destroyed, which was created as an institution for perpetuating the human race. The family is not created for residing together with the purpose of satisfaction of the mechanism of functioning of process of sex, which work is based on necessity of continuation of life of the genetic circuit and its development. Taking into account the difficulty of life in the period of bearing and raising children, the state creates conditions to strengthen the family. A church or civil marriage determines these privileges, as well as duties, accompanying them. And if the man and woman live together without intention to procreate, it is impossible to name it a family and there is no necessity to provide above-mentioned "unions" above-mentioned privileges. The homosexuals, however, more and more loudly demand all the rights to creation of lawful family and all privileges, which come with it, granted by the state and the industrial enterprises.
   Admitting that homosexuality is possible and attempting to declare it legitimate introduces the microbe of this infection into other people's minds and souls, makes them think about this subject with a lesser degree of resistance. In schools children are made acquainted with the "other" form of sexual life. And a variety of thoughts and different ways to solve problems flash through the inexperienced brain, which becomes confused, weakening its control over the penetration of this virus into its own genetic code. As, for example, during education and self-education, there is an opportunity to steal without risk to be caught. One it does, and another - is not, though he has temptation. But he with it has coped and becoming the adult does not steal and even the temptation is absent. It you see also is process of understanding of the world and its laws, understanding own fillings and their conformity to the laws of God. The same processes and feelings accompany with an admissibility of homosexuality.
   Homosexuals proclaim their rights more and more and achieve "successes", since the society itself is moving toward the same change. It is possible to stop the development of homosexual manifestations only by returning to the old way of life, which we certainly do not intend to do. And the higher the level of civilization and its "age", the more probable it is that there will be a growing number of different kinds of homosexual phenomena in the society.
   A man does not have to be a "man", the number of his erogenous zones is growing, and their sensitivity is increasing, which speaks of the gradual movement of his mentality and the corrective structure of the brain in the "female" direction. Women, for their part, answer "back", equalizing the "balance" of sexual difference.
   All these changes are happening to the individual in different degrees and at different speeds, depending on his genetic code, way of life and its meaning, which is taken into service. These processes are considered and taken as advanced and they are presented by homosexuals and their supporters as special features of the body and spirit. The homosexuals could place their "struggle for equality" in the same rank with the black citizens' struggle for equality. Why does no one have any objection to such a piquant analogy?
   There was a division in various elements on male and female life: toilets, hostels and army barracks, jobs (seamen and weavers - occupations appropriate to a physical and psychological structure). In army the separation of sex and respective specialization should not influence work of the mechanism of mutual relation of sexes (when you are in trenches with the woman, you are obliged to protect her by your DNA -- how to go on crossfire with her shoulder by shoulder? Or in a barrack: if she sleeps next to you - you do want her, instead of to relax). The excitation of sexual feelings occurs in the bus in a tram, at a kind of a naked body, in case of a presence unfamiliar of an opposite sex in the isolated space. All this occurs on many parameters, if them to deduce from routine of balance of "complexes," which have usually on the present time, of mutual relation between the man and woman. Can you remove these mechanisms from life at creation of situations, stimulating them? Any decisions of the Supreme courts and commanders-in-chief are not capable to stop work these installed by God reflexes from life of alive of any kind. For this purpose it is necessary to become the rather primitive robot. Besides in army they teach to kill under the order - whether it is necessary to an essence, which continues life, whether it corresponds to her microprocessor?
   Is respective and situation, when in a barrack there are a lot of men, and among them - homosexuals. Than it differs on infringement of the law from a situation, when in a female toilet there are in female clothes and in a make-up -- men? You see it is unimportant that them do not find out as the men. Main that they the man, other sex. And you see two homosexuals in bed in feelings are too --opposite sex. You see between them one is 'a man' and another -- 'a woman'. Besides the homosexual knows about their belonging, and others present - are not. It is time to reconsider two sex system and to create new, according by ours 'successes in development' for today and with it to accept by legislative and executive bodies the laws on construction of toilet system according to our alternative image of life or to cancel in all displays division of sex as such (which was is based for exception of operation of mechanisms of a sexual inclination at exhibition of private parts in the greater measure, than at established on the present moment by a civilization the forms of mutual dialogue). How many branches of toilets are required to us, whether we shall come in one,'ours' and there is a reliance in which to come if deeply in itself to rummage and to be frank?
   The man in appropriate to the laws of God sense today simply not exists, and if something 'look like' has place, so there, where a minimum of a civilization. Accordingly TV there is not present, and for 'looking TV ones' interest they do not represent any - in the greater measure are perceived as the barbarians. On that it 'today' and we see by it and leave by it.
   As it is silly will seem, but the spectrum of sexual graduation is similar to a range of political parties of the respective countries or ruling systems. The ruling party defines base of an image think, also degree of distance from the laws of God. But on a background of general fall continue to exist wavy processes (from 'liberals' up to 'conservatives' and between them all others) -- insignificant excitement on a prompt flow grandiose 'waterfall' of life of the man.
   The world exists of itself, but for us it constitutes what we sense and imagine it to be (if we weren't here, the world wouldn't exist). I am I, and all rest (outside of me) is other world. Why I see all this by my eyes? Why I have appeared inside my body, its sense organs and analysis? The sense organs perceive objects, actions that are happening and phenomena that present information to the brain in a "language" that it comprehends. They try to cover the range of what occurs in the zone of habitat and are conditioned by its characteristics. The two eyes and two ears make it possible not only to determine the object, the distance and direction of its movement, has had had they also transformed the world from a plane to something three-dimensional.
   The sense organs allow one to monitor the position and condition of one's organs and limbs in space, not only through the internal nervous system but also by touching other objects. The position of pressure points on the body, used in acupuncture and massage, are sensors, which correct the work of the brain, depending on different situations. If a man has a stick in his hand or the hand is clenched in a fist, then he feels it and assesses its position not only by the sense organs and corresponding structures of the brain. The physical effect itself changes the chemistry of the brain's work and corrects the muscles' interaction in accordance with a given situation. But "thanking" civilizations these feedback of contact with real dynamics of life have lost the necessity and with it -- serviceability.
   Another example: the teeth, biting a bone in two, through its hard mass, perceived by the nervous system and distinguished the variety of loads and changes of temperature, which protects them from damage and cracking. The teeth are very durable, but how subtle is the system that monitors their movement and protection. The teeth, after all, must be preserved throughout life, without them, one loses all confidence in oneself and in tomorrow. How complex our structure is and at the same time, how idiotic our thoughts and occupations in life. How grand we are in design and how petty in real life, having contrived to lose what is most important - the meaning of our existence.
   Any logic and proof of it existence in whole is to derivative of reaction of the microprocessor and its working programs. The logic can be turned inside out some times to a number, changing a priority of importance of the entrance information and its accompanying elements - as far as it is sensitive to inputs of a different sort. But earlier or later, by going through its 'left' or 'right' condition - for different holding microprocessors is same, if microprocessors will not be subjected to radical self-changes.
   The capacity to perceive, break down and carry information to the brain to be processed is commensurate with the variety of life on Earth. The senses organs do not develop absolutely identically even in one and the same species. We cannot even understand the nature of several sense organs, their anatomical structure - to display whatever discoveries they have made. For example, no one can explain how pigeons find their way home or how cats and dogs seek out their masters when they have moved to another house. Or how often do we observe two branches of the same tree or trees of the same kind rubbing against each other?
   The invention of human speech, words, of which we are so proud (but how about parrots with the small brains?), became the obstacle in the development of the sense organs such as telepathy and intuition. Absence in development of telepathy and intuition are compensated for by the invention of transmitters, receivers, the telephones and other means of communication. Today we exchange telephone numbers, hoping to meet again or simply desiring to postpone the conversation to a more suitable time. These numbers and mathematical explanations of phenomena and events are everywhere.
   The development of speech turned an enormous section of the brain (and not only its mission of telepathy and intuition) into an encoding and decoding device, but information is transmitted in distorted form because of their imperfection. We even think by words, not by the "chemistry" of feelings. To think in words is as complex and artificial as to see "in words" - to perceive an image and re-code it in a verbal description. An enormous stock of words is needed to describe a phenomenon or object with all its particular aspects. It's for good reason that they said: "a picture is worth a thousand words". And the complexity this has arisen with disappearance of necessity of a similar sort of understanding and mutual understanding.
   There is a huge quantity of "languages", variety and necessity of which occurrence, were dictated by features of environment of existence. As at Northern people is present more than twenty different kinds of snow. And how many for us, and even more for People where the snow at all does not happen? Same Northern nations' men can not open the widely his mouth, since it on a frost will chill, that forms features both language, and physical nuances of body. Number of "languages" has sprung up and knowledge of which increases the chance of success in modern society. After all, it doesn't matter what language you speak, how well you have mastered it and how high your level of education. Much more important is how many different kinds of resources you use, how much waste you produce and what results from transmitting the genetic inheritance which you leave behind you, hoping for its long-term development.
   How apt a simile or name is sometimes, a song or music that is composed? Why? Is it by chance? Couldn't they all be suitable by chance? Possibly "thanks" to civilization, we simply do not have, we lost or did not develop the appropriate sense organs and thus we are in no position to perceive several environmental phenomena? Man always uses comparisons of things, feelings and situations with rather simple models that he has devised, thus trying to convey and explain his emotions, desires and understanding. The best example is the text of the most intelligent book, the Bible.
   Perhaps there's a good reason for the saying "My ears are burning - probably someone's having a discussion, they're talking about me"; or "I was just thinking about you and you called"? Perhaps it's the result of separate systems of the telepathic apparatus, revealing information in the cosmic "WEB", with its own identification code, exerting itself to hear it (though it no longer reaches the brain - did the invention of language ruin it?). Aren't the ears not only a mechanical element for catching sounds and a place for disposing of the receiving and broadcasting antennae of the telepathic apparatus? Is there participation in this mechanism of thyroid gland and hair on our head? Is it not therefore that the women hair is longer, that her soul is in closer contact with God? Is it not therefore feminists prefer short haircuts?
   It seems to me that many of our so-called folk sayings and adages could help to reveal the mysteries of our own structure that we don't know about. Although, on the other hand, self-knowledge destroys the efficient regime of one's functioning. The brain will start to enter areas which are unnecessary to it and will "analyze, express a degree of disbelief" in the functioning of the reflexes. For example, if a military leader starts to study the lives and characters of all his soldiers, he may lose his grasp of what is most important because of this good intention. You don't know everything - you aren't God after all. And even He doesn't intervene in each minute of the life of every living creature - after all, you also must do something yourself. Otherwise why were you created, if everything has to be done for you?
   Is the picture of this world identical for different species and individuals? After all, the world is sensed through different "choices" of sense organs, with a different range of perception and sensitivity. Does it follow from that, that the individual feelings should be different? How could an all-embracing model of this infinite world be lodged in man's small and fragile head?
   Perhaps feeling and understanding of everything in this world are constructed on the basis of perception through the sense organs, without the presence of a higher intelligence? Could it depend on a "correct" tuning of these organs, their sensitivity, and their loyal deference to the importance of information, the undistorted transmission to the brain and the infallible work of the latter?
   All existence around, as well as Truth -- one and the same. But depending on quality of work of sense organs, brain, circuits of the analysis of the information and imagination, the individual platform of belief can differ as far as, that makes even dear people by enemies. Therefore it is impossible to lead up itself to a point of fanaticism. It is necessary to leave even small percent of uncertainty, that the own mechanisms of perception and analysis were in working ranges.
   All the sense organs work in coordination with each other, supplementing and re-verifying the others' information. Various decisions and actions are undertaken based on the result of the brain's processing of these data. The latter results are two-way connections with reference to the same brain, through the same sense organs, and are expressed in a variety of "chemistries" of feelings: good or bad, pleasant or unpleasant, moral or immoral, and so on. The feelings, as such, are the conductor of elements of life in a direction necessary for Idea for its realization. The "chemistry" of feelings converts the unwieldy measurement and mathematical text of the brain's "language" into the "language" of contact with God, through spiritual channels, as a computer language is converted into language accessible to the operator working with it. There are several such 'languages', convenient for intercourse and mutual understanding of different systems of the organism and organs. For example, when it is necessary to open the eyes, it is worth while only to think about this. Or coordination of work of many muscles when you walk or run. Which one of them to be reduced and with what strain - it is not necessary to think about, as though by itself all this occurs. And what about completely out of realization by our perception work of our internal organs, feeling and their variety? As it is simple, it is not understandable. How convenient!
   The attributes as fidelity and admissibility to betray, friendship and enmity, kindness and rage, calmness etc. by language of feelings characterize naturalness of the elected ranges separate, fulfilled up to an unconditioned reflex of mechanisms and their interactions. Such feelings as fear, love, sorrow, resentment, fury, hate and so on determine the brain's working rhythm and the organs' and limbs' functioning and are based on the same process of continuing and developing the genetic code. When a man smiles, he changes the "chemistry" itself of the brain's work. A smile reflects a condition of security and trust. The facial expression, like the sound, scent, taste across they entire ranges, are elements of communication among individuals, means of mutual understanding and respect. Observing, depending on real or made by situations for display of laughter or smile, who how and when laughs, it is possible to understand the characteristic of a complex of the microprocessor of a brain and its programs (definition of feature of a nation and person as such).
   In a counterbalance, the tears are reassessment of functionality of the previous condition of the programs at change of the entering information. The rather significant changes are necessary for this purpose and usually it occurs in a range 'burning' or 'misfortune'. The degree of them is defined by a level of perception by the person of importance of life and its elements. A huge difference in the reason to get tears between male earlier was observed and female -- today it disappears. There are also tears of'happiness' -- same sharp change of work of the programs, but toward a vector of an opposite direction.
   The excitement is the moment, when the microprocessor has not time to fulfill the necessary programs and result of the work with tasks and priorities of life. The feeling of fear is defined by functioning of the mechanism of self-preservation (it enables living organism to survive irrespective of created situations). This feeling is shown both in relation to itself and to "nucleus" of the family, countrymen, kind and Life as such. "Feedback" "of the mechanism of fear' is the Responsibility (again to a nucleus of family etc.). The feeling of fear for one's life should be absent in especially critical situations, since it determines the degree of permissible risk. If a man is disproportionately "cowardly" then it is a dangerous disease - the human race is in danger.
   The sense of the beauty of the body of a person and other living creatures is formed by the harmony of interaction of separate organs, limbs, 'programs' and the plan of their control in the overall complex of the organism. This feeling also is supported by the absence of a variety of illnesses and predisposition to them. The beauty of the person and his body, their mutual harmony, reflects a degree of development of the individual and its successes in a background of development of a kind as such. Beautiful and harmoniously developed become the standards of a direction of development of a kind, and sensation of beauty speaks about approach to greatest possible (ideal).
   The feeling of "goodness" or "happiness" reflects good luck or the success of the complex of the organism, successfully carrying out the task of the present moment, against the general background of the development of the Idea. Happiness indicates fulfillment of a program of personal development and a harmonious merger with the surrounding world. The feeling of joy comes from awareness of the result of self-improvement, fuller understanding of the world and it's Idea. The brain experiences the feeling of pleasure in the work of the sense organs, body and itself. Between it and the genetic code, contact is made in their conversational language and they improve each other or at least work in this direction. The present feeling of happiness should not be present constantly. Its 'flare' is the information of satisfaction achieved and at the same moment there is a customizing of '0's' and analysis on one higher (closer to ideal) level of development and existence. It is impossible to test feeling of happiness from one and same -- otherwise it is the indicator of a stop of development. But in most cases for humans "happiness" and "joy" are experienced simply from making this or that process 'more efficient', by inventing an auxiliary mechanism.
   The level of development can be determined by the person's relationship to his life and its physical and physiological requirements. The degree of reluctance to lose one's life or to injure one's organism is interwoven with the feeling of thirst for life. This feeling is confirmed or rejected, going through verification of the genetic condition and subordination to the surrounding genetic "constellation". The individual ranks separate elements on a scale: to protect a relative who has degenerated or to support a stranger. Can one justify the destruction of molecular relations and occupy the position of one's opinions and actions in accordance with the Idea (also in the relation among species)? It is important to decide what to continue - the family or the species.
   A variety of the forms of perception of the purposes and priorities of life depend on a degree of frustration of separate mechanisms of its realization. One thinks of the country, people, another - only about the family, own existence or it is simple about satisfaction of the primitive needs of the different order. Third one's priority is on any element as sex, alcohol or meal. Fourth - has lost in general control and becomes 'criminal' in a society -- the accepted concept of this term. But it does not mean that there are only 4 types. The division speaks about presence of deviations of the much greater order, which is to derivative of existence so-called civilizations, which has caused an opportunity of presence deviations of such degree, has caused such "variety'.
   The genetic code, received an as inheritance, determines the primordial set of sense organs and the extent of their range of perception for extracting information needed for life, about physical and chemical characteristics of the surrounding habitat. The genetic code also determines the optimum form and size of the organism's organs and limbs, their position relative to each other, that is, it orders our "construction". The task of the individual's own life is to develop the sense organs, body and brain which he has, which interact with those that are similar to him, exchanging with them his own achievements, and following the Idea of development. The individuals communicate among themselves on the basis of resonances been apprehend on the present moment. With development through change of generations there is also change of perception of the same displays or events, having liberal or conservative conception of our existence.
   How complex must a creature be which at every moment of its life can make decisions and manage self in unforeseen situations? And to do this on the basis of its own experience, the condition of the environment, genetic information and information received by the sense organs, taking into account its own (and those involved in joint activity) physical, chemical and other processes! Along with this, depending on the importance of actions taking place and their subordination on the level of the Idea, one realizes the possibility of injuring oneself is permitted, even one's death, both on the individual level and against the background of the coexistence of species!
   How complex must an organism to be which not only can kill or be afraid, but also respect, feel pity, smile and weep? And if he is not guided by, or at least in contact with the Higher Reason, then why do individuals not differ very much among themselves in structure, their perceptions and opinions independent of their variety and mutual isolation?
   The appearance of man damaged the orderly system. Because of lack of complex physical and mental loads, the sense of 'beautiful' for physique and the spirit (thanks to civilization) is change. It more and more moved in the direction of elements, which are basic in the very accomplishment of the sexual act and preparation for it, since it still to continue to dictate the general direction of the vector of the Idea.
   The variety of deviations in the structure of the sense organs, body and brain generate individual notions of the meaning and values of life. The abundance of unnatural and concentrated irritants of sense organs is displaced by ranges of their adjustments in area nonexistent, but probably expected in the future agrees Ideas. An enormous quantity of unnatural physical and psychological burdens, haste in making decisions, lead, in the overpopulated society, to rejection of the laws and rules of conduct, to disobedience. There is no harmony amid mankind - only a constantly increasing chaos, creating a predisposition to "emotional explosion". Do occur phobias of different sort - beginning of an output from under the control of 'automatic devices'. More and more, feelings are provoked by the premature and incomplete "knowledge" of science, the conclusions and recommendations of which, moreover, are constantly changing. The experiences of all previous generations (with their sufferings and aspirations) are crossed out, and the scientific discoveries of the present day are passed off as real knowledge. Changed ideals of beauty and morality (these are necessary and reliable guides in all patterns of life) lead to the rise of their artificial substitutes.
   The mass media, cinema, music, the experience of flying and speed, by means of flying apparatus, sex in its contemporary variety, physical exercises, and so on, create a mass of false information. It brings a brain, and through it a genetic circuit to a condition of schizophrenia. The natural irritants are more and more vaguely perceived by the reconstructed organs of sense and analysis, the real world becomes constantly less interesting, and the artificially created world becomes the only known and accessible concept. Man likes to deceive himself; this very much entertains and surprises him, makes life more interesting, it is perceived as an element that creates something new. Although as a matter of fact this is only the Devil's deadly game.
   The sense organs should have the maximum possible spectrum of perception when it is necessary to receive information through them. They should be able to develop constantly, reconstruct and regenerate, in order to create the necessary ground for the rise of new ones. There are many phenomena and objects, which we are not in a position to discover with our sense organs, the brain is in no position to analyze everything. These circumstances call for the development of new capabilities. But instead of efforts to develop his own sense organs, brain and body, man went the way of inventing instruments, mechanisms and appliances which increase his organs' capabilities. What is done by means of telescopes and microscopes and other artificial extenders of the available range of the sense organs should take place naturally and in its own time. By violating this law, man not only stopped, but turned the process of development around in a negative direction. After all, the brain is debilitated in the presence of devices, which replace the necessary functions of the sense organs, bodily organs and the brain itself. The brain loses its sense of contact with the world even from such an invention as shoes: after all, the sole of the foot is one of his important "informants".
   The results of the brain's analysis of information about his own life do not bring man to the "ecstatic" state, which is necessary to maintain the Thirst for Life. They evoke the desire to move the sense organs more and more in the direction of the negative scale. It is necessary to satisfy several sense organs (verified by several parameters) in order to confirm the "performance of the task" - which man does, deceiving his own sense organs. This is the principal characteristic of our civilization, which can lead nowhere, but into a dead end and ends with the loss of the desire to live.
   It turned out that we able keep the sense organs in a state of delusion using such "aids" as alcohol and drugs. By giving the brain misinformation, over stimulating it or not disconnecting its separate sections, subjecting it to critical burdens, twisting the relative degree of importance of events, situations and interrelations. Even the accomplishments of Yoga are self-deception, a fascination with the development of separate systems and organs without applying this in real life in accordance with the Idea.
   The need to experience a sense of satisfaction with one's life explains the desire to obtain it at whatever price: alcohol, drugs and other unnatural stimulants. People flee to them when the Idea is missing from the individual's life. Various enthusiasms serve the same purpose, in which one uses the mechanism of deferring to the importance of events and phenomena. For example, fishing, collecting stamps or another hobby artificially maintains the eclipse of all other perspectives and problems of life. Even "laughter" (in contrast to a smile) is one of the derivatives of artificially maintained pleasure. It expresses an understanding that situations that arise are absurd. Laughter can be provoked by artificially creating such situations. The cinema, theater, books provoke it. It is as though they give a meaning to life and cultivate a sense of humor. We make jokes always and everywhere, we are very cheerful people.
   All functions of the human organism ought to be under maximum ideal and elevated control (thoughts, actions, sensations of pain, need for nourishment and so on). "Tasks" ought to stand on the level of the Idea it should control what occurs. It is not the desire to gratify separate "sensors" or "codes". The mechanism of making decisions of whatever kind should be subordinated to the Idea with all its "bureaucratic" regulations.
   Everything is evaluated: deference to received information, non-distortion and purity of channels of communication with God, personal and social capacities. It is necessary to direct one's abilities and curiosity upward, into the cosmos and not to where one came from and as oneself is constructed. After all, even physically we see the sky all the time and everything over the period of 24-hour periods in contrast to the Earth on which we exist, but we see only under our feet and the horizon. And your range of vision and view of the sky are limited only by the resolving ability of your feelings, their organs and intellect.
   The force of the Thirst for Life, and the ability to make decisions to perform non-standard actions, arise through our spirit. With the presence of new information, even reflex actions are re-verified and corrected. The need to be certain that one is right, and the impossibility of living without confirmation that the one is developing in the right direction, are elements of natural selection in following the Idea. The whole of this process is controlled by feelings, desires and other mediating conditions, which for their part should be subordinate to the higher intellect, and not to mutual gratification and artificial pleasure. To return within one's own structure is necessary only in case of a disorder (illness) of the body or soul. To feel confident in this world, to live before God, to experience the variety of conditions of spirit, thought and body - all this is essential for union with this world. An accurate evaluation of one's talents, capacities and aptitudes, the absence of false self-assurance and the presence of sound thinking should be constant factors.
   A variety of possible feelings and reaction help to recognize this world, they should be passed along by inheritance. Man uses "primary materials" for knowledge and development but, as distinct from the rest of the living world, mainly for obtaining "pleasure". It is as though the wish to be special, unusual and non-standard confirms the development of one's own in the general picture of perfecting the species. This species very much welcomes, and rejoices over, its "own" success. The sensation of expected successes of own development causes God-like feelings. This manifests itself especially in art and sport, science and medicine. The decline of customs and perspectives of the necessary physical development is reflected by a change of directions in art, music, and other such "jackhammers" that claim to hope to expand 'the ranges of the possibilities'. The ranges, admittedly, expand, but in a negative direction. Although this is also a peculiar success, but not yours, already the devil's. Therefore modern galleries are filled with the works of questionable arts. Many like them as a chance to contemplate their own degradation, but not yet everyone does. Sports, art, music, literature etc. "jackhammers" of knowledge some more unknown are perverted by use of own mechanisms and circuits for reception of the material awards or advantages. The transfer to a kind of these "achievement" does not occur for the reasons: the results lead up to super professionalism not capable to be acquired by continuation of a sort. And kind uses all this for satisfaction, pleasures and excitation of passions - all burns down all for nothing -- the circuits still exist, but work in the perverted modes.
   The feeling of happiness, craving for life and self-satisfaction, confirm that one chose the correct direction of development and performs tasks in accordance with the Idea. But if the individual's tasks are trivial, then it isn't so difficult to be happy - everything depends on what the individual considers as his due. If he doesn't have it, is he dissatisfied, unhappy, or offended with his lot? One man, if he has a place to sleep and a piece of bread, considers himself happy. Another isn't satisfied even with a million dollars. This happens both on the material and spiritual levels, but depending on inverse proportions. Thirst for knowledge and a craving to own objects are at opposite ends of the scale. An understanding of the meaning of life, heredity and priorities determine an individual's character. With the development of civilization and the succession of generations, with increasing departure from the Idea, the application of the meaning of life and the individual's characteristic loses its foundation, its foothold.
   Man uses the same mechanisms to analyze situations and processes used by all living things, but in what a perverted way! He tries to pass his life in pleasures and diversions, it doesn't mater what kind, as long as they please and divert. How much happiness and pleasure is it possible to experience? Can you live only for it? Or should they accompany life and manifest themselves in moments of genuine accomplishments, when one regularly follows the way of development? And for this man is given not only the feeling of happiness, pleasure, but also bitterness, pain, fear for his life, responsibility for the family. All these feelings and conditions are interrelated; the latter are as important as the first and must be "used" in great measure.
   Presence of an admissibility of infringement of God's laws of various display within the limits of a kind, people and the states, between the neighbors and relatives, in family and individual (about which speak Bible, Koran etc.) defines clarity of work of the mechanism of improvement of a Gene. The infringement of forbidden borders of the God's laws always takes place, but in the greater degree changes are in the negative direction, and are perceived in comparison with an already existing level.
   The increase of punishment and inadmissibility of criminality is observance of forbidding limits of the God's laws without alteration of the gene's circuits. The consent with a degree of punishment depends on a condition of development of respective areas of own DNA. It is possible to become the educated and sensitive man, and improve itself all life long, to be a model of the individual of a modern society: do not drink, do not smoke, do love the wife and do bring up children agrees of the best. But these elements are necessary for developing with understanding of the main Idea. Idea should be the sole purpose of life, all else - only tools of its achievement.
   It is possible to understand the reasons of problems and try to correct the circuit by education. Thus predisposition and admissibility, as though admits to the same crimes, has more democratic character, but there is a transfer of it all through genes to the subsequent generations. There is a development of the genetic circuits in directions, not necessary for an Idea.
   By our reason, in a counterbalance to the requirements of Idea, it is perceived as progress forward. Result is the stop of Development with presence of sensation of satisfaction of own life and deeds. Thus, ostensibly with positive intentions, Civilization was created.
   The individual's behavior in society and the scale of his values change with the "development" of civilization. Today man derides and is surprised at previous generations' norms of behavior and way of life, but if it were not for the forebears, then those who laugh at them would not exist. Even those who made today's civilization possible are quickly forgotten. People, who invented everything that we use today, people who died defending their Homeland and its future are in history. And almost no one knows this history and no one is interested in it (yesterday). Today the important problems are abortion, welfare, homosexuality and women's opportunity to serve in the army, personal well being and life at one's pleasure. But what can we tell about tomorrow? With what cares will it occupy our descendants? I think that our ancestors would be much more surprised at our way of life, our cares and problems, and they would be horrified by many of them. Could they have thought about the necessity of having children and would they have understood the need for abortions long before us, thus excluding the possibility of our existence?
   The origin of property, money, living quarters, changes the relations among people at all levels (among families, relatives, nationalities, etc.). Human relationships vanish and increasingly, business relations take precedence, preserving on people's faces something like human expressions, according to the situations and need (it's true that in extreme situations sometimes people show their "true face"). Has LIFE really become such complex "unpleasantness" that man is no longer permitted to be good? After all, as soon as he begins to yield to a good feeling and to take actions constructed on that, at once he meets with difficulties.
   The impression is formed that it isn't people who are living, but various maniacs, for whom the most important things are glory, money, sex and so on. More and more, people learn to play on human feelings in order to gain this or that advantage. But in this way they evoke increasing distrust of each other and gradually lose any living feeling, they destroy it in themselves. They even pay children for their achievements in school, thereby trying to interest them in getting an education. But a thirst for knowledge is by no means always inspired by the presence of money. Money spent on education and the level of knowledge which is attained is not in direct ratio to each other (sometimes it's even the opposite). The system of education in USA, despite of huge amount of spent money, does not make enough of the experts and quality of them. In many others (poor) countries they had one textbook on several students, but who occupies the first places in spelling competitions or different sort computer competitions even in America?
   For some reason children does not very much like the attempt to teach them good feelings and actions? They prefer to play with guns (and not just play) and to use various kinds of substances that stimulate the imagination and distort reality (on the basis of the organism's chemical processes). That means that there is something wrong with the education of children. After all, teaching the good doesn't amount to much, what is needed is to be good yourself. Today, the ordinary "street" much more precisely reflects the condition of our spirit, the state and the society. It is our real face but we're afraid of it and trying to keep our children and ourselves farther from it. Mutual relations in the family are being disrupted more and more, likewise its structure. Such concepts as honor, fidelity, love, pride, friendship are changing...
   The good man for today is one who acquired an education, diligently concentrates his energies on earning money for the family, has children and brings them up, doesn't steal and doesn't kill, takes care of his health and defends his homeland in case of need. And this is one of the better results that are expected. Is that enough for approval of one's life? People rush about, trying to apply their feelings in this civilized world to some ideas and actions. But without understanding the Idea of development, these good feelings and intentions frequently just break up the unity of the spirit. Moreover, kindness is used for the redistribution of values "which carry good ideas", for one's own advantage.
   The impossibility of processing a huge amount of information, the breakdown of feelings and common sense, from discords and being overburdened, the chaos in the ordered ranking of what is important and insignificant, the limitation of human intellect, leads to various psychic disorders. Man regards it as an achievement when he attempts to learn how to manage and maintain control over one's feelings and actions, but isn't there danger in this? And what does it lead to? Only natural feelings and reactions, corresponding to the internal condition, guarantee that development will succeed.
   The living being's external form reflects the interaction and harmony of its organs. That makes it possible to differentiate individuals of that species. With the invention of the mirror, man has the chance to observe his image himself, and not through the reaction of those around him. He learned to control his facial expression, hide natural reactions, concealed his soul, and with it to hide himself even from himself. The face, its expression and particular features soon will hide behind the "successes" of perfumes and dyed hair, nose rings and earrings. And in the not too distant future by operations of the vocal cords, thus changing his own voice, as his facial features are already changed with the aid of plastic surgery, and not only his.
   Clothing, at first used to keep a person warm, turned into an element of adornment and covering for different kinds of bodily imperfections and defects. Clothing covers everything but the face, the form and expression of which are the principal means by which we tell each other apart. The better the clothing is, the more attractive we appear in the eyes of others. But this is a deception, after all. One's hairdo, shaving one's hair, using perfumes and soap, can be attributed to the same deception. In applying them, over time, one introduces changes in the work of the organism, transmitted genetically by inheritance.
   Furthermore, the sense organs (sensors) become overloaded and lose their sensitivity, for example, when overpowering perfumes or deodorants cover up the body's odors. The perception of color and its scale with the invention of artificial colorings and illumination changed. If it seems to a person that something about him is not beautiful, hair shouldn't grow there, or his legs are crooked, then he should remember: his concepts of beauty may have been corrupted by civilization. Most probably man is leading an incorrect way of life, coerces his organs and limbs, therefore his hair is not in order ext., or his ancestors did something improper, and then passed it on by inheritance - "after us, the deluge", they say.
   It is also possible that the elements of control over the mechanism of bodily and spiritual development and service lose self-control and man's demands are beyond the limits of what is possible. This change mechanism is very easily damaged, because man is very active, commits a great number of rash actions. In spite of the impressively serious exterior aspect, man's actions are frequently ridiculous, foolish and disastrous. Moreover, his absolutely unaware of the existence of many mechanisms and systems working inside him, and he doesn't foresee all the consequences of stimulating even those mechanisms that he knows about.
   The sense of pleasant contact with internal and external organs, limbs, skin should be experienced only in a natural setting, and not by means of artificial stimuli of one's sense organs. After all, inwardly and outwardly contact is only the boundary between the mechanism of the individual and everything else in the universe. Only natural selection should regulate the process of changes of the organism, keeping an eye on its development and changes in the habitat (and not forgetting about the Idea). And every temptation will be rejected, and man will be guided by the wisdom of the ancestors: "measure seven times and cut once".
   The brains' tasks are to do analyze the surrounding habitat and make decisions on active and passive actions within it. Also to understand its own organism in order to govern it and its internal organs, interacting with the surrounding world (such as the thin border between the two - the skin and the mucous membrane). The brain does this on the basis of analyzing information received through the sense organs, self-analysis of its own condition and the Idea of development at the present moment in time. What to do and when, whether it ought to be done at all, how to do it, how this affects oneself and the surrounding world - the brain must answer all these questions.
   The brain's work is the work of a microprocessor, with several (many) programs simultaneously. Depending on the situation, the system of the priority of importance changes among these programs. For example, when they want to eat you, you must escape, all other matters at that moment are trifles, and one cares nothing about them. The same actions (programs) are decided in different ways depending on the person and his data (some don't run away, but themselves try to eat others).
   The life is a computer, which never is switched off, but only changes modes and programs of own functioning. It is as though the returning mechanism for separate organs and senses, in order to achieve a certain goal, each time turns the available organism into a new machine to perform a new task. The brain is only the organizer; it doesn't need to recheck everything, it is sufficient to know the functions and possibilities which comprise the organism, ideally to govern them for carrying out this or that task in the process of life.
   In order to make the most correct decision, one must feel the question of the Idea of life, the significance of one's existence, the task of one's own generation. It is necessary to know what is "good" and "bad", what to teach to one's children, and how to live nowadays. The brain in its rudimentary state is ready to study the surrounding world. It determines the choice of ways: what to study, what should be given preference, (in accordance with the physiological growth) and so on. This is accompanied by such psychological phenomena as will-power, the thirst for life, interest, indifference, and so on, which in combination with the sense organs and physical organization constitute the living being's specific formula.
   Can the brain understand itself? Like any mechanism, invented by someone for some goal, it does not need to understand the principles of its own work. After all, it was invented in order to perform certain tasks, and not to understand itself. But with the invention of the computer which is, as it were, a product for copying the brain's own logic, it is categorically impossible to make such a statement (that it is impossible to have some degree of self-understanding).
   Everything occurs as in a computer: for everything there is a scheme for making decisions and producing action. Knowing the human diagram, it would be possible to describe any of his actions. For example, how the eyes of one person encountered the eyes of another, what reactions took place, what "programs" had priorities, depending on the sexual period, the "activity" of both individuals, the need to increase the population of the species... And all this takes place under the influence of the philosophy of life and the character of human "complexes".
   The personality is determined in great measure by the part of the brain called the memory. Memory makes it possible, through the genotype inherent in man, to be aware of the past and assess both the process of interaction itself and its results. After all, every word spoken, every contact with the surrounding world is not just any sort of spontaneous reaction. Even a spontaneous reaction or event is subordinate to the existing laws in all its phases - only its speed and misunderstanding of the laws, on the basis of which it happens, makes it "spontaneous" for us, not being controlled by our sense organs.
   One must know and sense the past in order to perform even trivial actions in the present - whom to greet, whom to smile at, where to find one's car... It is impossible to become an absolutely different person, after waking up once in the morning, however desirable it might be. To change one is not simple at all. The cobweb of the past holds your "I", without this cobweb you don't discover yourself at all, without it you don't exist. Only by means of that does a person become aware of the moment of eternity in the current second. He knows that there will be an "unexplored future", that it will be turned into "the present which depends on us", and a moment later goes out into the "experienced past" and becomes simply "history". We almost "saddled" this eternity of the moment, but with enormous speed it slipped away into crooked spiral of Life.
   Depending on individual characteristics there is a momentary reaction to events. The accompanying information which has come along, both the known (but from a different perspective), and the new, remains in the memory and is analyzed - the primary memory operates on what has occurred. Later the analysis takes place and the classification of what has been introduced into the primary memory. Everything necessary for new or deeper understanding of the world and oneself in it is carried into the long-term memory. Phenomena, which occur in life, and objects that are encountered are classified and divided up into separate pictures depending on their importance, individual data and the concept of the meaning of life. Decisions are made on this basis and then actions are carried out in this world.
   Memory can preserve events for a very long period of time, depending on their importance, sometimes it preserves them forever. Memory maintains a "dictionary" of images, sounds and smells of everything experienced by the sense organs, gradually refining the old and adding the new ones.
   The scope of memory is very extensive. The brain's capacity for classifying objects and phenomena around it through the sense organs and to turn the information which characterizes them into the atomic chemistry of language is the job of the brain and defines the degree of the being's development, promise for its achievement in the future. The mechanism for analyzing and rechecking information is important, drawing pictures of life and the world with their formulas, which explain laws. At this stage conditions are created for the transformation of additions and changes into the genetic code.
   Memory classifies the "dictionary" according to general indications, and when new information arrived, it is possible to change one's opinion about the object or phenomenon. The process of "defining" objects and phenomena takes places by means of comparing information about them received through the sensors of feeling with the "standard set" of information available in memory, with the involvement of "circumstantial evidence", imagination and intuition. Imagination is able to create any pictures and situations for a comprehensive analysis of them or verification of one's own "codes" of the brain's work.
   It is much harder to see the future. But the imagination exists for this that is what its task consists of - to see the future even though just for a short period of time, a few hours or seconds. In everyday life the work of the imagination is visible in the process of recognizing objects and phenomena. It is possible to see a crocodile in the water, and then to be convinced that it is a log; looking at clouds, it is possible to clearly distinguish the contours of faces, the configurations of animals, knowing full well that this is self-deception. Using the example of clouds, it is possible even to assess the level of the imagination's development. In medicine this is evaluated with the help of tests with inkblot pictures (the Rorschach tests), where one is supposed to distinguish specific objects. But the imagination can easily lead to unreal areas - only allow it to let itself go. It can create a world very far from the real one - it is 'rich' for that. The imagination, like a scout of the unexplored future, it can easily confuse the brain, having whisked it into the future. For example, the Russian people are distinguished by a very 'rich' (not tested by action and life experience) imagination. It affects the inexhaustibility of the patience and smoothness of the work of the tear organs of its people.
   A more complex question: is it possible with the help of the imagination to create material objects and actual events, as though foreseeing them in the future; or if slow transformations or changes of the organism (so-called development) occur, can they be very rapid and instantaneous? After all, even the normal speeds of life of the various species are different.
   Time allegedly passes with uniform speed, but for each of us it depends on age, circumstances and individual perception. Time for a one-year-old child, since the second year constitutes 50% of his life, passes at a relatively slow pace. The flow of the external information only begins to fill in a place, expected it. At the age of 50, for example, one year represents only 2% of the life one has lived - so that the years fly very swiftly. When you enjoy life, time flies faster than, for example, for someone in prison. But only the living have the chance to find out that time and its course are a melody called life. The cobweb of memory reveals and defines it. After all, otherwise life is not appreciated and not been noticed, it represents no direction for the vector of the future, and that means the future in general.
   How primitive the degree of living beings' development on the Earth is, is illustrated by the need to spend much of the time in life searching for sources of energy, sleeping and resting. During sleep, the memory selects necessary information for the next active period. Thanks to the disconnection of information sources, the brain switches over to analyzing material available in memory and moves toward discovering phenomena not yet understood, realizing of their novelty or deceptiveness. Memory gives us the opportunity to look at past events not as separate episodes, but as brush strokes adding to and correcting yesterday's concept of life and the Idea. We are able to compare these pictures, deep in the spirit, with God's design. Dreams are the music of harmony (or disharmony) of interaction of all organs and functions of guidance. Sleep is a situation wherein the mechanism of the organism is not used but repaired, rebuilt, strengthened, builds the necessary additions within the limits of the possible, tests changes, carries out a technical review and tuning. During sleep, the body and nervous system work only in the disorganized organism.
   Dreams are a test of repaired and redone schemes in different regimes, a complex test of their interrelations. If a person has dreams about the same subject, it means that he or his genetic codes, acquired from his parents, have certain problems or special aspects of development. Repeated dreaming is needed for the complex testing of damaged or recreated diagrams in regimes with a reserve of strength. The development of certain diagrams and "automatic" reflexes corresponds to different growth. And if development did not take place, then ever new tests for undeveloped "automates" will be made in the individual's life. During dream of event, people, animal etc. objects behave is completely unforeseen. Never know, that they will tell or will make, though all this, ostensibly, occurs in your own head, would be like a product of own imagination. It is completely not similar to game of chess with itself.
   The feelings of joy, disappointment, self-confidence and so on are experienced differently and act differently on the process of cognition. Different species have different levels of development of the brain, sense organs and body, but the Idea and its application to various kinds, as to various ways of development of one and the same Life, are the same. The outstanding thoughts and ideas germinate and derive, from the condition of sleep, the embryos of new sense organs, which with the building of a renovated genetic construction will be embodied in the corporal mechanism...
   Parallel to this there is a shift of the organs' and limbs' work to the level of the reflexes (without full control by the brain). For example, coordination of work of muscles at walking and "run mechanism" etc. This makes it possible to make correct and instantaneous decisions, not deflecting the brain from analysis of what is new or important. Different organs and limbs of the organism (functionally connected, directly or indirectly) possess each other both independently and by mutual understanding of one another's possibilities.
   Diversity of "characters" exists. Brain may make completely different decisions, depending to the degree of fear or the ability to act on the basis of experience and received information. The ability to make maximum use of the organism's capacities and understanding of the Idea of one's life (after all, it sometimes happens that it is necessary to lose one's life) depends on what codes of conduct are overloaded or re-circulated.
   In the development process it is possible to allow the rise of thoughts which are both contradictory and even criminal. After all, the brain must know as much as possible about the environment of existence and about all the defects that are present. The misfortune is that there are more and more of them in civilized society and more and more opportunities for new ones to emerge. All these defects are analyzed and in the process of this analysis, one's own "morality" is re-verified "for mange" and corrected. When the "morality" doesn't work (the process of improvement did not take place) - the embodiment of thought arises in negative physical or social action. One must be very strong, in order to resist the defects in society, protecting one's own genetic base from destruction at least in some measure. Analyzing one's initial reaction to an event or an action, it is possible to test one's own code 'on rottenness'. And it isn't important that you didn't carry out a negative action, could restrain yourself from an evil deed. Already the fact that your first reaction was negative is a fact of imperfection and the problems of the scheme of analysis and the soul.
   Why do we not know and control the form and principle of the work of our brain, internal organs, and sense organs and so on, by the areas of the brain which permit control? Perhaps we should not have access to what doesn't belong to us, and it should be passed on to the next generations like a baton in a relay race. In trying to learn about what belongs to us, we create strategies for the derivatives of life and intellect. Therefore our sensors and feelings often do not work to the purpose. After all, within us is the large and complex plant of the automatic maintenance of the vital activity of the spirit. Even the heart of the fool and the idiot frequently beats more accurately than that of the intelligent man, especially the scientist. Even with a mentally ill person, all the organs, which supply energy, are working (what a complete division of the brain's functions). Although at the same time, how can one say with assurance that is foolish, intelligent, psychopathic, and normal? We can look at this in different ways. Everything depends on the opinion of the overwhelming majority or certain groups of professionals.
   With the pulse of change of generations by means of reproduction, a percentage redistribution of two areas of the brain occurs, hoping to obtain its own Chance in the future. And in this process one should not interfere with one's "knowledge" of one's organism and other lives. Knowledge is the understanding of what occurs and the transformation of it into the chemistry of internal processes, which liberate the brain for learning about the new (the beauty of the transition from primitive to complex). The brain only organizes behavior, which aims at procuring food, the selection of the place of existence, etc.
   Man gets further and further into the circuit of the reverse connections of his reflexes, feelings and actions. He tries to study, explain and change them. He does not treat the maimed area in himself, and he tries to adapt the world under him. The sick he takes for the healthy and the healthy mechanism of the world he changes for the convenient, since he has been given great strength. He turns himself inside out with his 'knowledge', studying the functioning of his own mechanisms and with this making himself vulnerable, occupied not at all with that for which he was created. All this leads to a disruption of the ranking of the importance of tasks, which arise, and making decisions - the process is like an avalanche and out of control.
   Change in the understanding of this world and its laws distort thought and action based on it. The "good" in man is destroyed. Then uncontrolled and dangerous processes emerge. There is a major difference between seeming to be better in the eyes of others and actually being so. The genetic code of the living being is important, with its absolute measure of "good" and "bad".
   The possibility that separate intellects will make "discoveries" in different fields of science, medicine and technology makes it probable that there will be different devices which facilitate physical and intellectual work. Man shares ideas with those who are like him. Where did the possibility of understanding the unknown come from? From within, from understanding the still undeveloped embryos of the future, and knowledge corresponding to it, or through the channels of the spirit (stolen from God)? Perhaps this is what we should not touch, but only pass on to the future generation?
   The development of various arts and science may depend on which areas of the brain and body should be developed actively and at what time. Therefore we have had periods when there were great artists, musicians, writers, and different kinds of scientific and technical discoveries were made. Scientists "invent" in those fields where man should develop himself according to the Idea, and at the period when his development should correspond to the future. It only seems to man that he invents something. He only watches secretly, using secrets that he obtains, in a corrupted version convenient for him, not considering the consequences of his "inventions" in the future. "Intelligent" people go into the depth of the spirit, not noticing and warping it with their clumsy actions. "Human Gods" only temporarily feel like gods, later their intellect brings them disillusionment. Although the crowd frequently doesn't know about this, and it's "lower" intelligence is not in a position to understand it. Even when a scientist realizes the tragedy of his invention, he can't stop its consequences - the crowd overwhelms the scientist himself, but leaves his invention.
   Man feels that he is great, deceiving his feelings and his organs, but he is great only in the destruction caused by what he created. Look at the "people of science". After all, even in their external appearance they do not resemble successful people in their personal physical and physiological capacities. But for some reason, normal people believe them and follow their recommendations. The clever ones, having created atomic energy, flee from the consequences of their inventions both criminally and territorially. They are scientists and needed everywhere. And human kindness here is foolish. Kindness is in the invention of prosthetic devices and medical apparatus but not in the anticipation of consequences. And it doesn't even occur to anyone to stop the civilization. After all, it is the homeland and the only one for us. Its existence is conditioned by the need at present for various devices, which facilitate the work of different codes and functions of the human organism.
   When a man or other creature gets into areas of knowledge with his intellect, which are impossible for the present diagram of the brain, then the brains own short circuit occurs. Here an attempt is made to change the diagram and its perfection. But is this possible in the short time of an individual's life, without rational development with the succession of generations? Therefore those striving in a similar way may have headaches or another kind of illness and disorder. They lose their sanity. The brain, shifting over to an overloaded system - its own volume being limited - doesn't have the capacity for maintaining control over the functioning of its own organism and the processes occurring inside it. Therefore, those who supposedly are highly developed, geniuses, and those like them suffer from a specific set of illnesses corresponding to their talents. The mechanism of the priority of importance operates and takes hold of control circuits by the organism, for the work of thought. A greater and greater part of the brain and memory is occupied with solving artificially created problems. That is, as soon as man "tasted the fruit of knowledge", the process of development stopped and went in the reverse direction. Man doesn't understand that only the natural process could bring him to the real point of development and that with his actions he destroys the Idea of life itself.
   The brain easily yields to alien ideas and thoughts, cares and problems - if only to feel that it is busy. Frequently what you think simply of takes your brains "for rent". Do not think, of what think. Think of what that new and you earlier novel. Television, movies, radio and books, which we take as sources of knowledge, in fact are sources of useless burdens which create the impression of a sated life. The invention of the artificial world, where adults live in greater measure than children do, deprives them of the chance to sense the environment and in return to react to activities going on there. This was what started the breakdown of the structure of the human organism. This process has already shifted to the level of the unreal imagination, without the natural reaction of confirming reality and correcting actions. There is a movement toward a Dead End, a process of suicide, a loss of the meaning of life and destruction of the surrounding world. The brain is not developing, but rather taking its pleasure, resting, but after all, there is still so much more that it must pass through en route to development!
   Why do we experience the desire to live? Where does the feeling come from, that one must continue life and precisely one's own, and not only that of the species? Why does every living organism at a certain time make the effort to continue the genus, in spite of life's difficulty, and for several, the loss of life in the reproductive process? Because the genetic code demands the opportunity to live and develop. This demand is realized, in spite of the wearing out and breakdown of the temporary mechanism of the physical body, ordered by the previous genetic code. The physical organism, with all the existing organs, was passed down to the individual by inheritance. It is constructed by the genetic code, the life of which transfers to the following generation and is the result of all previous lives of the branch of the species. Life is not enclosed in the body-carrier. The idea of the eternal life of the body, and the person that determines it, makes no sense. It the case of success, the genetic code (LIFE) is passed on, like a baton in a relay race, to the next generation-carrier in a more developed and refined form, having received maximum information and development, having selected "diamonds" in the process of the life lived by the individual. Organism is the state, citizens of which are DNAs of sufficient mutual understanding with specialization agrees perfection of its individuals. These states in favorable and optimum for them the cycles send the best envoys in space of life in aspiration to carry out not clear but necessary Idea. The genetic code controls a certain area of the brain; it is an organism of the future, not subject to the personality. The difference between a primitive intellect and one with a Chance is in the determination to evade the molecularity of life's connections, go around the continuation of one's gene or race and to act in accordance with the Idea. The heroes, leaders and genius not always have the right to continuation of an own gene.
   Knowledge, books, and other means of unnatural information make it possible to sense and understand the world within wider limits, which should not be permitted to man at the present stage of development. Receiving information through sources created by civilization destroys the harmony of its perception by the individual who is not prepared for it. By meditating, one can comprehend much more than by means of the above-mentioned information. Information should be a fully definite quantity, conditioned by its source (contemplation and thought, communication with nature and those like oneself, analysis of the surroundings by the sense organs). One can interfere in the development process, but the task is correctly defining one's place and idea, and not "philosophizing" and deceiving oneself about possessing the world.
   All necessary for development of the genetic circuit is transferred as though by mechanism of continuation of a sort. The future carrier of this "relay race" does not have any necessity to know all ancestors, to remember all their acts, as when they loved during millions years of development of life. All these elements are intermediate and very necessary only to individual during development available at him on the responsibility for the genetic circuit in fron of God. Therefore artificial mass information, books and all that be not capable to be store in memory of the individual of itself and ancestors, the histories some kind of and people are brought only with harm in thin process of development of Idea. Each new life under invisible protection of the God through channels of soul should feel uncertainty, novelty, danger their accompanying and responsibility of the way in achievement of the purpose. Though sometimes some elements of memory from life of ancestors (so-called 'the previous lifes'), are transferred together with memory of the most genetic circuit - so-called reincarnation. Karma is transferred with memory of the genetic circuit its own, frequently latent during life of an ancestor, crime and problem, which to the individual are necessary be "to fulfilling", as though to pay off with the available debt. And even applying huge efforts, not always it is possible to make it in one generation.
   Development lies in self-knowledge and the ability to understand the world more and more profoundly, make ever-greater and more important changes in it, without damaging it. Joy is satisfaction in fulfilling the "new", which determines the start of acquired supplements and changes in the genetic code. The state of happiness is the confirmation that one's way of development is correct and one commits no sin in passing along it. To take on a "new element" a protracted period of time is required (one must be sure that the decision is without error), the existing genetic code can be damaged very quickly (which man does).
   The genetic code is the primary connecting organ, uniting the Spirit with the material world. The genetic code is an experimental laboratory for the Spirit, under its control. The laboratory is not at all safe, because, as in every experiment, the result does not always correspond with what is planned. Sometimes there are 'fires' and 'explosions', therefore even the "Great Inventor and Scientist" has to reconsider many times the consequences of the experiments that he conducts, taking into account the rules that he has already established.
   The genetic code determines the set of physical organs and limbs maintains their energy levels through the sense organs, brain, nervous system, soul and compels them to follow the path of the Idea of development. The static part of the genetic code defines the standard, perfected set of characteristics that determine the kind, race and nation. The repetition of the organs and their functions in different kinds, with minor distinctions, speaks of a single source of origin. The genes simply build different constructions of the species, depending on their methods of existence and zones of habitat.
   Even the palm of a hand and the fingerprints are deeply connected to the most genetic circuit therefore much can be told about the man looking on his palm. Appearance, person, character, pose, smile find out for the environmental world the genetic circuit of the individual. It also is one more "language - intermediary": carriage, length of legs and hands, form of a nose and the statement of a head is and there is a reflection of the genetic circuit by a mirror of physical measurement. At the same time genetic circuit in the same measure is reflection of soul with a leaving from physical measurement and perception. It also is so-called Sacred Trinity. And the soul lives by a body, not giving us of an opportunity to notice the own genetic circuit, as she is main, sacred and individual not belong by substation carrying Idea as such. But the scientists begin and into her to get...
   Variations within the limits of the species occur under the influence of the particular features of the zone of habitat, the adopted culture, religion, and manifest themselves in a variety of distinguishing characteristics among peoples. It is expressed in nuances of spiritual values and belief in god; physical attributes and color of skin (eyes, hair etc.). A nation, the people define themselves by conviction of their righteousness, and it's territory, with the help of so-called borders. The sizes of the states inspire force of genetic "burst".
   The static part determines the character of family relations - the degree of closeness of the genetic code similar to oneself. But sometimes much depends on the degree of gene transfer, for example, in the absence of one's own children. The choice of friends and the relation to them is also determined by the similarity of genetic codes according to some sort of parameters: spirit, action, similar occupations and enthusiasms. This is a kind of self-perfection by way of association, confirmation of the rightness of the path chosen.
   People fight among themselves or love each other, but this is only the process of the natural selection of their genetic codes, with all the attendant consequences. The variety of people, their characters, habits, the degree to which they understand each other and themselves, ability to love and hate, forgive and help - all these are only variations of the genetic codes which have been formed, the state of the sense organs and the brain's work. All that is only a realization of the depth of one's own complexity and understanding of what is permissible both in one's own deeds and an expectation of corresponding action from those around one.
   The genetic code is Life as such and the living organism is only the ecological setting for its existence, refinement, its locomotion in time and space. The dynamic part of the genetic code carries the species along the way of the Idea, where, when it achieves high levels of development, there is a metamorphosis, its transformation back into Spirit and deliverance from the mortal body - "the bird leaves the egg shell". Probably the time of the spirit's passage through material embodiment cannot be infinite. Like any fetus, it is aborted, not having appeared in God's world, as man might kill his own genetic code. And that happens: civilizations die one after another, proving the fallacy of development in the future.
   The people, not clearly what for, try to etch from themselves many received mechanisms both circuits of work of memory and change of generations. For example, today in streets of New York it is possible rather frequently to meet former (?) Ideological (and not only) enemies and not only in a role of the tourists or spies. Many "former" or their successors from all countries and near times with same "microprocessors" and 'by the programs of their functioning' available have found environment of existence, more convenient for today. From them the injured have remained in the countries on insufficiency of flexibility of the mechanisms to adapt or according to the gravitation, exaggerated force, in relation to a phenomenon having the name "native land". Strange, but on a place of "injured" frequently there are not ordinaries the inhabitants of the countries so-called of socialist camp. They were in the charge and they have suffered most? At one time in a department of advertising of the lawyers in the New York Russian newspaper has met the announcement: ... '20-years work experience as the public prosecutor in Leningrad ... How it should be perceived in this country? Really not clearly, who could become and to be the public prosecutor in the Soviet Union, whose and what interests he protected? Really you consider, that all can be forgotten, that nothing is transferred by right of succession (again appeared - innocent essence), what the mechanism of development of the genetic circuit does not function or is absent as such?
   The diversity of mutual relations within the species, races, nations, family is constructed on the basis of the genetic code's development process, in accordance with travel along the path leading to the Idea. One must correctly determine one's place in this system, not become engrossed in premature and rash ideas. In any case, we ought to follow the great Idea, even if our time has not come. It may come after many more generations, and then it may be under conditions of the almost unerring life of the ancestors and our own (AND WE BEAR RESPONSIBILITY FOR IT), taking into account the transferal to its descendants.
   Man goes to extremes, becomes delusional, careless in fantasies and wants 'to be a god' today. When man became aware of his existence, began to understand his own actions, he could analyze the physical and chemical laws and more than that, use them to achieve his artificial goals - his "human" consciousness appeared. The temptation appeared before him to taste 'the fruit of knowledge" - to attain feelings, which confirm the achievement of the goal, set by the meaning and direction of life's development.
   He possessed the ability to permit his genetic code to accept changes or additions on the basis of artificial reality, closing his eyes to the criminality of this mechanism and then taking this for the norm. Man penetrates into the mechanisms of the sense organs, interferes in their work, he creates concentrated irritants (sounds, smells, images, etc.), affecting the results of analyzing the situations and conditions. Having strengthened, having increased at a rate of and having combined entered through gauges of sensations the data, to a brain is presented false data. At comparison with matrixes, available at a brain, and its own conclusions concerning this process the positive emotions "confirming" development and by that following of Idea are generated.
   He creates an unreal, fictitious world and lives in this world, losing the real, losing the idea of life's meaning, turning into a slave of his feelings and the "schemes" of control. Man discovers these mechanisms for himself, being surprised by his own complexity, reveling in it, although he shouldn't know about this with that part of the brain which processes incoming information. These mechanisms should be directed by another part of the brain, without doubts and objections. After all changes are copied and brought into the genetic code there. Processes are formed for conveying it through the continuation of the species to the next generation (we are witnesses of the corruption of the process for perpetuating the species, which is influenced by money, glory, art of consummating the sexual act...). Man intrudes with his rough hands into subtle mechanisms, not understanding them and undermining their ability to function. He is unable to use his genetic code, loses the sense of it, corrupt the systems for its care, depriving it of the future and long-term prospects.
   Man should not experience with his reason that which already crossed over into the genetic code. He must experience the world, create himself, improving his genetic code, and not study himself, putting in doubt its correctness, attempting to learn tricks for "making life easy". The more civilization is inculcated into our life with its inventions, which replace important functions of the organism, the more the load is removed from the genetic code, and the more seriously the harmony and requirements of its development are disrupted.
   Completely not simply to man be more kindly, than it is offered by his genetic circuit. Even "innocent" children concern rather roughly (in our understanding) to each other. They very primitively use the feelings in a choice of the friends, can strike or to take away a toy from others. The boys take a great interest in one games, and girl - others. And not because they this are taught by the adults, that is why that it is incorporated in their genetic circuit. If the girl behaves as the boy, to her not so simply to find to friends. Though the education too has the role. Children assimilate the "new and progressive" much more quickly and profoundly than adults do not because they are more developed, but because their genetics are already prepared for this stage of transfer of generation to generation. It is the mechanism of converting the experience of the previous generation into a change in the genetic code of the next one. The difference can be seen among children born to the same parents, but with a great difference in their ages, because the parents themselves continued to "develop". Each new generation is more and more acutely able to separate, corrupt the mechanisms of its natural reflexes, feelings, physiology, etc., passing on these "accomplishments" by inheritance. Separate functions of human life turn into its meaning and idea, although sometimes it is necessary to spend life on repairing a solitary gene, and perhaps not just one (let us remember the magic of the number "7"). Purity, viability of the genetic code, its strength and level of development are the main goal of the reproduction process, everything else is merely details of implementation, but in the human, civilized version everything happens upside down. If only one feels good at least somewhere, with the body, the tongue, "reason", love for children and so on.
   The mechanism of continuing the species, one of the most important and powerful, has great influence on all processes, which occur in life. The number or errors in the genetic code increases with accelerating speed, the mechanism for filtering truth and ideas cannot function and purify of self. Therefore the "dirty" elements are transferred to the next generation and having accumulated, appear in the form of diseases such as AIDS. It is the process of suicide by the organism, which by his own hands the genetic code has dead ended, unpromising and dangerous for the development of the species and the Idea.
   People are not indignant and not surprised that children resemble them physically and ethnically. But why are they surprised at the transfer of the soul's negative qualities? It is with good reason that they say: "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree". Is it necessary to conceal from children one's own problems, hoping that if the problems aren't revealed, they won't be passed on? After all, sooner or later they come to light and will be a major unexpected development and misfortune for all.
   It is important what sort of relations we develop with parents, grandparents - simply respect for their age or understanding for their lives, their mistakes. We must also understand the history of our nation and its culture. The national culture determines the naturalness of the behavioral norms. Therefore individuals in various cultures have different reactions to the same life situations. To follow an "alien" culture means to acknowledge the end of one's own. This means to retain only life itself from previous generations, and to throw all their thoughts and aspirations onto the trash heap. That is happening today to all the Earth's peoples - a process of destroying their own cultures and replacing them with the surrogate of today's civilization - the cult of money, the cult of severe abuse of those like oneself, the cult of the devil.
   Not only is what we do important (understanding society's laws and agreeing to obey them), but also what we think and how we understand what happens. After all, the latter reflects our genetic code and is handed on to the next generation. There are two ways to perform necessary actions: the voluntary or coercive way (an attempt to correct the breakdown of the plan according to the prompting of God). One can do something "from the soul", or with the understanding that it is necessary. One may never commit a serious crime, understanding that this is right, although without having any sense of satisfaction in this. Is the possibility of committing an "evil action" tolerated?
   The difference between a "positive" and "negative" life is that in the "positive", the being improves its genetic code, and in the "negative", it makes it worse and finds justification for its decline. Why do so few strive to be better in actuality, and not just in the eyes of others (?) -- after all, this is the idea of development.
   From birth we are the products of two partners. Genetic heritage cannot be degrading or insulting, it simply defines the initial starting point of the new way. We should follow it and bring into it positive changes, to the extent possible. The greater the difference between the "received" and what is "transmitted further", the better the result of our life is and only then does it have meaning. Sometimes the individual simply carries the genetic code for a time and leaves it at that, for the generations living for the future. They borrow its development. This is permissible especially in periods of unfavorable changes in the ecological surroundings and natural disasters.
   When does life begin? There can only be one answer -- it is eternal in our embodied and is interrupted only in the presence of unfavorable circumstances in all its phases and in cases where the Idea is not followed.
   Life is like a swift river. We are on its surface, not knowing where we came from. We only know that there is a tremendous waterfall ahead (death) and only God knows what is beyond that. And while we are on this river, it carries us in the direction of the "waterfall", which we do not wish to fall into. But we cannot row against the current, even if we use all of our strength, we can only slow the pace, move to the left or right, we can relax and sunbathe, we can do something or do nothing, protect ourselves or not. Much depends on us while we are on this river. But where this river originates and what is after the "waterfall" - one can only speculate. Having passed of the 'baton of life' by means of reproduction, we have a chance once again to place "ourselves" at the source of this river and be carried down stream from the beginning to the end. Thus having one more opportunity to think and realize who we are, where we are and what we are doing in this world.
   By means of the soul, the direct channel connecting us with the higher intellect, one realizes the correctness of one's view of this world and the way one behaves into. All decisions of the brain, which are related to this or that action, must correspond to with the level of the spirit. Feelings of goodness and truth, the absence of deceit - on these are built the world's laws and its processes. Only their presence can make a living being happy. This is the higher democracy and freedom. Nothing should be restricted other than thoughts and actions, which transgress the laws of life, laws close to the laws of God to the greatest possible extent. From here comes the desire, when one is evil, to become better, and not because the individual is weak and his goodness will help him survive. The roots of evil germinate when the personality makes use of tricks and not God's laws.
   The ability to deceive, offend, kill, etc. is an element permitted by the genetic code and is transmitted by inheritance. To commit an ignoble or criminal act for the first time is not so easy if your genetics are not ready for this. But having done it once, finding different kinds of justification (which are necessary for the absence of a sense of sin) - the next time it is much easier to do it, in spite of a tormenting sense of shame about one's act. Parallel to that there is a change of '0' tuning of feeling (reconstruction of them on a more negative level) with relation to divine laws, existing for the possibility of reaching the Idea. Thus starts the violation of the corresponding element of the genetic code. It is possible that in the following generation this will not appears there is already a major chance of it. It can show itself in later generations.
   The Idea of the future direction of development, behavior and The Thirst for Life is the controlling program and takes root through the channel of communication with God - the Soul. Belief in communication with God is the platform, the basis for the living being. It can be different among individuals, in varying degrees approach the truth, depending on the purity and confidence in one's own channels of communication (after all, often we don't recognize their existence at all and imagine that we do and understand everything ourselves). Belief is a fulcrum, by means of which the individual's reason makes excursions into the world without unnecessary precautions and excessive suspicions.
   In the living world as a whole (excluding man), the channels of communication are the main source of information about life's meaning and the direction of its development, which makes the image of its life much closer to the truth, not "liberating itself" from obedience to God's law. This is why the world of plants and animals is much better and does not have distorted and exaggerated feelings of fear. Therefore, if you have doubts about how you should act in different circumstances - look at your lesser brothers. You can learn a great deal from them. Man can and should have cut his connections with God, like a fetus maturing toward birth. But the process of "eating the fruit of knowledge" is developing in a false direction. We make such terrible mistakes, that birth does not take place - only an abortion is possible, and in the worst case, the death of Mother Earth.
   The organization of materialization of a complex of an alive essence in a variety of displays also is a resonance almost anything in something High. It also is driving force; it is not clear on what worth and not subject to the physical world, with which it moves. The sense organs only connect us to the details of reality. That is what we call imagination - only information about the direction where we apply our actions in reference to the future, which reaches to us through the channels of communication with the Higher Intellect. The imagination (the sense of the future and details of its realization) must develop with a maximum of truthful information received through the sense organs, listening to the voice of one's soul. The cleaner the channels of communication are, the more they are trusted, the deeper the feeling for the future, the more correct the behavior in this world. In greater or lesser measure, people imagine how to conduct themselves and what needs to be done. They know what good and evil are. From where do we receive this knowledge and ability to understand and analyze? Perhaps we must acknowledge that something is controlling us and controlling process of our development?
   We all have a sense of our soul and in some measure we understand its particular features. We often are conscious of our problems; we try to resolve them or correct them and present ourselves to the surrounding world in an advantageous light. Trying to feel sure of ourselves, we use both falsehood and truth. Almost all the time we are carrying on a conversation within ourselves. One of the "interlocutors" builds his arguments on the level of the language of God's laws, another tries to find a justification for his actions, not the noblest kind, finished, planned, or expected in the future. The voice of one speaks of obligations and possibilities in God's world; the voice of another reflects reality with the diabolical influence of civilization. This dialogue takes place on different levels, depending on one understanding of self, interrelations with the surrounding world, the existing social laws and personal opinion about their justice. Where does this internal voice come from? What is conscience? What is the meaning of the expression "before God"? Can thoughts fly and wander only in the figurative sense, or does this happen in actuality? How to perceive all this?
   There is a certain division of the brain in two halves: left and right. The left to a great degree is the so-called intellect (in which man supposedly succeeded), the right works in the area of feelings and the Soul (casual for concepts "right" and rights one is used and too word; besides in the greater degree of "right" the right half). Both halves receive information through the sense organs but the right, apart from that, has contact with God through the channels of the Soul. Both halves are interrelated in the process of analysis and creation of opinion, in making decisions for action and self-improvement. This division defines the so-called 'first impression or opinion which in time can change itself even into its opposite. In the male and female performance the percentage relation of the degree of development and supremacy of these halves is different (a woman feels much more strongly). One of the manifestations of distortion of interrelationships to a great degree within the boundaries of one sex (especially men) is the phenomenon of the 'left-hander'. Pay attention to the fact, that frequently, you been ruled by a left-handed person. He has the logic of thought and decision-making, resoluteness and impudence are far different from yours. Even in sports competitions left-hander uses непривычность and unexpectedness of the design for the contenders. But if left-hander does not challenge to competition the right-handed person (in sports as run, navigation, jumps or shooting) you not happen to meet large percent of left-handers.
   The mechanism of controlling man's physical organism consists of the motor construction, the internal organs, which generate and transform energy, the control system, the sense organs, brain and soul. The work of all these organs, except for the soul, to some degree is explained by science and lends itself to the intervention of medicine. The soul is an abstract concept although they also give it medical treatment (and cripple it). It is as though it exists, but where it to be found is and what does it consists of? Where do those "black holes" lead to, very powerful but not perceived by our sense organs? Perhaps the element of subordination to the system, government or religion is an indicator of the combination of microprocessors of individuals in one body? Perhaps they unite into a single whole all living beings and link them with the Universe?
   In order to synchronize the work of the entire living organism, an orchestra exists, playing the "music of life", of which God is the composer. He sends the "music" of the idea and thirst for life through the channels of the soul. This "music" is also the conductor of our organism; it defines the meaning of life and the direction of its development. Our feelings are the executors, receiving information through the sense organs - the brain, on the basis of what was listed above, tries to support the organism's physical functioning, which is dictated by the Idea. And the more deeply this music is heard, the more obedient the organism is to its melodies, the cleaner the channels of communication with the higher intellect, the greater the chance of achieving life's goals.
   We possess the genetic code received by inheritance, education (given by parents and society) and the uniqueness of experience of our own life. They define the priorities of life's values. If the necessary harmony of the world-view is realized then the desire for life and knowledge of the world arises. This appears in the feeling of a "thirst for life", generating the energy that makes existence possible. Thirst for life given by God for temporary use, while you follow His Idea and laws, although it is possible to support it for some time in an artificial way. Man succeeds in this, shifting to other "sources of energy". In this case, for false goals, he uses the potential given by God in order to achieve goals and pass along the Way of life ideally. And with every day he does this more and more cleverly.
   The complicated cocktail of the conditions of organs and limbs, analysis of events that occur and interrelations, constantly comparing them with the plan meant by God, reflect the tuning, the "soul" of the present moment of life. The key of our "music" is defined by this logic. The harmony and beauty of physical movements and manifestations of the soul, turns of the head and smiles, successful thought and word, the broad range of the chemistry of feelings - what an enormous orchestra, playing the variety of life's melodies! If the organism is in a state of exhaustion, then music in a minor key is played - it is in no condition to follow a major key. The organism's separate elements are not successful in the major key, they do not sustain it. This is also the case if a person is ill or tired at the level of the brain's work and the control circuit (the nervous system). Abruptly changing the "musical tonality" succeeds in penetrating through alcohol or drugs. In spite of the logical basis, this makes the brain change keys to the major key, makes it and the organism work in extreme conditions. But later there will be a very difficult condition of "withdrawal".
   The world is filled with the sounds that accompany life, wind and thunder, streams and rain, birds' songs and cries of fear. Even more understandable for us is the sound range of those similar to us. Through the very thin eardrum all these vibrations of the air around us carry information to the brain. Our conversation, laughter and crying, shouts and songs are the essential vibrations of information and communication, synchronization and correction of the internal "orchestra" and its "instruments".
   The invention of music and the variety of musical instruments is not accidental - it is an attempt to catch sight of one's own synchronizing orchestras, their musical tones and keys (corresponding to the conditions of the organism, the soul, and one's own genetic code). They have a hypnotic influence on the analysis of their brains, revealing the resemblance to our internal conditions. Many can dream that they are directing an orchestra, playing music, which they have created, with the real sense of all the instruments. But on waking up, we recall nothing but a general impression.
   One must have an unusual talent in order to rearrange one's own internal music to the melody of separate musical instruments (and also the music of the soul and life of other organisms, natural phenomena and the Universe). These talents are the Devil's best services (it is with good reason that they say: he acquired talent by selling his soul), reserved for scientists, artists, writers and poets. By means of their music, composers have direct access to man's soul, displacing God's melody of life.
   The most complicated and deepest "translation" of our internal music is classical music, opera and ballet. For this reason they are enjoyed by more developed individuals. Others enjoy music, which stimulates the twitching of several muscles of the legs or arms... When a person dances to music it takes control of the "director" of the internal orchestra of the movements' physical dynamic. It is much simpler when we simply listen to music: then one can feel the desired "contact", even if one has a decrepit body.
   Major and minor tonalities and their chords, rhythm (the sound of the drums is perceived as impacts of own heart) and other elements of musical literacy reflect the diversity of work regimes of the system of the human organism, (in accordance with the physiological cycle and level of development). With all nuances of its connection with the habitat, actions and events that happen. Even a timbre the coloring of a voce in group of common existence is rather distinct and serves as for the identification of the individual in this "molecule", and his certain role and rule in it. After all, even the frequency spectra of the male and female voices are different and conditioned by the distinctive aspects of the distribution of the sound of the different frequency at a distance and its threatening or peaceful coloring. The scale of notes (again a 'seven'!!!) most rapidly is conditioned by the number of energetic centers of control of the brain and separate organs or mechanisms of feeling. It is possible to place among them: decision-making mechanisms (reason and logic) and performing action (strength, initiative and courage), which should function on the basis of faith and love. And also the idea itself of the genetic code and its connection to God through the channels of the soul in the process of development of the 'code' up to the moment of the performance of the task. The subordination of a series of tonalities corresponds to the range of interrelation of the work of these energetic centers. It is certain that with the aid of methods applied by science it would be possible to explain both the presence of 'sharps' and 'flats' and the logic of the preference for once music over another...
   Depending on the character of the musical sound, different zones of perception are opened. The genre of music serves as a code, address and point of location for an individual who observes himself or the surrounding world and events taking place in it. But even music created by man in his best manifestations is quite a primitive description of the conditions of interaction and synchronization of the work of body, feelings, brain and soul in all the various ways of life. It is very clear (is it not clear why?), it knows our deep secrets and the depths of the soul; through it we understand each other and ourselves. Through it, one can love and hate both oneself and the whole world. We value it for all this.
   Various peoples and periods of their development are reflected in the diverse conditions of the genetic codes and life priorities, the separate organs' level of development, the coordination of behavior with the Idea. This is the reason why ethnic songs, dances, music and musical instruments themselves have particular aspects among different peoples and nationalities. Musical culture reflects the predominance of the developing organs and functions at a given period of development. With growth or development, tastes in music change. In different ways it "touches the soul". Animals also react to music, because the channels of their souls are not turned away from God. 'Music' for them is God's symphony of life, penetrating through the channels of the soul and having sense organs. "Music" for them is God's symphony of life, penetrating through the channels of the soul, and the natural sound of the living world. "Music" for them is Gods' symphony of life, penetrating through channels of soul and available sense organs, and "under our music" they "dance" or sing (that the man very much make us happy) basically only after endless and never stopping training, basing on a stomach or feeling of a pain.
   Being satisfied with the achievements of various organs in their development is expressed by various demonstrations. At the beginning it is only dance and song, elements inherent in every living being. The dance is a demonstration both of physical perfection and of flawless work of the diagram of its direction, song is the resonance of the soul, it's coming out in the open, the desire to share with all life directly and not through the channels of the soul. With the development of civilization, devices of different types appear (musical instruments, the painter's brush, books, theater, the cinema, clothing, etc.), which help to affect the sense organs more deeply, creating a world which is unreal, but desired. Music, song and rhyme they are perceived with the large trust, since closer to harmony of interactions accompanying gods' melody of life (a word, speech, despite of huge quantity of the carrying information, are alien for soul, substitutes of a real embodiment of life). It is easier than all to touch soul with the help of "music". Music opens the channels of confidence, therefore in song with musical accompaniment; thought easily penetrates into the soul and is assimilated without re-verification. A man with a saxophone and a singer with an attractive body, in an enigmatic lighting and in unusual clothes (or almost without them) - how deeply they can enter into your soul, how they can turn it inside out! The artists, writers, poets and musicians try to penetrate into your feelings. And than more deeply at them it turns out, than they are stronger can on feelings and their bodies to influence -- the more we recognize them, especially they for us great.
   Musicians and singers use the large popularity and love. The sexual passions to them arise on the basis of desire to continue the gene through 'genetic auction'with 'successful', ostensibly available at those, and thus to bypass hard natural ("primitive') process of expansion of ranges possible (more strongly than passions accompanying sexual desires of the partner of another race or people). Therefore the different sort of the so-called "talented" individuals has a lot of admirers and fond. Them love even poor. One of the important feedback at all it is the Popularity, which also multiplies "chance".
   Need for testing and change, the search for the new and unusual are attractive. They are programmed by the Idea into the genetic code. One senses a need to feel that the sense organs are as though waiting (moreover, usually they prompt positive emotions). In harmonious movements of the body and a variety of melodies, the aspiration for the future, the craving for the Idea is pursued and expressed, an intuitive sense of the direction in which everything alive is developing, in harmony with the surrounding world. Especially strong is the effect on several sense organs simultaneously, for example in the opera. Music, dance, cinema and other "arts" seem to go beyond the borders of the known and the incredible. But often, in civilized society that which is not at all necessary in the future develops and becomes known. The ranges of defects and false directions of development are extended which constitute elements of the living being. Man is mistaken when he thinks that, for example, when he dances to music he is more highly developed than animals (which do not dance to music). All his movements, beautiful and unusual, are only the result of the work of damaged mechanisms, attractive in appearance, but having no future.
   Can we experience real feelings when watching a film or listening to an imaginary story? Those feelings which we are supposed to experience in real life, which are information and two-way connections for the mechanism of perfecting the genetic code? The brain expresses more and more disbelief in the channels of the soul and transfers control to the reality which it has imagined by itself, the artificial influence on the sense organs, which is the engine of present life. All this leads to the gradual disappearance of natural feelings from man's life.
   Man behaves toward the deceivers, who are in different guises, as scientists, actors, artists, circus performers, etc. as they behave toward the great ones of this world, and they use various social privileges. No doubt they have their talents, their sense organs feel the world more subtly (frequently with the loss of other feelings), separate areas of the brain are more developed; separate control functions are more refined. But these are merely the coincidental fragments of possibilities and future achievements if the Idea is followed; they have an accidental character and are lost with the end of the individual's life (often tragic).
   The Movie Theater, museums, concerts and such demonstrations are a sort of evidence to people of their advancement on the road of development, necessary for the maintenance of a craving for life. Man plays videotapes or goes to the movie theater and, in the process of viewing and listening (using two of the most developed sense organs) he hands over his sense organs to the influence of what takes place there (if this occupies him; if not, he chooses something else). Arranging his physical body comfortably, he begins to live an imaginary life in circumstances accompanied by fear and risk. But he only experiences acute sensations and is not at all exposed to dangers. The man uses the mechanism and feelings of risk as well as degree of its admissibility in a variety of situations of life and its physiological cycles for game in cards or others. The man "plays" all time. Plays in cinema and theatre, plays football and tennis, plays in the kind and decent man.
   Man "experiences" his sense organs even more strongly by means of computer games. After all, the effect is even more concentrated there and demands an ever-greater involvement of the sense organs. It is as though the individual himself takes part in "real life" pressing buttons and at times he even makes similar kinds of movements. But they have invented by no means everything, there is still much that has to be "enchanted". In the future the organism and brain will be ruined even more, 'thanks' to the microprocessors which are being improved more and more each day and mechanisms which are constructed on them.
   At present art, like everything else is becoming a variety of businesses. One doesn't often meet a singer who sings for free or without hope of earning something in the future. In the cinema and theater the actors represent people who they are not, and situations in which they them selves never live. Today an actor enjoys more fame than the hero he represents does. The "hero" and his heroic acts are used in order to achieve mercenary goals, purposefully influencing the spectator's sense organs, imposing upon him essential life values and earning money in the process. Hero, if him will be lucky, in some form can be involved as confirmation of truthfulness of his history, but in comparison with "on him constructed work of art' his role is very insignificant yet.
   Movies, theatrical presentations and concerts are evaluated today according to the amount of money that they bring in. And it is considered better to break the record in financial terms than to advance the complex of the human organism to new achievements in development. The same processes take place with artists, writers and poets. The insane constitute the exception. The talents are not going to do share the talents with environment, from which they came from. They want all to sell. And whether has the price 'stuff for sell'? In old times was the Art, which rather quickly has turned into business. On today kind of close to real art exists in garages and basements, but also it dreams to turn to the 'real', money making one, because it is necessary to live, and it is even better - better than others.
   What can be considered alive in this world? The more you know it, the more yours understanding is opened up and the impression is created that the dead are only the work of human hands and minds. See how much thirst for life there is in the petals of flowers stretched out toward the Sun. Even rocks are one of the necessary forms of life (in contrast to dumping grounds). One of the organisms which can be considered alive is the planet Earth itself, and not in the figurative sense. The planets are like eggs in various stages of development, with their glacial and other monthly periods of purification and preparation for fertilization and the birth of new life. They are ready to give themselves to the Sun and stars and bring forth life, able not only to breathe but also to develop in accordance with the Idea. When the planets orbit around their own Suns or a meteorite flies through infinite distances, isn't it foolish to think that they don't think at all, don't understand and don't adjust their actions at least in some measure? After all, their actions are infinitely more grandiose, logical and responsible than our "highly intellectual human" actions. And perhaps it is not by chance that we speak of "Mother Earth"; in that case, who are the Sun, Moon, stars and black holes in relation to us?
   If scientists, with their potentially great abilities, were distracted momentarily from the process of destroying the Earth, and looked at is as a living being, then they would understand the mystery of phenomena which take place on it. They would understand the functions of the ozone layer, atmosphere and necessity of stocks of water in "warehouses" of poles (and why it is stored in the frozen condition and in the form above a level of ocean). They would understand functions of sunlight and clouds, swamps and oceans, mountains and Golf stream, forests and petroleum deposits. They would understand not only the mathematical and physical laws of the rotation of the Earth and planet, but also that these laws are needed in order to make it likely that Life will be created. They would understand the mechanism of the Earth's regulation of the constant temperature cycle and chemical composition of the atmosphere and water (why, for example, the oxygen in the air is 21%, and the chemical composition of water in the ocean is analogous to the composition of blood). They would understand where the winds blow, why it rains and snows. They would understand not only physical and chemical laws that explain such phenomena of nature but also why, by whose will this happen (although they say: 'God sent'). They would understand the Earth's reaction to the construction of dams (the varicose veins of rivers), the irrigation of deserts, the draining of swamps, the cutting of forests and the extraction of "useful minerals". They would understand that today the Earth is already sick. We know about hole in the ozone layer and record fluctuations in atmospheric temperature. We know about changes in the chemical composition of the water and air, the increase in the number and scale of natural disasters (phenomena El Nino), disturbances in the stability of the annual cycle (influencing the development of living organisms) and so on. For the present day the infringement of balance of life on the Earth is felt everywhere. Though some scientists try to prove, that with growth of carbon monoxide the quantity of flora will increase, and with it the beef that with increase of temperature it will not be necessary to go far for summer vacation (and nothing about burning Africa nobody needs). Many from so-called weather and natural phenomena and tragedies are derivative of functioning of a civilization as such. But the advanced countries with the help of achievement of the same civilization while can be protected from more and more tragically consequences. The underdeveloped countries suffer. Them help "kind advanced" by money and food. "Underdeveloped" for it there should be very grateful - otherwise they nothing will receive.
   They would understand that we are a cancerous tumor in the Earth's organism. The question is only: how seriously has the disease been neglected, is recovery possible and how great a loss (for the Idea) will the disappearance of life on Earth be? It isn't hard to guess what will happen with its death. Is life possible on a dead planet? Thus in this process, is it possible to experience such feelings as pride, joy, love? If "YES", then who are we? We call ourselves people, we imagine that the Earth is only a "place where we live" and belongs to us and we don't perceive it as part of the overall structure of life. We are alien to it, injure it, and do ourselves no good, we are insane, and we drag everything and everyone toward death. By one of the main indicators of force and the speeds of destruction of the Earth are indexes of global stock markets (our successes -- Earth's misfortune).
   We made our appearance in the world not because we are so intelligent but because God created us. He created us not so that we could busy ourselves in searching for tricks that make life easier and could enjoy it, not so that we could destroy ourselves and all life around us, while considering ourselves the most intelligent. The results of our unreal life are a tragic reality for the whole world and the Idea. We can deceive the mechanism, which gives us the direction for development, a vision of the future and the Idea. As a result of applying our "reason" in the wrong direction, we live as though in a fog, devising various theories about the origin and meaning of life and not noticing the real world, not even suspecting its existence.
   With the development of civilization, man, departing ever further from the Idea of life and not understanding the consequences of this intuitively senses that he is acting sinfully. God gave him the ability to make decisions within a certain range (the time when he emerges from the "age of childhood"). And man makes decisions, but how? They are so risky, thoughtless, based on cheap tricks. How could God permit such a mistake as man? Who so skillfully knew how to take man away from real life and the Idea to imaginary and useless life - to semi-conscious existence, which will lead, to death in the future?
   The Devil is one of God's best creations. All of God's creations are exposed to impartial and very cunning testing by the Devil (he was created for that). He himself cannot create, but slips provocative thoughts and ideas through the channels of the soul, to which he, like no one else, has access with God's permission. His work is not the most noble, but he must do it very conscientiously and despicably, thus regulating the speed with which God's creatures develop, not giving erroneous ideas the right to exist, excluding in the future unexpected contradictions of the developing laws of God. God gave him the right to be despicable, to lie, and to cause temptations of various kinds. And he is perfecting himself in this - after all, this is his work and he accounts for it before the all-highest. A living creature, having understood the temptation and its consequences, should cast aside provocative thoughts and listen to God's voice through the channels of his soul, differentiating between the righteous and the sinful. After all, God's world is so constructed that everything, which is righteous and obedient to his laws, can survive, even in spite of the clear improbability of this. One of the Devil's first tasks was "man's tasting of the fruit of knowledge". Probably, God also makes mistakes or grows old. Possibly, he too needs to be reborn.
   The logic, accessible to us, speaks that all that is present - there should not be in general, even so-called Space. But we do exist, even if it is our dream. And it is not stacked in any way in sphere, accessible to our understanding of the world this and occurring events in it. As to us of the God to explain and with Him still to converse, especially to argue? How we can consider, what we know any bases of His Great Philosophy? The world is much more complicated than man imagines it with his "reason". There is much in this world that our sense organs cannot discover at all. To man it seems that everything that he owns: body, reason, feelings - is given to him as a present and that he can do whatever he likes with them. But all that was prepared over milliards of years and if we are the proprietors of this "fortune" today, then it is only in order to increase it and pass it along further. And not to drive ourselves to the madness of self-destruction and the destruction of everything living by ignorance and failure to understand the Idea. The result of this conceit is the distortion and corruption of the functions of organs and feelings, decisions and understandings of natural norms, the corruption of goals and means to achieve them.
   The space, where Chaos happens to be, is camber of contact of the world material with metaphysical (last it is impossible to characterise by any physical laws or measures). Even three-dimensional system (X/Y/Z) is not capable to characterise space as such, as its smallest size is absolute infinity and there is no opportunity to establish a point of readout ("0"). The space has no weight, but without it there is no opportunity of existence of a matter.
   The Time, as oposed to Space, belongs to the material world and is master of it. There is no necessity to realize movement of time in seconds or hours. It is necessary to behave accordingly own biological cycles, both daily, and purpose of the individual. There is no necessity constantly to count bit of own heart - it is necessary to listen at all so. Unless it sick or overloaded - only then is necessary to it to listen as to one of the most important parts of your body.
   Having learned to calculate time, man made his life a temporary phenomenon, after losing the sense of the eternity of the moment and the logarithmic vector of time in the development of life. This caging of time has been deeply absorbed into us. How could we confine ourselves in this cage with our brains? And we sit there, not trying to break out into freedom. We lose count of the days, years and "swim" with our life through time, not straining and not paying attention to it. People live in fear of death, continuing to have children, by habit and by chance. The old and sick die, not knowing why they lived, the young also. For example, the fact that an "innocent child" dies of such a disease as cancer and so on serves as evidence that there is no God, or at least that his justice does not exist, that there is no law in our life. But after all, we look at all this through distorted feelings; analyzing this with our sick brain we perceive concepts of love and justice not from an elevated viewpoint, but from our own selfish viewpoint. Furthermore, civilization made possible the emergence of new forms of disease with their own revolutionary violations of the law of natural selection. After all, God's Laws like the laws of physics or chemistry cannot be changed in accordance with anyone's wish or caprice.
   The absence of the feeling of confidence in rightness, in one's own strength, in understanding of what takes place around one, generates fear. The feeling fear does not work correctly in the mechanism of self-preservation of the genetic code because in civilized society there is absence of unexpectedness of fascinating originality of the present moment of life. No harmony of physical and psychic burdens, because there is no understanding of the Idea of life. Sensitivity and the tuning point of "0's of a fear" -- change depending on the period in time, the situations that occur in life and their own "characteristics". The perception of one's own life, as the most important thing of value, distorts the proper difference of priority between one's own life and the possibility of continuing one's genetic code.
   It is possible to get rid of fear in some measure, believing in "eternal" life after death, that in the complex with "forgiveness for sins committed in life", and it attracts an enormous number of people to religion. But it is still far to "paradise" and it is not the way religion present. Man senses the existence of higher powers, God, the inevitability of punishment, and creates an artificial god, whose logic can be understand, whose face can be described by word or paintbrush. Depending on the understanding of life and history of one's own civilization, several principal versions of Him have been created. But when we become more closely acquainted with any religion, we can find weak spots, which give rise to disbelief. We believe in God by inheritance, custom and place of birth, but examples could be cited of changes of belief of whole peoples (sometimes by force). And after several generations have elapsed the belief is accepted, becomes one's own. Man seeks a God who saves, helps, forgive sins, and so on, if only to believe in him, pray to him and offer sacrifices. But he is not seeking God, whom everything living should serve by obeying his laws, being part of the living organism of higher reason. It is necessary to get rid of old dogmas, but to understand their created ways of search of true. Also it is impossible to cross out results of these sources or to sneer at them having convinced in their relative primitiveness.
   The power of faith and prayer is surprising. It is to be found in popularization, the organization of deference to the importance of life's task, while departing from the insanity of the current flood of events. Man uses prayer and meditation to treat various kinds of ailments. And it doesn't matter to him, to whom he prays, if only he can become physically healthy, but diseases of the spirit and soul aren't noticed and in particular they are not cured. Frequently they are perceived as "particular aspects of the soul", as an indicator of development and liberation from the prejudices of uncivilized life. How to be cured of them - after all, this is what differentiates us from the rest of the living world, our pride and emancipation?! Is belief in such a form needed? In man's soul he senses that it is necessary one way or another.
   Must we must seek God (with the exception really in one's soul) and try to learn about His logic and action, if He himself doesn't want to share with us his plans and ideas? And probably he does reasons for it. And could we understand them with our intellect? To chat and make jokes is a purely human trait. God has a very stern, righteous, and at the same time interesting life. All of our events and thoughts (like everything living in its diverse manifestations) are carried through His mind and constitute the sole aim of the higher mind. To speak with him, when one wishes, is always possible inside oneself, at a level accessible to us.
   The process, which is taking place on Earth, is the process of God's making it fertile for the birth of a New God, God the Son. Therefore, among us, the Universe and its structure arouse interest. In the best instants of life our soul directs by the ideas to stars and furthers them. The brain and genetic code, were absorbed into our process of perfection from the laws of physics, and furthermore have a kind and all-understanding soul. They are the embryos of the new God, released from the burden of unnecessary memory of the material world. But the fruit in "the womb" is turned into a "civilized" being which leads to the miscarriage of the pregnancy. The sperm as it were seized the womb, learned how to prolong its life, teach the newly arriving sperm about the same satisfactory life and no one intends to develop and be born. And terribly many of these "sperm" assembled there with different devices, which help them to survive.
   For the birth of the fetus, it is necessary to be autonomous, without cooks and charwomen. A "sperm" on the way to the egg cannot take servants with it. After all, it breaks the connection (interrelations and control) between the living being and its Idea. Man doesn't know what he is striving for, what the order of this competition of "spermatozoa" is and what laws it is subject to. Not suspecting future transformations, we are constructed to be "embryos". But after all, the fetus cannot be in the womb longer than the prescribed time. God cannot help us, as we cannot help our own spermatozoa to find the only true path.
   When does the fetus become aware of itself and how does it discover kinship with previous generations? Is the process (while it is going on) of rupturing connections with God (through the channels of the soul) natural, and the transition to self-consciousness and autonomous control? In this process is such haste necessary? After all, everyone ought to conduct himself as part of something greater, as an element, which does not violate the great laws of God. We are elements of the Higher Mind's organism with reciprocal process of self regulation among all manifestations of life on Earth. Not obeying this law, we become enemies and wreckers.
   As soon as man loses contact with the Idea, immediately he encounters a mass of unexpected developments such as sickness, panic, loneliness, hopelessness and especially incomprehension: what is he and why does he exist, how and what must be done, how to live in the future. It is impossible to resolve all these questions and this "complex" and more than that, to balance, bring everything into a condition of measured and purposeful movement, called life.
   The process of the Idea's development and the history of man have nothing in common: much waste and rubbish emerges in the process of "cutting the umbilical cord". And we "cut" it, while we are still in the womb. If our existence is peculiar in the Universe, then how great is our responsibility and how inexcusably foolish our behavior! Only the church tried to halt the rapid development of civilization and the decline in morals which accompanied it, but out of fear of remaining without parishioners, it surrenders its position more and more, adapting itself to changes in life and its values.
   On the level of chemical elements, with a favorable combination of circumstances, the miraculous resonance of primitive life takes place, leading to a higher stage of its development, with the creation of a mechanism for continuing the species. Life in all its forms is a diversity of development from the primitive to the more complex. With the development of the fetus, there is a process of transition to a more extensive zone of habitat or a departure from it altogether.
   Following the Idea constantly and correctly (not immediately, but through several generations) new organs of feeling will appear and start to develop, the brain will be perfected, and the world, in our understanding of it, will be quite different. Organism changes or develops sense organs, sprout embryos of new. The increase of quantity and resolution of sense organs is necessary for more and more complete understanding of the world and participation in its life. To realise it from the very beginning is impossible - one can go crazy from unexpected and quantity of the information. For this purpose the time also is necessary - time of a presence in "the womb" and process of development of "fruit". And naturally, with a change of habitat, for example, when they depart from the Earth's atmosphere, the sense organs atrophy because they are unable to work. This is all natural. The genetic code, having developed to the necessary level, easily abandons the body with all its physical mechanisms. Which sense organs remain? What replaces vision, and will it be necessary? Will intuition and telepathy be direct contacts with the higher intellect, and will we be at least a part of it? In the final analysis, Life is released from the problems of existence in the physical surroundings, depending on the speed, space and physical laws belonging to them. For example, as soon as man is weightless, beyond the influence of gravitational force, then the mass of his bones and muscle soon starts to decrease because of they are not bearing any burden. The process of the soul's passing through the material world which it has created, with all of its burdens and sufferings, re-verifications and renovations of God's laws, is strange and hard.
   Having developed its potentialities to the upper limit, the living being leaves the body for lack of use and its limited possibilities. It attains the ability to move in space by means of the will, to exist in different sizes, to be in the open cosmos independent of temperature, pressure, speed, radiation, etc. It becomes better, kinder, and at the same time, stronger in the ability to live safely in the midst of existence. The higher the development, the less energy the organism needs and the simpler it is to feed and serve (air, water, and later, solar and cosmic radiation, and not the use of food similar to itself). And then new horizons will open up.
   The chance for success is in achieving the goals is determined by how much the living being understands other forms of existence, the solar system and the Universe. The extent to which it is independent of the sphere of existence and the need to have similar creatures around it, how much it feels the philosophy of life and follows its Idea. The level of understanding of life, harmony in fulfilling the Idea through one's own actions, according to good will and true application of a variety of feelings and desires, characterize both the living being and the process of its development.
   And don't we try to satisfy these aspirations in an artificial way with the help of flying apparatus? Don't they evoke the desire for greater speed, altitude and finding ways into the cosmos? Already were going in a road (plane, car, train etc.) the man tests not clear excitement or change of a direction of a train of thought, which not is always explained by danger of movement or absence from houses. Though we very much have got used to houses also ourselves we feel without them rather helpless.
   Genuine liberation is preceded by a slow process of development with all its "weekdays" and privations, with the following of the Idea and God's laws. But we outstrip events; we try to slip past the difficult part of the way by inventing different kinds of devices and mechanisms. Violating God's laws and creating an artificial world, man made the simple and understandable world very complex and impossible to perceive, not only for him but also for other living beings. Having created an unreal world, he found himself in it, became dizzy in its whirlpool and was afraid of it. Although in time we should be ready for the next stage of development (transformation into the "spirit" and being absorbed into the cosmos), civilization interferes with the correct course of events. Therefore the Idea and the chance to follow it is carried passed us further and further into the space.
   The process of development is very fragile and it is a crime to interfere in it with our underdeveloped brains and hands, not understanding its Idea. The question arises: should we know our future in advance, or go forward, not violating the laws of God, relying on the aspirations of the soul and feelings? Is there any necessity to study the stars and their planets in the search for life on them? Can we share our knowledge with others and offer them help? Is man the most important claimant to the Earth in a development process of a similar kind? Did analogous phenomena occur on other planets of the solar system and beyond it, are they to be expected? There are many more questions than answers but above all, even God has questions.
   If the God knew all up to smallest details, including result of the creations, what for is it for him to create? I, in his place would hang myself from melancholy and boredom. The god - creator, and 'to create' it is necessary to be cautious, expecting and analyzing the consequence of 'experiments'. Therefore the Time as such exists. And to hurry time is only human illness. In sacred writings the God has not created the World in one instant. 'Creation' has occupied rather long time (in any measure it is necessary to trust even scientists), and until now is not finished yet. The same universe continues to expand, and we, ostensibly, 'are developed'. Whether you consider, that the scattering universe is not under His control according to him as of yet unfinished Plan. Nobody knows everything, because not suppose to know.
  Before the Earth her breath not yet lost
  It's time to put oxygen into tanks,
  to make it liquid under pressure high.
  It's time to prepare new Noah's Arks
  and to collect on pair by everyone
  before the Earth her breath not yet lost.
  P.S. I shall not be surprised, if I find out, that oxygen already in the tanks, but I shall be surprised, if it is done not in the primitive mercenary purposes.
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